Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1891, Image 7

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    At- AND -HOME.
of Intc rent to llu' Kiu hht, lur
iter, Hoi-lloulluM, Murk
ItnUtmnd IIomwIioUI.
Ufo imiliry, Hviiik on tlm
iitni'i lm" M11"0 ii,xtiiiHiv
ry, nntl lie ko'T niry tiling
tlio hon lioumi hh limit n a
Poultry to lw kuucuhhI'iiI on a
iculu in u nt Im krot in colon
: about 11 fly linln fiu'li, f'r
more tlmu that iiiiiiilior in
iumi ar apt to bccoino din
Hiimll lloi'kn can Im givtn
atk'iition than lurr one
is 11 rut Biroacli of dinordvr
i readily mn ami promptly
h1. Ilia yard in divided ho
lulu only ouu lnn 1iho in
novvral ooloiiiH nan roam
,toly. t'h'H" tt iiiurkot
Is it pnyn t' raiwi i hlrki'im
iiloiie, an I'jnkn wn to he
r ia pood (li-Miaml. Such
itththito ami brown h'g
and birdH bred from them
pure or croiw brt'd, or grudrd,
AHia, r producer, while
e cock in vutuublo to breed to
on hewn, producing nit a rule,
.un, activu pullet which arc
abiy good Invert. All heiiH
hrwi yenm old are only fit for
tlnn, bh they produce few
,fter that. t'roHHinii wire bred
with common heim ih excel
but "fancy poultry" in not
ibte to anv but throw who
it a MM-eiul buHincHH. Went
v that intecU have become no
rou and dcHtruetive, no paint
1 be prejwred to combat them
:ry point. Not only Ja it nw
i to protect the fruit of our or
from their immediate vinita
but horden of bark lion and
make the attention to the
ind brauchea of the tro al
dually important. One of
nt preventative!! asalnHt luch
.nt the trunk and liuibn only,
vah made from warm noft
A litil" crude carbolic aci
th nnnuiil growth are mmdi ro
duced in thick iicmh on the tun-ox-
nomid ldn. Thn tiowcrful rayi of
tho mm caiiHfl tho inlNohluf; they
check thn How of lap '
growth of wood on thn houUi mile,
while, on tho northern exposure,
the irrowlli 1 iiicrciiHed to Htich an
extent uh to warp or draw thn tree
over by tho morn vinoroitH growth.
A board driven in the ground will
all'ord ample protection.
Thorn aro two wayH of writing on
tho train Hays thn I.iuIich Home
Journal. Tku lirnt required that
thn i'itn r Ihi laid ii)Hin a lijrlit
board, pcrluim eighteen ini-ln-H
Hijuare; oun end of thin will r'ht in
your bio and the end furthunt from
you will 1k rained about three inclioH
ly a cord paHHinu around thn neck.
Thn whole allbnU a nloping di-nk
which woven with thn liody and in
fairly nalinfiM'torv. The Himpler
and perhapH thn better plan Ih to
place your tablet upon a fi-nthcr j.il
low in your lap. when you'll hud
that tlin elacity of the feathern re
duced thn motion to a minimum,
and inakfH writing cany.
In co-operation with U. 8. Weather
Human, Central ofllco, Portland,
Crop weather Uullotin No, 10. For
wek (Hiding Haturday, May 5M,
The teinperaturu ban nteadily riM
cn, ranging from '10 to M5 dngrouH.
There ban been absolutely no rain
fall and tho weather ban been gen
erally cloud Icrh. Light froHtn on
thn Kith and 17th are reported from
many nectioiiH. Frenh to brink
wimln havo prcvailnd, which dried
out thn Hoil.
An excellent articlu of ioap in
inanufacturcd from com. KxM-ri-mentH
nhow that a biiHliel of corn,
with thn rcquinite amount of nlkali,
will make WM) poundH of aoap.
There Ih mom profit to bn ado
from a uniall Hock of aheep nay 40
to bO headthan from any other
ntock of equal cont. Hut it rwpjirei
giMul Heimntoget thn profit.
