CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Brief New Items From Mil F.iilervrls. Inn Corps of OonTstomli'Ms. hnmlml and fifty people were there. Met. ! J. M. Harbor tmptUod two by immersion, ml one ly sprii.kliiitf. Kev. llarher has lion a wonderful work in tins iiei!h borhoml, and tho people are trying to make arrantreinents to keep him her another your, but he rather seem to think his aer vices are needed worse elsewhere, ami if he dually leeile.i to go it will Indeed h grout loss for this community. A. F. (lidding and K. H, Voole have numerous Into drcse and blue riblxuu that will bv to remain unworn today; the disappointment thereby, only equaled by the amount of "fretting and ttewing" making ready the paraphernalia for the Fourth during the om lime smoe. We noticed in an interview of a railed man of some company, (do not remember whether be was of the Southern, Sortlwro or Union 1'acirte perstiwion). "Hen on be ing askci what he thought of the "wooden railroad system, replied : It would do for a kgWiigroad,etc..butit would, not answer for passenger (raffle, on account of the welling of timber in Oreiron. Does this railroad official take us Webfoot wooden ra'lroad men for gees.-, because our feel are broad and unable to take in the "under standings" of the law of "swellings"? Such an argument swung about, even on a wooden turn table, can be brought against the much talked of, royal steel railroad. . i ii ;. ,,.,t an everlasting, tin- Molalla. July., the Fourth, 1SS1, eight o'clock A, .Celebration begun this morning at 4 with a uentle Oregon mist, and at the pres- . . .... . - ft..i ..r . .... . ..... ... . . nt writing it is sun nusiing. imn " tviignt inevivonaiui iioiei, corner rirsi ami 0 streets, Portland, Oregon, and are ging to move to town in a week or ten days, Mr, tilddiugs has sol,) his stin k and furniture, and has rented his place lo Mr. ft. C. Cox, of Smoekville, The name of Smockville is soon to be changed to Sherwood. Mr. Cha-v Cos, of Kiwehurg, Oregon, Is visiting his brother, I. P. Cox, of Smock ville, for a few days. Oiusr. changeable certainty with its life limited to a half a score years, ana us '" propensity for swelling endways, besides the laws "of expansion and contraction, (which renders the steel rail itnpraeticapa ble of counei. "Flexibility" also renders steel railroads unfit for service; they stretch over the country reaching past places thev aim, or promise to go. Freight handle.! on steel rails often 1 .wells' and the rate shrinksuntil advances must be made to make up the tariff Then there are a thousand times more human beings killed and mangled up from riding over steel rails than over patent wooden rails. The difference may seem great, but it is even so and more. Oh! for a genuine swell, give us the Web- foot wooden swell, penecnj acclimated to Oregon, in preference to steel Highland Sifting Cherries are ripe ami the rohtus are happy. We do not hear the bang of the ritle or shot gun as at former cherry times. We can also hear the chirp of the robins, thanking the legislature tor ita kindness in protecting them. Mr. illis Mayheld is erecting a new barn, which adds greatly to the apiearance of t he place. Mr. H. Fellows is building a new granary which he hoes to till with grain this full. Mr. Bert Harrington, of Oregon Oily, spent last Sunday in Highland among his many friends. We w as also pleased to see the smiling face of Miss Florence Parish, who paid her parents a short visit Mr. K. Harrington has recently purchased a new Puraiul organ. Med. at the residence of our esteemed neighbor. Mr. N. Nicholas, Rev. A. J. Moodv, aged 7li years, alter a long and se rious illness. Key. Moody was a faithful Christian and honoranle and upright man. He had no relations in this slate, but his friends aided him in bis tinal illness. July 1, 1SU. ' OtrsKT. farm. It rained. Of course we knew It would, but the Fourth went on, ami everybody and his wile went lo Wright's Springs. They passed by as did the guests going to the Irishman's wedding. One together, one together, Two all alone; Followed by the piper, Who went jogging 'long before. We didn't picnic at all; but enjoyed a cosy Ave o'clock tea, alter the gentlemen returned ftom the post otllce, where they had spent an hour or two hi playing cro quet, and pitching horse shoos with the Jolly postmaster. He can enjoy a dish of rasp berries smothered In cream, as well as any former resident of drouthy Kansas. Thanks, nentlenien. for thai pretty sa lute as we neared the ramp ground last Sabbath morning. Uyou will, on all occa sions, exhibit so much good sense and pro. priety ol conduct, as you did artistic skill fn the decoration of your wagon. Cams will gel to le proud of her young cltlsene. In our last communication we forgot to mention thatfourcltiien.Mr, 11. 