i ic JCnterprtHc KlUOA Y, JUNK SMI, Mil. IHEDULES OF TIME BlU'THijM PACiril! RAILWAY -.:.' MOUTH B"I Kh. a twny ullniM) r'(tliriiiili) 4 ttatitma) ' SOUTH MoI'Mlt. ..il (way alatiiina) ii () iiaiiMtai niit Ktprvaa (tliriiiiiilil 1M . in. 4H HI. J M . m. im m us p in 7 61 i. in 0. t. TCOHNTKAIUKHH. llllliM IT. IVS rUHTI.AKU iii, V mi, in, in, loin, in. . in, 'IVliuti m. p m. , I wi ni, m. " uo p m. aar Alinnn-lt HaliM nn atop al t lamlluia tii'il al lliru. -ilimiiY,-- too ill, k HI . I'. HI . .f i romi inii. auua. in, II n . in, 4 IS) a. IU. Special Notice! (IladntOne Hawnilll Company rintiU) ltig prim lur liiinlwr delivered In iin patinC llin City, vie: inn HoiIKh AIM i l,uii.lr .... It HO litf, Oiling, Hustle, KImkIiImk ititwrKiral l ii o I phkola, full alts k on hand. t i'Iuhh mill, khhI work ruiiii tlellv. II. K. IIIOHH, Mnimiri r. ' WtAfHRK Itl'M.KTIN No. II. lits'M weather cmp repot t fur the ending HhI iinluy , Juno L'l), 1HUI, Heavy rwl(i have hindered liny ill Full wheat Imn IihIki'iI to Hum I and clover i Injured. Weeds (riiwn rapidly, wtiflo llio trrnuiul Ml loo wet to enltivate, SnniiK erupa r ui'iu-mlly dolnit wcl, It sunshine and weather a retreat rfed, ClmrrhJ r sulft-ring (torn ini In soma pliD rntthiK on the Although till) Weather hull 1HI ni and rwinv, crops In general, with ;tpt!orUl fisv, are dolou well. Tim mm Ii -prevalent In Marlon mill omitlcs, tun iliu crop la urowiittf , In Kaatern Oreuon Hie rain was i ni lxn!H to heat, liny lift twen il to inime extent. The Mcrptttrtt ol lit Union, Umatilla mill Wnlln OoUlltlea II kwvll Increased i'U lit, ftiul tlm yield r acre w ill lie or greater tlmn last year, In .h'u1i!k, eclally in the west rth ul i'cndli'toii mul weal of Wall tlii wheat Imn I htm tiuriil A fow fields will not be tmt. On it hills and hitfh lands tlm wheat pwr Iwtler than liit year. Tlm : (mill I'ttHtiun ttri'ipm nml Wash- i fl't"! ptesent Indications will be ,: M two iiiillioiin or ilium IhihIihIh ! ..I n( lat vi'iir. n. (: tii Tkmi'I.aiiii. Tin' tnanly' Hi niinmil Kxaaion (if I In' Krulnl 'I t'rrtfiin IniliMnitilit OnliTut I inrn linn juit bwil cuirliiiliil ii-! a, ftltcr nu nni-vMilful w i p. t diij'ii timiiil lmln tilllicia ' ' I l'r tliw fimuiiiK vi'r u (ul iU'.T; IIiiijIi llmrimiit, JIIVr i, t'. KiukIiI, -tiili-iiii U. V, T.. .urnn I,. Smith, Kiliun ; U. H , J K'l'iii'n,Tli Diillnn; O. T., -r , hali-m; tl. H, J. T., Mi T. c, l's I'nlli'ii: ( l'lini , Mm. M t. r. MfttiMii; tl A. H., V M , Cant-v; tl, M , t'lmmii'y t'iiw, ml; ti. l. M , MIm HiM'Siiiijck, vii!i-: Ci C Mini Mnry Htiimnii ; ;i A-nt ,A hnyili'i, 1'oilliinil; , T. JiilmiKin, Ji'iri'rwm. The Ii. '.;,.; K ill IIIIM't llHXt VI'MI Ht TIlC hi-fmnailjiniriiini'tit, n''iluiniim itil , teil Oil wvurnl mihlorti, n i!i.itlunl (inti ronihrtiiiiiK the W'iitiJ prlr.i'iih' ul tlm onliT ' ,! lit.nluit'lii-o fur tlm Inilivicluul ! stiStuiil by the will of the hm- li.MMtnte." ID . I'UMKNT KoKKMAN Tll8 ( ii'ii'tnun of tlm Kmpira Mhihi iiiiCu, , who utiilti". tlmt ho wnn 8 limn who innilt! tlit eompUinl it Jnlin Smith, nn t'in)loyfB ol jmpuriy, fur iilt, whs man In l iu KMrkRi'iiiNK of luBt !(, j hut ht tiikri no pnrt In such rtw, I mil i ni nl wu iiimlii by Mii lmol vi ha wiu formerly fortiumn i fiMtttry, hut now tiniployod in ic!i!!" niton. It whk not lite In- i tn iKt tlm pnmunt (uroimiii of thn t nn InitiHlii'ii, hut tlmrv wim pii'vuliMtt on lh Ktrti'lti to the cf' hut it wan llio prHnt foituunu Inctorv win) iiiHlituliHl l!to pro- K Thin linph'tmion Tint Kntkr in pliitii to rorri'i't . Mr, Frniw Kfi'innn iiiiilrr the old uiiiihiku i' Thaciikkh' Ahuociation. Tlm m for tliu hiiiiuhI nuH'tiiiK of tlm I Ji'iirhorn Annociulion to t hold 'port, on YiMpiinit buy lioniJtiin1 l!v Imn hiti'ii ri'frlvi'd nt thi" Ol citicitiiB of Newport linv : i t'oiuitiittco who will do nil i , Br to innko tho Mtnv of thono ii i