Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 12, 1891, Image 3

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i, TIlC llllOliM IHULL.
imiM'Hse Niie.ma mill Cmwilcil
( iliinganUetpilled dillltoiik
atllii' ui tuoiv hull l"t Hitliiriliiv
(ttf. llilir UK! il'in'"i liw I
K of Hi Iwi1""'
church. Tim
J Imll WtllUlrOMlll'il Willi nil niini
We nwlii'1'HP. i'"1 " ' '"" J""1
tluil Im' drill sori'iinncd llii'lr eK
ill, in- I Ik' young Indie have lll'l'll
V fiailtlllg lor Ulf I'HMt tttll
dm iiii'lrr thu tuHni'diale charge o(
(I1!, W, Warren, of Cimimnv K,
li , Ami llii'lr imrd'ct military
tlinun tmlicitlo Mml (in wa aucciwa
lYilltwiogartt the young ludla who
, clpuli'il iu tlm drill ; Mihm'k Maggie
J i mui Newton, Kill III Wlnhart,
('oiivcra, Winnie William, Urai
"1, liar qulnn, Vera Plllnhury,
Pi l.i tin. Murv and Utirlrude him.
I'N. , t i ii ! i'l...
to itirin. in n incamnii, i i'"
MUd, Haltie Willoughby ami Dor
Ul, K. K. William prenlded t tlm
1 1! i, ml furuinhed excellent muni; l
I ll hint ! MUe Vii William mul
lilllliiliil wit ckccllenlly rendered,
kiln 1V Mr, llelnl well re
iki, ud U mm cnlUvl out lliumx-onil
it nill.Ml that laughable farce.
. u.mx'ii'K Huthi I'oiivtuiliim,
it hf-mii'it down ihe limine Miviintl
I, Mr. Iirtm've n old uinnl
Oi i 't ill I Mil entirely original
"li Hull, HII'I tllll HlrHlltlllll III Ull
participant ha heretofore) been
lid in Tux Kntkhi'Mink,
pi. Warren nlati that It liu Immmi
Irtutied 14 tlrilla comny u( altoul
young ladle, wliii will nive a public
I billon notne tiinn next (nil. He
that h had another iminth In
li to tlrill tlm young Indie, Iw
I iw drilled tliiiiu In few morn
nxvca. At th'loa of the drill
, II. K. Cron anmniued Uat Uhm
ffik ltt.lin hud only been drilling two
Jjltitt, and attained a prollclenov, Hint
W uV a company ui men and hv
ir'a nleady work lo acquire. Tlm
. IK tniliv were repeatedly cheered,
ehmcubt Were nerved In the Imll
V, everyone went awy highly
"ted with Hie evening' eaferlallt-
"V-- -
hut Ori (iH lily Will Oli brole! I
meeting n( Ihe citien wa held In
IH'lioul Iioiiim ol tlmt tbce !nt
tilit v iwi'lilnf and ll w iwidinl to
fV,ratrt tli Fourth 8. A.M. tiurli'y
elit lisl rhaii iimii, and Tbo. tiilili
Itury ol tlm in wting.
hi (iiilowiiiK piiilii"iiu went
Vt (omimitpe on irivrHiiiin :
'A. I' iuiliy, V I'rkr, Win.
0, mil ami Tun, (iililiii ; C"iniiiiiii of
ai'tiinntii, K. I'nrki'r. J. r-nrtin-r,
I'H'i, iio: Akin, A. K. Ford) and
toil, Mimiimn w rlwlnd ililrt
"liu! l ttw diiy.
ii'iiiitii'lii,i will iiuft mt Tin
(vi'ini'ii to ri'tiort Kotfii'iM, Ar.
ji!ii'ni will u ma-Hi lo navd a
H ut tiii
f !fc li"il llml lit itii ol Ori-pin
I J n.l if inilv will itfoiHtntta. 'flm
jjm will ai-ifar h-kiii.
I'l'lilirHliiMi at Snnily.
t t A Miiiniu, ii( Canity, in
d.Jilv Wwiliu'wliiy H nrt that
'r-'i'!t l that virmilv will hvn
it oi l i-rlithratiiiti an tlm Kotirlli til
I 'I'Uty linvt! wrllrml ths acrwin'R
I , tlwrkainaii llriiM haml, and
V, W. II. Smm will oltWrnlii
riiinl marnhal Kvfrvlily i in-
. I, 'llMre will I a (triiiid Imll in tim
" J' tt .
ill f ritrnirrihi at a lrul and lien
U f rul Niilitri-.
t ll'-rnian Hroim, of Siindy, W4 in
j 41 .ii City Tiii'ii Uy
i. 1!. C. U'wi. of Viola, In
Jim l ay 'ant Saturday.
