Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 19, 1891, Image 3

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    . .. . i . I ... i ...l MOM
jitiwktiiiff items rinH'ii)
fcrlt'H Clipped rroiti '' Feliiiiiire.
Hun FruncWo Cull! I nttcrin,
Auburn, liu I" "pending it few
,v, t llm I'.ilin'f, Ik wdl
hi' Wii having been a ciiiididutc
the tt.MitlimUwi for Governor year
Mr Patterson In il .Miaouihin hy
Jrlli, ",H "Vl"' "
jciilV i tfl to be keenly alive to the
li-i of til" Hnpl til III IllltlVO
"A short llllill HUH," III' Willi, last
ght, " few of it hud congregated in
minon at A it I hi r it (or mi voni iiuk'h
iunmntit, mi l oiiiiiim llm number
resent wm R sheep-raliier, who w
tl uf very In words. During III
enllilf II dispute II I nun over the Rt -
1 atieali-onstriietion ol h m-ntcitcc, and
ter signing It pro ami con ' tm
'me. one ol llm gathering ttumiil In the
eador of sheep ami said; "y tbi'way
m run settle this. Vim'r itinmnmr
Inn, re you mil?"
't'ir.miiiarlu'f" " the PUimIimI ro
V "Nut iintnlt ; I'm Mlsaoiinun,
i dim't vt fin"t ll."
l'itu: tii Til,: i anviix riTi
l.i.ntj Cieok Ficde; "Vkh, hul never.
II niiyoiin hit llijuii"! liy ymir "I'uv i
n-iup," .1 Vii iiri'ly have taig itiun j
ll ,.ulv few Weeks ago H I - ti t. nf i
hit (hiv brought yu I" link i"' muni'
yonr ungentle mutily roiiiiiiciit, end :
yoiirowil i-iinrlilill, I'oides t-itl I i l'i !
H nil llm ootMng pi'l mimes, ("iliii'l v
Uted Vou to get ti nir ul m r htmii. j
k your titiftt wiiil lie ' wniilil kmu-k
(lett'oll killiU of ll I ,olll "I Villi. hut j
Hir cowardly "ri'vnl''sliiiu wl'h V"n '
nd roiling on ImiIIi hinds, and eves!
It downward, ni'i'iucnllv giiing Into!
Ihiwi'Im of tlii 1'iirlh, Hi lli'iiu'li,
(dilating miii Did pilichae ol 1m
the editor heaven, In cane you was
inihilalod, never oHiiiiiiu your
aulli. . .
I'ut'lliiiul F.vt'iiing Telegram : ll i nn
(cresting lo until it llm dlUctvilt ntvles
.lvllK. Soin iiii'li, of llm J' M ul
tti'ii Mrli, Ho only in )"klu wny
'! fur fun, MIi'r liw lorn lniiin.'
with liiimit lo ilu'"iv I'otiti-
llntrw vi-ry minn'rnim, uml of IIimw
re ro to jjimiituI i-Uhw (Mm
lo lm liy inilitiiiliii, nIiilry.
imililn, ro'iiiiil.ilioiil nrttti iti. mu-
iwion Rinl vol.l.miK, miv. iiu"llil f -pith
iiuin I'luiit lii' 'iliriH-i," tli Hi'
inn, ifro uml piliMMf." Oiln'n
,1 bi'l'liv, lilimilv, im.ilivi'lv, ).irHil
lly. fuieililv nin( Willi rvl.li-nl Intent
liin'ii tin' KiT"iuini 'i ini'ir iiiii- j
nl tiv Rinriii, lv tin' fury hii.I iiuhiu'ii-
pi if tin-ir vi'lii'ini'iit nmuTtioiiK It In'
U'lii) IjU"H to kivi' i'X.iinilrii of tlu'i
fv, but It !! lw r'iit"'l llil liii" j
TIU I'HKAI'ttt' line Ioi hk ;
jfulli County Olwi'tu'r: Mr. J F.
fitwn Moml.k'v vn'iiintt nliowi'il Hi
pii lii uf tin' li'M1 I"1'"1' tlml i I'liiyiiiii
id lnivm Willi lioiw III Kimie wi tluim.
