Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1891, Image 6

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S 'I
JYrnr I'pmimer Make Ills
pelntmenN Rornrtlloss of Politics.
I lieoriw K. Clmniberlain, Alhanv, at
torney general.
Hoard of Kjiiftliiition George liar
oM, Multnomah; J. W. SlioHon, Cnioii ;
Charles Hughes, Josephine; William
Hughes, Morrow ; H, K. . Hayes, Clack
amas; John ltiirnett, Benton ; J. P.
Robertson, Marion.
Board of Pharmacy 1 J. Fry,
Marion; I,. Ct. Clark, Multnomah; V.
B. Welch. Multnomah; A. A. Jones,
Baker; is. B. Gould, I'matilla.
Board of Charities 0. K. Clino,
Marion; W. K. (VII, Clackamas; Jos
eph Holt, MnltHoniah ; Thoa. N. Strong,
Multnomah; J. 8. White, Marion; l.
Solis Cohen, Multnomah.
Board of Kegents Monmouth State
normal School J B. V. Butler, Polk ;
P. Haly, l'olk; J. J. Ilaly, l'olk; J.C.
White, l'olk; Benjamin Schotield,
Washington; Alfred l.acy, Clackamas:
W. H. Holmes, Marion; Jacob Yor
hees, Marion ; A. Noltner, Multnomah.
No appointment will be mu le of a
second judge for the First district under
act of the last legislature, the governor J
noiuing mat me law is invuhuated by
the record of the lower house, which dis
closes the fact that the enacting claim'
wa added after the bill had passed both
houses. The governor having applied
to the supreme court fur its opinion on
the law without success, and there be
ing no provision of law in this state re
quiring such an opinion to be given, he
felt compelled to exercise his own judg
ment as to the validity of the law. mi, I
therefore refuses to issue the conuiiis
iiou .
Company F, 0. . (J.
Company F in addition to their regu
lar drill Monday evening held a busi
ness meeting. Before the latter con
vened, however, Capt. K. 8. Warren
was made the recipient of an elegant
pf '"I? hil sword by the members ot the
company. Private A. S. Dresser made
the presentation speech, to which Capt.
Warren reapwided in a few appropriate
remaiks and was surprised as well
as highly pleased ta see how kindly his
efforts were appreciated by the boys.
The invitation of Meade Post, G. A. K.
was accepted to attend the Memorial
services at the Congregational church
next Sunday and to participate in the
ceremonies on Decoration Day. Thev
. j
aiso completed arrangements
the farm of K. Hurtles, philomath,
Benton county, and found luig number
of viop lice, all wingless, on the leaves
of a small blue plum, name unknown,
and open the foliage of so-called green
guire plum. No lice are to bo found on
the lions as yet, as might In expected.
Thoa plum twos were about a third of
a mile from the hop ard,
"This is an important fact for hop
growers, who should 1 on the alert to
combat the post this year, and I trust
you will give publicity to the state
ment. Picnic at MnrqiMiti.
A grand picnic and festival, extraor
dinary, will ho given at Murouum on
Saturday, Juno l:t. lS'U. under the
auspices of Butte Creek Grange at that
il!aee. State master, li. K. Hayes and j
M. V. Book, will address the people on I
that occasion. Music, vocal and in
strumental will ho among the leading
attraction of the day. Everybody is
invited to attend and brims their baskets
well tilled, the more chicken the better.
The one Filed By tiovenor Pennnyer
Has not Sufficient Red Tape.
Govenor Peunoyer yesterday tiled
with Major llandbury, of the Cnited
States engineer oors, the acceptance of
the stale hoard of portage commissioners
of the conditions imposed by thoscc-.
rotary of war in regard to the buildirg
of the temporary portage at the Cascades.
