Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1891, Image 7

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:m and home.
Iiluck xllk ami cutaway jiirkntHovnr
Will 10 VtlhlH.
Tint iimvi'Hl Mi(i m'UK'iit ring Ih ii
yellow (liiiiiiond ml in iron cnutm-
iili'il a i in I til nit. Ot, horn 11 r (i in
Miirntliuii ulwuwi i.tittrimtiwl wild
Niiiall iliiiiiHiiiilH. thn HitttiiiU in iwi
llixr ciinm Im-Iiik vinillu. Hti-llii in
Iiirlliwimt 1'iuullo nirmcr.
A good fitrinitr will live woll on
thu product) of a fow cowh, a few
hmiH and a fuw bwm. Ho can have
a good tulilo, clotho hiri youngNtoro,
unfit utlil Hit f I tl iriwwl yflljl Hun lit
law - nv ff ll 1 11 III
oomparativi) mnn and comfort, und
my up inonity iroin iiih rropH, or
imy oll'liin niortitairn fif anvl from
tlm main eriin. Ah Hutu Im al-
wayM a good tunrk.it for the jirodiicii
from li iM liciiH, cowh and been, Imd
m'HMotiH cnniiotaHix t bin homo hap
pini'HH IwcaiiHii lie don't depend on
llin mcilmiiii nr nrii'it nf I'lirn In livn
All hngetH from the farm at Iitro
may he put wixwn it will do tlie
iiiomI good and be niifc, There are
many iiiHlaneeH around uh where
the woman luakeH a happy home,
while the man Ih wanting hid ener-
L'leH on txior croiiM. (lermaiitown
" of liilcrcKl to the runner, (Jar
tier, llortlculliiM, Mtuck
ltnUcr ami Household.
'01HONM TIIK llANOKIt r'lluM
aro rj'tedly Htartled by
otintH of poinoning of a mini
perHoiiH who arc Hiiddenly
h! by UlneHH fter eating food
ud In Aomn other place than
Wonietinien the injur!
ilmtnnos in diHtributcd to
)hmm from Home central lo
like a calerer'H or confection
iibliHhinent; or numherH tmr-
of a hotel dinner, pending
cal celebration, arc ntricken
mo iiiyHterioiiH illncHH; or at
) or church fentival Home
11. ill credited with poinoli
liw cream.
iv be noted that ice-cream
o no-culled pantry cookV
iro more than any other
fond localized n the Homvn
def. Thin fuel in Hignilicaiit.
II known to Hi'ieutilie phy
;hat in milk more than in
it animal food, there in a
orablu for then inuhoiih of
tion denominate ptomaincH.
He of milk in the three ar
tloh tlloHt often bociii to be
f danger clearly indicate
ntance km the li rut online of
Hcietttilic iiivcHtigalion of
wm produced in widely
d hx'aliticH hIihwh identity
itoiito and reHults, thiiH
irovmg itn coiniiioii urinni.
i Hpccitieil in llerlin by lr.
and in America by I'rof.
lllirhll. in an active hoimou
in Ntalo milk, cream and I Vl'"' souring. When yca-t rises to
ml now known aw tvrnto- i t"f vi-mhpI, mix ll.mr ami
... : i i -
. luiH Ihtii rmd lit
fruit Houtli of liluntnountalnM and
in hum t hern piirtn of Wuhco and
(iilliam coiinticH. Them ban been
more HUiiHhinc, mid Cp-hIi northerly
Humnicr-fiillowcd wheat and bar
ley in HectioiiH, urn heading, Hpring
wlnmt in aliort in Htein and hiia
hIow growth, (iood nhowerH would
niHiiro u large yield. Hpring wheat
Will nut In Uti lurittt a . tt mi Lui
year tinlcHU more rain fallM upon it
wiiniri liiii iinvL irtiir un..i.ii
general crop proHpccU throughout
caHiern wrcgon, are, However, good.