I.y rimn (nun it-tillny ' viiriloviT
Ititu Villiiini'ttt nml lliri'ii or four
lv iiilii''l lu n fiivclon nr.'
rrti:,V Rlivi' with tin- ("'"kv liUlo ill'
nyi'r,; Tot In' imki'il i'yr llu'V .nn
r l iut .trt H""'l i"
iR.l, wl livi'ly n Riiy lotlif. It i nnl.l
l stiwi tlii'V work ' mi vlni, tlu
nl ilpo pp mi'l i"t TIh'm' lire lmv
n itn UIH'OIV, nun of which moi-ouiii.
iml tin ioiinili It In mimtl irrwn
Mm uhoiil t4 of nil Illi'h louit, Hint
t.o!y itttvonrn I'vi'ry louw lu) run t
llll of,
Tlltt IRlHHtHITAIIt.lt I'lUWI'KlTiiHH.
timnU" 1'h foiiriiT: Tim proiiiM'rt-
nni uIipmi.I in tin-luii't, Thi'y nri'
ik fimn tin' liuniiUnl ini'ii in tlm ili'cp
.ny'!i of Ho wuihIihI uiooiiUiint
ihey ili'lve ml otk for tlm
Ji.lfii (oiUinn whlihthey Imve faith U
rh. Tin' ttrf.it nuinK of our piniplw
nit linthiuK ol thi'in or of llii'ir work.
,U mti whi'M tlii'V conn! lo Hit utorM
t iiiilu'B, oi lii tiie Courier ollir for
luksthiU Ihrir pri'i'iir U mil
Miwu 'Tho piofiM'i'lor In ri'tunnl
diviihml, Ho KimriU wi'U hiil hopm
d the l)til "I hiii oH'intion. If hi'
lil r mint' 1 1 in worlil lirnmol it; if not
Wilt Imvrr know of IiIk triitln mul toil.
4 rMAKr m iiiiol. lioV,
Fori'it Gr.ivo Tlinm: A littlle elirlit
r-o!il Inh hoy in on of our puhlif
Imolii wrh n'provi'il hv lii ti'iu iicr foi
pu' niirvcliii'f. Il ii iiImiiiI to ili-iiy
Ihiult, wlii'ii hIih until "1 khw vo'i,
try" "Yi-H," lm ri'ili,t n ipiirk
f B il l-id. "I Ii'IIh lliim llioro unit iniU'li
'limloii't ni'o will tliiiu iiurty hhirk
tml jfoiun." Thnt wiih tiui o(t
iwer tliiit tin ncil nwav wrnlh; lor
t lufly I'l'iihl ri'iiMt no nMri'tul a
rrn an ohkhon i-roihtt.
liinilny Wnlromn: (iooil pnpi'r,
t," Buiil L'l'iillnmui in our Hunrtum
thc fliilwheil piirmnnn thn rnn rriin
Irii l',xiniiii'r
f'No woiulor," ri'plii'il nn lionorny
jmb'T. of "Thu Weli-nniB KohiIIiik
jtim.",' lt'n un (lro(on pnxlucl,"
H..w, thul?"
i'Wliy, i)ih pnpi-r, I nnv In nuido nt
i WiHaiiielti) l'ulp nml l'upor Vu. Mills
rOrij,;(i City. rW?
rol'NI) NOT A TKl'R llll.t.. '
'onilbiirn liitUiiiiinilwit: Thn urnnd
ry.iii ilio iaH of L, II. McMrtlmn,
Rrneil with hhhhiiU with ft (InngnrntiR
in I hi ii, hroii;ht In tint n true hill. Thin
tlm wry bi'Ht viiulicHtlon that could
iVd given liiin. It nliow tlinn an
Jtor niRy critioine r noliticnl rlnirslor
id yet ili'funil hlmaclf without dnnser
f.mt Portlnnd Clironii lii: It If) re
ined trie property owner who hold
I on tlm low Krnntl in " vicinity of
Die Oitkn" intend to non fill nil that
dion of the city up to grade. ThU
III hu done by nieani of tho new
Wt-pnmp and 'wind will be pumped
orn bottom of tho river to make
e till. : .
Fourth of July 1'lcnloi
Tho yomiK peoplo of the Cliickaman
irnt mHhyteriun church will (five a
enic entoftainimint on the Kourth of
ily, near Mr. Kdward lluuhes'.
Ali who dnnire a snfo, plenmtnt rntor
inmnt for tliciiiHiilviM and children are
irdiiilly invitod to rome and tirinx their
iHiidts of picnic dainties. Candy and
niomide ntiindB will he accensihlo.
Iio comnilttuo are preparing a program
Iiii'li will doiihtlcBH proye iiitereHting
id inntructive. ' Com.
t -U S I'. 1IJ'
i ClliLDkliN'S DAY
(;i:.M:ii,n.f.v oihi:iivi:i is the
VAIflOf .S f iii khiih.
i:U'aiitil I'IimiiI llncuriilloiiM nml Hi ll
Hi imIcii'iI l'rii(fimi.
