Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 12, 1891, Image 5

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    he IC n tcrp r I mc
FRIDAY, J TNI', Ii!, mil.
ny n' I 'ttV .IHll'timl
I.i I r(.. (Iliri.nilll)
lung I... U (y
kuliTH Sul'Sll.
hllfit I I (! MulliM")
ntnlrt I !'" (Ilirilllllll)
7 l)i Ml.
411 It, ID,
'i;ti p. m.
i a ni
ii mi p. mi
7 11 i. in
l.ttva riinri.tnu
7, wu, m.
i . in, in mm. m.
i . in, 'lv im i. in.
m i, in. H l HI,
tii i hi. Mi v ni.
nr Alluu-U Mukeii mi tn l t
ii mi a. in,
II mi p. in.
4 uu. in.
NSiiiiN i n r,
) , in
I p. in
1 1. Ml.
li.vn.n ml lU'llii. w.
Iy. W.iiniUyii'1 Krl.Inv r..t I't.rtUiiil
y Uu.lius. Ila. w. Tnrly, IIiiim-
aitl KrliUr,
Special Notice I
it lihi.M'iiii! H mill imi.anjr iii"U'
oII.imiuk rl.n for limilu r .Itili vc-rt-.l In
(luwi ) nil. i( I hi' I'lly, via:
limii Hough .. . , , ... $ W on
l l.umiwr II on
Mm!, titling, Uunllc, r'ltnlilng '
Itn.Uf -lllr-l oIum .., SltW
t!i mill ili ken, lull lnek on Intnl.
HI i'!ii mill, K M wiirk,rniii.l iltiliv
II. K. I Hi ins. Manager.
fiiiooTimi Hcati, At a Ih) lionr
Friday night, ), II.McMahan, edi
4 tho Woodliitru Inde icndcnl, niel
Minlu, (In well-known Millticiau ni
Ion county, near tho Haltuu post of
. Wont passed between tlinin In
rd ( attaeka McMahan has been
lug on Minlu (ur llm past two yeuis,
inii'Ully sever art ii-l appearing
seeks ago. la lh spirited eniiver
in which followed, Ma.Muhau UM
Ul tO Klttllll lvl k Or llH Wlllllll (lllNlt.
lo advam-ed, when McMahan llivil,
(mil tHing Ihroilh tlio lortner's left
I. Uu irli.l to fir aga'n, hut ibis
Minto had hoM o( llm I'Ulnl and
lauimer went down on llm second
Mr ul the Wl itsnd, cutting It cnlistd
IV. Then Minto cut hold of the t
Using up McMahan pretty well, strik
liin with It ntul making several ugly
i about tit head. Mi'Miilmii tlii'ii
when Im will arreted, Hint tlm next
.i hmind over lii lit'iU bail to
I U l.iio tin' if i ii n. I Jury,
!m a i. Vnmu W t! T. I'.-Tho
wing (illi. ion were elected nt I be
lnl nn'Klinu ol llm (rKi'ii t'Uy W,
i t!, IojIiI liit i''k:Mni. Ii.'iiul'l-jri'-Mi-nl;
Mm. liiv't!. uriTclary;
iluln-oii, liOHiniri'r ; X'u v-iil.-ii!
I' or (Im lUi'imt cliuii'h,
I'lifker; M r.. cliuri'li,
I'niill'; I'ri'itl.yli'iliin olniirli,
l.ih.i-itiy; 'i nii j; ili . mill clniirli,
M.iU Wliiti. I'lio iiH'rin
dnli ol tlm ili'i.irliiu'iiiit nru it" lol
I. ii. -minus Mm- iull; S. iin
i I. iiiiwrnnri" liiKlrui'tiou, Mm.
D. i-iwiT Minnjoii, Mm. I lick inn n ;
ti.inl, Minn I. In llit'kman ; Kvnn
tn Mm. I'ortor.
I -i tr Ji i.y in Wiht Oukihi!