uhcd ana Mierman coiihIicm huvo
imrhapH the bent pronpectH. In
I'miltlllll COUIltV the mirfni'i. unit ia
dry, but inointure in plentiful in
under noil. Thin connty'a jiroH;ct
ih iih goou or iwucr tiian ut the
name time hint year. In (irandu
iConde vallev fariricra are ireiiernllv
..ii . .
wen HiillHlieii Willi tlie wheat nroH
pectn. Kruit iH doing nicely. The
ninge grann Ih juit good and catlh
are doing tiite well. Sheep shear
ing contiinieH to progrcHHfuvor.ibly
H. S. I'AOI K,
Observer U. H, Signal Service
Put warm water in Itiin nit.elii.r
or bucket: add one teasiHionfuI salt
ami one of brown Hiigar, a cupful
oi Hwect milk or three or four table
Hpooiis of coriuueal will do, Stir
your Hour iih for a thick batter
cake ami net the vessel in warm
water, keep good and warm. Stir
iiiite often until it logins to foiun,
then do not stir it any more or jar
it. If the water should riNe mi top
of yi ast, stir more Hour in to pre-
sweet put in vour linking
; nrolH'l lv ilcd. m oysters i emves. Keep warm, hot III. I until
iVIlll lllllk, ill CI'CMIII pull's
direct I v
ol?I Cheese. tllllS
to it luiliil.it iii milk. In
III IICCS the illness has hti ii
I Rome such condition ns
ling of milk over a day
that Tiew Iv drawn, the Use
ir crciuu ovi r I went v-fotir
I. till' Use of utensils imper
aned, the use of milk kepi
lll-Vt'lilllaled places. The
4 element 'ca I led ptomaine
ito in cans (Mid metal VeS-
kinds with great rapidity;
it rises, handle very carefully to
i prevent its falling. Hake slowly
'until done. To keep it moist sev
i'1'.il days add pint cornineal IiiihIi
j In n you kneinl for baking.
No I KS.
per cent, of the
M.ire than H7
enor'uoiiH crop raiseil in this
e.iintry in lSMt was consumed a'
The valuation of lite stoc k re
ceived at Chicago in 1 vl was if J.'ll -
.'! I I VI" or llltollt Ml IHIS llllll i,i,.r..
lour under favorable con-j than in J.ss'.t
ill develop millions of thei i. t . , ,.
' I In ill v seasons fanners should
' , r m i i . i l""k we'll to their water supply,
il ngot milk whif it is !ii- , . ,- ,, , , I
. , j ater Iroin wi-lls nearly dry is a -
h woins to gl are against . ,- , . , . ,,-
, e ... , ways loiil. I on water is the source
iipniciit of ge ins o tu her-I t ii
i ii,. ; of maiiv ills,
ml any ileleterious matter !
d blue milk, but, this can ! 'rop statistics published by our
inviting food, ami its use J government show about .VIJ.iKM),.
isable, althoiiuh it is not ,,MHI bushels of corn of ns year's
h a r u i I'u I . j crtip still held hy the farmers, ami
1 1 J.tM K),IK0 bushels of wheat.
be jMiiitively
i in Ho lunch going among
utaiitH now a .lavs, our
ay lie glad to be informed
latent shape in which
drcHses, as they are
i Worn by those who take
9 to provide themselves
cial Hiiit for this purpose
hing to do, as it not only
nkirta of other dresses
( ipoiled, butHccurcH ease
rt in taking the exercise
lie aole purpose of secur
ntain resort. .
at shape shows a short
which is a deep cut I
Inch, although fitted to
ia UHually worn with the
only fastened,
ar is turned over and
i as to show that of the
Ii is close, though not
hore arc small pockets
Mist on each side. The
alightly gathered on the
id are not kigh, At the
are not tight but some-
; is abort, coming but n
ino knee, as gaiters are
i high shoo with a low
litod to climbing. The
T the skirt, is arranged
ileats, met by the same
wide, but with a smooth
sen. There is an adorn
V8 Of buttons along the
nearest this plain space,
r of convenient pockets
d On the very deepsides
110, there being two of
JUSques are seen out
0 81ii.il! pockets on the
eaiter button
iv thia fastening on the
hat of soft ptraw or
il in usually worn with
, and adorned with a
nd and buckle, having
orialn for mountain
iriso all tho light-weight
veil iih thick linens.
