Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 19, 1891, Image 5

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    The ldi torjprlHC
FRIDAY, Jl'NK 1". 'W-
Altll 1 OMl ("t t"'"l 1t.m.
('ullliiiiii Mir" (tlimuiili) 114,1 it in,
wicth siicsti,
14 !,., . (wny uiIiiik) u ml it m
Ai,,.i,v i M'tl liy uiliin ft iw p. m
I 'tiin.i nia Kimn Itliiiiiiiili) l:li,tii
0 t 1(0 NHIMMMti.
I ti r, cKK'H H ill V
i Mt A III.
Mm fun rue n
7 ,su . in.
in im . in.
'IV K i. in.
,m (i in.
-1 I'. l, 111
SUp 111.
learner Alliiit-U MhM uii
n iw p III.
lii al war
I. nNri.aii.
mm m.
II im m,
4 ,m . III.
V till , in
"0 p. m
UU ). lit.
N. I' I'll 'H KfKANKUH.
Mm.I.h. . ).ir linyinii mi. I Hoy lnii.lliigi, m.
M.ititUy, Wtttii(fkilny mi't Krljwy Ki.i l'irtlnin
nml mh UmlititfH, It a. in. TllrwUy, 'llistn
,ly inl Frhloy.
Special Notice!
the liiniUtmip HriviiiIII ritiinny iimti
iln IhHiiwiiik rl lt IiiiiiIht ili'llvVrril In
ilm timid . - t ( ill I In' Illy, tit:
i niiiiiiiiit Ituinili f Ii mi
I 'ilKnii l.uml'cr 1 1 hi
r'ltmrlnir, l'i'illii!, Hunllr, I'IihIiIhk
IniiilHr lilrl -! i'l oti
! mil b'iiI n knl, lull Muck mi haml,
rirl elan mill, v I wmk .ruiui t 1 1 v -
rie, II. K. I liiS, ,Mniiii.!iT.
Th Mo lliii. ituAi. TIhh piece
A runil liitH Iijiik been nn eye ire to Mm
i'minly court, a Kint iiiiiii source of trill
tlitllon to the l.irfu nn in I t r of iieuple
who hml U ihm over it to reach Ore
itin City. Tlm rmnity ha heretofore
inwii to eoimiilrmliln extieiisn nt divers
iiiim In making Improvements on till
road, which reunited In no permanent
kwllt, ntlll It lt lllll(iKll,fll tl) llHIll
!navy toads n p ,n dill on account of
Jim steep urn In 'fhln Reason It hecauia
jyttlent that a permanent niiroviiiiiiit
iiimt ho mail on this piece tf rum I, and
outity Surveyor Sidney Smyth, sp
minted to select iiihI extabllsli a er
nanent ytade, ami a rontrart let lor the
fm.litiK Mr. Hinylli a apiKilnlrtl
hi Pr m tu It'll t i'f ronilriirliiin. Tin'
untractor liun tlia Mail aliinl colli-
ilfl ml, wlili'li will Im a "iilmtiititinl roml
wtl with a prn.ln of I foot lnli-i,nml
Itf rrtvlit to tint t'oiintv. Tills rx
llltplilllMI Urn fi-t Unit it 'UV to Imvii
in iiiirovrini'iil In 1 1 in count y rmi'l-.
aiil out Hint i'lii'ililii'il liv a i i I i . I
lU'Miritr, lii h Ii,iiiii a ilinf inn u i u , 1 1'
ui.l a titnUntiiil roml IhhI.
Is JriHK Furm' t'oiMr Jolm
uiisli, an iiiiiloy of llio l.iiiiiin Mmi-tfrfi-t
tsrit.; I iiiiii'itny wn nrri'Mnl for
iiiiillaii'l 1'iilli'ry, irt(i'rrttl ly tin
ortimtn n( tin' fitrloiv, Hlnl Inula lii-ar-nit
Itt'tortt JuMiitt I'miU ImkI FriiUy.
