Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 29, 1891, Image 2

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l Proprietor.
Now that the water commission have or
t anijed, ami entered upon the dlsclmrite of
tneu duties, their attention is called lo the
urgent demand for a better supply of water
lo the f'!,' residing on the hill. Kven
woh I ,e hot pninpiii): station, from some
cause, there is yet scarcity of water in the
Jipes t!,at lead to the elevated localities on
the lull. This should le by all mean reine"
died. It is very probable that there ia con
sidcrahle waste ot the water simply in some
laces, caused by allow ng the water to run
alt unlit The oily bus Iveu to a In avy ex
ltiM in the coi.striuti.ni of a new pumping
lation. ami should receive an increased in
on e from the water rents, Pine should
bo laid to every available part of the city
here it can be done with a protit to the mu
nicipality. Steps nmt he taken that will
Insure the city some returns for the heavy
divestment made. The water works are no
longer directly umter the control of the city
Council, and the public expect the water
Commission lo remedy all deficiencies that
at present exist, and the people have coidl
donee, that they will fulfil the important
trust imposed on the.
lr would b a matter of almost criminal
cgligence tor the people of Oregon City
a.d Clackamas county to fail in providing
nd arranjrinjr a creditable exhibit of the
productions of this section for the industrial
exposition next fall. No county on the Pa
cilie coast affords better n.aaterial for a va
ried and complete exhibit than Clackamas,
Its manufactured products, minerals,
woods, grains, fruits mid vegetables, would
lone make a veritable exposition if prop
erly arranged. Now is the time to com
mence the work of gathering the material
tir this exhibition, and with a little con
certed action on tie part of those interested
il could be made an advertisement that
would be worth thousands ot dollars to
Clackamas county. Space for the exhibit
can be obtained free of charge, and the op
portunity is worth grasping. The coming
exposition will be conducted on a grander
scale than ever before, and thousands of
visitors will he present from every part of
the Cnited Stales.
H''. Justin 8. Morrill, Tinted States
vma-.or fnm Vermont, chairman of the
. i aiecon mitteeon finance, gives the fol
lowing rmsrns for lieing a protectionist:
F'-st - It 1 rfirtr to -.'vher diversified indus
tries hie:, never iaii to vastly increase the
ic-mal ti'':.ii,,i, industry nod wage
ear r -s .o :!... , ,. ,; ie. .s,Coiid--h aids
priNiianuisiy to t :e power ot inercasin
ar' irery, and sieam and water i.iuvr tl,..
necessaries of life and of advanced civiliza
tion, and also greatly cheaiiens the cost of
'insistence. Third-It furnishes an oppor
tu i'v fore' eiy person to find the employ,
c -..i best .. l.-j.ie.l to !,; or 1 cr guiius and
c.i, a. ity that wi:i secure the largest incoir.a
or the s,n all s; happiness. Fourth-It ere
St. s ,i J,o:i e niarkt-;, wi.hout win h the. ul
t'.iuors of hi: d in America would be
bit little heller on", than our aimrigine.
I'ith-Ii is the boiwark of national indo
peiii:e..cc in pcic or liar.
Tomorrow la Juration IVty, and the
soulol tin human la in that does not beat
in unison to the memory ot blood-bought
freedom, or reverence the memory ot those
who gave who gave up their lives In detente
of the liberties of the nation la not worth
the nitiiio of an American cltisen. Noth
iug Inspires the youth or the country with
greater reverence for our institutions ami
government than tilting tokens of reiwciu
braneo and iippreciuiio.iof the brave heroes
who imperilled and gave up their lives that
every principle of democratic government
might be perpctuat.'d. Tomorrow is a ua
ttotial holutay. 1 he graves of the dead
throughout the length ami breadth of our
country will be strewn with Mowers, and tit
ting ceremonies will be observed, In this
demonstration there will be no north, south,
east or west. Past dill'erenoca will be for
gotten, and the stars and stripes will wave
alike overall.
