Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1891, Image 8

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Vomrn Yr Searo, but ItUi'k Botttva
nd I'm! Vre rimtlful A liV(lntalr
nroagin Ham i rowtd n Ktir of blankets, "ibin(xl" with
Out. Mei ty ciuo bis trunk. ltt
principal accession to the ht;iidAtiv
wardrobe wvro throo now shirts and. a
blue coat with brass buttons. That
the session, I think, of 18a was known
M the "logislaturo of 10,000 drinks."
Our lawmaker said it htvd bwn the "atar
winter" of his existence, tuid b ncvrr
expected to e taoh another. Thro
days after liis arrival at the Bar ha bor-
m ttlua Oot with Bran Itutloaa oa It.
HHtri;iiUl by lha Author.
THINK and hope that
tlnve attempts of mine
to portray Iho history
of the camps ou one
California tfold bearing
river will tonch a re
sponsive chord iu the
leart of some old California!!; for the
l.fe and incident of the bars 1 describe
reflect in certain respects the life, his
tory and incident of hundreds and thou
sands of places settled in '49, and per
haps abandoned by '60, which have now
so name or place on the later maps ot
the state. Your genuine old miner likes
.to revisit the camp where first he dug
for (told, in thought if not in person. It
w:is no common affectum they enter
Gained for the-e places.
If the "boys" moved nwav to other
A iggiugs they had always to make a j
yearly pilgrimage back, so Ions; as the '.
a!np lasted. So, yearly from Yalleoito,
thirty miles distant, used Jake Yager to ;
ivvisit Sivett's, and he tramped tho j
whole-distain-e tw. What was it that j
ulrew them back? Perhaps the mem
cry of the new and exciting life tin y
experienced fam '!'. tmy till '.W it :
'' with its "ups ri'id downs," its glit-t
taring mi prices in t:i shajieof "strik.'s,"
t:s comradeship soon ,-o developed anion .
Bi n wh , m -el in ; as strangers, so soo;, i
found ont cael. oth.-r's U-tter ipLiUtii s. ',
ks tn- io:n trotu t!H' restraints or oi.ler
O' uaiuii'". -s, its houety and plaiune..
ill the (x;i. '. of opinion, enjjendere 1
by sucli fr'elom. All tiies-1 thoii'i:
n"ir and t.ver aain during abseticu
bron-:lit aii'int t!r,t strong de-ire to sv
tim old bar ;i r mi. the scene of so m;ii''i
e.njKTiciice and private history. Then
tV visitor ai-.vays m-t a h -arty welcome,
lie was an ill "rc-i lenoT." Cabinowu
ers cont"'i -led f r th. plrasnm of ent.T
t.iining him. Xo wives or families were
in the way Conviviality was uninter
rupted. If a black bottle eor.ld be produced it
could be worshiped undisturlitHl until
long past mi:lt:ipit. And such was al
ways produced on the return of the u! i
acquaintance. Yhn the "boys" at la.-t
tumbled into their bunks and smoked a
l!'ht;.;'.p j a'cej there was no wife
in special eharg" of husbanil to molest
or make them afraid or disturb their in
ternal peace by reasum of her near pri-s-Cltce.
Tho.... v;-re tl:e p Men seasons t J
Eiasculiue domestic tranquillity on the
banks of the Tuolumne. Woman never
disturbed the bar proper with her pres
ence. It was always a masculine bar,
at least on the ii,,'in bank of the river.
'n the left, at a later date, on a flat,
Where 1 enyed the privilege of digging
fi,r next to nothing for two years, then
did live for a time three foreign house-'
holds glorified by woman's presence. 1
But this was after the palmy days of
ttwett'8 Bar proper, right bank. j
I have heard that Swett's Bar was
named after John b-.vett, once superin
tendent of public instruction in Cali-,
luniia. If so, ho never there left any
relics or reminders of himself not even
a grammar. Swett's lies equidistant
from Hawkins' and Indian bars. When
Ust I passel through it the floods had
washed out every trace of man's pres-.