1 ! iini iH-i'tl mi'pwli.il tlmt tin
r. .,( (iifinii city join with tlm
I tiii. im tlm inl oiiu. in iii;i'lly
.: mi, til. I liiliioiii'il Fourth nt July
Illation, Tlmy Iihvm H.l.iill.
i f.ir tin i.nriviMi near tlm ww
il !n.ii.. iiM..iiliiit limiiiHirilit
of llm h all, llm i-ily iml rouiiiry
Jv nrouinl, mul Iii.kIi Hirlli wutr.
lhi npmi.y b1o Htuli'ii tlmt tlmy
eel. mini nrouinl (or ft I'.iNO Lull
.mi iht iIhv. An Hut" In now a
'W I. ualk mitl ilrivrway, t It in .lm c
t Im ycry coiiwninnt, mul tlm
bolthl ilm will .remr tlm
8'! "
riK or Wok. 'A mlikllo m
ii i.i'.l ft vouup'r loiniiln rlnlttiinn
g lnr ilatiiAitrr iniidn cnviin ol
ity yi.nU'i.luy, li-lliiiK mul lulu ol
lmt tlu'ir rI1ik.I Htitrviuu run
0, ami itiUHinit iiln who ri'fiiHml
i nlil. Towri pvi'iilnu on of the
) mn look thorn to tin Kiiukhk
i ttn.l Btooil kckhI for tlmir botml
j Moixluy. In unhurt time after he
howeviir, Ihcy kiikcil up row
ft. They m either liilkx or cmzy
loiilil b tri'tilvd iiwordliiuly,
I StaiiUMiniti. Thee miiiw in'oplo
I ; worktnif in-uon t'ity in HimiUr
icr liil Tlmrwlity .
- An rj iv Ckktikicatkh. The fob
r.ii iiiilu wine Krnnti'd tPiu'her'K
.iii at tlm nveiit I'xiHiiiiuiliim
i liiisiiiv by tlm iMinniy bonrd of
' iur t'Uri'iirK IIoiIki'ii and II.
i iWilmmvilln; I VI lUtyer,
V ''; -tun ii . Needy: Mnv l'orler.
ilfa-' lirnen liiiird, Mm. Jennlu
I. Miuul M.irlin tun I Nenl Stnpp,
i I lje; Nornm Fox, Onwoitn; Orn
EiIhou, hind ItiwHie S'elln, Mark
s I' Aj Miller. Viola; Lottie Kly.
Munle l.ewthwuite, Clanknnma;
f A Heck, lleaverton; Ida Hemp
jtiMi Wkht. The next jfimernl
jit'h' 4 t lie PreHbytcrinn church
'j be! j in I'ortliind. Thin w,lll be
?et nmetiiiK of thin body tlmt he"
s 'ii held on the Parillc coant. H
jj coinpoHod of the moot eminent
,'l and nioHt Intelliueiit' people of
eluiroh. The membera will
flbly mako a tour of tho. went, and
. -; be a good opportiitilty for the
f thin aention to favorably
im tlmro with it Importance aa a
o 'for winning bread and pursuing
.itpfttt.-ttlarvaia Star, . . . 1 ,
f ' T '
yiv. r.inWHT ) Fihii, Last week'
j. .ii'MHH rontiiinnd a clipping from
, rcyuiiian, atuling that Mr. Hbtilly
.'wni itigbta aulinon. weighing 84
-jh, wliiuli was believed to be the
.lt Niilnion ever caught at the Kails
!. apoon. Tiik Kntkiiphinb baa
...I iron informed that Hon. L, T.
