Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 03, 1891, Image 5

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    lie 'It ntcrprlHC
HHH1N "'Hlt,
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p. M,
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Mnnr AlUmn-ll Mahna tin atti HI way
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-srsiuv.- -
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II IU l ui.
. 01.
Special Notice!
I t)luihtlll Naainlll fiitmftiiy ipiutu
(Himlntt prlil" (ur lllllilier iMlvcrvd III
, miii pint T 1 In' i liv, via;
Hi Hull It, uiuli I II III
lllillwr. , II MM t U.V people w
iliin Kill'
1 I.imiiIh
"K, I'd
UK, I I'lIiiiK, iiukIIc, I'IikiiImk
KKjnilr- Itlmi cia- :
1 li mill 1111 -kits, lull itliH-k 011 hand.
ll ( lim mill, K'H'I work prumpl lnllv-
II. K. ! I!S. Muim.T.
Hcikkii, Ci.oaici), The spring term of
itrlmiil at Ml,' Pleasant closed Friday
with rheioi leal exercises by Hit pupils.
A number of the friends and patrons
ol the school were present,. At I he dose
uf tlio exorcises, Miss May III11I1111, In
few-well rhmi'ii words piesculud Ihn
irlni'liil. W. V.. Johnson, with a film
large r nnmi'lfil Inkstand, containing two
Ink wells, a Inn 'if II im note iiinr 11ml
i'ii viloi.-a uni! fiiH Mini potiliul'lcis, (mm
tlii ) u j l I h of 1 1 ivt grammar dcpm-liiuml.
Till KM complcto Hiir ii ! n Mr,
.ItililiS'Ui, who thanked tlm nlmbir fur
Urn token uf lln'lr friiniilHliii, I Hok
of tti grail roitpnilhllliy tlmt rests
iiiiiu iIih h'Hi linr In the imlilin schisil.
Till clows Hid second t'i m Mr. .luhnmm
linn taught In tlm kcIiimiI llu will ru
umln their thin .Inter.
NVw CAiiiKit.-Mr.t;. II. Cauflelil,
who ha flllttil tliti position of cashier in
the Oregon Cily Hank so lung and diilli
fully, resigned tlmt poMtlon ihnl iK Ui
punt week, tu ii'i'tl the responsible
place a in.in.iger of tlm Willamette
TriiitMpoi tiittmt A Luck Coini'iiny Mini
W. K. K. Vi, llu Idiilifnvy utiM kholiliT
In liulli lln!-(- : r (v tu 1 1 i 1 h . nnil Oii'ifuii
l liiijlily iIimi'iI to
8rJoii't Ciiriit ii. Viry Inlni
l unci iiiiirrKHlv m-i viri'ii wi-ri' Imlil
ts Jlin' CnlliiilU' t'liuri'h lnnt Siiii
It Willi tllH llUUi'nt Mnn(lilinltl, uf
.oiled over uutln'ri'il in (nim City,
J Irnt uuilllliuiliiin H UM mliiilnimoii" I
Vlieliililr(l. 1 Imeliililreii wertum
ll to tlio elm nil fmiii St. Jijliii'n
ll by (lie Mniilwrt) uf tlm Melity nf I ni.ur Cmil y
olle KnlKlMN ml llm tlillilien uf tl.iaj eiiy,
''I'ltuol The fineliwiirn frum lliu
)1 hiillillnii to Him tlini"li m tilled
nrioiil, wlioemiui to Hltrml eliiireli
ml liny, ml tu witneM tint Im
4v eer,'iiiiiiiii'. Aflitr tlm rmii-
j oil ervl-p, Kmlmr llillilirnnil
wl th ilillilr.-n, ami kmVv nl
t' lov for llii'in uinl then ill-
know tlmt one of their onn flll.enN iik
eleeleil to till tlmt liiiiilunt Hmitiuii
Mr. K. (1. Cnnllulil, Hie well kiioun
ilniKnl't, nueeeeilH It in drollier, n enxliii-r
in 1 1 1 in Hull Know 11 li.ink, ol wliieli Im In j
11 Htoi klioliler. Mr, Cnulielil liun all tlm 1
ImniiifiM iiiiilillentioim neeeitiiry lor
enttliler, uinl tlm entire eonllilenee of
tlio imlilie.