er.ee on one side of tlw river, leaving
th.-re an enormous heap of logs and
tHisin.vood. The bar proper had been
irnootiiH down by tbe flood, cverv h- l
cr bowlder heap, or iier.p of "head
i::L's" or "fnlinKt," cr the deep pits dug
rnd lalMirioii-ly kept free of water by
l:iai.h::n'r', ur hi.avilrrock freighteilcri'i
cf logs, tin- work of miners in the river's
""1""" y l-en phucfd ii'.vay. The peb-,
K'-s 3:-ivliers had all been rear-'
ringed, the hi'Atids were smooth, whit )
and giist-r.'ir.g i as tt.oiigu "fresh from ;
t':1? Creator's banus,"' and none navy :
tie I, oavrsayt with tho river's history !
could have guessed that every foot of!
tho bank adjoining; the river bad been j
turned over abd over again iu the search
fur gold. ' j
We elected one member of the legis
lature from .Swett's. When he left the
L..r ho distributed his cabin, blanket., .
and household effects anions the remain-,
Lag miners. Ha confidently thought
Et-,.er t'jiioe l the; artiiaes ag.un. Tliat :
t.'.ai a.) great :i miscali.'uJ.'ition as when a
other 'iKir miner
a chum ami contentedly nwmmM lus
pick and shovel. Hid CinciuiiHtus do
more when lie bucklinl once nire ta the
plow? But our SwetlV Bar Oincinaatua
was never hunted for to tav hit cotn
try. There were too many otlier coini
try savers on hand, evon in our Imuio
diate Ux-ality.
Generally sptsikiiuj, Swett'l waa di
idil iu two iHtrliona. There waa the
old Kir on tho ritfht bank of the river,
ettled in '44, and there waa the flat
on the other side, whoae guldou atore
was not discovered, until 18."0. At
tmpt.s were made to give this flat a dis
tinct name. Various settler and miners
cravevl the immortality which they aup
ptisvd might thus le confemnl. For a
time it was called "Fraaor'a r'lat," from
a dialvlical S.'otchmau of that uame
who lived there. Only one of theeeuameti
would stick, and liuaUy every Unly set
tled down on Uie old appellation,
"Swett's." 1 do not ladieve that John
Swett, if he did confer his name ou the
bar, over realized the local fame aud
reputation of his uaiue. When first we
struck the diggings at Sweit left bauk
we had great expoctatioua. It waa a
later discovery, a "back river channel."
Consequent ou the discovery of pay
ground l.iHX) fiet back of the river, and
the definite fixing of tho boundary line
between tho various claimant, there
ensued the usual series of dispute, rows,
bad blood, assaults aud threatene.1 shoot
ings, NoIxkIv w:u shot Not evou a
mining lawsuit came of it. .
A local capitalist threw a flume acrvvw
the river, and brought to bear on the flat
the upland muddy water, which came
down from Columbia "diggings, twenty
Eve miles away, through Wood's creek.
That tlumo v:u being talked of, In-ing
planned, being hoped for aud very grad
ually Ix ing en-ctetl Juriud the years of
'Si) aud 'tid, while tho rest of the na
tion was agitated by "Bleeding Kan
sas," "John Brown," "Scantier Sover
eignty," "Th- D .uglas Party," "Tho Lit
t! (I:.;::!" and all that fon'btnling series
i f war.-liv.-or.l and motto which preceded i
t he War." But tho Swell's Bar mind, j
The Swett's 1'ar hope, the Swett's Bar !
e pe.',,!a':i, was concentrated principally j
on a wire c.iMe, two uprights ou either
Jk m M M aft
T V 0 P f T W .
i," i $ j m
;Vrs -v y f 4
. I l ; ... . ..1 Ik 11 e u
- iT'i
V-ie,i oitrvot ruu trvio, If not en rmu Hml,
f tt
tv v n I
- .a f
" "7 V fi tr.
mr I J
III net ril lminlre.1 iinlltn
vIiimi large cneuitU to tx'r.
Trnwilivr't Nolle.
I Ni x new III my l'i.l. Iiunt" ;IImom ih
Hi,. ivim-iii ill nil WBftsnti nilnrwl rlr !
Anmm.1'l'wUloi'ilfii UiwiUlilOjl""!"'"
t"milil liiimiin't
ilM Orviiui I'll. My , Iwl.
