Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1891, Image 3

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riJCII'I'S 01' Till! l'KlLSS.
iiih'icwiltiit Ont'.ii' iiliirlfn Mi"' fivm
lll'IIIK Mllllll I'UMII i;l'i,'!lHK".
(lotlll MolCllH Hull Tlllt MoaallarKH.
'H, NpwIicik irilili'l 'i'l I't'l'lllilul
iVorM (imm ft fi'w wii'la f prill! lor tlm
inohat'k, the lltHl we have rowl, ami
vn tuttxt M:i,y thut liy am nut, in out
ilifiplnlou grniiiitlli'". When we fuimlilur
Im Lr.lnlil' ami privation iitiilioKniiii
)y 1 1 !"'(' CHinii ItlOBHluiiki III lnylllK till)
'ouiulall'inii upon which I liulll ii n,i!
itatt', wo ilo not o inui'li wonilur llutt
Jump uf thnin whu have proNponnl uml
grown liiilixniiliiit by tlmir own
(lyiuTljIe are mi icIiIkIi Unit Iney want
' ,0 iiJoy 'iat they have In their own
' V. They are few uf na but who
ft'fouht chtlm tli Mind prlvllegei imilor
liiuilar t'tn uinxt un cm
j lUt (10 ON TIIK HOUTK.
It CWMtll: The leaiiir Wallupa,
r :pt lUlley, name In"' H'1" lH'rl ""
I'' Moiul.iy,rtor trip oJ only S!7 hour from
' Portland. Klii' li'l W l'a'fi"M ami a
I finall cargo ol (might. Tim Wiltttpa In
r very nlnnnrli Tift of about MO ton"
nr-loti, riuI Inn iiiToiitiinxliitliiiiii fur 40
jiiti'iip'iix. Slit" wuH fonni'ily thi'
t icm-nil Milt'", lut waa It'iigttii'ticil
thirty fitl uml line b't'ii ri'luiHl altiuml
Mitlitily : On liir H'liirii lo I'orllaml il
kill tin ilivi.lnl wlu.tlier i'lii' will I." pill
in lint t'oiiliin.t-i 'una I i y louli' ur nut.
Al I'llAl ilMi Ml I II Al If VlloN.
" AlMurt t '"Hih't : 'I'Iim juiv in ili. i im
of T. W. I'.i'hk.'ii lii.l mi rliiii;i' i.l
miuIm ia'h Mih-I Mm 1 1 liiii-wt I" " '
iilt' i ii'io lining '"it ii I nit.''1' ami
tl.m !i n,'i-il To I cv In- .lulu-
t'Sll'V KHHh! V'i;-Ill f'N 'I!IH. IIU'I I'.IH
fkf.'l I'-'SHK 'loo t In' In;;!, "H .ti .'mini nl
htl,i U"li 'l"H. uf III." ,tll"ii, rt. il. 'I
'lii.ini atl''iii:.-ti t ii.i'i u in o not !... I in-
C'Km.mIv iM I'-i".- I'.'-i. I'iW' w.t
i-t fur ti l.i'u !' mi linn' !?" Mniiv
jtH 111 tile iJ-tMC-tl t ' )l" ll..'!l!. ll.l'.C
1., ,:i .:. I. I
i i i!n u;un lin.
Illlllll ATll'N IN I'MATII I t'ol'NTV.
Il.iknr City Ulii'liii A roiiiifti'l lm
lirt-ii Iit for Hi" flit hvmity-llvi) mil"
of mi iirliUim ilili'li !y !' t 'oluiiiUiit
Vullny Imii.lA liilniition I'lHHpii'iy, Hi'
rciiiii.'iiui. Thi iiiti-ii m ti 111,1
llll'IIIIN of ll'l lullllllllt II ll'fl"' Ml'IOUIlt Of
liiml iil.niii tlm ('iiluiiililit.
Yiimlilll Hi'pnrtiir; Tim turill' u ml
llm Mi.'Kluli'y hill will not Im tlm Ihmiio
in tlui iiixt ciiinpiilKii. It will Dimply
Im tlm uppiir uml niitiinr iiiIIIhIoihi Iiu
I wi'i'ii whlrli iliHiiui'iiiry will Im gruiiml
IIiht 1 1 1 14 ii II iiir, uml lln lumy limn will
miiku iiiiiHiu fortliH trliiinplml nmri'li ol
the ri'pnlill''ii purty tlirongli Klorioim
uml vlt'toriou i'iiiiii'hIk'ii.
