Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 12, 1891, Image 8

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ol- CT?" Ii3'r,'Trli1,'rl,''',J' f f '! nrw mi
LULtJj.J'JLJ C.jt A.t tlJLL tt Jt-i. t i.1 fc - r V L t fa at t J I '
T Trnltlan (Tenm Mining to Muatiif,
Happy "TtUr lUrfcs" f th llrlti, l.
lun Brawirt Tlx-orj of tUavon-llow
Ktab Vein or 1 luanxtor H UctvloptHl.
(Cp5rihtod hr th Amhor.l
ptvlattoJy ami otherwise fvr thmr fnv.
Uy and puonlitv.
Another sneoinien tinnl-m. un.l .-..
later of that era was Oai-tidl. H.v. too ----J'-J tJLjt At Ci.Lt JtiU i t I fc , r v M. t fa at-t t M,s
had forever thrown ando pick and f "fTf f $r 4 1 ntf 1 If f f $5 W f I t
shovel, and when I met him tut was a Kt 1 1 t' f t t tf L 4
V THlVSK hot Julv tun!
vr nil a I .s M i. . l. . a i
e.rth, aiul I wm trviuir
to k'p Hw.ike in my
st'minary on the hill, anil
wtvstlins with the tueiv
i-ury at lunU'jp. and my
sixty pulvurlot timiils.'fiir
ttviohing st hixil was among my mi
iutron tifcnjKitions in California), tht
pom up -i.. ys" wouM K tilted back
in their chairs under the portico and1
RiTiuiKit the wl brick wall of the BeO
Tmou. They did nut work, but they
:.nn yarns. How half the boys lived was !
a mysiery us much mystery, I do be-!
i.ee, to t:--snselves as any one else.
iiHiir.e owuul qmulz claims, some hooes,
and all ran regularly for offic. They
WlouKiHl to i be stamp of men who work- '
fd and mined in earlier times, but, come
what might, they had resolved to work
in that way no longer.
And when such resolve is accompanied
? determination and an active, plan-;
ning, inveu'n e brain, the man gets along
mehow. I; is speculation that makes:
fortunes, aud plan, calculation and fore- j
thought for speculation nnjuire leisure!
nf body. A hard working, ten-hour-per- j
day diggiuif, delviiiij miner works all his 1
brains out through his fingers" ends, j
He has none left to speculate -if)i
wnhrmod "tJller-lmck' undet tho Holla
; Union irtieo. Carroll was the theorist
of Jamestown. Uo bnvu hed new om
daily; lm tked them to erorybodv in
( Januvitown, aud Hfter makii'ut clean
; work of that hamlet would go up to
j Sonora an.l talk thetv, and lastly publish
j el them in the Uulou IVmiK-rat. S.ild
jOtrnJl one Mouday morning to tint
! I'rwsbyterian domino: "Mr. 11 . I
hoard yoursormon yesterxlay on 'Heaven.'
Von arjuo, I thiuk, that heaven is rvally
a ptac. It think it owjtht to t a plaoo
Uxv Tv UHn thinkinjf aloiit it all
night Fm attsfld uol only that it is a
pi, but I've got at lh locality, or at
least have approximated to it I've re
sciietl this out on purely a'iutifio data,
and here they are. We have an atmoa-
phert and they say it is from thirty
tlnv to forty-live milee high. Amro'la
only live in heaven, and angels have)
winRS. If angels have wings, if, proof
that Uiey must have an atmosphere to '
fly in. Now, the only atmosphere we !
are sur of is that around the earth. I
Therefore, putting all theae facta and !
conclusions togi'ther, I've provetl to my
self that heaven must be from thirty-'
three to forty-live miles from the ground
w stand on,"
Oucomuniiciiiguiv tHHlatvvicalc.r
. I rented a nxnu of Carroll. He owntsl at ,
, that time a quantity of rtal wtatv in i
: Jamestown, some of which, including
: the premises I ix-ciipied, was falling j
j rapidly and literally on his hands. Tho ; '
j house 1 lived in w;is propped up several i
: feet from the grouud. Tht ueighlHirs' j
j chickens fed under this house from the-!
i crumbs swept through the cracks in the I
j fliir. It was an easv house to sween I
cl. an. Rumor said that during my land-
....(....,; vi mem- nmius many ;i i
chickens li.nl ntmmlv .lio,...,v.,... i ... UllrlV
?-.' "i'l-dii, nun
that pistol shots had been heard from
the interior of the house. The floor
cracks did show powder marks, and there
was an unaccountable quantity of feath
ers blowing about the yard. In a conver
sation with my landlord he admitted that
his boomerang could beat a aix shooter
in fetching a chicken
Then he showed me his boomeranv
...I t - . . . a
uicn was or ai cn ental
If 1 f I f Sflf '--sJ H
f V.
