! 5 5 HOME AND VICINITY KiUnlilcrs Arretted mul Mound (her. Tlire aviii's ln fine their mum K tilKtt Jone. Ommi Johnson ami Frank iMaik, were rine-t.'d hy Chief ol IV.i.v l'unlom Tiii'thl iv on ' eon-plaint of H. Foster, tif Jim. i i.m Crty, lu i-hiini'.l tlint tlie stole from him while in y inn loker in the Hon Ton s.Uum, lliey were lakon Ivforv J. km ice Fnnt lor ticming, 1'iit lief ore tlio examination ua Concluded, KoMi-rkim-eil out, Then in- Father l!i:)etiraiiil t'ifM'iiletl With Hit i Tlio dtv council will meet a it ttoiml ! The ooiiimllteo iM'I'ointe.l ly !' Cini' .., , .., i.i. . .i .. 1.....H r I nf ....nili.nl i. ill (..iii.ii i.,v i.v.iliin.r I nil,. In i-iiImi II lllllll 111 I'llV fl'I'tlll'M HOW i ' - I lnuia uniform. nit imotiinf m. .inn n i .--nin. a ,., . . . Ki,-inn . of rwt timl. tit vimlilijt her mother, Mr, Hitrn'r. When F.itlier llilleluiiNd enlotcd the hool hk iiimiI i lie umu! lime Ust 1 ri- Tlie t, t N. S. I'luti nave a verv in- uv, l.e uoUceU s. in. -lllllll! lin.-llal HI Ihe r..l itur imrtv it (lie unn.ii v hull I'll,. Iity evening. UPlxaiiince el the a-cnililei ihiiiiU III one part of the loom, and could Hot eomprelicnd wlmt n the tain He w. uvkoil hv one el tlieSixior to no into hi adjoining nin, naturally exwlinn; to tind miihc ti until ii)il awaitihti liimnditnent, hut was most auvuhty uiiim'l in ti'iilnii; an elegant uphol formation was hied auainst the dvieiid- : l(.,Vl ,.mir Maudum in the loom. The ntKfor KHmhliiHj. Jusiw-e Font honml ,,j,.,U coon Mlhered annind him when them over to amiear Ix-toie the Itnml UihuiM I'miioI m.vlo Him followimr jury in the mini of J.'iO em h, which they promptly furnished. These putie lnd recently arrived in town, mul were evidentpy bunko sharps. Series f IMsrnurseit. The Kev. (iilman Parker, pas'or ol the Baptist church, will ttive a coins of four sermon on wlittt conslitu'ea tht true trnct l "f a church. Iniiimiin next Skrmhv niofiiinii Th stihjocts will he: Kiist "Sound Scriptural P.vtrine " Second "A 1 1 iuli Average of t'hiisiian Char acter is its Monihetslnp." Thir.l "I'onseeiateil Aitivi'.y on iSaiHtitie.l I'.nthnsi.ism " Komth "S eiiilnUty." T'ie rhureh is pio.vrin. i.'onver sionsi anil hapMms o 'i-urin.' ovi y week. Hie .snl.j,.i ef m t ilisvontvv will he: SuUstariix' in Kiotmis S'le.l-.v e. Wa'sl.tisj liviiiu-." I' 1 11 ' s Our r"eiir!li til ia',y at lii aier Civi k. A muss iiutvinj; was i el.l ttl 1.1h.ii.! Hus.'he-'' on June ! h ISi'l. nit-l ilei-iie.l that we leli'liriite the K.mitii oi Jnlv at the pi. me irnntn.ls ai K.l. Itniri.is ' The Mink; Amateur liriss l.attil was employe. I f. r the itav, anil it nas aii'ee l that they sIkhiI.I have the exe usive rihttokep a ref'eshmeiil stand. H Hiiirhes was atMH,in'el lo have the ground pienaied ant Commissioner M "enliku as apwinted to seleet a ! proper ora'or J. M. Ware was ajv j potnteil as msr-hal of the day: Thomas lhniels was aintited to luniisli voc.il music; Mis Maiaret lliiirhes was it-! jHjinied as decorator : and Kev. K. M. j Jones. John Moellhke, Kev. f-tuhh, ; Thomas Panielsand Kev J. C Sylvanns ! were a iHiiute.l to prepan1 the program Kveryhody is invitt d and don't forj.vt , your lunch haskets 1. W. Jamks, Chairm in J Jous Wilson Secretary. I invsentation ad.lrss : Kkv. KaviukA. Hili.khh.ni,Hkiovki) I'astok: t hat levling ol joy ami ttrati tude till our youihful heat t, foday, as weasemhle here to coni;ta,ltlitJ you lU'v. and IH'ar Father lo th joyous feast which has ahout downed iihui us. l the Kvo. of Hie least of St. Antony Your Holv l atron, we the pupils of St. John's Si liool tender to you our most I heaity congratulations I relict lmvinr l en di-t:iiiiu:shisl with the lienor of 1 addii siim you, as 1 It ive not snlliciont el .tli nee loexptess the deep sentiment of the iieaits of your n alclui children. I F-aj-i'ily have e nw.'