' -f two yenrs ago caught one weigh
u"'4 pounds with a apoon hook and
ry trout line. . ,
D.--At! bia homo near Oregon
OH .Tuna nib 1801, Willie K. C'urrin,
ijMr.andMra. .Taa. W. Currin,
lli'vim yoara. The fiineral aervire
Sure at the' cemetery on Sunday,
fill nt, JJ p.- ni. conducted by Hev.
lLii'n.a; Tho liereaved parents
J pto express tboir appreciation of
ndly and helpful Hympalby shown
In litis time of Borrow,
Lost A Hon. Olin of tlm l lliployes
of tlm Umpire Miliulti.ini Inii Com
puny, botigbt a lioi'"it litnl week fioin
Sir. Iloiilou, llm well known bome
deiilnr. While Inking llm home limn"
the iiiiliiiiil beronm enlinmleil In a roim
and (ell Into a pool of water, where lie
was alrangleil before be loiild Im ri
ohm,mI. till IniiililKK "f 'lie itrrld.-nt,
Mr. Iloiilou, cniisliliir.ilelv unoln Hie
gentleman a present of anoilmr home.
A NoTKII I'loMKKM Mr A. J. Healln,
of MoluHa, was In Oregon CHy lust week,
and related aonie ilileri'HlIng reuilul
n.H'iii'H o! pkiueer llmea He ennui In
Oregon I'lly In and oiui lime bud
n I'onhiii'l to get out -I'M) n,iw lugs for
the lluilsoii Hay CouipHity, wbeie tlm
i lly now HtiiinU. Mr, ll.'iitm alnlea Hint
the portion o( the city below the bin If
was covered Willi a ilenne growth of llr
tieea, and il waa veiy illlllrult to ge
through llm forenl of timber a evidently
oiiih pievioua llooil bad cnriled lu.iiia
largo truiika of trees and lelt lliein
Itol i, or II in. ik.- UrHirt from dint.
No, inrlndlug regulur altendame,
axeellent arholamhlp and arfert de
portment: Vina (iard, Minnie (ilyik,
lieorgla (learn, Cora Uiugo, llattie
Kiligo, Kalie Mitnnlng, Hihih Hager,
Annie Tinnernled. Amanda Tlunemied,
Nellie Milnlvie, Finma Klelnninltb,
Flla Klmer, Addie ('biixleiiHrn, M iry
Manning, (imre Moran, Willie CUrk,
Oeorge Clark, Frank Klngo, Henry
Kli'iiiHUiith.Cerll Cniiir, Holly Noi-lli,
Aided Martin, lolm Miller, Willie
Millnr, Frank Miller, Fred North,
Adolph Tinnemiet, and Unhurt Mamball.
Tolal enrollment -III, (it-urge II. I'linn,
Itl'SAWAY ('OII'I.K CAI'IM'Kkll 1 1 1: H K .
On Tuesday, 'nnrtiible l.rvln, of Al
bina, arrenled John Movluky and Mm,
Ijinii'tl. a Im lull run awny from tlmt
rlty, Atrs, I anrelt taking flflO if her
hiinband'a money. The ronntablu in
t'ompaiiv with Mr. I.aurelt, the Women's
htrxhaiit found 1 1 ii' ii i buie wbeie Ibuv
had reglsttned at the I'oillainl hotel nn
John Miller mid wife. The ampin w.'ie
armnieil while walking down Main
atieet, and IIAO'waa found nn Mov
Innky'a person, Mr. Laurett at once
made up with bin wife and team were
shed. Tbev all returned to Albina In
the aflei noon where Movinaky waaar
migntid Lit charge of larceny of the
150.- I,aiinlt inf.Kineil the prosecu
ting attorney he "bad ii-.l bis woman
ami money ba.'k ami did not wuiil to
proaerute Movinnky or his wile. The
caxe was dismissed on Movinnkv paving
the riMla amoiint'ng to '.':). '.'.'i. Moth
men wrre emplnyed in the machine
shops at Allium
KiiiKrT Imi'Iiovkmknt. Mr. C, lloberg,
tlm new street couitiniisioiier, bus
torn down tlm advertising aigns l.iKteii.-d
oil Hie eily 'a end of the ailHlisinli brlilge
lib b be wim iliwleil to do by Mayor
Siillivnii. , TIicimi Hiiiim have been a
standing ijirgraex lo Oregon Cilv's ftee
sul.nsioii brnlgi. long euou'h, and
their removal was timely, Mr. lloberg
ili'-ir.-ii in annoiiuie tbrotigb Hie t-iiluiunn
of Tub Fntmii'Uisk Hint Im will extvect
j all parties w bo are liable lo road tax to
pay the ntine In mony, so he ran have
ll jil.ln'iim-ly t-peiiilid on the streets.