4' v t
... ... . . ' -ttrf i
r- f ' B :m
i t o ht,
i r
i c '
W A.
. -''1
' 1.'' t
ill ..'
n i t
fli If T
1 enelter'a VV nule.l.
(ii'lli'lllom Int inriitlirHp 1M l
l hit'dioi. III J. v ti mi, iluiil,
I'HIllvl (jil, HI Mnlillln, unii,
l 4 1 ,,f Mi
(m i u ! N"il1 I hiM'Mliy pli
3.1 i (llinl li'i'.ul 111 Hit) mm
i T I ; emiu. iHiii.'ii. n.lii
f " ' I I linn 'illlt.l 1 lie
i v t ! hniri
T. T 1-4 i Hen I. iihmii ih i
Hllsl SrlllrniPiil,
tu llmi I lum IIIM mr
ei.Ulily I'niirl i.f rli'lirtin i
nlii,oil,!i el Hi" rMH
ttriiejv tlei'piMisI tti llio I'i'iiit
lUl. JilllK Jlnl, l"i'l
toiif atii'ii rt'i 'iil oa f'r Uo
I u.iiiin X
Ailiiiiiiliri r el ihinnnl Ji en'i'li r'lor
Vlll'l.. 10iti.n-,l
Mv IX, Imi.
ca diiif
m 'ii ni'inul (kriine Ireii, If kill ou irunii l-ui'l,
till net wipmI liuiulrtiil iIhIIhk rt
)'uir, lu'ii tt li"HKh In lvr.
MM Mill r KbIp.
Tim mill HI N.-n l.m ttlll t t .1 il luinlu
s ' I i llinilii-limmiiimil miv mill in tli v.-iiiiit'.
, - I in, lliu.t.i luilll ll... IV lltul..,.lln mill ,ailp. 1 l,u i .
Hilt sImi'mp Hiniti grutt iiim iliMilii hi itrnH b"iit
Klllli Ift'lU't OHit' HlXll'VII Hi'lnftltf i(.in, tttln
hie lniiil iti mill lltmtiil! ir'irii iii.. uirtiii
w til lt tflvi'ii Hint mi ih(Hi'uihI mllli'f will
H1IUII 1'ill'llSl Hill tlllil lllU a iaIUt lliva
III. 10 Call utl or Stlillt'M K C, iail., , .Nn
1 1. I't. jt' ii
band ; Company
Auliiw' Nulli-n
In His I'ltviill I'miH ut th Slaia all
Oifsuii lr llu k a una (!(HiiH( j
liilhuiiiaiixr et Hie uMiminoiiiitt S II iirvou,
Ji'Ihi (llM'lt mill I. A Itamla, I'ltluvii uiiilmf
l In' nun imiiK u iltwu lltiw il in. Iii4iii,
Intii imllra It tiorxtiy ghm Dial Ilia ini.lnr
alittliiil llaa Iwll rlpi'lvil alllr0 ill Itm tiaUltf
nl ilia aliiivv iiaiutiii Itiaiihrni ili'liiura. iul tiaa
tluly tiiailltril aa aurh All fieu.iiia taitii
elaliita atfalnat aaii liiaoUvllla alp herrl.y Mnli
Roil in t.rrai'tii tlii- Mm tiriii'Mflif irifti tit
Hip iiu.li't,iiii-,l at Ida i mm al ilia uri-a, n
t'llll Widitru mltlai, llleami I'll), liifiii, union
tllf tl III. nulla limn Hid ,ati lit lull liullnav,
M, A Siri.i
(Valwl May , la, AmIsmmi
.' ILI II Jll
'"IINi:iiHij,M (,Ti -
tlVKltliAXH t
Tiiiinslor ll, j
Sail.. L,
and t.iw p. ii
TICKETS !-.-!,".
Mil H,,
run Thruimh oa I,
t I A V.i .