ATTIta M. K. I'll! lll ll,
Thetithiof thn prounuu reiidiui'il hy
llm Huhhiitli m hool Hiind.iy 1 1 1 1 1 1 wim
"The IViii-I (lnllii'iern." The exi-n incn
coiininti'd of muiitii, rcrllaliiinn, elc, mul
tlin laiiie ntiilii'lice wim hlttlily t'dilicil,
The followliiR- pi'arln were miiik mid nv
cited ahoill : The peml of rliiliti'uiiKhiiHh,
pcmlti ol m1u iitlull ,'i'urlt of iove, ncurU
of iiulUMlry, K!,irl of gi'iiiliini'BK, pi'iti l
uf liiiioii'iiii', the penrl uf uliiidiuiiru.
pearl of Niiiuieih. Tnu nlnifintt ami
nu'ltiilliiini wimi nil well rliUilnri-d. An
for the ilrroidlliinn il may he knid tlmy
Mine artanui'd with tuHto and "kill,
AiniiiiK thoiiH who actively piirticiiniteil
lu the exeu-incn acre Mm, T. A, l'ojie,
Jennie IVarce. I'hnn. Meldiuui, Miinn
Ciixit, II. llonlltt'le, hennie Mi'ldruiii,
Ainu IVnrrc, .1. I,. Hwnlhiiil, Mr, lie-'lm;
ii'rliiiliuii, by Annul .MrMruin, Viva
I'liillipN, Huh) 1 Hpenci'r nml MayCtiHc;
anoiitf, "We nic hill I.lttlc liiildiiui," i
1 1 v Mm, S n ll in I nml iIiihh; ",hMim
and tlm Cliililren," by Mm Mi-ldruin
nml chin lii-v, l'iiroiin uinl K, C, I
hii'lie, i-nphiuii"! llin woik ot (lie lionul j
ul Killli hIihii of llic Mi'thmtiHt Mpin, npal
I'litlirli, ulti'i' wliirli i lliu ."-h.iIImhI and
Tinhe Harlow tt I llirou.li th run
Rri'K.iliou, mul Icii'ivi'd a liln-rnl cnntri
billion lo niil wuilliy youiiK pcnplu to
nii'iiii' Hud I'lhiniliuli.
Titit ninr i ii i nr ii.
'flu' I'hllilrun'n lny ri(i'rri"i-ii in the
1'vi'iiiiijj nl Hun rliuich were I'xrrllciitly
t ' 1 1 1 -r 1 the ll ir.il ili'i'iiiatiiiiiH Mi'iu
prifiiKi' Hint tiiKiily ainiiiiil, it ml tint
mum l pm t of the iini:r"i wan oirrp.
Iloiially Kooil. 1 he cliuicli wan crowdeil
to it m iitmoHl cai'iuity, mul it in cnn
iiiuli'd that over one bumlnd peoplo
im turned aay who could not umu
mlinltUiiuo to the church. In nddi
tinn to the ncriptuio ii'a'hiit;n mul ro
niNiiine! thi-ru wnie ni'vcral well ren
ilcied riiciialiunn: "The IiciiIIiIchh
llunrt," by liuth Cowiiiit ; "Ibiwtodo
II," by I).iiy t'ronni "Tint did Hotter
lleiln," by Oolly Cnmn; "Nell nml Joe,"
hy Jem.ie I'orter; "Tlm Cliuicli hinder,"
liy Katm hand; "Some Wonderful
i hildieirn Dam," hy lliilda lluldeu,
I'luMreli'n I'ny Anthem" un! by
tvii'iityllve hlllii tfirU iib i-xcidlent.
An onuuiiil nolo, by A h 1'icm r, wa
nil ii it by Mi I.nttiii ltaiid, wliiih In
liililily cutiiliieliiled,
i osiiMnu vrioNAI. i iiriirii.
Childien'n d.iy appropriately ob
neived III the t 'oni;ieiitiiiUal I'lilin ll nil
IubI huiuliiv. Al the iiiointuu nervire
the niiiKinn wan led by a choir o lilty
cliililren nml the pantor preiu hed a ner
moil on "Oln'dieiice to I'arenln " In tlm
eveiiilii; the childteii envo Mural con-
ceil ul which the lloial deroratioun
eiu a marvel of b'Miily, The nia ch
iii(, miiinn, ttii'l ' rccUatioiin of little
mien an lliey brought their lluiill olliii
iiiK mid laid tltt in at the loot ol 'he
cnmn wan mmt iuiprennive. A lurite
nudiunre wan prewnt ami thin ohncr
vnnce of children ' day in nHiktn of liy
many at) Hie mont enjoyable oe.'HHitui
of tlm kind tlmy ever ntieinli'd,
I'mcniiyTKlilAN I III Hi u.
t'hildren'a Iay wan apiroprially ob.
