HOME AM) VICINITY it vi m.M. K II M lti.Kr:iililMl Sketch f Tho If ell Known Trmicrin't l.wtuivr. The follo.viinr ,rvi aketcli of Hit l-l't nl Mr. Iceland, in runt i United lv one ol Id family. Ivi Iftaud, wline death oeeiired four hiPoh smith east of Oregon City, June 2,Mn, MM, wa bom in tlia oit of Brief Pararapha of a Local and Orn erul Nature. A lain number of pxruraioniata were up from I'ortUnil Cuntlay . tine! limim. ,o rent in central looa tton. Apply to V. F, I. Co. I'ure Willeal Mineral water on lr. tVrt toendonhall. niton oy of Poil Is ml, waa in town Momlav, Mr. K. li. SmUit't nw il0,i'0tl enoe ia bainti (unditl toward coni'Ktton on tlie wet video! Hut river, ('ommmal.mer Moeitlka l imliliit Ida new rvaidonoe on tlie. rxlenalon of diaiylil at K.li. ('auHe'.d'a, 5 eta glana. j Seventh atreet, toward completion. MiIW,o( Portland, wa IjieKueittl V, T. lUmiey thin act nireliand ol Mrs. T. V. Font lam Sunday', j 47 ,na of Un.l from T. A. ToppU'ton, Prof. W. K, Johnni'ti, will em'l a neat cottage Ht Mountain View thin tcan. Mis Aimia rioien, o( Milwaukia, iaj ' in I'll., ll... .J I New York, March 4th ISIS. His yontl ; V,ilV. w spent in mm. Mini tnou isiamt. Born of poor parent he hail to obtain Mr J A. Hlover haa t train been ap- what education ha could by hi own , ,!" cemetery ny me effori. fler working in lumen U''.v wnnril. hop to chum nfflc lent ram he went j Mf w VtmYtn o,takanie. , to the Quaker acho.il at Providence , vimting her daughter, Mm. Meeerve and Rhoite Island After leaving school he j Mia 1 onyeia. taught for aome time ami all this w hile wan preparing himself to txke the tielil aa a lecturer on temperance to which he devoted most of his lifetime work. Ue first lectured in the New Kuglantl atateg and came to low where he t one of the pioneer of Cedar county and the first active lecluier on temperance in that state, as al-o he was in this state. Mr l.cland was a sironis atiolitionest and lectured in some of the Southern Prof. Kijrleir and Mr. J. W. tirayare attending the s'ate teacher' institute at Neaport tins week. Hon. Tfuva. count v. was luisiness w ith Hon. near thi citv, paving therefor, S(HH1. Mr. S J. liarrinon, of I'anhy. went to ; I Milwaukie thi wk to complete ar- i ranircmenta for establishing an A. O. V. 1 j V. lodge at the latter place. , j Read A, Y. tnliwan' new adverliae inert He make a pecilty of metal roofing and Huting, hop drying work j done, alao tinning and plumbing. 1'eople who ara in town with their i children during tli Fourth of July, I should go to K. Prlei'a, the well known ; artist, and (ret their picture taken. Messr. Hauill'on A Washburn, ol Paulsen, of Washington ! 'rk have tradinl Kastern Oregon in tl.e c.tv th wwk on ' propertv lor ni'a acres aojoiuing ine V. 1 piel. ' Oregon Citv Cannery, and a house and Mr. ChKrles Cutiiiig was in from his ' 4 ,,,w ,u,,ir 1"' ,,,,,K"- mountain ra.i.-h this week, visiting In; T,,(, uu ,;ill1l,v,,1 , , spinning old Oregon CUv Iriends. ; . , . .,, . . .. 1 room ol the a oolcn mills ent on a strike Mr. Louis Nobel, the genial InniUor-l ; thia wwk for higtier pay. I'p to the of t'le l,it4it lltili,' lias Lhiiw lo San . n.i . ata.es just befo.e the war. many times ; Krancico on a brief visit. ' U,H " ,'n , ,"" running the risk of his life Mr. U-j xl - , t. ; have not Unadjusted. land om-e traveled an.l hvtnred m con.p- j Jm w slmw a rj(lf Vlj, u, any with John B. (tough. Finally Mr. McMimiville Friday and Satunlay. (tough resolved to go to Kiiroi and !,,.. .... 