.11 I',. I AMI' MKI TINII AT l "ANMV I lie
minimi eiiiuo nn rtiim of the M, V. elmieli
I'oiiveneil liiHt Tliumil.iV ut 1 1 11) Klolll'iU
ltev. .loliti l'nt noli, n(
"fitlii fi, it Httt'llililiit tlio tiux'tiiiK
uiw tHkinir i m'liva art In tlio nervlee.
I'luf. I.mnlierl, Kev. W, H llnrrinu
ton, (', Slrtion, C. V. Clint), Aldeil
Kim mer, t', I.. I.owtlier, VI. It. Strn
blu, M. C. Wairu mnl rt. L. Ien urn
miimiif tlm prominent iiiimntero preBent.
The llilieiunl elllb protflHin will lie rnr-
rleil tliroiiuli tmlny Tlie nieetim; will
S0K11 or kTKHINll -I
I ttoliliem w.m In hi
A inei'tiiij- o( the
iiiri the drivoii
id liiirenmrkiito tli pment, ii'itinii eontlnueover next Sim.lny. The uiieml-
to keep whIiIiIuI on In miee U vo,y (jimhI, mnl nmeli mterel in
g pnopln Mint Kit tliein ,ini! mniiifeinril. Tbeie Ik hii iihun
JTh way tliy rlioiilil iro, then I ,,mi o of iiiw nn,l nhelter no tlmt nil
JeJlnoimf bU liilere.lliiK lti'k ' wln ciine limy I'm. I IiiIkiiik Am-
biPillbera of tb eoiitfien ilion I pmviMoii Iihh l en imele lor nil
fiilhyllf Knlirlit, a benell, iitry I , ,., m in iniiiKi rutew.
U pnieilnu, Bil l M. John
jtb uinlar lilt' lielrdtlnhlii I'llnrlH of ;
I. . 1 1 it ImI,, u,t I Im in M v.-ri1 l,r,ihtu,r. ,
Ilk, .11 t it V lUhk Siillltiliie oh.l.t I.. ,,,,1..
I'ltniiri'ttttt now ' , . " . , ' , ' .
I'lie el.oir on L. l,""r' ' l-""..t .lie ..ui.iinon
nl 11 t'linip ol Hie Mm nl eleriuiN In
lliiai'iiy. :. V.. illi.t in- W.1 eli-i leil
pie ftiilfiit, mnl l'..f. W. I!. .IiOiiikiiii
Ki erelury Twenly eliht iniineii Here
.'nrolU'il.atxl lite iiiuti i 1114 ollirer of the
Ort'Kou tleitrlmeiil iimi I,. Imve luen
here t liinlit li) eoiiiplelH the oriinimi
tloll of tbe caiiil'. The ihiiiii lunliiiint
..ef I oiimiiiitt, tlit-y an iiavinit maierlal, ami atarla iitnler the
-'ii ti'J at I'urtlmitl, a new limit j ,mw ,iv.iihe jnniira. I.,UKlt-Tlie
Kiii" ari'l tl
. ti 1 nitwit Mm.
C, lay iSnl iiiiiinn'.ly well, 11 11, 1 etnii
nf l their luitiliible I'll'oila on pre
fop h , iialona
tt, Nkit Srnviu Ki.v.a A hii
f c iilefti e lint Soott, Seely mnl
in y aw iimkinn an rlHirl loeiin
Tn pttiaenKi'r tnit!l: ami lonnneree
J the Flyr. Tliia ateamer il he
iitt:t oummert'iiil ateanilioHt in the
p. mul It In I'lperlp 1 will be run
ljih th water at tlm rate of twenty
jpili an Innir. If nbe uoea on the
fh route alio will be ex'ttrl to
I the ru in four liourn. When
j fur aerviea llie Flyer will have
st'.i'i.OOO. Ilefore work waa ln'ijun
t i iyar, ('apt. V. II. Seott, tniv
I0,tk) milea in tin raat, mnl in
u alt the fant bout on the ivat
oririinixution of thin camp lum been pont
iik1 for another ivk, to ttive the mux
lerinii oilieer tiinu to be prenenl.