Nervml liv llm SilndiiV School ul the I'ren
hytcrinii churcli. The lloral decoration !
new nicely arranited, the uddreincn,
onii, recitation, olleriiijM, etc,, werei
I'XcclU'hlly reiideird and well received
A riH-itation hy Minn Ada Mmdinke le
ceived very favorable comment. . The
mimical program ilenervu nHicul muii
lion, mid tho, exercinc w em very i
propriate to Die day, nod wan liiuhly
riijoyalile to all pienent. A rcMiit wan
read, iili-o a letter from lr. Wordeii,
niiperititendeiit of tiie hoard of home mid
foreign liiinnionn,
The church al 1'arl. i'htre wnn eletimitly
diKHirated for tlm childrcn'n I'av ex-
ercinen, w liich were held in the afternoon. I
The loom iirei-ciiled an attractive ap-
pearanre, boii;htl of deep foliaife,
wrealbn, mid irarl.unl of row, niottoen,
cut llowera ami hot iilantn all tuMity ar-
rnnt'ed made the riHim aiveritable garden j
of r.deii. I he children maiclieit in
perfect nymetry nn tlmy formed in three
nemi-circh.'N uioiiiul tho niuii. A lal lcux
of m'ripture leadinii mid piayer hy live
little itirln, Laura ( haw, I !nra Stiaidit,
t'earl II under, l.i.nle Oldciihunifer and
I.ijiie Hronkie, wan very improwuve.
"(iod Wanln the Meiry lloyn mid llapty
Hearted tiirln," wan well rendered hy
llerhert Hamilton and Katie Smith, an
wan alno Non-iitteiulatire and Attend
ance, hy Carl ltiown ami .lumen Mathe-
won. r. Smith ami .Minnea liertna
loulan and Susie Stiaijtht di.t well with
their recitation. Mr. Stnpp mid Hev.
Runyoii made approprinlo remark.
The" cloning addren hy Hifv. O. W,
Lliea wm an able rtrort, and apnropriate
to the day. Ainonit thono deniirvinn
npuciul uientioii who tonk an active part
in the exercinea, and added to the inter
unl of the ot'ennion are Menhimns Apper
non, Uraiuhl, Clune, Maple, llnine,
Mihki'h Kinciirnun and Klliott, and Maple
The church at Clarkama waanpropri"
alelv decorated, and an interentinK pro
Krani wan rendered, conaintliijr of read
inttn, renponnen, nongn, ijiHlriimeiilal,
iiiunic and recitationa. The Sunday
ncliool of Went OreKon City was not lie
hind other plucea In the proper observ
ance uf Children' Pay The floral dec
oration ware taatily arranged and the
program was excellent, and all who
participated acipiitted thetvinelva credi
tably, .
(irutul Excursion to the U. N. (J. En
campment. Notwithstanding the Willamette Silver
Cornet Band were out about ' forty dol
lar on their excursion t'i lionneville last
Haturday on account of the very unfavor
ohle weather, Ihey will give another ex
cursion to St. Helens gome time during
the tlrnt week after the Fourth of July,
The First Regiment, O, N. G., will be
in camp at St. UeleiiHut that time nnd
they will Select a day in which a tourna
ment or general review i held, bo that
the excursionists will have an opportun
ity to witness the exercises. The fast
steamer Undine ban been chartered for
this excursion, which will make the trip
eaHily in three hours, so peoplo will Imve
several hout'B at the camp ground. The
hand aro noted for giving most enjoyable
excursions, and they are determined
that this one will bo no exception to the
rule. Everybody will want to see the
companies of the First Ucgiment in camp
and witness their evolutions. This will
be tho grandest excursion of the season.
i" I.Ul.
llm l.lnt nf l.i'lliim ru-
iniiiiiliig In the .n-t
llll'H'HI, ,1 IS, iMill
A very, Wiodihiglou
Hi llliiTI', .Inliil
I'ii-iit, : II
Cnrpi'iiinr, W V
( 'mil, Willie II
I'liniiil", Arthur
rule, l J
Kleli, Iwiae
I'll nn, AIiiidjii
Fiinler, t' II
Fowler J (!,
tirln, Uooi'i.'O
(.JelluiiK, l"' T, ,
.ImIiii""!', M K
Mourn, Mm Small A,
Miller Mm Ihmn,
olllce at Onyoil tlty,
Itiilli'ili'ii 11
Sinwiil. W T
Kliirr, .Mr, JoMiph
I- elliiii, Jni'i'iili
V i H hi ii i n, Clni'k
William., William
Wllllanm, I, I)
Wei.1 A I'aiiielnr
Wiiti riuiin, I' ii
Yciirkn, l luirli'H
(lihiil.liiir, Jurk,
lllllHirl, A ii run N
.hiliiiKiui, Mr
Miilur. IUv 11
Mhv, Joe
MiurK Mi Mary, Flnlmr MrClut,
Knini'lu'ii, I'flcr Jiiiirn, Minn llanliall
If rnlled for, plenx miv when nilvcrllned.