Nolli'f of PlwoliiUiMl,
Tim i'Miiiirlili horeliilor eHillnil '"'"'"
r, II
mutual i-.iii.nii. r ll.mr rMi""
I. III. in)ilir in It Hnli'V ( ((
h.ie., l'""M
A lur.. Otnanii i lly. Or.. Mm ti. wl
litssol.I'lloN MMIftC.
Niitlea ! Iiotot.y l" llnl liee M"'"'
hlli lipri'lelem inl.llnil llx" Ki-I I ;
mi I'liiln Wnmu-r. Imili ul iiri'ein H, I li'
m eiMiniy. oii'iii'ii. lll ili 'i"i "'
lie.. ,k Wller. I. IU inf illMol'l.
I l. bu.n will l eiiiiliiiiifil l' Hi iil'l
i.tinr. Fii'il lli'..i'. wllli H .'..iim'ih J
luiuhil. iiiiiIit Hi iiiiii "I fml 'l
Ou'Hau I lly, April IMWH,
Khrh II..i.
I'HHI. W ilSk.
Ailmliil.linliir Nullr
liriflo o u Oeil l"' miller. iii
I'lmrle. Ilmmi In. l'-i'll h in "Iiiiit ...'in
el Hi .uti .. onaieii lot (N. km uuiy
ililli l''elut. . mliullil.lMI"' el 0"' i'UI-"I
tt ll I liu.ell, ilin'..l, All 'ieii. Ieile
eUlm. nnulli.l ml.l I'.eiui rr.iili".l In !
..Ill h .din le HI l OH' lw I'lU'iO'l Mi'HU'Ii'
ire..i'r, In on'ijeii l ill. In .ta eiou. wmi
rH'r eiii'le r. Htllioi l l.lelMM. o.,
rtl,t IIIAhl.rs I "o ,s
aiwlnl.ir.ii.ir nl Hi 't" l " II. i il".
.1 ."l
Ori'H'iii nil. iri. .fru I '. r11!
MelOl'll' t iii'.i i i"l Ml -uilttllll; ntlerii-
ler A.liiiliil.ir ner i
rIuyestp i'js
We lmvo lots 'lOxJtH fee, t:Mx'J(K feet, all favorably locnled", Tlieso
lots twice tlic ofilhtary 'm rt but half the usual u icb of other lots sim
ilarly loeuteil. Vt have oiii'-iu'ii', two-acrii, live ami dui acre tracts,
suitahlo for suburban homes, convenient to town, schools, churches,
etc.. iiml of very jirmlttctivo soil. A large, growing "I'nine I rch:inl." of
which we will sell part in small tracts to unit iuivhaer ., uml on easy
I'. H I iM. ion. . onui'is l it out
April li. IMil
I'.'IIH'Ullll tlitl lIUI ln-H lll-r.l l Itll. ellli-
i Ktlu l.ll ('iili'.M llll.l l l..lll. Mi lllleiltll
inr li-ll. lelllli hi. llellie.ii'fKl rilllt .e, Vl,
lUlnl J tl II. 4 I..V.. IIJ.-'II llirvief , iv ,
tn..l. r , III CUekNin. 1-xiihU Uit-reti.
Willi a llW tu III l-oini lliilleu el al, nur
111 ..til i'itli r Ih'O'I't .umiti.-tiril in
IH-ar Ml llill iltlt'in Hi tli iUt ul inn. U.I.
nl I I'le. k. ill . I" ri'.l-elel I.I lnriil.li I...U
III. 'Ii roiirero ina .l'l ulii-iii'l l'n. .iniul
4 l , .'J J T All-Jiws lil.lr
Till' I'aililljr I' hutiMn ..j
EY ' N0
tlVKIILANll ' Hi'T'
Tl Mill (in the leant PVM j, ji I J
A M. aiidW.iKi I-, M. "Vrf
tail Kilr,,(,t Ul I
kgant Now Diung liTw
I'll. mail rulHcti Klrfb.
no r. colonist Ni.KKhi '
run Tlirontth un l''.aiir.b. ybi
KANSAS fir "
t'llICA ' .
vt Si. I .
oiruoi t tN txiti, g.arr.-
I'l.ni f.iliurl'lleu. p., ill, 4 j 6 C
.v-o li'l P il luw ,
K.ir liirtlir iuiiilr immin,
t'l ih t'.imtiriy "f i" .