A MKKirmi I'MoTKar. The proteat
ul the r. ili i.ileil Trailer Unit the work
of tlm 111nnicr.il en bouril is enleiiliiteil to
ilniw tiai lnrc a number of wniklnpnf n
to the cilv in a well-fnumleil nne. They
mntut'Ht Unit more utieiilion be Intel to
to lillinn up Ihn aiirroumlint! eouutiy
with iw'ttlrrH. all of wlioiu will he, nine
ami In NVw York, Huatoii ml upiaft'ra ol the city unit more lielp tu
idelplil. ('apt. Seott nx wta to it Hum laborlim men with nnihmu to
lie l'lyr into aervien about (Vtolx-r ! 'I'- I'oo inileh i beap ailvertlniiiK is
;Tlm bout will bo 17H feet Iouk, '.tl
alO iliellfia beam, with 11 feet deep
tlil. Triple uxputmlon eiminea, iilx
t0l imlie, willi :) iiu'liea atroke,
! In I'liilailelpbiit will lie UKitil.
t we'll hvo IMtMi borao power. It
(nave tile larpeat fux'-box ever biiill
If NurthneBt, ami tbo lnr:eil ever
abinrtoftho Hver'a aixti.
H km a it Imi'Hiivknknth, Tlmt pleiiB
iml iWliitlitfiil Kiibliili of (iiefinu
Ih growing ami proaperini!,
feverl new tlwelliniiH are in
of eoiiBtruetion. Mr. f. V
r Ik ereeimir a nent lwo-torv cut-
iliii'll will bo oei'iipietl by anew
I lounlo when fomnleteil. Mr.
-1 r 1 iH-t in n neut iiiltum', 1111 !
iturt) un.ler way. while run-
H1 jll ha oommoiieeil on nnnlher
j If" ; week. Canmrnili is well aup-
i.witii' npleniliil MpriiiK water, anil
will tin coimiderubly aildeil
t'Mt linn when tlioir new water
I aw in auucvHHful operation, A
wr of new aiilewalki have been
SiitirM, tnl many otbor valuable
pvuiiianta have buon made ilurinu
prehnt aeanon. The Canemah
; il whleli cloned ita nprinK term
tto w i.'ckii ainco, la the eipial of
Utr, i aehool n ClBckamiw county,
,0 I eredll to tbe UcliBra, T'rof. K.
JH inkett, and HHintant, Miaa Donald-
jm Vioi.A.-Mr. M. cT Lewhi, of
, W11 in Droiton City, Tuewluy.
f'porti ennBldorablo- aieknuM in
li and vicinity. Amonii tboiie.ftf-
are; Mrs. T. G. Morgan, who is
) with the grip j Kobert K. Con
fir and Mrs. Chna Hunker wife
uuKhtr. Mrs. Lewis in improving
alo ;Mr. Peter Iwls who was
low. Mr. Q. 0. Armntrong is
low with pneumonia. Mrs. M.
pdoir, a plonoor of 1847, died
Viola liiHt Friday. Mrs. Kiclmrd-
ind been ill for five yours. Hhc
W a huBbiind and several itrown
tun, s Mr. and Mra. Hichardson
been retiidonts of Chiekimins eoun
ty Kince 1R47, and luivo continu
rnMded on tlm sumo plueo Binco
hiiruilul, an it la euleulated to till (be
city Willi men lor king fm job, esK't
lallv jual now when Tai'oma. Setillle
ami Smkiiue are no Hut. Welcome.
