Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1891, Image 8

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UiE cow-pm mm
HTtM, Mad for Salt, Wrwtif ht Wlde
spread H.. Sine That Mavrehea'
Home al Mli k Roo.t, tad Tta la.
ahlealallgi Aroused U Mlaera' In.
lCVHTihtd br the Author.)
plaints CaiUuauUii' 'ua cauxj fUNH
neighboring minors, whoowued do hi
Thee pigs of uun broks through
cloth wall of tha cabins, and wonhl
sums the miner's entire weekly stock of
provisions iu a few minutes. Then ihey
wonld go outside and root from ont th
hot coalshis "Dutch own," wherein bis
bread was biVit,g while he labored afar
in hi claim, and this bread when colrd
they would also devour. I had, on buy
ing these animals, engaged that they
should "find themselves."
There was no reasoning with the suf
fering miners In this tnattw. I argued
that my pigs had a right to ran at targe,
ami that they should make their houses
more secure. The miners argued Uiat,
right or not right, they would shoot my
pigs even if foiiud near their cabins. If
that was not suftkieut they might shoot
me Their poativeness in this matter
was of an intense and violent character,
There was no inch thing as discussion
with them ou legal or equitable grounds,
i think now that 1 ami the pigs bad law
aud right ou our side, but the miners
were in the majority and had might
Nor was this all. These pigs, seemingly
recognising my ownership, came home
at night to sleep. They slept in a pile
jtist outside my cabin door, and as the
nignt air wafted down from the hhrher
Sierra summits became cooler the pigs
on ur ouuuae or we pile became uncom
fortable. Being nnconvfortahle they tried
to get inside the pile, This the warm
pigs inside rwosted. The resistance was
accompanied with squealing and grunt
ing, wmcn .anted ail night long and dis
turbed my sleep,
The pig pile consisted of a rind of cold
ana uneorarortaole pigs and a ore of
warm and eorufortabls pigs, and there
was a eontinnal effort on the part of the
eold poreine rtnd to usurp the place of
me warm sou eomfortatHe porcine tore.
They gava me no rest, for whem, with
the warm morning son. this uproar
teueed, there came the season of ew
plaint and threat from my plundered
neighbors, finally a cold storm chilled
half of them pies to death. I sold tha
the rV.WV.i7 ? WAV. . VAVWJ U fHl'AUVVA
) aii. ip- '! Mi W,.W ifi...T lliiva- Jr m.w alJa...Jja! a-.-.a
t ff tfAT f r ?
ft t f f t;
.. mt .. ))
qnickly as posnble to a
BOUT this time (1861)
a cow fever began to
rage throughout the
state. It got hold of
people, and impressed
them with a burning
idea tnat toe road to
fortune was a cow
path, and that fort
unes lay in keeping
cattle. The cow fever
reached the seolnsion
of Swett's Bar. We
jwted all our spare cash in cows and
wauod for results. Cattle were spoken
ins a sure card for fortune. Keep cattle,
y improved breeds. Rau them.
"Vimss" them. Feed them for nothing
ssj the native grass. Buy cows. Cows
gfve milk. People can lire on milk
Silk then to us was a luxury.
It paid no milkman to travel np and
tpwn the rough and rociy ledges of the
Jfuoltunne ringing his bell at miners'
abins half a mile apart Indeed he
juld not so travel without carrying his
mis a la panier on a donkey's back, and
ay the time it had reached its place of
aoetination it would have been agitated
fc butter. So r11 of us miners went in
Sir cows. Improved cows. We bought
each an improved cow. We hauled this
nw by ropes across the raging, eddying
Iferious river to onr side. Frequently
she arrived more dead than alive, Then
sine a season of hope and expectation
as to fortunes through cows.
We arose at S in the morning, built
a nre for breakfast, went out and
svnehtour cows, generally feeding or re-
jnemg a nine or more from our cabins.
aught theeecows, milked them, returned
to the cabin, finished the cooking of either
a Durnea or cold breakfast, went forth
spd labored in the claim till noon, came
s.)oie, cooked dinner, went forth airain
at 1 p. m., labored till 8, went back to the
owns, chopped wood for fuel, traveled
0 feet or yards to the spring for water,
returned, mixed our bread, put it in the
ven, went out and milked the cow, then
sent over the hot stove for an hour until
Bread was baked, and then, heated,
flushed, perspiring, exhausted from the
day's labor, and with nerves quivering
hf reason of such exhaustion, we ar
ngtd the miner's table, sat down to
je meal, aud wondered why we had so
lltle appetite.
