Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 03, 1891, Image 2

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ttiul trirlrtor.
Thf pioneers of many counties throuitli
cm ti.o siaiv (i iv oignmyini; s,K'iutions,
nd their annual niiH'tinpi are wry enjowi
ble oieastous. Chukamns county probably
cvntains a larger number of the actual old
H'tt'ursof the stnto than any ether section.
ud yet no attempt bas been made to rorm
them into an organisation. Mr. Sidney
Richardson, the tint white male, child born
in Oregon city, in discussing the Urge num
ber of old settlers in Clackamas county,
counted up 25, who settled her previous
to lsW Of course there are quite a uu miter
that lie would not remember at a moment a
notice. The very earliest settlements, and
the most important events that occurred in
the early history of the state of Oregon
transpired here. The pioneers of Clackamas
county should meet and organise, and form
n association. Such an association with
its reunion, would ha stwml only to an
nuai gallierii'.gs of ilie Oregon 1'ioneer As
toitaiion. Why not organise and take part
in the centennial celebration of the diseo cry
of the iVumhu liver, which will be held
t Astoria on May 11, t ? TI.e pioneers
of this county should not delay in themat
trol 'forming un organiMtiou. A nutuher
of the pioneers are already agitating the
foi 'minion ol a o icly, and the nunc will no
doubt lie productive of the best results. The
Nstiie sSon of the Hoi-leu Wm, of t'alilwr
iiia. has become an important institution,
e.T 'i i.ow is an opportune tune for the name
oils of Oregon to form an organization.
Hon. Kohert Miller, ol" Jacksonx ille. formed
parlor of Native foiii of Oregon last S'p- j
tt'mtvr, immediately alter the adjournment '
if ti e Jin kson county 1'ioneer Assoeiution I
n-nmo-i. urn ine i lacKamas county pi-
titers meet to form their society, then will
I thetin-e for tlie native sons to form their
;nrlor. Oregon t'ity and I'lackaiuascoutity
have a considerable mr.nler of native lrn
s wis and daughters, and they should form
n organization to keep in remembrance the
Memories of the pioneers.
Yrt.tow fever is carrying off many vie-'
tints in lliini.il. The scenes witnessed at the
hospitals are dcsoriled as revolting, and the
death list is a frightful one to Contemplate,
A correspondent of the New York Mail and
Kxprrss, giving the result of a visit to a
hospital at Kio Janeiro, was shocked at the
fearful condition ot things there witnessed.
Thew were sixteen corpse uuhuried. Many
died from inert1 ant of treatment, and it
seemed to be the purose to let the patients
die as tiuickly as imssible.
Tn elteet of the McKinley hill in the
matter of tin plate manufacturing will prove
a boon to the I'liilcd States, especially the
Pacific coast. Already several large tin
plate establishments have closed down in
Ureal Itritaiu, ami their skilled workmen
will protiahly come to this country and ob
tain employment In the tin plate manufac
tures of thl country . So much for protection.
i.iKta: wrist Mil i. mvr TO
rrr ix.
Salkm rejoices over the completion of a
new electric railway line, and other cities
are building sewers, erecting new hotels and
manufactories, and pushing important en
terprises. Oregon t'ity w ill not lie behind
the procession. More mills and factories,
brick blocks, and possibly a new hotel are
the probabilities of the not distant future.
It is earnestly hoped that there will lie no
delay In securing the new ladder and truck,
and hose for the tire departmnet of thiscity.
A lire is liable to ixvur at any tune, and the
city should be prepared to meet any eiucrg
eney that arises. A good supply of water
with rotten hose and insecure appliance
would be of little avail in a lire.
Siineyorn at Work 1'slahllslilntf (inule
. of I.