K. M, HA MH, 1'. M.
" WMHl. ti."
A yniiiiK man between (lie iuc" of nlxteeu
and twunty to' work in ,a nlme ntore, "nc
with miii.0 f.trlciicB prelirred, Muitt
tiring iiiiipii'Hlkiiiuhlv releieiirii nn lo hnn
e.ty, etc, I'ulr wiie Hud pfiiiiuient p
"llion ipinrtiiiU'ed to the rli'lil party.
(iKinm I'm Slum Stiiiik.
(Ir' K'in It.V, OlegOII.
.1 inn- :i, i mi 1 1 .
I a (ii'lppe Again
Ihiring the epidemic of l.'f fliippn hint
himhiiI! )r. Knm'n New liiwivery fur
( 'ouniimpiioii, Couih aiid t'uliln, proved
to h" the bent remedy l!eiorl from
the nninv who iim-iI iteoiilhin 1 1 1 i Mluti"
ment. lhi v wi re nut only quickie re
lieved, lillt the ili"eii-.e Icl'l no had if
ultn. We n-k Von to give thin reint'dv
a Ii in! mul Me ttuiir.iiiien t'mt vnilwill
be nnli.lled with r'iiltn, or tfm pur
I'lm.e piiid will be re uinli'l. It has no
i-iiuil In tiny l.a irif, or any Thmiit,
( iie't nr l.ung Tioiilile, Trial bottle
free al (i. A. IJanliiiii'n ding , nlme.
l.ur;e botlle Mk- mid l (H,
In (JimkI Teiiiplarn.
Ilo vou know that Moore' Revealed
liemedv I the only patent medicine in
the world that due nut eoiitttiii tbop
"if nlctilml ; that the nunle of preparinn
ti in known only lo it diicnvei ; lluit it
in hii advance In the m-ienrt of medicine
without parallel in the nineteenth
rentiiry; Hint it pioprietor offer to
forfeit l.tHKl fur any cne of dvpepna
it will not cure?
IWhnr't WaniKl,
Trt .n'lrll ai'tilleatliin. fur ini'iiilM'r.hlp In thn
Nttrlh Aiii'Tlmti Miilual llriieltt Aii"elalloii, of
l.'hlt-ayil. III. Ail'lie.a J W. Tu mi., ilrlill.l,
In. nlil Anenl, nt Mlll. tire'in. '
Small I'nrm For Nnlt
Ten arren nn oniinly roitl l'4 inllna
from (Irrtnui 1'llv, nenr M'hnul htnian mill taw
mill. (, K.. mil ami Invel, niir (mil anil twrr)
latt'l 1. tiarvaiu. T. I . I n n.AT.
Orentui Ctijf,
Tin North Ani'Mlcnii
.Mutual Benefit Associ
ation. Of Chioaoo, Illinois.
Easy Monthly Payments
The plnnrhiilh'tigenrnnipnriMin, Knliahle
Life Innnrnuct' nt rrtt, Inmire
w hili" vou nre ynuiiK.
J. W. THOMAS, Dentist.
Mohilln .... Oregon
a-. U. BESTOW,
CVOpp. the Congregational Church
r. r. white.
Practical strcliitects Builders
Will prepare pinna, rlovatlnna, wnrkliiK tli
Inlla, mul .ptn'tfleailiina tor all klii'la nf ttiuUI
Imki Siieelal nile'iilnu ulvuu lo nnilem cil
tai,'!'". rKtltnaiea titrtiLltfil en applleatlou
(rail 011 orailtlrvaa WHITE Hlum ,
Ort-nnu City, Ogn
Oregon City, Oregon.
Repair oil all kindn of nitin.ll luirliines
pMiuplly made. Dui'iiiate keys to
any lin k iiinnufiirluri il. Shop in
Wineset A Scripture's lilnck
smith nhop.
If you want THE It EST, buy
If the merchant yon deal with does not
keep them send to ALIEN direct, lie
pay the postage. Beautiful catalogue
sent free, '
aijpkkss E. W. ALLEN,
171 Second Streel. PORTLAND. OR,
lhlulillNheil 1N4I.1.
Drayage & Expressing
Freight ami parcels dolivorod to all
parts of the city.
Tlil' fiilliiwliivt In
t '"J ,,1'IH Bilimilllllllifl Hu'llll II i ii wv
rrnirMiMiiiiiiiiii n 1 1 ti Munufttif-
l'uli! up Cnilul, $ -pii.orio.
rntniiiKNT, - Tumi, nun
' miiKn. i iu. II. ( Ai rmi.ii.
I'"l'nlt. rneflvnl iili)wi In tiheek,
Ariivi'i tillM niel inilen 'llmieillilC'd.