1 , I'r. rrank Wormian, of Iortlanil, deaimlMr. Uland to accompany him. f nmnW l( ,hjs fiv Snn,UVi but Mr. Lelsnd d-linel, so as to devote (ie j.est of Jutice Fonts and family hi labor to reform in America. . , . , , , 1 ' Mr llnds.ni the last irt of bis i The relative of the lute Ivi Wand 1 Mr. Frank Albright, who haa la-en .ctt ir,,:::;;; ; : - ,r,,m Coast states and British Columbia. Mr i hi ju,,,,., ' ; J' revived from an a.vident mvr- lland died as he had lived. fnn ! m : ., .. .. , ing while the president was here, ha so , The contract for excavating the foun dation for the new brick block 10 he envied by the commercial Bank, and (i. A. Harding, has been let to Messrs ; William A Parker, ami the work begun. t t, ... : 11 . . . 1. . 1 . - - . it . t r.i w iioi n il' over ..... 'i. . ... t..m..i..n ,.(i..,,..,..rU. -.i I, . M.M : , , . .. ... ...... . . tar recovered mat n win tie rea.ty to v ...... 1 . ... . 11,? pvikkii nun, a, ,t rt 'rtrgoii v ny vJ many of the fallen from the drunkards grave. In 1SS0 he was married to Anna Alice and two children were born to them, William Levi, of Crawford, Co. Iowa and Hannah Mary Bagley, of Santa Ara, California. In 1S.V), he procurred a divon-e from his wife and was married to Caroline Xeweil. of Cresco coun'y, Iowa, in I Si IS. By his second wile were tliri'- chi'dren, Lester., Ida I... and In V.. all of whom are now living. In 1SS'.', Mis. Leiand passed to the other shore. Mr. Lel.ind was a sincere Christian, bcloniiirg to he Friends 01 (Quaker church, in New-berg. ThU. A K. will morrow, after I ne celebration ceremonies ,lm9 ' M I'1'1 in " 'ml aieovei. ' next week Mr. F T. Barlow has ui tiered and' Michael Weidner, the U year old son received the new twenty foot flag for the 0l j. Weidner, near Mink. Blurted out West Oregon Citv School. It will le ; t ,tnt, W)Illt, ttst Sunday morning raised tomorrow. nj WHS fmln,i lyinic insensible on the The committee ( 100 have f irmed a :m,"''. '' having fell from the horse ioiii!,m.,i ontaniMiioi, in I'orilan.l ' in aoine way. He was taken home ami ui:d will cntf.tvor'o continue the work 'if muiiicip tl reform. ! Warien & Holm ui have received a lot of folding chairs, camp stools, folding tables, etc.. and other fnrii'ture suitable ' for ranipirg out Me-rs. E. X. Foster and J. N Head, of Katie Cn-ea. will oia-n out a cotii- His remains were followed to the ' plot stock of general merchandise at ! grave by many friends, and laid to rest ti'at p'ace in aliout three weeks. in the cemetery at Canby, .lune '."tltli Mrs. Mary Holman. and daughter.; The services were conducted by J. IK, ,, . , ... ,, . a . ,. ., I , ... ' ! Helena, of M. lleiens, were in the citv Matthews. ' Thus ends one generation to be fol j t,', '-'k W of Hon. r. A. Ml- lowed in the e.iine itsilstep by another, j fr"1"- Mrs. Holmim's brother. ST J0I1VS ( iriKII l( M lltll.l ' A string band will provide iiiusio on ' M.JIIHS t A I IIOLlt. X , Unii.lt he Kiat for the band excuHon ; I next Thursday. The boat will remain ; Closes Antitlier 5ucce.f!ll Sclltml U;!r at st- Helens untiM after dre parade. laist Friday. 1 Closing out sale of sash, door, antl . 1 mouldings at K. Finlev's shop back of At the clofe of St. ..Mm' school, which ! ''l,e c"'s liardw are store. The best Largains everotlere.1 in I'regon (. ny 1 live.1 until one o'chvk p. in.. Tuesday, and was buried Wednesday. The new steamer lralda, running from I'ortland to St. Helen and Kalama, mitkes close connection with the Oregon 'City boats This will afford a splendid opportunity for those desiring to visit St Helens or Milton during the week of the eiicampiiieiit. The lralda leaves at thefis.it of Washington street. Councilman J. (i l'orter returned this week from Kastern Oregon , where he baa (e'en lor the last nnuitli, purchas ing wool fu" the Oregon Citv woolen mills. He .Hiught considerable rpianti ties at H.