Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 10, 1891, Image 7

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t Jml "" I'l rinr Nulla.
f pule nails Indicate mttnli liillnnl ty
if lloali mill liability to teraoulioii
glilHirn hikI friends Nail grow
(ii Hid n)l at tit HiiuU or alii)'
U'ilv nf luxurious laatea. WhlU
,iii ilm tialla lxwiitl( mUfortun,
lead colon! nail Iwtokou nuilaii
lliiw uiifnUrl Mutiny trtitiail.
At llmt Confederate money command
t a li k t premium It tbcn scaled
down aa follows; J una, 1811, tw eenU;
Dao. 1. IWII, 00 cant. Duo. II), 1801, 71
Otnitai (Tab, 1, I WW. 60 oaiita, Feb. t,
INIJI, 80 (VMlU, June, IW)3, Boeilts; JQ.
Urnail nails belling to tuoae of . uary, 1HM, I conk, November, 18M, 44
iliiiul, Uwhful imturm, Lover wnu; January. IH03, S, oeiita; April 1
How iu Cltiaii rurnltura,
with cotton wnaw uipiiou in Almiiliiiii 1'nriiv
In ill imI linseed oil: tliun rub clean and
dry with a soft flannel cluth.
nbwImUr and liberni amitlinenU
ft.uiid nulla. I'wmU with nurruw
. lira ambitious and quarrelsome,
nulls belong to small mlndml, ol
.f mid conceited peopla, wblla
),', marital men havn roil nd
4 uaIIh.
I llow la Taal (ill.
Jy bichloride of ooppnr, whlrh
tn brown mmt tin alloy, but pro
. m I'lfivt ou a surface uf ifuld.
. , in llintia Cllnaara from Stoma,
. ; l.nlf a vk of iyur sliolla on tup
t )4'ilit lira, Itotxtat wlina ctiiikora
-jr I'ti uf fnriiiliiK.
18fW, cents. After tlit dnU It took
from fn00 to $1. 000 to buy on dollar
Huw to Prataitl UtttvM from Uniting.
Hub tbem with a rag ilipnl In kero
sens before putting tlii'iu away fur Ui
ititniimr Hardware nnd fanning Iiupl
menu should be treated In tba mtm
way before you stora tbem for tha fall.
In Wli fuloratl CitllMtMk
. ft wiotbiug and Hinting thn gar
4 dip Uiimii In a (mil of mitt water
t. fjh'li llva emits' worth of augar of
, i Iin btvti dissolved. Wring out
u In lull a Kaittllm ftnon.
It" ibi face Ik pl lay Ilia pallunt Hat
, . ..a l.itrk and raino tliu fiwt a lltllu.
t t.o' i rod riiimi tlia pailt'iit to a
3 t,r niv rnt llning pontuw. Tha
!ai Indii'iitiHi that thent l too little
4 In lh!waiti tba nd that tlnrulnliMi
iitiiittry aU to tie nimful
lin k or lil ii" i' n i not lulu-
It an fur a iwla oua, for till durk htlo
Huw lit Maaaura Mf.
About M eulilo fmrt of wull acttlnd
bay, or about 700 of new mown bay, will j
maka a ton Ten cubic yard of bay lu
; mow wsigh a Urn. Whan the bay i .
taki'ii out of old atnt-ka ul'lit or ulna
yard will maka a ton. Whn dry j
i eloven or twalva cublo yard of clover j
maka a too
j, .1 III III" lu
turn, it u ii
- .t a"I.U k
Hum lu Tak llrtilwa Out at FuroUura.
I Wut tba purt with wiirin wattir.
i Doubla a piwoof brown papor Uveoriii
tliin'a, Kik it in warm wnttsr and lay it
on Ilia brulnts. Then apply a warm flat-
Iron to tha paper until tha moiittur I
; raUil. If the llmt application Am
not raitio the briilaa, ri'iH-at tha pro
; wa The riant or bruiite gmiarully
conn- to the urfar after two or thrao
Huw lit I'rataul I'anitilloa in lllrtl C'(oa.
