Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 12, 1891, Image 1

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'.'Ml C -w- -a
'Hi'i r-rr:-:
V)r(i2t. Num.
1 1 Y '
IllUf , t
1C K
..A W
fi ittlMlied Kvery Kiltlny.
'niciLrAFEH OF CLACKAMAS county.
. U MUltMCHIITtltN lU'l'KH,
OHuLu v..P m
leaau. BlriMlil. ...... . 11
f-l'.ll!('Hi,ll,fl,,,ll yal,le III mlvmiw
ilWlAaruin wiot iIvhh uii iillelln,
,, M'l'V.
IKPS ckmu,
' , llHllllUt!, ,
i CITU!;:"
Si r, w kt,.
0 W. fnf
lion. K Mailt
A. Mather
Arthur lu.H-k
II J I'riillliiisur
K. ilrainltull
K. A. Wfinlil
II i'.
W. H Newberry
'". TnckHmMS Co. Directory.
l,Jl"kl" t'llt N'l V OrTa'r-ltS,
II II Ji.iitli.ou
W W II H-.ma.ni
W, I M hillock
rt II ( ..nil
Jnhn w, Nome
ai riiiin"M
Sl,lncy Minylli
I'l I' I' Sullivan
Churl,,. l, l.tikt,
loineltua Hair
hiH.i Nuperlniemleiil,
rtlatf ,,,, (r.
Circuit tmnrt eoni-ene. flr.t nl.imlrty
III Nt. i
himU'r ami thlnl Hernial in A inn.
I'tuhnit? ooiirt Hi .o.liti flil Hominy itt eaeu
, tiiiih.
iUVMitiltMlotirra eonrt Imi'ta fll.l W edlieada)'
er Hi. I oml,iy ut each month.
i.f l.'r,
I, VV Snlliiail
I. I. I'oruf
Ilea . . J S I'ltr.lnm
H l( Urevli
F. K. I'liarmaii
iAIMLtly AUoriivy,
aVt-l l'tiirtill,'liff.
tlrt l't ot ttali-r Wolka.
II t l Ml
w ii. n,,w.n
'iiioMltiit.lirralik ItlMlttr, J. n. aoimv, it
I'.ir'vr, J. ni, M llaili.oli, I . I' Ul.'iiivtl.
: lio.a I'l.aimaii, J. W. u ' onuall aii.l T. I'
j l.an.UII,
1 II K M A1I.M
, Mall. i'Iimw loiim Nnrili.it M K M
1 ;i IV M.
6.JU P. M.
(.Alalia tl aoltta ttonlll. a tal A N
I to .ILK itot'iaa.
i . Orru l'lt lu M.,lalla. Mtiliiin. '. arm
tvK. al III tt a lu. X,Mt,lna. W e.
i,.l Kri.lay. att'l ri'inru. al t tua. lit,
owiltlt laya
. ut llylo Mirikt. t'lark., Mitllito, I nt.ui
ml U. a,o llrtMik; at lu til a lit
,v Th,it. ly alol PatilHay, an, I rvturiia
,,. Ilia iU).
i.ot ifly Uirectury.
I f',,,' I II V IttlAllli nf IKAI'K.
4 t t'oiltl II, hi. .ion H.,rolul lltp.day III
,., !h V 1. 1:,, i. writ-, mi.--
i..th M.Hmin, J I'- AI'l,v:nH,N.
,r) 'it.ilMit.
ul 1 1 H l.'iln.C. No K or I-
iv 7rl,,tt UKhl at Xlaaoi.tc hall.
KihiiIiI. tltvlli"! K M Ha.M,, tt, C.
i iu,i M ot It an, I H
r '.OMAII l.nlK.K, .Nil. I, A. r 4 A. M.
it. nn'ilar t'iiimiinl,'att"ti. on Ami
.f m,,t'ltillV. tll ,4.'ll HH'tltll t T ,MI r. M
ii liiainal at ami iu InvMnli,. aiu,l,
i M.K VAHLIm .
rut. ,
-a 'IU
i, in,, ,
laiir' i
'il hiiN l.tilmK. I ii, o. r ,Vi,
vry Thilrailay Ofell al 7 iVI,-k
i Itiw ti', riuluw.' Mail, MttUI alrort,
ol iltp uriler art In. Hci to attciiil.
fill tV A MkIIi-Iou. N ll.
Tlma. liyaii, Hirrrlary. a
Ufvltn J i
lilinar-! vl I AMI'MKNt, Ntl i 1.0 O. K.
l ,..,a flrat ami tlilnl Tu'.'l)aol rarh moiitli.
(el l Kullowa hall, Mi'inhrra ali, vl.ltlim
Itilli j,,.,.. l,a. ronllalli Inylli"! " attinul
mi. k JtI, i W.ni ,'-aiu
Cbii'l I'airiari'h.
osvuKuo Loi'tiK, no tw, i.o. o. r
. M iM'l rollnw a hall, li.w.'itii, WJ
"(liiiiUy mauin) Vl.ltlin btvllirvli majo
;, . i i.-. II (I. lltWKtiili N, O.
iC. l4- K tai nr. Bob.