Juct.ki Milty, of WilMinillo,
Dk soii l ily a living unit lai
r. J. H.
Hi at Tn
I-emii. of SirlniwhUr,
llNTRHi-aina ollice lnnt
l.S. W lnii'r ha aolil liialarin
1 Umu- to 111 brotlmr, t'. 1
't. s.iint'ti
wlu'i lin
Iih irono to
1 ill eiiKk'.in
1 I jitimntft nr lumilv M
''I'd tli cnmtnrrin'tiii'iit rxorrmo at
1-Mi'Minnvillo ndli-sn lnnt week.
.,, Jot nf jrlnnt nr on aiiln t l.ivcr
j' hotel from t lie Oregon City (in'en
(m. Leave order there for cut
fend llg No. 55, A. O U. W
tm tin Mit4rt uinnient him! etraw-
'TT'i. -! yi l nt Knight Unit Canity,
fon, .iBnn 23.
lo ('hiirnmn A Son, and examine
Im'i.i-tiso Htttrk of Hiimmor gooils,
:nd fanny hat in Rreat variety,
it'' B'lmmer jacket for f I.
i. (Ittirle Porter, of Cannmah, im
rj)vnd to plem Oregon with hi
" ly, v, hern he reoently piirchnaed a
h'K mill and plnndid water power.
I ,
iiif. Cliarlea Hiokman liai returned
u.,: trip to the Bound, and report
'ythlna very dull there He i bet
Jil than ever with Oregon City.
h Itrogon (ity, junior, bawball
j will play the Oswego' at the
P'l In thin city Sunday. It will
Hi exi itlng and clonelr contested
;Wm City la noted for the- great
ri)ty and luxuriant production of
lr. Hobos can be aeen In Mr. A.
?uti'ow' yard that will meaiuro
nix Inclioi in diameter.
. and MrH7wTPIJurn, 0 Port
i wer in Hit city, the latter part
ltwoek, vlHiting their eon, 0. E.
and old friend. Mr. Hum wa
"letinie a prominent citizen of this
l;l : .
iy. Oilman Parker, who attended
3 Commencement at McMlnnvillo col
jlitht week, took a prominent part in
vercinoH. Mr. Lyman Lntourette,
li cily, one of the grndnnte, doliv
" fun oration on "Modern Commerce,"
Sh wh highly complimented by the
hill Reporter,
Tln Jury lalli'd lo mkiih In llii' mux of
llin HI u t ii of Ori'iimi vithii A. W, I'mrn'o,
i'Iiiii'uimI wllh lowmilt mid IhiIIiii.Vi I')'
Mr, IIoiiiiIiImiiii, trlod hi'liim ItiH-ordi-r
I'orlnr hiNt wimk. Tim Jury alood llvo
(or ni'iiilliHl, mid ,oiih or poiivlclloii.
II. K CnwHiiinl (!. I. l.iilimrulUi i
i ii ui m I HH'doiuiHid for I'liini'i', mid II.
V tin ) and A, H. Dnmmir Himri'il
for llm hIiiIii.
St. lli'luiinliiiV lii'i'ii ai'lui'ii'd hy llm
homd fur llm I'lii'iiini'iimiiU "I llm l''lrt
Ki'ui 1,0. N.U,, whli li will Iki liitld
In July. Chi it Wiuri'ii aliiln 1 hut
K Cimiiuiny I'n rmi'lvi'il ivli'i- tlmt
llinlr now iinllormii will Im liliwd on
llm i 1 1 , which will mi tt lo tlimn In ar
rivo In tfood limn for tlm furuiiii'iiinnt.
H. Jaiini'.v liroiinlit auit In JoKtli'n
KoiiIh' I'onrt Tiii'fluv nuitlnxt (iotlrih
and Hainui'l tiro to ronoviir for line
piirlng an almimrt. Tlm jury fiillfij to
auron W. Cary JohiiNim aurtd for
tin) ;lulnllir, and 0. 11. Dyo for ilelt.
Owing to the fart of tlicm lining nil
uii'li'mlunilinu aliout tlm nmu t daUi of
tlm twi'iily lllili aulviraiiry of Tim Kn
tkhI'mihk, tlm lilnlorli'al ndUlun will l
imihi (Killed a tliurt limn until llm llmt
llli' van he oblmiu'il from AHt irla.