It ta nut ganarally known that many
r, . , . ,.,:, , ,,.), II 1 m Bi'in-raiij unimu mm umiij
. 1-iii'Alc vimmi tMiiint ii anil in auto ! . ' , ,
) f . , , , . ',(i of the diiwMMe of ui(ing blrd-in cagaa
1 lia-nf I ii' lint "lit u'tlil Oe ralatl. I . ., , ,
I a una im I ;"' "' j urecaiiMil by the prtwam; of paraaitu
I ttw i I'ruiaol Tra from luaaia. , In tlio fnuii Should your canary orothtir
i A twte of one part powdnrint clilo- ; binl hav the "pip
J t,. t,f lima and a Imir part or arnue
Uuy ttritmr plaiwd In a narrow band
.-uii4 the irunk will prevent inatvU
V "i ortHiping up the tr.wa Kvan rat.
(i,-i, i-.i-kriNK-lu and crkkpt mm ;
f " ' . ,. i
i a IVniumi Kliotilil Kiarclap.
A "inaii Iio luw pfi'l Ifr'-at attu-;
n tu lliia Important anbjoct
ai l mr ' tha Ut toiiii nd lau ;
l"nr Imtliiiiii puipiuM he rro-i
..iHi iuU long um It'll uiitila from Titik- j
j .u. liui; At nik'lit the iiuUfii
ij) 1 ! put In a walibuwl of wnti-r
i. 4 ii Ii a liliii' tilia oalt li Ix-eil di
i I Mi lining ill Ilia niiirmtig wru g
. Sua initt.4a. pot Ih' iii on and rub
binl have the "pip or look ifkiy, re
move It at onca. and maka an examina
tion of tha roof of tha ragtv In tune
cam out of every tn you will Makiud
of gmymli rl runt clinging to the tnir
tiar ami rouf Umk clowr or with a
uilrroiHi'pf and you will oliwrve that
tbi runt l eom prised of myriad of am
niiili-ula Tht-y are bird paraitt (turn
tlifiu out with aiilplntr and waii the
caa with diluted mtllryho noid and your
bird will aoou Im Mnuirad to hfiilth
lliiw lu Ma ml Hulibar Ovaraliaa.
Hub tha patch ami hoa thoroughly
with aharp and paiwr, Bmear both
with liquid rubber five time, every time
lotting thnm dry. Do thl one more,
and before they dry apply the pateh
with preaaurn, and tha alio ta mended.
If llijuld rubber 1 not obtainable dia
lulve amall phwea of pure rnblr(not
vtilcanlaedj lu wannaplritaof tarpanUn
to the emilUmcy of airup.
Huw to Make CelTae.
There are immbvrleH raciiaia for mak
ing a good cup of ooffno, but perhai
thn iiumI dellciou product of the bean
ran bo obtained in thie way. Take of
freahly ground Jnvaaud Mocha, in eqnal
! part, one ounce; pour ovr it aufllcieut
cold water to thoroughly aiitnraw tne
coirm.; thtui add the white of one egg
together with the ahull and mi well
togethtT. Thl paate i now put into the
coffee put. and boiling watnr (ultit one
quart) puiiri'd npou it. The pot 1 then
pl;!trd over the lire, whero it i allowed
to boil fur almut half a tuiunte, after
which it i allowed to rent fur five min
ute. The co!T" I then randy. It 1
clear n crystal, and the addition of a
apoonful of thick cream. ititead of hot
milk, with mi;:ur to the tiwta. make a
cup of colfeo lit for the god.
lliiw to rrovrttl Crauipa In lite tic.
A great many peraou auffer from
cram in the muscle of the leg at night
time. Hoiiu'liine the pain are ao se
vere that the leg i allifU'ri for aeveral
day after wind. A very simple preven
tive of thi miplciisa!itnea i to raiae
that mrt of the bed where the feet lie, 10
that they will rent a little higher than
the bead That i all. Try It. you who
are ulijm:t to uiglitly cramp.
Careful l)imiiiii.
I'rcacilptloii Killed by Competeiit
rollet Article. I'erfnmery. Fine Cigar.
8. H, Walker. V. M.Uuke.
Walker & Dukes.
llouae.Hlgn and Ornamental painting.
(in'Ml woik guaranteed.
nop ok riKrii, xbah v. h. t. A h. t.uii.hi
Confer & walkeR
real, iniMjvmj
51?oie6 Tracts of parTi9 Lal?8
In five and ton-acre trsu-ta tn-nr Oregon City. Price ranging from
forty dollar an aero and upwardn, A full lint of city proper
ty. Sonic of the beat dcorli'd tiniW land in Oregon for aale
nale at a bargain. All correHponderiee promptly an
dwered. Call and inapect our proprty.