'aHHVUiIkiK.no ta.. I O. !). T.
W v. Halur.tavari'iillia at KnUlif. hall
n r . : .... i
ant,. v i.iiiiia nirniuar. . wnii iiih,. w.?i
W.U, MHM, 1 . T.
'T "tliAK v;AMI Nn. 7i MtiDKHN WooKM E N.
' hrfia i:t ami n-,,inl Tiuiatlay of eaclt
ralW ontll k Vt iiiHltuctl Hall
,...,1. . K. H WaHllkN. V. .
"TT'.'j ' U K. Jaaxttv. Ctoth.
,w - - - .--
itatlaj r.Vl.IJi t'llV 1,'lHtiKtir A.tl v..
ll-laKB W"-t ntry aironil ami li.nrth Krhlay ivoii
t,.,nt "( '' " llti'lltll 111 Oil, I r'nlloWa' hllllillllll
' 0 .';,, .muiK lirt'throii vniillally Invltnl to at'
f.lr tiAVLI, l.oltilK, Nil.,Vi, A O. I', W.
pltH- ori-iy Thtir.,ay rviitttiiK at Kulwht'a
til. t. attoy. l.ltiiiK lirotlh T. iitailc wt'huniv
i K. 0. Makiuh k. M. W.
. M iv. f l'i. Ki'i'iinlrr.
I, (HII'.iliiN t'll'Y I'AIHIAK-
CIIAL t llirl.K,
"iat'ry T iliy Kvi'itliiK ai7:S0 al hull
Molii alol K, ,111th Hlrt'i'ta.
j M. il lli it iky. tlrailc
K. ralSTKR, St'i'ratary.
Sl'Ktll, lltlKKK LtilMiK, Nil. ri, H'l.NH OK
lt" i,' Vi,ry H ii n , 1 n y at 'J n'rliH-k p. lu. l
irtW"''"''1'' I khi (UNr-NieiiKK, l'rta.
J '1 1 ALl TIN UIIANOK, NO, lit, I', nl II.
Ar ' ' '! HntitriUy ol ach mniith at tholr
l,f i - i ati a muiir, ttno'y. Maatur.
'tiwt W.NKR OUANtlK. Ko. 117, i. pt II.
iiun V"'' '""Ii Sntiirilay nlfni'li numlh, at llinlr
iLcii1" lu hw Kn- C. Miiililmk, Soc .
'""fi i J,t;ai.,M,itcr.
"'JUltAiH; POHT, Nn 2.(1 A. K DKl'AHTMKNT
L flwta flr.t Krlilay nl oiirh tttitnth, at 7:110
L.i. at Otlil Ki'lliiwa' Hull, (irinii Clly.
etf MtK. A, IIAHIIINU, (JimiiiiniiiltT.
"jT"iEAllK Illil.lKK tmitl'H, Nn. 18. KKt'ART
j.' h MKNT OK OKKtiON,
n into, a. Ilafillnir, . - riiwruury,
kJle'Tit, Y. , Cncliriiiiti, . . . Trt'iiatiri'f.
t, I'. fet. Cnt'liritiit,.
i-i (HI Ural, n ml ihlnl Krlilnva nl tmi'li
INU 'Btuli In Coiiiiiiil ciinn.liiT. Mi'iulivra nl t!orp
,,riaiii tthrofiil, onnllitlly wiltnniiil,
""' ti'ii.nry,, Thlnl ami Mulu. UcKtiUr tlrlll ulalit,
II CO'Oiolay. lti'truliir huhl iuihn iiihuUhk. ni'Ht
jjnnJi OIi'la) ( cm :lt lunlilli,
). ' uKfitiKiia.
Ar (. " iipiiiii, . . . (!attNln
1, .V.iiitiuinn - - Klrt Lli'lltntiHiit
1' liiinil,,!
Htioniiil l.lmitmituit
luw f. ,
P1' Bi'ffiiliir iiiiii'llnir, aiM'iunl Vt,iln,',lity III eai'h
Unlli ,if t'iiln,t ltdiiHi,. en Ht Bliiu Alula atroul,
' twt'mi 8,'vniitli ami kIkIHIi
ii-'l. Al hltltMAN,SfH'y. Lani r flAHIINKK, l'l'US.
Km. Nkwton, Ktiminan.
'.-.'li'i'ti. Mwnnil 1'iiitNiliiy of eurh niimlli nt ('tit
)UfMct ImikIih, iiniiN,,, il, wKi,i I'ri'H
nlW i' " """Tiimt, Htu'y. .1. V, O'Ciimm-j.i., K'rii,
ill"1 1 Ci'l.U.Mim HOOK AMI I.AUHKIt CO.
... !i'HH lll'4 Krlility nf iiii'lt liuilllh lit
iB L&miiitlrt imikIiki limtKu. Chan. A rHuy, l'ri'a,
til'1 ii. (J, Iiacun, BiKJ'y. Dii A. JIitz nil, U 'nil
Suitiluy Services.
KllleT i:ilNliltKtATiiNALl'lll'lti:l.-(a.