Colonel I-ovell, secret rry of the board, ;
was in town last night on his way to the
Cascades, where he will join Ktiirinoer
Farley, and look over the ground, lie I
said last night that Senator Dolph had
telegraphed from Washington for a
more specific acceptance of the conditi
ons imposed, and the board will holds
mooting in Salem tomorrow to arrange
the matter. Colonel l.ovell regarded this
reiiuirements as a mere mutter of form
ality as Hie principal conditions have
been accepted. Oregoniant
The vote on tlm cent-oil. lullon of
of Portland, Fast Portland and Alblna
will take place Juno S. One of the
piineipal objections to consolidation
made by the opponent of the move, is
lhat the Sollwood, Southern Pacllle
machine shops, I.add's farm adjoining
Fast Portland, the Albiim llourlng mills,
the sellond street motor linn power
house, the North Paeille mills, and Van
PeUKlimutl'a tract have all been ex
cluded from (ho consolidation bill.
leaving valuable property within the
proposed city limit that will not ho
taxed foi n unicipal purpose .
CI.OnFS may .
The (irudiiuthiii CImin Mure Itniiiti
The Oregon City High school with it
auxiliary departments, will cloe a most
successful term, Friday, May'.'Ulh. This
school hn ten grades, with eight In-
stmctor, and eight rooms, which have
been crowded to their utmost capacity.
The grade and teacher presiding over
each grade Is as follows: 1st, Miss
V . II ... I il I . I ' .1 - ,1
Mr W v .1 I it. ii'a narmw ; .no, .miss ,tuy rveny ;
i..,. , i.. 1 1. , i .. . .i i . .i . i:!"'i Mis Fdith Glasspool; lib, Mis
. -,v ...in i'ii bi vi.iiih ,M uie iaio urn lie , , ,. , ,., ,, ,. , ,,
inn. ............. i i. i i it . I'dna Henley; Mli, Mit 1'iiniiio I ni
..........,..,,, ,u inn, K . Minimum , HIli .,, .. ,, ,, ,, ,, .,, , Ull
gonml jobbing shop In he rear of ' " U- , ' .', ' ' ' ,M '
, " h0' i Flunk Kigler. Prof, liigler, who Is
I"ot of 1 ..... .,. , .. , . , , ., , , , , ,
piuiriiui aim leiu ner oi ine nigu si iiihii
Confer & walkeP'
i 101 Hi
l?oiee lml$ of farp)Q
In live iiinl teii iich' IriK'ts nciir (irennii Cily, 1'rleo rn,,
forty ilollnrs mi ncro nml iiiwiinl. A full list f rjv , f
ty. Snineortlic lesl ilcmld llmlior Intel In t)reg,m j;,'""! P,,rH
' snle nt ii Imrguiti. All coirt'spoiiilciicn 'roin,u 'V '
swei'i'il. Cull nml iiiHM'cl ntir irnHrty, ' l'1
.Office ovor Cauf i kl's DrtiR Store, OroKon cwbsta
U. 0 Wilson's store, tolim old
disl chinch on Seventh street,
llt'l.ll.1. ,111.1 lu .......... .-..I .1. ..11 1. I
..I , . ilepartinenl, stales that the al endauce
' Kit oning, looiing spouting. ', . .. . . . . , , ,
copper and sheet i.on work. Thanking I T ' ' ," '""k vhM'" "'
Hi" Piihlio for past favors 1 hone now i ' ' .v," I'l.eavmag,.
iili.,, ,, ; i.i'i ..... lalleudnnco
" i, i. .ii i .'iiiimiiciii mm
moderate ehaigea to obtain a shme of!
your future pntmtMgo.
Mr. Aaron Viiiaoii. ot Nilcs A. Viim.m. '
the well known marble and tombstone
douli is of Wall Walla, is in the city
accompanied by bis w ife. Thev are the
guests of Mr. A Warner, of Mountain
View. Mr. Vinson is an old Clackamas
county hoy, and was horn and raised
near Needy, in this county. He is
traveling in the interest of his Him, who
sell their good in every portion of the
The correspondents of Tiik Fvi-kk-I'Kisk
are requested to semi in a brief
sketch of thelirst settlers of their neiL'h-
i. ...i. ..i.i . .
