Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 12, 1891, Image 2

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.mi:m i:,
and Proprietor.
KIUIUY, JUNK l, 1801
iNuto the rviiK-Unre nf majority of
tin1 int-mliors of the boartl of timlo in vn
nei.titiK to nukt apiroirtalions lor uilt
bi display of ymxhu'ts t the Imtiistriitl
Fair, the inmitltH apiwliitvii hv itiven
U Hit' ts of .tv'riiit an exhibit Bui It
v ill not do to miss tin pivaeut ))H tui)tt
of h living a onHtitahte exhibit at the coming
vusitiou,aiul with tli co-operation of the
Iet)leTHK K.htkkpki.ik proHw that Clack
amas county shall b reprvtntni there, ami
r iift3 ail tho who hava specimen of
grains, grasses, regetubles, fruits, minerals,
ai d iiia'iul'm'tunul pro'lucttt, to send thorn to
tiis other, ani lliey will lie arranged ami
Vlattsl on exhibition. Iti an admitted fact
that Clackamas has a greater variety of pro
tineis than any other comity in the slate,
a id nothing will advertise Oregon City or
tllat kamas county more etleclually than a
well arranged exhibition at the Industrial
Exposition which begins in iicptemher. All
articles sent in willl lie laMed with name
i.! residence of tli prodiL-er. Sreimn
of graces lor exhibition shuul.l lie iuthered
ai once, tusl in bundle a id matured in the
sl a le.
Kosa Aldrich, who lias been visiting her
aunt. Mm, M. (iarv. lor thu lust ilm,.,
- i months, has returned to her home at Mount
1 leasaut, ashiugton,
. lit, Kev. II. 'iltir Morris will preach at
j fit, John's V. K. church on the tttli instant.
Ii Minthorn nriursis lnKming Three new
housvs are in course of construction. Kight
or ten are to be built in the near future,
fhe water works were completed last
Wednesday, and the residents nuv have the
walerpiiH-d direct to their liouaea.
That Oregon can raise potatea almost as
early as California bas been demonstrated
here. Ust February John and Fred ttotters
planted some North Pole potatoes. On June
1st they were readv for market. The original
seed as ottthined by Thomas M. liogers
three years am from John Lewis Child, ot
Floral l'ark, .New York. A sampla of these
""i in r.aTKKraisa
ottice. Mr. Rogers is unite enthusiastic on
Uie subject of "spuds.'' Any one deairing
inlonuation should address him.
The most successful term of school held
here for many years closed last Friday. The
occasion was celebrated hv a picnic and ex
cursion. A varied program was well ren
dered, reflecting a itrcat deal of credit on
both teachers and scholars. At the conclu
sion of the literary program Master Aleck
Lehman ascended the platform, and in a
lew ."appropriate words presented l'rof lla
rev, in hehull of the pupils of the school,
with a handsome writing desk. Mr. tiaree
rescinded. School trustee J. 0, llounett,
lieing on the grounds, was called and gae
the eiiildreu some sound advice. The clos
ing remarks by Col. Keed were able and well
Tumi; i a prospect ot the fanners' alliance
not huving such a plentiful supply of cam
p.iign material to work on from Kansas as
We hope our trustees v
cure the services of l'rof.
Anna Koss,
June 2, lH.
ill be able to siv
liarey and Miss
A. V,
Turner, (he Kleclilclnn,
Coma la Sin;,
title Kchm to !tMcitlc!ie
If.ceW IImII.
lilUM) II ALL.
Oilier (lathering. From Huh; IVojile,
II ah CoMit to StAT, Mr, A, P. tur
ner, of the h.lisou Klcclrie Light Uin
puny, arrived here on the Southern IV
eitto train Sunday morning. To a repre
sentative, of Tii it Kntkhi'Hisk Ii atld:
"This is my tliint visit to your town ami
roally the past few week 1 n'lie nianv
changes and improvement made It all
diiectiona. Having divided to reiide
hero instead of Portland 1 now have
com to stay and will be oneof you toput
forth my beet etl'orta to further dowlop
IM Front Hlr.iT.'" HARDWARE
NnrthttMlvrn Agents fur
ruiiiiiiui, own.