0. W. Li't'A", Jl.ir. iwrrloe at II , x and
7 iui r . Hiimliiy School mmr moriilng aery-leu,
I'tayer iitttiIUii( W,in.luy evening ut
7 HU.M'lwl. Prayer HieellliK nl iiitlliu I'eniilea
) Society ill t'tirl.tlau KmlOHVur every Sunday
mil' iiAI'IIHI' t-'lHMtCII.-HKV. (IIIH4N
IMiil' Mnrulnn rtnrvli'ii ut II Humlny
Ki'hin.l a) 1.' Kvunllm Mvrvliw II Ml; Ki'iulur
iryi' iiikhIiiii tt oilnri.itiiy nvmilug, Mniillily
j'oviMlHltt Mi'ttillilf (iviry WiMlMOMiUy tivt.iilii
lirmwlliin Hid llr.l rtiiiiiUy III Hit imiiiin, A
cjnnilal invllniloii u all,
Ml IIIHN d t ill lit II t'ATIIOI,l(; -IUv. A.
Hii.iniiH iMi, I'n.'.or tin HiiiKiny tniiiMnt anil
I" m i, M. Kvxry Mmoinl mill Imirlli Hiiiiitay
lmnn.il .nrilluli allr till) H urliHk inn...
At all ullitir itia.aMa Kiiull.li ii'rnioiia. Mtinilay
Hi'hiiiil al 1 m r. u Vmiwr". iiiintlfl
ulilroia, amt limir-illi'tlnii al J ;u)rn.
t. CAI'I.'H I', K. fHllt.:il --llti. i M ttnn.
alil.mi, Km'lor. H.'rvln'. mi nhoi nnlo rtiiimaya
al II tint 7 mi Nmiilay mi li.. al lu .hi I'aiif a
liulld iiiiwu flrat I Imrailav In iai h inniuli, Mra.
II I, Ki'lli ), I'li'.lili'iil, lira, K I.. t..H:l,raiio,
MklllohMT KI'Ml nl'AI. CIII'IK II -llv
JmiH 1'aa.ima, I'a.ior, Hornlni .fivlrr at II;
Mm,, In, h, In, nl at U l&, KnnHH"i'rvlrn at 7 mi.
Kiw,llh l.i,anui luicllliK MttiHlny rvi'tlllilf Ml
I hi; I'rayor Mm'tiiiii iliur.ijay (neiilng al 0 HU
alia tip or. i'irllnUy lltvlli-,1.
Kill"! I'llf MHV IKIllA.S Oill'KCIt.-UKV. U.
W. lilttoNKV. ra.lor. hi-rvlr.,. at II A. H ami
HIH, Mahlialll Krltoal at H a. M, ViMllig
't,i,U'. MiM-tKly 01 Cltrl.iliill Kuilcavor llt(.,a
cvury Kiitulay nvciiilun at ii ;m Itrilucilay
evniihin ira)iir mpiliiK al 7 fW. Heat. Irf.
Kt 4Ni.F-l.ll ill, t'ltl lti II - l(,'V. J. M. rl'l.a, of
lllf Kv autti-tli al A.H'laliiill. will llolil .tTvlriu
al I' ,(,,' Ha, I I'voty Hint, In) al II A M IIivh'O'I
1 HnitiUy frf ,ti"l, tirritialt nn).l.alli M-buitl
mUy frf l,tl"l,
every miiiuny ai iu a.
Profosbionnl Cards.
M. liANI'H,
NOTAUY l'l lll.ir, UKAt, KSTATKA
(lltti'tt with Ihti Wlllauivllo rail. Ilitr.lmi'lil Co
(Infill City. (limoti.
Ormoii City, - Oreton
OtTIre nyrr Catirlel'a unw itrnit atora
lloiur.loa l. I'm riittliiti ami TlmWr laml ip
ilrall,ill. atot otlttir laml iillrti titia
llira. irotully ottiimliHl Iw.
, , ,iinrafM,M. u t kiMitt
l.aa yur ami Notary ruhilf.
(il llr llril'tlON A KINNKY.
ttltii'y, r.Mvtn nl ft. t'titirmmi
lirM hvrn'
1. I'llKILIt,
M.riKt, t or f Hoi-Knr v ri ttitiii.
tirtii,i1 Iwn ,l,H,r. ahovf i"Mti!!lco( ttrvitoit City
tiuot ar.MiHoi nit
T r t u i Kit.
lint kl.M)Kiirt.ll
it (DttlNa.
All t"ait' tirfnw I' S l.nml llltcti a in;t'l)ly.
tiittt'ti loom, italic t ( a tana oau-n
U 'lotlltllllg. , 4
oliKOON I'lTY.- .... rr,,s
W, l li t JullMt.-K.
I'orntir Kiiiltlh and Main itin li, On-nou City
H. 4 D C LA Tut HKI'IK,
Furnl.h Ah.lraota nl Title, Until Honey, Fore-
ohi.a Nurtf aiiea, ami tramai'l Ueuxral
Law atttalneaa.
m aaiui.
clllllUE & DHKSSKH
omit In Jaguar IU,M'k,
0r,'f,m City
. T. I'KY,
Twrtvo yi'ara enitrrli'itfe a. nlaltr of the 1'.