numiAHi; now u cuiiie io lie named etc
has Is'eii 41(1 pupils, and the rooms
were crowded to their utmost capacity,
in tact, there were entirely loo many
or the pieseut accniiiuiodalinn provided
by the laige school building, but in
riiligeinenls have lsen uiado to pur
chase a block for school ihhiioic in
the south part of the city, where nil
additional school building will be otoctnil
whiih will provide ample room fur all
the guidon nml the increasing nunil'er n
of pupils. The board of directors in j
connection with the advisory committee
recently held a in, -cling, and will soon
make a selection of one of the blocks mi ;
n hit h options have Im'i'M secured. The
Uityou I iiy school under the manage
, 110 I
or a
r 01
Wall hipcr, Paints, Oil, Sash
iiinl I 'ours
r.. i. . t..-.. .. . . .
iui me uiNiiiric.il nuuitier ol tins paper
wluchwill ho issiiml Jiiini Mill I'l... coins of usialanls , ui,n,,i l. ......
, , t of Professor liigler and his able'
sketch uiu.it be very brief, and contain
a mere mention of the actual fads.
Brier Paragraphs of a l.oeiil and (ion
oral Nature.
Lunches at all hours at the Oregon
City Lunch Counter.
Nohlett's stables will run a hack from
this city to the Cemetery on Decoration
Mr. I.M. Boyles. of Wilhoit. m..
doing Oregon City this week.
Fiesh Wilhoit on hand constantly at
r. . u. i autiolJ s Pharmacy 5 cts a glass.
Mr. E. A. Wright, of Meadow Broik,
made this oilice a pleasant call vestet-
unit liavu i ,
omeren new dross uniforms through Mr.
J. W. O'Connell, who will see that they St'rvKi'8 will be held ever Sunday at
are provided with them. With the new ' l'al1''8 Episcopal church.
uniforms they will be completely! J .M.JIon.vlhson.
equipped for the First Regiment I Mr. Henry Wilourii, the popular'
vunuipiurm wnicn meets at Kiverside i nientiunt and postmaster nt Eagle
in July. On Tuesday night examina-j Creek, was in Oregon City yestenUy.
tion of non-commissioned officers took j pra,ln. ,, , r '
place. Lieutenant Kelsy of Portland, Hlled t ! s , 17
being the examining efficer. The ex 1 JiH r.f '1"8 l.I,r,,SUw
amination was said" to be very strict, rH - ' VMV
and the result will be submitted to the i
board to decide who shall be eligible to ! -Ml'MrM- - J- Lovejoy and T. F
fill the officers. , Kyan are attending the Odd Fellows
!rand ledge, which is in session at
Settled and Dismissed. Portland this week
Mr. H L. Minkler, a carpenter, ,-hoj The h-leraT TiadTsfTUanil have
had erected a building for Hamilton & ordered another strike a,:osi U .! ,?
Meade Post. No. 2, G. A. U. asMsted
by the Ladies Relief Corps, will bold
I memorial services at 'he Congregational
I church next .Sunday at II o'clock a. in.
j Kev.tiihnan Parker will deliver the
iiiemonui sermon, anj company F, O
N. G. will ho out in full force.
T. F. Kyan has resigned his claim to
the mayorship, which leave mayor
elect T. W. Sullivan in possession o!
the field. The new council will hold u:
meeting immediately after Judge Tay
lor convenes the adjourned term nr
circuit court, which liegins May 2(1.
Ko. .sale.
Park addition or Central addition or
rairinoiint (see map ot Oregon City)
Huls re. eived at Pt'i Salmon street, Port
laud, Ore.
... i.i ....
meiioourn at rarfc l'lace, was ar
rested for larceny by bailee, and had a
hearing before Justice Fouts last Sat
urday. As there was not sufficient
evidence to hold him he was discharged.
Messrs. Hamilton A Washbourn had
agreed to give Minkler two horses in
payment for constructing the building,
but Messrs. Hamilton A Washburn
claimed that he had not completed the
building in accordance with the con
tract, and in the meantime Minkler had
disposed of one of the horses. Hence
the arrest. There was evidently
misunderstanding between the parties,
as tney submitted the matter to arbitra
tion on Monday, when Minkler was
awarded $.0 balance on tl.e contract,
and (50 Jamaeg
hard's brewery
violated bin contract with them
Real Fatal. .
Krick Andemon an, I ... I t. -
J Miller, s'sofDLC, of John Welch,,
Lucrctia Comman to Henrietta S
Magnne, 4t acres (I.