IH-Xler- PUtttnllil,-
- I.snce--
TiUlU'Uflli -l'etr Mum-- Wlm ,(
. ' .'
vniA?(fli .
CWent Wotlgt's (wurrantoil.) It A S 1'roof Chain. Aroiulo Kilos.
Lowers ami Wootl ('1iojjm'M Sjot'ittltioM.
Oivgou City Agent, .....
rivOI'K.K I'Y
Pccorutioli Dav vvasL-eoenillv- olwcrvnl in
this vicinity. At Pleasant Hi'll there were
i i the pa-t, if the present crop outloik , alnnit two hundred jKHiplecolhrted together
in lovinKn'iiieiiipraniM oi near Inemls wlio
nave gone lict.f l he grav es of all were
nicely necoiat Willi all kinds of How
crs, and lovu , hands and kind hearts
seeineil to vie . itli -ai h other in llieir de
votion to the ni vnorv of those noble heroes
who preserved the existence of the Inst na
tion on earth at the cost of their own lives.
Mr. Seeny has opened an ice cream stand
at SniiH kvillc.
There was a small partvat Mr. (iiddings's
lust Thursday evening, present were Misses
Mary and Jessie Her, Mi-sca Jennie and
Alice 'lodi!, Miss Stella McCorU, Miss Jo
sephine Moore, Miss Alma Hursell. Messrs.
Hugh Her Win. lld, ltcn. Moore, Klmer
Wright, .illH'rt Voss and Win. and t'has.
Hamhurst. A very nleasiit time was en-
joyeil unlit almut '.'ocluck, when the lvartv
broke up. .
Miss Alma Hursi'll who has been visiiinu
wiih i liidiiinirs for the past week re
turned u- la.-t Friday.
Mr. J i, Kitch has thiinrlit the hotel for
merly owned by Fitch & Kibble.
June 2, 1
. aehes the probable cxi'eeiatinr.s. It
K'l'ortel tobealnnst a certaintv that one of
the largest wheat envps ever grown in the
western part of the state will lie harvested
this summer. The Cievehin 1 Leader and
Herald says : " Accordim: to the latest state-tics,
the farm iudobtedress of Kansas is Ix1
iug paid oil a! the rate of J t,fliVV'' a mouth,
sad that in the face of bad crops Jfor two
years. Evidently the furinersof Kansas are
iiot in as sore straits as a lot of hulf-baked
demagogues would have the country, and
especially the farmers, lielieve."
Now that Portland has elected a consoli
huion of adjoining cities, mid has a popu
lation of !',0X1 people, and il is presumed
tliut her residents will rva; much benefit
from better and more economical munici
pal government. theiiiest;oi: arises as to the
advisability of annexing the adjoining sub
urbs of Oregon City. The extension of our
litj limits would give a large number of
the good work go'ng on." When aiked
what the proiecla were for an electric
light plant, he replied that lie could not
at present definitely answer that ques
tion, as it deHnded laigvly upon the
niimlHT of lights Uiat would ie Used, We
arc, however, ligiiring on the plant, and
the probabilities are that we. will be
shown aullieieiit eiiceuragement t put
j in the- plant." IK) vou expect to put in
j your hot houses on your tract, this mm
j nier? "Indeed, yes. I have hruught
with me today an Kngll-hniun win) is a
thorough tlonst, and will go to work Ini
uitnlintcly arriuiging the grounds, aid by
next winter w ill have a supply of lliiwers
and vegetables (or the Portland market.
Mali. Pkiiicatiox. Miss Katie Kehm
will dedicate the Zoek hall tiextSttur
dav eveniin;. luue Lith. A lnr.ro irowd
w id le in attendance to hear the well -
choaen remarks of the grvvat orator, i Notice of Stoclvfiulders Meeting
Gavsn Hai.i.. Mr. Henry WilU has I N'otii-e is hereby given that the annual :
arrangtHl for the Zeek hall after thejedi- j meeting of the sto kholdeis of the the
cation, and will give a grand bullontlial j gn t 'it y M.iniiliicturiug Company will
evening. Immediately after the dcilica-' '"''d at the ollice of the Cuini'sny in
lion the hall will lie cleared and theiuer-1 begun City, Oregon, on Saturday, the
Are you wanting oithor a Farm
or a small tract
Call and examino our choico list.