KiilCim Id'U'iiliir ; J, 1,, llolfimin,
ono of Uiti purlieu iiitiiri-Html In tlm lr
fiiftory, linn ht'i'ii hum tlm pimt wi'i'k,
Hi! Iiiin piiri'lmmul it lot of V, II. Ahrit
Iiiiiiih, ini'lmliiiK him'iilnr mill ami fruit
oviipiirutiir, itml will hooii littvi' uu tie
fui'lory In optinitloii. Tlm inui'lilin'ry
in now on lliu way. A roM Hlnr.iKU
Kyxtmii will Im run In ooniiDi iioii with
llm ion fai'lmy.
Allmny lli'rulil; Wonl fmni'M fiom
lluUlfitil, wlii'rn thi' rimrliiK ."milium
W ill'IH ltd I'litMil! I'OIIIH' tiiwnr.ltlin Instil
lillll il.lllll. il.., Iliill llll iil.l III li t flulll
S.ili'in, wlm li.m liiln'il up U H'ii:itti'r'K
ilttini hlimt ilinlmirt" u1mhi tlicf,
tvriit lii to ln-r I ill'ii tin" i.Uh'I' il.iy a ft i I
llll ll'"" III'! "f I" H i ll tlLHitii", llll I
in .1 .( iiiiiiit; in in uliu.il Ii "j;!iij it,"
M.i m,ii c ju t! In On' lH'i , lHoil
irmi' l ni Ii it 'i..iil I, ,.M
IllUTt il'H Bill; llll! inl-'i t..-' 1 1
.'"iiiiit;y i-'it.,.u;i y nil ..... 'i in.
ii. ti.i- tn.f. r.-m.i.i. f i '
... ri,--i, Hi I! , IM.'.. ii.
Nn;i,K j i; a k ij.virw a v.
'I'Iim I'IchI (tin May lie Ittitit l''r"Mi
I'Yniii J'nrtliiiil In Orric'iu City.
Tlm rurtliiinl l')vniiiiiTi.i-r,iiii Ivi'i
llm fiillmviiin coiii'i'riiinK I hi) ikiw
ti'iu of ruilwiiy :
Hun. L. It. Ulilui'liiiit uml K, H. Mn
( 'uiiiiiM, ill Union, uml lr. J. H.
iMuliiiiiii, of Fiii.iwiilnr, Or., Imvo Immi
In town two or tliwtt ilny with timtlnU
of tlm "kIiikIo trm k ami mi'l'lh.) citr"
ruilrouil iiivmiliomi, Tlmy citmo In
ri'Hpoiim) to ImpilrliiK from promlimnt
hiiniiii'ni mini who ili.-in-il a coiimiliit
tlon with a vlw tothti pimnilile i:on
Hlriictioti of ii linti ol a niiw ntylts of roml
from 1'iirtiiinil to Omgon City.
Dr. Mithitim, tlm Invonlor, nxlilbllu'l
nnil Mipliuniul hi" moilitlN mul Inven
tiiiim hint nvioiiriK to it 'l'i-'li'j;r4iii ru
porlnr. Uu hint Hi'i'tirml four iliirunnit
pNiiinto rfhtliiiK to liKht mpiipnnn, tint
iiiKl truck, ti'li'ncoplii vriHlllmliiiK of
(m uml Improvi-il lorimiotive. llm
liicumollvi! will wi'lh only hIxIwii ton,
iiixli'ii'l of forly-flvii, tlm ui'iml wi'iilit
i'iiim fix Id t'l.'ht toiiH In Hi f;n I of thirty
Ioiik or muni. Tlm iiiulivd power In to
Im t iiiii I itii-itlon of mIliiiii mul t'h'clrio
ily. Tlm liilli'r in hIuiii'I to tlm extent of
ni'vi'iity-tlvo hurie powr, in Iho reur cur
uf lln- tr.iiii, uml i'.iii lie to on'i'iili'il iiii
.iii tni't'lMiiii' i! I v while u'uiiiK ilowil Kr.l'le
n to jii'Mi'i ite tin' f'.nv ii'"'l in tfuini; up
hill, i'iiih h ivin tin' power repletiihlu'il
iiii. I ,
in ;ii-
ii' !