Office over Caufield's Drug Store, Oregon City, Or
Oregon City Fish Market
J Moore & Co., Prop'r.
Iinalora In
All kind of FISH and I'OL'LTKY
f'hoiii' Hull Wafer Flub, Vei!ne-duy,
Thiir'lay nml Friday. I'oullry
lxiii)?lit an I mild.
orruaiTR roi'R & ro, oitKuuH t itt-
The tiding i'hotnuraphcr o
CullNKl! KIltsT aiTAYU)H 1ST It K KT8.
Huw le Vur i'tirtta. j
i To cure I'uru. oak the part III boiling
: or hot hut a yiai can l-ar) water, to j
' which iiiiiliinl ha lat-n adilt! before ;
going tu lied, wear a ecm-king on tlie ;
f.u.l I,. ir,tlf,.,il rnt.'tiiltil e.ilil llltil llltliltt
V,,..l..lalyt.rUkly, Ury on U)Wel. , f(J(itm t,()i, wa,(,r , mornl,1 I
w. iiuii urea tpweaiy , n-n (jum,,,,,, t, thmt , f(ur tmiea. after
: .,r d.Nira. If only fur Hve m miU ; whk.jJ thteom wM , ua tto-lily-dead
..ui I Ih lnwt r'-Me If yol j
i i lk la!f a mile at Brat, walk a, , ,.B, v,ellB Klrll
r. keep on xirett ning uie uhmiiiw j p, , .,.t i t .i,., ., n.r.
eat the tail piece !nt tie the tring
when adjimtiiig It to the peg. put it
throiiih the (lip it once under to-
) un can want tnree or mur uiue
.lit fatigue Freh air will put a
4 r..ir in the face, and when tlie
4 Ii l good nml the bl.KKl circulate
4) the nerve will be all right.
Iltiw In I'ruaarva luur Hal.
Many men believe that brushing a hat
wear it out and quickly deatroya the
nap Thi i a fallacy The dust and
dirt and greu ) are primarily reponaible
for hut quickly bemiiutng shabby.
Never put on your but without brushing
it with a wdt brush (whink broom in
jure it) mid when juu lay it aaide take
care alito that no diint remuiii upon It.
Attend tu Uu!? simple rule and your
bat will lt twice n lung and look
rrapecfuhle even when they are nearly
woru out.
Hot Itt teitt!r Ilm llrlclit ut rttltt.
; M' .iiiire the ahatlow it caeta on loval
: ground. Then place a utatf upright in
I the ground, uieuro it length above
i ground and the length of it ahatlow.
! Tlam form the proportion: A the uhadow
of Uw :a.'T ii to Ua Insight, ao is tha
I ahatlow of the pole or other perpeudica
I la oUjcct to its height.
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
Thwaite'fl ,
l7 Unit Htreet, Ket. Miirrlmia and Yamhill.
0. E. A. FREYTAG, - - - -
f.iscv anii r.u-i.K Giitici:ini:s ix iii:r..iT vakietv.
Garden Seeds in Bulk.
13th and Main Oregon City.
Wilson & Cooke,
s;jI.K At.KNTS Ff.lt THE
Atkin Saws. -:- Oliver Flows.
Huw m I'an.lua la Uauina4.
tinted Imttruclion and fonii can b
ued free by applying to tlw com
iuiierof iKiuiioii, N ahlngton.
,any and regiment In which the
anuiit iwrvetl. the name or tlie com
ward your tight hand, when by turning
the peg the tring will become fiuitened
without further trouble N'o iiiperflu
on itring ahould l left dungllng around
tha bead. It t a mlataken idea that
Th6 j uch portion are naoful, mnca that part
or tne itnnga wnicn coinea m raiiaa
with the peg or tail piecea lone all toue
. , . . . . . .
i l m,.,r and of enliatment ! "iug jamrneo .no iwi.
Idii liar8mut I ael forth iu tha
,. tiuii In navy caeea aimilar in
a,.iuun mimt be irlven in regard If.
lluit to Tar aial.