1'nuity ami our wnrrmilk IhhikIiI,
liniii iiih'Iu tin nvnllnliln mteiirlty,
( "llt'iidiiiift mntln iriniiitly.
Iimll. .iilil on fnnlnii'l, Mnu Krnrif l"o ,Chlr
vi, Nnw Yurk, nntl nil itliicliitl cltlna uf Ku-
Ti'lcnraiihlfl nnlianirnii inld nn Ptirlland, Una
Krnndncu, Chit'.! nnit Ann York.
iNTmr.T mil. ti timk iiki'omT ai mi.uiwh:
for HirM mnnlhn. i per mm rnnun,
Kur (1 iiiniitlm, A I'f r emu, pel annum.
V"t SI moiiiln. Ii pur cenl. pr niiiiua.
Tlmo iwrllflmtnn of tlfiiimita nnynhl ion tin
ninnil, Inn Iniernil (urlfluyl II drawn belur
mul of pirm of dpiil'
or ok Know city.
'illl, - - 1100,01X1
bmlia uinile. hill. llN'iiiiin-it. Mtkn en
li'i'ii'ti". iiiivit nml .ell. fxrlmrno' nn nil "ilnli
In Hip I'nlti'A niiit-, Kilniiit nml llmif Kuik.
1'' I'ip.lt. rtwel'-i il .iili)tM-l lo cllfi'k Ililere.l at
iii'i'il ralra itllnweil mi lllne ilrH.lla. Palik
"I'i'ii Inml A. H. lo 4 r. . Hnlillilny evelllllH"!
I i h In ?f, K,
I' "'. I.ATot llKITK l'n-..!fnt
K K hi.AI.IHiN, fflnhlm
I.uii'l (lllii e at Oregon Citv, Oieu-on,
May ill, mm ,
Nulii'e in ht'ieliy given that the fnllow
iiiL' uiiint'd nettler hnn tiled :,otii e of bin
j iiili'iitinu lo Illlike filial prmif in nupport
ol liini lalm, nml Hint nnul prnolwillbe
made In-fore the Kfginter and Ifeceiver
nf V. S. I.nnd Olllee. at Oregon City,
Ortgon, on jiily'J, 1 M 1 . vix-
W. II. Norman,
rrc pniition I S No for the ne '4
of nee :ih. tp 4 , r (1 e. Mo naiiie the
following witnenwn to prove his eoiitino
011a renitletice upon nd cultivation of,
mud hind, viz: Nil (linen, ('has.
Ithoiiilcn, j. II. Small, Chan Knuluicr.
nil of Currinnville I' (). Clacknman
County, Orpuon. J T. Aei-rHnoN,
li-h : 7 10 Heginter.
June 1st, IBM.
Notice in hereby given flint that, the
follow ing named settler lis filed notice
nf bin intention lo make final proof in
support of bin claim, ami thnt Haul proof
will he mud.! In'fore the Heginter ami He
re ivi-r of C. S. Land Olllco at Oregon
CUv, Oregon, nn Julv 2tth, IHlll, vi:
Thoman H Moore,
rre-einplion, I) S No. 7til!H, for the 11 's of
!ii4, ne1 of nw'j, ne1 of nw of nec
'.'il, tp 4 n, r ft e. He mime the following
witnesses lo prove hi continuous resi
dence iiiKin and cultivation of said land,
viz: Havid Hatch, II Overton, SAD
Filler, 1' W l'almateer, all of CurriiiR
ville jKiBtollice, Chicknmns County, Ore
gon. J . T. Al'l-KKSON,
(t-5, 7-10 Heginter.
Land Omen at Orkoon City,
June Int.lHM.
Notice in hereby given that tho follow
ing named m-tlier has filet) notice ol hie
intention to make Html proof in support of
bin claim, and that Said proof will he inn le
before Hie Heginter and Keceiver V S.
Eiind Ollice at Oregon Citv, Orej on, on
July 24th, lWU.vii:
Frank P. Jones,
Fre-emption I). 8. No. 7tK!3, for the se.1
of nec iiO, tp 4 s, I 6 e
He name the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: Dave
Hatch, Uittie Marshall, J W Hover and
Chas CoU'll, all of Currinsvill." Post
Olllee, Chit kamaa County, Oregon.
(1-5, 7-10 J. 1. Al'l'KasoN,
o ri i; i on im iimcmtio:
Vnitro Htatm Land OrrKTt, (
Okicuow City, (r, Apr.'JO, 191.1
Notice It hiTCbv ilven that in comiUnnce
with nmvUtmi of tlift net of rtnrt'ssof
June 3. 1H7H. entitled unset for the Mle of tlm-
her In mis in the Mute of Cnlliorui, Oregou,
NcvhvIh auti WHhii)Kton TerriiDry,"
Hnmur 1 T. Ihirkew.
of roiilHiifi. county of Multnomnh. dtnto of Ore
Bon, hm tflctt Ui this othce h'a Bwnrn utate-
niftii n. '.sv i, tor mo iMin'tmhc oi the tiw'i oi
sect lull No t. in townitliln No i!tmth. nut ire No.