Vocation Cosckht. The oriinn con
cert given at the Conri'itatlohal rhllreh
IiibI Kriilny eveniint wbb well atlendtHl
The aoloa by Mra K. K Cbnriuun ami
Mis. K. 1'.. WilliauiB were well rumlered
and favorably received. The Conirrw
ifiitloniil choir from I'lirtlunil, acipiitted
theniBelvea creililiibly, but it in quea
lioned if their ell'nrtB were apprci iiited to
the extent ol the home talent. The
new vocnlion orciin ia 11 valuable iictpiia
ilinn to the cliun h.
Ki.Ki'TKii I'iiincical, It in very inucli
regretted tlmt I'rof. Trank lticler, prin
cipal of the Orrtfim City miIiooU, haa
been ele.'ted principal of the Harrison
street acbool in Portland. It ifl to be
hoped that ho fan be induced to resiun
that position and remain here. Mixs
Kdnii lli'tilev, one of the teachers in
the Oregon City school liiHt year, Iihh
iieeu eleclod as a teacher in the Park
school, Portland.
AtVlllKNT to Stamkk Sai.icm . The
steamer Falmn on her recent trip to New
Kr met with quite an accident. The
r.rankpin ftavn way and carried with it
the fore and aft cylinder head, the crons
liuad and other parts of the i-nttine. She
proceeded with one engine, ami Friday
returned to Portland with a full cargo
of wheat. The damage will amount to
Roll ok IIonoh. Tho following pupils
in ths gronimar dtipartnieiit of the
Mount Pleasant school have not boon
absent or tardy during tho term closing
June 2(1: Knuna Wllebnrt, Josie lleid
man, Mary Illuhin, I.ouica Lazello,
Helon RiBgs. W. K. Johnson, principal.
Notior to Watkr Consumers. All
persons using water furnished by tho
City Water Woiks, will please take
notice that the water rents of the month
of June snd July, are now duo, anil
must ho paid at tho office of the Hoard
of Wutor Commissioners on or before
the Kith duy of July, or their water
service will bo shut off without further
notice, and not coniiecto.il again until all
arrearages ore paid together wifh a fee
for turning on and oil' of the water.
Cull at thoofllro of the Hoard and re
ceive now rates, rules and regulations.
jy3-2t Pku Ohdkr ok this Hoakd.
Senator J. N. Iolph was In Oregon
Cily Saturday,
Mr. II. II. Miller, of Highland, was
In Oregon City Tileniliiy.
J. It. Wilson," D. ., of Portland,
will hold services next Sunday at the
PifBhytorluii church,
The Portland World of last week eon
tain a very tuir view of the business
part of Oregon C'ty.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Kami rejoice
over the advent of a gltl to their house
on Thursday of last week.
The barber shops of this city will le
inain closed all day tomorrow, as the
barbers desire to celebrate the Fourth.
Head C. Y. lrar' advertisement.
He offers some rare bargains in real
estate, ml theproity must be sold.
M r. l'eicy Chine, of ibellrm of Hailow
A Co., the live real eitate agents of
Itiirlows, was in (begun City during the
Mr. A, Iwthwute, of the Willamette
Pulp A I'lipe rCompuny, leaves Ibis week
for Hi Mnl Veil, to take charge of the
ptilicr mills at that pliu e.
Mr. A. HardcHty. of Nye, Wasco
county, lei cntly arrived with a bund of
homes, w hich be is pasturing on Sheriff
Samson's hum on the Molalla.
The steamer (i. W. Shaver leaves
Portland three times a week for Clats
knnle This is the must delightful trip
or a summer outing to be f iiind.
Hon. II. P. ThninpHon has won his
112.0(10 suit aguinM the New York Life
IiiHiiiame Company, In the Circuit
court for Multnomah comity,
Mr. V.. L. K. White, of the White
Printing Company, of F.at Portland,
accompanied by bis family, was in Ore
gon City Sunday, the guests of Capt. A.
11. (irahiim
Commander liooth and wife ot the
Salvation Army arrived in Portland
Siinilav. A grand reception was tend-
ered them, and they were received with
I lunch enthu-iiiKin.