0. Hlghley, with his relatives, Messrs. Mason and Hunker, lately returned from a wagon trip to Ooos county, or this stale. Mr. Highley rexrts a pleasant trip In spite of rainy weather and had roads. Mr. lavid Hunter has nearly completed his new dwelling. It Is pleasantly conven ient in its interior, and when completed, will be the neatest residence in me neign-hood. IffOBI-ETT . Livery, Feed and Siile StuWti ORECONCITY. UH-ATKH HKTWKKN THK UKUHlK AND DKTOt tY...i.t.. .,,..1 s!;,,l l!i,.H n ml mill dlo horse ttlwity tut Imml t Hi lowest pnees. A corriill eoimeeieu with the 1'iirti for loose toek. Information regarding any kind ol stock promptly attended to by person m letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Clark. Dr. Hoagg, formerly of Powells Valley, , ...... ..I..... nf various i hss Imatnt an oltlce in Mr. I! race's and is air lines ana niiinai"' " j - . - -- gr4lIe putting in a stock ol drugs. The wind is beginning to blow ana u w in j .nanion Aioran ana Lorotuo ?ioui came inewi 6 .,,,,, I .... , i .......... i i.u j, t. i Oats are heading! the scenes of their boyhood days. Our merchant, O. W. lirace, has pur .k.i,1v hvlize much more grain sliouin , up Iroin rortlaml to siihI the 4in ami view . .- , twkia.liitt the breese get stronger, v.ais . - and seem to hold very much water in their boot tops. Apples look tine, without sot or Hein Lh Mi! it must have been the much talked of "Oregon mist" that formerly kept chased the stin k of goods of Uuceue Stout, of Highland, and will add the same to his present stock at Clark. Mr. Kingo, a capitalist from Missouri hi' the orchards continually sprayed, lucking s.,fn,ins sonic time with his cousin, U,e State's reputation for "big red apples and rheumatism for her fair daughters. Messrs. Moodv & F.ngle have the agency for Staver A Walker s farm implements. Robbins A Son are agents for Knapp, j Burrell A Co. When in need of farm hia-: chinery or goods come to Molalla. If you break down and need repairing, or get sick, I come to Molalla. If you are looking foraj healthv home with all the term implies, come to Molalla, and last but not least, ifj you are thirsty go to Molalla river ami drink of her crystal stream without license. JULY rol-KTH AT ONE O'CLOCK r. M. Clouds cleared away and sun shining warm. We started to Wright's Springs pic nic grounds, at which place we found quite number of people gathered, and coming in like bees to a hive. M. V. Rork, state organizer of the farmer's alliance, was ora tor ot the day. He more than w ent for the gripping "gold bugs," manipulating figures to beat the Jews. Prof. Kork gave some of his religious be lief, which didn't give reiiitance. Sow the professor looks savage, and in pronouncing his name it sounds like crushing a rock II. C. Kingo, and looking un the advan tages of our western country. He ex presses himself well pleased with what he has seen. Mis Kdna Jewell made a pleasant trip to Oregon City this week. Charles Moran went to Portland Thurs day and purchased a nice buggy w hich with a span of tine bays makes a I'plcndid outfit. G. H. I'unn closed a successful term of school on the 3rd. A long and excellent program was well rendered. Complimen tary speeches were made by T. L. Clarke and J. J. Oard, A bucket of candv and re ward cards were distributed. Nearly the the entire school were on the roll of honor for the last month. A large iiuiiiIxt were present every day during the term. Many visitors witnessed the closing exercises and expressed them highly pleated w ith the re sults attained. Phoenix, of Meadow Brook, made us a pleasant call. We were well pleased with one so genial and intelligent. Many of onr people went to Wright's Ylela. Not