Willamette Falls Investment
C. 1', Sullivan has not U'cn In his ullie for
a day or two.
Part of the Mllwaukle brass baud will
join the Oswego Imv on nevt Sunday's rx
i tirion. will r'rai h M- Helens in time
for church at II o'clock.
Cswet-ois Im ated on the Willamette river,
live Hides alsoe Portland, under the new
boundary of Portland consolidated, IsVi,
people water privileges, lire ai d police pro
tictinn, i:ii;.r..e,l stiwis and side walks,
and would eventually Kive a special rostal
rfcliv ery stcfi, ad to vure the latter the '
niiu.icipal i it v ninst have m; ulution. !
J !,r'.v is'neiuiai io me gaowing crops
loion ro.eis ica.ii'ig toa city is what tiring ! 1 he following named
Intsiaess, and makes a j rosis'rous country.
KK.sp,iNiKXT. The hea'th of this coininunitv is gmnl; no
ti ne for sickness and no need of doctors.
Light show ers of the past week have been
welcome by the farmers' as thev have Us n
ry-niakers given an opportunity to 'Vkip
the light lairtast ' to the sweet attains
of the Aurora hand.
Mollutt ISrotl. have puu'liased twi liuai-
ness lots on Second and Main street, of
Harlow A Co. The orders for their kiin-
lier have already Ihvii placed aith
Sinith's mill, and' the buildings w II be
pushed forward with all possible exiedi
tion. IlKAt'Tiri'L Tisa Chop Messrs. Vill
Bros have seveial acres iindur neas
! which, from appcruucea, apeak wel; fori
uie raisers, nicy have tieeii cuiittin'ted '
for hv the Salem Cannery CoiiiMny, I
llth dav July, lsul at the hour of II
o'clock a. in,, of said day for the imiMse
of electing direetoii to serve for the
ensuing vear and the transacting of
such other business as mav come Udorv
the meeting. M,A. Smvno.,
Oregon City, Oregon, June 4 ISM.
I (irlppe Again
Puriug the epidemic of La firipvfl last
season lr. Kmg'i New Ihscovery for
l 'cm mii in iliin , Cough and Colds, proved
to be the best remedy licporta bom
the many who Used itconlittii this stuti
ment. they were not only ipiii kly re
lieved, but the disease left no bad re-
An exemplification of this fart is observed
rn tiie west side of the nwr in the vicinity
of Wilsouv.ile nici other !a: e, from which
jHiints the roa is leading into Portland are
kept in good repair, w hile those in the ili
rection of Oreiton City are in a lamentable
condition. Nothing will advance Oregon
City more, or tin more to sustain amicable
relations between the outside precincts of
Clackamas county and this city than good
A ll isnsoMi! Mkat WaooN.-Mi W. suits. We a-k you to gi v e this rei Iv
. Irwin has just received a heaiifula trial and we guarntitee t you will
j meat wanon. me liox was made here , U satisfied with re-ults. or the piu-
iersoris were titiini i hv Air. a ter r.vHiii mnl im Inn f mi IIim ,.i... .n i... t, i.M ....
l .ri !. ..'-."" ,la"' l,Uh '' aliminv U ti,ip. or nnv Throat
k.r. . v.' i ,1 i VJ V u """ meat and keeps it cool.
....... . , -i.isrtin, .sciMin .Tiieritijiti l.invil i
Farmers, Atttentior
You will savi money l.y lnkcn your MACHINEl
The N'st of inatcriitl used, ninl tu.iia Imt skilled w
(live us a Iriul ittni -. if our jiricea urn not an low aa the
work Utliinitilec,! us rt-preselitiHl. All work i,r....l,..l
job atti ii.leil to without tk-lav. Ail kimls of '
Machinery Supplies Kept on Hand.
Castings fiirnisho.1. Ag-i-nt for Wir.l A- Ura.Iy'a (Vlib
trution Mofal, ami MorrismiN S. If l.ultricntiiiK IWkinjt,
Shop, 5th and Water Sts., Oresron City.