-ppner, IVndlet.m and The Italics. Tlie warehouses of the company are now full, and they have wtsd enough to keep them running until next season. closed last Fiidav, June 2rtth, a nnmiar of silver medals were distributed among the successful pupils w ho contested for prizes as follows: Class A For good conduct, Mifses ' t jt y. Louise l aquet, Kose Miller, Mattie ! Draper, Birdie Walker, and Fannie ; Cragin. For proficiency in studies, j Misses Martha Meyer, Mattie Praper, j Biidie Walker, Fannie Cragin Floral Paquet anil Master William Moliee. Class B. For good conduct, Misses Mr. Itenjamain Cawson an employ of the woolen mills of this place, tlie.l of pulmonary consumption 'ast Monday. Mr. Klsia Fonts, of Central Citv, Neb. 1 He was a member of I'nity Lodge No. is the guei-t of Mr. Joseph Hedges, of 17, A.O. V. W , of San F'ran. isco. Caneinah Mr Fonts ia a cousin of i The member of Falls Citv lo.h'e of this i Mr. Hedges antl Justice Fonts of this 1 city, took charg" of the remains and i sent them toSan Franriaco, accompanied Mr. A. W. Cheney has purchased A wile an I too rhilrilren. house and lot on the hill on F'leventh , ,. ,, , , ... ,, ... street near ( apt. Capt. CalitTs resi- j Mr- -1"1"18 ( a,,n dence, where he will reside in the i Calm, of San Francisco, were ;n Oregon future. City during the week, on their way .i- home from Alaska. Thev brought with great l,n o...w,, nl L-n. . ....,.. i. ,i,.,. them some prettv views of Alaska a ifTll'luiK , i..' iiii.(;,iiik l. viii' , Ulcic , , ... ! - :n 1... ,1. vi;..i,.ii. scenery, and made some sket'-hes of Annie (ileason, Veronica Hen.n.elgarn, churd, on Sundliv Slln,Uy 'ac-hool as l". in ar"n'1 ClaraMillor, Ellen Gleason, and Masters I uml at 1"-lop m wh,le 1'e"- rhev ",e "lhew and Henrv Hurth, Thomas Gleason, John I " V r" ,, . fe" wl t'",,n' K,"""i,'lr"w ' . . .. . ' Evervbodv wi ake in the celebrat on Milwaukiu. fortl. h'twanl llemtnelgarn. ani fla al , ,W(J()n cj,y ,0 This school under the management 01 1 morrow. The grounds offer a magniti- Fathr Hillebrand and the Benedie- cent view of the Falls. Oregon City and tine Sisters, is acquiring a wide celebrity I the gurroumiu.g country for its thoroughness, and the practical! TheY. p. S. C, E. of tha Congregat way in which the students are prepared ; mnal church will give a lawn social al for the active duller, ot life. Over eighty 1 the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer students have attended .luring the past ' E- t'harman next Tuesday evening, July . 1 , , , ;7. Adinrasisn 10 cents. Icecream, 15 year, and the school has a prosperous ; (n,s ' outlook lor the future. . HI( VCLE FACTOKY. ' Oregon City Has an Opportunity to i Secure a Factory Employing I Four to Six 11 11 ml red ! II 11 ml. 1 An interesting meetingof the Women'! r"" W.vbminhtos St., J'okti.vnii, Or., Foreign Mission Society of the Baptist ! Ji nk 29 Editok Kntkri'Hirk. You 1 ctnircn, was nei.i in .-aiem msi rri'iav u-lll uoo V,i Vriitnv on,l ..,i 1 1:. i 1 ....1 Ic I.... Xl-.. I I' h.;..u ..I, J 11 nc ui i.ione i.Ltic oiiorina; ktatiierings ' Jiunj.n . v. iiiue, ui A Farewell party. gays the Salem Statesman, which are always so pleasantly remtmbered, took place at the resilience of Miss Waterous, on I'iety hill, Friday evening. The occasion was a farewell party tendered by Miss Waterous to Miss Azalie Coch rane, who yesterday took her departure for ber home in Oregon City, after aUut a year's residence in this city, during which time she was teacher at the Capital Business college, making her borne with Miss Waterous. The even ing was happily spent in card-playing and merry conversation, not to mention a delicious lunch served in Misa Water ous' inimitable style. Those present were : Miss Waterous, Misa Nettie Cochrane, of Oregon City, Miss Azalie Cochrane, Hon. and Mr. 8. F. Chad wick, Hon and Mrs. Napol eon Davis, Mr. and Mrs, A. Plamondon, Mrs. A Cox, Mr. and Mrs Saubert, Miss Mary Chad wick, Misa Angle Mo Culloch, Miss Edesse Plamondon, Miss Addie Plamondon, Mr. A. W. Giesy. Miss Cochrane has