S. Laml ntlli't luiro ri,rotiiiiiiMnU tta In ntir in'0
lalty of nil klml. ol tiu.hi,,.. l,.,,ro tttt laml of
flt't1 ami tltv t'tiuria, ami lawilvLtg (ho rirartlce
in Ilia iiciu'ral I'.ml ollit tt.
Ollloo nvnr Ort'iinii I'lly Hank,
OltEilnN CITY,
1 K. IIAYElj,
onntios t iTY, okruom,
4 . Oftlcti cnriier Main ami Klglith alrtivta,
rtppnalte enttrt hniiao.
l'tthl up Capital, V0,dM.
r ftKKt!) KNT, - - TlllH. rllAHNAN
nopnslU refi-lvftl ttliJoPt In rjlmclt.
Amiritviiil bllla ami nnli illaootiiiUnl.
Cnnutyaml oily warrant IiihikIiI.
LtmiiN lnit'iu on avHittinie auuuruy.
(nillKOtlniia imiilo proittplly.
liralta anlil nu t'liriinmi, nun rraiirnaoo,,i.iiira.
K, Now York, ami all principal vllloa o( Ku.
Ti'linrBpltlc etnkniiRiia miM on PnrtUnr,
FrauuiBtio, unirtoauu aw lor.
For three nititilha, 4 per cent per annum.
Kurd month, ft cr vnt. pui aniiiim.
For I'J linmtln, per rent, por annum.
Tlmo ntirllrlnalea of (lepimlto pnyahl ) on tie-
t.,,i 1im.i r.trl.,!,,,,! II ilruwii liofor
mill o term ol tlcpnalt,
!pltill, 1100,000
Lniiiis minle. Billi" illK'otiitti'iI. MiiknB ro
I.....: . . . 1 II
it'ci inns. miv. aaii boii. I'.' ii'iuai' on ,",,i.in
111 tin! 1'iillinl HtHti-N, Knrope ami Ilmm Koiiii.
Hi'rinalt iwol'ttl (lllijert In ( hul k InU'l'i'st lit
uaiitil rule allnwml "ll time tli'linails. Hank
npi'ii (nun 0 a. st, to i r. M. Hiiliinlity evi'iiluga
ft-oiit (, to 7 1', H,
1). 0. WroUKKTTK, l'realiltMit.
F K lio.NALOUON, Citshlor
Commissioner's Court.
IrflcKHtcH Ajipoliili'i! to the
M'ord'u Fair Convention.
Ciiiiiiljr Ilimiln-Ollicr Hunt hit"
H urk Tii ken Hi.
Junk Tkum, 181)1
I'rt'at'nt: J. W. Meldruin, jutlrje,
U. lliilll anil V. Alouliiiku. t'oiiiinlMHluii
tra; 11 II. Julinaon, clerk, anil W IL
11, Kiitlilliill, rilierill .
Ill lint litiilliT (il tli Ilrown roaul it
Htta nriliTfil Unit tin) itlilionri py
Lull thn (l;iniiica, and when Him rc-lpt
o( rrittl Hwart Ir the inmu be lilcil
wild the coiiiily clerk, the tlfrk will
Ihkuh a warrant Ui Krt'il Hwarta lor tli
ri'iiiiiiiiilur, and (lie mud will Ian ordered
oiiiih1 KxiaBiiao account $7.60
Koport i)l tlie 1'iiitU) cieck and Needy
run, I hum uiirimd and urdorud 0iencd.
L,uiihu ai'cutinl alltiwed, $lrl 4d,
Iti'imrt of lnti J. M. Druko ruml n-
iruvt'd, uiid rnud urdcrod imned. ht
m'iihb acciiiint iill')cl, ('.'7.10
!i'iorl of tli Ki'pfrmJii A Ik-ckor
rum I ailiiilcil, and nniii urdcriMl oitilitul
lii',nit i,( I'nltcr creek mad arovd
iiml I lie mil' I tiidcrod iipi'iii'd. Lxixtnat
accoiiiilH (IH.Ii.'l and '.'S.10.ordiri'd ntiil.
Tliuaiiitratiuii ol ti. W. Nirlioltmn
lor liiiiilmr, iirniili'd,
ll una ordered Unit tlm mij?rvimtrn of
mud dial rii la Nua. HO and 10 build a
bridal acmM Carrol eni-k with tliu lulior
of tlicir ilialrii tH.
Tlitt ki,l!.'utiin of J. H. Nixt, atitrvl
aor for inkca anil lunilvcr Kfantnd. j
1 hi, ,,ictitiitn nl (ii'i)iii' Miocr lor
liiinlicr lor road diatricl No. W, vruntpd.
'I'lio uiitilli utiuii ol J. ('. McMurry for
liiinlicr for rund dmtrict Nu. 5, granted
icriiilHHiiin to buy WMXI lect.
l!tMirl ol W. H. Sinitli on
pruvtMiii'tit of t!i Alarnalliy
jirnvi'il, and eXieno acrotllit
tlie lin
ruHit i-
Tlie matter of t he lloiple
rtMtl WrW
lind over until tlix next tcrtu.