He slates that a prarlli e has heretofore
cuiH'.ed to a great extent of tun payers
having their nuid tax wor..ed out by
boys who it.ftined to put In'their lime to
good arrouiit, and that be does not pro
p.m to ntnnd any foolishness n the
fulii'e. He say that bo has eiamlned
the slreets, sidewalks and bridges
throughout Ihe city, and linds Ibem in
bad condition and prntmses that Hie city
xball gel tlm worth of llm money expend
ed on the strvel. He ban already com
m.'iii'H I repairs and woik.
Ukatii or a I'hominknt l'loscra.
Mr. (ieorge W. Walling, a ptnmineiit
and highly resHrted cilir.en and pioneer
ol Clarknmas county, dirt) at the resi
dence ol bis oldest son at Oswego, aged
7J years and ix mnntba, Mr. Walling
canm to Oregon Cily in l.vIT, and settled
on bia farm two miles from Oswego,
wbuie he resided until a few months ago,
when he removed lo tho residence of
his oldest son, Allart Walling Mr.
Walling conducted the Willamette
nurseries and fruit farm for a number
of years, hut la'came very feeble of late.
Mm. Walling tiled In IKHS. They bad
eight rliil.lieu, one of whom, -fane,
died in 1S04. Two tlaughtera are yet
living, Mra. (.aura Holcomh, of Amity,
Oregon, and Mrs Minnie McCubin, of
Arrington, Ohio, and the live aoiis,
Albert, Archie, (ieorge, Adam and
Hanls, are all living at Oswego. Mr.
Walling waa an honored member of
Multnomah I.odgo, No. 1, A.F A A. M.
of this citv. who will cor.duct the funeral
servlrea lliia morning, ami bis remains
will be interred in the Masonic cemetery
Hiiokk Jam,. Hubert (iardner, who
recent ly served a ;iil days' sentence in
Ibecoiinly juil, for stealing a keg of
lit er from Tronihuth'a saloon, attempted
to raise a row soon after bis release, and
was promptly arrested by Chief of Police
I'urdom. He waa sentenced by lieconler
l'ortm lo serve 12 days In the city jail
for disorderly conduct. He. waa in
formed that he would be put to work on
the streets Monday, but replied that be
would tlio before ho would work the
streets. It wt'B discovered early Mon
day morning that he had made bis
escape by prying out the brh.lt at tho
corner, where the building connects
with the wooden entry, and had dug a
hole large enough for a man to crawl
through. It ia reported that he went
up the Columbia with a flailing
party Monday. Latkr Gardner wbh
arrested by Chief of Police I'urdom while
be waa walking towarda home.; Gard
ner expressed some surprise on being ar
msicil again, but Ptirdom informed him
that ha had been out two days ami had
not taken advantage ot Ida opportunity
to leava town. While returning to the
jail Gardner expressed his willingness
to now work on the streets.
Anotmicr Okkhon Hoy to thr Front
The following from the Yalo Dairy
News: New Haven, Conn., of the dale
of Juno 8, 181U, will be of Inlereat to
our renders. Mr. Corwin 8. Shank, of
Canhy, has tho honor lo be one out of
fifteen ' commencement orators:
"Tho speakers for the Francis Way
land ' prise In debate wore also an
nounced yesterday, anil are the follow
ing: Benjamin Ifaynes,' Charles Ful
ton, Mo; George Aaron Kollogg, Ver
non Center. Conn.; John Aaron Hoo
bor, York, Pa. ; Corwin Sheridan Shank,
Canby, Oregon ; Ki.'bard White Miller,
Kichmoml, Ky. j Georgo Kdwin Hill.