Kpiag cows proved laborious work
4r miners. When in addition to kin
Ting the fire in the morning, cooking
Jour own breakfast, ooming home at
light wet and tired after working all
day in the ground sluice, then hacking
way at some old stump to get wood
enough to cook the supper, traveling
mayoe an eighth of a mile to the near
eat spring for a pail of water, and bend
fcg and bothering with meat frying and
bread making, you add chasing night
cd morn, milk pail in hand, some con
trary cow all over the flat in order to
miik her you pile too heavy a load on
any man's back, because in the matter
dT housekeeping we had ceased the co
operative system. We dwelt all apart,
each a hermit in his own cabin. We
were diverse in habit, and could not get
ajnncy oritl. oonl, . 1:
Tt-; V ; u T , I kn af-ks f colic, which last for days
man. The .ni,.l n, m ""T wea OoUjr Into a coa-
1TW4U . OH Q1UOU Of mt.HLhlt thinUf! (Vmmnni.
x - X'U. J LI
ly ho w undcreiB!, white and lancruid.
t muni :
f 'Him
- f r n IT T T J
t 1-,W.
u m t rnti Ikhm. If l oil prime Imul.
IU net Mtrsl liinitlrvl ilollsra r
ypr. )ivu lr0 nuii(h Iu lx'c.
ranchman who better mderMtood the
nog busimva
During the receding of the waters
aner one or tne annual spnng freshet I
saw several hnndml dollars in gold dust
washed out near the base of a pine tree
on the river's bank between Hawkins'
am! Swett's Bar. where probably it had
years before been buried by soma on
known mirwr That is, I saw it after it
bail been waahed out and found by an
other more fortunate miner, In all prob
ability there are many thousands of dob
lars in drat so dug by hard working
bands and so buried in California, there
to remain nntil the last day, perhaps
longer Where's the utility of resur
recting tne "root of all evil" on the last
nay. just at the time when Deonle in
neaven or elsewhere are presumed to be
able to get along without it? Yet it is
a mysterious Providence that Impels any
poor fellow to dig his pile, bury it for
saro keeping, and then go off and die in
some out-of-the-way place without being
able to leave any will and teetameut as
to the exact hole where his savincs lav
Regarding buried treasure, there is a
mil uear Jamestown ooncorning which,
years ago. there hovered a legend that
it held somewhere thousands of dollar
in do.-, buried in the earlv davs bv a
lone miner, who was. for bis money's
sake, murdered in his cabin. They said
that by the roots of many trees on that
hillside it had been unsuccessfully dug
for. Anyway, the miner left a memory
and a hope bahiud biui That's more
than many do. If you want to leave a
lasting recollection of yourself behind
drop a hint from time to time ere you
depart for "The Bright and Shining
Shore" that you have interred $10,000
somewhere in a quaru-r section of land,
you will tht n Ions be remembered and
your money dug for.
Prkxtiok Mcltord
band Company
Treasurer's Ntle,
I hve now In m hmiitu Hindu alliaiM In
the imyttieiit til nil wsrrsiili tilurl r!
A Hit Mh 1VIH.
lulerenl will vesta bum llieilsleul ihliiMli1
N. II I'AMrr,
i Cniiiiir Treaturer.
1'nle.l Oretn I'lir, Nay s, imu.
Nullr of IHwululluK,
The imrlnerthlii heralufuni elMn Between
t, II Kiwr nii.l II "Iiilv ' lo 'ly illwuheil
he 111111111 piiiiwdi, F. II. Slier rvtitliii. All
lilll imjahle in H. r'iuler
r ii.suts
II Cisit.
Ore,iu ctiy. Or , Mar Iwl
IV A Must.
9 .i :w
isul.l'HtiN ll'K
Nollee la heteh slupa Ihtl Ihe m rlner-
hit lieli'le liliii lieioeeu Frtnl llmw
an, liiri. U ac iier. both ! l Iti-ei'li t'llr, (' ai t
man oiit lit v, iireiioti. allli Hie firm name ul
11 M,,d A lienor li Ilia day tllaanKetl
I'he bittllieaa will he tilillilll(l Ihe lM
iiarnier ttim ll"e, a Mil all ariueiila ami
llal'lllllet iilnler Hie Maine ( r"rl 'lete,
OrH I lly, A r(t l, imjl,
Katu ItwaaS,
( HHia. H tusta,
ailmlliUlraturt Nullra,
Nnlli'e U heirhy (Ueilllial Hie illiilerilinetl
l'luitli ('la)aotl lia Iweii by Iheetniiily nmrl
ut Ihe alale i( orieit, hir riartaiitaa enun(r
ilulv aiiiltiti't atinlloalratr t, iheealatrl
V ll tiavaull, itieaaeil. All eltna bating
iMattna analltal tatil ealale are reillille,! In lire
arllt thai aallie In Ine al the law ultu'eiif Millrlttf
a Ureaanr. In llieanii l llv. In tl,l enmity, with
Investors .
