Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1891, Image 4

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InloivstliiK Till. lilts ;at!iin(l l?y
Active ( oi'iis of lirfcnlnrl'iHi
i.lav with friends in Orvpm tVv. ami i ,",,U'' lo 11,0 writ"' '"''re Is soinethinu
rued Tuesday lv wav of llitiiilaml, lv,,,'0,u' m"1 ,mv,in" oxampli-of a,
iv Mho called on 'several of hcrvoung n,'Hklv1'k '" rugglm,, against dis
..i. ' ease and inllrimlv to lo her ,lmv i,i ni-
Mr. Kingo'tt son returned this week from
I'alOllMV, Washington, where he Inut Ihhmi
sojourning for some time.
Miss Nellie Mclntyre spent Sunday and
A large amount of outs ami potatoes wore
old tin' past week. As the markets seem
brisk, ami tlie road? are getting good, the
farmers are improving the opportunity to
pxt rid of tlioir surplus prvduct.
Mr. J. t Clark lias one of the finest farms
we have soon in Oregon, suitable for stick,
grain, ami fruits, ami he is making many
noticeable improvements, Krom a rise of
ground near his house can te seen McMinn
yille, Gervais, Silverton, Molalla, and the
asylum at Salem, besides hundreds of tine
farina, snow capped mountains and forests
of timber, which, with the aid of Mr. Clark's
powerful Held glass, afford a view of unsur
passed grandeur. Mr. Clark is an old set
tler, and a genial and entertaining host,
ami a visit to him ami his estimable wife
will be lonj; and pleasantly remembered.
The debating society Saturday evening
discussed the question, Resolved, That fV)
circulation per capita would henolit the
masses. After aide discussion it was de
cided in favor of the affirmative by a plu
rality of one vote, and as that was the wife
ot the leading speaker they did not crow
much over the decision. The subject for
next Saturday is, liesolved. That foreign
emigration should be restricted.
A card purty w as given at Mr. Moran's
last Thursday evening in honor of 1'eter
Olsen and Pavid Anderson, who left the
following Monday for Seattle. Mud nine lio.
mor says they will return in July for the!
girls they left behind them. j
A numherof young folks met in Tinner.
gove Sunday, and enjoyed themselves with I
games, swinging, and other popular amuse-'
nients. The grove seen ed tail ly alive with I
pretty girls, and the boys were there ol
We are glad the Frog Pond eorresi on- j
dent takes interest enough in us to wish to
hear us bur. Tin- following dedicated es-1
peeially to- II. M. li." a,id Piattshurg we ,
deem very appropriate:
We traveled ea-t. we traveled west ; j
We traveled alnnit the country ; j
We ran against a hornet s nest.
But did n't get stung hardly an v.
Yours truly, lion's mi
own alllictions In the care of hcrl'anillv and
her sympathy lor others, until exhausted
naiurc coiim emlure no more, and she was
mi compelled to resign herself t,i the bed of
j sickness from which she never arose, And
(even then, so long as she had strength
i enough loft to whisper an inquiry she up-
pcarci to torgct her own condition in her
solicitude for her sick friends and neighbors.
Since early life she had Ihtii a prolcssed
Christian, yet stronger ami more convinc
ing than any profession was her dailv ev.
ease and infirmity to do her dutv toward
friends and family, never uttering a coin
plaint or murmuring against her fate. The
example ol one such life goes farther than
many long sermons towards convincing
skeptics of the truth of rollirlon. A ml vtt
would Intidelity lake from such the source
of all their pleasure-that which moil. I
them to endure all Ilia
this world -hoe of an immortality lieyond
the grave and In place of this blessed bop'
gives them, w hat? Slninlv a blank : a none
less, tedious, tiresome existence, with no
prospect, no hoc of the future It is lit.
removing Hod's blessed sunlight from the
natural eye, removing all thai is bright and
good ami beautiful, and renlacin it with a
blank, imenetrable wall. And yet how
many are striving to do this very thing!
May i.-t, 1S!1.
were useful. Alldeparted, declaring them
selves well pleased with the day's pleasures,
May 18,
Wm. Scott has taken up a strong three
years old colt and wishes the owner to come
and pay damages and take it away.
The contrac t to build the new t'ongrega
Mr. and Mrs. (Seorge Zockcrly have been
very sick the past week, but are slowly con
valescing. Farmers are busy putting in potatoes
hereabouts, and a good many w ill be put in.