" (lenn.'iii" was (.lie
'taiiimi'iil given Master
.members of a. I.culen
Only holies nro in-
men beinir iiersomi.leil
(UIKlil tVUlHI K III ItKtl
In co operation with I'.S. Weather
Hun-ail, Central oil. i-, l'orlland,
( ll'egoli.
Crop weather Hulb-tin No. Id. For
week emling Saturday, May 1(1,
AlKiut normal temperature pre
vailed for the week. There was mi
absence of extremely warm days,
but the nights have been wanner.
The liicht temiMTiiture has more
ctl'ect on the general growth of veg
etation than the day temjierature.
Warm niirhts mean Is-tter ami more
sturdy growth. There has Ucn an
absence of rainfall excent n verv
light shower on the 1'Jth. Further
reports on the 7th. Sth and t)th. in
dicate, as remarked in last week's
bulletin, little or no damage to veg
etation. Tho weather has been
cloudy, with two or more ulinost
cloudless davs. (lencrallv north
erly winds prevailed.
The weather conditions have
been most favorable to the growth
iml yield ot crops, l.nte spring seed
ing on low lands is practically fin
ished. Fall wheat continues to
have good growth and color and
soino of it is heading. The spring
sown grain is generally reported in
a most prosperous condition. I'n
less unforeseen circumstances hap
K'ii, the Willamette valley will
have the largest cereal and" fruit
crop on record. In Southern Ore
gon prospects aro almost flattering.
In this latter district showers wonbl
be of groat benefit. Some hav lias
already been cut, and it yielded
well. Hops are growing remarka
bly well and indicate pood vields
Strawberries are rmoniinr in sei.
tioilH of southern Oreiron. ami in
the ceptral part of Kenton county
cherries aro as largo as a full grown
peas; peaches are formed; applo ca
lyx forming. The grass is good
and everything is favorable to all
vegetation in western Oregon.
Warmer weather has prevailed,
being about a normal teniiieratiire
..i . .. i . . . . '. . v
iiiong i oiumimi river, nut In-low
normal south of Columbia river.
An occasional sprinkle of rainfall.
Th rirrt Homi llluusr.
A bride of tho midwinter became
almut a wk ao tho mistr-wiii of a cory
littla npurtinniit tip town, all aensma and
dlrain and rngx, after the moat ap
proved fuiililon. Kha Uilla an aranxing
aUtryof the first dinner in tlietr now
'(Jure is a one m-rvnnt establishment,
an I saw to everything, u we lioiwekMep
em any" t liia with a gtiinuce "myself.
it woulil liave Imvii U-tti-r, iKwiubly, if I
had not. Wo sut down to dinner, de
lighted to Is- in our own snuggery, and
Hurry unfolded hi mtpkiii with an air
of complete snliNraetmn. fviiip was first
it wu dii iuiriilly wi-iik and tiwtelesM.
Then wo luul a bit of salmon with a
while siuiee. I iniidn tho satire and it
looked all ritfht, lint when it was served
It turned out a sort of gluey piist sim
ply liueiitalile.
Hurry Is luived U-untifully, however,
j aim in. ei.- mi riiiiiiiieiit. hi-n he ls--j
K'oi to nnve un iiiiili-rdunn duck he
aliiil qui, kly if I dsik euro to bstk np
I my cook's reference. Wo hud n lettuce
salii.l, which was undeniably gissl, IUr
I ry driving it un the tnblf. 1 um trying
j to live on an allowance, so UenM-rt was
pnix-rvid ginger, with iheew., wafers
und coffee. Jane made tho coffin and
it wiim exc.-Il.-iit. lint 1 gut np from the
table hungry, of cotir.M'. When we got
into the other room I noticed Harry did
not light his cigar, which ho always '.
likes niter dinner. Ho walked up and !
down two or three times und then 1ml
" 'How soon, Puss, ought a dinner in
vitation to 1m- returned.'' ;
"Without an idea of what he meant '
I renin-.!, 'Oh, quito promptly, 1 sn-
" 'In that i use,' he went on, 'as I have
just dined with you won't you U) good
enough to come and dine with me?"