.ited the dawn of i tins day which utl'.'rds us an opportunity t toexteirt to von our most foe hie thanks for the many hetietits which have hen bestowe.) upon us i. jour o ini; eaie, : and for hich we shall ever feel indebted to you Would thai in apt'toptiite words we ' cou'd exi're-s our appreciation ot the ' ccat .lite est on t.ik" iti our school, j where w." are not only educated, in order i that We in. .v honorali'V t'alliil the dupes : of ttos lite, hut whore we ioe also in structed hi our holy religion, whi. i prepares us for a happier hie beyond flie , irraie, where an evenasniu tflory awaits : us. ; On-e mote 1'clovcd Faster we tender ' to vou our heartfelt 'hanks, for the love I jou cherish for each one of ns I May your v'torious pastor. St Anlonv 'obf lin for you Hod's blessing, worthy ! father Oh! did not words fail us in I expiessinir our sentiments of gratitude. I Thanks, a thousand thaniss to yon j dearest fa' her. It is our sincere w ish ! 'id earnest prayer that thnl may span. you loi' ni on earth, that you live lo see stili in oiy happy letiirns ot this day and that his choicest hlessiln.'S may de scend upon yon, our (beloved father, our friend and mi' plide. 1'mi.sor Sr Johns Soiiool. Mr. Allied Ueatio, now sutdyinn den tistry with his hrotlmr at IVndle'on, is in the city visiting ivlatives. Tlu (HHiple of West Ouajotl I'it.V r makitiK activo pre(!arntion (or the Fourth of July colehration, and will make an oll'oit to soeuro the Osw to Itritss Hand. The old Oieijon Tity Hand is roorxan Uinir, and ill (jive somtt tmhlii conecrta aHni, A fomplnto list ol the memhera will ap)ear next week. Mr. W. 11. Howell, suiiniendpnt of the water worka.ia very luisy with a foree of men enlendinu new pie lines inau jjurated hy the w ater commission. A sociable, with Mrawherrv short cake, will lie itiven hv the Mountain View Sunday school this ovenim.', l the church i:: that place. Fer hoily invited, liootl sidewalk all the way. Thayer A Alden oil', a one stx-imrse power at a haiuiiin tract ion engine and separator. Has only been uetl two ; (. Inamati lo e..rs and is in iro.si repair. Wood saw i noes w ith it. I' ice, Kit. It with (air: i . . ... .. 1 success, l lie lollowtnu m'tiiteineu "live ; donaled each: ll. A. Ilatdmu,! Julius l.onns.T. I. t'harman ami M. y. Stralton. liev. A. Hillehvaud, J T. Appcison, II II Johnson, W. t'aiey Johnson, Fat t'oibeit, and t', I', l.itioui ette eiieh conttibiiied I0, while thcie me nuuieroiis sinallel' subsci ipllons II. F, tiuillixon v t'n , of Foitlaml, scnl i a check of F-tMd t'apt. K. S, Waiieu, as t'icir contrihutioti to the fund tin Sunday July 'JS, mass will he held at the Catholic chinch at III o'clock a. in., instead of I0:,'ill, Fleveil children will receive llrst conimunlon on Ihal day, ami will he escorted lu the church liom St. John's schiKil hy the children ami Hie society ol t'atholic Kuittht. The public ate Invlliil to wituesa the iKre uionleH fJMr. Ai V. Si liwan, who condncla the tin and pluinlnnn estahlishnient in the old Methodist church on Seventh slreol, is pirvarvd to do alt kinds of plmnhluK, tin roolint?, mauufactiiie window blinds, do all kinds ol repiiirinu at lowest rates. l, S. Itellouiv h just received ft new supply of furniture, tinware and notions, the and leu cent counter ds etc, Foi hut'iMius in new and second bun. I uoo.K itotothe Second Hand store, opposite lilmk, .1 ..:.at Bargains. Bargains BargainjjiK -US' a .... M --II MS All nw slvlcs (or lah". "' ''';' childien, liiiu d ami ;utittlmme.l, . ' percenl. less than I'm Hand or O'W't City prices. AIoahne assort uu-nt t men's an I tan s Mummer Hat". SIIOI'X Just received- Is'tfe II ' misses and children shoe", whlth we aiesellni)! at (ar below regular pi Ices, No cheap u.ioils- till beil mti inU. LACE(pSHS,TBf AslJ 1 HOHll f IV! Ihirlinutoii Fiil III,,. , (r ): II, I, ell, Fmill thliteeii tt Winds. AI'K 01 11 or HK Hl lin. ni. i. .,llllll'" . if AvHI III lt..ii; 111 tiictuiiius We aiu now wlliim 1A pounds ittaunlnled UKr, IS pounds evils C suuar, . Ill pounds tloldett l" miKnr, (iivo u a tn II iwhI Htitisfy ymirKt-lvpH S tin l.il! Ill I (lerc ,1, ,. ' ijtHi'. mul UI ds i , willi tttir priiTS. K".: t.i Hi it HmnihiMi &-Weshhi BBtllllli w' - - w"i LUMBER. LUMBER, last. on, formerly the Ore base ball chin dul not jios here last ,iiidav on i iiui hlv comlili.in ol the d bv the late lams. Jolia Fitch, orSinackiille. t'atnmiis Incest With His Ihiu-rhfrr mul Kscapes to Frt hind. Fmm Mr. John KoWrtson. the con tnotor. who had just returned from Hillsboro and Stui. kville, the particulars are learned of an urni-aMy inhuman rase of outrage peier.ttei( at Srnockville One John Fitch has for two inontns comis-lled his little 9-year-old step daughter to submit to continued criminal aussalts. Mrs Firth, it appears, is in poor health ami has been away from home all this time. When the crime became known Fitch was r.iken to Hills boro and placed under $:!.V) bonds, which an acquaintance furnished. When Fiteh obtained his liberty and the com munity became nprised of his crime indignation ros" to such pitch that he was forced to fly for safety. He accord ingly came down to I'ortlarid, heinjt followed hv his bondsman, w ho want to get him back to stand trial. The little uirl is beim; kindly cared for by Mrs Win. Bailey, wife of the superintendent of the Fortiand l'res-ed Brick Company. ! .V Large h ick H'nek to he Kn cteil J in Ore;mi ( ily. ! Arranp-iiients rue partially completed for Ihe e'etion of a one-story brick : bl.s k to extend from the Commercial ' Hank alonu' Main street to Filth, haviint la front.p.'e o( 110 feet, and will extend j back 7-'i feet. The buil.lititf will he con struoled jointly hy the Commercial ! Hank, ti, A. Ilardim: and Held Hand, i:f I'ortland. The buildimt will have a modern front with ulate glass. The completion of the huilditii w ill be n val uable uildition to Oregon City. Messrs. Wineset A Scripture have leased ground lor shops between Treinbath's saloon and thcir.in works, and willerei-t a new bnilling 'Pie venerable landmarks now occupied by them w ill be removed to make room for the new brick. The ground on which the structure is to be erected, is partly owned by the Commercial Hank, and the remainder by Mrs. Mary Harlow and Heiij. Hand. Flag F.ntertuliimcnt. An interesting program has la-en ar- The t ileal I ;..ti I'llv, jr., pl.iy Ihe Hsw ac. oii"l ol" tin grounds cause Mr C. ti Huntley has I. mil up a flour ishimi bu-.incss In Ihe line of books, stationery, peiiodicals, notions and Cig ars hv keeping only Ihe and latest pi din tions, and selling llicni al a icason able pine. Mr. T. W. Clatk st ites that the Sal vation army of Portland, have made ap plication for the lower room of ttie armory building, and ottered to put up Ihe money for a longtime lease. He has not yet fully decided to let them have it. The graduating exercises of the I'ort land Business College will he held at the M,s, Stinkier, of Salem, f.unieily of! this city, went in San Fianci-c.i this; week to meet her sister. Mi" t'r.. v, w In, has been iittciiiling a