School Pistrict No. 13 will soon have a
new school house, as an eiuht mill lav hs
been levied, and the clerk is assessing all
real estate at its actual cash value, instead
ol as our county assessor does, at about
Then-is room here for a good number ol
emigrants, as there is considerable fair gov
ernment; land and lots ol rail road land
yet vacant.
I'eople here, or at least some of them,
have put up fences in several of the county
roads, and our supervisor i ronoses to see
, tli.it said fences are removed ai mice.
We learn that Mr. Myers, of Springwater,
will do the carpenter work on Mr. K. II.
I'aimatccr s house.
! I'nclc Hob IVvire has just painted Krieg
, bauni Itros.' house
Mr. W. t'urrin wilt put up a line frame
j barn in the near future.
In a communication in your paper re
cently I read some advice given to road su
pervisors. If said writer lias never been one
he does not know what it ia to see to the
work of a road district that is situated in
the foothills Koud district No. 4t has
about ." miles of county roads, ami almut
forty hands in said district. Some of them
have only alsiut one hour to work out their
property tax, and if a supervisor
tioal church at Pliant Hill was le, las. I 'T ,T' " ,T"rvi'r 1
Rainrdav to . r- ,n.;.. ; "' tx there is a growl about it, and they
The church is to be-completed by the loth ."" 'V,'"'' "
of w-ust moval; or if he insists on good work being
, ......v ,ouo, unii i-igni nonrs lauti-
John U Council returned home from the n.lly put in, then he is condemned as being
over ( n nnil,t:i ;i IV. u- i. .. .. - .
lower Columbia a few days since where ht
has been working in a leingcamp.
Mr C. Seeny is putting up a building in
Smockvillc, and is going to ran a confee
- tionary store.
Mrs. W:n. Henderson, of Denver. Colo
rado, is visiting for a week with Mr tli.l
lings, of Pleasant Hill.
Quite a number of the people from here
went to Portland last week to see President
Fanners here are looking Tor hand to
help them in their hop crop this spring, but
hands seem to be very scarce just at present.
unlit for superv isor. According to our ores-
; cut road law a sip en isor is compelled not
only to he but to swrir to that which he
'knows is untrue; tor when he -ends in his
report at the February term of the county
court I e has to swearthat every man in his
ili-trM h.is crloruied the amount of work
-e-oi posiie his name. And it is a well know n
fact that men will not do a s.tiarcdav's work
on the road unless it js on a road that thev
are directly interested in. When a super
visor does all that lie can under all circum
stances, he should he upheld by the county
court, ami the court should not pay any at
tention to the complaints of auv set ol
Faille t'reek
Fugle ( reek comes to the front. The
iicsium, vvliut Is the mutter with Fugle
Creek, that we do not hear from there?"
may be truthfully answered, so I'm- us this
eonvspoiulent Is concerned, In a half doen
wonts, vi: We did not have Tint Fn
tkiu'Hisk, As this impediment hits been re
moved by one ol the leading spirits of Ore
gon City, Fugle Creek may hereafter lie
heard from sciui-occashuiiilly. Fugle Creek,
w it remembered, is not a large city, hut
unite a big country. Manv thrift v uml
well-to-do farmers live In Hi rvuion hmvn.
bouts, who may Justly be proud of their
nroud acres ol tortile laud and roiulortable
lioi.ies In tins region prices are advancing
not only on larm products, but on the land
itself. This is an evidence of prosperity,
0. M. Marshall Is "mine host" fur U id
seekers from Iowa at lids writing.
1 he writer and hi wife received a pleas
ant Ylslt today from Mm, (Hover and her
two sons, Matthew and Homer, In the
alternooii as the entire party was about to
repair to the creek on a small tlsliinu ev
eiirslon, Mrs. 1). M. Marshall Joined our
ranks, and a nleasant hour was si-mit o
the margin of this Iwauttful alreamKagle
i reea-aa us waters leaped overlie nu
merous cascades w hich aliotind in th i,.,
amleringsof the stream through our nlaoe.
We learn that a sad rase of demeulla is
rcnorted from the (iernian settlmnant
east of us. In the case of a Mrs. Kiehl w ho
has been narliallv Insane for some limn i,,.i
ami who on yesterday left her home. Tim
far no clue as to the unfortunate woman's
fate has Ken obtained.