In llic in.iltiT of tint Wiuntnn A Wiiion
acliiail liutico roail from DaiimacUN to
cuiiiilv Iiiiu. lit Mirt uiirijvi'(l, and
ma, I ordered i)iened on ll'e lint of lite
atirvev. Kxpt'iiw account allowed of
I'l (M.
lu i In- mutter of tlie boiindHry of road
iliMtiict No. 4:1, it waa ordere(l that all
Unit piiii ol ii (1 a, r .'I e, lymn eut ol the
Moulin river be ml, led to, and included
iu road diHtiii't No. 43.
W.W.Iiuin, toad Uerviaor, waa
giunied nriiiiaioii lo uae road aeratier,
uii, I In buy iii'i ei-Mury luintier.
U.J Moort! wu uriiiile,! aiplication
fur liiinber in road ditrict No. 60.
Tin- application of J. M. Drake for
lumber entitle, I.
l'etetiuii denied in the mutter of the
T, i. Mathews road.
Ordered Hint the county cleric advur
lira lur liids to lurninb wood for the
court llotlat).
In tlie iiinttci of Ilia hriileo across tliu
middle fork ol Deep creek, it. was ordotcd
Hint llm snpurviaor innkB the necessary
nii'iiMUiinenls of Ictiulli and height of
sitid In iilatu, and report to lie county
judii,Hho will advertise for bid to
iiuiFd the bridue, to be received at the
July term of court.
In the malUir of the Abemathy brUue
it w as ordered that the reiiort of com
missioniir Mocntike be approved, and
thai J . H. Scott and James (). Morris be
paid t'M, the amount of bidi , and (20
for extras.
Claim of A. Mimti aa superrisor of
rord district No. 48, for the year 181X),
for KM. allowed.
In the matter ol the hmklinti ol a
bruise on the Foster A Milwaukie rood
near Mra. Winnea, it was ordered that
the Btiistrvisor te anthoiited to employ
a carpenter at the exjiense of the county
to do the work, and build the bridge
with the labor of the district.
It was ordered that no further war
runls will issue for the care and keeping
oft) Olsen, pauHT, kept by J. M.
It was ordered that the cl'jrk issue a
warrant in favor of James 0. Meehitn
for (ll, lie havinir. paid a trial fee twice in
the case of Cowing vs. Meehan.
Ordered that Uodfried Mouhnke be
authorised to procure powder at l'oH) A
Co., forblasting rocka in county road,
and to buy stono hammer
Ordered that Sidney Smyth, county
surveyor, he Instructed to make a survey
and prolllo of the Oswego and county
lino roud from the south end of Lyon
creek bridge to the Multnomah county
line, ii ml reort at the July term of this
Ordered that J. Koake A Co. be in
structed to strengthen the jail windows
in accordance with diagram tiled with
the clerk using 3 bars insted of 2 for
each window, for which lie will be paid
proportionally to his oiler.
Neport of Chasi Moenhke on the re
nal r of Kairle ('reek bridge, approved,
and expense account (l3.8t) ordered paid.
It whs ordered inai unpt. vv. ii.
Smith be instructed to begin work on
the long bridgo on the Abernathy road,
and work toward Oregon City, and re
port at the July term of this court.
Keport ot r. raquot on me repair oi
the bridge accross Succor creek approved,
and expense account of $86.00 was
ordered paid. ,
J. S. Scott, roiut miiiervisor of cast. wo.
43, was authorized to purchase 2000
feet of lumber.
It was ordered that the mm of $200 to
be appropriated to begin the improve
ment of the WinBton road from Damas
cus to the county line, and that the
supervisor be instructed to employ U
the lulior of the district, in said Improve
ment, that can he spared from other
roads in tlie district. The supervisor to
certify his accounta for labor performed
or material furnished, to the county
In the mattor of the representation of
Clackamas county at a mooting to be
liekl in t'ortlnnd. Uregon on the lifl.lt
day of June, 18)11, to devise means to
secure proper rvprosontution of the pro
ducts mul industries ol una county and
Pit it 10,
at the Columbian Kxposition ;
Tito couit (lntls that this is a matter en
tirely without, its jurisdiction and while
the object, sought, to bo attained is one
in which the people of Clackamas county
have a deep interest, and in the opinion
ol the several liieinlmra of this court
will reaull In advancing the inlerefts of
tie Mtnte, lliia cuiirt feels its inability to
sit as a court In this nutter, Never
DelftiM, In compliance with the reipiest
oi utility dliisii'is tiiht a committee lie
nrpniiiicd, we would reouost the follow-
V named citizens; (i. J, Trullingiir,
T. Appersori, J. W, Meldruiu, Win.
Hi, low iiml C. D, Latourctto to attend
tin said meeting and rcpieseut Cliu ka
lius coiinly therein, but without tiav.
ana w i bout owcr In any manner to
bud thla court In any pecuniary obhgat -
11S orollienVlse.
lie(Mjrt of C. Moenhlre, aupt. of bridge : outlook for a turge increas of menilssi
aVYoan Alder cieek approved, and ship to the Ttiulitan church is most
orlured that a warrant issue to llerman , cncotirai(ing. The ordinance of bap-
linus for $IU0 ill full payment
Ordered that a w arrant lie Issued to
Chis Moenlika for (."rOO, for myment of
exienso on the Mulaila road.