"Anil though I wits wri-ulnilly morti
fied 1 whs too starved to decline with
dignity, as I felt I oiiL'ht. Anil W4 trt.itf
off and had a cream soup, a steak with
mushrooms and a meringue glace. "Iter
l'oint of View in New York Times.
rrangmnom aoove till than Bat, deep
auw oi me g'XXU iliapeil to lap each
vt at uie tup, ao aa to (five the r.uili Ion
able "bell" appearance to the iklrt when
flnifthfld. I'rI.kU tllMV 1 ..l,!...! u....
j ".'"-4 wiiaii
tlie kllu atop at the back, which tend to
uLuiiiMu ul HH OI ujo uromi hlpa, or
the kUU may limply end In a fan plaited
drapery at the back, ftuiabed with a deep
born. Ilaita and kUU are atlU fashion
able, and the majority of the aeaaon't
imm fufarka nro, Ut our mind, far better
uaptea to kiltioge Uuui to Ute caU,
Lanhtnn. nutnU. tmlm mnA
Ueaof wasteful. nwsuiiDglna atyle of
luiKBruraM wora, Mew xoru rwt.
A in at m TT. . .
tuxiian Lawioo, Um aeulptor wboee
Utue of Bunaet Cox U oeoaaioiilnf eon
dderable diacaniiiua jaat now, U a
in or a woman, wllu goitb-n brown
nair, gray eyea, lup and a viva
cioua manner, tibe wears, when work
ing In clay, s dark bine blouse 'and
trouwrn, and her studio costume la al
wnya of whlto lincn-ekirt and coat the
latbr finished with an extraordinary
collar of course embroidery, tied with the
traditional knot of baby blue ribbon.
With this costume yellow shoeaare worn.
The whole rt,:t iu ruDinr umni 1,1,,..
than attractive. Whatever the critic
any, the letter carrier awear by Louise
and her nine-foot image. Exchange.
1891 . . .
Cf"t In (he Ton ef a llulldlog.
For anine invsteriona
vaUjr in Fuller'n block did not atop at
the desired floor Uie othr n it. v win A lrU.
on to the Uip of the building in spite of
the amall boy who waa running it The
Kjle jiaswngw was an elderly lady. It
waa nearly uoon when the ascent waa
made, and it waa fW ilinn k.t .
., , , - - m
irentlenuui ninmurA.l kB , v. .
' ' . MM, uiq emiBiur
boy did not resnd to the bells and went
w tun ruoi in tthur u u t,.
- - - " uivivni.
He ducovered. raveil tin In Hw. .luv.t...
n - f - " ... . W i ,
a very tuurh frightened old lady and a
uoy, who aiso siioweI signs of anxiety
With a Kten laddiir
help tho prisoners were reecued through
a very small opening alwve the door on
the top floor and the elevator was set in
motion again. It will be Kimetime lsi
fore that lady frusta herself to an ele
vau.r agnin.-Springtk-ld (Mass.) Home
stead. A Curlo.llr ot ltd Td.
A curious raso of red tape has just
collie to my attention. The -Brazilian
Indians have a trick of compressing the
skulls of the dead. They take out all
the Ixmi-s and reduce the Bize of the
head to ubotit one-third of its original
dimensions, bnt manage to retain the
......- .1 !
mami in aim exprt'ssion exatrt. A gen
tleman in New York on a recent trip to
nrnzil secured ono of these heads und
shipvl it home. It now lies in a box iu
the basement of the custom house, and
ha ran get it no further, b.aue the
health ofhrer will not give the neces
sary authority to the enstoms officer to
pass the invoice, for the reason that no
certificate has Ish-h furnished as to the
cua of the man's death. Cor. Chicago
Coring "and Summer.
We earnestly Invite your attention to our magnificent showing of
New and Stylish Selections
For the Spring and Summer Months.