7 oimt, n lid will oflVr priK)f uf nhovr that the
in lid houkih in more VAiuaiiie lor ueiunwror
st i nit thHU for HKrii-uliurHl imrpos nml to e
thHh hi claim t unlit IhikI before thereuftt
tor nl receiver of till office at Orison City,
Oregon, on Friday, thr JUt day sf August, lyt.
lie names an wutK'sMtjt: r. i;. iMiouneu, nut
John Mitchell of Portland. Oregon; C. CMtaand
J'avid t'Ioiinoll, of Cherryvillc, Orctton.
Any ami all nemoim claimtnii Hdversety the
Above deM-rlhod lnntJs are requested to tile
their claimt in this olllee on br before said 21st
day of AmruRt, lyi. J. T. AI'PKKiSON,
ti-,1; h-7 KeKlnter-
otlcr lor lulilloallii.
Oskhiin Citv, Or., Apr. 27, )
Nntit'O la hereby given thnt in compliance
Willi llm prtH lslnna of the act of Oiiirreaa of
June 8, 1S entitled "Au net for thc salt) ot
timber inmla In the mnteAof California, Oregou,
Nuvntla, nutl Wnsliluiiton Territory."
Ttiomna K. liltiaon,
of Portlnnil, county of Multnomnh, aure of Ore
gnu, tina aieil in this otllee tils iwnru mnteinent
wo. 2;iii., (nr tho imrehiiito of the i, of 11WI4
nntl lnts S Hint t, nf secilou No. i in township
No. 2 itntith, rnuge No7 enat. nutl will offer proof
to allow thnt the Imu sought is more valuable
(or Its timber or atone than (or agricultural
purpoiea. nntl to establish till claim snitl land
before the register nntl receiver of this otttce
nt Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, the Hat day
uf August, 1SM1
Ho nnmes its w itnesses: 1). O'Pomiell, T. C.
O'lioimell, Frank Hell, Ueorge Boll, nil ot Port
land, Oregon.
Any nutl all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands nre requested to (lie their
cluim In tills oltioe on or before said '21st day ol
August, IMU. J. T. Ai'I'Kkkhn, Kef Inter.
Land Otlice at Oregon City, Oregon,
June 1st, 181)1.
Notice is hereby given that tile tol-lowing-named
settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of hi claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Register and
Keceiver of U. 8. Land Office, at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on July 2t), 18S1, viz:
John S. Winslow,
Homosteay entry No. fKilH, for the e M
of nw a and lots 1 and 2 of sec 81, tp 4 ,
r 6 e. lie names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of, said land, under Sec.
Swim, K. . :
F II jonos, T Hatch, j W Boyer, Lottie
Marshall, all of Currinsville V 0, Clack
amas County, Oregon.
J. T. Awkrson,
15-5:7.10 .: Register.
Clothier and Hatter
Wants you to call and examine his Largo .Stock of
Can show you the Finest Line ever exhibited
in this city
Exclusive Clotliiii; antlGents' Furiiisliin: House
New (lotxls arriving daily. No nht-lf-wom stock.
Latest sttyles and host qualities,
lietween Fourth and Fifth Streets.
We wish to call the attention of the Public
to an unusual opportunity for ad
vantageous purchases.
We want everybody to try us and see what a revelation they
will have of prices and values for thirty days.
We will quote a few:
(iood Unbleached Muslin, 36 Inches wide, 17 yard for $1 00
Bleached Muslin, a good family cotton, 3(1 inches w ide, 14 yards for 1 00
Calicoes, standard biunds. IS yards for 1 01)
Indigo blue, color guaranteed, 15 yards for I 00
Dress Uinghams, good quality, 12 yards for : 1 01)
Heavy American Cheviot suitting, 8 yards foi $1 00
Challies from 5 cents upwards ,
Whit and colored marble table oil cloth, per yard 25
White good nansook plaids, 12 yards for 1 00
Carpet warp, all shades, 5 pound bunches 1 25
Hall's H I'Corseta 75
Men's suner ttout socks, seamless. 12 pairB for 1 00
Men's Lawn Tenn-s shoes 1 00
Men' canva shoes , I 00
Ladies' Kid Foxed Balmorals 1 0i
Ladies' Pebble Goat Button Shoes 1 2
Boy ' Dress Straw Hats 25
Men's Dress Straw Hats 50
Children' Sailor Hats
Men' Seersucker Coats and Vests 1 0i)
We offer extraordinary inducements for
the next thirty days.