S ftnrnr aplirarpil for tliu uliiln nml
i. I; llitvt'it irniiwntiiil I Im ilnitiliir.
iiiryjiinl wiik ili'iiiBtiili'.l, nml Mr
iiiiith i-iiiitli'i A ciiiniliiiiit u ulo
1 lfi Hiking llmt li lie lionml ovtir to
.i . j. 'Itr fu'iwv. TliU roniiiilnt too wan
iveriiitrd. nml lh foul of tint eniirti
inn t cliin;n to' tnxorl to tln foiiiliiin
tig ultntiiM, nml noiiiily piiid, (itmrv'
ih hurt liml a lii'nniii in tint minip
iitt; t FriiUy for nimiiilltiiiK Joli Tlioma,
.t ln!iu Hi't umil n( ciillini! tlii Iitltor a
ittr ami iattlii( lilm on tint fur Itotli
nitt live ut MiCuril'H mill. Wllrliurt
taarruilti'l anil tlic cm ttfro IiuihI
ip to Mi" foiiiiiliiiiiini! it mm ami paid,
u-'ti.t Font Im ii fni'iilly of iiiiliiiin tl
iin out of tlm foiiipluininit wiIiu'kk In
hmk tiko tlm aluivo tlint mvp tln
imiify ninny IiuihIhmIh of ilollitr
lihttr Jiiilircn hIioiiIiI follow lii rxampltt
(jivKX vr tiik limmr Tlm I'nion
'ur iUr roinpnny Im ifivi-ii up all tin
ievijiitlou on tlm Willnnii'tli ii vr
,tmvt I'lirtlund, Tlm Modot', which Hut
i-H-tl to run to Snlt-iii hut na luli'ly on
lie Vtttnliill river mule, la lied up ut
nrtlitnd, loitmhiir with tlm Orient, Or
idi'iit, nml ( Iniiiipion ; aoino in the
Hiiifyard and hoiiio lied at unnmd lund
rurs. Tin- Mmloc wiot luken a a p..lii-y
cove to keep tlm Salem (which hail
win n'titted lor dee river trallic
iPtwepa I'ortland and Alorm) off llif
lutorU roiitn. Uy lliln comprotninc. tlm
iitltiin wiim uiven a monopoly of the
famlilH route. Tint North went, of tlm
Iw!Wr.i I on t!i the Cow Ilia run,
iHvlngth Wilhinictui aliove tlm Yam
ill to lie plied by lh OiPKon I'licilli'
loatitand tlm InilciK'nilenl halrm-l'ort-md
uteninor Klwood, Tlm Itcntley and
loag iro n fur mmth n tlm varyiiift
!!! l wilier will m rmit, w hile tlm Fl
ood finikiw Salem itn up river ter
linn. Stilton ma n.
('iii ti'ii ConvkStion. YeMtordiiy lip
ii lb Htiite coninlioii of thtf I'lirixliiiu
iiiirclt of Olefin ut Turner, Miirion
iiinlV, and will cfuitinue till the l!Hth.
lie Ort'ijon C'liriHt inn niimdoimry con
1'iiticn, tlm Y. S T. K., tlm ChriHtiiin
t'uuiRii'a Hoard of MiaHiona, and tin'
tiitii jjiiiuluy Kflinol AHoclation will
ii h hold onion diiri ntr tli nmetimt.
lev. David Wotxell, of thl city, Im
i cn chiiweii to preach the convuntion
iiiii.b T!iurdv, the 2.M!i, at 11a. m,
i mmihcr of prominent niinintera from
m 1' ant and from other coat abito will
r in attt'iicleni'O, amoiitf tliimi Kava.
olmrl Mnlfott, of (Ilcvcliind, 0., cor
:poiirlinK nocrctary of the uenenil
i'ttnuollHt of tlm Nnrtliwet, and (loorito
i". fweeney, pitator at Oakland Cal.
edoiHK) rates have boon neeured from
ie rilroadB of the itata,
A I'iiitAHANT Exciiiihion. The itHamer
ons; and her load of excumioniata r
irund to the city last evening at 9 :S0
hero wero over 200 iwrsons aboard and
uy rport a moat excnllant time, Tbe
iijcctlvo point of the excursion wuOr
tti t'ity, whore tlm boat arrived ahortly
UrH o'clock. The IJulvomlty band
M'oiiipnnlod the pnrty and furnlnlied
umio for the trip. KetnrnlnR, the
t left Oregon City Rt 2:H0 p. in,
ii exoiiraion was uivon by the Pteg
torlan iSunilay school, mid was du
ured a gumiino succosa. Statosman.