We have lots 50x'M) foot, 100x200 feet, all favorably liK'ntiil. Those
lots twice the ordinary size are but half the usual price of other lots im-
larly located. We have one-acre, two-acre, fivo nd ton-norp tract,
suitable for suburban homes, convenient to town, schools, churches,
etc., aud of very productive soil. A large, growing "Prune Orchard," of
which we will sell part in small tracts to suit purchaser-, and on easy
iroHir Tnutiii'rt altlilu an nitmtha tnnti Ittia
ilate t ii ki r i I
Ailiiilnlalratnr ul the ea alo ot W. U.t UjaoU.
(irsmi i lly, ou t, in. Avrll l Ivji
Mi'llrl.h' A lin.ai-t ami K Mruiloiihall. alti.ru
eyt Inf AilmlHlairalur tlt-ArJ
I'.S. l.su urtin, Osmos City. ,
April U, I -ill
Cniii,aliil havlliv iMien entere.1 at Ihla ultli-e
li y rrani lall c,,lraacalllalTtl"tliaa Mi Vlillou(h
fur b-tiitniiliia liia l,uieaieal Sairy ,No. fire I,
ilairnl Julie it Ia iipnii ihe e t nl ai.. a,
lw;, s a ill In (iaraatnat enunty Otxaina,
wiinaviewm tue raueeiiaiinn ul uki entry
the ealtl artlea are herrhy atttittmttied in ai.
M.r at inia enire im me mil uay itl June, im,
al I orlia t. a n . t reaiuunt ami turiilah taxil
inutiy enin-eiiiliis aaiil allrged akaailunmeul
U J. T, ArrtnxiN, Krelaler.
Call and see us and get prices at
Oregon City office or on
Robert L. Taft at Portland office,
No. 50, Stark street, Portland.
civil and'cnuiiaaj prooeatara in buta dis
trict, probate and fustic courts aaal laws
governing Crimea and pajamaata cov
ering 800 pages. Within thirty 4va days
from the final atijournmeat abraa laws
were copied, cajrrectnl and arrangad la a
manner that Chief Justsee Qrsea, f the
territory, pronounced perfect, with side
and head notes for each sactioa. With
in forty-eight boors after the compiling
committee had turned in its last copy
the printed volume, oomprising over
1 ,800 pages, was turned ryrer ta Secretary
Martin bound in law sheets. Kauiaaa
City Times.
Tha Uuby IUj.:; of Spuia.
Little Alf.iaso XIII, king of Spain,
whose fifth birthday will be celebrated
in May, leads the most joyless life im
aginjibla He is st-nsitive and sickly.
He ie frequimtly takn down with vio
lent attacks of calio, whi
patiently by and see his partner cut po
tato parings a quarter of an inch in
thickness. The nervous man was ex
taustd by his partner's whistling or
snoring, and all these and numberless
other opposing peculiarities at lust caused
each man, henuitlike, to retire int his
own cell.
We had other trouble with our cows
for they were ravenous after salt. We
n-g!wted to "salt them." Result. If
any mide containing the least incrnsta
fion of salt was left outside our cabins
the entire herd would gather about it
at night, lick it, fight for its pobsoision
and keep up a steady grunting, stamp
ing, lowing and bellowing. They would
at clothing left out over night on the
olothes line to dry. In such manner and
for Kuch reason also would they eat ;
through the cotton walls of our houses. :
Once, when away for three days attend- i
big a couiity convention atSonora.on re-1
tuiuing to my cabin I found it a scene
of ruin and desolation. A cow had eaten j
through the cloth wall on one side, and !