1 In in but a dolt of a farmer that
does not kmwv that all thn heat of
an animal coinna from tho fooil it
connumoH, but that cxjiuro to
cold wantm the inwrnal heat, aim
IhtiH wanti'i thn food.
Thn lx-nt time to clean the mud
o(T of horiten' leg in b'foru it gets
dry; wiw off with a large cloth or
hihiuko and then w iim dry. Thi
will be far U'tter than allowing to
dry and then iiho tho currycomb
ami hruidi.
l'rof. MyeM, a New York wien
tint, projMiM'H to proiliice artilicial
rainfall lor tie' ii il.'iiiptinii of w ct
cm arid bind-', bv x t I 1 1 n i; ba-
f ,.x-
low IiiIvm lhOrMa Cllf Market H
porl eorropwd kl)r Iriim (iioUUmn luf
uldtwl ThiKiitiiI' I'F UiiIimwI nirliuu ;
U.' n . . .'-It..- in., M.a I Ol
,in.j. r ,w ...i .............
Ouli, er bunljnl
Orison Cllf MDIi, PortUinl Hrnu'l h
CoMMlrjr llrnd . IW
Corn Mini,
(Jul Mi- . . 60
Hlmru y ton ., .......... V T
Itrnti, " VI 00
lllnolliv hy, "
(,'iivt fiuy. " I" '
fiilalun.f owl.
Oitloiu f ft
A '.lc , iiri'Mi, W bo KHI
AiiU'., Ilrlwl, ft to VWM
liiilior. f. It, , UtfiW
Kbk, ,f... 1
llmmy, f lb W
lu-nl. llv, y Xf4
applied. Ity uttacbiiig a itttl
J tt & I J M" Koine ten fret long,
wabbing can !' d.ine from tbe
id, and two, oral leant three
cation during May and June
tsually be enough. Thin mmp
ling the merit of being cheap
fv-n pepari'tl, and in aU
ifii'Clive and eimily applied.
lr U'illg oblioxionx lii ill irt.
y kind, it belpH to keep tlie
ill abi'itllby coiidtt ion, to the
ftl ndvaiilairi- of any tn cs and
in upon w ! icli it if u.ed,
CHI ! ul' llnr W ATI II.
it wat' r "i f lb
$ hilllj.l
CH'lIome Journal. Tor iuntancu
aelin' nlinoMt alwavH yieldn to
iimultaiu oiik apiilicatiou of hot
r to the feet mid buck of the
towel fobb'il Hi-veral tinier mid
el iu h"t waii'r, and quickly
Ig out :mi i.ii!inl over the
uii'lu'f ,.r n-i:i;i!iii. w ill en. r
ni'loi-tj pi.iii.pt i in :.
strip of llaniiel or iiu'kin t'ol'l
ingthwiw and dipped in hot
rand wrung out, imd then up
1 round the neck of a child that
?e fT"Up. will Honielinii's brim'
f in b n mi mitt -j.
it. Wtt'-r taken fieely a hal:
bcfoi It. il ' : i ti . , i In '' j'i'.ll in
of COn li pat i"li a nd ha., a inn. I
Uina'l '''l u I ! i llie - Lima -h.
g.-b6: ..f Ic! v.a. 1' la!, a.
rwii.::, bcf..le lire. ,!,:'., I. bn
d thOli"ainl'. of iiidilil. allil j
impla remedy ih mihiv mi,I '1
ininetided by physician l"ih-
All vegetation Iihh had excellent
growth during the week. The
weather conditions were favorable
to all cropM. Winter wheat never
jiromincd better. In Yiiinhillcounty
it began heading on tho U'Jd. Kurly
howii Hpriiig grain in ten inchcH
high. At l.nngloiH, Curry county,
ryu ih Hcven feet lngh and heading.