Nkvkr. was the earnest need of an effect
ive sewerage system lor Oregon City more
apparent than now. The etllitvia arising
from the hack yards like Hamlet's oftenso,
is "rank and smells to heaven." People
must have a place to dump their slops, and
there is only one remedy a sewerage sys
teni that will carry on" the refuse materials
or the inhabitants of Ihecity will sutler the
consenuences, whiv h are disease and death,
and Oregon City w ill become a stench in
the nostrils ot people who visit the place
Here is an opportunity for the new council
b Uunortaliic themselves with their con
stituents. The new charter makes provision
for sewerage as well as street improvements
ami new sidew alks. The fund do not come
out of the city treasury, but ecli tropertv
holder shares bis pro-rata of the expense.
the same as in street improvements.
Fbnc ib making great preparations for
the approaching maneuvers when between
lJO.OOOaud 150,000 troope will be placed un
der command of Ueneral Sausler, assisted
by General Mirabel, the Von Moltke of
France, and Hen. flallifet, commanding the
cavalry. The efficiency of the new lbel
ritle will for the (Irst time lie tried on large
scale. Kach soldier will be supplied with
l.sy blank cartridges, and each battery with
SOU charges of smokeless powder. In view
of the military activity of Germany's neigh
bors it is not surprising that Kmperor Wil
liam has been stirring up tilings in the
Rhine provinces and other exposed posi
Tui city council last summer passed an
ordinance making it a ini.-Oeiueanor to play
Uill on the main streets of the citv below
the Willi. This ordinance was enforced un
til within the last lew weeks, but the bojs
are now permitted lo play ball on .Main
street lo their hear;' content, to the im :n i
nent ,!.inge."of passing w omen and children.
an l tl e pi'lc breakage of valuable plate
glass show windows. ,V member ot the old
cs.Oiii. il, as w II as minu-rous caucus are
by j loud in tneii compUiutsof this h.ii; plav iug,
and the pniper autluirities should see that
the prov isi,ii.s of tins ,t:dinaitce are en
forced, as the ballscan I seen whiz.ing past
their heails every evening.
Mount rieasaat.
Ma. Kkitor: Mount Tleasaut has wok
up. We reared you might think we had
moved away, or that at the last session ol
the legislature we had been consolidated
with Mountain View.
We were favored Monday evening with I
slight thunder shower,
Ihe stockholder of Mount Pleasant Tele
graph Company w ill hold a meeting I'orllie
election ol ottlcers on June llrst,
Our road upi visor Is on the warpath
this week, and we expect to see the elite of
Oregon t ity taking their Sunday evening
drives, as we boast thelicst roads out of Ore
gon City ,
Mr, Hrooksand ramlly conteinphito a ti!
Mr, Thornton Williams and wit, of Port
land, H'iit Sunday with their parents at
Mr. I,. II. Andrews ahd Mr, Oeorgo I s
die are attending the Statu Orange at
illllsborv) this week.
Mrs. Johnson, w ife of the principal of the
Mount l'leusiint school, is attending the
state convention of the W. 0. T. V. In I'ort-
Mr. Percy Ingalls, of Anaconda,
ami, Is visiting at Moscfatm.
Mr. Ilensley, w are pleased to note, is
slowly improving.
Mr, Bain has been sick several weeks with
lagripe, but is now improving
Mrs. l.avvton who has U-en on the sick
list is much better.
Mr, Kd. Kellogg is the happy possessor of
an elegant wagonette.
Mr. C. C. Williams, of rtr drove, has In-
uidiiigevl his road cart with new coal of
Last Sunday evening we noticed two
young lailies from the city enjoying horse
back ride.
Mr. bpenovr Thomas has left his place at
Mount Pleasant and located In Maple Lane.
V. K Andrews is planting twenty acres of
Sonic of the ladies vd' Mount Pleasant had
the pleasure of drive with Mr. tleorgv
Warner after his flue st.'pter Udy Mikalo.
Want Uwton ia taking advantage of the
good roads on his wheel.
A. C. Warner or I.ocust rami wakes the
echoes with tin music on his comet.
Now, Mr. Eilibir, please do not in the fu
ture confound Mt Pleasant with Mountain
View, because Mt. Pleasant was nani.il and
christened yrrs ago.
I WaoTi It.