CioN East. Rev. Q. W. Oiboney,
intor of tho Fi'st 1'reHbyterian church
tlilg city, startnd Monday for a six
'ck's visit to his old home in Indiana,
lu re his fathor and mother yot reside,
is brothor, a Fresbvtnrhtn minister, ro
utly died timro. I)nritiK Mr. (ilboney's
Hence his pulnit will be supplivd with
mpetont minislors. Mrs, (lihonoy
II visit relatives in the state of WiihIi
1,'ton, during Mr. (iibonoy'a six weeks'
Manoniii Flkctiok, Al tlm MikoiiIc
i I',i ii, l.iiiVo, held in I'orllillid hint
week, the followlllK (iniliil iilllini Weie
elininil for tlm eii'tiiiiK year: (iuind
iiissior, II. Van )iien, of Aloiiu:
KiuihI dopuly Mnitir. F. A. Monro, of
HI. Iloli'ii: K'Si'd oenlor wiirilni, ,1, T.
AniiHtroiiK, of HiJo in ; iiiiihI junior
wiirdmi, Moitnn 1 1. Cllll'iild, of I 'in i i ie
I'llV KrHiliI woriitaiy, H, F, ( hudw'rk,
of Siilnin ! Kriitiil tri'iisnrui, I'. (' McKcr
chnr, of I'nrtl.iiid
Lotion, A. O. U. W.. of (.'iinby, will (live
a delightful enli'iliiiniiii'iil mnl ilruw
lunry felival at Knight's hull iet Tiii'
day HvenlnK. Mr, .1. (', llinkliait, of
I t 1 1 ii ii I will deliver an addri'KHou "The
lloinitlls of the Order." 'J 'IV eiiniuiittce
on arraiiKeinent will spurn no I'll'urts in
I'leiiMiinlly mil irtiiln all who may nllmnl.
I'hl ia spl Ijd opporliinily forOiciioii
City icu'lti !o vlmt tlu yrnwIiiK town ol
(iiiihy and (iiimI nn struw'lii'irleNiuid uen
ulna cicain.
(ion to Hai.km. I'rofe-sur Frank
It In lor went t Hale in Monday to atiend
to the work of Slate Siiiierlnleiiilelit
Mi I'.lroy, In makiiiK pieinialloim for
the stale foiclier' innliiulo to Ut held
at Newport In , l uly Mr. McMroy ha
been prontniled for tliu i.ii two weeks
Willi ciiiiKi'Mlii, ii nl Hut hi.iln, all l hi
condillon is yet critical, us hi j'livxn uii
will allow no one to n him. I'rofcHMor
Hitler will nee (hut pmper in riiiittinciila
inn made (or a succennful iiihIiIuIh In
July, o that no one will be dinappoutod
Hsirill:li HotiK. Mr (', o T.
Will'aiu rolurnoil homo thin week al
ter .ioiiiIv a Iwo mi'litliK' vlmt to hi old
Inline in llhiiuin Althoiiu'li ho oiijovod
tho trip very much, he dooit not taucy
tho climallc I'limlillon of thai Hta'c.
mid 1 well ploanrd wilh hi wlection of
Oii'Uun fur a liouio, which he inado
maiiv year avl'i. (If cnumc, Im talked
up iiii'iinn In In nlil limmln and now ac-
niiinilaili cs, and anv iiooiile whocoiim
lii'ie thrmiijli his inducement will be
of Ihe liollor elan, and valualilo HCiiii
ition to Oroiiii City.
SwiNlll.KKN AllHOAO. ('(llllplllillt ha
reached thi olllce that woaie tiavvlinu
fakirs aie woiklii I'lm kania coiinlv for t
sulxcriptions to very cheap traliy I
tHM'k. wlilcli they sef all the wav Innii .
$7 I0, addinit a an inducement that
a subMcripliou for tbe hook enti'le thorn
to iiitmhi'rhip in an annH-ialion. wlmie-
bytbey can obtain all kind of merclmn-1 Dr. W F Carll, accomiuiuicd a dele
table kihhU at wholenale price After j mil ion of Myctic Slirmcr to 1'ukoI
they have I'liid an enoruimi price for ! r-oiind the L.tt'or pit of lat week, lie
the book, the "in ker ilim-river that the j lenortu everything vorv dull there
nrchaiiiir ai" datum i a fraud.