t pU'UHimt. I'rof. 1'Vnnk Uin ' uitv, will opiui n (llmiiiiwioii Vii.rt Hhull Wo TiHich ' Ar i. hiivo bi-en mmlo forroduc i (.ii.'s ovor nil the ruilrond line", in loral conmiilleo hat HrratiKwl iiui and loduinu lo niombern of i'!uion at $1 per day. The oi itative and numicAl lalAiit in .to will lie present and lake part isxortiara, BKitv, Khiiit Farm. Mohsm. and JM oha, of Oregon City wool 1h, lusve twottly-llve acres planted t tltelr furm about onu and U niilen bulow this city on the hie of the river. They bIbo i live acre in atrawljprrioa thin , of thfl aharplcaa and ever bear iriotiM, Mr. It, 8. Hentie butt "f tint h int farm. This is only tho dosons of fruit fariiia in this f, and the enor((olio proprietors it lKiQiiinit the work of making fliiHiva fruit farm. The Bull is lily adapted to this purpose, and prove a profitable investment. Tii at Clackamas. Clackamas, la or celebiatinK the Fourth of July J ntylo, and as usual will have a uino the coming national day. will be a grand procession, with cur, etc,,reading of declaration of ndeiico, the iiard of statoB, ora itmio, prices for the handsomest id Knt!eman, with basket picnic pnian'a grove. I'mes will bo of ) winners in sports and races of Is. An egg race for women will of the attractive features, and nn gamea of other kinds will he In-lt, I'pnoti'ai, I't'i'ii.s in liirwrf No. 44. Tlm following iiiiplln wio miitln-r ahmott nor lanlv, miilng lh iimntli end IngJuiiiillili, IHUli l.oiiUu lloileinmii, Flln Ktt-wiirl, Tibbie Htewiut, Vokh Viilsih, Albert llli'hfy, tho Klciiry, Orvllla Jiorini, Frmik If Ut.iy, JVter Velaeh, Hunie rtlewiut, l')iinirt iJiekey, Willie jli'ilerliiitil. I'Munr Wilhiow, KHIh Klchoy, Mauuik (uirraindit, Teacher. Tint Gunk" (Joh. While ih rain Iihk, lo n certain exlwiil, nlfii'ted the entire fruit crop if has ruined the cherry crop far as foreign shipinc it aie con nvrund, The t'allfurnla crop Is a fnlluiu and San Frani lM'o nieicluuiis hud mule arrangcmentl for Ihu nin lino of the On'gim stork, When the heavy rains I eg.ill they coiiiiteriiialiiled tlielr otiliim. There are no sound cherries in the mar ket. W. T. A.TCorKijtcTioM.-On last Haturdav a meeting ol the direciors of the W. t. A 1 Co. was held In I'orlland. The members of the board of directors present from this city wr : C O. T. Williams, Thoa. Ch irnian, P. II, Can Held and (I. A. Harding. The Mllcera elected at a meeting held on the previous Monday were Installed, as follows : 0. It. Caulleld, president; Thou. Chut- nun, vice-president j and I'. F. Morey, secretary, HrniNKua Imihovinii Nolwllhi.tiiiid liig the general iiiiiipliiliit of tl it 1 1 limes the bummtftK of J, W, (('Council, the clothier and hatti-r, hits incna-ed to siii'h an extent that he has einplnyed a mm' clink, Mr. A. F. Tierce, recently of Illinois, He Is couliiiitally stocking up bin siore witit new giHHls and cai rien no shop-won ntiH-k, lie has hud the front ul iiinatiire hainlsoiiiely pninied in black ad gold, which glcs it the iiiost nt tmctive appearance of any business hiiustt in the city (.hlMIM'uSK ON TMK AltlUIA. All Ohio uiaiiufitcturcr has been seeking thiough i he Salem Statesman for a lie k1i of saiidctoiie suliahle for making giiiiilRtolien, It I now leportcd that the Miur.iy stone quarry in this county on the Aliiipia. thirteen . tullm front Silvertou, is llrt class (or griliiUtonas Tins atoiin is an id pi ul ex.'idlent quality. Orindsl mes nimlu of It have liei. hi uxe for vears and have done good service. Clackamas votiuly ha the best deposiu of atone of various kinds in the state. HkTI SMKII FaoH TIIK CjlASf. M"S1S II. T. Mailin, A J Smith, and Ii, W. Thomas returned this week from a trip to Nestuct I'BV, and roport having bail a veryvougli trip on account of the heavy rains Mr. Martin was formerly connected witli I'rof. Marsh, of Kansas, ill the t oiled Nlulra ginhnical re -cure 1 1 and surveys, mul hits made a Hoe col. h ction of fusils. He fiutiid smite raie Kt iniens iltnlng his vinit to tlm con!, and coiiidirs this pait ol Oreiuu n line Held (or the geologist . Mr. Martin will lliitkn all eH'oit to g,-t tierioiHiiuii to I ... .L.. - ....tt. . ..I I. . I I . . 