H illl'Hlt
; lln' p
. ill I
-I I...
. I.
.II. I
I.IMl'h Tt I I i I'.
riKll.ui.l I ' itlv I .in
,. I, 'l imi Im ! ,i
l.v lln- tun i. uf S ,
. .liy I" fi.. iii.i'll..ii
.... i il-. -. ;..i, !
ni.-r Mi,. A. Ii. !
(..llm... I.'ll.-r l.y i
lllll'l II - t fur l.ll- i
Mi.v W --I !.;..!
M.i. I,
v i.
u - i i
.1 -1 ; I, I -A I
ihi-l ni I !n
,ih Al.i.ult
:i it l.i.iln'
!..-.! In-- :.-:.!. nr.
"it.iv. Mr, Aiih'
i met ll
I ll ; hill l ull i en..
Tint Vi'"l On-iioii ( iiy' m-iii i.l will
KH'I! llll I'lltt'l'titillllK'Hl OH llll' MU'lllllt' lif
.liimi iiilh, lor ilni piiiiu-e uf pn urinx
inoney to liiiy u liuue Ii Hn, w liieli
will he prem lite'l to tlm dinlrirt. An
U'llllliHluil (' of liUcl'll tlenlH Will !
elilUKi'il llll iilmve ten M'hih of inre. The
ti'ii'heiH, 1'iof. H. A. J), (jiiriov inl
Minn (Jriii'H liiiinl H"i ((ettiiix up mi ex
cellent pioKiHin for the nonunion,
cniniiHtiiiK ofaililri'HHi'H by 8iiil Tliuue
non hikI othurn, uml voeiil uml iimtrti
iiuiiihI niiinic, concert rt'citiitloim, li
liiipieh el. The ieopl of Oregon Cily
ulioulil ntloml itml lenil themevery id
" Mllwwikle.
MlmOliv,ucllliiK!ii mill confined to I lie
Ikiiimi willi a.raini;.i ankle.
llr. J. II. Jlli kniiin, nl Cli kuingn,fiivureil
Hnv. Aiikiih' Knmt lia 'rrinovwl to Monte
tiln View, lln will liuve i liiirn ( llie
KvaiiReltcal church of Ori K'ni ("liy.
MIhh Ivliill K.in m lukli.if a courw ol
lunik kwpinK al I'orllttiul liiinliiena i nil' K1'-
trunk VViiiioii IiikI a rimattuy inri.li-i.l
lat Tliuritiliiy which lie in not likely to (or
Kel In a imrry. Wlilln liniilini? a loml ol
cunl wouil lo tlm nvor hank Ui liorwn
itiiirlcil ilowu ttie Hlrci t uml home, WU141111
11111I WIImiii went over llie eiiihiinkmiMit nl
llm corner ut lloler'n luon. Hiking with
tlii'iu one uf our ulrcd to m Kr.mk ami
llii tiiirwn ecaie. without Injury, hut the
wiimm wim hmlly mulieil.
We b!iiiii hine a hull -her'a xliop. lluli her
iii n he Unn come lo Mliiy.
A wriouN ami alniui fnlnl aeeiilent im'
Ciirn-il at VViIIsIhiik laul Mumlac. While
cliaiiluKoiil mi ohl well Mr, l. I'n-tly, "I
MitiMiiil.ie, w;h iiviTiuitii? nitli Hie uliiiux
i.Min sti lie iilt-Ui nil llllrmj.l I" 1 cue It llif
Mirfa. -v Imt li-ll 11 iliflnmi. til li.riy lect. Ih-vn-
till I'll mil "eiurely hrul-e'l Hint ii.-ciil
I-'", Ill- Vlil. Ink.-li t'l'llli- 11 iil.-t.i c uf N-fl.