I aimers will llnd H is li-ltor to piitmn
iie iegitininte men hauls,
The liml meoliuit "I the (liccn I'bar
mai Hill al Annin'iatioii bold in I'urt Imiil
hint week wua very nic'cennbil ull.iir
I he dniiiiiinli friiin i )ri'i!in City u Im ai
toinled dunlin tlm Hcxxmn Wore: Fliuer
K. ( 'linrniiin, (1 A. Ilnidii'it and F, O.
Caiillold, Mr C. M Nanb atlended the
oiellin M'nninll, while C i lllllitlev
and F. J. Louin alt.-inlnil the baiiipii'l,
winch wa a k'raml nM.iir, The batupn t
cont the llruL'k'inln uf I'lirllalld over
lis). Mr. F. F, Cbarinaii reporln that i In making mention of the entertain
the convention wan an Inteioniing one, inoiil to ! given by duel lodge. A. O
ami will be prcHlnctiieof iiinch gimd. ! C. W , the t n'n inadeit road "liriind"
j hnlgu ill hint week' issue of Tim F.M'KH-
ii AHir.iii.v iiKi'iinr or i aniiy M'IKmil. !
Thi' npiing term of sclnml cltmcd on
June 6, ISWl, Niimbrr of days taught
ml; number of ilinn iitleudance during
lerin 24H.I; number of davs ali-cnco .'141 ;
number of day tardy, uy ; tolul niiinber
of wholarn enrolled, TiS: Average al
londance during the term, 4'J. The
following pupils were placed on the roll
in iiiiiiur, nicy Having neen nenner "
ander lii'ikloinoier, Victor Carothers,
Cunnins Tnll, Albert Knight, Albert Cox,
"i . , . mni, iiiuiiiu inn ii-iiii, Alex
tJiura Kn:ghl, on,i Knight, Dycie,
lo', .oil Moner, Sadie Shi'r C N . i
PsaI'sh, teacher,
Nkw Itvensr Ciiciuii at Ionian
The Hiiptinln are eroding a cliuich
building at l.ogan. that will be a credit
to that section. The builuing Is to be
2(1x40 wilh a lower forty-live Icet in
height, with seat for I'.V). It is the in
tention to have it ready for occuimm y
within a mouth, when it will lie dedi
cated wilh appropriate rereuioliie. Til"
iciiple of that thriving neighborhood
are In 1k eoiigralnlalod on Ihe success
that has followed their efforts to secure
a new church building. Rev. J. liar
graves tills the pulpit at this place, and
is meeting with Mattering success.
Oi k Mail Facii.itik Aoain. Hon .
.1. M. Traov, of Logiin, was in Oregon
City Saturday. He Is well pleased with
crop prospects, but is kicking hard lie
cause the Oregon City pas"'rs do not
reach that place until Monday or Wed
nesday. A the mail leaves Clackamas
at 1 o'clock p. m. on Fridays for Logan,
and other point" on thai line, Tiik
Fntkiii'misk and Cornier are undoiitedly
cm riod to I'ortlund on Ihe train, w here
they lay over Iwo or three days, before
they are put oil' at Clackamas. The
urgent need fur a mail service direct
from Oregon City to thai portion of the
county is mine apparent than ever.
I.oaninu Roao Si h.m'kus. Judge
Moldrum states that private individ
ual often come to him and ask for the
use of road soraora to do work on the
oonntv road at their own expense w here
said rnada run through or in front of
their promiKes, separate from the road
tax worked out by the supervisor Ie
f urther state that many scrapers belong
ing to the county have been lost, and
not accounted for, and that when the
commissioner, meet in session in July,
lie will insist nn having an order made
that private individuals lie granted a per
mit to use these ro,"d soraxrs for the
purpose of working county roads at
their own expunse, Upon showing a
written order from the supervisor of the
road district In which they reside, and
who will be held responsible for them.
by the court; .