(ireat p-cparatimis are being made for
the excurion July (lib. to St. Helens.
I Kvervhody will take advant.iite of this
opportunity to visit the military evolu
tions at the Slate Militia encampment.
The uteiiiiier Allium and Iji'ona, ih
j addition to their regular trips on the
, Fourth, will make their last trips from
, Oii't'on Cily at 1! p 111. and 7 p. in., re-
lurnim? after the fireworks.
The .Ureal Fustem bme ball club, of
this city, played the pulp mills nine ut
the gioumis on the bill last Sun, lay.
The grcut eiisterns caaio out ahead by
a si'oie of ,l to M A lame crowd were
j present mnl watched the game through
! out
I The succi'sb of the (treat Fsstern In
1 the bull game last Sunday, is said to be
Mucin a great m 'iisiire to Iteckner's
1 umpii ing, and If ickman's kicking. The
' great Fastern's w ill play the Oswego's
1 at the grounds in West Oregon Citv ut
2 p. 111., next Saturday.
Itev. and Mrs I J. R. Strayer. of
I.rwiston, I'enn. desires to state through
the columns n( Tiik Ks tkhI'Iiisk, that thev
desiieslo thank Mr. Harlow, and all the
kind friends at Can by and Parlows, tor
their christian conduct in tho burial of
Ithrirson, who was recently killed.
A local biewer lias figured it out that
during the year ended April 30, Oregon
consumed 114, MO barrels ol beer, an in
crease of 0.40S barrels over the same
period ending April 30. 1S!K). During
IH'.KI Oregon manufactured (11,401 bar
rels of beer, worth t:c'3,20ll.
The old WeBt Shore plant which was
recently bid in at the mortgage sale by
the Portland Commercial Hunk, it is
said is being sold out In piece meal to
vat ions parties. Present appearances
indicate that the field occupied by that
journal will remain vacent for 11 short
time at least.
A lot of plants are on sale at Liver
more' hotel from the Oregon City Ureen
House. I,evo onlers there for cut
('liiirinan A Hon areimylng the highest
price for wool, and selling goods, quality
considered, cheaper than any store in
Or-gon City. ,
'io to Chnrman A Hon, and examine
the Immense stock of summer goods,
lace and fancy hats In great variety.
Ladies' summer jackets lor 1,
Attention la railed to the advertise
ment of Messrs. Walker A Duke's, bouse
and sign painter Tub . Kstkhcsisk
recommends loam to ill w ho desire work
in this line.
For Sai.x. Boat house and ten boats.
Will teach business of boat making
to purchaser, Oood bargain for right
party. Reasons for selling getting too
aged. Thos, Ht'Nnv, Oregon City, Or. tf
Thayer A Alden offer at a bargain
a one six-horse power traction engine
and separator. Has only been nsed two
years and li in good repair. Wood saw
goes with It. P. Ice, loOO. 4t
For troublesome cough there Is noth
ing Is-tler t tin 11 Chamlierluin's Cough
Iteiiinly. It strengthens the pulmonary
organs, allays any irritation and effectu
ally cincs the cough It is especially
valuable for the cough w hich so olten
follows an attack of the grip. For' sule
dy u. A. Ilaiding, DriiKgist
FmuirhH A-rrvMTiriM A ram ritioor-
tumty to secure bender and thresher
inmost hs good as new at a bargain.
Mounted Woodlmrg ten-horse KJwer.
The famous J. I. Cae Agetata thresher
Also one ten-foot Haines header in itood
order. Call on the uudersifcTiied. Win
li.wiuiw, Jlarluw Statiuii. 4 t
A suggestion: If you are troubled
with rheumatism or a lame back, allow
us to suggest that you try the following
simple remedy : Take a piece of flannel
the site of the two hands, satii'ate It
wiih Chamberluin'sPain Halm and bind
It over the seat of your bain. It will
pnsluce a pleasant warmth and relieve'
you ot all pain. Many severe cases
have been cured in this way. The Pain
Haham can be obtained from G, A
Harding, Druggist.