Heat to a cherry nil and then plunge
d ,UK.n which Uia claimant;"" com wa.er un " "
t-,L De.lara.ion mt b. made Ik, -J- n "Z
t curt of nrnird. and hi ideuUty ...i-.i 7i Mtt : .
by the tti.,K.y of two cn-dible i. dn .
The nature of the eviilenca : i ' 1 ; , , , , '
, . . ? .i . .. m . i... ! l.3 dei;.. for lanceta, a shade of darker I
'i lo Pliniaill llin claim win .-i . .
ilceiring Wood Turning, l'at-.
teins, Iirackets, or J
Shop Carpenter's Vork
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
to order.
ff"0ip. till' lngregatnmal Clbuicb
In Kret Meal t re.lt In Hummer.
.it um U kept very nicely fur a
.if l wo by covering it with auur '
mi- ijullerubik and placing It in a
.r. Titi! li.iiio ur f it need nut !
....t. ItuiMi well lufure ii:iing.
Huw lit Hi'liltutt I'lilttl Slitlii..
urn i he Ki.tiun urn dry Hi'')" nhoiild
ulieued ivttli l.uu. r and bird, mi 1
liien t.nily removed by turpentine1
tu,ii. Bi'ii.iiie, nlcuhul ur turpen
will readily reiiiuve fre.ih paint
inn, and chlorotorin will remuve hiiuub
i everything else fail. Oommoii
nt: ne often leaves ft "tain or it own
This can lie taken out by alcohol
ith a pongo.
llrd Wi
deir.. for nenknlve; atill darker yellow
11M) degs., for Iron cutting chiM'U; brown
yellow, WO deg.. for me mid plane
irons; yellow, nightly tinged with pur
ple, B'.Mtth'g., fr tiiblo kiiivenand watch
Huw lit Tell Huw rl Vntllt litilta.
The nniuberor iinli- perlmur at which
a train I nimnn:? Htae ;iiii' a the
Milliliter of r.ui.t p.-iited over in twenty
mi-olid, winch can lie iiweftained by
Die -'click" produced by Hit) wheel at
each Jimit.
Huw tu Millie I'tirka limttl fur Hltiiara.
Cork teeKid in vaaellne are eiccllcnt
ulMtitntea for glaaa stopper. They are
not airm'tud by iicitl. and never uecoma
Uxed through iIiniiso
lu I'lntl ih Cement of a Cora Crib.
Multiply the iitimU'r of cubic feet by
r. ind point olT one decimal place. The
m will Ih) the nuitwur iu bushel.
Huw to Writ tin tlta Train.
mi in ono of thoae wimple thing
u:li few people know of If you are
I'lillman car. get a pillow from the
r. put it on your lap and place your
uug material on it. i snwuo")
tliu nillow will iuauro moothnea.
piHO a plllOW CHUllOl 00 ooiaiilim
r coat.
Htm to Mttar ami 1.v n Knilill.
the door of a ri vale room
jtlmiit knoclilng no matter upon what
4 um of intimiiov you are wiui tneoo-
'I'ant Alwuy remove your hat be
1 fti entering it ia an iimult to your
in to remain covered, oven tor an in-
int. In hi or her anartmnnt This is
4'ciiUly the cams when ladles are pre-
ft Whim leaving do not replace your
until you havo croaaod tna turoam
llttw tti I'raaarve' lintiel".
'fi-KoiiH wbo winli to uiiilio a collection
iiisccU, buttcrllica, etc., vim do m
dy, nnd uiiiii'i-vo their colors by nu
rsing I lit-i.ii in a weak Huliilioii of
f'vo Mibliiiiiito. Ah a mailer of fact,
atjiiti'd liii-.l.i nnd other prodncU of tha
ujxidnrmiNt can be Inaurud from do-
."ly by oaking the animal I" Uiia solti-Uou.
II. iw lii Dlalnritet a llonaa.
Of the iiiany way which are In com- j
. it, fur diimtectiug romii and
Huw ta livalrajr Hmi Bug.
Rub the juiuuiof the bedsU-ad with
equal parU of pirit of turpentine and
keroieue oil Where the Innects are
numeruu tha crock of the aurbaaa in
the room should be treated in tha same
How to Praaarae Eft.
To each pailful of water add two pints
of fresh nlakcd lime and one pint of com
mon aalt and mix well. Fill a barrel
half full with this fluid and put yonr
eggs down iu it any time after and be
fore January They will keep two years.