T. '
. r.t " .
I rtlutumiUitl,
o. m. ul:i,l,i:t, f
No ri K
I im t rn t Om
'N in. our .
Ai r 17. Il
relii.!Atul Hit l i .'II rlllrrr.l At ihl.i.tl'e
1,1 m V II. i.l.r f,ii,.l K'i.1 -ll'li rut"
lllf.rr fer il".lel"liln tu. Ileltu-.U .l hiltt
S .Mi I Wo.h p.. uie .li ili 1. 1 .1
met I
III. t'.t
lleh ,
.'i Iu lie
.I.! el
KI..I le
l.lll I
1 .1
l-llell IJ I
III. I lll-lje
.1.1 .ulo
..II,' !,,..
lie- l'..-ll
i.li H'.lill
.1,11. (
I lill I
.' .il. I
r i -. in I l
(., 1 1,
.Or ll," I.
..II Ui
sioe oi lue river, and some 4(H) feet
r.-u ,-h v,K i a ll.ime tiierehy uppurtcd.
i:ii or wic.e'i was to iTtng tu water to
w.-i-h oar th expected oohL At last the
i.u,-'i i.i in 9 I-.-, u-.ts tiuished. Wo hiiil
wa: r. V ; .;n!!i,'iiced wushinjc. The
dirt did ii pay us we expected. We
averaged v. i'.-U iu and week out about
tiiree iloii.i; -, p. r J.iy, uud oau dollar of
tiiis wen: I ? water money.
After tiie suspension flame waa Cn
ishil and w ter was on onr Fbit our
claim rl'm.l up for tho first week's
work a'oout ti:'ty dollars apiece. Wo
used ii. lie'. -liver plentifully in the
siiiic. s, i.ii.l i lie aiua'.oam wai taken to
my cai ia in a ejolj p.m and put ou the
hot coals l drive ctt tho mercury, which
it did, .m l -:.!iv:ii-d the fourof ns besides.
The su'..'1'juat.'d miueral covered walls,
tables aud chair with a fine frostliUe
coaiiuu'. and on rubbinone's finpTover
any surface a i,:;lo globule of quicksil
ver would r ei up before it. Then we
went to C'aiai- e camp and (fave tho dix;
tor about ::..!:' our individual week's
dividein'w to V liie mercury out of us.
Three wei-:; f .re ti.'juthsaud loosened
leeui io.iow. u lias lutelliyent exposure.
It was tint), 1 1'- such experiences as thesti
that we have iieeoine iu Califoniia prac
tical iniiicial. Iiowover, it's an
easy way of iakiue; "blue mass."
The ciaiiu from which great guius had
been exjh cici t v-iirii illy settled down
to an averse of :X'..VJ to $3 er day.
Break downs of the flume, failure of
water from up country, very stormy
weatin r, buildii:. and repairiiii reser
voirs, t-uttitiy; tail races through rot-kail
cau d numerous delays, aud every
such delay le.-ened the average per
diem. It was necessary to build reser
voirs, to store the wator for washing,
and the r -rvoirs broke with tho ease
and facility of a Bowery savings bank
Call and see us and get prices at
Oregon City ofllce or o
Robert L. Taft at Portland ofilce,
No. 50, Si ark street, Portland.
Ci'lirrul Micrniiin'f Turkey Sliiry.
General William Tecumseh Shennuu
told xmrl t tole k.
" Vi lieu I w a., w i h tho army in (Jeoriu
a sUva owner one Christina luibsed a fat
turhev. ih; .u p eti.-d a fine liKiking col
or -d man, ,n:d had him brought before
" 'You have stob-n iny turkey and
eaten it,' said the iivifo tnafitr.
" 'I'se not i-'wint; to say i didn't when
you K.ya 1 diu, ma.-.-a.'
" 'I oiigtit to do somethiuif to you.
What have you to nay why I should not
puni.-h you;'
"'Well, inassa, you han't W any
thinj,' parth "ii;ir. You aee, yon have a
little less tin 1: and a good deal more
"And f!ie master had to ackaowled:,'e
the iiliiiotojjiiy ul tile bhive and k-t hiiu
gO Ullpllhi
All fer SI I tin Irnir.