N'cnr !.ooi,s,v .MhrtVlil'a lltit. licr Sh.,j..
Vimvnt and lta Vinson.
Siimekville's s(yond nine played a match
xa.ncoi uau vviwi tne .Ne.vlnii
tain team, but was not "in it,'
stood to Ai in fumr of the
ofOiegon City, received the contrail for
i Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles
and M.mii. i "I,V'"K 'he large barn from the est to
tree at (i, A. llanluiKs drug
Largo lwltles MV and (I PO.
The sisire i ",e w,'st lllc ,,f "'e railroad, and wfll be
.Mountain converted into a livery stable. Tln will
he a irood oiiiHirtunitv to run stairs linn
Siuockv ille will celebrate the Fourth of 'o Willioit Springs. This point being the
...,, ... s nim , iv una .vear. r.very one is nearest ami Having a level road all way
''"1!! W ' '"vor of a atage from
marshal ; iveace and inxil onler are therefore
Foi.Lowiii in the wake of the consolida
tion fight, the city election in the newly
united city of Portland, promises to eijual in
interest the notable contest of June 1st.
Like the consolidation election, it will be a
j.'ht between the bjsses and the people. It
is reported that Simon and Lotan have
combined issues, and will make a strong
fight for supremacy, rnder the provisions
of the new charter there are no appointive
Kx-Covkrhor St. John, the prohibition
ajostle. in speaking of the recent third party
convention, says; "I must say that, as a
reform convention, it is the biggest failure I
ever saw. All meritorious reform was neg
lected, and the only thing that distinguished
it from the old party conventions was the
visionary sub-treasury scheme, which has
no foundation either in justice or common
sense. It would be the worst species of class
assure!, lor rrauk is law enough to keep
i-vi viuli .,, me t urui s rair.
The pressed brick factory at this place is
doing a larae business, and making some
very tine brick for the Portland trade.
June S, im.
The nineteenth annual re-union of the
Oregon pioneer Association, to be held in
Portland June 10, gives promise of being an
unusual interesting session. At the same
time the state convention of delegates from
the various counties will arrange details as to
the manner of preparing a pro)ier exhibit at
the World's Fair at Chicago, and to raise
means to defray the expenses of the same.
At the last meeting of the council Mayor
Sullivan called attention to the importance
of establishing the grades and setting
stakes on the main streets, in order that
peopli building new side walks might con
struct them on a iernianent foundation. At
the next meeting of the council some defi
nite action will likely be taken.
The Yamhill Reporter complains that
Governor I'ennoyer did not remember that
county in bis recent appointment to import
ant state offices created by the late legisla
ture, but observes that whenever the gov
ernor needs a first class man for notary pub
lic he does not hesitate to draw on Yamhill
county for material.
The crop prospect for Clackamas county
was never better. Fruits will be plentiful,
altho ';:h cherries were slightly injured by
the late season. Hop lice are said to have
be4i found in Marion county, and a few ap
peared in the southern part of this county,
hut disappeared on the appearance of the
first rains.
Tint Salem Statesman says the Sons of
Veterans of Oregon are a credit to the old
stock. Their state encampment held at 8a
luin last week was an interestning meeting.
The next annual encampment will be held
in' Portland-.
We are greatly in need of rain in this
portion of the county. Other sections
received copious rain, while the High
landers were somewhat alighted this
We are also greatly in need of money
according to complaints recently made
to yourcorrespondent. There is a seem
ing depression in the lumber trade at
present, owing partially to sickness and
partially to a stringency in the money
Our enterprising lumber dealers, Breo
on 4 Co., ceased otieratine their mill
for want of a sawyer, since the "old
gent" himself, was prostrated with la
r . ,l . ... , .
uur neigiiDor, rrancis Welch, was
laid low with the mumps, but is conval
escent again.
Tl TT . t, ......
i)ir. tu xiarringion sold a fltio mare
and bought a $100 gelding, which he was
initiating recently.