Contract Let
for t'nliitltiK
Hotel lie
A iorh. n correspondent, eontnistifg the '
fact that ti 'rmany has i:o less than 3,lUi,iu j
vigorous ti en all trained in the art of war, 1
while the s tin total of the French army, on ;
a war footii g, is i on ti ved at J.ltm.uuo men. j
adds to the comment: "In theory, of
course, every young man in both tiern.any ;
ami France i t:ttre,l t.i he a soldier: and '
I a;-r estimates of the relative strength of;
' two ari' ie arv not to he .hi'm-d in lica
ti. c of the 'ones that would actually tie mo-
lih'-d in esse of the outbreak of war. The
Fren.-h generals and oiheers have n,a.ie it i
tbeir business to bring their sciei.ti.'ieenuip-
met t Well tip to the l.crman si.ir.l.ird, and ;
it may I doubted v.h.ther the army of:
Fi-oue i, :,ot ivxwr irei-and :'.: war to-
day than the h: i: arn.y .1 i.ertiuiiiy. :
Frarce has irl"ci'ti d her great military rail-
way system with a view to throwing the i
latest possible contingent of troops across !
the f'roi.tier in the shortest posite space of.
time, hvervtini'g is in momentary n adi
ness. The French ar:v is almost continn.
ally i:i mobilizations and extensive niaiicu-1
vers, and it will lie strange il! link for the i
republic if the heavy righting in the next !
war is not forced upon the east side of the
Ir is very apparent that better rapid tran
sit facilities are needed between this place
and roitlaiul, as several business men who
attend the ball game in Portland on Sun
das, cmplov a private conusance to take
j them to Oswego, from w hence they take the
taain to Portland in order to make connec
j lions.
; (nk of the most creditable acts of the
I present administration is the establishing
I by Postmaster General Wanamaker of a
board of promotions for his department,
promotions to be made on merit and capac
ity alone. For no other reasons should
promotions iu such a vastly important serv
i e be made.
At last Oregon t'ity will have an effective
sewerage system, with sewers running di
rect from the bluff to the Willamette river.
When this system is once established, cm
i.e. lions vv illi water closets should he regit
latod, and the practice of emptying slops
into the alley should lie stopped at once.
' our tow it
Kki'ouTs t'runi every portion of t'lackau us
county indicate a bountilul yield of grain,
and crops ul all kinds. Hops are growing
finely, and no ravages are Iteing reisuteil
tronilue, Clackamas county needs U'tter.lo
transj ortatimi la ihties to carry to market' Mvin s-ritur
the ; rinluets , if the sea.-on.
Ollter Stiles of interest.
A Skw Uhikt Mii.i,.- Mr, J, K, ltm k.
of the l.s t'amas llouritig mill, having heard
of th great opportunity ottered in Harlow
(or a grist mill, was iu our town last week to
examine Into Its merits, Mr. Orm ksiss
practical miller ot many ) ears rprieiuv,
and has been a grand financial success, lie
examined the mill raeathoroughly, and was
much surprised to liml such a grand open
lug for a mill plant. Tha engineers are now
at work establishing the grades that need to
lv cleared out to make tha race erfect, ami
s soon as survey is llnished a force of men
will be put to work to have the race per
fected In all details. The plant which Mr.
Drucks will put in will cost fifteen tlmunaml
dollars and will h complete in every de
tail. Considering the immense wheat grow,
tug section of country tributary to Harlow s.
ami the prodtnt w hich is almost all hauled
to this station is sulllcient assurance lor the
success of a good mill.
t'oisravcr Aw niinicn.. Messrs, IVas A
full received the contract for iiainting, pa
pering, and decorating the Hotel Oe lior
dou, their bid being the lowest received.
in Win ltn.uv.-At the depot last week
could I seen a very neat buggy, puichaseW
by Samuel Mark, ol Mark's Prairie, from
Mitchell Lewis A Co. The whole uphol
stery w as of scarlet red and presents a very
gay appearance,
C.vinsrT Snor.-Mr. V. Fvans has just
completed the erection of a very neat cahi
net workshop on Irving street.
to see him kept ipiite busy at the Ih'iicIi
II Y SiiiransTs. Mr. Win. Loveridge, of
Molalla, has had several tenuis hauling iu
hay, and has shipped several car loads l
the Portland market. Mr. W. W. Irwin has
also shipped away sever! ears this week.