coiimm vaioty ; of music in the nasi. Mr. Julius Freylag ntd family leave ; this week for Ansliii, lYxaa. wheielhei : bae prvpoily iriteusle. ThcJ ate as! yet undecided' whether they w id iciiiairi I there or not. s Mr. Arthur Hhsk. of Milwaukie, is ol I Ihe live ager.is loi iiik . M r m I'lilsK. Hiiring Ihe Past Wi'ek senl in a new subscriber da v. Kev. tl. W, tiilainev slatted Monday for a visit to his parents in Indiana, i His pulpit will he tilled next Sunday by I Hev. Wm, Travis, ol Fast I'orlalid. All Woodmen an- ex'cted to be In j alien. lance at their hall on lues.luv all.e ,tir 0s.li lur apifia lot ( iri, I f rt. . . r"iii(. i t "I 1 TheGLADSTOEllLLCi Now I .. ,, . . i i-r i ... .... I,,,,,. i .,,,.i KlVo it I' till cMot k l'l I I ''"I Him I HUM tvnilitiV. Iltcir St'S K CIIIHtm-l s nil 1. 1, ct r.ii he hii" tliuiMt every r'llttll lllL', (Villllir. Itllstll i'lt kt ls mul Pliiirii'.lnil StiitT. rll l irm mi . w " fttti fil! in, a i, I) si'ion a J.ii.n. i ltd nil irnitlcH r uit'ssfd I n iitber.""" J t Ml Hr Oil, Jutt , I'M If, T , srri" Sjucial I'.ills Cut. Ill i Semi in ymr oflcis U fore the fairing n "otw" n.in, Ju " " l. ii 1, (o tr. u i tn wr.tit li, 0 imsit, i ami 4 I He, Vim I, ! of, A I -r. J t), I ', & mi, 1 1 M. M.lt loll. II . f Upr. ins ji SffP lli t. I Ilik'h School building thisevening. Two ; ,neniug, ol next week, as biisim ss el of Oregon ( itv's young ladies, Misses Hattie A. Cochrane and Annie lirahani, w ill graduate in stenography and typewriting. The society for the iinMiitation of use till singing birds at I'ortland, have caused to he distributed large Mwter j with copy of the act passed hy the last j legislature for their protection I tie considered, chcaer than ihos win nave io im can ini now ttiey ; (ir .gi.u City Kill song nir is in inn itrure. iniHirtance is lo be trausacied Miss I. F. Hardesty ami W, 11 Soics j both of Cluckamas county, were married j in this city Wednesday evening, Justice i Fouls olliciating, 1 Chartnaii A Son are paying the h.gli.-t price for wasil, and selling goods, ipiahty ' anv sloie In ffli ' rangeif for the rlag Kntertaininent at ' the West Side Oregon City scIk1 to- 1 j morrow evening Addresses will be Death of Thomas keele. iad hv Suisrintendent Thomson, K. Last October Mr. Skeede and bis wtfe I M. Kands, Ksip Interesting dialogues, came to Oregon to make their home with ' dramas, recitations and instrumental Mrs Crowley and Mrs. Katon, their music will fie piesented, participated daughter and" grand child. At the time in by the teachers and pupils of the of liig departure from Kockford III. .which j school un.. a number of Oregon City place had teen his home for forty-four j people. This will he the most interest vears. Mr. Skeede was quite feeble in i ing entertainment given in the vicinity body and mind His physical health ', of Oregon City for a long time. All who was" greatly benefitted bv the change ' do not attend will miss a good thing. and tin to a few days befor his death he I Hie admission is onlv 15 cents, ar.d the When the news of the result of the I'ortland city election liecame know n at The Dalles, tile Chronicle sell! the fol low ing dispa'ca to the Oregoiiian : "We congratulate the Oiegoman on the - do feat of hossistu in i'oitlaml. Hoaaiam is scaled in The I'alles " Mr. C A. Holstrom brought to this ollice Wednesday, a specimen of sand- j son paying the costs stone found on his farm on the Aber iiathy near this city It has the apear alloc of being suitable for building pur poses, and a Iwenry-fiKil ledge is in sight This specimen is added to This F.vrKtii'itisK collection. License to marry was issued by County Chok Johnou this week to Iora j F. timer and M. s tir.tybilt. Cheapest : in J.F.0,RD1LLY& CO. ID - CROCK tho (iissl plastering and bricklaying and ! for sale cheap Apply at iiotlii e. ! M ilwaukie, Oiegon. i i The case of assault against A, W. 1 France lias been settled, Mrs. I'onalil-1 Oi'lt'tx ti'"iit il' country j-riiiiiptly lilltl. i. i 0 , ! (,-. 