1 utiiK,- n , iii-i-,iiii hi nmnin Hli WCIKI them east. A Ft XI. l(KI'KkKNTArol I't llllt ll his repiirlml that it will probnhly be illiniMlile fur some o the ineililicl'S of F com parr)' to attend the encampment at St, Helens, as thev are afraid ol losing theli tnatiliiiiis by leaving at that tune. Kiiiployeis slmiil 1 by all aus give their cmplojea nil opH.rliinily :o attend the eiu ami'iiieiit, aa it i very iniirt.iiit th.it I-' coiiipuiiy ahould Im fully tepMfented to nutke a creditable "hiiwiiig. As the llrst week after the Fourth ol July is the dullest of the year in business circles, it is homd eiuployeis will readily grant a leave of absence' to their help. A full representation of F company will bo a good advertisement lorOn-giti City, Uano F.xitHnioN The Willamette Coronet Hand will give their excursion to the O N (i. encampment at St. Helens, on Thursday, Julv Hth. Kvery ell'ottia being made lo innko this the most sticcenstiil excursion of the season. The steamer L' inline has been charteicil for the trip, and will arrive on abort time, thus giving the excursionist the greater wrt of the day on the grounds. All the companies of the First Hegiment, O.N. ti , will he in camp, and visitors will never have a better opportunity lo witness the military evolutions of the state militia. From the lautt landing to the encampment grounds, shady groves add to the amieararu-e of the scenery, and (rum the 'lank oj the river a splendid vli w is alforded of Mount Hood and St. Helens and a ixirtion of the slate of Washington. No better o poi tuiiity w ill present itself for a pleas ant day's outings Fikbt Kkoimknt Kscampmknt. F. company are making rapid strides to ward pei feci ion in the art of drilling, and will make a creditable showing in camp at St. Helens during tho week following thn Fourth ol July, Colonel Heche has issued order that the encamp ment ol the regiment will be doxiginatcd as Camp Oihbon, in honor ol Hrigadicr (ii'imnil John Gibbon. The ollicial camp orders have been received (or the information and guidance of the regi ment while in camp. Section second, of tlto orders provides as follows; This regiment having been ordered Into camp hv the conimamler-in-cliiel in compliance with the requirements of the Btata milli tarv law, attendance thereat is compul sory, and excuses for absence will not he entcrta nod. All absentees at any time during the continuance of the encamp ment, except upon authority aa herein after deaignated, will be required o anoear heore the regimental court ol disipline and fined aa in ita judgement may be directed. Fkstival at Mountain Vibw. A very pit as nit literary entertainment and strawberry festival was given at the Congregational church at Mountain View laat Friday evening. Notwith standing the rain and mud the church was pretty well filled. The program commenced with Instrumental music and singing by Mr. Win, Raucli and daugh ters, which was followed with well ren dered recitations by Misses llaiiol Gil ford, Elizabeth Ely, Martha Katich, Ag gie Beattie Ella Grout, Annie Darling, Mary Ely and Master Eddie Hauch, in tersiwrsed with singing. Messrs. Geo. Kinearson and Meldrum MuCown repre sented Oregon City at the festival, ac companied by a representative of Tub Kntkrcuisk. Meldrum tried to retail some of his old Oregon City gags to the boys sitting around Ely's store before the entertainment began, but they wouldn't bite. At .the festival George Kinearson ate 50 cents worth ol cake with a ten cent order ol strawberries and cream, and apologized by compliment ing the quality of tho cake. The straw berries wore served with genuine cream and excellent cake. Miss Hoattio's re citation was snlendil, and dolivorod with good elocutionary effect. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Mr, John Jeitn'iigs went to llwaco Tuesday on a slent busims trip. Mr, lili'liur.l Kcott, ol Mllwauklu, lias tiie'euled the Hahv Home at Fast i'orllaml with a good milch cow. A good assort men! of nillinei y comls at I'nik I'hice Cash Store lat ladow I'orlland prices, The members of the federated tradea ,a I'oitliind, contemplate having n picnic excursion to th.n city. For bargains In sah, doors and mouldings, go to K. Flnlcy, shop back of Pope's Co's hardware store Mr, John (ii'lett now step very high around the town of Mountain View, on account of the arrival of a hoy. The case Mgnlust T, W, Hlelck, (he alleged defaulting school eleik of Alhlua, has been poslaiued III definitely. Mr. 0, E A. Krevlag, the live grocer, announces that he has a la'ge mock of fruit jam, which will be sold cheap. Mr, Geo. L. Btory, who wont to Har ney valley last Hummer, has returned to Oregon t'ity for a brief viit lo bis par ents. Chaplain C. C. Italeman, of Van couver, will be the orator of the day at the Portland celebration on the Fourth ol July. Chariiiiiu A Sou are paying the hlghext price for wind, nml i-clUng gsids, quality considered, cbeiiH'r than any aloie lit Or-'gun City, Hull. It. It. I.ill'lcll.hnenieilv probata judge of Ness county, Kansas, has been induced lo locate in Ibis city at the solicitation of Hon. U.C. Ilrowiiell. io to ('Illinium A Son, and examine the immense stork of summer goods, lace and fancy bats in great variety. Indies' summer jackets for 1 Mr. Sol Garrison, the Ii ve news rust ler of Thk Kxtkhi'Iusk at Canbv, w as In Oregon City Saluulay Mr 11. A. Iee, of that place accompanied him here. Closing out sale of sash, doors, and mouldings at K, Finle' shop back of l'o A ( u'a hardware store. The tx-at bargains ever ollered in Oregon City. Mr. A.T. !ix, loruieily a resident of Canhy, but now of the slate of Wash ington, was in Oregon City Satutdav. He slill has proirly interests in Clack auius county. lit the porecdings of (be Wihdtart Thomas rase of hit week, il should have read : (ieoige Wilehnrl plead guilty to j assault on Job Thoinns, and was lined ' f 12, w hit h he paid. ! Col. Ctirrey and Son Imve retired i from the uiiiiiiiieiiiciit of the Grant's I I'ass ('miiier The laM issue cam" out i under the direction of tle new publinher, Jerry Nnnan. of Corvalhs. A move is on foot tti establish a camp of the Sons (S Veterans at this lace. Tweiitv-loor mimes have already been enrolled, unl il is expected thirty charier member will be secured. As an evidence that there are loo nianv newspapers in some (tortious of Oregon, the .S,t tnglield tiazelte, w hich was started itltout three months ago, gave up the ghost the other day. , Thayer A Alden Tcr at a bargain a one six-home power traction engine and senate tor. Has only been used two years and is in good repair. Wood saw goes with it. I' h e, ra). 4t The (.'enlrul Point F.ntetprise says that Hcv. Puroits, of Oregon City, who attended lite llrst annual meeting of the ttogiio Hiver Valley Camp Meeting asso ciation, delivered a very forcible, sermon in Ihe afternoon and returned to Oregon City in the evening. There was an exciticg hull game Sun day between the Spokane and Portlands The game stood ti to 5 in favor .ol the SKikane. Twelve innings were played ankle deep in mini. The umpire, Con over, was severely criticised, as his de cisions lost the Portlands the game. The West Coast Lumberman, formerly the Wealth of the Northwest, is now published monthly by Frank B. Cole, it is devoted to the lumber 'interests of the northwest Pacitic coast, and is withal a lively, interesting