V.J.Caldwell waa allowed $5fl for
flxjig the anchor on the west side of
the suspension bridge.
Ihe lollowing bills were allowed :
ft irl ti of Oregon v Frank
; riM-ague $ 10 50
8ti(o ol Oregon vs .Search Warrant 3 00
U J liurnitrd & Co., supplies . 310 00
Ah Thomson, tmiehers' exam-
HoMiinaA Son, powder, road ex.
Hlaic vs Kd lltirders et al
A 'I Dix, lumber
Fnas Cahill, Inuiln'r
33 00
1!) 60
8 00
8 70
Ue Stowell. plats and field noti-s
100 00
L K survey
StaovsThoa Yocuui. innune
22 20 I
1 b (iiant Powder Co. . . .
Me-ton A Dyiiert, siipplii a
164 85
12 fM)
2,i (M)
Oregon Cily, aaler bill
lleiry L lllvstone. sera lie r
8 00
Tbmius Hhule, jurors 31 20
Stu e va Ii (ilaaHX)l. el al . . . 14 30
Tin Oiaril Powder Co 23 8(1
Poje A Co, roud supplies 20 56
fcta vs Jones A Lotto 14 70
" " ;eo Wicks 2 20
P(ie,,a liros, IuiiiIht 12 15
C J l.atouiette, attorney fees
Ileiple vs Clackamas county, 10 00
Hill of witnenses circuit court 10 40
r.nas Cahill, powder
Stae vs llitriiliardt, insane
K SI Hands, stamps
Oreon Cily Kleclric Light Co.
Sid rev Snivlh, survevor's lees
fl 06
24 70
3 00
4 60
Drl W Norris, pauper lees. . ,. 0 00
Mntoon A Story, road exx!iise 5 20
P laijiiet. bridg exis-nso 3 (K)
II li Johnson, clerk fees 2iH 76
Tin, Kntkmi'Iiisk, printing 37 7)
K L Newton, cement 9 50
lnl lleck, witness fees ti 80
J W Noble, assessor's fees
186 (H)
MeslonA Dygert, record
12 00
W II 11 Samson, shenirs fees. . 202 110
C liui', fomuiifsioner 3 davs and
2i miles ' 1180
C:iai Mis'hnko, commissioner, 3
tbws and 10 miles; 4 davs and
Wniiles ." 31 20
' ' Urd of Trmre.-
Kcgnlsr nieting held at the court
house Tuesday, June 0th, President Ai
ersori in the chair.
Minnies of the hist meeting were H-ad
and approved.
The finance committee reco'iimended
the payment of of $43.58 lor excuses
inclined in the reception of the presi
Tl finance committee reported fav
orably on the payment of $67.05 dues
to the state hoard of trade.
Mr. A. S. Dresser made a Verbal report
for the special advertising committee ap
pointed to see what could be done in gut
ting out an illustrated descriptive pam
phlet of Oregon Citv and Clackamas
county. 11b slated that Mr. LeMahieu
had canvassed the situation pretty thor
oughly in the country and at Portland,
and had not received very much encour
agement . He also submitted estimates
for preparing a finely illustrated souve
nir from a Chicago house, also from Lew
is A Dryden, Portland. Mr. Dresser
Muted that if the work waa done Oregon
City would have toicar the expense, and
on motion the verbal report of the com
mittee was accepted and the committee
The committee appointed to confer
with the county court in relerence to the
appointment of delegation to attend the
state convention at Portland to devise
ways and means of providing a credita
ble exhibit at the Worlds's fair reported
that they bud fulfilled their duties, and
a communication was read from county
Judge M Ul tn in , mating in substance,
that the board had no authority to ap
point such delegates except as individ
uals, and that they request that O. J.
Trullinger, J. T. Apperson, 5- W.
Meldrum, Wm. Itarlow and C. D.
Latonrctte attend said meeting and rep
resent Clackamas county therein, but
without pay, and without power in any
manner to bind this court in any pecun
iary obligation or otherwise. Judge
Meldrum, who was present, stated that
he had just learned that Mr. Barlow
was absent in Denver, and it would
be impossible for him to lie present at
the convention, and he therefore re
quested that Pvichard Scott, ol Milwau
kie, act in place of Mr. Barlow.
Charles Moserye stated that he had
donated 250 copies of the recent indus
trirl edition of Tiik Kntkkpkiss to the
board and that Mr. F. E. Donaldson,
secretary of the board, had mailed a
large number of them to manufac
turers in England, Germany and other
places. On motion a vote of thanks
was tendered Mr. Meserve.
Advertised Letters.