We havo lots rOx.HHi foot, HiOx.'tk) foot, all lavuratiSy WnUd. TIicho
lots twice tlie onlinary are hid lialf the usual jirioo of uther lids taim-
liH'atOil. Wo have tme-aoir. twu-iicl-e. live nml teii.iii.r.i tfii. i.
suitable for auburlmn homes, convenient to town, hcIhm.Ih, chiin-lifH.
etc., and of very pnaluctive soil. A large, grmviiiij "rrune On lmnl," of
which we will sell part in small trai ts to suit jMireliiistTA, ami on easy
tonus. :
Nutli'K Cull I'l'lll UMUu.N.
t lMi Will t f Iii:u,iS I'ltV. OH ,
Ma) IK,
N".ile la h.'fhj1 (Ivrn llial I tin IiiI.iIi(
lliui-, srlll.'r haa nii',1 tmllrri.t l.l. Iimniii..,!
lo Hilar flual i.t,.. ,f in ttiw-uit i,( In, , Uiiii an.t
llial aihl ,t,a,l Hill a itia.le ((, i a Hi,- !; nl.l, f
an. Idivlipr nl I ,1 ,i umi- 4iivt
I'll)', UliTHm nil July , a, ,i,
aarutt l t'lini-n,
H.titir,lna'l Ktilry N.i Yo l..r tr ,ri( ,,f ,,-iil.ll
It, l li I a l la Hr ii, il, ;,,Mlil ,
II. r. t.. .f,i,o III, ,-, litliiii..,u Hiaiilrlirai Hfi.ii
anil rnlm .oluli t . I vi, i,,,j
IkiO, Wl'llllll lliillrr. A.II..I Hull,., llllli.,,,
ill Ailllia f U, Cla. aaliiaa eimiil.
n'ttil, all
; ; a
man principally off some!
cvn making, and I had the
if making the best broad of
Kmeti tl!,lt
ircal of ;ui
name t'u.-n ,
any one in the hon n-h.-m t !.,....
- ' " . nil htt,
AUt-r dinner the man sat himself
iown on one bowlder and I on another,
and I lisk'i! him if he had a go.nl claim.
That roiiml lam to wrath. He had, it
just reached tho last TK'iut of his
Lust tor ii.inl wor and mining. Snitl
Le: l,u' talk to uie of a giNxl claim;
don't. It sounds like speaking of a good
ui.ii.iuip, w a oeauuiui naiter, or an
elegant rack you're about to be stretched
on." He had gone through his proba
tion of hard work with his hands, and
tad just resolved to let them rest and
give his head a chance to speculate. So
lk did. I don't know that he ever met
the cow again, but eight or nine years
after I met him in the legislature of
California. He sat in the biggest chair i
then-, and was lieutenant governor of
the state.
In 1360 the certain class of men of
whom I speak were in a transition state.
They had left off working with their
hands, and they were waiting for some
thing to turn np on which to commence
working with their heads. While thus
waiting they became boys and played
The climate and surroundings were em
inently favorable to this languid, loafim?
condition of existence, no long, sharp
amw;ru lorcing people to bestir them
selves anil provide against its severities;
little style to keep np; few families to
maintain: no disgrace for a man to cook
his own victuals; houses dropping to
pieces; little new paint anywhere to
make ones eyes smart; gates dropping
u "er muges: lew municipal im
provbinents, with accompaymg heavy
taxes, ami that bright summer sun for
mouuis ami months shining over all and
tempting everybody to be permanently
tuvd and seek the shade. The boy's
forgot their years; they dreamed away
thtir days; they gossiped all the cool
night; tfiey shook oil dignity; they
played; they built waterwJieels in the
ditch miming by the Bella Union door;
they instituted ridiculous fictions and
converted them into realities; they in
stituted a company for the importation
of smoke in pound packages into James
town; Muldoon was president and the
"Doctor" secretary.