and instruc tive journal, and is published at Tacoma. General Kusoll A. Alger, ex-governor of Michigan, passed through Oregon City Friday night in a special car, accom punicil by hie family. He was on his way to San Francisco, ami did not have time to stop oil' to see the manufiicturiiig industries and great water power o( this city. Mrs. Hosie Wilson, of Sauvie's Island, daughter of John Dunn, an old resident there, drowned herself in a slough last l rnhiv. Her action of suicide arose from the fact that she married Wilson while her piel'ertuico was for a cousin named Morgan, to whom her parents objected. Three hundred and fitly dollars have been subscribed for F company, Tho uniforms were to bavo been shipped on tho . 20th dnst. ' F, will be the only company in tho regiment . with full dross uniforms, the Portland companies having only dress coatB and helmets. A boy' at Mnnntaiii View the other dsy found a jflO gold coin evidently made in California, and bearing the date, of i8ft2, With the letters S. M. V. If any of the readers ol Tub Entkrckisb can throw any light on (10 coins of that date and lettering, the will please communi cate with this office, as coins of that demonstration and date evidently possess historic interest. In another column will be found the law card of , Goorge C, Brownell,, law yer. Mr. Brownell baa filled the oflice of county attorney In Kansas,', and was also attorney (or two' different railroad corporations. He conies highly recom mended and has letters of introduction from Ex-senator Ingalls, of Kansas, and senator. Mitchell, of this state.. His oflice for tlm present is with Messrs. Burney & Draper. A gentleman from Beaver creek, who called at this oflice Monday states that the Fourth of July celebration to be held near Edward Hughes' place is not a sectarian affair, but was gotton by the people of that plaoe irrespective of any particular church or creed. The peoplo of that section are united in their efforts to have a Fourth of July celebration, and are determine) to make it a grand success. fresh WI hot on hand constantly al K. (j Cauflcld'a pharmacy, five cents (sr glass, - Mr. E. W. Randolph, receullyof Iowa, lots purchased a limine and two lots in Green Point addition, and coulemplaten erecting another lieal cottage on the prtiatrty , i Mr. Earnest Elliott has sank a well on his place near the head of Seventh street, eighty-five feet In depth, and will obtain a supply of splendid water The excursion from Newberg that went uu the Columbia on tiie steamer Undine last Saturday bad 3K) passen gerson board. The iiiangrs of the excursion are said to have cleared fjl.'iO. BUSINESS LOCALS. Uo to Wilson & Cooke for Oliver plows, Logger's scale boards absolutely cor rect at this office. Warren A Holman. Funeral Directors and Undertaker. Oregon City Bank building. Fine Pillows made to order and Mats Itugs, etc., of neat designs at Warren k llolinau's. Good plastering and bricklaying sand for sale cheap. Apply at poatoflice. Mitwaukie, Oregon. A lot of plant are on sale at Liver- more's hotel from the Oregon City Green House. Leave orders there for cut (lowers. Foa Hai.x. Boat bouse and ten boats. Will teach business ol boatmaking to purchaser, Good bargains for right party. Ueasons for selling getting loo aged, Thus, llumtv, Oregon City. Or. tf Mr. A. W, Schwan. who conducts the tin and idoiiihiug establishment in the old Methodist church on Seventh street, is preyared to do all kinds of plumbing, tin roofing, manufacture window blinds, do all kinds of repairing at lowest rates. For a troublesome cough there is noth ing Is-tler than Chamberlain's Cough Kemtdy. It strengthens the pulmonary organs, allays any irritation and effectu ally cures the cough. It is especially valuable (or the cough which no often lollows an attack of the grip. For tale by U. A. Harding, Druggist. Farmkhs, Attxntion A rare oppor tunity lo secure a header and thresher almost as good as new at a bargain. Mounted Woodhnrg ten-horse power. The famous J. I. Case Agetata thresher. Also one ten-foot Haines header in good order. Call on the undersigned. Wm. IUhi.ow, Itarlow'Sialion. 