Wi Is Wi-lin ;v. IV" 111 li.'i--! r- .r ! - !,
Ii.,. i-.vi.-, i-ri il .... :n in l.i- ink. -ii Ii.. in-, msil
i - initr-ni 1,1,1 H .II I..- ii !. .iii - "H-t1..-
I ,li i-ti. i,i i.l I.l-. i. j'uii -1 iri I'-ii-. i-i-l.i
I. IMi.
il. iv I
ill I
Ii- il
1. 1 1
I,.. f.
i.l Hie
in our
"!l Vid'iisn ( Vsrilliiir.
feitttj lo lo fh-'t !;.. noil. JJ,
Clothier and Hatter
Wants you lo call and examine hit Large Stock of
Can show you the Finest Line ever exhibited
in tit is city.
Exclusive Clothing and Cents' Furnishing House
New Goods arriving daily. No shelf-worn Ktoek.
Latest styles and best qualities.
j. w. o'gomnell, - mm
!flvei'!i Fii'.nlh and Fiftli Si
$. n 1 1
W Sun, We luiif h.;i. i.l il; until in 111" I. itlilii.. -tilh i'h uhil.ty lu A
ut ciitlh' Miner whu riu-i'tl iIiki urn the liitilii' uml felt-ill (tie htilili'ii lie is
ver y micri
Vi tU"i frunl IV t '.tt. "ni?' I' "1
' which tin. I cnlviH .. n hear .il
am tvaaful alii'cpiiittn wlm nheareil "l'o
fleeceil uf wool (um 7'kl licml uf aheep,
eiKhl Of wliich ilieil l.ml winter, ami
i probably mime ol w hli h were hwt. lie
Wa riiliiniii! tl"'"i wi'h itnollier I'liinl
anl hal 1 lnut'i. uf (lie 111 himnelf, ami
prultably kept Duiiie liimphla k mlseil
r fur n in kuepiiiit hi liraml fmiu rut -
v Lii-ii't of
of j nu lei i-k llii icin, 1111. 1 w ni w illinj; to
a 1 1.1 pitv (ur the iiif'.rniiiliuii. Aflci pul-
tiiik up lil'i-niily ai.l n cii inu no wiltn
(.ulliiii, lu luul thin Himl liB.iyer nr
renti tl llt.il cIuuk'iiI With lilliellV, ill
lnHa uf KctliiiK luu k a.iim' uf her ile-purteil-trrniKiire,
Mm. Wi-al tleirrvea
lu hue her wealth lor lieiiijt mi foulinh.
HOP ORnwaiia allot III UK UN TIIK Al nil,
C'orVallia (!aetlt: Spei iiiieiin uf the
genuine Imp luuan lime heeii fuliml on
,ivei uf t'oea tiulilen 1'rup l'liiui In
an cuuiity, ami very niiiiieroiinly on
f.il'.iie i.l a iHimlt I'lue pliiui, n.iiue mi
0' known, and a ao-calliul tireen (ini;e
triiiifl,in tienlDii i-oiuily 'lliee wete
all Wintfleii forma. None weie fuiiml
on the hupx ! M iy It iita miht luiie
' beil rH.i'lei. It In ! via every Imp
, ,' (jruwCr lu Imi uu tlm alert nk'itiiiat tlit'M'
' pi't thin year.
ItrltT 1'iirneriipli'i nf a l.onil nntl t. cn -crnl
The ellhleentli 1111I11111I aeniun uf llili
((riintie ia in pruuia ut llillatioiu tliif
week. Wurtli M.iler llayea liaa laien
tiittkitiK a awiut! ar.iuii'l llieiirrle ol
milninliiiule t;r.ii'1 1 a'i'l repoita Haiti. r
iiilJ pt'oaecta fur llie yr.inijo in llie fu
ture. The iiruivtti uf tlm Krauze lue
l.eell a.ttinl.iiTniy to ila in. ml ni;ililie
aupMirtera. Tin' Hint miiuuiitiun uf
(jrimi;!' wuik lu thin atute ui cuni.tl tep
teiiitier "I, 1 S 7 : t . nl Salem.
ll.m. II. I-!, ('in appeitred fur T
W, Siilhum, and I.. I.. I'uiirr fur T. I'.