4 0 tl -i n. 1 ti . If- . art ..I 1 11, 1 Near Mn"u& Miss Ada Hiig.es, of this city, is visiting relatives and friends in .salem this week. CHARiYIAN&CO. TIIK l-KAIHN(i ate his meals w ith appetite and regular ity. Sunday alternoon June 7th he sus tained a slight paralytic shock and passed into an uiconcoue state, in which he remiined until half past nine Thurs day morning, when he gently breathed his last. Mr. Skeede leaves bin wife and only daughter, Mrs. Crowley, now making their home with Mr. Katon, also two sons, one residing in Oklahama, the other iu Missouri, the latter, .Mr. Jud son Skeede was able to lie present at the funeral of his father. A delay in the receipt of the leleg'am prevented an earlier arrival. While his family were making pre parations to remove to a more suitable climate for their health, Dear Grandpa passed to that beautiful country "Whose inhabitant shall no more say, I am hi.-k." " How blest the righteous when they die." M. M. II. proceeds will be applied to a , fund to purchase a fh-.g tor school house. fund to the new I Ihiuiloti, the (Jrent Summer Besot. ' Mr A. J. II ickett, well and favorably j know n to all the old residents of Oregon U'ity. is now manager of the Haridon i Land Company, has returned to the city, I and established an cilice in Charnian i Hros. block. He is selling lots at Ban jdon, whir l: is rapidly becoming the j greatest summer resorti n Western Ore i gon, at the astonishing low price of $2 : each. i The follow ing well known Oreuon City i people have bought property at Handon : 'N.O Waldon. J. M. Hroderick, T. I.. Charnian, ( has. C H'ibcock, Geo. W. McCarver, Mrry K. McCarver and J. H. Sheppard Mr J. I'. Crocker, the enterprising proprietor of the Mouniiiin Hluil Meat Market, in addition to his constant sup ply of fresh meats, keeps in st.a-k ti u ii lis, bacon, lard, butter, eggs, cheese, etc. His shop is conveniently situated on the hluir at the head of the stairs on Seventh street. j .a spienoiu program mis neen ar ranged for the Flag entertainment to b given at the west side Oregon City schiMil Saturday evening. Kveryhody should go and spend an enjoyable even ing. The admission is only 1.1 cents. The teachers, l'rof. S. A. I), (iiirley and Miss Haird are sparing no pains to make it enter, aitiing. Although the weather was very un favorable and prevented many from go ing, the excursion to HunneviHe last Saturday given by the Willamette cornet bind was a very pleasant alfair, ' and everybody renoris havimr hail n glorious jolly time. It is very much re- j Rcivjcd a i . . Ri Arif--MITW gretted that the bad wealhe: caused VatlNtKAL DLAOKoMlTH financial loss to the hand Bis rr I Absolute l'lirity. Careful !iaN'iiing. I'rescriptions Filled by Competent I'haruiacists Toilet Articles. I'erfmnery. Fine Cigars. CHARMAN'S BLOCK. (J. W. PORTER, Grand Or?nn Concert. There will be a grand organ and vocal concert at the Congregational church on Friday evening June 2bth. The new Vocation organ or lered by the Chiistian Krideavoi society of the Congregational church has arrived. The Vocalion is a new invention in the line of church organs Its inventor baa expended two thousand dollars in pei fecting the instrument and thus has produced what competent judges pro nounce the best thing