4 t In almost every neighliorhood there is some one or more persons w hose lives have lieen savetl by I hamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrho;e Keinedv, or w ho have len cured ol chronic diarrhoic by it. Such periodB lake special pleasure in recoinmeiitiing ihe remedy to others. The praise that follows the introduction and use makes It very popular. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by G. A. Harding, uruggisi. A suggestion : If you are troubled with rheumatism or a lame back, allow us to suggest that you try the following simple remedy: Take a piece of flannel the sixe of the two hands, saturate it with Chamberlain'sPain Balm and bind it over the seat of your pain. It will produce a pleasant warmth and relieve you of all pain. Many severe cases have been cured in this way. The Pain liabam can be obtained from G, A. Harding. Druggist. IG.W NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT AND IE PHARMACY IS THE PLACE TO BUY, IF YOU WISH The best grade of Taintf, Oils and Varnishes at the low est market prices. AGENCY FOR Best Brands . Mixed Paint ALSO A FINE STOCK BRUSHES Remember the place near the court house. Prof. Dunn Says There is no surer or worthier pledge of the intelligence and the purity of any commun ity than their general purchase xif Books; nor is there any one who does more to further the attainment and possession of these quali ' ties than a first-class Bookseller. C. G HUNTLEY Keepiall the. latsat , Books and Periodicals, Together With a line line of Stationery.BlankBooks Etc.. Etc. Fancy groceR EEMILLIHMS OREGON -o- Specialties. VEGETABLES. GREEN FKUIT3. DRIED FRUITS. SALT FISH. TEA. COFFEE FLOUR. FEED. CANDIES. NUTS. ETC. ETC. AGENCY IMPERIAL EGG FQOD. just CITY. Fancy Groceries CANNED CHICKEN. LOBSTER. SHRIMP. CLAMS. CRABS. SOUP. OLIVE OIL. OLIVES & CAPERS CURRIE POWDER. ETC., ETC. MASON FRUIT JARS Xnteedto fit , EXTRA CAPS AND RUBBERS. DKNT0N LOTS AND TRACTS On the west side of the river on the Oregon City and Portland road, and Willamette river. Twenty-five minutes walk from the suspension bridge. Affords a splendid view of the river, Portland and the East side. This tract has been slashed and sown in grass. Will be sold cheap on easy terms. Apply to J. TOMPKINS, OREGON CITY. G OREGON CITY K AND FLORAL GARDEN Have constantly on hand a large assortment of Flowering Plants. Shrubbery and Bulbs with large assortment of best varieties of Hoses Cut flowers at all times and Funeral Decorations a specialty. A large stock ol strong, healthy. Tomato, Cabbageand Cabflower plants to tie had at Green House, or E. E. Williams or Newton's grocery stores, Oregon City. JOSEPH COLLINS & CO., Park Place P. O. H. T. mflRTIfl MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IX All Kinds of Rustic Furniture All work guaranteed and the best of "material used. Settees, - 16 00 Rocking chairs, - 5 00 Arm Chairs, - 4 00 Flower Stand, - - $3 to $9 Lamp Stand, - - and 3 Diningroom Chairs per set, $15 00 Small Rocking Chairs and Baby Chairs to order. P0PE& CO. This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of leaf!, Sli al Mifactai Harflware, Tinware, nit. Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing Attended to Promptly. Es timates Furnished. OREGON CITY OREGON i & Young ! - MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN- PLAIN and FINISHING LUMBER (Fir, Spruce and Cedar; also Laths, Pickets, Shin-) "sli ) 6le8 Et0, SniPPe(l to a11 points on ( the river or by rail. ) I f I Mill situated on Willamette river at I OREGON