, Your own interests cannot he better served than bv familiarizing yourselves
With these goods and tirli-en U.ynu ti,u ,ni
More new itylee'liandsome selections and choice novelties
than ever before.
Come and see our complete assortment of Spring and Hummer style in
... DRY GOODS...
Clothing, Roots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing
Goods, Notions, Etc.
Now have a Full Stock (if Lumber on hand and can fill
all orders promptly. Their Mock embraces
Flooring:, ( eilhip, Ittistic and ull cxades of Dressed Lumber, Lath,
Pickets and Dimension Stuff.
Special Uills Cut. Send in your orders lx:fore the Spring rush.
D. D. Slartin, of Dublin, Cal., made
quite a raid on the squirrels after a re
cent storm. Ho prepared five gallons of
poisoiied barley and scattered It near the
squirrel hul.-s on forty acres of land, and
Miecwdi-d iu killing 4,321 by actual count.
Cheapest : in : the : city
Orders from tlie country promptly filled.
A i'liinlly of ;lui,t.
Mr. M.irtivt I..ukiin, who was in
b rriil in .St. .Iiuu'him's ii'tm-tery, Frauk
fnrd, u fi-w days uk, at tho ( of ninety-two
years, came of au Irish family re
markable fur physical strenirth and Inn.
Revity. Mrs. I firkins' maiden name was
.VjnneII, and her father was a wnll-to-do
raiser of horsea in the village of Lu
riff. Unnty Cork. A descendant living
iu Philadelphia, who has visited the old
Hcannell homestead, says that the vil
lagers still point with a tort of !.. i-h
pride to a huge capstone which he re
moved from tho archway of a limekiln
and placed In the position it at present
occupies in what was to be hia futars
home. After his marriage at the age of
forty Mr. .SoanneU settled down to farming.
The next farm to his was owned by a
cousin, whose descendants, three strap
ping daughters, now manage the (ialry,
plow the fluids and reap the harvest and
do whatever ditching and drainimr the
soil requires. The Philndelphian who
iiii'l Iliese tliree ladles ave that i.hmir
ooenpation has not tended to nnsei
them, anil that on the way to chnrch on
Sunday neither by dress nor demeanor
are they distinguishable from the most
blue blooded of their conntry women.
The Scannell family has been prolific iu
irianta. Ohm nf ttiH l,intli..M KA A
n .'., u..ri..ii-.n bill, UP-
rejwed lady still lives in Ireland and is of
pxuraomiunry stjitnre. Aconsin residing
in this city sUuids 6 ft. tij in. in his
sisk.s, and uuother 8 ft. 2J in. An nncle,
Michael Si'annell, wits the parish priest
nt Tarsed and attained a great age, A
nephew some years ago won a wager by
lifting from tho gronnd a barrel of
white lend weighing several hundred
pound, Philadelphia Press.
I i m
1 Mniti
Hi-li. In b-i veil thf On-Run City Market Ite-
, . ei-i) irnm llotitt limn Inr
i ulmu-il I UK Kntkki'SIsk l.y tin- local mcrohaiiu-
j WIh-iI. Vallev, ft lll ttm,
i 'nl, f 1UI Un, ...
rmi s
tires, hi city Mill. lNirtlaua IfrKua
I'iMiiitry llruuil
Corn Meal
Out Meal
SlmrU V tou
Tlmethy hay, "
Clover hay, "
Potato!, f cwt ,
Apple, green, t Imix
148 Third Street, Portiand.
Near Morrison.
U11U11 0!
a 4.'.
4 411 1
I'i 10
1 00
16 C
Apple, dried, Y
nimer, f n .
llouey, f t ..
PI m
Ess moron
B UUflJlf
7ie .
Heel, live W n
Hwf. lre.Hed
Mutton, live R
Muttmi, dri'asrd, H t
I'urk. live. V n
Pork, dreaki'd, Ih . .
eai. nve, f n
Veal, ilremird, la
llanu m
llacon, '
Chlrkenm y; imn, per det oys
l.hlrkena, old, per doi . von
Ducks, per dot "" siuio
..-re. per ani
lurklea, perpoiuuj HMte
The GeleLrated FrencI) Gure.
ut nut I'liniiLrli In do nnv I'-iiinl.
tr i .( !,,, i e it... r ... ii .