Kkukkshhkst SrvNU.-- Mr. W. S. Tull
has a refreshment stand running hi full
blast on "Harlow tirami View Addition,
w hich adjoin the camp ground. "Hud's'
pleasant way of dishing tlia coot lehiouade
Is. nine captivatliiK, to say the least,
N kwsi'iikm It c KKsrsr vriv a Mr. II. l.
toiild, solicitor an. I reporter f.ir the Salem
Statesman, was in our town this week, lie
ma te sonic advertising contracts and list,, I
a number of subscribers.
iNsrmsee Co. Srkktxo lit iMrss.-Mr.
W. It. Iliiell, spei iiil agent fur the Farmer'
ami Merchants' Insurance Company, pant
List week ami aplsillite.t
I'mlUml, Oregon,
im in... sMt I HARDWAKin
V Notidwi-tirrii Annus to'
IVMer ltlami.t. --Uw licetdeat iiilllMn.ua - -l"ew "- atwb (,
uv ijiiivNvws..r
I'lvscont Wotlgos (warftiiitcil.) H t $ l'roof VhU. An-utlo Kilff.
I.tL'llCTS lllltl WtMMl ClltllipCrS SlKTJllltU'H.
Oregon t'ity Agent,
I tl
Are you wantini: oithor. a Farm
or a small tract
Call and cjxamino our choice list.
Willamette Falls Investment
The fourth Ht Smockvllle.
Sm.H'kvilh. lias boon making prepar
ations (or Hinne linn" for the ivle
bration of duly Fourth. The ban. I is
coming Irom Sow berg, ami the commit
tee ol arraugoiiietita have sent lor Sena
tor Tongue to deliver the oration, tl Ibe
senator is mvuroil the oration will be
well worth healing, as lie is one ot Hie
ablest orators ill the stale. Fvei ylhitig
Wee.vvt j going to be provnleil to make the ecle-
ilir.itiona pleasant atiuo mr an. n.eie
will be bull pla) lug, racing, dancing, mu
I sic. oration, ami apeeol ea, liesidea a
plenty l.icat, ami to drink at one dollar
K.rlHittle Ciitsf.
Utt r! k'
Ihli; k
I ol
Farmers, Attention::
. t
i will frtvo tiioiii v by lAkcHg y.llr-VlACM!NER,
agent- for hi- eompanv. He
; much surprise at the rapid growth of
Now that l'aniell and .Mrs. O'Shea arc
married ami settled down, they will cease
to attract the attention ot the world. Their
every movement will no lunger interest the
new spacer world. The shades of oblivion
i w ill swallow them up.
FiMsiicn." Mr. .lav t,reen.
who had the contract of gravclu.g the
street has tioishd the work on Maui street.
The work is commendable and presents a
sc. 'il,,. Huest selling medicine
I'ar r I , ,. ... I ! ... I hecatiso it a! w av s in ve
lion. O II. t 'l m:k. t irangev ilh
For sale bv lit o. A. Il.uding.
ut nr
Os the l-it of July the Weather Bureau
was transferred to the fostering care of the
secretary of agriculture. The act making
the transfer contains a clause to the effect
!iat the enlisted force of the signal corps,
txeeeding those otherwise provided for,
fchall be honorably discharged from the
army on Jai.a :;otli, and such portion of
this force as may lie necessary for the projier
performance of the duties of the Weather
B'!u shall, if they choose, lie transferred
to the department of agriculture. The com
pensation of (he force so transferred is to
Continue the .same until utl.tivviae provided
by law; but rt is provided that skilled ob
servers serving in the signal service at that
late shall be entitled to preference over per
sons not in (he signal service for uppoint
rr.. to the Weather P.nreau to places for
wbii.ii they l-e iU.V!!.I until tl.t expiration
of iiu term lor w !,t h they wer- enlisted.
luatt-v Ikivv prosperous may he the
tiou uf hu.'it.e.s? iu a citv, if iis inhab-
do mil. priil- the.'iiseives in making
!,uildi:..' :i::'l sheets auraetve. new
s ii4 nut be favorably impressed.