Kri kts ruin every (onion of I 'lackunms
county imlieiitc a plentiful yield of wheat,
oats, barley, hops and fruits this season,
and the prospects are favorable for good
prices. Hut hop growers should U-on the
look out lor the dreaded hop lolls,-, as they
an' lining considerable damage in Calilorniu
aim Mime i ortiiMis of this state.
i:K Oo'.ertin.int having sc, ule, to:i.
.met ol
.r .he
! j oi.ll ia of
MUokeless O.V
by some ot tin-
Tub water eomnii-s'..in, con-i-ti:ig of K.
i. I'aiitield. T. V. Kyan mid Hiram Slraitrbt,
have orL'ani. d atid e'.rti-I T. F Kyansic
ri'tary. Tlu-y promi.e some radical im-
r. v-. hi. v r w.,rk . ,.
sum r. v i
; tor a.iop:ion nch smokeli ss powder as
:n : - : ' e .. r, w;i! lie ttl.!,
. cr to pio-iv'Liic its invi-siigatioiis. The
;.-ud h-f o.aue at Sprioglici I, ilassaehu"
an n
O I.Ul
the city out ol I :
Titr. coiuuinnir
the la-t is.. i ,
some i'!ra of t!
i 11 i in
ii aiion Iriiin Currinsville in
I'ji k I-iMKht'aisK, gives one
! di'lli'iilty road suervisors
I in -- road taxes worked out.
i I law lo suy the least, is
'i .-'s :ire delusive.
nu-lit waxes exceed-
i . .. i ;
t anay
This city is soon to have another store.
The paities pn)ising to start the enterprise
intend to bcin with a rash capital ol f iu.iim,
and increase their stock as the trade insi
de nand.
A Mr. Keynolds, late of Moscow, Idaho,
was here lad week hiking for a location for
a warehouse Ho was fully iMiivim e l that
this place is and must continue to In-the
shipping vint for the southern part of our
county, and if grounds can lie secured on
reasonable term- he will build.
W. S. Kellogg has purchased a lot of (ico.
Thusbaur, and intends erecting a building
i mm d ately lo be u-ed s- a meat market.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilillinger weir hereon avlsit
lo her son, Mr. W. S. Urlbble, on la-t Sun
day. S. A. I. (iiirh y and wile made this city a
vi -it hist Sunday.
Look here, y irre-poti lent ot the aipie-
ous precinct! You would have the people
to think we were a diiect descendant of the
Perkins family, if not of lili l.ltiisell. If we
h id n't ea ncd a national remit Ohm n.r
"I'i -1' li with ll leg T we wold i leel warm
liui say ; winit do vo l liiink of ih.n 1'iinii
eolored "Hornetlc," anyway? If that In
tie stanta did n't knock you cold we shall
consider you fit subject for the Salvation
Canby board of trade meets every first and
third Friday of each month.
Another emigrant in the household of Mr.
Holtiman. It is or the feminine persua
sion, and balances even with n ten pmn l
v .: ,!.
PoiiIbiiiI, Oregon,
m Krotit sfreet;" HARDWARE
Niirlhwsnturn Ani tor
leler IMsmond,- -Uuee - Oceldeul- TulllMiwIli
Hi i
-IVitot UlU'S-
rw-W'WS f 'I
m"m,K New
VO lilt!
I Vo ivkviAltsKU&
Crt'Sfont AVotlgos (warrunU-J.) H & S Troof ('IiAius, A rondo Filon.
liotm ik 'ottntli
I ' V TP,
I.OggtMS Hlltl WdOtl (MtOJHTH SjH'cillltioH.
Oregon City Agent,
Aro you wanting oithor a Farm
or a small tract
Call and examino our choico list.
h ...
Is Ctw
I I ti
Willamette Falls Investment 1
frntral Point
Kvery body is having good time In this
Camp meeting Is so near at band that the
literary everclses at Hmwn's school bouse
have shut down Until lb l.Mh of August,
when Ittseipected they will renew the at
traction with a vengeance.
HUI and Pavid Penman gave a dance at
Mr. Jones's house last Saturday nlgtil, May
All had a pleasant time and no bad
We leel proud of this neighborhood for
being se strictly temperate ami sensible.