It was brought by a steamer up Wood's
creek; the steamer was wrecked on a dam
a mile below town; the company met
day after day in old STielson's saloon to
consult; the smoke was finally taken to
aiamesiown ami sold; the proceeds were
stored in sacks at the express office;
there was an embezzlement consequent
on the settlement; the money, all in 10
cent pieces, was finally deposited in the
big wooden mortar over Baker's drug
store; this the "doctor" was tsr.nafA nf
When I was mining at Swetfa Bar there i .'"1J 1 n'"l:ii? H and round I
came one day to mv cabin a long, lean i , a".liaKl'n armchair. Iroier!y sliiwl, j
lank man looking for a lost cow.' The! killa chicken at twenty I
cow and the man belonged near JacUm-' V ' Ftr., noh J! k''It the grocery j
viiie, twelve miles nn the Tti.,l. . i ! Urxt tl .t'!e's saloon, and it was in :
.iui..ii a current report that Car-!
roll and Joe had once invited the Cath- '
ohe priest. Father A . from Sonora.
to dinner: that the backbone of this din- '
m r was a duck; that at or about this
time Mrs. Hale, five doors down the!
street, had missed one of her Bock of i
ducks: that on the moruing of the din
tier in question a strong savor of par-1
boiling duck permeated all that ruii-t f !
Jamestown lying between Joe's and
un; mm .urs. UB ... i. if.
Call and see us and get prices at
Oregon City office on..,
Robert L. Taft at Portland office, -'"S"
iMo. 5U, Stark street, Portland.
MiTu K rnK ft titli'AlluN
Linn on ii at oaa.,,,a i'm nm ,
Ma; 111. lv.
v. tl..M t. i.... .... ..
-.v.., ffivrn iai liaa liill,. .,
Hali.l af llltir liaa (llr. l... II,,. ( h.f ii.n
: I., lllaaa Una! ,( 1 1 .,,,., 1, ,.,, ,,,,
that aal.l l,,a, mil Iw n,)r bol..ni (Ir.l.lf
I met llr.-IM ih, f s laH,s,r al utra-i.li
I I llr. OrriW, ullJul, , (MU, la,
Marr.rt J, Mall
' IIi.hiim, rir so I.,r ih m,t.',
li', .1 .', an, . ,( .., aw jj. I Ja r s i
SSo liaitira Ulr ..iinwlllJ lliir...
i e..illi.il.,ii, n-.i,,, ,, ,,, ,)v f
itr.t,V Vll.'hrll ami J..h. m,.i.,., ,!.:
(Hot' ll. I'la, kauia. p.,i, ii,..
J, t All-ttHhiN 11.4. . ;
Tiler was u -reni d ii i M m'tnuKe
little uiniu,' campa in Tuolumne ciuinry
like Jamestown. They might not havi
the population of a single block in New
York city, but there was a far great.
average of menial activity, qtiickuc.vt
and intelligence to the man, at least so
far as getting tho spice out of life was
Th rtiw-Oil lif. .
W i,.H, , : v..M,. ray may ne
r , ' 1 lw,-eause ami ! ntnen more monotonous through thit
euectaudherown su-picions-together. j li.litude iinpim! by grat numUirs l,v
snt, armeii Herself with her bnn tor- itnr together V
mentor fork ,!. j i.... u ...,. 7... . ' , ' '"-I'l
. ' - "- UWK aaa lis, muj WO KlleW
tuiu io uie utile outdoor k t, l,.n i wr i
Joe's back yard, found a pot over firi we kne
aud her presumed duck parboiling in it;
and that, transfixing this duck on her
tormentor, she bore it home, and the
priest got no dnck for dinner.
Carroll's mortal aversion wan th hrr
His favorite occupation for ten days in
the early spring was gardening, and his
front fence was illy secured against
hogs, for Carroll, though a man of much
speculative enterprise, was not one whose
hands always seconded the work of his
heat'. There was not a completed thing
on his premises, including a well which
he had dug to the depth of twelve feet
and which he had then abandoned for-!
ever. The hoes wonld brenlr thmni.t,
his fence and root np his roses, and the
well caving in about the edges became a
yawning gulf in his garden, and during
me nuuy season it partly filled up with
water, and a hog fell in one night and.
to Carroll's joy, was drowned.
Men did their best in the dead of a
rainy night to get the poor animal out.
bnt a hog is not a being possessed of any
capacity for seconding or furthering hu
man attempts at his own rescue. So he
drowned, and was found the morning
after a grand New Year's ball at the
Bella Union hall hanging by Joyce's
clothesline over the middle of the street
between the Bella Union and the Mag
nolia. The next night they put him sec
retly in the cart of a fish t,l,n,.r u,i,
had come np with salmon from the
uuuqiim, ana tins man un
wittingly hauled the hog out of town.