seeing anything In your valuable paper for some time from this place, I drop you a few Hues to let you know how the Fourth ol July was passed here. It mined so that the oople could not go to the picnic ground, hence they gathered in the hall and hsd the exercises which consisted some line declamations by Mr, P. A. Miller. Miss Helen Taylor and K lna Maltoon, which was spakeii in a very tine manner. Mr, II. C Uwis spoke for a few moments on the subject of "Our lmleenlence." The bal ance of the exercises was by the children, it being the dose of the school here, audi can not speak loo highly of Miss Helen Taylor as a teacher, and the district would do well to secure her services for another term. After onr long rain through June the farmers are in liny harvest and the crop Is tine, in fact, all kinds of crops look well. Mr. K. J. Maple, of Park Place, was Wait ing friends hero on the Fourth. Mr. T. It. Cox. of Oakland, California, is visiting Mr. 1 C. Jubh. The sick In this section is getting Utter. Mrs. II. C. l-cw is is improving slowly, and Mr. Peter Lewis is able to get out again. HrcKfYt. with a cork. Then he is a wonderful rea- Springs to enjoy the 4th and a general loner, but if we heard him aright he con tradicted his former comparison of the "Old Lady, of Salem,' in his Maruuamville .apeech of June 13, relative to the old parties keeping right on as they had done to bring about the needed reform. Truth is an unalterable fact, either in pol itics or religion, but Prof. Rork preaches repentance in politics, and when he conies to religion he utterly discards all idea of the word. Politics shun the evil by joining the farmer's alliance. Religion continue the evil, if that may been the practice, when Rork tame into the world, for you never can be forgiven. This is one of the religions of the world that knows no Christ, and does not belong to the Christian dis pensation. The same may be true with some of the political issues weare implored to accept as "Heaven's truths". The dancing floor was kept warm by the j light heel and toe slipiiers. Several huxter stands, sev eral ice cream stands for the shiv ering consumers. The newly organized band furnished very creditable music for the time they have been practicing. At the conclusion of the celebration we met "Phoenix," of Meadow Brook, with both cyea open, gathering up gista of news, Today, two cow boys took Molalla, riding their horses on the walks and flourishing a revolver. No officer was in town to molest their pleasure. Misses Delia and Orlie Robbins and Ma rion Moore have just returned from Corral lis College. Mr. M. McDonald, who has been confined to bis room for several weeks, ia slowly re covering; be baa had a severe attack of neu ralgia. . ' Tzum. good time was had. Prof. Rork was ora tor of the day, and Charles Moran was grand marshal. The Molalla band ren dered some good music. The dancing in Jackson's ball in the evening was re ported fine, the horse and foot race were good, the sack race laughable but the most interesting sight noted by your correspon dent was an impromptu race between a span of grays to a double seated carriage and a brown to a single carriage. It is said to have been the best race ever run on the Molalla race track. Hobjette. Smoekville. - The Enterprise Milling Company hare started up again after a rest of two weeks It is said they have received a contract fur 70,000 feet of lumber. Since the weather has cleared up, haying haa commenced in earnest; everybody is cutting and hauling bay so tiiat they can. get it saved before it rains again. Central Hotel has changed hands. H. H, Hand is the proprietor now, and he has changed the name to Sherwood. The new Congregational church at Hood view ia rapidly nearing completion; the building is raised and the roof is on, and the plastering will begin immediately. The building is to be all completed by Aug. 15. Last Sabbath was the day set for the bap-, Frog Pond. As the Fourth is passed but not over I feel like a great many others as if my head was as big as a half bushel and not been drunk either. As the day was a little damp the picnic in Frog Pond was a slim affair but we can boast of having one of ttie ooss dances in the country given by the Shaw Bros, in their