Mr. Pavld Penman, sr., has gone back to
the coal mines In Washington.
Sunday school at Central Point M. K,
church everv Sunday at to A. M.
Dave Penman, Jr. is still working lor Mrs.
Oavid F seemed troubled with the
gout Oil the road borne from the dance the
other night. WaSsiski m
1K1. ICIaoeemaa. Msv Joth. Mrs. Mira
You mans, aged Vt years Mrs. Yotiiuaus.
slthougli but In the prime of life, was om
ul the pioneers of this muutv , she imwnr
Ik-i'ii brought ai nuis toe (dnina in 1st; .sue
was inlaiikditerot the late Judge V. T. Mat
lock. I'be funeral was on the -'1st. Ilev.
Parker o( Oieiam Citv i on..ui ted Ine ever
Clsrs. l'he luiivr.il IV, is ,ugi-t ut'.i-i.ih d
Mrs. N'ouunins !i .ives 1 1,, . tnl Inn, u -ni
tt .:- i 1 1 and adaiiL'titei a'-nt Is
Ihi-.l, ul ho kni.nl-, Mm .s., diiu Uni
rcn, son ol W. ,s. a-nl M . L t hapu an. an .1
one vear, Fuiarul on the 'Tili, couducleil
by liei . Kunvain
Mr. lli iurum-has moved his Inirni-sn shop
from this place lo Woo.il. urn.
Win. lireeo lias moved troill rust of the
llioir.linu, lolhls pi,,. ,-.
Mis, l.di n Cnapi,.,,., I,.,. Is ,1, ,,uite si k
for some Hu e, lint is sligMlv ln-iter at i-ies
A nnouncemen
will I
,1111 t!i
s All
Vi wilt luivciii utiH-k this work g
lol C
(lie i
-At IMI A-
Ladies Line Dongola Kid.St. LouisTooan1
Thi'so pwnls havo all tlio very latost
in stitcliini:. Iinili. etc., niu'l ovorv
Hair is .
r,ii,i..,l .1 1 : .i " '. i
" " """1 ni l I1 I , tir too urt'itsc
can liavo
i" air I n o
or ll
W. W. Ilullis k is l.iu nn:
painted. When completed
-liiiw v iippi'iirituce.
The M. I:, cnuri h ,.; I'. is
an ice crvtuu s-n ial n.-i o
Waller loo I ,,n. I ;i'
thought "I Joining IPlr;i,l.
wick as an altvih.in tn toe
emu luded Ihev I ad I- tit r
I he ll. I A I ... V ,,. -v -t
trial in . i.i-i I no,,, , .
III lit sll- k eg,. '
Mi - N.t i. a 1 ..v i- ,
Wei k. iv In lc -he M i.l ;ilt. .
ea!iii,(Oic .
Tell Ml! vl auk ie ' I'l i - .
iiioie ., uision.s ,1 u,vh
fl Orrgull fit)
li VI"
his house r
it will have
tiiHHis tt 11,1, hk .sn.YFI l ( it ' H WIMniW
Ttl 1. V tiMl IS,
Jt sf j, tr
mmm city iho.n womb
.uanuiactuivrs, an. I ali rs in all
a 1 11 1
nf Mj !l
1 1 1 1 . -
uii. 1 Ul iiit! :v,
llo.nl work has been d
citi.ens during the week
A Ill'A house is soon I
M-ehl.ke s place.
Mr, Spimine Inis ren
in I
1 1 1 . 1 .
1 vv i-rn 1 - clou 1
-i ll ,h ..1 , I ,1 I
-i.u in 1 1 vver-i I v
.''""-."'.'"'IfillW m TT Fi THTfTinriTirsTrjn t it ir
r: :i K Tttfi ll in h i
siiWJJJUU ,u
i I
'V I t nf ..HI I
.. p.iMilin.)!. u : D,vl!v;!,
I I I I ' 1. I 1 . I I
I. i,., . t 't'TM
j lll
1 .'
1 lie rumor t '
ia-io:d '
h-ao-d wi
1 i Oil.
.Mu.v 2, I sill.
Pleasant Hill.
of three months with In
1. on K I i- ,n I In ..-,,,,.