The Berlin correspondent of a nyndl
cate of r"Hucial papers is responsible
for the following story: "On tho inva
sion of the rea.vembir.ig of the holy
synod in the Uus.-.uu capital it was re
solved to forward to bis majesty, iu ac
cordance with traditional usagt the
archipastoral benediction. Tho clerk
who was employed to prepare the docu
ment foriualiy communicating the, pious
resolution made a curious mistake. By
a slip of the pen be wrote 'architectural'
instead of 'archipa.-toru!,' and tho reso
lution was forwarded without tho error i
being detected. j
"When the czar nvcived it hehuiKhed
heartily and wrote ou the margin, "I
have no need of such a blessing.' He j
then dismissed the matter from his mind.
The document, however, with the imp.- I
rial annotation, found its way back to j
the holy synod, and pr . winced among the
tueuilicrs of that txsly the greatest sur
prise and consternation. Without stop
ping to investigate the matter the eccle
siastics who were responsible for the res
olution jumped to the conclusion that
they had in some way or other incurred
the czar's displeasure, and that his maj
esty's comment wus an intimation to
them that they were expected immedi- ;
au-ly to resign.
"They accordingly went in a body to
the imperial palace and humbly teudered
their joint aud several resignations. It
was now the turn of the czar to be over- ,
whelmed with amazement, and it was
only after a good deal of embarrassment
and reciprocal explanations that the
matter was set right. The interview
terminated with a mild hint on the part
of his majesty that, even in the records
of religious bodies, verbal accuracy is a;
very desirable quality." j
i worsnipetl ami your puni is in keeping
w ith your desire.
The egg element hat Ixvn const, ier.iblv
eliminated in the uio,!e-n lixiter, h.-iiU n
Ihixcs having suddenly taken ell an ul
: most nub mute variety. Tiiomh hi lire,
den china ale Uleiollbte.llv ti, i liio, to
be pri.ed. Certainly p'nil.iiu canly
boxes lire the most sensible, as they out
, live tile confections and the day. Otic
: hetirs, however, of l"ni paid for n li.in 1
j piinted lioiiliounietii e.vitiisiti ly ibs-.n
j rated with ribbons, feathers and real laei.
j -all of wlin-h, barring th" lace, is wick
j edly H'risiable, considering the price.
Beautiful gifts are the small portrait
, hcns'iis which are copies iu miniature of
I Louis Seize designs and the .Sedan chairs
in Dresden. New York Tunes,
divine Nw Vnk I hltilrrii Vartliii.
Thus.' who ajiply f.,r a chance to send
their children to the country am In
stritcted that they must Ihi io,,r and
needy, without any infectious disease,
clean and free from vi-rtnin. A physi
cian then inspects each child. Or. C. C. 1
Vinton was the examining physician
last year, and lie examined nearly 1.1, mm
children, of whom about ",W) were sent '
into the country. Ivu h day tho board
of health furnished a list of the houses
where there was any contagious disease,
which was of immetise help. With that
list before him it was easy for the ex- j
amiiier to stop any child who came from
an infected house. The majority were
refused on account of their boiwliviNron.
dition as to vermin. Ills a herculean
task to get the average tcm-iuent house
child in a suitable condition to Isi re
ceived into country families, Key, Wil- J
lard Parsons in Scribncr'a. i
. ' t f A.i
. ., t t. N
v M
' svV.' V
ill '. " ' i 1 !..
Northern Pacific
r.rPlt Ponrllnd D.
v.. WM Vlbl IUHU IIUrte,mrt
TW O -' A s r TIC A INS 1 A 1 1 V
NO I 11 A.Ni.i, JTCH
Shortest Line to Ch ' '
iel all rsilnu r'.M.in'-. '
si f il l. AM UiStut-i . '
" iletinr, .
The Nnrllirrn I'arlllr t rkt.
I. Hi. eiil) tt,r rum., T. l Ck
lwut. it.
i',!.etit'i-r Tiains. 4luc of
-n-l-t i.is. Me. stin timt wm'ta.
I uMirioii. v (Whet, i
ruliniiii I'.il.n-e 'inipti Mn( km
I'lilu.e liimiig Can t.irin '
r i..n i ... L i 1
. ... i iihiih in tar i .