" gers coming to the city with capital to
.., , jiidgn tin.' wenlth and prosperity of
i by its cieanlv kept stren- and neat
licil-lings. The penile of Oregon City should
tut. tU-t i.t C'lisideratioii. and that
po-'!"i of the city along the railroad track
hbmuj at l ast present on attractive appcar-
a '
T.. first arrest under an act passed
by !'.? last legislature, "An Act to Regulate
the. nights and I'uties of Employers and to
Pr -:t the loRhk of Business Men." Un
der the provi.siii.s of this act. E. M. Carson
was arrested, charged with boycotting
Fto' .'s baliory in Albina. Prominent
tt.K. of the FcJerated Trades, state that
if' ' nviction is bccureil under this act they
will lenini'.her (Joverr.or Pennoyerfor not
Tt'.: g the act, and representative Willis,
for" :;incc;ing the hill through.
T spi ointment of Mr. (.'. II. Caulicld
aa manager of the Wiliamette Transporta
tion .Hid Uicks Company is evidence that
t! ' irporation, as well as the Willamette
Falls Eleclric Company, intend to niaket
suiim. iutfovcnients, and pursue a course
th ' ' ill redound largely to the benefit of
Oregon City. Mr. Caulicld's reputation as
a oessful business manager is unques-
ti" 1 . and his conservative course will in
sure a prosperous ftitare lor the W. T. it L.
Ajsothfr Fourth of July is at hand with
it al i;.''!n of fireworks, and attend
ant ;..ingfi tu.ii possible blazes and confla-
r; '!: ii! if behooves the fire depart-
a..! ';'ir""s generally, to be on their
, ". : ...j that the apparatus of the
, aiii... ot U in complete working or
rnv'.i .....i.i siin.ihine would make
imi .o.cuf, mid the burning of
.ucUcr and explosives so prevalent on
-ay often utvuse disastrous fires.
New fn.
Farmers rejoice over the return of good
weather, as there is a good deal of clover
hay ready to be cut.
Mr. George Ross, of Portland, came up
last Monday to look after his mill property
in New Era.
Dr. Uoucher, of Mulino, made us a
short call on last Monday. He says the
Molalla grange have recently raised a Hag
pole and have purchased a new flag.
Warner grange, No. 11", met last Satur
day at their ball with the usual large at
tendance, and a very interesting meeting vv as
held. Tbe third and fourth degrees were
conferred upon Mr. and Mrs. bawton, of
Mt. Pleasant.
Mr. Jacob Crader enjoys a ride in a bran
new hack which he has recently pur
chased. Crops of all kinds look excellent in this
locality ami an abundant harvest is sure to
be the result.
j Most pccplc here will celnbrate the
j Fourth at Wright's springs where a gnixl
time is czpected by all.
I Mr. I . II. Frost has hauled out a most
beautiful Hag pole, 81 feet in length, which
will be painted and raised at the brown
school house.
Milisrd Hyatt closes a most suoccsslul
term of school in the Urow's school dis
trict on July 1st.
Mr. John Haley lias sold his farm con
sisting of HO acres to a Rerman who is re
cently from Wisconsin, consideration
And that reminds us that we think New
Era precinct the finest siiot on earth and
those looking for good cheap land can
find the same right here. Come and see.
June 2trth, 18'Jl. BnoRiv.
g -
After living so long in darkness we once
more see the sun. Hoie the bright days
will last until after the Fourth.