new barn where there were eighty-one dancers and every one hail a good time. Mrs. H. E. Hayes is quite sick with a nervous attack. Two doctors were sum moned last week to relieve her. Miss Allie Hayes baa returned from the Corvallis Agricultural college to spend the summer with her folks. John Sudling and Buffalo Bill were up from Cathiamet to end tlieltb with their friends and sweethearts. They both look well and seem to be happy. , Mrs. Sophia Phillips from Oregon City pent the 4th with ber father, Wm. Evans who is wasting away with that dreaded disease cancer. This is fine hay weather, but there is lots of it out that looks damp. Say, "We Una," from Canby, what's the matter? has the farmer's alliance stopped your crooked pen, or has some widow gob bled you up so that yon are under the same old government again? Speak "We Uns" once more. Shorty seems to be a happy man since he is a widower, and wears that usual smile of his, but he says what s bothering him now, is to tell where the town of Canby ends, and where the coming city of Barlow begins, for they are so close to each other. Informa tion wanted on the subject from Helen of Oswego. I think there mnst be something hice and would like to get acquainted with her as (I think it is). Mr. Editor, you set a day in the future and give a big dinner and we correspondents will gather in and you will see what a good looking lot of them you will have, and by that means you will j renny The glorious Fourth passed oil pleasantly. Some of our people attended the celebra tion at Wright Spring's. Others visited your city, and all report having had a good time, Mr. Charles Schmidt lost his sawmill by tire on the night of the Fourth, w hich is a very serious loss to him. His loss Is $4,0U), with no insurance. Mr, Schmidt has already began rebuilding and will soon lie turning out lumber again. We are pleased to see a communication from Nob Hill, but as we haveareal interest in that niece of real estate, thus christened, we would suggest a more lonely name. The Methodist camp-meeting which has been in session here for the past week closes today. The attendance has been large. Mr. James Kvans is to place a ferry on the Willamette at bis place. And the citi zens of Canby should lend him all the aid nossihle. W. S. Kellogg intends to begin the erec tion of a new resilience this week. Mr. Wesly Riggs bas his new house com pleted. Mr. H. A. Venpal has decorated his new ham with a coat of paint. Our citizens are talking of lighting the streets with electricity. O tismal services at Wilsonville. About one get acquainted. H. M. B. THE KAGLK SCREAK. DEDICATED TO THE FOURTH Of Jt LY. I am the American Eagle, And my wings flap together. Likewise I roost high, Ami I can eat bananas raw. Rome may sit on her Seven hills and howl, But she can not Sit on me ! Will she please put that In her organ and grind it ? I am mostly a bird of peace, And I was born without teeth, But I have got talons, That reach from the storm Bealen coasts of the Atlantic To the gulden shore of the Placid Pacific, And I use the Rocky Mountains As whetstones to sharpen them on. I never cackle till I lay an egg; And I point with pride To the eggs I've laid In the last hundred years or so. I m game from Point of my beak To the star-spangled tip Of my tail feathers, And when I begin To scratch gravel Mind yonr eyes I I'm the Cock of the Walk, And the Henbird of the Ooddess of Liberty. The only gallinaceous E pluribus unum On record. I'm an eagle from Eagleville With a scream on that makes Thunder sound like Dropping cotton On a still morning, And my present address is Hail Columbia, 0.8. A. See ?' N. Y. Hun, BY THE SEA! , BAND0K GREAT REDUCTION IN PHOTO G U A PS lh old established anil reliable pliolirsphor, ablnrt l'hlogrih., .crlos. 0, J. LOVDJOY, IHAI.SH IN Plain and Fancy Groceries. Th bivejoy Hotel sets the best table In the city with the very choicest the market Kllords. GOOD BEDS km BUST "ilODATIPf COS M(K ll'l Kill .SI'M r ri" Sullivan & Davidson OSWFtlO, OliKllON. Tie OSly DRUGGISTS iEtWEfl rurtlK. ni ursgoa City. Csrrr a lull Hue ot liKt'tlS, MKIUl'INKS, TOII KT AkrH't.:S, NO TIONS AMI h vsmi VI L ilmitm. I'HKHi-HirrioNa cAKiirt i i v i omihii nikh The Greatest Summer Resort ON THK Tho PiiortsnuMiV l'tinuliHo-Tho ( Sato City of Cm,h aud( I ('dilution ami Hit' Hmoim t oijuillo nlloy, f The Most Premising Locality ontho Oregon t H,.r II'trtM'r; lncxlmuatWo Tliiilwr Mir.y; ,, Vml Fiol.U; iM. Silver, Iron Lowwr ; niiimi; Aurifiilturuliuul Horticultural Uiid lU .t Iim'Htiiifiit in tho I'nilwl Slut. Scenery and Town shown by - Photogr Lots only 'J" for it few lv iiir''. 