COUNTY NEWS HEMS Interesting Tlil-bits (iathereit By Active t'r of KoRulnr Con-trilmlont. Ue ill lilt., A dmigliii-r. Hilly Marshall's oliwrfiil far puts tn an : occasional Npcrniicv s li "i-tln i rates" i with hi sol.lcrim; iron ami oolm mi?- tl l A welcome culler all around, for In' mends ! tlio ware In good slmi'O, Ho certainly Is . nappy, "lor lie owes not iy man." Holms J,',, ! money l Interest ami lias no one at home to This i"" of Clackamas comity known S,VM i( he comes in late, . t So Man's land, comprises a strip two; , ,h ,()(,k flirm mv nines wtue on ,.,e nomiern ooumiary, ... U) Uln , 0r ,ly, wntin,, f u any man wants w miy a iiirm, no .. , (,lljoUl, ,u, ,, m, lis tht it I Kime man's laud pretty well , . . . . .u He pit ti." cents pr bushel (or III out ami sxltetl with the rijiht color, in mind, if not In pocket. .VW r tioHMi (or his chickens. He real- We hav plenty of timber, good vt-r ! ,4tll t)is U4n output tli n of U ami sawmills. Six within a radius ot three j Xow wHl Slt., , ,),., m)1 (B), j0 form ,v, miles, that And ready sale for all the lutn- ou, frt Wm,tv-(lve mile front Portland her and lies cut and delivered to the V. l 11)W Hir called at the of James ' tiilwon theotlier iii(;ht for fresh meat, l.a(e The Ust Chance, erected on the farm of j po,,.,,, ids brother lve, Jim Klvers, Hal Mr. W. H. Fauoion, is I lie latest addition ! i;ii,soll lllMy others were on the scone in the way of sawmills, and furnishes tie ' tt I jiuns, clulw, pitchfork! and every other hauling for all the teams in the neighbor- lVi,wilahle weaon, hut all to no other pur hooda; remunerative prices. pose than to scare his bearship out of the Mr. Harlaml Cone of the Last Chance, i neighborhood. Itruiii might as well have IPI his hand caught between a lop and the 1 staved, as he was not the only Olio frighten tin', and bruised Ins hand very badly, et l'r. K. lav mutton sheep in tVrtlaml at live dollars oer head, and sold a beef at loss than cost. JnneS, ism. Yum. which will cause him to take a few rest. ! We hare a joint school district with Multnomah county. We now have a ten months school in the year, ably con-, ducted by Mr. Almaii. a graduate of the Normal school at Monmouth. Crops of all kinds are looking well. : There is an increased acreage put inpota-' toes and the prospect good for an im- mouse crop. 1 The elegant new residence of Mr. A. It.' Elliot, the Powell's Valley metvhaut, is about completed. Mr. Thomas Hughes spent the last year in Kastern Oregon, but finding no place ' like Wcbl'oot. has returned and contracted '. with J. l Bradley for a vear's work. j Mr. Edward Laboron was drowned at ! Hoyt's saw mill, June 2d. He and Mr. I Matde Laim. V. l. Ilnuklua.of Snrt, U pnylnitan esttended visit to hi brother Thomas It,, of this place. J. U. Oavtea Is kept btty with his house moving outtlt. Sntvess to John; he de serves it, " Hon l, J. Cole delivered a lecture at the wchool house Monday evening, tiniinlsloner Moehtike luts a number of men employed on the county road The grim destroyer has Invaded this neighborhood and plucked one of our bright est Mowers, Willie Currlu has atlondinl the Maple line school for the past lice yours. Hieniiil nature and pleasant ways en deared him to the hearts of teachers and school mates, and his death has oa a sad ness throughout the community. Motalla Moody A; Knglc have been improving the sewerage system ot the city call it road work in the country. Mr. M. MclVnald, owing to :in inerva-e of , business has hired a first-olaa "I'river" to j aist in his blacksmithing business, j Mr. Joseph ljuinn, an old pioneer, do-j parted this life on the -"Mil of May at his r home near Maniuaiusv ille. j Mrs. I.illie H. Austen, administratrix of! the estate of W. T. Austen, deceased, gves to Oregon City this week to make linal set tlement in the matter of said estate. Mr. J. R. Shaver returned from Kastern Oregon greatly improved in health and bet ter satisfied with this section. John Is hav ing a lot of slashing done this season. Camp meeting begins at Teasel