Mrs. bkirviii;, of Nebraska, and her fa
ther, Mr. Nicholson, were the gaests of
( harks Moran a few days this week.
Mr. H. C. Kingo, sons and friends, have
returned from their excursion in the moun
tains, and report having had a good time.
Mr. T. B. Hankins, of Maple lane, was
U) Saturday night and participated in our
debate, lie proved himself a good speaker
and a genial gentleman whom we were
pleased to meet. Come again, Mr. Hankins,
Hops are looking exceeding fine, and the
bop louse has not made its appearance in
this vicinity yet; therefore the hop growers
are smiling all over.
The cherry orchards looked like a picnic
out fora holiday last Sunday, and all seemed
to enjoy themselves immensely.
The closing exersises of the puhlie school
will he held at the school house Friday,
July .'til, at 1 o'clock v. M' An interestinir.
program is being prepared, and we hope
the friends will be present.
Mrs. I. S. Clark and Miss Ma Newcash
ncr made a visit to Oregon City Hsturdny.
Mr. fl. W. firacc sold a large 'jiiaiitity of
shingles in Oregon City, and is keeping
several teams busy delivering therm
Unas nr i.
June 2!), 1801. ,
! commence work on the rest ot the streets,
j which, when limshc.l, w ill look creditable
lloR Aims. Misses Mollic S. Harlow
anil Veva Tull returned trom school at Port
land last week sml intend to spjml the great
est portion of their vacation at Ihitlnw.
It.ui.KoHi SravKYoK. A surveyor of the
sioulhcru Pucilic railroad was here tlos
week, and surveyed oil several acres ad
joining liniml View Addition at the tamp
grounds, which has liven purchased by Mr.
Win. Harlow.
Camp Msrrtsu. The Methodist camp
ing is now in full blast. On Smiilay lust
some two hundred teams lined Irving street
en route to the grounds that presented a
metropolitan ap)iearance.
Store licti.iusu Conn ascsD. The work
on the store building of W. W. Jesse was
commenced on Monday last. The plans
show a two story Mnai. It will beacredita
ble building for a merchandise store, and
will lie stocked with a new and complete
assortment of merchandise that will be an
inducement to everybody in this section to
do their trailing there.
Exi'KK.js Orrn a. Wells, Fargo A Co.
have placed their agency with the railroad
agent, where all express matter will here
after be received and sent.
CoMMKkciai. Tkavsi.kiis. Mr. Cohlent.,
representingt'ohlents V 1-ev v, han Francis
co; F.. Hunsakcr, representing Flei keiistein
,t Mayer, Po.'tlaml; ri. (iohisinith. repre
senting Mason, Khrman & Co , Portland ;
S. Myrick, representing The A. P. Untitling
Co., Portland, anil several other commer
cial men wcrcin ourtovvn this week. They
term the Willamette valley "ihcpicen" lor
trade and sure pay.
Him ksKti iHovt Nkw Yokk.- Uur old
pioneer. Mr. S. K. Oakley, relumed I'roi.i
Sew York this week. It being his lirit
visit to his native slate in foity year he has
many changes to relate.
(,'KI.KHitATINU THE Fot Kill . I W il ig to so
much other business in our busy town our
citizens decided not to hold a celebration
this year; a great nil in her therefore will
leave .Saturday morning for Portland where
they will participate. Nki.i.ik.
A. Mather has sold his stock of general
merchandise to William Kunyiin. Mr.
Mather has been a merchant here lor the past
twelve years, and had built up a large trade.
But he is like many othosr ; he hail made his
stake and wanted to quit. He will have his
bouse, just north of Clackamas, overhauled,
and w ill move there; so we will not lose him
alter nil. Hi. Kunyan starts out utnlor the
most favorable circumstances.
Clackaniasites will scatter out on the
Fourth; some will go to Maudy, some to
Portland, anil some will stay at home. We
shall go to Sandy where the 1m.it Hows free
as water, and they never tire of dancing, If
we get hack all right will tell all about it in
the next Entkuckise.