1'H 'rly am g,( rlioit'o I riHTijr nun "e u"i'ik'ii. Mont tiroi.iiHiiiK luiMitr men in lropn I'ily ar investing n.'Clevl tin oiHirlunily to g I you it Iioiiik by tl, Kr, A T TT A riTrnrrif, at KonM it), uvr umii;k iiotm.. Mgr. Bandon U,j , i'. wiKt'Mtr. " iinti'''" r Til L7f!l l JOHN A. BECK, THt RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of front ami Morrin, PORTLAND, OHEGON. IS STIl.!. ON KAUTII. For (it'iieral rviuiirinK In' Htntulti without a ner. ror Urst-Husm, ro liiililo (rooiiti liif Moro ii Hii'iunl to none. Try him ! B. .8 Bellomy, OlT. t'HAIOIAN HHOS.' IU'll.llN(i, Carries a Full Stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, NOTIONS and Household Furnishings. New anil SccoiM lluti'l Furniture Itniiitlit anil Sohl. Can give von a bargain. u hit NDERTAKERS & EMBALMERO Uritvut alock of Cortina mill t'aakola al4 South t 1'oitlaiiil. Alaorloth J J ami Mctulhc l'kcM (nnunlir.l to onl.T I .!! Iltirlal Koltr I , I icnla' HurUI liol- in nil a. Als Wapm iiml Carriap' Making, Horso Shoring and rral lUacksiiiitliinj; on hliort notico. It MRS. C. II. L BURMEISTE lib till r tai Watches, : Jewel? vSlLVERWARE,( Clocks, Spectacj ALL REPAIRING WARTiAN M. II. Kl inaijiii. J, I'. Hill Married, on July 2nd, 1801, by Rov. 0. W. Lucas, at the Congregational par sonage, D. M. liaker and Louiue IJig ley, all of Clackamas county. Flanagan & WHOI.KSAI K AND KKTAII. LIOUOR STORE. K1..Y (IN IIA.NH I'll K IlKiT HKI K'TION nl Winn, l.liii"r. Air, lli.r, Ar , tu In (.tiiiid III Ihe Hutu, in l.fiia-Manthnm Uliwl Give mv a call. HALF AND HALF ON lKAU(illT. CLIFF : HOUSE, J. Bitner, Proprietor. Tho only first -cIhsh Hoti'l in Ort'cin City. BEST ROOMS. COOL. BOARD OKO. C. ELY W. J. HAITI! ELY &RAUCH DF.ALF.KS IN Merchandise. Storo located at Mountain View, on Molalla road, one tnile roiiUi t'UHt of Oregon City. Do We ileal in Flour, Corn Meal, Food, UroccricH of all kimlx, llootH anil KIkmd, Genu' Unilnrwoar and other Htylca of Clothing, and numerotm other articled suitable (or the needa of the farmer and his family. Hv prompt and fair dealing we hope to receive in future, an in the pant, a liberal ahareof patronage, lThe higlieHt market price paid (or Butter, Eggn and Fowla. Septemljer 11, 1890. utdai QUARTER k county, Or, goa, near what Ul it la bow Baker City, PCMTHDV a man who hu tlnct VCJ I I UUI become Identified with thereaonrcciinil nnr derelopment of that country. ThlimanAvlU Is no other than Mr, John Stewart, one of tht wealthiest and moat Influential citiaeni In the county. In a recent letter he aaya : "1 had been suffering from paint in my back aad (eneral kid ney complaint for some time, and had uaed many temediea withsut any but temporary relief. Tht paina la my back had become ao severe that I was prevented from attending to my work and could not more about without the uae oft cane, Hear ing, through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I waa Induced to try a box, and from that very (rat doae I found in Hint relief, and before uaiug hair the contents of the box the pains In my back entirely disappeared. I have every faith In the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to my friends.' I would not be without it for anything." Oreiron Kidney Tea curea backache, inconti nence of urine, brick dunt aediment, burning or painful Herniation while urinating, and all affec tions of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex. 1011 BAI.K I1Y CHAKMAN & CO., DRUGGISTS. mm 04 Mil Mr. I IMI'nIll HI uK AM i M AI K IS Wal dies, Jewelry, Clocks jiikI Oj fill (ioods. lO'iFirMt Ktnrt, Near Mommm St. LadiiV I'rivuto Kntrnnrt l OHIiKIt HtuM nil: rol'NTKY Jiol.lctTril IHAKj : & 1 The McknowlcilHi-d leading diulen In GENERAL MERCHANDISE; A GREAT SLAUGHTER In Our dm; of Sgrii iii Soimir i Never before were such bargains offered in Oregon City. Portland Prices arc N0WIH THOS. CHARMAN & SON tin.