How It Faala lo It rep 3,000 Kaal.
One of the parachute jumpers com
pare the ttensatkm to that of being up
set in a river. They Bhoot down 200 feet
before they realize they are loose from
the balloon. Thereafter the remainder
of the descent i easy It doe not jar
until the ground is struck. In fact there
i lea jiiri ing to the ytom than if one
jumped utf a six foot fence.
Huw lu !HirolM Hie Tle of Matllcltitt.
A itinicc Miluiiun of cstriift of licorice
desti'itva i he disagreeable, taste of nhx's.
IVci'i'i mint water di'ignise the nauseous
taste of Kpsum ealta. Milk is a good
abater of I he bitter taste of I'exuviun
bark, and clows that of atttma. Castor
oil cannot lai taMod if heaten and thor
onj,'lilv mixed with the white of an egg.
Another met hud of -covering the nauseous
taste of castor or cod liver oil is to put a
tablespoonful of strained orange, juice in
a wine glaaa, pour the oil into the center
of tho juice, then squeeze a few dros of
lemon juice npou the oil and rub some
of tho juice on the edge of the glass.
How tti lAvqitar tlraaa.
When brasses of any kind become
stained and woru they cim readily be
a i. st) i-'ou
3. CULTIVATORS.' drills
We also carry a
full line of Fishing Tacklo
and 5'ct rortlanrt prices.
Give us a call
00 TO
riae Perfumeries and Toilet Articles.
Alio tell "toeli of
i:Nuiiiiiit-i iw6s.
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parcels delivered to all
part of the citv.
Oregon City, Oregon. ,
lieeiiirti on nil kinds of sn:iill maelmics
iiruiiiptlv made. Diiini-ute key to
uuv lock liiiiiHif.'ieiuivd. Slioti in
Willl'fii't iV S.'l'iWtllv's bl.li K-
smiili thon.
... .. . i . t fi . . . f' 'T r f nr
We are Haaaquai irs an r.n vut
Empire Mowers, Empire , and Tri
umph Reapers and Binders,
"Hoosier," "Daisy " "Famous," Hol
lingworth an-.-. "Gazelle" Sulky
Hay RakesBarnes' revolving Horse
Rakes. Sterling and Ohio
Hay Tedders.'
W. a. W1UTK
Practical Architects Builders-
Will (ireitare pluns, elcvtten. workini? ite
Ullit, ml iieclellem tor nil kinds of builtl
Iiiks HeeeUt Htli'Htlon Riven t" ",),rn,.c';'
tKe. ttimto (urnli.tieil oil , peHctiou.
UUonor,tareB. .n
F.L. Posson&Son,
hoiincH, none o easily twommetiUitur , m,roj in the (uUowing way. Oet
I I., iiiitillllitn RtttiHe I1H i 1 ... ,. 1 a
to the en' anil to common onum- n.i
the coffee process Upon anovoum oi
red hot coal throw a handful or ground
coffee, and walk wiih It through the ;
puru of the house where the foul smell
exist or which you desire to disinfect.
The volatill.cd essential oil of the cof
fee will Instantly correct the evils, for
they have the .eenliar properties of do
oilorintng and diaiufecttng at the same
llow t tHl'"ia le Aula.
About the most etfoctnal way of (lis
peraing those post to scatter a few
leaves f wormwood among Jdieir haunt.
lliiw ta Kat Oi-ttita.
Qraiio have a dual medicinal quality
which Is almost unknown in this coun
try As a matter of fact, nature has pro
.A..t u, ti... trriuia a Boveroku remedy
,, liirrntiirenieiila of the ,,,lr a
m -.... mill cintriil It-1 ,, nulntftiid nlmiaeinto cold water.
I Twi mi the bowels become lax, the j lf brok0tt l-iiit will scratch glass the
Hv w . f ,r.Mtii.H. uc. nil-! .,.,!;,. ia (VMrtil To twt tonicity, a
When limy need n slijcht ! jmrdoiiod piece will be driven into cast
number of itravK', I tn)11 bv ft biinlcncd Hammer; u pooi ii
nn ounce tumeric (irrouad) and two
drachms each of saffron and Spanish ar
tmttoi mix them in a bottle with a pint
of rectified spirits of wine. Place the
mixture in a moderate heat for two oi
throe day. Then strata and add two
ounces of good seeoMao, roughly pow
dered; shake until the lac is dissolved.