Mi'ST Rknkw. Tho board of school
hind commissioners for the stato of Ore
gon ut a recent meeting ordered tho
state treasurer, as tbe custodian of tho
notes and mortgages given for loans
from the common school and other
trtist funds to take immediate and decis
ive steps looking to the suttlmnent,
either by payment or reno'vul, of ull
notes that have been running for a
)orioU of over ton yonrs. Hon. I'hil
detchan, state treasurer, has recently
been giving close attention to this mat
ter and is pressing tbe settlement of
these old accounts, and notifying
delinquents that such must either ho
paid or renewed prior to July 1st. I tie
old notes all benr 10 per cent, interest
but if renewed they will boar but 8 per
cent. This step becomes necessary, it
being deemed best to renow such loans
at least once In ton years, and secure a
now appraisal of the property .
HicMiors HirsNi!, Mr. U (!. I'wl,
I'OHiiiiiiNliir ii rid ioiuliir nuircliiiiit ut
Viola, n in Oii'iton fit y Tuosday.
f.in liv lunfl hcell pr iihIiiIi'iI Willi
i kiien I'm tlm pii"t Iwo monlliK, mid
nn I in m 1 ,' ii hunlly oci upicd day Htnl
nluht wiiilinx on llieiii. Mis Helen
Kuiikle, uiolli-r of Mi, f.ewia, Ih'Ciiiiih
very ill May H, mid died May 2Hlh.
At the Hutim tlmu Mr I'wi was down
with tint m Krii'iie, a h alo her
ditnjihliir, Mm. W aid and two children.
Mrs, lewis's complaint t.'nnlniiled In a
nevi-re iitlm k of iiiieiunonla, w bii h chiiih
near provliiK luliil, but iindor Ko.
nii'illcal treiiliimiit aim i now tonvale
cunl. Mr. Ward an I children have re
covered, but Mr. I,fwi's brother, I'etur,
I now iiroslrated and Is very ill, Mr.
I Mini Kuiikle wa HO years and 10 day
old at tho time of luir ilealh. Shu wa
born In (liivernor cniiniv, Ohio, in 1811,
mid while a email child removed to
Toledo, Ohio, where she iimnied slid
lived until m, when she came loOnvon
BiidieHiiled wiih her onin-law sndj
il iUKhler, Mr and Mrs It. 0. Li-w
I hi venerable old lady enjoyed the
eieem una mieciioii 01 nor reiauvre.
! and neighbor, and her
be sadly luisind.
kiiulW face will
Loftier' scale board ahwjlulely cor
rect at Ibis oflice.
Mrs. Ailintii'on, of Snlein, i'til Siiii-
ilav with Mr. and Mr lairar,
J I'ure Willmit Mineral water on
i diiiunht at F. O. Ciiulleld'H, fi ct a kIii.
I Monnr F. ' I'hapuiiiu and J. W.
Hunt, of Cliiikiiuia", ",e in Oroyou
I City Siituhiy,
I Mrs, 1 1 , ol Salem, va in OreK'Mi
; City, Saturday ami Sunday vlnitinK '"I
a 1 1 von and friends.
, , - , ,
l or hamiuns in nanb, door ami
..I.ll.... ....... Ii I.'. ..I.... -I I I. i.l
iiiimiiiuiK". a" n. iiiii- , nui i v.
l'ope'& Co's hanlwaro more
lr. Andious, brother of
Mr. L. II.
Andrews, of Mountain View,
bit arrived
Iioiii the Fut, and will locate bete. ! porta everything prosperous in that set
Tim well-known railroad emincer, Mr I1'0"'
Horace U. lliilburt, of Ailinuion, wa in Mr. E. A. llennlee.editor and niana
thecily Monday and Tuesday on laud'irer of tbe La Camas News, called at
' j iMiMineas
Mr. W. II Howell in busy laying a
il incb water main no eleveitlii Mtreol.
and will soon extend some more pipe
linen in the smith part ol tl.e city.
ClonitiK out sale of naidi, dmirs, and
mouliliiik'n at It. FuiIo'h nhop back of
I ope A t o's liardrt lire nloro. The bent
bai'itiiiu ever otlered in Oregon City
C. ti lluiilly him the agency for the
OicgMiiiim, Sun I'liincnuo Fxamiiior
and Fveititig Teligiani F.xtM copies
can he bad at tho liimkntore at all times.