creek this Pleasant Hill. The corner stone of the llrsl Congrega tional church was laid on the Tth Inst at 10 A. M and a picnic followed Mr, Arthur Kiggs" is home again fore, few ! days rest. A.tx Is sick, thinks he was pols. Uvorv, I'Yoil ml Suit' Stitlito ORECONCITY. UHUTKII ItKTWKKN THK llltllHIK AM) HM'tlT IVuililo ttnil Singlti KigK, Hint Hinl llo horst't ithvayti tm lutiul 'ut tlt inwoKt itiocx, A oorrull t'onnt'cloJ with tin) Imru for Iooho utook. Information regarding any kind ot slock promptly atlondod to by person oi letler, Horsos Bousht nnd Sold. DY THE kr l l Am, I t'ii J Mux 0. J. L0VDJ0Y, UK UK It IN Plain and Fancy Groceries. The l.ovejoy Hotel sets the best table In the city with the very choicest the market allords. BEDS AND BEST I HHNKH lot H t II JM' "MODATIP'" Tie Greatest SUMMKR KliSORToH tug coast Tim .ssn.irisitiioit'H I'lii-atliHt Tin- (idtt-City cf hm an,i; Ctmiitit-H iiiul tin' KiininiiH Coiiuillo VulU I All-fait The Most Promising Locality ontheOreg T ' : . I- v.4. . .11 MW I .liiilii llurlior; itioMiatislni'lo l utuxT Hiipply; ,w (, Conl Kicl'U; "'l'l. Silvor, Iron titi-l Cotijmr ihiuen, f A(!fii'iiltiinilitti'i llorlH'tiiitiriii i.tuuiwlirsv liivisliiit'iifiii tlio l iiiliil Ktittoa. 1 1 ..i i I'll ,- u I I . OIlOll 111 CillliiK v-rtMlir'i iimii. , Mav Hale went out in the mill pond on some j neck under the managemont of the South logs; the logs being peeled and very slick. I em Methodists. they slipped on m the water, sir. itale, john su wart has I'M acres of wheat just by strenuous ettorts sueoeelM in getting neajig 0t H,t ill compare hold of a log and saving niniseit. -Men withanv field in the state. went to the rescue and did all in their power ! "... . . . ...... ,ii. i Never did growing gram look more prom HUM tfic im j'lciiin ii.tiiii r i . Ilioren. But the water being twelve foot srell The ising for a bountiful crop than at present. lli.,c .l,..riA ai.fl t.M,-li arM mum nr deep it was some thirtv minutes liefore they : , , i , ..- ".i i. . t- less damaged, succeeded in getting the body out. Every i Tt'M ettort was made to resuscitate him. but life j was extinct. He leaves a wife and three children to nicuni the loss of a kind hust'and and father. Mr. Laboron was years oi l. and came here from Kansas about a year ago. By his uprightness and sociability he had made many friends. Pirn At the residence of his grandson, li. V. Cone. June , Cierari Cutler, in his W year. ticrard Cutler was Kirn January 10, l?!. at Ciuildhall, Vermont. He was converted to the Christian religion in his lsth vear, and was a memler of the Congregational church at the time of his decease. He was one of the founders of what is now called the republican party. The interesting life of Gerard Cutler, with his four score and ten years of well spent time, might fill a volume. He had the best of health and strength, and alt his mental faculties unim- Itorn, to the wife of lioheii t'ravilla, .toth, a girl. Miss lilciison. id' Hubbard, closed a very suceos-tul term of aclmol in the Carroll school di-trict on the, "Id instant. Very sorry to have Miss til aon leave us. May she take the good will of all with her. J W. tlrahain, of tiraluuu s Kerry, Is again employed by a railroad company, and is at present in Jackson county , Oregon, Krai n, hops, fruit and hnv are looking re markably well In our vicinity lor this time of the year. A company of six from Canenuih honored us with their presence May SOth, Come again friends, You will always Ifnd a wel come. Next Sunday is children's day at the lMeasant Hill school house; come out and favorably bring all the little ones. The I'lcssant Hill Sunday school has been very kindly Inv ited to attend the picnic at Middlcton on Saturday the l.'ilh. IlmTKira, June 9. IOI. Scenery -and - Town shown - by I 'nil I'tirly mitl p-i l'!ni'niiis. 1 l.ots milv -" for ii (lav iiuirr. r)ioiir l'M ltv itinl si o the ud Sullivan : & : Davidson oswK.iio, tu;i:ioN, Tit oatjr DEUGfiiSTS ietwfea portUii nil ureiiOD City, j f mry a futl line of imt oa, MKfm iNf S, TillT AKni'l , 1 TluN AMI H VMI W 1. ttooua. Musi litlf ' r prniiiisiiin luisiiM ss mi tl in Hn'nii City nro iim ,,. ..!, ,. I llns iiiiiniilllliitV to U t 'tl It linllio I V tin- A. J. HACKETli Mur RimU i. 1'' Ji . williuuil lJ-Ul AT IfiHiM I'. I I V I l(M"l:l llt'll I.. Aims It has i oen some time ince we have anything from this nciglilntrluitHl. w riter must be dead. ,Ve have had some fine rains. The crops are looking tine, but the fruit is all blight ing and falling oil. The hoys have organized a bu-eball club and it is their intention to play the Sandy hoys a game on the Kourth. I mr school is out for a three mviith' va cation. E, S. Hroiuhall is hav ing some improve ment done at Ids ranch. Ih-sides lixing his house up, he is putting down pipe ami forcing water to the garden. Miss Nellie Itromhall is down to Mt. Ta bor for the summer. THE Mountain Bluff Meat Market ! ORECON CITY, ' 1 the plsre ahere vml cau :) flmt the choicest id all tttnd of freli mests. Also Ihechotceil brsnds ot llsms, lUcu, l.nt, hutn-r. Kitut, fin?es., Fie., ailh I'orueil tier! THAT HAS NO RIVAL. . P. CROCKER. - Proprietor I'KCSt'lUITIONS t AIUH IIY COVIIMI MlKII i , r, wiM i i S. t! I la " r'li eries JOHN A. BECK, THt RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STll.L UN K.AHTlt. For potiorul ri imiriiig ho Btaiiils without a jKr. For tirnt-clitHH, re liitlilo gcKiJit hiit ntoru id mvotnl (o untie. Try him I (HineseteScmptu?.!; II lati Who UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERQr time Largest alix li ol Collins and ( u-tets sold South of and Metallic t askels (umishrd to Older. l adle limits' llurial Kobes In stta k. Also Wauoii ninl Carriui" ad 'oitlaii.l. AlmnUi'"' llunal IU.M,. tllUN IMH'IIIC 41 -:- 3,300! IWOTSan.l SHOES MRS. Bankrupt Stock eral Hliu ksinitliiiij; on tirt iinlift'. C. H. L. BURMEIS1 OK Custom Canlinjr. paired up to the last few weeks of tits life. I ' By his pleasant kindly ways he had en-, (iuvel Lwle Xo. ,V, A. t. I". W., li deare I himself to all. j their seiui-unmiul election on last Thursday Death or as old Pioneer.-I-rael Ora- evening. The follow ingotlii-ers were elected : don, well known in Oregon and Washing- I Weldon Shanks, M. V; S. Wilkinson, ton, quietly l assed awav at the resi.len.-e of - Foreman; Alva Shanks,!).; f. 1'. !hx. Ue his daughter. He came to Portland Iroin ; corder; Win. Knight, Financier; Oeorg. Indiana a pioneer of and has resided 1 Knight, Receiver; S. W. Parmenter. Ouide ; here until the last few years. Mr. Gradon ! H- Knight, I. W.; II. Smith. O. W. S. J. was one of the first to start a wagon and Harrison was elected delegate to tirand : 1 .oil co which convenes in ictoria, 1!. C, .o 1-einlj to tin l'lrt lu rk Carding Rolls you Spliinliig a ii (I Huts for Comforter Mini Maltre ises. Id IW Highest piico paid for Wool. CUSTOM CARDING MILLS. carriage shop in Portland, and shipped the first freight wagons ever used in Eastern '. Oregon. He was an old time Mason and Odd Fellow, and was employed eight years ' as mail agent on the 0. .t C. railroad. j Mr. Gradon was noted for his kindness and philanthropy. Tlis poor and distressed ; never appealed to him , in vain. His hand, was always ready to help the suffering. He i practiced what he preached the religion of ; humanity, as many can testify who received from bis generous hand. ' July 8. ltthl. O. Meadow Brook- From the fact of the writer being ahsent on business this week not many local occur tences have come under his observation. C.J. Dart, of Hillsboro, was in this vicin ity looking for a desirable projierty on which to locate. He expressed himself as well pleased with our fertile wilds. There is a notice posted on Wright's bridge ov er the Molalla river, notifying the public that the bridge is unsafe, and that all persons crossing the same must do so at their own risk. J. 11. Wright, of this place, drove home Mark's Prairie. The recent fains have been very beneficial to the spring growing crops. Our road overseer is again busy repairing bridges, working the roads, and doing