Carroll unfortunately allowed his
mind to wander and stray overmuch in
the maze of theological mysteries and its
(to him) apparent contradictions. lie
instituted a private and personal quarrel
between himself and his Creator, and
for years he obtruded his quarrel into
all manner of places and assemblages.
He arrived at last at that Doint where
many do under similar circumstances
a belie in total annihilation after death
and this serving to make him more mis
erable than ever his only relief was to
convert others to the same opinion and
make them as wretched as himself. Oc
casionally he succeeded. He came to
everybody, and
were pretty sure of meeting everybody
in tue town one is not sure
having hma nffn
climld np the mortar and abstracted ' T "If aai B face was tbe
the funds dime after dime and spent! k " .5 "Ive B'nmiings," Mid
t i...i. rw, . "I" I he. "CuiminiTii thn.l ikl.
...cm mr vvrnsny. a nen came a lawsuit i, morning
Two mule teams freighted with lawyers f 'J"? BOod M(jthoaX I've been
for the plaintiff and defendant were com- ' uJb0W YIth him for weaka. I've oon
iflg from Stockton, and the Pound Pack-' .h . tbe ot li aIL 1
agsi Smoke company met day after day ! TT- P of fsith from nn-
itt pnfparation for the great trial 7 i der him today. He hadn't now a straw
This fiction lasted about fcm.mm,. ' to' and he'8 miserable as lam."
and amused everybody except Cautain i'",W llaliM," he remarkea af-
James'S , an ex-sherfff of the county ' terw' 'Tve PP P on him. I
who, being a little deaf, and catching 1 T?! ht three w with Mullina; took
from time to time words of , hlm thr0Dsn the Bible, step by sten-
vorda of L'reat. fi n n n
eial imrrt regardiria Uie Pound P V.
age Jamestown Smoke company as thev
oropped from Mnldoon'a and the "Doc-1
tor's' months, mid JHnij thereby time I f I ' , tJlero' fo0' likt3' 1 't P
aftc-r tune mi-M h.'.o a temporary be-1 , ,u 10 f0 U(im 8 to 8Wr. And do yon
li.'f 'hat tlii
o .'; ii i
fras a reality, and
if'il at findini
i..Uk('ll, buitit CUt
';,( i;,y h
01 Ins father. 1
ahr-Df'" f'vl f;ot Beared. Im'd galloped 1
all tij, wrath becoming the dignity of a ! ! ajf . ' u aft. and now)
Vi.. natrentlemazuand denoundtw ' 1 ve mt u ll,at to do aver turain." I
of mwting an acquaintance sootall v, save
by appointment. There are few .oaum
or lounging norta; jiplo meet in a
hurry and part in a hurry. Here in New
York 1 cross night and mominir tn m
ferry with 600 people, and of thine 493
ao not speak or know each other.
Four hundred of these people will sit
anu stare at eacn other for half an hour,
and all the time wish they conld talk
wun sojne one. And many of these
people are so meeting, so crossing, so
itanng aud so longing to talk year in
and year out Thure is no doctor's shop
where the imnromntu svninoarimn m.ia
daily in the back room, as ours did at
Doc Lampson's. in Montezuma, or Bak
er., m jamestown, or Dr. Walker s, in
Bonora. There's no reception at the
camp groceiy as there used to lie at
"Bill Brown's" in Montcxuma. There's
no lawyer's office, where he finds privi
leged to drop in as we did at Judge Pres.
ton's, in Jamestown, or Judge Quint's,
in Souora. There's no printing office
and editorial room all in one on the
ground floor whereiuto the "Camp Sen
ate" lawyer, judge, doctor, merchant
and other citizen may dailv repair in tho
summers twilight, tilted back in the
old hacked armchairs on tho front ja.rt
ico, and discuss the situation as wo used
to with A. N. Francisco, of Tho Union
Democrat, in Souora, and as I presume
the relics of antiquity and '49 do at
that same office today.
These are a few of the features which
made "camp" attractive. These fur
nished the social anticipations which
lightened our footsteps ovor those miles
of mountain, gulcb and flat. Miles are
notuiug, distance is nothing, houses a
nine apart and "camps" five miles apart
are nothing when people you know and
like live in those camps and houses at
the end of those miles. An evening at
the Bella Union saloon in "Jirntown"
was a circus. Because men of individu
ality, character and originality aiet
there. They had something to say.