The following is a list of the letters re
maining uncalled for in the post otliee at
Oregon City, June 5, 1801 ;
Henrietta Bends Miller, Amos
Cooper, Milo Lombard Moses
Chai'uia, Arthur MoCreary Kmma S
Dibble, George Phelps Mr. Arthur
Dickson Mra 0 A Preiss, Kev. J iM
Evan John Parmer John
Erickson, Hilda J Uabens Henry,
Erickson Elliot, Roberts, Lizwo
Eason, Mrs 0 Small, E
Eiiugher, Miss Katie Spitzig, O
Fuller, Win Siryker, Marie
(ialloupo, Wm IT, 2 Stitiight, John
llolcoiiib, Cioo W, Sampson, B
Jones J no M, Ttittle D If,
Johnson, CI rant W right It,
Larson, Kmil Vineberg, John,
If called for, plcuso sny when adver
tised. E. M. Ivanus, P. M.
ut I lie
The S!clal stirvices conducted by
Hcv. W. 11. Tuhb in the Congrega
tional church closed Hunday night. Five
were added to the church. Prof.
Professor IL Allen Hborey preached
Hunday morning and evening to large
an1 dmi,ly mil.rm,.sli ml(iinces. The
1 profHMH,r .dmlntcred the sacred
iaaerama.nl aiui.l.H hi, Ilia h..h Tl.o
tism by immersion will aibninistered
by the pastor, Hev. W II. Tubb. at 11
A. M , Sunday. June 14th, in the Tual
atin river, one mile below lindgHoort.
The corner-stone of the Ibsjd View
I Congreittttionul church was laid, with
appropriate ceremonies, at 3 P. M. Sun-,
day, hv the Kev. W, II. Tubb, who
also preached a sermon in the grove,
near by, to a large congregation, Kev.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlier assisted in the
ceremonies, Mrs. Uarber read a con
cise history of the church, which with
other appropriate matter, was de
posited in the stone. The prospective
church is well localed, with Alount
1 1 urn! in full view. The si'.e is about
three miles south of Smockville. The
church will be 30x40 feet, with a tower.
This enterprise is (he result of the esrn-
,.) ll,Pa.,f .1,. ;.. 1, n,l fra l.,.r
ber, the CVingreiiatioiial evangelists, who
will remain with the people ol
View until the church is fully
lifted and dedicated.
lulU'd Slate Land Patents
Awaltlnir ('lalniauts.
There are now in the land office at
this place nearly 2OO0 United States
land patents awai.ing claimaints. They
are divided as follows;
Donation Land claim patents 474
Land warrant patents , 40
Homestead patents 310
Cash entry patents 874
UjIs in Oregon Cily to correct Mc-
Ixm .'hlin deed 208
Thexe will tie delivered or mailed free
of charge on presentation of the dupli
cate tiriul certificate, or the proper alli
duvit of the present owner of the land,
accounting for said certificate, and show
ing the reason why it can not be sur
rendered. Parties inquiring for patents
should i;ive the number and chstacter
of duplicate certificate if ossible. If
this is not known, then the description
of Ihe land should be given by sections,
township and ranjje, so as to enable the
register to find whether or not the
patent is iu the office.
Tfce Editors.
The national association of editors
will be held at St. Paul, Minn., July
14, I Mi I ilw Oregon delegates to. the
convention are H. W. Scott, L. Samuel,
O. P. Mason, Portland; E. C Pent
hind, Independence; Charles Xickell,
Jacksonville; S. M. Yoran, Eugene; J.
Michel, The Dalles. The program for
the annual sexuion Oregon Press
Association at Astoria, August 27, 28,
20, is now being prepared and will be
ready in a few days. Suggestions re
garding the same should be addressed
at once to the president of the associa
tion, Mr. L. Samuel, Portland. The
session ol 1801 promises to be an enjoy
able on. A very valuable paper for
newspaper men is being prepared for
the oecaaion by Messrs. A. Noltnar and
ILL. Pillock, of Portland, and H. R.
Kincaid, of Eugene. It is entitled
"History of Oregon Journalism."
Another Armed Editor.
Journalistic fights are becoming the or
der of the day up the valley. But it is
evidently certain that editor McColluni,
of the Gervais Star, is no coward, as he
refused to weaken under the threats of
the Vancouver soldiers. The Salem
Capital Journal has the following: "In
discussing a question of puttinii up a
fence -in a public thoroughfare, editor
McColltim was knocked down by a blow
from Scott Taylor, Oervais'seity recorder.
McCotlum carried a gun but did not get a
chance to use it. The justice fined them
(5.1X1 apiece at.d costs, and McColluni
will be more careful in the future who he
calls a liar. The absence of cuticle on
three of Taylor's knuckles, not like the
flowers of spring, had something to do
with the case."
ri:i.r.. it imiic it uikix.
It now transpires that the Argentine
republic was fleeced by Chas II. Sanford,
a former yankee drug drummer, who
also, went to London and roped in the
Barrings, showing them there was
millions in it.
Sir John MacDonald, the great Can
adian statesman, died at Ottawa, June
6th. For nearly a half century he has
guided the political destinies ol Cauada.
The whaling steamer, "Kite," with
Lieut Peary, U. S. N., and companions,
of the North Greenland exploring ex
pedition, sailed June 6th.
It is reported that the whisky trust
is figuring on a reduction of the prices
of spirits, on account of the Japanese
process lessening the cost of production
in distilling.