some excellent work. Mr. J. Hanson, of Salem, is here visiting friends and relatives, and transferring lees, and making some valuable changes in his apiary. Marks Prairie boasts of having something over one hundred acres of potatoes planted, anil has already had new potatoes this sea son. I.a grippe is still among us, and quite a number of our neighbors are sull'ering with the dreaded disease. On the evening of Sunday the "th, Mr. James Howard was suddenly attacked with the grippe at the residence ol his father, and for a tuns it was thought he would not sur vive; hut at this writing be is some better. On the afternoon of Friday, the .rth, Mr. Arthur Winches' school closed, and we feel BOOTS AIT 3D The Celebrated Frencli Cure, wrr,"APHRODITINE',r;'(r,:a Is Pm.D o A P08ITIVE GUARANTEE tnrurcany fynn Of nTVDU dUfftM) or any dtmnlerof the generative or pan of eUbtrtx. 0? BEFORE fntnthef .'"!. w 0eof Htimtilnriti, AFTER June 12, 1801. this week a sidendid baud of sheen, consist ing of fifty pure blooded registered niMi. ! proud in saying that it was one of the most nos Phoknix j successlul terms of school ever taught at bouse. Mr. v inches I has proved himself to be one of the foremost Oswego. ; teachers, and we would only be glad to have June, beautiful June, with all her train of: him again, flowers, is visiting our little village, making Charles Waite and wife, of Portland, are making a visit with Mrs. Woitc's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marks of this place. Mr. one think of gala days. Mr. vV. Miller, the village blacksmith, had a stroke ot paralysis yesterday evening, and is in a critical condition. Mr. Oerge Davidson is staying at M. L. Davidson's. He is improving his father's farm. Mr. Bodenfelt, our shoemaker, has moved into his fine residence on First street. The musicians went to Milwaukie to prac tice with the band of that place Saturday evening, the 6th. Miss lizzie Hosey, of Oregon City, is vis iting relatives here. Miss Kate Wigand spent Saturday and Sunday in Albina. Mr. Kussell Delashmut is very low with consumption. Drs. Sailor and White have been in our town this week. Helen. Waite is also looking over his farm, and in tends making some changes soon which will considerably improve the looks of his farm. Occasional. Eagle Creek. "Odd" Sarrer has sold out. He will quit fanning for the present and he goes this week to Powell's valley to work in a saw mill. Joseph Douglas, who lives near The Dal les, has been very sick at the residence of his father-in-law, Win. Howlett, near here. He is now improving. Bohh. to the wife of Granville Linn, on Cnrrinsville. Mr. George J. Currin is putting up one of the finest barns in the county. It will take 75,000 shingles to roof it. The foundations are of stone, six feet high. , The real estate boom has struck Garfield hills, and land is rapidly advancing in price. Mr. H. Epperson reports business brisk at the cyclone mill. Grain of all kinds is looking fine, and the largest crop ever raised here will be the re sult. Where is the assessor? , Why does he not put in his appearance in Garfield precinct and see how much people owe? Justice Wm. Currin will try his first state case to-day. 'The offense charged is larceny from a dwelling. Garfield precinct will demand a represent ative in the next legislature; so say some of our leading republicans. The alliance at Eagle Creek is composed almost wholly of democrats. Mr. John Irvin recently sold some fine T(iteeoorOjliiin,ortliminth youthful lu.llvre tlnn, nvrr Inifulir.-nie, Ac , mh Lo.ii( Urn In Potter, Wal-fnhinv, Hesrlnsdnwn fiilm In the bai-k,,llyterls, S'ervnul I'm. tratlou, Nocturnal Kmlsslona, Liuieorrhii a. Mi sitiess, Wi k Memory, taaanl I'ovn-rand lms tenrjr. which It mulrcteil often l.-aitio premature olit aire and Insanity. Price ll.iu a w, tboita for f. no, Kent hj mall on reri'lpt nt t.rl.