Mr. M. M. Matlock, ofHilverton, has been
pending the past week with friends at this
Sol Garrison, ofCauhy, was here the llrst
of the week visiting the A. O. V. W. lads.
J. A. Talbert will go to Victoria the last
ot next week as a delegate to the Grand
Lodge A. 0. V. W. from Clackamas lodge.
Tbe following frank statement (rotn
J. K. Hare, of Trenton, Texas, will lie
of interest to many of our ciilzens. "My
little boy was very bad off for two
months with iJiarrhtca. We usud vari
ous medicines, also called in two doctors,
tut nothing done htm Btiy good until we
used ('hanibcrlain'g Colic, Cholera and
Diarrliii'a Remedy, winch trave immedi
ate relief and soon cured him. I con
Bider it the best medicine made and nun
conHcientiously recommed it to all who
need a diarrhcea or colic medicine."
For gale by Geo. A. Harding, drugging
The F.asl Portland canning campany
have all the order they can till, ami a
largo area of pons, etc., have Ucn
grown this seas.ni tor maiket. Tbeie
arv over 'J1! ut res in alone at
Oiickauias this season. The Salem
cannery has eontriie led 'lor fruit alt (be
way down to Milwuukic
Mr. Clink, to tit public - 1 wish to
say to my lnends and the public, that 1
regard t iiani bet Iain's Colic, I 'In 'lei a and
I'larrlio a Ivt'inedv as the !! pn paia
tioti in tfelor t'olif and I'iariho a. Il i
I ever
s.ltlsi.O -',
IV l
III almost every lioiglihotlin.! there
is muni' one or molt' persons whose lives
have Isi'ii saved h t luiniln'riiiiu s t ultc,
t'liiilera anil lliartboi'' Ivemcdv, or who
have been cured ul ebr Mile dian lnte by
il. Such periods tak" special pleasure
in recommending Hie remedy In ' theis
The praise that follows the introduction
ami use makes it very popular. '.' ) ami
.'Hi cent bottles for sale by ti. A. Harding.
Now is the linn) to providti yourself
and family with a reliable remedy lor
bowel complaints. It is almost ceiisin
to be needed, and no family can allord
to lie without it It costs but a tritle
ami may be tbe means ot saving much
Rulfering, it not life. There are manv
different reniftlies in use, but Chamber'
lain'a t'olio. Cholera ami Iharrhoe
Remedy is undoubtedly the lst. '.'.1
and 50 cent bottles tor sale by (i. A.
Harding, lruggist.
llucklen's Aml:a Suite.
The Rest Salvo in the world lor Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, fleers, Suit Rlnuiin,
Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and nil Skin Krup
lions, ami positively cures Piles, or no
pav required. It is guaranteed to give
tiertect salislaction, or money refunded.
Prii e cents per box. For sale by ti
A. Harding.
Niih Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will
siitely do you good, il you have a Cough,
Cold, or any trouble) with Throat ( best
ur I. ungs. lb. King's New IWuvciy
(or Consumption, Coughs ami Colds is
guaranteed to give relief, or money re
funded. SuH'orer from I. a (iritus. found
it just the thing ami under its use had a
speedy ami perfect recovery. Try a
sample bottle at our expense ami learn
for yourself just bow gisid a thing it is.
Trial bottles free ut (i A. Harding's
drugstore. Large size otic, and (d.lkl.
He Your Onn Master.
Few people appreciate bow much
their impressions, their whims and im
pulses, ami in fact all their mental en
ergy di'is'iids on tbe harmonious action
of all the vital organs. A poorly di
gested dinner uiuy make one tiinrri.
with a friend, A congested lever iiinv
bring imaginary gloom and trouble into
the sunniest duv. A rheumatic pain
mav keep yon from business or work
anil entirely rlmngo some marked out
policy A few doses of Mdoiu'h Re
vealed Remedy will give tone to every
function anil make you enjoy your
friends and and work.