.a- (;.! to Portland Im that !
lav I I'll. p. tin
if I"
nf ll.
to the piinlu s. !,., ,..: .
the.tlnest M'hool Imil.lii
The teachers and pupl-
evn i .... mi i .,1.,, .1 ,
g In I i.i Luna-1
ho.. I
I'lll -11 I ,
will nin nd t'.e j ...
J if
... (
f 1 1 ) t ( : u
1 ; .
! no t 1
C . :.,
i :
of '
:-:nt di--.::ry
li a'
. 1 1 :
.ntrv i-
i.siires, brou;;
- i-ion of the
it I
it about by Ihe
M' Kinlev iv".
1.,.,. ,
fur a depot and iniinnnuto hot
llion.e you, .Mr. h litor, to
1 1 : i: 1 ,ip:ti, 1 I-; tli-v to furni-l
t.d. 11 11- 1 ; nly : !n- I rains.
', .1 ' ' of (Mir pi ,ij
' ui' ii p'lin : Ini-ini Hs and
- . ;: ; v. i i.m we n
d lilt
They are no
t! . C iccislle
1 .:- mi j.nropi
' '11 O." nn!, ;;. - 1(J J'.!li'i,
li'ghiiw'ng huinih-r-tanrl that
illli;l;.h:d lo ( licelirae hoih
our fori.-ign cooinierce and our domestic in
ci.cU.in. Hi I' lvl't. r if Ih 1 i :p, t lis lo
purchase their products they will Inive to
ri.cinroeabi or see the trade they now enjoy
transferred to countries that do.
Ossrm---t o:'!!,n -:) w r i
in il-i; high pine., lor iio'
life, the ouotu'ioii, lor .,..r, i.icn i ;
1.. .:,;n i.l:.. ; . . ,
t!. foroioi -
- d l'he ('f-n ' '' - " " 1 "
of Cliii"' if 1 f-i i.
B'.hi" )' th f"!i . .
E ' r ...I - ' '
d.: , . . '
C , p d.it-o .- : . ,
dit'.se, pea-i, beans, rice, herbs and
le is KM'll
'a i ll s of
and !s;ef '
tO I
i ' rii j
ni'i,'otiate -.villi
rni -h the dpi
Ie '. c.ilod
ph a lire
iv mention
ii . I.. iioio.cy aim n.iniii , .1. Policy and
' ii .il.v, I . Iloiiiu , and wile, Win. lionney,
jr., .Miss llelle Pulley, Win. Ilix, I'. ;. l(,,i"i
ney, ( has. Ifubburd, J. Carlson and I).
The .Mount Ilonie .Sunday school ciudcin
i -' : 1 i-i' i . i... i.i 1 pi'-i ic a! lout the niid-
I '""" V: lire conh'lcnt that limr
o i 1 1 ," of Mounl Home, w ill join in mi in
vitation to you, Mr. and Mrs. Ivliior. to he
on hand and sample our rural hospitality,
limnetic and the writer will put your names
in our baskets. Uring along your fishing
tackle, and perpetuate your reputation as
expert unglers.
ili.s. Ciittihs Tlolinan, wi; nie sorry to
-ay, is iiuilc ill, u victim of ihe inlltnuiza.
ltial flarrct i-i lmtiling oats to the ntil
rosd for sliiinm iil.
Our thanks are due Miss Waldron for the
progianuneoi tiie euterliiiniiiiiiitoii the Kith
."Isld'i!. ' . f
to rwiV'j
1 .,
ndde tfi attend ovvinf
to our jc
ol' M011 d Mo
... : 1 ,..,...1. 1. ,,i .. 'J,
(itm e, Oregon (;ily Oregon.
I ilay 20, 1U1.
at pi
I Mrs
'''.' ! .i.'nn lo he m
ent on the ftalcni.
Chin. Vllllgllttll, of
a few davs vvhh h
s I'd ry, Mr. and Mr-
s par
. .1. S.
ell's of Oral
V aiudiiiu.
llcii'.endier that memorial dav will be
served at the I'leaiant Kill cemetery.
Mr. T. P. liiggs had Ihe misfortune to
lose one of his cows which had been
mired in the mud.