Tlm tnii-riiiiiul lioxliitc I'onliwt at the
Armory hull, Wndiuxdiiy t'vitlilnir, be
Iwiikii John H.Clark, of thin city, and
1 u V i 1 l'lulicrtv, n( .Miiiiliiim, wiixi'iiMily
won liy lh fiiruiiir, and Ori'gun Clly
Hpoita aro jiihlliinl ovir llm victory.
" Homo boi'ii wore obwryed Wednemla
aflernoon with a Imited hook and li:i "
lUliliig through an opening in the aide
walk in front of t). K. William' grocery
ntorn. 1 hey were (lulling fur ruin, and
caught thirteen.
I'mii'I fall to atlentl the King Knler-
Iniiiment at the Wet Oregon Clly nchool
June iu. Mr. Is M. Kami anil Schmil
HuiMirliilenilent Thiunnon will deliver ad
tliuiwin An inlereming prnuram 1 lie-
ing prepared.
There were three exi'iirnluna In tne
city lant Haturday : One (rum Indepeml.
euce, one from I -a Cama mid another
from Kant Portland. Our clliien
ahould nuike Setter eflort to enlurtain
IheM vlilora.
Mix Itnvnlla Vinaon, of thU roiinly,
and Mr. Loyal Vincent, of Middleton,
Waalilnglon county, Oregon, were mar
ried at the Congregational pai-nonage In
thia ritv on Jure 4, liev, O, W. l.ucan,
Franoln M. linhemm, ol OmleHorV,
Waxti., wn In the city WeilneMluy, and
nie,1 on a liomeirleail It thin comity, mil
will remove bere with hi family.
Tlwre in denireble land for more botue
nteader. The following marriage lirenne have
been iued during the week the
-nniilv clerk : Alice Flvnn and I 11.
Triilli'nger, Kva llm kiln alid l. C
Walerman, It'jVnl'a Vinaon and Iiyal
The Ice cremit feDtival given hy the
Kpwoith League at the old camp ground
T'loxday evening wan a very Biu-cmltd
all'iilr. The Imnd wan ire'irt and pro
vi'ii'd the lien) of miiHic
Thayer A Alden offer at a bargain
a one nix-home power traction engine
anil neimrntitr. Una onlv 1ieen lined vo
veara ami in in pood repair. Wood eaw
itoe with it. 1'. Ice, i:n. 41
Mr. O. A. Harding and C. M. Saab,
hla druggixt, each altemlcd the lirat
meeting of the Oregon Mute Pharma
ceutical nocietv which cottvened In Tort
land tlria week.
The water comminnion conitin of
0. II .raulleltl, T, V. Kvan, and Hiram
Straight, are actively pmshing lmpnve-
meiii en the water worka nyalcm al thin
Walling Ilron., ofOnwego, were In the
city Wedncndiiy making arrangement
for their fntiter'a tnneral. They ne-
cored a fine canket from Warren & I lot-
K. Warner, of Mountain Tlew,
brought in nome flue ntrawlierrie
rained on hi place lltln wek. Some of
them were fully nix incho in circumfer
ence. The Oraml Iyxlge. No M. A. O, U.
W. will 'rive an entertainment and
ntrawtvprrv festival at King' ball, at
Canby, Taemtay, Juno 2S.
Severat eiiBimunieatmn from corre-
tioudentN were evidently delaved in the
mail thin week, but will appear in the
next Inane.
Mr. L. M.Tuller, of Verdana, ac
companied by her daughter Lillian, and
Mr. Karl Lownntinrv, nmmt Sunday in
the cily,
Mennr. J. Moore , t o. have pnr-
chiined the voultrv anil flnh market from
Trembnth ltm. liead their advertise
Minn Nora Cnnyera who ha been
attending if hool during I ho winter, left
for her home at Clalnkanie, hint Sunday.
Cieorge Ilroiighton In running hi naw
mlll on full lime, and ban received a
lot of log from down the Columbia.
Hea'd the advertisement of I. Selling
in thin lmie. It 1 the very place toget
summer goods on reanonaldo term.
J. Hittner, the entorprilng proprietor
of the Cliff Home, will now run a bus to
and from the boat and train.
AanextSnnday 1 Children's Day, a
concert will he given In the evening by
the M . E. Sunday nchool.
Mm, W. Durham, of McMinville,
wa In the city over Sunday, the guest
of Mr. Cha. Mesorve.