Ityaii, I,. I., I'.'i'li-r uml tin' old city
council, in llie "writ uf renew" ch-c,
which wan tunnel hri'iue .lu.le l-'raiiU
T ,n l.-r Tin-..l;iy. The .liiue luuk the
Cii.. under adun'inciit until ic-li-rdii
ii A llul.l; IS TIIK liltnl Nil.
' VirtuiiM (Vil.niixt : Wmkineii riii
iptultlil in etci-lliivt 11 new reanlem e at
t'ual I' ti ll a ii.i.Uitilv of expluaivea
tm tie. luiind when their wu.k wan ', niurnioK, wl he decided II.., I
il.int) a d.iy ur o iij-u, which unfurl)!-j
natnly lell into the lunula uf iniacliief j
oyiflK vuiiiitftera. The) tolli Iii'd a pur- 1
tiiill ul il nil', and llie rcKiilt waa 11 tun
tl0 111 llie uiouud, two ui Ihice Imdly
WP'cki I lieiK, and a hadly fiijihli'ited !
pedinl 1 11111, whu, lull he lieell 11,
Ittld nearer, would have no dotiM loat j
kia lid . !
A Ii.iuk'i r.in . ( iiiiiiti i ii it.
a.-iiMtt.oti I'm hi'i'ii canned at the
ill V ,!i.ji.ittiiii.i" hy the iltaeovery Of
Carding Rolls
!'( tii I :t 11 1 Im I erred ill nut jjriintin..
Mr. 8ul'i;iii a ceililicate uf eleiiinn,
and t ti.tt Mr Stillivuii w.n duly en
lilled to liia n'nt ut iintvur.
Do:cr lii.l.ii-ivn in wimcsa lunula
i Kant Orepiniiill : Thief Pen, ul the
f Umatillii, i imt in furor of tlm l-Vhriiary
' act, ut a nieiiiia uf iillntinu IiuiiIh tu the
i Iudiitiui. It (fivca women us well un
i tlmir Inula Wl acrca I'lich, wliile the
; fNitter hill, whicli lie fnvora, (fiveK tin
Iic.uIh uf llie fitmitiea till) acrea and the
I women none, "Wunicn'a liuhta nu
f (ihmI"," i till) teraely exprenaeil opillioli
of lln' chief.
I TiiKiH own K.tri.r.
Slititlay Mercury : Tlm "old rini! out
I inlhu new riii(!H in" la nut what we
: want. Tlm ptihlic. ileiiiaud ia (or the old
rlngH nut uml tlm peupln in. Wo will
Iiewr lutti a city freu from pxcimalvc
; taxation and ml ten ring ruin iitilil thai
' la afleclml. TI10 people can do it. If
tlmy cuntiiiiiu to Hiillcr, It ia anuil
S' foatly their own fiuilt,
j Aatoran: Had anyone tun yoitra ago
aald that Homo day the The Aalorian
wopld huvn thin Item In It, "Hliiul are
at present more plentiful In Aatoria
than Hitlmon," ho would not liavo kien
believed, ami yet thut itutn now oxpros
ie tlm exact facta.
. Albany Dtimocrati Liko the Cliinoao
their plmaaantB will noon bo Inhabitant!)
of all parts of tlio Uniloil Htatoa, In
appearance and taato the pheasant lias
much advantage over the Ciileatial, and
If bo in gnmy and atoala wheat is to be
Olynipla Htandard : A company Iuih
been ornani.i'd in this city for tlio man
ufacture of chemical Kami Htone, which
are said to be in many reapootH superior
to the beat day brick. It is thoii(,'lit
that the yard will bo located near Turn-water.
Mr, T. I'. iiyuti wisben tuft.itn Ihiuuh
the cultliiiin of I'iik V.s i i iieiiiiK, Unit
he li id no claim tu the iiiiiyui'-hip of Or
Ciuli I it v, Icit wiim only huldinn over un
lit hi aucci'HM.ir Wiut duly ipiahfled, or
hia elii:;lility wan a.'tilcl by the cuiirla,
ami rtMiijned at 'lie lime he did in order
to accept the aecrelarvahip uf t!m Wilier
The Will iiu"lle Silver Cui iiel Hunt!
f this city have Ciiiiiplett'd all nrraii(;e
menla fur lli.'ir exi'Uii.in O'l Salurdav,
June 1:1, Ii) ltiimievihe 1 lie l.i'i;e ami
well eiiiipped steamer, ('inline has been
chartered fur the trip, mid it will Im the
grandest exclusion of the season,
Kveiyliody should ko and appreciate the
ell'urlN uf llm hand.