-e A WRIT. EN r;t'ARANtr.K la given tor every f.vuu order nx-el ved, torefnnit thenintu-y It a I'ermanent euro la not erTei t.d. We havs thoiiaaniliol testimonials from old and ymuiK. of both flext-a, who have been tM-rmaneutly euri-d by theme of Aphrodltine. Circular free. Addreii THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wentern Branch, Box 27. Portland, Ob. For sale by Chartnan A Co. Druggists, Oregon City Or. :: SHOES To lx Hold hi 0 (Yitta tut tht) Dollar for l." tiny only. Call curly if you wnnt your jd'ck, ft ml avoid the rtihh. The Great Eastern Store. Mayer & Ackerman, Props. 1 '''''' A3L.11, REPAIIiINO rou ii jMllll limn trra.l Slip.' font plet. 4111 tlll I laid tlU'i Watches, : Jewe',1 :SlLVERWARE,' Clocks, Spectac.a U. i A jo 111,-4 ever GREAT REDUCTION IN PHOTO G R A P S I hp oltl eatatfllKhcd aii'l H'llalilc DhntoffrftphtT, T RPRIERT 4'nblnet llitograpli, ti'i peril ox. QUEEN BEE RESTAURANT and LUNCH COUNTER. Meals served day anil niftht. Oysters and Chops in any style. Side entrance for ladies. MAIK STHKET. - OBEOON CITY. B. .S Bellomy, PI'. CHAKMAN llUOS.' lil ll.lil.Vti, Carries a Full Stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE, NOTIONS and Household Furnishings. New anil Hcennil-Hatnl Furniture llruiuht ami Sold. Can give von a ImrKiiiii. M. II. Flanagan. ,1, 1'. Hill Flanagan & Hill, WHOLESALE AM) KETAIL LIOUOR STORE. KEf.PH ON HANI) THK HKHT HKI.KCTION of Wines, Mipinra, Ale, lienr, Ae., to Im foiinil In the HtaU. In Login -Ksithsra llloct Give me a call. HALF AND HALF ON WtAUOHT. PCLE -f IIBI (XI Tlis Fortlaud Mr, i i IMI'IIKI Kit iiK i AMI i I'l: ti l It I.N I ttr 1 tlBVIi " """""" IBaW b'e.l SDIAMf JNDS, ffl -V"a ' In!!"' Waiehes, Jewelry, Clocks and OK cal Goods. h" jt-iivi Hi") First Stroot, Nour Morrixon St, I.mlicH' I'rivnto Knlriuitt1 nltliKIIH HtoM THK t iitM'liy ItKIl "'1 limit Z ftaie QUARTER There rt- tled in Ha- gon, near wnai ui i I is now Baker City, PC MTf tRV man who has aince VCJ 1 1 Uli I become identified with the resource! n nd n f development of that country. Thin man M V3 U ii no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in the county. In ft recent letter he soys : " I had been suffering' from pains in my back and general kid ney complaint for some time, and had used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The pains in my back had become so severe that T wns prevented from attending to my work and could not move about without the use of a cane. Hear ing, through a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fected by Oregon Kidney Tea, I was induced to try a box, and from that very first dose I found intttnnt relief, and before using half the contents of the box the pains in my back entirely disappeared. I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to my friends. I would not be without it for anything." Oregon Kjdney Tea cures backache, inconti nence of urine, brick dut sediment, burning or painful sensation while urinating, and all affec tions of the kidney or urinary organ of either sex. YOR HAMS BY CHAKMAN & CO., URUOGISTS. CLIFF : HOUSE, J. Bitner, Proprietor. The only firBt-claH8 Hotel in Oregon City. BEST ROOMS. COOL BOARD OKO. C. EI.V tr, J, HAl'Cll ELY & RAUCH DEALERS IN Merchandise. Store locatod at Mountain View, on Molalla road, ono mile south" east of Oregon City, oo We deal in Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Groceries of all kinds, Hoots ami Hhotm, Gents' Underwear and other Htyles of Clothing, and numerous other articles suitable for the needs of the farmer and his family. Hy prompt and fair dealing we hope to receive in future, an in tho past, a liberal share of patronage. aC-aC'J'he highest market jjiriee paid for llutter, Eggs and FowIh. September 11, 1800. fin fi nnn n 111 n niP The ucktumli-dgnl li-fl.liiiK tin tli' GENERAL MERCHANDISE; tn 3 n t linn Hie H'liti' Ullt' Hi h Itov. en iim-ii,. BUir O. M. II EN r)KHS()N'lf I CaURaMO EOOTS S SHOtJW In CHICA80. Kol: W. f Rediti he r viL. ii. m r wt& IlO m' m pIlHIiil In t h .week' HOLE AdKSTH l'(j THE ('EI.EUllATED KED : SCHOOL : HOUSE : SftltS 'n groat varit'lv. THOS. CHARMAN & SOi fiently lllmoii fcompt ill V! nurton 'aliti'tii 1 V. if' "'''''"'Vt-W'fllfSVvt,