made many friends during her stay in our city, who will be ever ready to welcome her again among ns. Park Plack. Social. A very pleas ant social was given by Mrs. J. A. Chase to the Sunday school children of the Park. Various games, were indulged in. Candy and fruits were in abund ance, provided by the hostess i.11'1 1 Jllll'lill . .Hlfl, Ji. V. IIIZIIB, Ull ,, ., . , , this city, president of the society, pre-1 0r,oman' ,liat a ,r,l,ni1 ,jf m",e sided. School Superintendent Alex. Thom son, w ill deliver the ora'ion at West Ore gon City tomorrow. Prof. S. A. I). Gur ley will read the Declaration of Inde pendence, and Mr. Munson is grand marshal. The ladies of St. Paal's Guild will furnish the refreshment or the band excursion next Thursday. Thi assures plenty of good eatable, aad ia a sure indication that everyone will fare well on the excursion. Assessor J. W. Noble and derjutv J. 0. Witherill are very busy at the Court House, nnielung up the assessment roll. They have about completed the arduous work of traveling over the county looking for assessable property, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ereytag, accomp anied by their children, Otta, Paul, and Annie, started Monday for Austin, Texas, where they expect to reside in. the future. They desire to say good bye to their friends through the columns of The Lntkbprisb. Last March the people of the West Oregon City school district voted a tax and issued $2000 bonds to erect a new school house. Thev disposed of the $2000 bonds issued to Mr A. D. Putrow, of this city, at par, and will soon have their elegant new school btiillding com pleted . tlie older Sunday school children were, Mrs. Apperson, Mr. and Mrs. Straight, Miss Kinearson, Miss Brown, Mr. Ereytag, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, and and many others. . Notwithstanding the hot weather, County Clerk Johnson has issued the Among j following permits to marry during the past week: Louise fli-dv and I). M Baker, Mirgaret A. McGue and Charles O. Kose, Ellen Kutherford and Andrew Graham, Maria Sutherland and lwis M. Kossangie. iy has been here for the purpose of lool.ing up a location for a bicvele factory, to employ from four to six hundred hands ! in the manufacture of cycles for the Asiatic and Australian trade, as well as the American. The concern Mr, Gol den represents, have already three large factories in England, and employ 1,700 people and wish to locate a factory here in order to escape Wm. McKinley and his little tax. I tried to have Mr. Golden run down to Oregon City with me in order to show him the bounteous power of Oregon City a a location for a factory, but Imperative duty urged him to Utah and Chicago, so I could not de tain him. He left a proposition with the Portland chamber of commerce, and I bope Oregon City will combine with Portland, and try and secure this very important concern for Oregon City. Fancy four hundred skilled workmen and their families coming to your city at once from England, and other part. Shall be happy to run down and talk to a mass meetingof your people on thi sutject, and as a Portlander of ten year standing I would like to see the factory established right tst Oregon City, if pos sible. Propositions are before Astoria, Seattle, and Tacoma Chambers of Com merce, on the subject. I write Mayor Sullivan today in the matter.. W, 3. Moh.ian. The above communication has been handed to the secretary of the Oregon City Board of Trade for their action. OBSERVATIONS Cf Matter ami Fact Around the Fall. Pasturing l'en-0iir Flower Warden. Thi (lrl There I still considerable complaint about cow vturin on lha street of Oregon City, wpeoially in some of residence portion of the municipality. "The treet 111 front of my yard look none like a cattle yam than an Improved street In acity,"aiJ Fud Chainian, as he returned from a reeounolter of , ('. S, alley, with a view of petition- ; ing the council to have the same wid ened. Ol course, the ow nei of cow s con sider that they ought lo have the Inallen- able right to pasture them on the utrect. j One attractiv feature ol Oregon City that trike the vUitor very favorably, i j the universal prevalence of well kept ; flower garden. No city in the tate ; afford a greater number of Mower gaid- j ens that present a more attractive display of varieties than this citv. Exclauiit-; lion of delight Kie lieaid aluiust daily; from viiitoi who are constantly arriving by 1 ail and boat. This order of things is not confined to the main portion of the city but extends lo all the surround ing suburbs. Notwithstanding the continuous growl ot the moss-back crank, who howls. ' about lh degeneracy of thegl.lsof this ' age.. It i nolewoithy fact that a con- : siderable number of thegou Citv young ladle ara bread earners Many of these do Hot pil'u avocations from ncc sity, but piobubly piefer an active ! busy l(e to pending their time in coiu itaralive Idleness, It I iuietetmg 10 obse.v the nuin.ious guls tripping grutvliilly along at an early hour in the morning, weeding their way to factories, stores, odices, 'printing eslabhsbnienl and oilier resM'ctalile positions tilled (iy theiii. These girls have a healthy look an I an sir of indes'ndeni e iiImhiI lite. 11 thai is pleasing lo note. Some ol them are ex-M-rts in their respective lines ol work, and command good salaries. As teach ers, aleiiogiapher and tyis wiiters, tele graph tiM'rat.ns, book-keepers and other occupations te. pining keen ! ceinmenl and rapidity of execution 'women are becoming veiy piohYicnt. 1 It has U-ell di'inoiixtiaicd that uoo.eii are more puiiHlakiog in their m k , .1 general rule, titan men, ant can alwavslie depended 011 and .1" ii"t g" till on sprees ot tli-ipalion. W hat the aveiagt so called lcn,Mr:ile vonng num. w ho is winking I r a salary, "pen I for cig.'its, base hull, etc., would He, would clothe rcsftiihlv any of the young hldlt.'S ot llr.'ton City. As a t'oli-e.'ielt. e their sphere ol iiseiiilln, s i d.-i.ing, and they can see llieu way ciear U a comfoitable suhiteiict 111 the (unite, without tying themselves d"n In lb drudgery ennsetpiciil oil an nude. table marri.tge alliance. (birr Cullies! Far 1'iilnt s. 1 Another grin I glove contest will t ike 1 place ton ght at the Armory Hall be tween Oregon City's favotlte boxer, , John S. Claik, and Pat Mcllngh, of : Wisconsin, for mjIii(s. Mr. Clark, hv 1 hi gontleiiianlv conduct has tin, copll i dence of the isople of this vicinity. He ( is a skillful and soenrilie boxer, and It j in line condition, li there is no winner 1 at the end of the eighth round the referee I shall order another one. j Teacher Heeled. I A meetingof the school board was I held last Satiitdav evening, and the tleliiiqumit tax roll ordered turned over ; to the sheriff for collection. All the 1 teachers who had positions in the tire gun (.'it v public school .luring the past year, w ho made application, were re-j 1 alerted as follows : J. W, Gray, Misses I Fannie l'orter, Edith lilaspisil ami May I j Kelley. Miss draco Itaitd, and Miits ' Metla C. lirown, from Ohio, were elected ! I teachers. The ptincipal and arotheri I teacher yet remain to be selet t"d, An other meeting of the boattl will tit. 1 sot ill. I - Leave fur Camp (illili.ni. I Tomorrow all tlm officers and privates ' of Company K, of this city, w ho can pos 'siblv leave their business will stint for the encampment at Milton station, near 1st. Helens. It is expected that nil the I companies of the First Kegiinelit w ill be ion hand. All mail for the soldiers at j the camp should he addressed to lloiilton 1 post office. Three hundred mid ninely