, i
l'-i ,lllTl
N .111.
'to Ml
ur t knt
lit I n, It I, V .va
U l'.C H:f
"' . i.iiiiiif1.
Il.( 'I I'tli.-., 4arBI.lt tu t I
si.. I'... ili. ,,. I, Or, u Hun.
i J-l ii, .la, r t'ti.i mi4lili tnsoN,
t ttlVH
I' I . Ill 'I ili, lnr ,'r r
MIOU1 I.I I. I I A I.I I 'v
I Kl bill I
VMil' VltleSTM V UUHl
A. Mi'l
I -I.
i I run t ..ti i
- . tin I un littr
OrcgoTi City
Mcaiurr Nalliiii HtVis J'
i . e iv i 'WllLinm. .Iinllf ii
0 UHili
i i ii . i
I'lt-.tir i
."IK ilia rut , . . u
no ru'
I 1 1 11 . ,11 E llnlli-M
i nii timo c i A
" Chicago Timos.
t'.Vt-tl ' .. , .-T.-oillll
re-I,,'. - .
B'-v.-r a:;;.i-i ;.
tho river. V,'.
ealh wirn a :,
fc! certainly w.
t,r r-vr did :s
rtcfdlection but
V;i.s brick next
Inijeirt.-iiit IX True,
r; is iiredi-'ioiisly tall storv sent
iij a pici
I '!' I I re;,',-trd ,s't(; ;ri
r-tit!ou credulity tbr-.t
1 htri..-; sueli pick again,
if;ii a :ase ocinir in my
that the mad resolver
it, ignoring ins vow
to r.s Ijy a ..:
man iu ll .
l'itrnpa bi'lia
them and he
witti five ,i!;oi.
in hiving Vr.-i
suiwcrilion "Ageutli!-
' was once attacked by
I ;. There wTn seven of
had only hia Biz shooter,
; irotu which he succeeded
liie same number of his
ind slrikiti;; his pick ou some claim gen
erally poorer tliau the otic he worked the
Edison pre-vious. So at tho end of four
months, after cumbering tho law books
cf the state of California with statutes.
vc.'.o.so very
'lit IDOUtlH
v-tfrf Her :-.
- coie :;. v i1,.
el 1 .-..) 'v.-b
"v i.enee
Ufi-.T ti.
-is forgotten j
pa;-..;a''e, our
e:. o' ' r..l. Oil ; Ct'.'.l
wii th"; iiiil bearing in one
i j'fy lr;'ts tied togttie 1
r.: ..-f..li
".Silver t.nd gold have I nona," said
ha, as ho came to my cabin door, "but
what I .have (rive I unto thee." which he
assailants, lie hail thwi one charge left,
and the re!;i,,ining two men were ad
vancing toward hint. (
"Quick ;is thought ho openwl his pocket
knife, held it nji in front of the pistol
barrel, with ti.o hhttiy tJo of tho blade
toward i. in, a. id fired. The knife split
tho bullet in h.il.u;;, eith half killing
f h i ' , and the hero thru saved
' t H his rwn ficcoutit of
!"::,-.'' Ayno landard.
Tim limn for I'uiisy llptl.
There is nothing imi4- attractive in the
early spring than a pansy bed. In order
to secure hlosnoms early the plants must
have attain.-d a proper t.ize under glass.
It is liece.-iry, therefore, to sow nansv
s;ed early. Any long wooden box fitted
into a sunny window in a moderately
cold room, hut where it does not freeze,
will do for a seedbox. Be sure tho
earth is rich, well fertilized with thor
oughly rotted compost and woodmoid,
and that it is fine and friable, so the
tiny seed can easily thmst down their
slender roots in it. Keep tho earth mod
erately moist after sowing the seed, and
in a short time the little plants will bo
up and growing.
It requires some resolution to thin out
the greater portion of them in order to
(rive those that are left sufficient room
to grow, but tiiis mu.-tt be done without
sparing or ail the plants will be weak
lings. Very pretty effects can be pro
duced by r.ii.-ing a box of white or near
ly white pan.-.ies for a border, mid a box
of mixed, dark, vlvety ones for the cen
ter of the bed. These quaint, blotched,
lovely HovveiH mem more like living
things than any oilier blossom. "Old
ladies" is the Cenmin name for them,
but the English name of pansy from
"our thoughts" has n touch of finer
fancy. Kew York Tribune.
i hii F
I tic ;!