Mrs. 11, M. Kivcra and danuhter I v. lis
no longer go on foot to visit (heir numerous
friends, as Mr, Kivers has provided them
wilh an excellent horse ami cart.
Fagle Creek Falls has the promise of a
treat in the shape of a basket meeting on
next Sunday In Mr. Horner's grove. I'ttl
ciating clergymen thus far announced are
I Ucvereuds Siirlis and l'a nniteer.
j Some changes al "Jack knife" have taken
j place of late.
! Mr. Fd. Clemens yields possession fori
time of Ins place to Mr, Wm. Covey,
i James Itailey moves into the Cy. Suitm
j house on the hill.
j Fg. Foster has planted his water melons,
and is getting ready to re lace the old Fes.
tcr residence itli an elegant new struct .re.
It is said auot tier new store will he started
at the "Knife" this summer. May success
attend the enterprise.
John Kccd, architect and builder, has just
completed a neat cottage lor Stephen A.
J. W. Pouglass has a very stylish picket
fence around his sightly resilience on Look
out Hill.
The weather is tine, and the nnisneets for
a good crop both of fruit and cereals is vert
promising indeed.
Fugle Falls, Mav lo, NU.
I l.ATKH. The basket meeting was a runs,
j ing success. Tho preachers Ix-loro ineu
j tinned were on hand, and also the emigres-
(ion. The lornier outdid themselves m
. camp meeting oratory, and the latter gave
respectful and orderly attention. The Hop
i iicr i amp grounds never before appeared to
1 such good advantage. I tit. I!
Mav is.
twenty (hive miles south ol l'nithind; l
: Intersected near It eiwern boundary by the
! Southern I'acllle rulhoad; has a population
I of some six hundred, mid Is the gui'ilcn
spot ol lre,;on. In the production of vegela
hies and bellies It bus no eiiul III the
Willamette valley. As lo IVult raising it
does not propose to plat' second llddle to
any iVou In the Noilhvvest, We have
orchards on this piable that have been
beiirlug for I lie hi -t lolly years, uml lliey
yield cipially as good now us they did twenty
years ago, Mr Miiilhews, one ol our clll
ens, litis a peiull orchard ot lour hundred
bearing lives, every one ol which Is u good
us ten i n urs lo lie owner. Midi n snow
Ing Is what Induced Mr, l.ewelling, of Mil
wutlkie. one ol Orcunu'a ureal cat nursery
men, to locale here, as nlso several other
men iiromlnenl in that business.
We have strangers among us everyday
of the week locking lor locations, uml mix
Inns to purchase property al ill must any
itmsoiiahle IIl-iii-c: but our eitilena sit hack
wailing lor Filth Avenue prices, or Hie mll
leiilum, we are unable lo say which. If vve
want to buildup our town we must come
down to a money consideration, al least.
The Mack Ilroihrrs, of Caiiby, are al pres
ent doing the carpenter work for the city ol
Harlow (?)
Mr, Jus, Fvans is erecting another house
on bis property here. He intends building
still another, the third, this present season,
Mr. W. S. Kellogg, ol Independence, I'olk
county, Is among us looking for a location.
He Intends to establish a butcher shop here.
Mr. Chase and wife were here last week,
Mattie Peirv hrckelguve a free lecture
here before a laiL-c audience hist t'riihie
evening, her subject being " The Old and the
rvevv Creadon, ' sirs, hiekcl Is a uncut
speaker, and logiial nasoner; mid her
assertion that Ihe churches mid tree think
era were gradually growing nearer together
we were convinced was true by (he old
lashinncd Methodist n ill ihev had ill tak
ing up a collection. (1,
May pi, K'U.
-t I!
I II A M l'
I 1 1 A N ' I
I'll NtT
1 1 1 A i :
I'll AN- I.
Do yon want a lot Hi1
ri in .... i i
i nil win nui t usi you
a dollar in monoyp
1 i
Nil f
TK a!..N IjM'QlTIlxl.JiJ Ol.'
Willaielte Falls Irosim ;
C. I', HIKI.ai l',
l.lligcsl slm om 'uillna I t'uskelK keid Soulli ol I'm I lnn.J, ,
and Metaii c C i kcl- Imiiislied to imlcr. Ladies IliirR K,, M"1
iieiiis inn i.ii ivonea in ana a,
Also W'mohii tunl ('iirriupt Makiiif;, llorso Slioi-ing,,
ci'itl Iilacksinitliiiij; on nlioi'l notice.