Mr. II K. (iibsoii and Mrs. Stortx
olost d a very succesnful term of school
at Clackamas 'ant week. Tlie cloning
exereisos.aiid entertainment wa a credit
to both teacher and luipil.
In a recent innui of the Wondhtirn
Iiiilcin'iiilciil, Mr. McMahan gives a
lilloroiit version of the recent
shooting alfViiy at Salem, tluin given by
the pac. at thecapftal city.
V T Whitlmk, 1'. M. W., ban Ikh'Ii
elected delegate from Kails City bulge
A. O F. W.,to attend the Grand Lodge,
which convene at Victoria, R. ('.. Julv
Kill, W. W.Myers was elected alter
nate. Tlie Fduiiilional Compendium, is
sued al Ronehnrg, with Rev. J. li. N.
Hell, editor, ha been changed to The
Oregon School Journal, and will In? re
moved to Suleiu, the department of
public inntruction.
Mcr. !. R. Il Miller. Joseph How
ell and Riley tiilmore, have returned
(nun the waters of the Columbia, near
tbe Itritish htniinlai y line, where they
went about three months since to build
a steamboat for some parties there.
L, Ii Fields, suH'iiiitondent of the
Southern Pacific railroad lines in Oregon
recently issued a notice Unit on and after
Juno ift, 181U, passengers will not be
carried by any special or regular freight
trains between Junction City and I'ort
land. Mr. Fred II. Martin, who has been the
t'llici'tnt job printer iu Tint Knti:ki'hisk
oilier, for Ihe past throe months
left for I'lirtlund Saturday to ac
cept the lorouuiunhlp of the printing
house ut Mils iv Sons, corner of I rout
mill SUii k streets.
Reuben Ronton, of 1'mke Oven, Wasco
countv, who was bore w ith a band of
horses a couple of weeks ago, was thrown
from a horse against a stone foundation
at Siilem the other day. He alighted
upon his head and sustained painful
bruises and scalp wounds,
Hon. Richard denies, w ho ha been a
councilman in the First ward in I'ortlund
since 1878. died at bis residence on
Figbth and Q streets last Friday eve
ning. Mr. Uerdcs was engaged in the
grocery business for a number of years
at Faglo Creek in this county.
Hun. J. C Rrownell, a prominent
attorney of Kansas, and one of Senator
Ingalls right hand supporters, is iu the
city. He is familiarizing himself with
the code, and will locate in this state.
Mr. Brownell has letters, of recommenda
tion from the. leading statesman of the
United States.
The people of Needy, Clnckamas
coiunty, number, according to tlia recent
sensus, J18. A majority of them
do not like the name, and at the next
Bession of the legislature they will peti
tion to have rt , changed to something
more suggestive of the beauty, fertility
and prosperity of the surrounding coun
liy. Oregonian.
The Pendleton militia company tried
to disband the other day, but Colonel
Houghton declined to allow . them to
doir their uniforms and lay down their
muskets. He instructed the command
ing ollicer, Lieutenant 'White, to call a
meeting of tho election of a captain, and
to compel attendance if necessary.
There is a good deal of "piny soldier"
about the militia, but some things are
really in earnest.
' John h. ,lone veru JomiiiIi Wilson,
action to recover money wa set for
hearliiK III lincori.er I'orter's court Iut
Monday. The cne wa Htllled and dis
iiiImhi'iI. the defitneiint imvinir nil il'-
iniinil asked for by the iilumtilf and the
cimi of proccediiitf, Will If, Walker
wa attorney for iiluinllft, and C. I'. nd
l. (', lUtourette lor dofenriant.
Street ('oiniiii"ioiier IIoIutk has been
RplMilnted to look after the public, mpiare
on Seventh mid Adams streets, by
Mayor HulliVHii. He slates that boys
have been doim considerable damage
hy pnlliiiK up the voiiiik trees planted
there, and that he will promptly a r rent
all olfender hereafter.