Mr. Jas. I'arnsti is putting in good
licks at sheep shearing. According to
the program laid out he will shear in and
around Highland at different points, and
then through several other counties
while the season lasfs. He is a good
Now that consolidation is effected, it is
exyjeied that Portland w ill make her prom
ises so'id for a free bridge across the Will
atrvt e ri i er. In the instt t of a free bridge
f'.r Ik -hind O e;ron City.
T.i r,' ,i c.:iiic:l a-v. a ready hiking up
tie. ..;,: n m wera system, recently
re0!.-.rii(;ti !e 1 by Til ICxtkki'Kisk, and it
will undoubtedly becoms a fixed reality.
G. R. Miller, the notary of Highland
is willing and competent to serve you in
the capacity oi notary at all times. Call
and convince yourselyes.
Mr. Frank Eees and Fred Marshall
have purchased a new Osborn binder
for loo.
Editor, I desire to ask through the col
umns of your paper, the individual whose
eager reply concerning stock on the
commons was "dog 'em," what he will
"dog" with, if he hag his dogs shot
Wm. 0. Dickinson sold his farm, con
sisting of eighty acres for 11975 to Bee-
son & Son, of which $1075 was paid down
and for the balance a mortgage was giv
en on the place. Mr. Dickinson pur
chased the twenty-acre place of our
friend Hankin. near Oregon City, whore
you can find him in the luture.
Now fer our road system . The roads
in our county are a disgrace to a civil
ized nation, and the obvious reason we
believe is as follows :
The supervisor never fails to put in a
good-sized! bill at the expiration of his
term of office, which the people have to
pay indirectly. lour correspondent
knows positively of a case where an able
bodied citizen and taxpayer was never
warned ly the supervisor to work the
road. And yet that same supervisor
made his returns under oath, we sup
pose anu wnai can ii ue out perjury ;
A young man between the ,'if."-s of sixteen
and twenty to work in u shoe More, 'die
with some experi. -in n preferitd. Must
bring uiirjiK-Hl ionnliti- reference as to hon
esty, etc. Fair w ":i;:es and it pe.-uumeiit po
sition guaranteed to the right party.
Oeoijn City Hiihk Stoke,
Oregon City, Oregon.
June 3, 1801.
Bakbkr Shop Oi'kn. Mr. W. Living
ston, of I'oi tland, has opened a barber
snop at this point. Soon all the r.ecessi.
ties ol a good tow n will be well ropru.
sented here.
Portland Visitors. W. J . Dunn and
James MeCorl.of Portland, were visitors
here on Nunday, and stwnt part of the
day fishing in the Molalla.
Wood Hacuno Commenckd. Three
teams are engaged in hauling railroad
wood from the timber d'strict towards
the Willamette, tome two thousand
cords are ready to be hauled out and
piled close to theduot.
HoTBi, fi'RNiTiaa Mr. and Mrs. A.
Williams were in Portland this week
purchasing the necessary furniture to
equip their nnique hotel.
Hay Bhipiiiints. Mr. Wni.- Love
ridge, of Molalla, shipped several car
loads of hay this week to Portland. He
has several more cars engaged w hich he
win ioau in a lew nays. Kkttik.
We had a grand has ball game last Sun
day and our boys got left. Portland is too
much for the boys.
The report was that some one got married
last week. The hoys beat the tin cans, but
they got no beer. The parties say, not jet
for a while.
We have new neighbors now. Mr. m
Iier, one of Oregan City's old citizens, has
homesteaded on Hucker Lake, says ho has
come to stay.
There is lots of vacant land in this part if
the country if new comers want water front
on the Lake or Tualatin river, but it is in
very small lots.
air. i. j. uaviuson lias some nice prop
erty he is laving off in small lots on the
south of the town.
The O. I. A 8. Co. have made very low
sales lately, but the parties who have lots
paid for are building
The sheritf has all the proiierty in this
town that belongs to the 0. I. & 8. Co. at
tached for tax. Why not pay the tax like
the balance of us white folks?. If they can
not pay tax on the property they had better
declare it all vacant, and let it lie home
steaded the same as the little that has been
thus captured.
The pipe works are running full blast; tl,,.
furnace is still smoking, but not the best re
sults have come to it of late.
The grand brass band excursion on the
14th Is all the rage. now. The boys are toot
ing their horns in good shape.