IT. r
fju neii
o am
Miss Lilian Wilkinson.
I'AIUstlAV PAIil'l CSS IIASijI p.s.
Wrilpi Slid SemnUs. ol ..( die l,ies e,
lUtlceoversiWtilTi'rd X lirmu hesl
Kslate iMIlee
OroKon City, - Oro.
FOR - -
NiiXK Id"
rut Perfoufrlfs nt Toilet Aril
Alsn hill lc, k ,.(
o' '!'
re lie
Watches, : JE;;
, , ry dor an
Mm m
Clocks, SPECTil,,l',w,,,
' w "milium
A rtn y ,
I IN CI WAIiTiAIfcli d..i
wlio km
Well dre
of I ho m
taken ft
It Will )
knny in
I Mm .S, ImiiKS ,M, :l.N.S i.tnU'nlir.ii
M Irs il I M Al . IM llll
Mm I.mm;s, ;; ai'KKTs. sr.ll;s
All. I Mi, .i;ui:i, I'tisrs, Kiv..
I'l.'iu Tin 'in"
Hl'l llll k. ITIal
il'iiliilillV Allrli
ip ii fi i:
: I 'mil r in
! lllul
Ht.ll3. Thai
A M' M'.li ta biin
llll tlilil. Il ......
v caniin l.tiiiilirr. ilaml u,,
f t'nl t Wi.rk Ti,r,,;. 'Ufaifd
nlril Iii. I'.MlrtKlIrs lunilsk' ""'"
lllul suls., Ui, giiutaiitrrsl.
I SIiop u Wilier Si,
AtnicimNti i'dci a co.
iianuwAtit bioiif,
rip will b,
f I'uttln
II. I 1,1 Mil V III
.u.ss Aiva oppoeu went to Portland last j cranks who are constantly complaining
ifonday, where she expects to remain dur
ing the summer. t'liierv.
Mav 11. im.
atiout their supcrv isor.
May 11, KM.
Meadow Brook.
Messrs. T. Bonnev ,t Son Iia Tiirt-0l in
the Oswalt place on Pea Ricipe, where they
, " ' ------ j .nr. ami .Mr, j. I . ( cio were r
recently purchased .large quantity of e.larj ,H.(M(1? of r, Cole's sister, Mrs.
Our seh.iol closed Friday, much to the
satisfaction of the small hoy.
Mr. uml Mrs. J. I. I'rle witpc iIIa.! tnti,.
Iteach. of
Portland, w ho in n-ported to he very ill,
The depot at this place was broken into
hist Friday night. After forcing an entrance,
which wax dune by cutting a panel out of
Iheiloor tliu l,nrl,,ru I.I ..... ..?.. -
s, r, .,.., , , , ' " " vw.no nui kuui access
-Mr. Havnl Wnght made a business trip to 'to the sale, so contented themselves hv
Oregon City on the 15th instant. knocking the knob off, and scattering valua-
Sunday school every Sunday nt Mountain- I'11!" overthe door.
dale school house at In A. M. j Miss Mas-'io Ilidwell who !,..,s l,o
timber which they will work into shingles.
Shingle making may be said lo be the
chief industry of Canyon Creek precinct.
It brings in an annual revenue of several
thousand dollars.
I, was out
fate infer
Mr. T. Newman, of I'ort'a
this week lookini: niter his real
est here.
We wonder when that fta' will be raised
over the Mountainilale school house. Why
not raise that national emblem on Decora
tion day?
A gentlemanof this burg recently showed
" a cupy in laci several copies or a type
X1ILU.-H leiier inai is a puzzle, lie ,as re
her sister. Mrs, Fred Haehert. all who
' Inn n-tiirned to her home at Krain, Iioui;as
1 county.
Wilbur liraves. of SiKerton, is vi-iting
I relatives in this vicinity,
j Mrs. 0. A. Jleidinger, of Tacoma, passed
through here on her way to Wright's
Springs where her little daiiL-htcr Pearl
I who is visitin
I Mltwankie
Hon, Vi. tor Coiiklin, of I'oitlaml, was in
; town Saturday.
j Charley l.itelliiig, niana ml the l.iielling!
i nurseries at Canity, was here visiting his j
I folks. j
i Key. John Sellwood has snlli. ienlly re- I
Covereil to resume his ministerial duties.