Potato aorciiL'o liicrcumiil m anti-
inuton and ClackaniiiH eoiiiitien. In
theno coiintieM and iiImo in Yamhill
the number of hop yard have been
greatly inereaxed and lien are ap
parent. Hay crop will he unusu
ally large, etqx-cially in Columbia
county. CoiiHideruble buckwheat
ban been now n in viaciiauiaH. llie
prune crop ban been somewhat
blighted, and not inoro than an av
erage yield m expected. l lierrtcH
have imvn aomewhat injured by
blight and front. Peach treea are
affected with blight in certain ec
tionH of country. FtrawU-rriea are
riiK'iiing rapidly in mont aectiona
Jack nun, JoHi'phine and Uouglan
countiea have excellent protipccts
for grain and fruit. Tho surface
soil in Incoming dusty and clay
soils hard. Showers would be wel
come and beneficial. Tho week
closes with continued excellent
crop prosjweU.
Waruier.cloiidlessanddry weath
er prevailed. The showers on the
IJith and Kith were of great lenc(it
but did not cover the entire sec
tions. Snow fell in linker county
in the mountains on Kith. Ftosts
have U'cn reMii ted front the more
elevitleil M'clmii.-. I he Winds llUVe
b 'Cil frell to bi i.-k.
I ltol'S.
Kali and early sown wheat con
tinues to thrive and do well. In
sections it is filling. Late sown
spring grain is generally oor.
much of it failing to germinal- on j
account of lack of moisture. Tbet
i iintiiiUeil relatively cisd ti inix ra-1
farm. Western fanners would do tore has been of great bcliedl to.
wa ll to raise more barley, in place 1 the wheat iron. Straw berries are
ripening rapidly m asco county.
Yciic tables are' plentiful in many
Heal IMnte T.nn-IVrs. sections. Fruit trees are thrivmg
! and doing well. I!ain is badly
I lies ! liviui to Henry S.iiieriiiiin, , i i ,w(i, n,,, ,..,,1;
'with prospects of more than an av
1 era-re wheat crop. Wool is being
I ...I 1 I.. ,. .... 1 ,, .1 V
'II,-" V U..n t. I i-l A Mel..r. I.. I ' . ' ' .,.
ii .. iii i ;iuii' in.- e. iii
The grass is quite good and cattle
are uenerallv in very cood coiuli-
n,-'l, ilr-",.!!
Million, liva y It
M.lll..ll.UrMi, y 1
I'"fk. livu. y n,
I'nrk.ilri.kMil, y Hi
Vl, llvn, f It)
Vml, lirtMI, y ft
Iliinii, p n
em LTsr.
(!)ilcki'!iii, y .tniK. u-r ilox . .
eiii. k. i... i,i,, r dot .
lMM ki. .ur ilog
ii,-,-,.. i(-r il-.i
Turkloa, ..T l.o.lll'l
. bol'xi
. . K
.: 6'i;:
. 'Mi
.. kVI(l
Spring t
and Summer,
Miss Lilian Wilkinson,
Wrupi lid Di'tmleni wUtt ol lh Utmt tjrlct
We erni:lly invite year attention to our iimriifl.-ent thowing of
New and Stylish Selections
For the Spring and Summer Months.
Your own inturests cannot t Mter served than bv familiarizing yourwilvea
with theno good and prieeH, because they reptesent
Mure new slyli-n, IuiihIhoiiio seleetiuns and choice novelties
than ever before.
Come and nee our complete assortment of Spring- and Hummer styles in
...DRY GOODS. ..
Clothing, Roots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing"
Goods, Notions, Etc.
Office nvr Swaffurd & Urout'i Beat
KiUt Offio.
Oregon City, - Ore.
Tine Perfameries and Toilet Articles.