Many of them had little to do, and per
haps for that very reason their minds
the quicker took note of so many of
those little peculiarities of human natnre
wnicn, when teid, or hinted, or sug
gested, prove the sauce piquant to con
Tersatien. When Bro.wn, the lawyer, was study
ing French and read his Tl
aloud by his open office window in such
a stentorian voice as to be heard over a
third of the "camp," and with never a
Frenchman at hand to correct his pro
nunciation, which he manufactured tn
suit himself as he went along, it was
a part of the Bella Union tdrcus
to hear "Yank" imitate him. When
old Broche, the long, thin, bald headed
Freueh baker, who would never learn
one word of 'English, put on his swal
low tailed Sunday coat, which ho had
brought over from U Belle France, and
lifted tin tlioftfl cunt ti ...I,..- i,- .!.
tonna Mullms in mv over tho mud i..,.. ..." , i 'Jvy wooini
her skirts, it
pnwively nml li.u.Uy swore that a Jack
rabbit he had killed that dav limpid
twenty live fin in thn air on be'ing ,ot,
and would then look anmtid the .imm a
tf he lunged to find sometaaly who dared
dispute his assort nm, whilo his el,l,-r
brother, always at his cilmw in iipa,rt
ing distam-e, also glarod into the of
the iMinpjitty, as though he a!, 1,ur
to fight the somebody who should dam i
discreltt "Brotm-r John's" whopi.r," j
it was a part f Uto cin-us to m the i
"boys" wink at em it other when they '
hud a chain. W hen one hoard and saw
so many of every other man's iicculiar-1
ities, ixldities and mannerisms, save his
SxtWK full ft miouiiiN
laMi turn .at iIK..is I lll.Oai,
)II it, li
S..O.O la h,,,, ,.,r . ..u,,.,,,.
j...,.i ;.,,,',. ,,., -.. "i in.!. ii. ti
III..! l. .r..l .110 l. t; ..I.. ,w ,,,, ,h. .,
an.l r , , ,
I'-;. i'r,-s.,ti, mi i,,;, i ., i,,,,, "
J.ilui M ii,,,,,,,,
ll.-ltip.l.ia.l Kim, N -,-i . I... ,, i , . ,
- ..... , . i . i i.r ,
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li- " l-nUi.K i ,,, r
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in. r I li.im .a, tt air.
Wlili.,11 - (.
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Arrr...a. (Uaial-r
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i l . . ... I V , . ,"l''""1 "' I"" I'lalm an.
t'tiw ei.tnin-timi, al . :
""i r-nn a .
r..r lunlier (iaiti.-i4
et the l'.iui.lir uf (ii
T. I I . '
O. M. Vll l.l.i:, u
i "a'a.
1 ,,,., ' '
Northern Pacig
Great Overlanit
Shortest Llnebf
Arnt all imluit li. li1
r, rt i.fini w
Th .Wthera
U tka only hit h,'
I'tiaaa-lifi-f Tiaina,
Jrii.iiM ! Nliarvn
.uuriott iy "
l'ul'imii I nUrr Sfc,
I'slmw liuittig tv
from l'urtlaNl I tfj
that jour i.-kt,
Noti,ni pa, (j ,f,
avoid ibi.,Mi w
Thn.uub fuSimaii I,,.,
Hall! .la) (.Nirl,,, Sue., T
l.. ll l'ittau,. i.r, i... ,a f
l'ali aa'.l" r
. I.4 tti.
t (. .Vu'l 'n. .(,
Ml.. 1'oriUit.l, 41,, ;
Oregon PacMcKi
fSl'iit l. nn, )-ft!
tt ill (W1 111 h,. ! . . , . . L lllllftl t t .
own, set oir and IllnsiratiHl while ,-.". f'i..in,.r.a l ai. t ,.m, .i i1,,"u ' H'l-Jlli;,.
man was absent, and knew also th,it h,a . " '..
own. under like cfn-, ,, " I ' i M''"!- -11
, , . , iuvi iiaa-u liiinialra.l . Htrv Nil .-a .11 lr II.- . ,
or won d in. ,r,ini,t ...i. in.. , i. ..i . 'i :. T ., ' '"' S "i i
.... ftH vk ,,,, cAilluiuon, 1 ' , a ' a'"1 I I'l liw, ar. ft
" made win rif 1 that it wa i.iiii..i,ni ; : .' """" ".".""' i
,1,,. . a. i , , .. j "iiiiii.n.i,a riialil..