The Oawcgo Band will give their long
expected excursion to Martin' Bltifl
next Sunday .
Mr. Ilenrv Miley, the leading merch
ant of Wilsonville. v. a in Oregon City
rrof. T. J. Oarv. 0 Milwaukie, loft
tliis week for WaHhotigal or a month'
vacation. '
Freab Wllhoit on band conalantly at
E. G. Cauflold's Pharmacy 5 cts aglaas.
Afiaa At nu k'nllv nf thin i'ilv. In viait-
Ing roliitivn and 'friend in Portlund.
Mr. Herman Brooks, ol Sandy, was in
Oregon City Tuesday.
ll Hceiii llmt thin locality, o inmdi
(iivoiiiil hy tiiilivim, hwn mil heiin ri'pni
Minimi In your coliiliilitl liilcly, All
kiinUofcroiiH hern, except fruit, give
licomlne of litrgii yield. I'riilttreca in
niiinii pliice uro loo lii'ttvily ludiiiiod
with fruit. In oilier, luH1 front kiiem
to have been partial in ll dcnliiiin, for
Hciuci'ly any fruit appnar oli the tici-a,
1'iiriiiem ai Ihrougli with their tdiint
liiu except lulu croi.' of vegetable for
tl.a KitHt Portland cannery. U. J
Lund buyer ncein to be plenlifiil
hi re JukI now, They are olleiing from
I UK) lo fJOi) per acre for Improved hind,
yet few wilt are liuulii, evun at thenu
Meale have appeared among our
littiv one to nucli an extent a to
threaten the cloning of ourncluol.
John Jnlfney ha jut returned from
a flying trip lo California to yinit hi
brother, lie npeaka well for the ap
larauce of tiling in Ibat ntate,
La gnpie atlll continue to make hi
tinwelcomi-d init to the ipiiet home
of otllcr here, cunning much antler
ing and few death.
Thorn and Kb Coleman were
vlailml hv nurliea unkimwii lo Ibein,
partle who had not coiiHciiMinnenN ami
love of Justice milllcienlly devuloped to
renlraiu them from evil, and alniut 300
iMiumlMof well cured bacon and a few
other article taken awav. The double
barreled dliot K n loaded, mIioiiIiI
lie ever reaily for inch occanlon. Such
work i not the woik of the common
trump, hut of the 110 lena utmcrupulou
trump who take a wagon and two borne
with nim, who cauliounly, yet puriosly
make hi way from Portland to bin
home near the foot of the mountain
after iilglil,"pickiiw:up." according lo
hla own phrano"wbal luck" may chance
to throw in bin way.
The Alliance qucntton uarounmg aome
comment in thvnfl part, innl what It
will amount to ia bard to tell, but it
eem men wind to Inscoma pontcd be
forehand what will lie the political Inane
nreneuted (or their conKitluiatton in lKlii,
A reatlennen eem to prevade the
mind of the mot of voter, ana
remedy 1 being nought Lr. A But .
iLeUrr I.Ul.
The fiillowhig I the Lint of 111 ert re
maining ill the put ollice at Un--nu City,
(iregtiu, Jnn in, ikii :
Amlrxwa, MiwLlhlile Purtly, Itnlwrt
Aniler"oii.MrI.ibliie pru-nnm, Minn (Tiara
11.11, Mr A 1'iirclianr, Mtwtouitui
rmiiln-nl, Mr A J HI, liunl. Mr l-k
Chaw, Miiw Ktiia lliclianlntiii. It I)
l it rn-hol 111, Kir Jainen Hlinrnrk. W 0
Clark, lienitM'liiiton Hinro. Anin
Clark. Mi"S,'lll
Hnillli, V J
Crinvvll, Khl.'H
li.nnliv, Mr II 11
lleiiiing, C 11
Turkey, Jnine
Tliomnn, Mm Hetty
1 liiiinaa, Mr K 1,
Willi...!.. A II
lliiltgrtrt, John
Mmiliey, Nrn Marv A
ileni-an, Mra Augiinla WinnlriitT, Mr W ill
Jtinoa, Mrllen y (-') Wilkinnnn, William
lurk, M c 1 1 ol 1 oil imiin-rnMiii, llti
jnip,.iiirl,Mr.liilin('.') rlnlpli
Mnitin, Mr 1) It rti-aauM.