Southern Facific Route
Express Trains leave Portland Daily.
Sou.h I 1 North.
7:001-. M. Lv Portlnnd Ar 9:35a. M.
7:15r. . Lv Oregon City Lv 8:48a..
10:1.Sa.m. Ar 8. Francisco Lt 9:00 f, M.
Above trains slop only at the following sta
tions north of Kosebnrg: East Portlnnd, Ore
gou City, Woodburn, Salem, AllMry, Tangent
Shedds, llnlsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Ir
viug and Eugene.
sTntU. . I Xv PortTiind Ar " TwVTTi
9:0Ha. h. I Lv Oregon City Lv 2:69 r. u
j:4Ur. M. Ar Kosebnrg Lv 6:20 a. m
ALHAN Y LOCAL (llnily. except Sunday.)
5:(HI r. H. I Lv Portland Ar 9:00 a. m.
6:0t e. m. I Lv Oregon City Lv 7:S4A. X.
9:00 p. w. I Ar Albany Lv 5:00 a.m.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
For accommodation of Second-Class Passengers
attached to Express Trains.
West Bide Division.
Mail Train, Dally (Except Suudav.l
7:30 a. m. I
12:10 p. .
Portland Ar
Corvallis Lv
I 5:80 PH
1 12.55 m
At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains
of Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Express Train Daily (Except Sunday)
4:40 P.M.
7:'25p. H.
Portland Ar
McMlnnvllle Lv
I 8:20a. h.
I 5:45 A. .
For tickets and full information regarding
rat is, mnpa, etc., call on Company's agent at
Oregon CUy.
Manager. Ass't G. F. and Pass. Agent
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
June 11. 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inteu
tion to make final proof In support, of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver of the United States
Land otttce at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Au
gust 5, 1S91, vis:
John Dresner,
homestead entry, No. 6772, for the n'i of nei
of seo 8, 1 8 s. r 3 e.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vis: A. T. Plowman, and
.1. C. Bates, of Logan, Clackamas countv, Or.,
E. Richardson, and Wm. Stone, of Viola.
Clackamas county, Or.
6 19: 724 . Register.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,
June 11. Issl
Notice is hereby given that the fullowiuc
named settler has filed notice ol his intention
to make final prool in support o( his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver ot the V. B, laud office at Oregon
City, Oregon, on Aug. S, 191, viz: ,
lvi s Taylor
Pre-emmMon D 8 No fs7. for the iw .' of
and se o( swij, of sec 7. t 5 s. rS e.
ne uaiues tne loiiowlug witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uoon and cultivation
of said land, via:
Geo. Kistner, of Meadow Brook: Cally Will
iams and lxiuis Callahan, of .MoifOln ( nrmtK
and Frank Baker, o( Meadow Brook, all of
Clackamas county, Oregon.
o-i;-B4 J 1. appersok. Register.
Laud Olllee at Oregon Citv. Or.,
June il, 1891
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his imemiun
to make final proof lu support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the regis
ter and receiver o( the U. S. land office at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on August 4, lssil, vis:
Henry Hughes,
homestead entry, No, 661N for thosei; of seo
22. 1 4 s, r 3 east
He names the followiug witnesses to prove
his continuous resideuce upon and cultiva
tion of, said laud, vis: M. K. Freeman, J. A.
Stromgree, E. W. Hammett, Wm. C. Huckuer,
all of Highland P. 0 Clackamas Co.. Oregon.
6 19; 724 J.T. Appkrsox, Register.
Oregon Pacific Eailroad.
T. K. HOGG, Receiver.
Train No. 3 will run Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays, and on intermediate
davs when necessary:
Train No 4 will run Mondays, Wednes
days and Friday, and on intermedial days
when necessary :
Steaiiier Sailing Dates.
I.iavjs YAU.U1NA "Willamette Valley, Mar.
8th, 16th, 25th.
Lkavks SanpraNcisco Willamette Valley,
March Sd, 12th. 21st, 30th,
The company reserve the right to change
sailing dates without notice.
Trains connect wtth the O. A C. R. and River
Boats at Corvallis and Albany.
The Oregon Pacific steamboats on the
Willamette river division will leave
Portland, sout-bound, Monday, Wednes
day, and Friday at 9 A. M. Arrive at
Corvallis Tuesduy, Thursday and Satur
day at 3:30 P. M, Leave Corvallis,
north-bound, Monday, Wednesday and
Fridayat8A. M. Arrive at Portland
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3 :30
P. M. on Monday, Wednesday and Fri -day,
both north and south-bound boats
he over night at Salem, leaving here at
6 A. M.
Freight and Ticket Office, Salmon street wharf
C. C HOGUE, G. F. 4 P. A. O.P. R