eaten her way out at the other,
Lnglish govrniess aud the Countess of
The ptple of M "drill say that the total
of the ni,'es of tht-x three companions is
1G0 yi-jrs. The Counter's of Peralta is at
leat ninety, and was the head governess
of little Alfwiio'a fatiier very many
years befjre tlm miniature king was
dreamed of. At all events, it is certain
that the royal companions, with their
100 years, frown on all royal capers, for
the occiuiional attempts of their puny
charge to run or jnsip or throw stones
are suppressed with military prompt
ness. Once in two weeks theuon nf tha rinira
nd had 1 r.t n-ji i- il ,
stormed cm? eru,r,h w-l. f-aa. ..ii ; : ""'""r1 "ipiac9
-,, , , . X v 10 VJ witn tiis sovereign, but there is
J flour, nee and vegetables. Once, when i Bttle or no benefit in ftis for AlfLo
oymg my honaehold effects from one an, sine the three women of
bin to another on a wheelbarrow, I Years am ,ui. ewi.w 1 .AZ 1
ar - - - ia y i tc t,ca,uvt J
to prevent all boyish exuberance. So
the small, nnhappy sovereign worries
ttis mother oodillea him aud watchta
him so closely th.U he rarely, if ever, has
an opportunity for a bit of boy's play or
other healthful exercise. He passes only
one hour daily in the oix-n air. and this
by the side of his mother in the royal 1
slav-lvu. the fo,i,-H.,,f liknnJ m."" "'".""W'rior ntwerstandmg mrux.
.. .- -' ' . maiea uv t
A StalUac Haa
Two or three miles west of HiawasMs
and Braiawn, on tha mouctaua di
viding Hiawaawet) anal Brsjalown, ou
lot of land No. 87, is the seven
teenth district and first section, and
on uie west nu or tbe BMoaaliun,
Mr. Hamilton, of Atheos. Qav, ismining
for coruudum. He found that kii suu-
ply of water, with which he naed to
wash bis corundum, had ceased to flow.
One of his workmen was dtvtpatched to
find out the cause. He quickjy raturued
and said tluit the mountaia was sinking.
Soon the alarm spread aoal parties start
ed to solve the mystery.
They soon found that a very large As
sure was opening in the earth In the
snaps or a semicircle, and large tree
wore falling in every direction. The
amount of land encompassed was about
forty acres. By examining closely they
found that other fissures were opening
on the soath went and northeast, crossing
ths mountain. The opening in some
places is as much as six feet wide and
tbe depth is unknown. Cor. Athanta
tlon would causa him to blush like a
girt, a jteouliarity that led his yomig sis
ters (between whom and himself a very
warm affactiun sxuW) to Wises him by
calling Mm '"ins Utaw of lirabanL
Paris Cor. at Loois Post-Dispatch.
rauiarMal la Mallaa H4al ami Nal Harm ad
But few men have ever fallen into a
pot of molten metal and escaped with a
few trifiiug bums, yet John Adams, of
Taoooia, did it the other night He is
an employe of the Ityan smelter, work
ing on the night shift, and it is ouly
through great present of mind that he
was not burned to death. Bv some nila-
step he lont bis baluuoe and started to
fall headlong into an immense pot of
molten metal. As he fell he caught ths
rim of the pot, and although he was Im
mersed almost to his armpits he drew
himself out, and with an almost super-
k -ar . .i , ... "
uuiuan euori inrew nuuseir Into an ad
jotuiug juit filled with cold Water.
Some of his fellow workmen raw him
cast himself into the second pot, and
mailing to his aMHiUiuce rescued him.
His hands were badly burned, but other
wise he had hardly a scar ou him. The
secret or liis escape was that he had on
heavy woolen underwear aud outer
llothing, ami before it had Im-ii burned
tnroiigh Ailams was in the pot of cold
water. Tacoma (ilolie.
tf. 8. !. Orrti a. uau,. City, tita .
Ai.r i:, iwl
( niilnt liavlnii teu enlertxt at IMa nltlre
By am llellileranll aIUal llu,l.4.h f.leb
eniwieer inr anaii,itiin (tta llntneateail Klilry
7T..J. italrxl Van ll (ii, v.. iii,ii (he hla J
aim , aeciini u. ittwuattin 4 a, r ;i e. In t'lerta-uia-
runiily, Uireuii, alth a vlea In Ihe i-aurel-Ul
Inn nl eahl emry . Ihe aaM arfleare herehy
aiutiiiKiiiiHl In aiar al Ihla ,iSlie na the tlh
tlay nt June. Iil. al ieu'rlia-k. m iire.H.u4
ami Inriiiah lr,llnii,iiy i-..mniin, ailr(rj
haiiilmiiiieiii J. i'. ArraaavS, lieeiatei.