Mernt, A J Mr Hrcene
M.'rt linnt, Mnlvern A 81ltailv
MiMire. Mr 11 II Mr Aimlla lircgory
Nairn, Wr 'Chan Kapihla
If calletl tor, pli-ne nay v.'hi nilveriieeil.
K. M. HANDS, 1'. M.
Prniiial Wanted for Wood.
Hrnkwl liiil wilt lieren nhed at the 11, k of
Orrgnii41lv until July ll, In'H. forliintisli-ingrn-lmol
llialrict No. U lift- con I of good
miiiikI hmmiiiihI tir wood, tn beih-liveml lie
lore Sepli'iiilier lt, tnill.nii tlie w liool fiotine
gmunlla in thin cily. and well coriletl upnt
iich plnce n the ilirtn'tnr may ileniftnale.
Prtiional aliimld I aliln-eil lo the wilder
nignvil, and eiiilnrw.! "1'riirw.iil tor WihmI."
The riirlil l roM-rveil to n ji-i't any ami all
bul. U. ''. NTvr-n.
Clerk K. I100I Ilitrict No.
Hinnll Krm tat hale.
Tea ere on rotimy road Vf rutin
fnm fm-iiou Clly. near aehool hotiae aard sw
mill, food anil and level, Jliar frull and berry
Uu.1 Ubr(la. T. 0. Livr,
'l'reiirr, Notice.
I have now In mv hnmln ttind applica
ble to tlie payment of all warrant emlormil
prior o IK-uiher tuth,
Inleimit will eeane from date of thla no
tice. K. It. Cvtirr, Co. Treaa'r.
On-grin Cltv, June 5, ll.
I hereby le notice rh I have filed In the
Motility Court of Claokamaa Tounty (leeaon.my
x-ouiit ftjid voucher for final nettlotnenl of
the eetain of Jacob Klroi-r, dei-eaaed, end the
Court ban appalmed Tnea4ny! July 7, tnat, for
th eiainluelliMi and d)iileieiit of the "me.
I'ava Klmkw. Adinlutatrntor.
W Cnrnj f uhnaon, All y.
41 fitted May i'-th, 1H91.
Land OMine at Oregon Oily, Orct-on,
May 2(1, 1WU.
Notk-e i hereby clven that the follovr-inK-nnnicil
-ncttler ha tiled notice of bin
intention toninke t'uiiil pivmf in mtpport
of bin claim, and that euid proof will be
made In-fore the hVuiHter and Receiver
of V. S. Lund tlllice, at Oregon City,
Oregon, on .iiilyl-.', ISHl, vtx:
W.'ll. Norninn,
Pre-eiiiidion 1 J4 No, 7iJ4, for the ne '4
of wc 30. tp i (, r (I e. lie .name the
following witneaeea to prove hie continu
um residence ntKm and cultivation of,
euid hind, via: Nil Olnen, Clin.
lihonduH, 1. 11. Small, OIihb Knabner,
all of CurritiHTillB P O. Olacltamaa
County , Orciron. j . T. A i'pkhoi ,
l-5:"7 10 Kiyinter.
Land Orytca at Okkook Crry, Or.
. June 1st, 1801.
Notice Is hereby frfven that that the
following named ttlr ha filed notice
of hi intention to mnke final proof in
support of hi claim, and that Riud proof
will I miido before the Register and Re
ceiver of U, 8. Land Ollice at Oregon
Cjty, Oregon, on July 20th, 1801, via:
Thomas II Moore, k
Pre-emption, 1) S No. 71)28, for the 11 S,' of
nwf4, ot' of nw'j', no of w?4' f eec
2(1, tp 4 1, r fi e. He name the following
witnesses to prove bis continuous rc-si-(
donee upon and cultivation of said land,
viis:- David Hatch, II Overton, SAD
Putor. P W Palmateer, all of Currin
ville iKistofllce, Clackamas County, Ore
gon. ! , X. AI'l'KRSON,
ti o, 7-iu Kegister.
Land Omen at Okkoom City,
June 1st, 1801.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler baa bled notice ol his
intention to make final proof in support of
bis claim ,and that Buid proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver U. S.
Land Ollice at Oregon City, Oreion, on
July 24th, 1801, viz:
t runk l. Jones,
Pre-emption D. 8. No. 70-3, for the aet
of sec 80, tp 4 s, r 6 e .
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation . of said land, yiz: Dave
Hutch, Lotlln Miirhiill, .1 W lioycr and
Clin ('obeli, nil of Currifinylll I'nnl
Ollii'ii, Cliickiimii Couiilv, OicKon.