"""H' -"1" mi saio on the slim uul ""'
. .r..ir her
uppery ice or sell saUsractlon and ndf
coiiiwit, 1'eopleiu gnat cities luivun't
to much time to make their own fun and
amusement did the rwridctiU of so
many or those buy, lounging, tumbling
down, ramshackle "camps" of the era
oi istia or tnereabonU.
People in the city have more of their
fun manufactured for them at the thea
ters of high and low degree. Yet It was
wonderful how in "camp" they niaiusgod
to dig so many choice bits and soecJm.m.
out of the vein of varied human nature
which lay so near them. Whenever 1
visited "Jirntown" my old friend Dixon
would take me into his private corner toj
tell me "the last" conceminir a char.,.!..
who was working hard on an unabridged
copy of Webster's Dictionary ia the en
deavor to make amends for a woeful
lack of grammatical knowledge, Urn re
sult of a neglected education. "He's
running now on two words," Dixon
wotuu say, "and these are 'perseverance'
and 'assiduity. W hear them forty
tunes a day, fur he lugs them in id every
possible opportunity, and, Indnsl, Ht
times when there, is no opportunity, lie
came to business the other morning a
little unwell, and alluded to his stomach
as being 'in a chaotic state.' And, sir,
Ire can spell Uie word 'particularly' with
six i's. How ho does it I can't t,,ll i-,
l... n .. '
Ho LovnU llrr.
A Mrs. Wainwright full overboard in
Jupiter iiilet, Fla., and was eatoa by a
shark. For threo years her h nsband has
doue nothing but hunt Jnpitor inlet
SV.!""1 MI' ,t0. d"tfl h" l"t
sw il a"(1 18 "m foK. iMruil
"ree i refls.
ll Mltrhrll, J.ilm
r. o l Urkamaa f..iiiu, l)r
ill aii.l r. ill i. .ii.... ..I
-.-.- ..I nil . jaiin Hall Mi.,l..
Mi lmj, l t lifirriiiHe,
Al-msaiia), Itrjiater.
NoTH K rtlH H'lll.lt'ATIoN, """""
l.sn orru s t oaannii t'lTV.Oa.
,. . ,
.. 'T,lr , h-lir Il.n that th. Ili.i.
rm.ii t:n. ..,. :. ....'. ... ''". siUf-
!,.. . .1 Jo1""'"" K sl't'f
; i;.7.r..;;.... r.'". ".,''".''",,
... c.iitiv,,i I.., .,,?,,"'?,"."i'
ir. i, c u ,i. . :. "".
vhis. fi.r.,. oiiiimv, ;,:; zi '7
T. ArrssauR, llci,ir.'
NdTtCK Fi.H I't'lil.lCATKiN,
tsn Drills ATOiitm.s tiTV, hr,
, . . M)f U, laul.
'.1''" la heriiliy 0tv1.11 ilmi o. 1 11
imilll-il ai-lll,., I,l III" I . ' , ", ' '""
lint .1.1.1 t,J .in ... .. 1 r "! '
'"V1 " ''""i-.r -
K"lllll)-,l)ri)K.I, Jy l iw. vl,.'
t, . . 'liarlra I'.ilu
I'rc emplli.n Ii s N ;mr, r n, , ,
a...l.-..lllvV,I.,r,.. , ," i ' '''IV't
,. .. .. -' 1 I-. ni-tiitli.r
"llaiili, i O'lll ill, ,-n .1
l (lie
VU fh : it r 1 vti v t-
n i m li. ff
Tralti No. a will run T
dav iii.I lttrtlia . ami ,
d.l a Hlii-ii lu-aratafv ; f"
Iruiii Nn r Haeii .
lv and r'ri.lsy. inl mi ( f
hen nn naaary ;
Steamer Hailing
l.va rt.tri-;wiUiM4.
lh. 6th, iMh, J
' irrii-,iilr.i
frt-tl lal, Ijib. Jlal, gent), ,a
Thttump,,,! rirarv tS W
Nilllni ijaiui wlllwul u.itli. K
Train iaii .nh thud 4C T
ltCufvlll.iid Ali,oi, '
The Oregun Pacific twos
Willamette river diviwaa
t'ortland, sotil liouiid, MomSt6'
day, and Friday a y Z
("orvsllis Tutisilsy Tlnttikliu,
uav at 3:;i(l p. M. W
iiorth bottml, Monday, Wia'.''