Aaaljure'i Nnllra.
In Ihe Clrenll r,mn nl the Slate all
Oreeun Inr Clarkainaamiitiiy.
In Ihe matter nt the aa.itin.rnt.. s K Oreea
Jiihll Urepu ami I' A, Hernia. .riner umlar
the Srm name n ilreen Una A u, lna,il,til
Hue miiire la herrhy eireti lhal Ihe meter
tlenetl haa Iwn r!,-. lr. aaalflire nl Ihe valale
nl lln elMie u am re i,(,,henl dehiaira, ami haa
'Inly iiuetiniM aa nidi All i.r,
rlallilaagaliial a. 1.1 ln.,.vrnu aie herein mill
nel In l.rt'aeitl Ihn aallie l.fnlwrlv a,lS.l ,
.....I.. , . . . . x - .- -
u ,,,,11,,, ,, ,.. ,etb
t lly Mnoldli lilllla. lllr, Hi lily. Hire, m. Kllhlli
three ui timiiUta (mm tha ,ii una n,.tu
, H. A sraarn.ii
i'iir'1 May ti ,
ET. ;
OVHllliANl) now
Trains fur the Kasttnave I'(tilh.,
A. M. siitllMW I', M.
TICKETS luth'e'fc !
ml kitrii.e
theiint Haw Dmng Pafoct (J
l'UiR.sti Palace MrrBen. '
C(I,(NIHT Hl.KKI'lKi)."
Tlirottgh on KapniMTuiat
St. Lot
Clnae enniierllimi al furl la oj ,w
eiaeo ana ruei amiuq (wlim
fur lurlher particular! luuiint 0
til Ihe t'l.rn .ny r
r. w. i, rr,
a. I. a 1-
o. m. ,ii:i.i.i:ir,
Northern Pacific Rf
Great Overland Route, f
Shortest Line to Chica;;
Ami all fMilula Haal, i a
Th Xorthrr I'sclBe K. I
It lha twit Una runiiiBi
'stwngtir Trains, :
Ntoti.M 'laiw Nliaeivra (Ire of ,j,at
I.iuurititla iy Coai'bea, '
I'uluian PaUi-e Mi-iMng fvi ,
Palace Intuiig Cars tmu-'ri
Prom I'erlluad l Ihe Ess -
Cee that your tii kels read mu
Nurthnin I'salllt! It. It a4 f
avoid change of cart,
Nuntr, ruit 1'rni.ii Aiiii.s.
tasn orn a t (Ii,i,,m I'itt. oat ,
May 111. I'i
Nitlre la hornhy (Ivrn that I lie lull.iati,.
name.) wlll. r haa S1.-.I mill.a M, ni,un
I" make Bt ,,r,, in aii,tN,rl nl hla rlalm ami
that anlil i,r, ml) (, ,r ii,,,, ,hc ((,.
,..., ,,,T m i n lami iimra al
( Itjf, U-riimi im Juljr 7, )vi, via
Aamri II Curlew,
llnmealra.l Flilry Nn ,V0 Inr Ihe ae', nl i,n,,n
-. . !. i f . Air mo I..i,,Mit1(( Mil-
neaaea liiirnvv hla rmitlniKitia realiletir uihui
ail.lrulllv.tlnnnl ,! ln,. l, lllrl
hull, W lUlam llHtirr. Ail,,., llrr IU.TO
ham. all ul Allllra I' II , (-lai kamaa e.nim.
a"?;'? a J- T "". Kr.laur
ft i 7 3
A lla-ceot Cabta IhapaM.
Tlie Aiiglo-Turco-Busniaa comulica
tiou is growing more couipli'.atedly com-!
piex. It now appears that the English- j
Roumanian interests, being jeopardized j
mated by the Montenegrin protocol, and
tue uiMutegraUoii of the uitimate con
junction precipitated by the Uerzegov
iniim interpolations, the elementary at
titude of the signatory powus is thereby
annulled and confirmed. This, while it
iusorus the aatouoBjy of the Bosrihorian
conference, infalUbly results in lowering
the toll on the Snes canal eleven sendon
each way, children and dogs half price.
This in an immaterial doerew devitalizea
Premier Crihpi's nltimatum eliminated
by the Huugariaa-Austro imbroglio, and
the belligerents return to their corners.
San Francisco Examiner.
Ift it near the middle of the flat for a
kw minutes.