Kilward W. Cornell, trustee, to A,
KiK'h, lot -I, Oak (irove, flL'50. ;
John P lliitr,iiun ami ;(.. i.. l- i. i
W lliill'uiaii, (kl a in tp :(H, r lo, f:'liKi. 1
M M Mclietdiiin and wife to Esther I
Lyons, w l... of lots ;t and E, blk NO '
Oregon City, (7(H). ;
Esther l.vnns to Maria !l McGeehnn1
w's ol lots II and 4, blk 110, Oregon '
Oitv (800. j
I y any similar inilitiilinii in the stale, j
Its construction and discipline is thor
ough ineveiy department, and is alike
a credit to the stale and city. Tim
UHAI11AIIN0 diss.
fur this year are Missim Jennie lleattie, j
i Dora t hane, (i.ace lluird, Emma Nor-:
jrisund Winnie Graham, who willU-,
1 awarded il ijilotmi). at the cloi of thin;
I session The school building isofnnl-j
crn style, well supplied with con von-'
, lences, surrounded with pleasant iiioiinils
and would bo a credit lo (he city of
: Portland. A two-slory wing ttasudded1
last year, making eight roomy depart- ,'
ments, and even this is found Inmlc- i
quale to meet the growing demaiiiln. !
The people of Oregon City Imve just
cause lo boast of their iiiei ior chisl t
facilities, for the public schisils of the
nation are attaining a standard ol ex-1
cellence that insure a prm lic.il and
thorough education of Ihe masses.
0. E. a. FREYTAG,
North American Mutual
claiming Ciat he has 1 1, V ,, ' , Il,v wifB Ely1
..... i H-ckert, Haugh, ;t .:,( a in Win Holm .
D I.C (2.MK1.
Dr. W. K. Carll made a visit to Port
land this week. He has been on-
... r
pointen ny dovenor Pennoyer a mem
ber of the state board of charities.
A complete program of the ceremon
ies for Decoration Day will uppear next
week, 'file (j. A. H. and Ladies Kefief
Corps will make it a successful
HTlie bazar, under the auspices of the
Ladies Aid Society opei.ed at the Baptist
l church last night. The tmzaar u-i I...
open again this evening. A si,leii,!i,l
program has been iirr.ing.d fur this
evening, liefreshments served.
M hj our IMini In ir hi nt.
I It is simple
2. It is economical.
II. Il is fieo from opportunities
i.'ilionor and therefore sale,
t. Thirty days given on all payments
r. i . .
ir pays unii-iiaii ,,,h,-v jn
R Rypcsynski to Nalentine Hotf li;i, ; l-rmaiient diMihility.
case I
Comedy lit Pniie's Hall .
On Monday next, May 25th,
ILrn. U ! .
.j.unii n i uineiiy i.o, win proOiice
'The New Homestead." The company
is under the management of M. 15. Gold
stein who has given us as good if not
better shows than any theatrical man
who bas visited Oregon City which is a
sure guarantee that the show will be a
good one. All the latest Pongs, dances
and medleys are introduced in "The
New Homestead, and the Prince of
Comedians, Harry Brown will be sup
posed by .-, cMiipany 1,1' :(l,'it four
teen people. Iheie is also in the
company two of the youngest child '
octres.,ts in America, both being only'
. three years old. The admission priced j
are 50 and " cents. Seats can be!
secured at the I'ostoffice without extra j
On Tuesday evening "Kip Van
Winkle" will he given.
It Is Found on Plum Trees-Informa.
j Mr. T. F. Sluite, who formerly pub-
lished the Clackamas News, has turned
; ove his subscription list to this office
the 1 an.f Tire I'vtl-.,..,, .., .. .n i. ,!
; " niase goon all
t aid'up subscriptions, and collect Imm j half'inter
am D I, Cof N" Hell tivu
E E Chin man et al to Mary Dickens
lot S, blk F, Clackamas Heights $i. '
Thomas F Is van to Henrv Saner man
lot, blk, 1H ilO.
August Fishe - and wu to Herman
I isher. t;o a in tp :i s,r:t e ir.oo.