Friday at H A M AirSH."
Ttieadsy, TluifsiUy and Hlr ,
P.M. on MinUv, Wedmsi ji
dav. both lliarll. .ml ...illl,!-li
lie over niuhi Malum. Ii f
a. m. r,
Fri'lifht .rti.. u.iaa,
p-.. iiiiv VIIII'V, Hi - -
t' ("IIUdt'K. 0. f Alii
HI". r lilin. T I
ol UiiTryvtll,,., (;lii-ki
-1 T Ari-rnaoN, Koui.r,
unconverted bim steadily as we went
along-got him down to the last leaf in
uie last cnapter of the last book of Bev-
1, .... . , . .
" wnen i tacaiei hmi neirt. mnmia
to close ou Mullins faith in the roliglon
4. v v.. , ur.iai
lililnli iniv-nu l,.u,.,. oei..,u...,. . - ,
t , J'.Wj- IIIIIUIU IllU),
WaocJohu. iy , the VTaHfiniun. iw-
ImmtirMKl In Mollen Mntal Not llumrl
But few nu-n have ever fallen into a
pot of molten mehil and
fny trifling burns, yet John Adams, of
Tacoma, did it the other nie-l.t it- l.
... employe or tne Kyan smelter, work
ingon Uie night shift, ami it is 0Illv
through great presence of mifl that he
was riot burned to death. l)y some mii.
stop he lost his balance and stared to
fall headlong into an immense pot of
molten metal. As he fell he caught th
nm of the pot, and although ho was iiU.
umrsed almost to his armjiits he drew
himself out, and with an almost minor-
v..... i. lu.ew uimseir into an ad
joining pot (Wled with cold water
Some of his fellow workmen saw him
cast himself info the second p(,t and
nvhirtg to bis assignee rescned'him
His hanils wi-i-n I111.11,, 1..,. . . , ..
. . ' """.int, IJIlt oilier-
wise he had hardly a bcm on him. Tin
(ocrct of his cheap wus that lie li,l ...
ini(lcrwiir Jim 1 ),..
Wore it hud been burned
EAST and SO-
Southern Pacific
F-xpress fralns leave I'orik5'
':! r. a. I.v
l.lft.a, I Ar
M. rurlaro L' f
, tti
""lndso U,o comllUo,, , yllr t,tlJlllll(.ll
"I Hver. TIiuhs ,,mkt, y,mr
or had.
Hiroiigit ivoaios was in
water. Tacoma Globe.
pot of did
1. ....
Aro J011 hlllliiuaV
Ar yon e(,Miliii,ii,,n
Atmrii train, ainp nnlr t l' ,
.....1. imnn 111 tl.iar Oil TK lll '
,., u. ....-.. ., ? ill.,-
"i., ...HNiniirn, nHii.ni, ah"' ,
Hlimlila, II alalia, Hitrrlaburs, Juk
vlutiauu Kugitn. J
j IX). ." i;v" 'ortliiiiAr '
m. I Ly Ort.K,.tic;lty l. .
?Mr.i. jr Knnluir U, ',,
Al.liANY U)VALVttj,tMp-
Ta7p; FofTlsTnl i ft,
tZr-"l ' Orpatou Illy I'li
2H ' Ar Albany Ij gt
Pullman BuTfetSle-T.
Kit coomm(iitiitli.n of Hnomiil CUn'
sttsulioil to Kire Trail j
West Mule invislos- jj
Mall Train, bully (Except Sa"1" (
' T',.oi,r f M,,0I'N I!,..
Vall.l IN'S,..,y i o-i,,,
,V" IMiil.
i.iiiinii I.,,,,,!,,,,!,,,;""1
t.Bolil bj- ail ilrimglm,,
Hi-,ili,. ,ir,n.,.st
!' Cllinl Jit II ()f
I MU. u, I Lv e.irilaiul Ar
-LILl'i.'1-1 Ar unrvslll L.-'
' At Allmny m t,'orvlll twuoMi'l
of Oroxun PselAo Uallrimil.
Ks press Trsln llslly (Kxefl1'
r."r.Tf.y iWiTiMtAr .
!i!J Ar Me M 1 11 n v I ill I "
For tli liets mid full Inform!! f K
nn iniipa, i cmiii'tiW if
"ri'gim : 1 1 y . $
MuKer. A'tO, K.
a t ( . i . i