(1-5, 7-1.0 ,f. 'I1, AI'l-KUKOK,
flMlll'.K LAND Al.'l JI NK , ln7n,
non ll I (Ml IM lll-K I IOH
, I'nitcii Htniti I.amii Orrii n, 1
Ohkun Ocrr, Or,, Aiir W, IMU.I
Kotirn ti'-ri-liy glv.-ri tlinl fit eotiiillHii''0
Willi ttm i,nirltiM it Hi l "I etiuarwunl
.tit it- j, K,, oiiitili'il nil net I'" tlm nl nt tlm
Iiit inula iii llm mni" in cniiiortua, iireuu,
Nevn'lti ami Wimlilimluli TerrlUiry,"
Knmuvl T. Imrki',
nt I'ottlaiM . I'oiihly nt MiilliKitmih. lnl ill Oi
(II, Im lllnl III till nllirn IP nworll
iiii-Ml to .mini, tnr llm puri'tini, ui the 11I
t-eiliia N r., In iwnlil Nu i aoiilh. rnK Ni.
7 i'l, mi'l will oiler prmif U allow tlmt tlio
la ii '1 ,iilii la mr vnlunlilr for lla tlmlivr or
atotir Itiati for aifrli'iillnrnl purito met to r
talillih I1I1 claim to anlil lamt baforn Hi rnvla
lrn( rwiilvnr iif llila iltlcnl Ori-xnn (.'lir,
OfK'.l. im Prlilny. thr llal ilny al AiiKiial, Invl,
tin DMinua wltlinaMta: 'I'. C, D'llonilll, nd
J11I111 m In'll of piirllmiil, Or.you ; C. CnlWaud
lianuu Dcuni'll, 11I l lierryvllle, ort-aon,
Any mil nil tiaraon i'lnlmlu ilveraly til
lvii(rai'rllHiI Iniel r rwiuenled lo flln
tliflr ilalma Iu thin i,lltt on or twlor aald 21 al
dv of Annual, invl. J. T. AI'I'KKWiN,
nt: 7 Ht-iiiautr.
.lallre lur I'hIiIIcbIIou.
liniTKii ttk l,niiOrnt ,
OnmioH IIITV, Or., Apr. 27. IKil I
Notlc I herrli alien llmt In romnlliiiir
wllh lli iiriiylaluna of t Im not of ('ioitr of
Jim I, In", milled "An act for ihe ! ol
tlm lirriamla In th alntitaol I'allloruU.Oreipiu,
niivnut, aun lilli(U U i,'rrniir.
I liomaa K liliiaon.
of Fiirllaml couutv of Milllnoinnli, tl of Or
Ku. Inu Itlrd In Oil olh hla aworu stnlt-mnni
On IBA lor Ilia iiun-linao of the t ol 01,
mul l'il a ami I. ol ai-rtloii No. 'I In townalilp
No. amitli, raiiK No7 at. Niirt will offer priHif
to all', that Hie Innd aoiiiihl la morn valuable
lor ita timber or alone limn lor Krlt-iiltnral
.iirui.. aul to eatabllah hi claim aald land
before the rt-iclaier mid reretver of thla ollitie
t Oreaou Cltv. Ureiou. on KrliUr, the 'ilat dv
of Annual. IMll
He liamea wlmeaae: D. O'llonnell, T. :.
Oiioiinell, frank llell, Ueorge Hell, nil of Port
Unit, OreKou.
Au and all neraon clalmliif tdveraely th
atnive di-at-rltad laiidaarermpieatetl tortlelhelr
rlalin In till ollice on or before aald ill d iy of
Annual, invt. J. T. Arrtncon, Kcxlater.
t'niTnHTTa LnOrri n, 1
OnooK V'lTV, Or, Apr. 4tb 11 I
Nollr la hereby given Itial in compllaiice
with lh provlaloii of Ita art ol (JouKremi of
June , i.7. entitled "An not for I In le nf
tlinlier land In the alatoa ol ClltiM-nl, Or
gun, Nevada, nd Wliliitoo Territory, "
Havld o luiinell.
of Portland, t'oiinlrol Miilliiomah, Ule ol Ore
ion, kaa thla day (fled In Una ofllf-aj hla aworn
aiatenieiit No. 'fitA. for th purrbnne of tne nwi.4
of eretlon No. 4 tn toiihlp No. S onth In
rrnf No. 7 et, end wilt ofler prtKif Ui bow
thet th Und aotiRht 1 amra veiuable for It
HMtnr or atone lliau for rttilttirnl ptiroe
end toeaubllah hlaelalm to nid Und before
thai klater and Keeetver of thla oftlee at Ore
nu It jr. Ore(oa ua Friday, th ilat day of
Aumial. Invl,
He naniee wluieaae: C, W llorlne. .if Cen
tral poliii, Oreaon. and t Hell. T C U'Doiiuell,
ml 1 liltnMin.ol Pmrtliuiil. on-n.