Miller, the blacksmilh, has more work
than he can do. All like his w ork. Charley,
his youngest son, has been presented by his
little wife with a nice little girl. Charles is
young, but he is somewhat like his pa.
We hear that the party who was going to
start a store in the new town has given itup.
The Evening Telegram has forty sub
scribers in this town ; ihemoriiingOrcgoiiiaii
about twenty. We hope to see Tub F.a-!
TFiii'iitHK head thclii-t soon.
'J he Oswego cli-rus have bar I Im k. You
should a'-k the children's mothers beluru
taking them to Portland theatres, and thus
save money and trouble.
Mr. William Miller is now very sick. Dr.
Oregon City Fish Market
J. Moore & Co., Prop r.
Deslrrt In
All kimls of FISH ami l'Ol'LTHY
Choice Salt Water Fish, Wednesday,
Thursdays and Friduvs. Poultry
bought and sold.
opposite rora iV co, . oukoon city.
Parties desiring Wood Turning, Pat
tern, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
WOpp. the Congregational Church
Practical Architects $ Builders
Will prepare pinna, olevstbinn, working 'h
Ull,iic alwellteathiiin fur all kin, lh of hullil
liiira Bneelsl attention Klveu to nimlnrn col
tanes. Ktlmie furiilnhvd n sMillentlnn
Oregon City Sash and Doo
furry !h l.nrni Stink of
SjisIi, Doors, Illimls, MouMins. Et
In On-jron City,
Sjaoiul ouch of IW and Wimluwt iiiu.lo totml.T Turningi
Estimates for Stair Work and Storo Fron
Fur..iHhr.l on iipi.lication. IluiKl. ru. give us a call, lu
in not of the bent, ami our jirtceH a low us tho lowest. I'rk
on iijiiiliciitioii.
Factory, Cor. Main and llth St$., Oregon
Unit on ur a.Mrem
W lll'l ft Wilis
Oremin Oily, Ogn
Faber's Golden Female Pills.
"or Pemsle Trretnlar
men; nolliliiKlikatliem
on tlie market. Krvrr
tail. HUeeraalllllTiins
by prominent Uilina
monthly. Ouanniteeil
to relieve stiiiprvaaeil
Don't bo hiimbniorwl.
Bsve Time, Iliwlili,
and money .lake uo oth
er. Sent to any ailitrmia,
ectir ty mall on ro-
celiitof prim,, liou,
Western Branch, Box W, 1'OltTLAND, OR
For Hale bv Charmun k Co.
Ih-iiKssiHtH, Oregon City, Or.
United Hack,
Truck and Livery
W. II. Cooke, Manager.
Corner Fourth and Muin Streotfl
of I he City. liiH of any ilcherijitinu
ftirniaheil on Hlinrl, not ice.
At his New Mill, GJ ,ii,,B fr,,,,, OrvKon t'itv, on tho Molttl
lift a Full Stock nf"
Kusiic Flooring and Coilii
And nil gradcH of K,,,,, LihhImt of the W .,.mlitv. 11
order anil delivered promptly.
B'vh you i.r.coH not to ho had of any other Real Kntnte fir
(,wn ftnJ huburlmn pronertv. Corn .,flo,o., .olioil
au. . ' i - -
ctin giv1
HiraMe T
uo a call,
All k i 1 1 ( J h of Trunk ninl livwj
noHH pioiiijitly iittotnU'J to.
llorsos P.oiinluJ and
able terms,
on roaHon-
The New Remedy. . . Absolutely
Thousands Already Cured
iiitn Hie vr-cv ichi r1ui.,
It l)ot ht.lliiuii to iHU'1
it ti i i.
1 ""IJ It'll lilMlllliMhl.lriilu rn .1...I.I ,i 1,. f.i
lM Inillllll'H , lil'l'illlht) If '; ,,,( MrK. N,M'
... ...,,ll Mt m,it('i(ii.
'"II I riiintlim,
HH iMoi-rlmui fii.. S"''"
LmiIuMvu AuClltN f,i
T CJlnukiiinii County, Tllua, CitAHMAN
Oregon v
Vf ; U J, WJ ,.4 J..,r A ' !