Shells From the Men.
Ablone, limpets, sea urchins, and sea
moss alliums, petrified wood spar and
specimen ol wood . Also paT man
ufuctured from Oregon co'.ton wuod.
Address with stump, foi particularsto
Pacific Coast Socvksib Co. Clatskanie
Oretfon .
Fancy grceR
MASON FRUIT JARS eXnteedtofitr"
paney Groceries
On the west side of the river on the Oregon City and Portland road,
and Willamette river. Twenty-five minutes walk from the HUHpension
bridge. Affords a Fplendid view of the river, Portland and the East
side. This tract has been planhed and Hown in grass. Will be sold
cheap on eaey terms. Apply to ,
Tin, Sheet Iron, Copjier, Roofing,
Sauting and Plumbing.
Work ilnno Io enter st tbort notice snd t
Ri'sanmhle Price, at Hrvsnth Hlreet
a. w. M invAS, v. iV lwx m
1 -
Mr Levi Leland, bo noted temper
ance lecturer, died ot bis residence
alMjiit four miles from this city
hist Thursday. He was well known
throughout the state. Mr. U'lnnd waa
seventy-four years old ut tbo .time of his
death, and has resided in Clackamas
county for the paBt twenty-five years.
Mr. Lewis Freeman brought to this
olhce this week a specimen of son put one
discovered on the farm of Clinton
Latonrette by somo men ' who were
working the road. There is an exten
sive ledge of the rock, and from the
rank odor it emits It should be valu
able. ' ;
hum; .UN IN
IF'jrvxit Trees.
Lots 3, 4, 5 and (1, in block lti'.
Part CASH DOWN, Balance on time.
I inch Water Main on street fronting
Impure of C. Y. DRAPKK, at Office of
Uurney it Draper. jy3
Have constantly on hand a large assortment of Flowering Plants, edirubberv and
Bultis with larw-e assortment of best varieties of Roses Cut flowers at all
times and Funeral Decorations a specitiltv. A liir-e s'ock ot
Hong, hcultliv. Tomato, CabbatseandCabflower plants to
be bad at Ureen House, or E. K. W illiams or
Newton's grocery stores. Oregon City.
Park Place P. O.
1""SP0PE& CO.
The best grade of Paint?, Oils
and Varnishes at the low
est market prices.
Logger's scale boards absolutely cor
rect at this office.
Warren & Holman, Funeral Directors
and Undertakers, Oregon City Bank
Fresh Wilhoit on hand constantly at
E. U. Caufield's pharmacy, five cents per
glass. , ,
Fine TillowB made to order and Mats
Ruga, etc., of neat designs at Warren A
A good assortment of milinery goods
at Park Place Cash Store far below
Portland prices.
Good plastering and bricklaying sand
for salo cheap. Apply at postofllce.
Milwaukio, Oregon.
For bargains in sash, doors and
mouldings, go to R. Kinle-y, shop buck of
Pope's & Co's. hardware store.
Best Brands Mixed Paint
Remember the place near the '
Prof. Dunn Says oregon city
. There
ie no surer
or worthier pledge
of the intelligence and
the purity of any commun
ity than their general purchase of
Books; nor is there any one who
does more to further the attainment
and possession of these quali
ties than a first-class'
Keopiall the latest
Books and Periodicals,
Together With a tine Hue ot
Stationery, Blank Books
Etc. Etc'
H. T. mARTIfl
All Kinds of Rustic Furniture
All work guaranteed and the best of material used.
Settees, - - $( 00 Rocking chairs, - b 00
Arm Chairs, - - 4 00 Flower Stand, - - 3 to $9
Lamp Stand, - - $2 and 3 Diningroom Chairs per set, $15 00
Small Rocking Chairs and Baby Chairs to order.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
Heayy, Uf ml fcitoei
Harlware, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnislieu.
&i Young!
(Fir, Spruce and Cedar; also Laths, Tickets, Shin-
f ine river or ov ran.
Milt situated on Willamette river at I