Any and all neraoaa claiming ulrernely Ihe
nlHiie-deftrrihtMl tana are reqneated to file
j their claim lu thla nrnce on or before aatd
'iiai nay 01 auxus.. in. 4.1 Arrcnnirn,
ft-o7 Kegltter,
fulled State Und Office, Oregon City, Orejon.
April It. 1ml.
Notice la tieeehy flven thl In compliance
with the provlaloii of the act of emigre of
June I. li7ft, entitled "An act for the naJe in1
timber lareia In lite Htale of CnltfornU, Ore
(ou, Nev4, and Washington Territory,"
I haa-lea Y Ilrnper,
of Oreiron i'lty, county of t'lackam. hu thla
day filed In thla oa-tce hla aworn statement No
for the pttrchaae of the uw of ne'4 end
net, of aw'of auction No 'M lu townalilp No. 8
acnlh, of mitee No 8 eaat and will offer proof
toanoar lht the Und aoiiKlu la more valu-hle
tor ll ttcnbtr or Mime than for ll arirrtf nltnrn!
rinrlMwe. and to eatattlUh hi claim to ld
ami beiore the iteiilater and Keeelver rd thl
office at Oregon 1 Uy, lircijon on Tueaday, the
iilh day of AilU'mt. ltll.
lie nameana wllneaaea; N. 8lmtou of Port
land. J. T MnMin, of Viola, llreiin. J. W. lira
per, of Oreeou ( Hy. l)re(on and i. M farrlih,
of IllittUttd. Oreaon.
Any end all wona elalmlna advereely the
bove-deaerllnt landa are retpieeted to file their
cUlnta In till oOiee ou or before nid IbJth dny
of AiupHt, P4I1. J. T. Apperaini,
-en-3 Keghner.
Und Office ,tlrei-on Clly, Oreaon. June 1, 1K9t.
Notlee la herl,v given thai the following
named aeuler he Med noilceof kla Intention u
make tual proof In Mipimrt of kla claim, and
and tkm anld pro.! will be mde kefore Ihe Keg
later and Kejelver United Hutea Land t iraee t
Oregiol lly.Oregoll.on July 2.tNM, vlt NllaOl
eu, pee-empllon II. No. 7'2ft. for the outh.
weat U ofaee'ji, t)i. 4 nouth.'ntnge 6eat. He
nntutmtlie following wltneaaeatn prove hi eon
tluuoureldeuee upon and eulttvfttiou of, said
land, vhr.: Andrew V, atnee, peier Unlirlel.Nel
M. WatjK-e, ). Pulee.nll nf I'JirrmavUle poalot
Hot, t'Uckatnaa couuly, Oreeon.
ft-k,"? 10 KegUier.
Und Offlee at Oregon City, Oregou, Jane 1, 191.
Notlee la hereby clven. Hint the following-
named aeuler ha ileal notice of hla Intention to
make nuaJ proof In atMiport of hla clrit. and that
aald pro will be mode betorethe Kegiaterand
Keeelvwr II. C Uud Uftlce al Oregon City, on
July aM ma, vl:
KlUtn T. Hanaon,
llome.tead entry No. UP.Inr the aoiitk-weel U
ol nxtiKiiiX tonuahlp 4 aontli, range e. He
name Ihe lollowiug wltueaaes to prove hi
eonlliiuoua realdence npon and cultivation of
aald una. nnoer Mectinu k. h.
I', lialirlelnon. N. Wtne. W. OUon.D Hatch
11 of Carrlaavllle, P. 0, Clncknmns Couutv,
Oregon. J, T. Art r. KHON,
S j; 7-W Keglater.
Land Ollice at Oregon Clly, Oregon,
June 1st, im.
Notice Ik hereby given that the following
named settlor h nleu noilceof her intention to
mnke nunl nriMit lu aiiotiortof her clnlm. ud
that anld proof will be made before the ttcglatur
ami Keeetver ol I'. 6. in ml tinice nt Oregon
I lly. Oregou, ou July a, ln'Jl. vi:
Uiltle Mnrahall,
llomnatead entry No. Vil'J, tor the no of sec
at . tn 4 a. r ti o.