The workmen have begun work on the
new church, and have moat of the .stone,
foundation laid.
Mrs. Morgan and son Cliarlesure spending
mi uii.'.i nun 1 in 11- 11 leii'is 111 iiraham s
.Mr. Marlon Young Is to ho seen driving
..in. ,., Hue new nacK. 1 iioiio more
will follow his example,
.Mrs. Graham is visiting her mother, Mrs.
John Zumwalt.
Mr. (Jeorge Young is spending a day or no
in Portland this week. It seems thai town
life agrees belter with flcnrgo than hoeing
potatoes in the country. Ukatiiii k.
May 2.ri, Mil.
Morn from Maple Lane,
V :'i is I'lolcssur Uork, papa,
That people call him great?
Is he (lie man sent, out by Pollc
'i n organic (his slab-?
1 1 no, my ehif ', ; on n- - i M y ol!',
Tin'V hired him 1" skip
.'. l I hrniiph the eellii! I- , nir lllnl wide,
A ml give us folks Ihe grip. I,, I).
Maple Lane, May 25,
'' tc i I i m . ! , . .
lira' im of utir nn' n
more lining pf,, ,.
here in WV- I ,
rove ihi.t w, mid ai
'Hi here can he
I Ill III, seenery i
i In m iff an.: .
ol Jul, picnic. 1,
oelebrinnm-i in e.
iii'o'-iijv I.i .--r,. thai
grov e, v here l.c'igl, hi .r .
have an enjoyal.le lime
ul M. i
hut .1 I
I ic nc
an a -'.
far pi.
.Mink s Prairie.
The W. lllhcr f,,- hc hi, I I no v.
i" "II that could he wished I,
lariner. Tnc nap, all sown and Ihe
all planted.
We have
r l.y Ihe
hi ard iiotliiini ni,,, i i.. .
nes this season vet. Ian l ,,Lv
of a line
1 r lilt.
I Mi
Mis, i: .., ti.
il'g here with hci .,.,. M ,.
uel Marks.
bickness prevails in the family of Mr, );
A. II. Howard, tlir f ,!. f,1(lii '
present, are very sick, hut , considered
A dance is niiiinun, , , fr Su,ut();,v. ni , ,
at laylor'shall. ih,, music, andal' ie ,
ifieisanlieipaled. Home one u, ll and
briiiK somebody with vou.
Mr. Howard returned home Inst week fro,,,
Kentucky, w,r,1 he has been visiting ,el"!
1,1 "''l'''y. villi him were .1. H
ioi fir and wile, Mrs, Haley Co, and Job "
McC lelkn mi James Dunel,, who intend
horn,"8 C1'ck,"m'1 C0llnlV tl.t-ir iuiiile
We do not understand w hv some of ., ,
neiirhbors insist on hirine tl,,'. , ,, ,
iiiseil Chinaman to worl; lor in,.., ,,,,,,
lere are plenly
wnitt'l 'a il , ,,, i
.f i
ins ne.xv regular aii
I week from next Bund:
Will he one
I'll 1 1
A j .1 j
ft rf", (;''
. I I. .1.
Heel, Pickled Pork, lie,
I . aid, Holler, y,Xt, f
Si VCIllll f.ffi-l, I
hi til
if for
if v.u
I i.V..i
Ci'tilH mi tin
l'r llllH (illly.
I vvttlit ymiv
'1 111.' Phil.
Mayer & Ar.kcrui.in, Trops.
iHL!' r ' T
' 'ni III I ol r
'oiri i .-. u
I. it fry, l''oiul ami Suit',
I't'illi'i' hiul Siiij;!u
'Hi iii.f.o ,s iilwayn oil lialK
I'lWfnl ii ires. A connll f
Willi 1,1 h- linni fur liiuso ttl'
Infotinntuin legal'ding ")
alock protnplly alleluleil lobvr1
Iiorsos Sought ond
i I tlii'
I iiil.ii:
' JI0110.
rv"M ilin ill)
'i'ry him I
f i iii'i'iunl to
h"ihl pnho ,oi in,;. i
f'UlNltll I Ol Kin AMI M
Tew" ..r."'"v-T?i . - i .
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