Stamford, Conn. The prizes are $20
to fill, and the apeuking will take place
in Osboin Hall, -at a dato to bo an
nounced lator.
Lugger's sculo hoards absolutely ::or
rei't at this nlllre.
Several giiiillcmeli can tied pleasant
rooms by applying lo Mrs. Harsh Mi Cue.
Fal her llilleltr.inil held seivlies at
Oswego last Hominy afternoon nt 'A
o'clock .
Pure Willtolt Mineral water on
diangltt at I1'.. (I. ('aulleld'n.n i ts a glass,
Mr. (iiilenn Crelgliaunt. of Currins
vllie, was doing Oregon ( Itv (be II i nt of
the week, -
Senator J. II, Mitchell arrived in
Pot Hand last Saturday, and will remain
liming the summer.
Judge Hwltxer. Mr ami Mrs, K. Cox
ami I). ('. Tedlotd, of St. Helens, visito.l
Oregon Cliy last week.
Mr Dailrlty is electing a neat col-
Inge resideure for Mrs. Ileum's in the
not theaslern part of town.
For bargains In sash, doors and
mouldings, go to U. Fiulcy, shop bark of
Pope's k Co's hardware store
Humphrey Trembatlt, ami Joseph
Hirhaids, ol Portland, have gone to Hie
Columbia on a fishing tour.
The Ftigene Ihiily Guard has made
its appearanre, It is a very neat and
newsy journal, anil is a credit to
Mr. Joneph Iiurl.ee, of lite Crown
paper mill, bus lllod on a home-trad of
loo acres In setiitm 21, t 5 s, r 3 e, near
Milt ercek.
llr, W. Ii. Cnrll. A S. I.awlon and J.
II, Walker are attending lite Grand
lslge of Masons, which is in session at
Portland this week,
Hem! Tbnvcr A Aldcn's new adver
tisement. They ale not only helping
people to get good homes, but pay cash
lor the pioilurls of Ibe farm.
Mr. II. M, Flanagan prides bin, self
on his farm on llm Tualitin. He re
cently brought in some fine specimens
of strawberries raised tiieie.
The excursion to Honneville next
Saturday nmler the annjtlcss of the
Willamette Cornet hand will be the
most delightful Irip of the searon.
The Clackamas Hand accompanied
and furiitslm.l Hie music for the excur
sion to Vancouver on Peroration Hav.
Tlicy look uobl y in their new uniforms.
Slnco Senator Holph arrived from
WiiKlnngliiii, lie ban been d.iinga not ion
of tlm Willamette valley. Oregon's
senators and rcpieM-ntalivt'S ate now all
at h.iine.
Closing out sale of hihIi, doors, and
mouldings hI K. FinltVt simp back of
I'.tpe A Co's hardware store. The best
biiigitins everollered in Oiegou City
Commissioner Mo;'bnke has U'cii
I.I..U ,.t,lt... It. I, n, I,..., i.u'L' !,..( ...ui.j.I.
untieing the load beyond the citv limits.
lie w ill sim in nave I mm roan in line
Messrs. Meldrum McCown and M. A.
Miigoon, w ho recently went on a trip
to Hie CpperClui katiias and fulls, report
having had an enjoyable time, anil
fishing good. ,
Sheriff Samson bus recently taken
two t.ulii. ills Irom this count v to the
insane avluui at Salem : Tbos Yoctiin,
of Currinsville, ami Mm. Anna Hern-,
hard, of Mllnttiikic.
Mr. A. Noltner, the veteran journal
ist, has putchanol I'm Haily Kxaminer,
of Portland, ami now isxu'en the same
a the Paily IMxpatt h. It ia much im
proved in upH'arunce.