Alio a lull Hock of
liD uJ.I.'.l In mlvantiiL'i', nn. I
uni-li li:irk tliul iiII'dhIs tiiduii ' Iihiiim rliururil with one bai l
a to til'- ili-'i'lH r-I t 1 1 1 l'ilt Im- ! VH' U nn? lliul two id livli'-1; " in
d nff niul the Hiui (tulutiiiii ! iijiil nir. lie iH eiinliili'lit of HU0-
tMdK' r tluiu oniiuury Hup c-ia.
lUrli-y in un excflli-nt Hiihhtilute
for forn as fuml fur Hlm-k, nml it is
In ninrt-ei i tain en tluiu heutor
SmtM. limiiiul with onli or hy itwll'
lit ih u'imh! for iiuv iiniiiuil on
Now have a Full Stock of Lumber on hand and can fill
all orders promptly. Their etock embraces
Flooring;, Ceiling, Bustle and all eradeH of Dressed Lumber, Lath,
Pickets and Dimension Stuff.
Special Bills Cut. Send in your orders before the Spring rueh.
ofi'.irit mid until.
It S. I.Ik is; (lit),
j (' O T WiIIUiih mi l M .1 r.ro.li-iii k tu
u,v i' i: l; r. ; ii.,-1 -( -...iv; L.
' riif'AI
' OUT Or ORDtn.
I"'-' I (, .ii .1 7. l.ik IS. I iilli'lll.ill.
n ilirilii fi, mivs thr ! Aiinu-t l-'iftier nml wilt' In ll.-niuoi!
Ii.li.'i, I Mi iu'iik ill I a , r :i e; $li,(i.
j li W ll.il. i.lni uml Hf tn O A (' ii It ;
Co. ri;lil ol w.iv, mh.
! Vi!!iin'il.' I.iiti'l ('inii..iiiv In (' II
I Sal vor ; li'l.i i'., I ii 1 n v !'!... r. : '
:U otit-
I'lllli'.l ! .'
,, mill li.U
. I.
T I',
; v, .1 ..in. ii '!...! i i
V. O l-i .'lllli.l I .' II . i i t , i
I .iut of the 1 l.'"f I'1'
('Im-. 1; ILiii-i-n Iii 1 1,1
I Hi).-iiiin A-hih- iiI ii'ii :
i I'.nr;
I 'Si.. I'
'1 1
I , i-l: W I-
,:1 I k .
? Il.'ll
tinii. ( iixul jineral slinwi-.
t"ii i!:iv!! il! incri-asi' wli
puts fullv '-'() i r i-i'ul.
r.. s. i'ai.ik,
I . . r V. S. -i. n.il S. rvii-i
cic - jo union rmjutrjce- o.u&
i.- in aim ai.
1 ia
Cheapest : in : the : city
Orders from the country promptly filled.
148 Third Street, Portland. Near Morrison.
tm !
Oregon City
Of All Designs, From the Smallest
CJlxilcl'ss Cliair
To the Largest
1 HL
: i
VI i i:: s.)'s
our tfuii i (!. Ins(.
Patent lioekin" Chairs of neat and nobhv deniau
rated and Wood-seat (liaiiv; Vaney r.t
seat and hack Dinin'j; and IJluai v CL
.1 C.
i .i i
I V A l'iv':ii im.l w ''" I" l-'-e-l Wi
i ''
il i-.
.ii .
..Is, 1
f-'h inn:- in ii.ii;i.h.
eur i;ro I luul a horse iitl'i-elnl
cratojii'H. I tried ninny loroin
iled jrrtni'ilit'H without Mili'i.'i'ss.
wing from experieiu'e thai
would cure i-hnpprd li.n
icu it to tlie enirki'il uml wire
h, atul only three iipplieatiolis
) iiwOKHitry to rll'cet u coinplete
Hliii-i' then I have m'vernl
' ajil'lii'd il with ciiiiilly ;;."i..l
lis. It Kol'tcusllii'ilisi'asi'il pai ls
keeps out nioinlure nml dirt.
not want a better remedy, and
3 1 to add anything in ohsliuate
h it would be a very little pul
?.ed blue vitriol. Rural fs'ew
k. I
i.lu .,
I. I . -
1 I, I, l I .i .' .'II I! II.MI l I'll
IU 1 , l'l III'1 i
Mi.'l.il '1 Sin?:
Hl'l' .,1, I
, 7. 1: I
(..r llu- s.