; ' e i" 1 .-"i'u i u i i i'in-i ii-iuii.siM i un 1 1 uhl tin ino
larrtod ladies wearing 1 8th and !)th indicate damage to
Stylus In Skirt.
A New Emrlaiid cnrTeHiiini1inEaj.k-a,l.
vuis about the adoption of tho "sheath,"
that is. the Eiil'IimIi. skirt f.
self in the ordering of some fresh spring
dreasee. This is a question th is per
plexing not a few women who sue neither
beautr nor i?rce in tlie nmnt stt-u r.i
shaping skirts. The throngs of woman,
young and old, that one view yoa oar
city thoronghfares and at fashionable
gatherings aro each and all, almost to a
woman, attired in gowns wkat akirts
look simply wrapped around them, with
a mass of useless, graceless, flapping flat
folds huddled all in a heap at the ex
treme back. These are "nncompliraont
Itrv" to tall, slim women, inul t.lw.ir nnt.
lino and emphasize the adipose contours
of short, stout ones. Also, few fuel...
fill women lake kindly to tho gored or
bell skirt, with a wide laco or other
llounco at tho liein, among them our New
Ungliuid correspondent.
Wo therefore advise a gracefully gored
foundation skirt, with auuuly uo oihui
Is Sold on a
to nura inv form
ofnervotiK dlHes.0
orauy disorder of
the generative, or-
(taiiHot eitheraex
u .. ....
yrttVV As.
I y x i J'
J 2
Brr(ln, ii"iiuiipi.ii-iiMie
BtfORt liaeol stiimilants, AFTER
io aiTo ur opium, or I irouKh youtiiful iudlnrrv-
LU J,!1 "?" 1,,'rii'K'f"n Pslnslntha
iV.,i v . "".rena, Aervuua J'ros
t atlon , Nooturiial Kmlmlous, Leiteorrh.va, Illf
jlnoM, Weak Memory, I.oof Power and imiio
aa !' "e2 " premature
irm"nud i"nlt',,I I, l-WaiK)x, 6boxo.
for.''ii .Senl by H"11 rerelpt 01 price-
A IV It I 1 li V ,111 ID 1 ,'n.uu 'i.
v imi ' r r. r, is Riven lor
..y , ii,, in n-oinn mo money If
a I erinaiient euro la not effected. We have
thousands or testimonials from old and youni,
pf both sexes, who have bei-n permaneutly etuvd
bytheuseofAphroilltine. Clrcularfree. Addrosf
Wosteru Brauch, Box 27. Portland, 0a.
For sale bvCharman & Co.
linguists, Oregon City Or.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Repairs on nil kinds of snutll machines
promptly marie. Duplicate keys to
any lock manufactured. Shop in
Wineset A Scripture's black
smith shop.
Of All Designs, From the Smallest
dxild's Cliair
To the Largest
Arm Chair.
I Patent Rocking Chairs of neat and nobby designs- Perfo-
M wu-ocat snails; raney .Keeuand (Jane
seat and back Dining and Library Chairs.
Ue a so cany a complete line of Mattresses Yum
Y um, Coil bvrmg; Box and Top made to order. Woven
CoN Etc aEtcthree"1)ly' f a" Pizes; Bedsteads. Lounges,
Warren dfc Holman.
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Pictures, Bric-a-Wc,
Engravings, Etchings, etc.
08 Third Street, Portland.
flsF"0rders by mail or boat promptly filled.
Arlington Building
Oregon City Sash & Door Factory
Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Turning of all kinds,
Opecial sizes of doors and windows mad tn mvW
Estimates for stairwork. Orders womntlv fill,.
r j j
The New Remedy. - - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured
i: tiVTi s MH Boiti: kim.i... ro..
tliiri'iMiii St.. I'ociliiiiil, Or
Exclusive Agents tor Clackamas County, TIlOS CHARM AN & SON,
Oregon City, Oregon
f r. . !