The picnic given bv the Mink Amateur
litass Hand al Charles Hughes' place
last Saturday was a very
pleasant affair. A number were pres
ent from Oregon Ci'y.
A package of finely dvclocd new
potatoes came to this ollice through the
mail the latter part of last week, the
Hrslof the season in Oregon City. They
were from Milwaukie.
School Superintendent Thomson
last week visited tho schools in the
vicinity of Wilboil. He re
torts tliat the spring terms of many of
the schools are expiring.
Mr. T. A. Karon is painting Mr. K.
Tscharnigs' new two story building
Insidifuiid out. The inside of the build
in if will have a solid wood llnish, and
will present a neat appearance.
Tomorrow the loth, llm ladies of the
iFiist Presbvterian church of Salem,
will give their long expected excursion
to Oregon City, Tito W, M. Hong has
been chartered for the excursion.
Hv accompanying the hand excursion
tomorrow, you will have an opportunity
of viewiiaj some of the llncst scenery on
the Willamette river. There are several
falls and immense rocks on the route.
Mr, Frank Kruno, of Wllsonvillct has
bfdtl in Halcnt for the past lwowccks
walling on his brother, Homer, who Is
very III willt typhoid fever, Mis. John
Kiiisti, their mother, is Iheie ulsu. Mr,
Hutner Kmse was lo have graduated in
muni! on Hie llh Inst,, but llm furiilty
hare griuitod him a diploma, as be
M'tlll (nutlu i..tit1il In lit... 1.1 SfMf.tt of
., j..,,, v.,,,. , ,.7
Sliunliiig at Hut I it'll t of bis class, ami
inn couiplrien ine coiir-e 01 sitititen.
Hi Klnley MiTchellof this "city left for
Sim Kiaueisco last Weilueliiy, where
be In to I married on lint ldilt Inst., to
Mis llatlie Si beint-r, of Hint city. The
biiie eln l is a teacher In the school of
Sail Francisco, ami is said to be highly
eibtMtetl ami very intelligent, anil
rumor says she is vtny handsome too,
Getvui Star.
II. W. Scott. W. P. I-ertt, M. Kosh
lainl, II, Melr.ger, Chits. I.lrslel,(i N.
Wolf.., F. W. Kaybnrn, P. (!. Wads
woilh and A. C. O'Neil, of Portland,
liavi filed articles of Incorporation to
build and operate a street railway Hit
letween Mt. Tabor and Mt. Scott,
Clarkituuis county. Capital stock,
A Mr. Itusstdl, from New York Citv,
was in Oregon Oily this week, ill tfte
Inlerest of his brother-in-law, who is
an extensive coffin manufacturer. Mr.
KusN II ana well pleased wilh the man
ulactiiring facilities of this plan!, snd
should his brother-in-law deride to lo
rate here, will invest a capital of flit),
0U0, Mr II, Miller, editor o' the Prairie
City News, of Prairie City, Illinois, ar
rived in the city Tuesday ami is a guest
of Ins old comrade, ( ajtt. J. P. Shaw.
Mr Miller expresses himself as well
plessed with Oregon City and the stale
Children's day will he observed at
Congregational cburc'.i at Park Place on
Xutiilay afternoon at Ihree o'clock . An
excellent and appropriate program has
been prepared anil a good time is anliri-
rmti.il. Tl.u litnltu u-ill tiM tu-atlt ifnllv
ilrc.iritril and all will be welcome. .
4ett Saturday was Labor Day, but the
fart of itsextstance seemed to have been
lorgotion in Oregon City. It was only
partially obseevad tlirought the state,
jtrintipallv on account of its following
so soon after Peroration Pay.
Messrs. K. D. Llndell, ex-probate
judge of Ness county, Kansas; (ieorge
('. Urounell, a prominent attorney of
that state, and Andrew Williams, ex
sberilf cf Wapaka county, Kansas, were
in tiiecity Wconcsday on html hiisincss.
Some of these gentlemen may locale
in ibis county.