Mr. John V. Urn, with neverai men
i buily einHK'' 1 In woiking the claims
lieloni(in to the Jtlue River Milling and
Mininu ('oiuimny of this city, Them
"i...; ..!.. ......I 1.. I .. . i
! " "ro 'l,u"l,! '. '." ,'Bn" ,:""n ' "u
""l ""'"l"8 'B'
Mr. H, Miller, editor of the I'ralrie
(',y Illinois News, who was In the city
(r .boot len liv tbn irne.t t,t iw .1
K ,. fft Tiiem Uv ovenlno lr
j Illinois, w ith a very
ionof Oregon.
favorable impres-
I The two hundred excursionist who
I came down on tbe steamer Hoiik from
Salem laat Satunliiv evidently enjoyed
themselves. The Willamette University
l and accompanied the excursion.
Mr. L'. I!. Moore, of Jliili-cy, has ac
cented tbe rfilion of station sxont at
thi place, vice Mr. J. S. I'ordom, who
ii niuiiod to fill his appointment of Chief
nl l'olioe.
J. W. O'tNinnoll, the i luthior and bat
tel, has received a lot of Ihe bent make
of trunks direct (mm the factory in Wis
consin, and in pi op rod to give bargain
in that line.
' f'Mve time and money by handing in
i vonr Kiibacrii.!i,.ini ol II lilklleu'u Kitf.tr.
. . ' ........ j mm .
Kiore lor newHpaars anil
jdoiimslic and foreiun.
Mr T. H llunkinn. of MhoU I mm
j UH In Oreiron 'ilv. VAiUv i.n,l .
this oltlce last week.
Remeiiilier the public telephone is
now at C. U. Huntley's bookstore.
Mers. A. liristol and I. Frost, of
Can by, were in Oregon City Monday.
Mr. Frank liurch has returned from a
-neverai week's visit to Independence
Miss Rosamund Shaw spent Sunday at
Fob Salk. Boat house and ten boats.
Will teach business of boalmuking
to urchaser, liood bargains for right
party. Reasons for selling getting too
aged. Tho. Ri NDV, Oregon City, Or. tf
Fakmkhs, Attkntion A rare oppor
tunity to secure a header and thresher
almost as good as now at a bargain.
Mounted Woolburg ten-borne power.
The famous .1. I. Cane Agetata thresher
Also one ten-foot Haines header in good
order. Call on the undersigned. Wm.
IIaki.ow, Rarlow Station. 4 t
(ioto Wilson A Cooke for Oliver plows.
Warr-fit Holiiian, Funeral Directors
and Ciidertiiltors, Oregon City Hank
Fine Pillows made to order and Mats
Rugs, etc., of neat designs at Warren 4
Tlie best grade of Paint?, Oils
and Varnishes at the low
est market prices.
Best Brands Mixed Paint
Remember the place near the
court house.
Prof. Dunn Says
is no surer
or worthier pledge
of tho intelligence and
the purity of any commun
ity than their general purchase of
Books; nor is there any one who
does more to further the attainment
and possession of these quali
ties than a first-class
Keeps all the latent
Books and Periodicals,
Together With a fine lino of
Etc.. Etc.
Fancy groceR
xixxxiowii x xv uii
On the west side of the river pn the Oregon City and Portland roai,
and Willamette river. Twenty-five
bridge. Affords a splendid view of
side. This tract has been slashed
cheap on easy terms. Apply to
Have constantly on hand a lare assortment i Flowering rint, Shrubbery and
Bulhs with larire assortment of best varieties of Uone8 Cut Aimers at ail
times and Funeral Decorations a specialty. A larjre stock of
strong, healthy, Tomato, Cabbaneand Cal'flower plants to
lie had at Green Hotwe, or E. K. Williams or
Newton's, grocery stores. Oregon City.
JOSEPH COLLINS & CO., Park Place P. O.
All Kinds of Rustic Furniture
All work guaranteed and the best of material used.
Settees, - - f6 00 Rocking chairs, - 5 00
Arm Chairs, - 4 00 Flower Stand, - - $3 to $9
Lamp Stand, - - $2 and $3 Diningroom Chairs per set, $15 00
Small Rocking Chairs and Raby.Chairs to order.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
Heavy, 111 al lifactiirei
Harflware, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
Sorensen t
Fir, Spruce and Cedar; also Laths, Pickets, Shin-)
gles, Etc. Shipped to all points on'
the river or bv rail. l '
Mill situated on
Faney Groceries
minutes walk from the rupensioB
the river, Portland and the East
and gown in grass. Will' be sold
& i Young !
Willamette river at