The annual re-union of the Orepin Pi
oneer Association will be bold on Tues
day, lime 111, in the city of Portland.
Monday, June 15, Is properly pioneer
day, bnt.on account of tlie l'ortlaad city
election urcurrinit then it bus been
tleomeil advisable to postpone the re un
ion a day later,
Fred IlilBinun, the younn man who
was reported to have ton limbed and
aid, lied away from East Portland was
found mifo and Bound in Clackamas
Tlio murderers of V. M. harbour, the
Lebanon mcrcliiint, who won recently
robbed and killed In Portland, have
been captured In Hutto City Montana.
Mr. Kd. Harrington, one of the lead
ing farmers of Highland, was in Oregon
City Wednesday.
Mr' Christian Kochor, the well known
poultry breeder of Aurora, wan in the
city Wednesday.
Mayor Sullivan has called the first
mooting of the new council to convene
this evening,
Hon. IHngcr Hermann, Oregon's pop
ular Congressman, is homo from Wash
ington. Kir John MiicDoiiuld, who in reported
dying in Ottawa, Canada.
l eoiniterfi.il ' silver cur tilicllte so
nearly peife.-l in nil lis parts as'luhe
atuiu-t iuitHwMiite u il.-li-ition Here
tofore all counterfeit uf our paper cur
rein v have heeii teadily detected hy tlie
failure lo ipiitate tlie distinctive char
acter of the 1 apcr 011 w liicli government
notcit are prinletl , This paa-r ia for the
llrst lime almost perfectly imitateil In
lh counterfeit just iliai-ovcred,
So far as is now known it baa been
use I only in counterfeiting the 2 silver
certillcite uf llm series of 1HHI). It is
estimate I that neatly f IO,lHK),0(iO of
these Hole are in circulation, and the
problem before the treasury depart
ment is how to get them back into the
treasury ami to substitute a new aeries
without serious embarrassment, before
any considerable tpiantity of tlie coun
terfeit notes get in'o circulation.
It was practically decided to sus
pend the printing uf the 'J silver cer
ii"iniei ami tu insliiu'e a new series
uf the same il..tun:inatiun. Thei-e will
contain a viiinctU' of Secretary Wiiidoin,
.in. I will be issued as sunn as the ttcas
11 1 y pt.ites c.iu tie engraved
('mil uf Thanks.
Kin i nn Kn 11 .iiriiisi; :
I'eimit us, thruiigb the colunins of
v.air paper, tu extend our sincere thanks
tu llie fiieinls in (iratiam neighliorliuotl,
win) ni kimllv cuiitrilinted to utir conifnrt
and bap) ines, in presenting us lust
Thursday, .May -I, witli the valuable
sew tug machine and easy chair, which
was a complete surprise to us We will
ever remember, with a feeling of grati
tuilc tuiir cx.pressiun uf respect and ea
ti e:n. l!i:v .1. ('. S i.vansi s ami Wiie.
Add rtiscd I ('Iters.
The following is tlie list of letters re
maining in tlie post ollice at Oregon
l ilv, Mav "S, ISU1.
"jii'lng ti ml lluttim: fur ( tuiifm tcri uml
.W Highest pi ice paid fur Wool.
FINAL hkttlkm knt.
I hvrvtiy Klve nntli p Hist I have filed In the
INiiiiiiy-Ctiiiit uf 1'liu'knniiui rtiiiuiy. i irt-tfun, my
fci't't. unm aitil vmiehern fur final fcetllenicllt of
llie es'.itie el Jeub Kloier. 'lecetie'l. mul llie
Uiiurl lim .'uinii..l TiiewUy, July 7. lwl Itir
the eiiiiiiliiKiluii and il)inniiii.it "f (tie arue.
l'T Kl.sr.R. AiliiuiilMriitiir.
W Carey Johuiion, All y,
(t fisted My lh, lwl.
M0I.AI.I.A GKANUK.NO. 40. F. of It.