.hi. j. ii. iionnei is repairing the ttuine
ami expects to have the mill running in a
few days.
Itev. A. F.rust returned Satunlay from
Spokane Fulls, lie will remove to Oregon
It is rumored that the Catholic church
will he removed to Minthorn Springs.
The ide walks leaning (o (he station ami
the north end of town are in a horrible con
dition. If our property owners have not
the time to fix them n 0s to make them j
passable, they had better tear them till ami
hum them.
The Kpiscopal Sunday school will hold
its picnic at Oak Point, below Sellwood.
next Saturday.
' We regret our iimbilitkto attend the pic
r';ic given My the Oswegn, Milwrrukie, and
jSrHtrtcod Sunday schools last Saturday.
hut "Helen,- the able correspondent or Os
wego, was present, and will no doubt give a
lull account of the trip. I'm..
May 50, 1HH1.
All kinds ,, l ies
Oysters, Cr lo
an I game ol
season. I lr
i and .-all Water l'i-li
ind I 'laiin. I'oiiI'i v
all kinds in th. ir
lei's tilled and de-
part of
j B. .S Bellomv,
it'I'l'. C1IAKMAN r.UKS.' HfiLMXii.
1 Carries a Full Slock of
Household Furnishings. J
New and Second -Hand Furniture
I'nuuht unit Sold.
Can give you a bargain.
STff ise m s. rs rm .
. of u n a h w r( ti v.ia i
lOCi Till! Piiiitaiifl Jeweter
j Oil ul: in, ,,k , ,m, p, mi..
. m t I A H It B W .
WiHcli(s, Jrwrlry, (locks
cnl (ioods.
lCi.'irKt Street, Near MurriHim Si. I,lt,
OltliKHM HtciM HO' i ntM ,y sill h-II KIl
M. II. I-'inimgii n,
.1. P. Hill :
her L'randnarents. t win,
.s-vvw ta a puAie, lie lias TO- - " r'"i"n iui-i o.v jailing into a ooiler ot
mtiveu anoiit a itozen, forwarded from ' 'ot water. e liope to hear that little Pearl
the Blue Mountains to the coast range. Be- j '3 recovering.
low tea copy: Oeorge Sutherland left for San Francisco
Snohomish Wash. , I """T " 18 '""'"tan. how long he
"Dear Sir: Your land is going to be sold
on a judgment in a few days. I will give
you 100 for a deed of your interest in the
aame if you answer at once. Telegraph me
if you accept. T. N. I.anb. '
Why this letter has been mailed to the
same person at every post office he has
heard from in the state, as he has never
owned a foot of land in Washington, looks
arrange. Has any one else been the recipi
ent of similar letters? Is it a square deal or
acaicnr Pmixix
May 15, 1891.
There is still much sickness in this com
munity, the doctors being very busy attend
ing to la grippe.
Mrs. James Gilinore was buried Monday.
Mrs. T. C. Simpson died Monday evening
and was buried today. It seems to me that
the death of Mrs. Simpson deserves more
than a passing notice. For many years she
had been alllicted with disease to sue!
will remain
Mr. and Mrs. David Iiachert are the happy
parents of a little son.
Aurora Lodge No. 21, A. 0. U. W., the
only secret order in that place, is in a flour
ishing condition, and increasing rapidly in
in ran ui nieinoersnip,
Edward Graves, who took a Irin to Vu.
rjuina liay, Waldort and the surroundim-
country, returned last Sunday.
There is talk of celebrating the Fourth
of July at this place. This is the proper
thing to do, and we hope to hear soon of
some action being taken in the matter.
Another gin mill has been slurred ;
town, and we nresnmn the
encc ( ?) will be felt by the people.
A very enjoyable nienie was civen be Mr
Win. Graham and the Aurora school ul n,
Park last Saturday. The schools of tfnl..
hard, New Kra, Caiiby, and the neighboring
schools of Aurora, co-operated and made
the o flair a memorable one. There
was a nnet ntcrarv nrom,,. ,,o,.r
- - --............., ,,, , .,a.y program,
n:in umwuosi persons inns aniicrco would ; winch lunch was partaken of amid the
have abandoned all attempts at usefulness, sweet strains of our band. Then came the
and resigned themselves to the care of their ! races which many joined in. Then followed
friends. liutsheon theconlrary, with a for-j .he distribution of the prizes by Mr Gra
titude seldom equalled, seemed to forget her I ham. Some of these were costly, while all
frog 1'iiinl.