She name the following wttnene to prove
Hereout I ntioii resilience upon nna cuitivntiou
of.tnld In. id, under Section 2MI, R. 8.
J 8 Wiuilow. Have Hatch, K J 8tort, I)v
Cnufleld, ll of Currluvllle, P. O., ClncknniM
County. Oregon. J. T. APPEKSON,
6-6: 7 10. Keglater.
notice tor ptrucation.
Land Oltlon at Oregon City. Oregon.
June 1st, 1891.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named aetttlerhnn filed notice of hi Inteutlon
to mnke Anal proof In anpport of hi clnlm, and
that anld proof will be made before the Keglater
and Reoclver, of U. 8. Und Office, at Oregon
Clly, Oregon, on July an, Ml, via:
John W. Buyer,
Homestead entry No. W14, for th W ol wW
ami loU of aec 30, tp 4 , r6e, and ii ol V4
arc '26, tp4,r 6 e.
He name the following wltneaae to prove
hiseontiuunus realdentte upon and oultlvatlon
ol, nld Und, under Sec 2801, K 8.:
J B Wiunlow, n Hatch, P I) Jonea, P Gabriel,
til of Currlnavllle P. 0., Clacknmiu County,
Oregon. J. T. APPEKSON,
6-6: 7-ltt Kegitler.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
June 1st, 1801.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice, of
his intention to muke final proof in sup
port of hi claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Register and
Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on July 29, 1801, vii:
John 8. Winsl low,
Homesteay entry No. 0219, for the e
of nw H and lot 1 and 2 of sec 31, tp 4 s,
r fl e, lie names the following witnesses
to prove bis continuous residence upon
and cultivation of, said land, under Sec.
2:101, R. S.:
V D jones, D Hatch, j W Boyor, Lottie
Marshall, allot Currinsville P 0, Clack
amas County, Oregon.
J.T, Apprrson, '
6-5:7.10 Register.
Clothierand Hatter
Wants you to call and examine his Largo Stock of
Can show you the Finest Line ever exhibited
in this city.
Exclusive Clothing and Gents' Furnishing House
New Goods arriving daily. No shelf-worn stock.
Latest styles and best qualities.
Between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
We wish to call' the attention of the Public
to an unujual opportunity for ad
vantageous purchases.
We want everybody to tn 'us and see what a revelation they
will have of price And values for thirty days.
We will quote a few:
Good Unbleached Muslin, 30 inche wide, 17 yards for fl 00
ISleacbed Muslin, a good family cotton, 3G inches wide, 14 yards for 1 00
Calicoes, standard brands. 18 yards for : 1 00
Indigo blue, color guaranteed, 15 yards for 1 00
Dreas Gingham, good quality, 12 yards for. . . , 1 00
Heavy American Cheviot miirting, 8 yards foi f 1 00
Challie from 5 cent upwards
White and colored marble table oil cloth,
White good nan nook plaids, 12 yards for
Carpet warp, all shades, 5 pound bunches
Ball' II P Corset 75
Men' euner stout sock, seamless, 12 pairs for 1 00
Men' Lawn Tenn-s shoes 1 00
Men canva shoe. 100
Ladies' Kid Foxed Balmoral , I 00
Ladies' Pebble Goat Button Shoe 1 2
Boy' Dree Straw HaU . .. 25
Mca'a Drea Straw HaU 50
Children' Sailor Hats 25
Men' Seereucker Coats and Vents 1 00
We offer extraordinary inducements for
the next thirty days.
If yon want THE BEST, buy
If the merchant you deal with does not
keep them send to ALLEN direct. He
pays the postage. Beautiful catalogue
sent free.
171 Second Street. PORTLAND. OR,
Absolute Purity. Careful Dispensing.
Prescriptions Filled by Competent
Toilet Articles. Perfumery. Fine Cigars.
C. W. PORTEft,
General : : Blacksmith
Shop in the rear of Pope's Hardware store,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
187 First Street, Bet. Morrison and yamhlll.
I ,
per yard 25
1 00
1 25
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parcels delivered to all
parts of the city.
F. L. Posson & Son,
General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Cos
Garden Seed.
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
We want You for a customer. Give us
a trial order.
F. L. Posson & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Or.
Successor to Miller Bro. Catalocrue Pr
I i
- r-i. . .