Mr John A. Heck, the well known
Portland jeweler, ami Pr. G. V. Tucker,
of The Palles, a brother-in-law of ("apt.
K. S. Warren, were in Ihe city Wednes
day fishing at the Falls.
Sheriff Samson desires lo state that
several names were placet! on the de
limpiHitt tax list unintentionally, ami
takes this method of informing them of
the fact.
Mr. J. Vegelitia has lust had the
walla of his barber shop haosoniely re
papered, and the floor and ceiling
painted. It now preants a neat appe. r
ance. Mr. A. Walker did the work,
Mr. M. Shinier, head sawyer in the
sawing department of the paur and
pulp mills, has taken the contract to
saw the white fir bolts for tho sulphite
mill, and the balm for the mechanical
Pr. W. M. Carll attended a meeting
of tho state board of charities at Salem
last week. He states that only a pre
liminary organization wlis effected, and
at the next meeling committees will be
appointed, and the work assigned.
Mr. Sidney Smith, tho well known
civil engineer, in addition to his duties
as county surveyor, was last week re
appointed city surveyor by Mayor Sulli
van, which niatlo it necessary for hint
to Bccure a deputy. Tho deputy ap
peared June 4th, and the parents are
Tho following officers wore elected
at the regular semi-annual election of
Achilles Uvtlge, K. of P., held at the
last mooting. Mr. K. M. Rands, G. C;
(re-elected); Isaac Ackerman, V. C;
F, J. LouiH, prelate. The other oflicors
hold for ono year. The now olliuors
will be installed at the next meeting.
Muster Hutherf.ird Whilloek, son tf
County Keootder Whilloek, left Tuestlny
to s.ettd a few weeks of his vscatii n
with his aunt at Hood Kiver. "
Go to Wilson A Conke for Oliver plows.
Wiirr-m A Dolman, Funeral Directors
ami Undertakers, Oregon City Hunk
F'ine Pillows made to order and Mats
lings, etc., of neat designs at Warren A
Fancy groceR
Fancy Groceries
jjixixioyjvi rxvuiJ. urvxvsj anteudto
lr I T
On the west side of the river on the Oregon City and Portland road,
and Willamette river. Twenty-five minuteg walk from the nusiKiimon
bridge. Affords a splendid view of the river, Portland and the East
side. This tract has been (slashed and sown in grass. Will be sold
cheap on easy terms. Apply to
The best grade of Paint?, Oils
and Varnishes at the low
est market prices.
Best Brands Mixed Paint
Remember the place near the
court bouse.
Hoen studying economy when
buying School Books, Sta
tionery, Etc., Etc.?
New Book store
INoxt to K. Q. Caufleld's Drug Storo
And see if you have ever had bet
ter goods for the money.
Have constantly on hand a large assortment f Flowering Plants, Shrubbery and
Bulbs with large assortment of best vaiieties of Koses Cut Ilowera at all
times and Funeral Decorations a 8eciaitv. A large s'ot k of
stionn, healthy, Tomato, Cabbagean I Cabflower plants to
be hail at tireen House, or E. K. Williams or
Newton's grocery storea. Oregon t'ily.
Park Place P. O.
H. T, mARTIf
All Kinds of Rustic Furniture
All work guaranteed and the best of material ustd.
Settees, - - $6 00 Rocking chairs, -" - 5 00
ArmChairs, - 4 00 Flower Stand, - - f 3 to JO
Lamp Stand, - - $2 and $3 Diningroom Chairs per set, flo 00
Small Rocking Chairs and Baby Chairs to order.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock ft full line of
al li Mill
larirae, ftee, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
Sorensen t & t Young !
(Fir, ISpruee and Cedar; also Laths, Pickets, Shin-)
C gU,Ktc. Shipped to all points on
( the river or bv rail.
1 ' I '
Mill situated on Willamette river at I
1 1
i .ii
i n
: 1
) i
4 .1
i '"T" j - -
1 '