Emily Hint l.',,K,.n p.... , . u
allair. j Fainno'li. Curtis. n.'.j of lot 2, block' I,
.illir-niieiir, J..:ll.
M N and S D Howell t V iMk,.r
one fourth of lot I, blk III, f am.
,) T Appei-snri and wile lo Ricluird
Cox, lots.i, .(, .land, blk III, 'a,k Place
5 0
.1. T. Appeisiin and if,, to Alice C.,x
lol.T. Iilk 10, ';l,k Place,
II U Me.Nnry. trustee to ( h n ,,,)
Co , lois:i.:,:;t. ::oaud in blk I.,, Mi,,,
thorn, $2-"i0.
Oregon Land (',, , to I.,,,,;.,. p.e,
It and pi, blk 71, Minthorn, S;!no.
C. 4 lYhot a-iil wi.e lollirum Slraiebl I
tliose, in arrears. Tiik Entkiii-hihk if
now sent 'o the News subscribers t
couipli-te the unexpired time.
l'oaj f.'l..TSKAMK. Messrs. Shaver
Hros. ire now riinninc their He,. i.n..tu
the (i W. Shaver and Manzamllo from
Portlind to Clatskanie, thuH making
diilyrioais between the-e two points.
C a-k inic is becoming one oi the m,,..
popular siimmer lesmts on tin. I. .......
st in
1.1 lines
1 to John
lering on
surnn-.er iesojs
Cr.iuui'.ia. and n. o.e I . , , i i
n visit Hurt seelion du,;.,,, )),
Mr. W. J. Evans, of Heaver Creel;,
bought some timothy seed of ( 'b.iririan !
et Son last October, and sowed the same
on ground where he had recently burned !
some logs, and on Monday had some I
grass at the CUM House, '
raised from the seed, that measured ! '
Newell Creek, ((
John ( amplr-ll to .John Pain, l:i acres
Iliiani Straight to A Monner, bond for
deed to :; a.-res on N-w !! Creek. I.-, i(i
J II billion and Martha Chilton t
r. '. lionng. .p) acres, rjm.
Ealinie E Cin tis i,, I,- I),,.., j i. . i
lot 2, blk 1, M.irsblield,
"I ! 'S,('" M:l"'i" Waters. lo(1 i'
and lo, blk 2S, f:r-t a I to il -.. ,,
."' i! i: -. to w t i;Ul .
1 1 a'i'l h !s I oiel two in ,"i ,. ..
r.ach policy bus a surrender val
I 7. It has an aiciimulatiig reserve
for the sole benetlt of Ihe ineml.ors
j H. E.u b member conlrols ,jH own
I snrplii".
1 I'. Policies lioll-llssessnhli. fl..r lu ... I .,
I ' ' "'-III
I years.
i 10. It furnishes insurance ut cimt.
Two or mom can he insured in
' the same policy
, 12 It has a national bank for Inas
urer : -S'""e of tl licers are nlo,.,
to han. lie the mortuary fund
j I I. It aims to secure i,r in meinl.er
'shiji those f good habits.
I''. It is the easiest und-rsto,.
h'.lt is the most satisfactory f,,r agents
to Woi k.
li. Il is the most satisfactory p, i,
members. i
in. Insures only young men. j
10. It Provides a sue, i .i f I (... .i !
I oill'l ..
heuelii oi snperaniialed and d
miiii-ieis, without addition , cost
20. None but li. si ,-la,s risks accepted
'' "' ''""her iuioi-iualion a. I. lie, s
I'll. J. W. Tlo.Mls,
, . j. I'MlicI A.-. oil,
Vol :.! i, l l.egoi,.
ft)(!l 0
(imp i
lo or
i'IIII'i is
e lew ci
IKV 1)0
Are allcr your patronage, and pioMise, by giving lull vnliio on ( t.Jiu hi
secuie their sl.aio of It, big sales and small profits being t,Btfa Bro tl
1 liln il.H'k eiiilnaeea lull lino of f fills I
hy ( iiiinls, '( inicoriox, Itimts aixl Slmes, Clntliitiff li ',i1
-i: w... . i w i . i. . . '''ll kn'
IIIOMIIC, ."UUCS, V IIM KCI V, .TIMIM, I ilK'lll .ll'(lil - tllllt ll
lier an
let ion tl
. li hp of i
which ti
Of (lfttij
t). Hcie
ted ItH'U
mm hk'cI
r, ami i
111 St.'l
- - - - , ami hoi
1g 10 ltd ;
tO Hilllie
IlL'lilll' (if
tli Hint V.