! Tl:.
rruMtiits at J'atater.
Tho custom of ;nving Taster presents
grows every year, and now thjs festival
is second only to the supremo one of
I New York's good friend, Ismail, the.
I'X-khedivi) of Kgypt, who presented the'
: city with the oliclisk iu Central park, i,t
1 still practically a prisoner at Constant).
nople. lie U routined ill n palace, urn
when he goes out is always accompanied
by an til looking lot of Turks. There-
are ostensibly his guard of honor, but iu
reality they are cobbers who ni-ver lonj
sight of their distinguished prisoner,
i .
I A I'tiMlbla laiKluh Utiles.
The court and the public generally art.
regarding I'rincess Margaret of Prussia,
who accompanies In r iiu rial mother to
England, with a good deal of curiosily.
It is hinted somewhat openly that one
object of the Kuipress Frederick's visit
here is to do her l st to arrange a mar
riago for Albert Victor, Duke of Clar
ence, and her daughter, his first cousin,
despite the fact that the Prince of Wale,'
eldest son is undoubl. dly iu love with
his second cousin, I'riiics., .May of Ti ck,
and has iippan nlly his f.ilher's penni-,
S sinn to continue so,
I However, the ipieeu cannot, get (,v,.
the fact that l'rinc.e.sa ,Mav is the da ugh
! terof that Mary of Cainbi idgu of whoui
she was so i-aloim in the days w lieii tin
. late Prince "ibi'i t first canm a-courl,iiig,
and so, as young Albert Victor has no
spirit of his own, it is not unlikely tjial
the announcement of his engagement
with the Princess Margaret will come to
us boforo the empress has concluded her
I visit here. Margaret of Prussia seems
to be a delightful and highly educated
! young woman, but then, in m ,mbt
that shi) has a will of her own, like her
i l it... i i
... j .... in,, i lie! unit io,,ai :i',iliilliu,tlief.
.' .in.
lM. nw..
OUU. . '11
r. am i-t ..
I rsllt. tjnuit'
ii.iaia il, t un 4,11. ait,l Alii.lir. S.'tv
I lie llieeoii I'.u-iflr. mi'iiit!.
illaiiii'ltn ruer diviuiri
II tit Hid
ti Heels
id d
o " M ',
edv" ll..,ii . deli,
Wouialikiud, (hat Ibis
Iv ha- been calle I " V
dilfltl I, .lie beet,
'.. I.el.!ed I..-,,,-
' l'e iii'inelils oj
ll'lt'lfui teine
Ill's I'l ll lei,"
i I ortbuid s.nif -Uiutid
d.iv, in .1 I 1 1. Uv at tl A. M.
! I otwiilni Tue.iy, Tliunak'
jd-n at ii :;n P. M, JTjtu,
j imitli bound, Monday, Wrsliij (
l l ii'bivtit m A M, Airiiii xlniB
l'iiel.ii . Tliinsda)' and Sslunii;
I'. Al on Monday, Wr"itiiile;,
duv, I 'lb noidi itml .oillll-l. .jty j)
! be .ner night at ti!ein, le' J ,P(.a,t
l A, M Btniattlr
j Kr..,,t ,i -j li-krl (lltlra, Sl'
! I'"iij,tj,,
' " Until K. M. f. AP.i'J i
... l.ontit
t Thar-.
V lltlHio
EAST and SO,
Suiiliicl li I'acilic lri
mtrdt r
Tin I
Moore's Revealed
In a few ilo.es s!
peculiar i irlues for
ellect are eentli
Iv sitceet ' I n!.
ihs Moiiiuiikintl its
their ailnieiils. lis
soothing n in 1 itnifoin..
I'Apn-ss ftaiiis Iciivo l'orth'
Sell h
7 t.i iv i
lu I..