: s. i::
; siirpllW.
un mruiuillsiliiiK ii,'i'.M'
10 livni'lU of llio hioiiiIh'IH,
11 nii'iiil.i'i- contnils liin own
n i
to !'.
! K, I 1 i
rees nliould bo planted with the
viest part to the south, so tin to
rd protection to the stein from
injurious effects of tho hot huh.
krge number of fruit trees in
7 orchard lean in a norihi ilv
el lop. Tli" i'oiulix'1! idea I 'i ll
lejvuj; " p... it'..!! i e.i:, .! 1".
'preVi.'.l'.ii;' i i,i,.. i' i r.,Mi"..ii;-.
t'l'ltj, ea:i,i,,;iliiii We ill Ihld
.11, BUtli troes tho riiiga denoting
,f;:i';' mi 1 . of
W urn's ; j.'iiW.
M M Shively t" I. like T.iyl t. v. ' of
f mt'JM ri h, r I e; si -n.
I.iiku Tiiylui- tij.l I! T.iil.n-el ul; v't.
of w'4' ol tin! h'u of see L'l, t 1 , r 1 e
Mil iii-ii'S.
,1 T AppiMHop to Nellie Wulln. lol 15
Hll.l lli, i!k 5. I'nrk 1'l.ie,.; 1 :.'.".
.1 V uii.l M I, lii .i.l in V. 1' Wil
Iniiiii; leH f) ami (, lilk SI, OriDii
t'ilv; $700.
); M ami M V Hnmls to K K Wil
liams; lilk l.'iit, (lieuon City; .'i.W.
I'luiH Woniliai to Kiiek AiuleiHiui, .'
of (he 1 I.C(i,Iolm AVeli-li, t;l500
Kli.ulietli ltloiiut anil IhisImiikI Iu An
drew M (Hmoii, S acres, $ ISO.
(leoiyc II Secley el ul to Iruslce oi
l'irnt ('iinni-i'i;:itii)iial clmreh ill WiI.soij
villo, .'. llOlt, lif.
Tlie '
:o. 'v'i i"s A
t '.; W ill I
Soi'ou, IMi
un"., 'IVIle''
i-i, C.l'i",, '.'
.",,it i 1 1 -' y
l'l ice ,,'i i I'lil.i
A. llanlinu.
IT In.
," r! I f- ('".! ',
i-i. Suit l.'li.'tiei,
( 'i .1 ii v.!- .
,n ", ;,, I-,,.. .
, I-,., IM..-, or i o
1 1 !:.,! ."I lo !,-ie
. i , y i.'"...'i.'.i.
I or H.iic li) U
! ii. I'ul ri. s m ii -:i: scv--.iillca!lci twenty
j veins.
i 10. It fm lie-lie-' iiiMiMint' al ensi .
11. Two or iiiint) can lie Insured in
tin- sinie policy ,
1J. It has a iiiitlonal hank for treas
urer. VI. Nunc of (lie ollicors urn allowed
In luiiillc t!:e mortuary fund.
1 I. II 10111-1 ),., Mi'iiiv for ill neniler
hllip lllllMl" of noud lniliils.
ir. It is tlie easiest nndiM'stood.
111. It is the most satisfactory for audits
to work.
17. It U the most satisfactory to the
IS, Insures only young men.
10. H providos u special fund for the
licnclil of BUIHiruniialcd and disaiiled
milliliters, without lulditioti il cost to tho
:''. None but fi i-l rsvfct accepted.
f",)i' fmihei' i'li'onnatiim ail lress,
I'll. .1 , V.'. Tn. .m s,
I'iMiicI. A ".cut,
(-v(at. an.l Tr.-irtt-Mnrks nbtalnod. ind sll
t-nt liii-iT..'- c,.uilii,i,-ii f,.r Mocleraie Fees.
Our OSice Is Opposite U. S.P.itpnt enicc.
find vi .'.iii n-t ur,' i..,h iil iu lct-6 liuic lliau thi)0A
ri'inolt' Iri.m M iti-iiiniiluu.