ever put on the market in the line oi church organs at a medium cost. Its capacity and quality of tone being equal to that of a pipe organ of do" ble its cost. Arrangements have been made tor introducing this new instrument to the people of Oregon City with a grand musical reception at which Mr. Hoyt, of Portland, an accomplished player of pipe organs will exhibit the qualities of the instrument in his render ing of several selections. For the vocal part of the program the tenor and basssingers in a male quartete which is soon to give a vocal concert at the Marquarn Grand, in I'ortland, have been secured, also the quartette choir of ttie congregational cnurcti or rortlaml Oregon City will be represented in the program by Borne of its best musical talent, and no pains will be spared to make this entertainment a rare treat and one of the very best and most en joyable the people of Oregon City have had theopportimity of attending. The management of this concert is such as to render almost the entire proceeds there from available for making an additional payment on the organ so that those who attend will have beside the rare enjoy ment of the occasion the satisfaction of making a permanent investment of their money for the good of the town. Ixrt every body come and bring their friends. Brief FurugritpliH of u Local mill Gen eral Nature. Miss Antonia Miller, of Albany, is in city, the guest of Misses Logus. Fresh Wilhoit on hand constantly at E. G Caufield's pharmacy, five cents per glass. A good assortment of milinery goods at I'ark Place Cash Store far below Fori land prices. Mrs N. Dolman, postmistress, of St. Helens, was in tne city this week visit ing relatives. Fortiand, was the guest of Miss Carrie Lilley, of in the city over Sunday, Miss Marv Convern. Master Freddie Charnian Saletn over Sunday, the guest aunt, Miss Azale Cochrane. was in of his Mr. B. F. Giltner, assistant secretary of state, was in Oregon City Sunday the guest of Hon. T, A. McBride. Mr. 0. E. A. Frevtag, the live grocer, announces that he has a large stock of fruit jars, which will be sold cheap. A lot of plants are on sale at Liver rnore's hotel from the Oregon City Green House. Leave orders there for cut flowers. Go to Charman & Son, and examine the immense stock of summer goods, luce and fancy hats in great variety. Ladies' summer jackets for $1. The funeral of George W. Walling, of Oswego, whose rt mains were interred in the Masonic cemetery at this place last Friday, was largely attended, The funeral was conducted under the aust pices of Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, o- Uiia city. It is now evidently certain that more factories and mills w ill he erected in Or egon City. Surveyors have been at work during the past few days taking measurements of water facilities and sites, and Ihe land proprietors will he enabled to nnderstandiiigly nllcr favora ble inducement, to manufacturers for free power and sites. An important contest case has been be fore the hind ollice all the week The contest was brought against Lew F Melcalf by John McCallen, an:! is for l(i() acres of valuable titiila'r land near Hri- I dal veil. Messrs. jturney A I,raper, as-' sisted by J. C. Brownell, are attorneys' for McCallen, while lirockenhrongh & Cow ing represent Metcalf . The case is only about half through. lion. J. T. Apperson attended the State World's Columbian Kxposition convention held at I'ortland Wednesday, lie stated that as only three or foiir counties were represented, alter some discussion, it was decided to turn the whole matter over to the State Hoard of Commerce, who will make the necessay