I v
j 1
Ll'pr-Kti I
ti Haul
tis i,k
Ilil ovel Hie
i e-i.-i,
I 3se. I, l
teslilllolii'iiH fnu
l"t lie, If ll illtl'SB b
I belie
its Mil'
Christmas in this p
ard. A
at )in
i. 1 v:
lew years
t tin egg
It, is equally certain thai
is about aMi-ely and i.-fl'.-t:
nil;' man as ei
A Hu rt, Vicl.tr
"-J I if'.:
A P.imithlt.l. ; , .',.. "riiri.il.
nniiii'K .ti n. hi,, c-1 1.- f
'oil. will lint'.
I'tirilHinl Ar
(ir.'L'.iiiiaiv l,v
s. 'iin:i.t.'ti l. iHmiirtu
- toiiuita
Alt.. if It.ili,. .iiipiinly at tltt I' isiuar.
in .n i.eri.i t.l litifflairic K.al f' ---
k Iiy. W..i..ltiirti. Hsli'iu. Albn (Ell OJt A
si.i-.l.ls. llnl...,, Ilitrrlnlnirii. J'""' (h Nntm.l
vIhk .in.) I- ittfeni' , jca. -
I!' ISI- Itt'llll HAII, (Ml! ft ' f
"" 'il I v I'lirllitna" Ar mi' No
I '" i m .f iiri'in.iil'lty l, j, )f
I'M'. M .vr Htt.i.l.iiri, U, L frld,
-h.Iia.sv i.i)i:.u.inii.ttliSi'
OKm. a.
I.v rnrtliunl ' -I
v (ut'B'.li Clljf W FI.IKf I
"" " 1 .viinii)- m.m
i'uihi.au Duff6TSI!(
I QUlt'lriT SLEEPING tl?r
I". l i.e. e..!.,ll,,ni.(S...ilill'l" S""ll'l
iiilm-h.-.l tu Kspri'ini Train' a, coram i
Wn.fHI MnMiill. INY, Pill
IIKTWI'd N 1'IIIITl.ANI) ANII C'Thln! sin1
Mull Trnln, linlly(Km'i'l'i Henolar
'' I
i ' i' a. ii. I I... i',Hi,iiift Ar
c;H'l' M 1 ,.r I'lirvBlllnJMi. IB, V
' Al Alletiiy i C.rv'H llln OiillU'SJl, -f -I
I'l llli'K.ili I'.iflllf lUlltmiil. ,
Kirss TibIii iilyM'Plil)NTAlN
"""yi .1.1.1-." nut,
mine. i
idler he
had ma
r. r ': I i:
lu i.'iUU.O1,!),
I.l ;.':; !le,i:'!i.l
Com doclt lodo he
and from that date
A t
till his death his wealth went on multi
bo i.i a
le. i Wat l "an fan
rare and coolly,
Easter offering ji tho shrino is esuedullv
i .:.,:!.., j.r. a
or ; . ri old mm;
may no uuiy an
men ol a y
even iitnni
,''!'iil-;'.'tret I
Will r...'li I
11, t III, - Jii.t
I I be IVuitd,
.lies. ii
c. a. movj & co.
' ' " 1 "I ' !. W.cliims,.,, II r
,.", u. ...
I I.
ti id:
-lill..y ,,,. j,
H' ll.l.ll.fa t-
Nil It,., ...
't tt M'k n.i.l iii
l',.rilioi.l Ar
MeMlBllvlllK", I B
Tl r r rjCH T,r'' -lK"ii)'lv
'!' i n'!N"!"; ATA KC'l
e- r i r "v rr jj'iriiiiil Tnri
' H " - -'- " In liniisn
I (nil lnf.riill1 (utow, Hoe
Cilll llll
Cl.llll f 1- -
I ''el llrl.el, ,
, rill ttt. in, ins, el,
tlr.(il (I Uy
I It. KllldlbKIt,
itiyiii...l nt.d
iiiilA. no
t f I
i nut
rtiniuiltm ruu, lUHK't'.'.'.'"'"'m I""
ti a. Ji i o., it ili ,n, UAikt,
t ll liOOKItfi Srul I Vr
Ani'lO. auJi'llUKlll lin
luua, sag i
' f
t 'w-tmwwvH'.v
'"il'l lililnim ii V apai . ,
"''piiii'lmi n.vsJ..