Si'ii.t nu!,'I, iir:ti in:: or photo., with d.-irrip-tioti.
Wo :,.l if, if imti'Matilt or mil, fri'tf of
cii-ir.-o. ( liir f, (. no l due til! put. 'lit t o.'iiro.l.
A Pamphlet, "How lo Olilalli I'.'ilflltf." Willi
n :in. ,,i'.i,iu il ,i!i ni iu yoiuSuw, cuuuty,or
l.m ti, M'UI five. A.liiri'al
Pi.j osiiJ Patent C.lico, W.uhingii.n, D. C.
Ti-jG'-lrbntFrcnca Cure,
t- riiro Buy form C,
oi norvoiiH dii-i'ilo 1!- .r
oruuy Umiwilorof A
i r nio K,-m'iiiioor- Mr-j 7-.
iA twlMlH-llll.TM-X, j-fv
V C iilu-Ili.T nrl.iim' ,,J '
fit III) 1 hlUVt'lM4l . H ' "
BEFORC UMnilsiiim-.iimis, AFTER
roliui'i-ii or Optuin, or tliruiiuli out Ii (ul indlfcro
Hoii. over tinliiiiii'iii'O, Ac ,u,'lin Lossol llniln
Power, IViiki'fiilni's. llonriiiB down Pnins In tlio
liHi'k.Soiiiiiml Woiikniw, UyMi'ris, Nervous Proil
IrHilon, Norlurntil Kmlssious, l.cMi'orrhtvn, IMz
iIiii'm, Wi'nk Mi'iuorv, Livwof rowi-raml Imim
1,'iu'V, w li li li I f nii.'.'ii'.l ofu-ii loud In luvmnniiB
old i'h-0 mid tii.uiilv. I'ri.il Sft.iH) u ti boxes
lor .ihi. soul I')- uiiiil on rt'iTipi oi u li e-
A 111 I'. KN ti I' A II ANT KK is Rivotl for
tivorv f ..ml order riM-i'lvcd, torelund tliu money if
a rvriiMiii'iil euro l not elleetid. Wo lmva
lliiiUMiiidHol testiiiionliils from old nml young,
of both iwxi, wliolmvo lioen pernianoutly curisl
by the use oiAilirodiliue, taretilttrlreo. Addrons
Western Uniuoti, Box 27. .Portland, Oa.
Tor sale by Chnruian & Co.
Piiiists, Oregon City Or.
We also carry a coinjik-lV' lino f MattrorMS Yum
Yum, Coil Spring; J-t. amlTop mailo to orili-r. Wovon
wire, two and three-ply, of all ize?; IVutdeaus Lounges,
Cots, Etc., Etc.
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, rietures, Lvic-a-brae,
Engravings, Ettliing
V. KUM,Ul)V jaiAU.S TUli Kl'Kliv
Oregon .Ci ty, Oregon.
il.-paii-.-ou.ii l.'nuls ei' small marhir.o
I'iMi W'ly nui.ic llapit. ate key . lo
-'.) U-k mainil'a. iiiiv.!. S.ua iu
Wiiuai'i A Scripture's I lack
, smith shop.
108 Third Street, Portland.
f-Onlors by mail or boat promptly tilled.
Arlington Building
Oregon City Sash & Door Factory
Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Turning of all
sizes of doors and windows made to order.
Estimates for stairwork. Orders promptly filled
' -. : -,.r l
The New Remedy. -
Absolutely Pure.
Thousaix'u AJicacly Ci:co.i
Wltbln oiilv tiM' ui.'i t' I'
Into t'.f wry It a. f irii'i.". I
iiy r, nl'irkilblo tat',
,. a U , ruioi tu i.
i-; H in.!.
. )W-
..)lt, ,.r , Hf
; Ctail.lv, Til . .- Oil l ''MAN --ON.
Oregon City, Ori'goa
... i I .
L - -
r .