Meetn at their hall at Wright's Bridife on the
weml and tmirth Saturday nf each mouth at
1U a. in Fellow menu mane wriceme.
Kauai V, am UT, Matter.
N 11. tUasALI. Sec,
rrr, w c T
Meeta rt Bsliirdny In earh month at their
hH la Mw r.ra. rricu.iBut mrv-nu u
Tiled in be prenent. Man. CaaaY Juhbson,
Man. ETs. I'retldeai.
Tueher'a Wanted.
T.i m.ilrlt api.llcailiun for inemlierahlp In the
Ni.rlll Alli.Tteall Mulllal Hi-llfSI Anueistlnn. of
cha-ita-ii, HI- A'l'lren J. n. i ii'i a. tieiunH
lustrlft Agent, at Milalla, lirtyu.
Siitlc of Final Settlement.
Nnttre l herel.v eivni that I have filed my
final report In llie cnniuy etairl of I'lHi'tKamii
e..'iiitv tirt'L't'ii. ait rtilliiiiiislriitor tif the nMtte
ifJ.iM-pli Flurenee. dereaned. And tho eiiiirt
),hs a.i.iiiited Tueaday. June 2mt, isi'l a day
1...1 tune lr he-iriin; anrli rfpirt and for the
settlement uf aadl eslnte. A. M.lTllKll.
AilmliiiMriittirol the estate ol Jopseph Flor
ence, deeeieed.
Mav 1st. ls-.il.
H y..n want Ti!K I',l-:-T, buy
If the merchant you deal with dties not
keep llieui send to AI.IKN direct. He
pays the inniaiie. licatitilul catalogue
sent free.
ADiuiKss E. Wt ALLEN,
171 Second Street. PORTLAND. OR.
Absoluto Turity. Careful Dispensing
Prescriptions Filletl by Competent
Toilet Articles. Perfumery. Fine Cigars.
i'liitffl Hack.
Truck and Liverv
W. 11. Coukf, Managtr.
Corner Fourth ami Main 8 1 ".-tt,
of llie City. Kigs of any denciipt:n
furnished on shorl notice.
All kinds of Truck and iHdivery Pus
nesB piomptiy attended tu.
Hordes Boanled and Fed on reacoav-
able terms.
F. L. Posson&Son,
General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co'l
Aiig'toii, Mr
li a ii f . Albert A
Packer, T II
linker, Mrs Mien
Hcgcr. 1'
jli-own, Mrs I intra
llt-owit, l.eiiiuli-i-1' -lltuw
n, W I.
Itean, Albert
linker. I" M
Clements, K It
Cusliner, M
Colliery, S C
Coats, '.lames
Chirk, A
Cliaruis, Arthur
llenrikson Ii
Krechler. Ainmst
K Albert
Miller. Miss Katie
Minor, A 1 v i 1 1
Mosier, Miss llertlia
Mticiinkc, Chas
Newell, Mrs Klla
Ncvlan, ,1 J
Parish, Perry
Pellelt, M 1.
I'rister, C
l'unltue, John
Priess, Hev. J M
lingers, (I K
Shelby, Mrs Mary
llenliulni, Mrs James Sims, O
nisplain, J Shaw, James P
Primer, 1'aniel Shaw, Thonias
t'rietlrick. Mrs Josie Thomas, Mrs K h
Ktsher, Win
Pish, I sane M
Kink, 11 J
(iiirlanil, Mrs M A
Humphrey, A 11
If called (or suv when advertised.
"K. M. Rands, P. M
Wallers, S l
Weston, Prank tl
Wilkenson, J I)
Wilson, Mrs llaltie
T. W, Duffy sold his team of horses to a
Portland party for threo hundred dollars,
John Pulcy Id going to start a chicken
J, 0. Cummins lost a valuable ox last
Quarterly confereur next Friday, Satur
day and Sunday at tlie Evangelical church,
Uov. H. I. Hittner presiding. All arc cor
dially invited.
Cherries aro going to bo a very short crop,
Too much rain supposed to be the cause.
John Shannon has been home on a visit.
Mr. Fred llluhm's two story cottage. Is
nearly Hutsheil,
Our supervisor started out to fill up some
of tho mud holes (that were) last winter.