On returning I saw a cow making off
-Hh my best coat She held it in her
niouth by one sleeve. On seeing n she
started off on a run, still thus holding
be sleeve in her month and making vio
fcut efforts to eject it The eorvt sleeve
was a ruin when I did get it She had
rfiewed it for salt's sake to the likeness
flf a fish net. Keeping cows did not
make our fortunes at Swett's. Then
everybody said: "Keep hogs. They
will feed on acorns ami increase very
Mpidly. In a fsw years the plains and
tills will groan under the burden of
jour pork." So I bought hogs. I bought
s M.iy and seven pigs. They gave me
t ' to think of.
ore I bad owned them a week coxa- j
along his narrow royal way with a bur
den or childish misery that has rendered
him prematurely sad and indifferent
New York Sun.
Faat Time In Bookmakhra;.
The fastest time on record, for the
making, compiling and publishing of a
statute book comes from Oklahoma.
The legislature recently adjourned was
in session 120 days. On the moraine' of
the Last day there had not been' ndfsed
Died la Hla ConflrmatiAn Salt,
Charles W. Huugerford, a lad of six
teen, was to have been confirmed on
Suaday in St JaaW Luteins eharch,
in Blading. On SavtaxtUy aftrrouoa he
sioppe war at Uie Heading railroad
shops, and after eating his supper weut
out and procured his confirmation suit
from the tailor. He carried it to the
how of his brother-in-law, where he
pot it on to show to them. While they
were admiring it he suddenly sank upon
a lounge and became uncocatdoaa. Be
fore a physician could be summoned he
was dead. Tha cause of death was heart
disease. Allentowo (Pa.) Register.
' Ttta Uoaa 'a' a-Tirrt
The dead Belgian prince was the hand-
Sftaf tvitar.fi. ...I ' A 1 v .n.a i T " J ""-'f III
wo"w, P. Tall and powerfully bui: and
j "i mi oruinary law poSHH
ooott. in me close or tlie litst day the
signature ol tlie governor was placed on
A Niinaaaia- Hoaart la llnrkelilra.
Sevoral citiaviui of New York city,
fc-jgakey-p,), Mount WashingUin aud
(irettt Harrington liave organiiuid the
Sonth Iterksliire club for the purpose of
establirihiug a summer resort for them
selves aud fainHiia at Kiev farm. M limit
Washiiigtim, the birtliplnce of Elaine'
and Dora Ooo-bdo. Thotte lxt known
in tlie vicinity as active in-tlie enttrprimi I
are H. P. Kiiith, of Mount Wafdilngton: I
S. B. Goodal. V. I. P. v.i.. I
- 1 - " jural
and Lawyer A. C. tiillins, of Great liar-
i ringbiu. The farm of Uoo acres is to lie
called Tar-ouic Woodland, aiwl Ui laid j
! out as a park of sixty-five shares, and it j
i is exjpocwju inai a stMvreholrler will build
a tiuttage upon each hit and have amxly-
fif th iuU.-rost in ktM projierty of Uie amo-
ine ciu li notion for tlie entire company
from which
bumxl in eve
will contain dining rooms, parlor and
library, with aorvimmoihitious for tran
rrient guests, lliirty shares are already
siibscrilxnl for, and tbe lots are sold ouly
to approvwd parties uinler prosr rtitric
tions. Tim town of Mount Washington
is in the sotithwostorn part of Berkshire
county, and was organized June 21,
1778. Previous to its incorporation it
was known as TanconuniJc Mountain,
meaning the great wooded mountain!
and hore were maue, alwut 1U3, the
earBest settlements in UerkHhire.
rnrihgtMd Eepsllicim.
NorifK fiiK fI BI.ICAl'loN
l.si orrus t uuuim i nr, una ,
May w. ay
N..h-e I. herehy K t lhal Ihe l,,,, .
nam,.,l aeitler haa Nlcl ii,,n, ,, t,e, i,,,.,,,, "
r.i In anppnrt lrr ,.,oim ,,,
UI he mo,!,, l,,., , ,,.e,,.r
'I Hi.. I' s luml i(i,-, ,t ,,.,
II July H, l 11. n:
Mnrsarel J W all,
lli.inele, Klltry N... .V.u, Inr Ihe i, ,i
. ami a,-, ,, nw1,. aee w. I la. r li -
the h,li,a lii wlu.v,.,., ( ,,., (,r
ri'.IJrm-c ii,t, ,, ei;liitti,,M
iii niy m,, ui., kUliala Hinne.
ami Julili Mi'llilrre. all ,,l
ler ,llr.!a(
make final
that aal'l iirni
ami IO'i-i-h,,r
City, Ori'iiiiii,
She nnmn
aai, lauil.