Voti will stive tiiitiii'v by Ukciig yuiir-MACMlNEfi' ''
ft w
The lsl of material tis. il, nti l ii.uii but skilleil Ul,,,
(live us n trial uiol m if our jirifVs, uro tml it low nx the j,.,
wi.rk utmratitietl ns n irf.iit.... All work ilouo jinuiM'th I'1"
jobs Ultclltleil to without delay. All kinds i.f t cJ
.... -
Machinery Supplio Kept on Han
Cnslttig- fiiriiish.il. Agent f..r Wufl A I'.radyV ( K,
Krii'tiiUi Mft.il, and Mi.rri.n V S. If Lubricating iVkitig
I t ! l.V I.' I. i'k It i
uw.llli( HI,, I I ti H(i,rA"
Shop, 5th and Water bis., Oregon City, Cf 'i
Near l.i.c
lis A Albright's Lut, h- r U,,,
uiuyun uuy csasn ana uocr;
t'atry the l.nr st St.s k of .
Sash, Dibiis. Blinds, .Mouldings, K
In r gnu City.
ft to
ll .
cr. I urtiiK iihi
Estlmatoii for Stair Work and Store Frontyit
Furnished on iiniilii'iitioti. littihlfrs wivn us ell "
. . r t
s'lriiil sii snf Pours atitl Wiuilows iniulo tourd
in not of tin- host, and our jricos as low as the lowest,
on application.
Factory, Cor. Main and llih Sts., Orego
Joliiiion A Idleiiimi, Altnrneys.
Ali.MIMH'1'l'.A'l'OltH NOTick
I heresy kIvo notice Hint I h o been
sppoltilwl by the Oiunly Cuurl ol (Jlseksiuss
Ciilltily, Oration, Administrator of llmiikUte o(
Andrew IioIsIisk, ilei sud. All pi-rnuoi fmv.
In( claim bkm lltsl hhIiI eainti. prem'tit
tlieiii, tluly vsrtfluil, at the mil en o( w C
Johittuin. lawysr, Iu Oregon City, Orenon, with
in six months Irm the iliiteul thin nutlet, nr
the Mine will not be sllowml.
If you wantTHK 1IKST, buy
If the merchant you deal with (loos not
keep them send to AMKN diiur.t. lie
pays the pohIuup. Ilcaiitiliil cutalouut)
sunt free.
171 Second Street,
At hi Nftv Mill, f.t
k tul nil -i.o
' I
1' " 1 1 1 t 'H'L'1II Citv. nil I tit Mithu'-lsr
has a ''ull StiM-k nf" "d
Flooring and Ceiling
'"'I'-'h I. 1st nf (ho l,cst itiiility.
order iind ti livi rnl irnlilptly.
I' ?' 1
id n
pn t,
1 1 ;i 1 1 vi
"Oili r.'ii tii iiml imvn liiiiiifi tv iu l,...i .. ...i in t
. . i ''r iiMiii'i iu lxm luiiiv -
Nintill niftiuHVill liml it next to imiioHHihle toW vo
ri'ircn are low now, mid gBI)
int't'H not to Im hud f ,liy oth,,r ,.fti Kutato liyh
MulH IU lltrLff liml mm, II lr.,..(u u h.rllK, i old
, , pi, in, .'..i,., iiiubn, till I'linj -.- i -
lalilf Imn and Suhurlmii prnpoi ty. CorrfHjKintlonctt HU-
run (rivi yon
t'hoice Knriii
t wi
The New Remedy. - - Absolutelrfe
Thousands Already Cured J
"''i!s niritoiii: uu-ify. n
v , . JliirrlwuW-i' ..Cr ma
K.elUHlvo Anem, fr cwkarmu, County, TI10H, CAB 'j,t on
OW i
. JU...