W. 0. Dickorson bought 35 acres of land
of Dan Williams at lf.115 per aero.
lirlst Mill For Sale.
The mill at New Kra will be iild at a birsiila.
lias llie besl location of any mill in the fuimly
ln.iiiK.ei lioili Hie Willamette and railroad, list
iiilialariifKralu gruwIiutilUlrli't Iti draw from.
I'ii... r uower Sixteen aerea of kikkI, tilla
ble land an with tlm mill properly. Hood terms
will he given and an esi'erieueed miller with
a minill capital w ill tint! this a paying 1 nv em
inent. Call uu or adilreii t. aiaiuiiH-i, new
Km, Oregon.
Small Farm For Sale.
Ten acrca en county reel two and a half
from Orrson Ciiv. near school house and saw
null, coot! soil sad level; Hue fruit and berry
land. Is a bargain. T. C. I.ivksay,
Oregon C ity.
Small Homes For Sale.
One of the moat dealralile ideeoi of land In
Clackamas county wll be sold lu a bodv or in
siimll tnii'ts to suit pnri-liiisers. Ninety acres
In all. Ililrly-lwu acres nailer cultivation, bal
ance easily cleared: soil, deep, upliind loam;
a vc acres voiing bearing orchard; house, two
Imrns, outliulldings, etc.; two good wells and
never failing springs In pasture; two miles from
Oregon City on main county road: good graded
school convenient and lu a wide-a-wake, re
spectable, neighborhood; goo' terms given
Cull on or address W. 11. Fanchkb,
Oregon City.
Moore's Revealed
Astounding in its F.fTects in the cure of
Rheumatism, Asthma, Malaria, Itli
liousnesB or any other disease arising
from deranged Liver, Stomach or Kid
neysIt drives all impurities from the
Wra Chsa A. Russet, who tl favorably known
throughout the North wen says:
General : : Blacksmith
Shop in the rear of Pope's Ilariiware ston',
Oregon City, Oregon.
: : : BRO
Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork
None but the best of meats handled. Free de
livery to all parts of the city,
OKBtitHflTV. - OK K.
Garden Seed.
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc.
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
Wo wdiit YOU for a customer. Give vs
a trial order.
F. L. Posson & Son,
2G9 2d St, Portland, Cr.'
Snceefwi-rs to Miller Bros.
Cutal. iniff Vf
Faler's Golden Female Pills.
"or Female Irregular
lues: noihinglikeihem
ou tho market. AVtrr
fail. Successfully used
"by prominent ladies
monthly, (juaraiitoed
to relieve suppressed
Don't be humbngvred.
Save Time, Health,
ana money ;take uo oth
er. Sent to any address,
secure bv mail on re
ceipt of price, lilX),
Western Braneh, Box27, FORTI.AKD, OB'
For salo by Charman A Co.
Druggists, Oregon City, Or.
"For fifteen yearat was a oonstant sufferer
years ago I tried Mnoai's KsvaM.ito Rrmedt
with asthma without any relief, except that ob
tained by constant change of locality. Two
Lunches at all hours at tho Oregon
City Lunch Counter.
and llie benefits received from it were the most
gratifying. It gave me relief from the first and
S revealed the terrible distress peculiar to the
lsease that made life almost unbearable. Any
one who has ever had asthma can understand
the gratitude I feel toward this remedy. Be
lieving it has added pleasant years to my life
I have not hesitated to recommend It to all like
autrerers, and always with tho same happy re
W-To be had of all druggists, or sen! to
jjlMVABT-tlOLMIS 1IKUU U0 HUatllO, 1811,
0- J v
1 c; I
Great Reduction
Gabinet Photographs
S2.50 PER )OZ3T
T Ix w o. i Ire
187 First Street, Bet. Morrison and Tarn'
Parties desiring Wood Turning, Pat
terns, Brackets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
MF"0pp. the Congregational Church
r.r. white. w.. wjrrp
Practical Architects $ Builder-
Will prepare plans, elevations, working
tails, and specifications for all kinds of build
ings. Special attention given to modem op
tagea. Estimates furnished on applieatftm.
Call on or address WHITE BK0S
Orcgou City, iTga
l-.allKlu'I lS.
Dray age & Expressing
Freight anil parcels delivered to aS
parts of tho city.