Klepheu Mlh'heM
j l i a ' aainna riHuir, oref.
- " i irmi
NiillfK full ITIlMCATIiiN.
:,4HH orrii at tiaa,,,,!! r,TT, ,,,
May 19. li
Nnlme a hernl.y mveil that ihri lull,. win,.
ih,.i .nin ,,ii wiu , ,,:,, ,
nm rreeive, nl the v. H. I,,m ,tl.-e ."
l-lly. tlriym Inly ir,, i, ,x "'"li
Jnhll M W. Ilnlun.y,
ll.mi.-.oa, Kinry K. WI2, l,,r t, ,i,. ,
mill t-U til tut! i.r a.u, iu ...... "
! ''ni.rii.i.,iie.ii, ii,,;sr, ,,!,; ;
I Kllaanl. 4 V 'II J' ., . .""""
1 ,i '1,1 nl
I t limknhina enllnly, I treunii.
11 1 Al-IT.H.I.N,
Thmiith Pulltnaii t'aiara
faiit ,la eimrtiea. Rticat rmiar
i.rrn rnrtiana, iaeoi anil
l'ally aa rvlra.
A. I. II till 1i
taM.,rB'p, !, HlTk
.. I'srilaai,!, ur.
tWi. enruer rirei anj 0 Strwu It
Oregon Pacific Railroa"
T, K. HlHiti, nreikl. n
brcgon Dimtror cos stui
Hi K 1 1 i I IT A N 1 1 V A 1 i K S T U K W 1'
Train No. S Kill run Tuelajir.
Itiva ami faluriU a, ami ui iniiaai
ilftV alien !it-e.iirv :
Irani N.i 1 will run Mondavt. t. -
.lava hii.I Kriilay, ami nn lii,riniater
alien iirira.nn :
fttenttier Ssllltig Halrt.
I.a.rka Vii i-;w iiarania VaBe a
III. 1MI. iilli f-
I t a v , a tiihratN. i
Jlan h .1.1, (.'til .. si,ih
Tlirrimiaitf reairva II, a
aai.nttf .Talra w llliinil ll.'ll,-e
Train, rmiiieel will, Ihe (I AC. K aalu
Ih.ai. au'i.riallia ami Alitalia:. 0
Tim Oieiioii '4, iiif eiramlmatK!!,1
Willamette river dmemn will
rortlnml, soiit-li.imi.l, Muii, v. We
dnv, m d Friday st A. M.' Athj
Curvsih. Tuewlav, Thtiraday ami v.!
'hivitt 3;ao I'. M, .eav ( oniw
niirtli-liuiin,!, Miny, Wedneeilri
Ktnlay at H A M. Arrive at iW
luesduy, Tlmrwlay and Salurdslll
I'. ,M. on Monday, Ui'ilnewliiy and t
'lav, both mirth mid suiilh-lHiiinil !'
he over iiu-la ut Sulnm. b.aviinf hr?1
tl A.M. L
Kri-lk-lil ami 1 1, ,,. (iitit.ei Halin.iri .tret Z
'' t" HiiiilK. tl. r. A I'. A. Oft
-W lllatneiu U
right ik
ndtk'K Fou rriu.ii
1,NI, OrrilK AT OllKi,
Null la ir,.,v uv,
tmini'il Bi-iih-r ai ,
I Ileal II
imlli'i' nl h
v iiiii.u r. u,
, IIi'Klaler.
t'lTV, (IIIK.,
M iy 111, I ail i,
fulli'H inn
istorio Sky Farm cottage, i.r.M;.f i.".., ,V,'.'PT.Vf hpVi"i;1.,,!;;.,l
a magbmivnt view kTUbl ! HTi:!;
ery direction. The house , ;'ty. imrni, m, July h, Ih'i, "
xiSHBssing the golden
ii i . ,
Otlale aud Kmla.
Hilton employed 8,000 different words
for poetic purposes.
More than 14,KJ0 persons regiHtcred in
Faneuil hall, Boston, in 1890.
Thews is standing in Ouilford, Conn.,
boose that was built in 1643.
There are in tbe world 1,600,000 ooal
miners and 4,000,000 metal miners.