jone dollar have been raised for the utii i forms, which were shipped from Ohio last Saturday. The following order directed to Company F, has been issued by Col. lleehe: "Companies F.Oregon City, Captain E. S. Warren, and It, Me- Minnville, ( aptain ii. L. Heath, will leave their respective tpiurters ami pio rced to Portland, as tho commanding old cera of their companies have been re spectively instructed, so a to report to the regimental commander at the Union depot in this city on July 4, in time to depart with the regiment for camp, Cornell lllll Allowed. The following bill were ordered paid at the regular meeting of the council held Wednesday evening : L L Porter, recorder, $31; C Huntly, stationery, $1 75; Kidney Smyth, sur veyor. $,)2 50; C Holberg. street super intendent, and money paid out, $) 26; Chas Bltzer, cleaning hydrants, $2; John Kelly, night policeman, $110; l'osj A Co., supplies. $ 40; JH Purdom, chief ol police, $81 ; Warren & Holman, mattras, $3 75; C Bold, labor, $H; O C Mfg Co, supplies, $7: 0 C Electric Co, $S6 70; J Andrews, labor, $2. WEST OREHON CrWcELF.BRATION. Order of Procession July 4th. The procession, will join at the sus pension bridge on Main street at OiltO a. m. as follows: First, Chief Marshal; Second, Oswego Band; Third, G, A. K. ; Fourth, Citi zens on foot. The line of march will be along tho sidewalk leading from flie bridge to the picnic grounds near tho West Oregon City school house. 8. A . D GUKLKY, President of the day. TI Gil! Wm Sf MAYER: & : AOKERM4 IIIK HI P KKIIOlI K Pr AI kH IN I), ill IV! u urn axti HciiiLiuartor for l!M,t. sl"M'' (''"lhK anj (i.ioilis. l'v tlu liiKl"' l,r,',, f,,r V.Mittlu lltlft", fUlll Kt'lU tllC I'v'Ht (mnmIk tit LOWEST apiouin 'K 0 1 or Ilk! IIMI JIllM l M" iii. ,. ii t Vvr4.1H1 Jii-rs wt Ol ill tres .l si t a Bargains. Bargains. Bargaii PAR!(PLAGEASH1 Zl ;l ). ' iliy I Wr llllli HAT" All le w 'tvles lor ladies, ni!e and children. Iiiiuiind and Juninmnird. 21 per t ent. Ic-s than I'oillaiid nr 0rgn City prices tln Int.'.' s.itinent of men's an I Ian Sinniiier Hats. MloFS. .lust receiveda late line t la lies, nii'sc slid clol, liens !ioe, whlih We ate selling at l.ir Is loW n-gular p.i.fs No cheap gotMla- all betl itmtrtula. ntir IIOMIHYlui lliirlinglotl Fl Hlachln, i 'hit Krltl lliirtm h,t ' 0 iUoCKIill.v.f,,,,, We ate now iwdliiig i'n tiS pounds graliliiatrd niiw in ,utet ptn su'ar, . I'l poilli.lt lioldcll I' sij tiivo tii a mil ami Mitisl'v yoursclvca a. ,t ii" lellli ell J Ml N with .our itiirt S. "f.J i lii. Hamilton & Waslibi . LUMBER. LUMBEE The GLADSTONE MIUE No ser is u, h.l Vll ISO 'l j I', sml Mo lie, I 40 i It fit I. i (.4 li , j,. II trrade uf lrpNCl Lftft.lV i a F'lH Sl.M-k of l.iimls r on Iiatol ami rts . r, I ts protiildtv. Their sts k t Hibrcccs t'lf i iu C'-iiiir:, ftitslir u nl I'ii'ui lMiiiil IHiiu iisloii MufT. Special I'.ills Cm, St titl in ymir or.lcrs l f,,rt" the Sj.rii J.F. O'REILLY & CO- ft .Jid h a i. Ii i STOVES Cheapest ID - Bl ir? tin in : tho : .; h Onion from the country j'minjitly (ill I4S Third Street, Portland. Id I 11 A II l .(', IIJII V M:1M lunuuo; b uiiuiiL)! a u Near Mc m llto ml w, l ' lel I I t Of All Designs, From tho Smallest E: CMlcl's Chair h To tho Largest I" I'iUi lit Uookinir ('hairs of noat ami nol.hy dcyipii rate.l antl Wtioil-M-at ("hairs: Vauw hVoil nn.l C scat an.) hack I lining mnl Lifirarv (.'hair. MATTRESSES I MATTRESS Wo also curry a (Minjiloto lino of Mattress-1! Yum, (,'oil Siirinj.'; Hox ami Top mailo to order. V wire, two and threc-jilv, of all sizes; Hodstoad, LoC CotH, Ktc, Etc. Is: Warren Sc Kolmn if I Oregon Picture Frame Compf ii Moiddiiifs, Mirrors, Frames, rioture'n, I5ric-a- iii, KngravingB, Ktcliings, etc. ! 108 Third Street, Portland. f-Or.lorii by mail or bruit imiii.tly tilled. Arlington M fflTIiBHISSW