Agaiu strain and it is fit for use. If a
deep orauge lacquer is required add
more arnatto, if a bright yellow decroasa
the quantity. Warm the btasa (after
cleaning it) and apply the lacquer with
a brush; warm until thoroughly dry and
tt is douo.
" iiu'w orat Steal. "
Good tool stoel will fall to piecea with
a white heat; with bright red haat it
crumbles under tha hammer; with mid
.iiinir heat it mav be drawn to a needle
point. To tost hardening qualities, draw
low neat to a Krai'""" uiw
natives eat quantities
inif the skm.
il.ir .nit ik
r. 'ari, sand only nsiug tho
Zh T tannic acid contained in the
S is stillicieutly astringent to arrest
incipient dysontory.
General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co's
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Garden Seed.
liejolone liny I.oinh'r, F.cllpse" Slacliers ami Hack Kikes
'vlyera S'oi'lia nnd 'arricr,iiinl liie
Celebrated Steel Frams RAKDOLFH HEADER
It will pay all farmer and dealers to call, nnd see us,
or write t'tU' quotations iu fore jau-
Hvw rlrtrkat Elock, Portland, Crogon,
JOHN NISSEN, Ag'fc, Oregon City,
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc.
W 13 HLf JS.jy JS
will be crumbled. Sott stoul or goou
quality gives a curved lino fracture and
uniform gray texture.
lice Keepers' Supplies.
We want YOU for a customer. Give us
a trial order.
F. L. Posson & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Op.
Successors to MUler Bros. " Catalogue Fra
Unlteil States Laud Office, Oregon City, Orcijon,
April it, ltmi.
Notice in herebv Rtvcn thit In compliance
with the provisimis of the act of (.ioiijtress of
June 8, Iti.S, eutitled "au set for the wile of I
ttmlier lands iu the Stales of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, ami Vt anliiiiet'in Territory,
Charles V Draper, j
of Oregon Citv, county of CI u'kaiiias. has this j
dav lilod In Hits oihee Ills sworn statement -No j
ignis, (or the purchase of tho mv',, of se1 and
ne1 . of sw'.-j of sei'tlim Noil lu township No. 8
.,fi, nt t.iu Sn s ttast niut will oiler proof
I to show that the land souijlit is more ynhi "ble
for its timet r or snine limn nr iisarnneiuuirtti
aurposes. and to psinhtlsli his rhilin to slid
fiind before the Keitisler and Kecciver of this
ottleeat Oregon Cilv. Oregon on Tuesday, Hie
Kith dsvof Aiisiist, 11.
He. iinmcsas witnesses; N'. Siinpseu ot I'orl
land, J.T. Mason, of Vloln, Oreson, ,.1. At , l'ri
per.of Orewn City, OreRou and J. M l'nrrisli,
of llinhlaud, Oregon.
Any ami nil i.eisuus elalmlna adversely the
abovc-doscribed lands are requested to file their
claims In this oilice. ou or before said 2oth day
of August, 1S91. J. T. Appersou,
6-4:8-7 Kegister.
Vnitkd States Land Opfii r, j
Okkhok City, Or., Apr. 4th 1S91.1
Notice Is hereby Riven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June 3, tT8, entitled "Au act for th3 sale ef
timber lands in Ihe stales o( California, Ore
Ituu, Nevada, and Washington Territory,
David O'Donnell.
of Portland, County of Multnomah, state of Ore
iron, has this dnv filed in this office his sworn
stntemeni No. '.'St4. for the purchase oi me nw
of section No. i in township No. 2 south in
range No. 7 east, and will oiler proof to show
Unit the land sonsht is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes
and lo establish his cl'tim to snid land before
the Kegister ituti Keeeivfr of this oitico at Ore
gon l ily. Oregon on Friday, the "1st day of
Aa:,r,ist is'd.
ifc ti -.mas fts wlluesset: O W Morine. of Oen
tr.it point: Oregon, and K Hell, T C O'Donuell,
and T Oibsou, oi Portland. Oregon.
aiiv anil all persons claiming adversely the
above-doseribeil lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
21st day of Augut.lSl. J. T. APPbRSON,
6-57 Kagister.