or crew
tin? li
eu nml, I
llh lll-Vl'li
ulato in ci
nil kinds
hour u 1 1
will dove
slliiul lies
(Killing nf
resh ci'piii
felopiiieiit mid anv
died blue
'to he im-i
Sdl.E AGENTS FOI Till' '
OllVOr PK.ro Uw,
A,-s, i may Ik. gl
AND SEEDERS. .re worn 1,
able to jm
atioial unif
iiitu Tackic, tiv..Trr.:7
iiinl ivi orilainl iiK'CH.
Garden Seeds in Bulk.
;h t
I3th and Main Oregon fc,
Wilson & Coof"
I'E.M.EliS N
Atkin Saws,
We nlsii carrv a full liiux.f Ki..!,
Spring Wag
ur stock of Spring Wnt;,
till' I'lll'ilic ( ',,;(,
lis is the
I i'iiiii i.ri .
i '
roiir-spnn.ii: r.iNsciiiJcr
Half Platform Snrinf Wn
Scroll Spring Wasrons'Kandv
ons, "Taylor." or Thr.fiw?fc.: :.
v t ' - aa w rwjManv l Pill
"V 'V 1 Alt
ne RicirU oi
ling ipnilcd,
nfort in tnk
"h the sole ji
lountain res.
atcit ih it i w
A-er whit-li
j which, ultl
io, in usilllll
ton only His
- .....I .,io,t c collar is ti,
Hie l.-inhirtf Mil Koanliisbi
;ml 31iun!jiiiittJH ,l0
,t Muni tin imi
5laro slightly
,T ana ro noi
7 are nut t
'low the knee
-a le.l Wn nrnn Q TT0 1 f
nnvi,'., ITT '1()W
,th(., , ojjiiij VVtLyUJf W(rh ln
press and Dolivory WagoiSr Sff
; v.,
:i I I.
I) I nml S ( V, ,, .,,,, ,
1'f.ccli; lulu .'i, ,. i;;, ft,.,
i-K KW.
II. P. Me.Vnry, trustee lo f lie I lieon
..leu v .iini'iuiv ; mis i;i nml .., ,-,
lot in hlnek i;:, Miii(hn:ri 'i( '
D Weniieiliery et al to II X HaMines
I acre in D 1. C of (leo Hills; ;;jiM
D S Seliasliun to (lias Wilson; MH t ,
of sec 1(1. t .'! s. r I i '
loft side, hut w
rotwen, Ther
i'; a!: QUARTER
feet, ii inches in 1hk.I,. Tlie tinmthv ! .. ' :::"'J'";' ."
of Importance
Hop Growers.
as yet shows no indications of hemline
anil han time to row a great many
inches longer before cutting time.
Clark, one of lire Turner robbers, who
' ' lonoem, wilO
J rofessor F, L. Washbiirne, enfom-1 broke out f the Oregon City jail shortly
ologist of the Oregon experiment station j after hfi W'M arrested by Jlurslml Minto,
And the nI.mIa Qirrw.i.lfnp,.l ..nn t ! nml u-u. '..i . , .... '
. ...,.,., 0, ulllc).c al l0r. - . .i.iuie.i aim iHKen io nalein,
vallis, sends The Oregonian the follow- hag caused Sheri IT CroiHan considerable
inir i (ir.nl. I .....l i.. ...
..v. a,... iimnu several atteinjits to
break out, and drew
"About May 6th, T. I). Linten, of
Kugene, sent to the station specimens
of the genuine hop lonso, which he had
found on leaves of the Coe's golden
drop plums. On May Hlh, we per
onally examined some plum thickets on
that official recently when ho entered
the jell. If is now confined in the
dark cell. It will be remembered that
Deputy-Sheriff Morris rumir,tnre,l l,i.
when he attempted to get away bere.
ti. .