The weather is fine, and items are scarce,
but I will give you a few.
Kvery body is busy finishing seeding and
planting tneir potatoes.
Wheat looks line, but there is complaint
mat oats arc not growing as they should.
Several farmers here have their old oof,.
toes on hand yet, and they feel a little blue
Tualatin 8- U. met yesterday, with a larce
Mrs. Mattie Krekel will
luesday and Wednesday evenings, the l!Hh
and 20th. Kvery body Invited.
Jim Kent, of Portland, was up last week
to visit old friends in Frog Pond, where he
used to rcsido when a small hoy. Hi; s nOW
second engineer on the lionita,
Tualatin H. U. will give an entertainment
in the Grange hall about the 20th of Jane.
run program will begivon later.
"We Una" from Canhv seems t tl.ir.lr l.r.
is somebody trying to boom a sand patch
and a hoop pole wilderness.
I see the buzz of the Hornet in last week's
issue. Wonder if that's the Plattshi irif Hot-.
uette, moved to better quarters.
Shorty" wind's the matter wilh you?
Don't. your clothes fit you?, or has II ro. Ifork
borrowed a $5 of you, as he has done before,
and forgotten about it? If. j. II.
.May lit, 1X01,
Flanagan & Hill,
IV of VV Iik-k. I.lfiiinm, Ale. Ileer. ,te I,, l
Ioii ml In the Htat
(live me a call.
Ill l-OKii -Eailham Iiliick
I Tin ck:
J. Bitner, Proprietor.
The only firnt-duH8 Hutt-I
in Oregon City.
low lodged
Mont ban i
II (Im pat
its imotilti
ilil Siocloiv
riM trlr
h '
lUTI HNt l
8. Ilea,
ifiremt, t-o
talorduy (r
iv boon I
Jring this
tht cao.
tldiirtnl in
jet to I.
we of 1 1 its
lug re.ath
.felal trm
icli from 8
t diirina Hi
loiirnmj Un
ilih tlino l
lI.J. T. .1
gon Qtj- la
Private Kntrn! W'hinu
ltHl HUteH
'twite of Ore
tiiii for ()li
una I'D nil)
.o putetils i
fjilleuU-a. T'l
lwlili-h palei
i fwntly pi
yin, Tlii!Hi
"in tine to
lged le.eli'ig In ib t in iglllitl.
. C. I'Lelns
two hen eiru
' --rable variune
. .-.o i omn'came from
CMItABo" one w 71, i
W. J. HAIlfll
7 - other ia abou
Mr, rimlna
.i'L,tJ'i n pride
Fittetaolhia fai
it'lf'KDAY 8e:i(oo(,
Bchool ricnlcv
on the 201
Store located at Mountain View, on
Aioiaiiii roiui, one nnlo Honlli
east of Oregon City.
Can by
We wish this week to give a synopsis of
Caiiby prairie. This prairie is situated
We ileal in Flour, Corn Meal, Keeil.
(iroeeriiiH of nil kinds. Hool uml wi u
(ioiltH nnih.ruio, ..,,.1 ..tl .....I. .
,i , " " """ I lliyil'N (II
Uotlnng, and numnrotiH other urticloH
miiiunio ior UK! neeiiH ol this farmer ami
lllH fllloilv. I'.v in, I .....I f..:- .1. i-
' r-i'i't unii nut ocaiing
we hope to receive, in future, IlH in the
paHt, a libniul share of jialrimiiKn.
fyThe highest iiuirket price paid
for Jfutter, KggH mid FowIh.
Soptemlier II, 1H!)I).
Wt' liA 2:JWk '0 the aw
Every bod'
good time
the day ami
fk3 G X'lNOKK.
H. II. Cochrane
handlimr some
J" siish ami dot
H H,H AtlKNTs I j It Till.; Clfl.KHItATKU
"DT71T . nAYfv. '
xvjdu . Dunuuij : HOUSE
Coehran'g loft h
Btatliigit. A pi
drARftwl llw
fting along nH wt
m. "
Krc.'it viirii'ty.
' ' 'i'ri
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