arrangements. IIOHHK HiroKINU A ft'Ki'IAI.TY, Shop In the rear ol Pope's Hardware sin Oregon City, Oregon, A suggestion : If you are troubled with ibetimatisin or a lame back, allow us to suggest that yon try the following simple remedy : Take a niece of flannel the size of the two hands, saturate it with Chamberlain'sFain Halm and bind it ovcr tire seat of your pain. It will produce a pleasant warmth and relieye yon of all pain. Many severe cases have been cured in this way. The l'ain Halsatn can be obtained from G, A. Harding. Druggist. Among those who attended the inter esting festivities of the I'ioneer Associa tion at Portland this week were, Judge J. W. Meldrum, Capt. J. T. Apperson, Hon. W. Cary Johnson, Mr. Klliott, Mark Hatton, Mr. Kisley, Mr. Winston, of Damascus. Mrs. F. Cochrane, and Mrs. II. L. Kelly, were the only ladies present from this vicinity. All report the Nineteenth Annual Kniinion a grant! success, and speak highly of the speeches of Lydell Hakerand George II. JSurnett, anil the poem read by Col. Robert A. Miller. The banquet, with its opportu nities for social conversation was an in- I teresting feature. Great Reduction Cabinet Photographs ONLY S2.50 PER DOZEN f AT Tliwaite's , 167 Klrst Ktrect, Itct. Kiirrlson ami Yamhill. I'OHTLAND, OUF.GON' F. L. Posson&Son, SEEDS General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co's Of All Designs, From tho Smallest Clxild's Cmjxir- To tho Largest Arm Patent Hot-kin: ('liuirs of m at ami mll'V rated and Wood-sent 'hairs; Pam-v Heed seat ami laek Pininj: and Library Chair. MO Tl,l.,l Clru.l D"vi i ri rifl rrg lllllll u h.iiim -'vptJ a'.. ll I I ti'H t o. e. dii, U" Hti Ul krr. hm trr . I )ltl, An I 4 . I. J kitinn & t, W n.-r h a Fr . . . lnt! lleSI'M)!': .I"'! tit j"t' and i at.-o. W' roi, a.i r, l., A r ij uf tit, J. MATTRESSES! MATTRESSES n. a w We also carry a eoinjilete line of Mattresses Vm?.T.,i Yum, Coil Spring ; I'.ox ami Tup made to order. WuiJSlW! wire, two ami thr nlv, of all sizes ; HedsteadV I.our..C!u Cots, Ktc., Ktc. sr."r .lwll. Warren to Ilolman. I1,!.' 1 1 . t icirii . ji.t.ii. : l'C, J k,x I. "I. Wli jkiiiiiHii t I t .r i i' ii. Mirrors, Fratnes. Pietnres. P.rie-a-bra .iitfrttviiif:, lliclunj-s, ,.e. Arlington Bui' m r. i Oregon Picture Frame Coinpa:! Moul. mjrs, 108 Third Streot, Portland. funnier l,y timil or Inuit .r"iii.lv lllli il. IJce Keepers' Supplies. We want you for a customer. Give us a trial order. F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St., Portland, Or. Successors to Miller Bros. Catalogue Fr FOR- ABSOLUTELY NoN K HIT SEEDS Garden Seed. OTTtT i-rnrr A. HARDING OrH, Clover and all kinda of SEEDS Trees, Bulln, Pcrtilizcrs, etc. SEEDS I.1!), t i , r i lur. Mm f (Ii 7.'i hC or. h . M'f. . illronnnnituPkhMaV? pure mucr rirr w: . w I ij iviuuiw ot. uuo ,v'iii..ui,n DiMlrm In l T A A OOMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfamerles and Toilet Articles. AIo a lull Ktock nf FAIlTTa; OILS, KTC. DAYIES' GALLERY The eadinr rhotojrrapluT o Portland. (JOUNEIt I'lHHT ANiiTAVl.ORHTIiKK'l'H, All kinds of FISH and I'OKlt 'H'l u.T'V- fiimivin. t - .. !'. io. t 'J'liiirr.nny mul Friday). "oll'vlilMa, hoi.Klit anil .old. ufJu' il'l'naiTK rom A ro, it)'" It n, r ft . fili.ti, 1'r fcri'ln Kt l l.lk HI Wlull, V AND-..i,;:f in. t it Wvll. 11 - Itrniim BOXES OF ANY SIZES MWWt'A : we in km at t'lioli'ii Suit Water FUli, '1 liiirimiivn mul Friday). lioiiKlitaud unlit il'l'naiTK foHI A ro, WOOD TURNS; hi ' 1 !1 SCROLL SAWR I'urtiim leairiiitf Wood Titmn'' torna, Jirueketn, w ll l' ""1 ( inns, 'I'll. Will he Hulled by Culling V and "i . . Shop Carpenters V Doors, Windows TO ORDER. I 7