: k. rcuinity, (irr
K"a, m.ir wli
i.h li . w ll.L.r I'.iv nnn..-..
I ll man who linn niiirc L.t.n I UnY
lii o,m,-iilcmiiie,l with ihe rcHoimm umt n f n
ilevi'l.ilinirtit f.flh.-.l e.. ti.: (Ill I
to Clack- ' " """r limn Mr. John S(rw,.rl, t),,,. f ,lc
wi-alllni'st nml must Indui-mini -m. i.. ....
Saliin. Irnud.i. I,. A.i i.. .. . I dimity. Inn rcrcilt Irllir Uemiv " l I. ..I l
thin; lot 10, blk 8, Windsor - i',( I f""" '" '"ynrk K-n.-ml ki.l.
' . """N't ,.TI.,II. iii-ycomiiliiintl.irwmK- time, ami ha.l uw, miiiiiv
I ri'ttlC'liCH Wit llOtlt lltl V llllt ll'ini....... ...... . 3
A Safe Investment. I p.ilnln my Imck had become, Hcvrreihn'tiw"; I
U ono which ix niir..,,i.i ... i . J Pvcnll from attriuliiiir to mv wnrli .,i . I
.. . i- h:i-m io nririif - .i...... . ' . '
you HatiHlactory resu Is, or in . umo ,7l Z V "'""""""""V"'"'"'01 "'"" fr
failure a retur of purcha
r- T..l .
i'.imier oi Oiilivi
Vided on t he v
IHHdUn. there I
ho huaqtii'H it r
i two ain.i mi.
K I,
this safe ohm von .,, I.,,., i.'... ' .' .
r .' uuiii our ad
vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring reli.'f in every case,
when used for any Hllection of throat
1-ungH or Chest, such as Consumption.'
Inflammation of I,,,ng, Bronchitis
Asthma. Vvhooninir Cim,,!. ..... '
. ' . . ---'"K.i, ..nun., mi...
- " 'H pleasant and agreeable lol r?rM, 'Bl '
liiHto, ierfectly safe, and can , .? , " "on"of",ek","vor..ri,yorK,l1,(,f,.,tharwXi
epctiiled noon. Trial bottles bee at (j. MLK "Y
A. Ifaiding'sdrug store. CII.VItM AN A Co., imt'OdlSTS.
" ' ' n 1 "i-iir, icn.i waniiiiiiirrillolrv
o box, ami from that very lint mine I fount! i,t
rpltrr n,.l i.j.r...M ....! 1..., i,
; - - """iK nan uie conll lllil of the
ho the palna i In my back entirely .llppred
I have every fa ih in the virtue, of the Oregon
Klilncy Tea, ami can coiudrntlmuly recommenit
It to mv frienrlN. I wm.l.1 ..... t. i.. .. .
nylhinV" "
Oregon Kiilney Tea cure, backache, Ineontl
nence of lir lie l.rlrV ,1 ..II . "in-
. . , , - ""hiil-iii, uiirniiii or
painful ,,.,i,0 while iirlnaliiiK, , , ?frt-.
Ol .
opecial Parcel Delivorv "W?igh sait"r8
1 TTnr.c D.:. "V 1 have this fun
Horse Iron Axle Wagons, EtttjE
It will i iii i. ll . SUit. and Arlori
... ' I"""'? "iini.i.K . . , . T-.
" """'Wi III
, Pnng Wagons of Any Descrirfffl
I'l cull ilpnii orcnrreHi ..in. I i il, llu i.. s . , j matori
'"vmt, ipmliiy eonsi ,. I k I , !V' '''''''titi'c our vehicles tlKibd-' ' ,
i " j- niiisnii ifii. h ,ei hi i ,,,.. a.jii.COtnnriu
, BS WOll iih t!ii(
I;'. ! . ,
t)ovo ' (tVniiiin
entei-tnini ,t
NOW Maria ni - . . t'l'J lHi'lnhi'iM
iwmh, li. V 7 I I . t.Ui'
Nnu mi .1. . V
marriod ladi
i I
1 '
w lilt) imt9Ym'1 X
; j Atrfi m ,
,1 Hii"l ' i -