It is staled that there will be no
trouble in removing the large wheat
crop of California ttiis w eek.
A few days since the Itata arrived in
Iquiqua Chile, where the captain was
given a rousing reception, but he was to
return to San Dteco, a prize of the
Charleston. An eilort will be made to
prove that the Itata received the arms
outsido of our jurisdiction.
The interstate commerce commission
begun an adjourned session in Portland.
They are investigating the complaint of
merchants of Spokane that freight rates
from the East to that city are higher
in proportion to the distance than from
the East to Portland, Seattle and
Sir Charles Tnpper, of England, is a
prominent candidate for the premier
ship of Canada, made vacant by the
death of Sir John McDonald.
It is reported that death end starva
tion threatened Ihe death of the
Hawaiian nation.
Interesting 'errf Items and Comment
arles Clipped Frm Our Exchange.
Sunday Welcome: There is not a
rural town within boarding distance ol
this city which could not at slight ex
pense assure itself all the city boarders
that it could accommodate by tlie simple
proce; of systematically and intel
ligently improving and beautifying ita
roads. If it were to appoint a town
committee with power to employ ex
perts, or to obtain exierts advice, and
ti carry out the suggestions thus obtained
In road iniprovment, the mere public
advertisement of the proceeding would
attract many similiter boarders. The
expense would not be great. Business
men who have to be at their stores or
offices every duy, and who would like
their families to enjoy country air with
out losing sight of them entirely, as at
the beach, are especially interested.
There are boats, trains, motor lines, etc.
enough, if there were only good places
for boarding.
Astorian: Columbia river shad is
getlinir so plenty now as lo be no longer
a noveity. It is a great fish rightly
cooked. One good way is to le out in
the woods, not too (ar from the river
bank to pievent the fish being fresh ;
then dig a trench, build a fire and when
it has burned nearly 16 cals set the
shad In-fore it. The shad is split, its
back none removed and the two flat
pieces tacked to a plank, whose lower
end ts sharpened and thrust into the
ground before the fire. When the fish
sizzles and browns the cook bastes it
with melted butter, and when it is done.
carved, as it lies on its own plank, and
et before the consumer, gastronomy
can offer nothing better.
East Orenonian: R. Eakin, J. W.
Shelton, T. II. Crawford and Mr. Car
roll are in the city from Union to make
further anuments before Judge Fee in
the case of the recorder and clerk of
Union county. The former official com
menced a mandamus proceeding to ob
tain ixwsession of certain books which
the clerk has withheld. The clerk
brings a "quo warranto" proceeding to
see whether the ollice of county recorder
exists in law. The action is a friendly
one for the purpose of a test. Both
points were being argued this after
Daily Dispatch : The Bowers dredge,
which is to till Conch Lake, was started
up yesterday . The dredge lies a little
below the Albina ferry. The pipe
throuch which the sand is to be forced
is laid on pontoons and connected with
a fixed pi running through the foun
dation of the cold storage wcr'iS and
under Front street. The joints of the
pi)r on the pontoons are joined by huge
rubber connections, so that a disturb
ance of the water by passing steamers,
etc, , causes no inconvenience.
Marshfield Mail : A contemptible
specimen of the human brute in the
shape of a woman beater hag been mak
ing himself obnoxious about town for a
day or two and night before last he con
taminated the cooler by being locked
therein. There was talk of giving him
a coat of tar and feathers but people
bated to touch the disgusting pup and
he was let go with a fine from the re
Victoria Colonist: One ot the queries
asked the interlocutor at the Vancouver
minstrels, on Saturday evening, was the
following :
"What bird represents the United
"The Eagle, of course ; everyone knows
that." was the reply.
'Well it isan't the case in Vancouver;
we have a Jay there."
The house collapsed.
Coast Mail : The Coo Bay Board of
Trade at. its meeting on Tuesday night,
uecided to have a fine myrtle mantel
built here and shipped to Portland
for sale there. This will lie done in or
der to show the- adaptability of the
fine wood of this section for elegant fur
niture, and bring it to notice of the
world at large.
Albany Herald: It will be about
three weeks before horses will be at
tached to the fire engines in Albany.
The swinging harness and other appar
atus was first ordered from Oakland,
CM., but it could not be supplied from
that place. The order was then sent to
Denver, Colorado., and it will probably be
about three weeks before they reach
this city.
Clatskanie Chief: A section of fir
bark twelve inches thick taken from a
tree thirteen feet in diameter, was
brought in by H F. York from his
ranch near this city, for the Pacific
Coast Souvenir Co., of this place.
Ilucklen's Arnlsa Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,, .
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or mbney refunded, .
Price 25 cents per box. For Bale by G
A. Harding.
To Good Templars.
Do you know that Moore's Revealed
Remedy is the only patent medicine in -1
the world that does not contain a drop
of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing
ti is known only to ita diieover ; that it
is an advance in the science oi medicine
without a parallel in the ninetooiitlt
i-oiittirv; that its proprietors oU'c.r to
forfeit "$1,000 for any case of dyspepsia
it will not cure?
;' 1
i ' i
if '
, i
r f
. . .
-Was. I ,
-V -