A bell Napoloon stole in Switzerland
Is now used in a school house in Pater
son, N. J
A. clorgyman in New York declined to
pfjrmit an engaged couple to rehearse in
h! onnrch the wedding ceremony,
; ' "';'. whi.iwiiiKii.h, hi.,,,.. ,1.,,.,,.,,,,.
iliiiiieaieail Kritrv Nn. fw,:ii i .
"I aw' , ami eerir nl i,wi "".
, I in'ii.-i... ."' '":"" r"
i'"i,ii ri.l,l,,,.,i i, '". V'
I, U ,.TI .......
11 w1
Hill' II X In
"I'll imi, viz: Jnai.pl
en Mliehcll, Jnlw, M
l,,i. i ... ...
II i'l.,.i.. ' . V. I-II
r ., . . -,""n vnuiuy, lire.
...,,,) .1.
"II. June Witll, Hli.,,1,.
'"', Mi'ltlater,
NOTIt:l! I'OH -nil,ICAT10N
1-1NI, writ K AT tj N KOIlN (
KxpffHs fmliis Inivw I'ortlunil I
r im
l'..rlian.Ar i
"anil t y l.v j MJ
I. Frani ln o l.v I I 1 1
.'ITV, (.
enough more to fill a statute book of
1,260 pages without the index.
Among these were included a codo of
fresh, bright couiplAxioa of th Fleuu i T '' . rlnn "',",,8 11 r which was
natives, be was an exoetwllniflv attrai live ! t:'v, clvlll!'-d before the Ureok or
""Its 'Inal ,! !', ," , ; , '
Hint Knl. prnnl will .... , "'"''lull,, am
ter iiml ti,.-eilv..T r .'"'h ',7 J.'"
Oreiinn ' " 1 ""'''. Waltuiitiiah enuniy
i.anu umcs
s at Oiisuos citv, Ok
N-ltlno It hlireh. r ""
IiHiniHl aottlnr hna fllerl n,,i ' !"i ,!'llwihK
Ui make-anal nrnnl In aniiTiii.i ,.i . i.. . ," '"lli'll
mat aalil tiriinl win i, l'.V;"f."J luim
tr ami li....i V." mull
" '
" If. e. a
I" If'A.N. I
Ahnvt. Iriilna alnji nnly al Uin Inllmrlm! (I
limit m.rl,, ,, l(i.,iir: Kaal I'nrllaliit 'ft,,
',' t liy. Mn.,,11, um, Kiilcin, All.Jiiy, T.
i'''l.l. Hula,,)-, Irrlhiiri(, Jimcilnul
vIiik nmt hiiKdie I
."?'''! l.v I'nrllaml " Ar " t ."!?'
I l.v OrnKmii'liv l.v lfT.
l Ar linanhiirK l.v Ml' fi
'I.IIANY I.OCAI. ilntiiy, ei.e,l HumlH J" '
j-v I'.irlliiii.l Ar f'f.
l.v ii. i - Wyill
"" I'. M. I Ar A Hi.,.. u I u 0l'.
.1 II, .
rum i'
n nn i
man Buffet Sleeper?
fur aeeiinimn.lnllannl Hm-mnl riatt PMlf'"
atliieliwt u, Kxprass Trsiut. p,
Woal Mule Hivitlon. I
Msll Train, pu, (K.capl Huiidavl l
':A. M,
IV III f. H.
looking yooth. Tbe delicacy of his col- tM l,Auta' th "ew or the IValan
oruur was aacb thai thai aliaelaleaat
was Wrfl of
ter ami Keeulvnr nl Ihe n iiC "'Rlt
Kim City, Omni,!, .on Jnlv in
inmi nmno at Ore-
Jim. Melntir,,, T. J Wl I i. , K H"h,""f,
"''ii'W''-'fS-v0,!'' i
I Ai-i'iiiaoN, JteirUter.
4 Hi,.
7:'Jf.r. M.
u Alhmiy r, Cnrvallla ooniioel will' H v
OrennnfiuiiHoKallrnail.. . S '
lr.Kt,.n.. ... . . j.,'f H "'
- -,..., . rain naiij (Kiospi snaeai ,,r
v I'nrlliin.iTAVT'T' V-''
Ar MeMlnnvllle l.v ll1!,.,
i'ir iicketn ami full Inlnrmailnn rfl"r 5
Or.f;,cl;"tyl,t'''' C"" "" Cnmiiiiny'l M"
sagr. An'tQ. K. sal I'aii..
I I , 1 ,