:;ilTS OF Till: 1'RliSS. Mir ( i iniliirlcN hihI Ni'H i ( From i:xc!;iun(cH. COMINtl THIS WAV. t llmiilil: Albany in iillllftoil I'liMiliirli'X hihI it eenn Hint county In Infested with an or iuiik nililioi-N mid mifn blow hluy night limy vlnlteil liolli ml (icrvnln, ami at both places ininlotl In Ki'tlltiK it mnall u'lioiint i, At Gervnla they cntoreil the i' o( J I, Taylor anil Hiiccoeiloil nil I'l'i-n his linn Biifn, Thy Mini liny money, however, a !nr liinl placed it n tlitt ill lilt) PVt'lling. Tli mifi' In 'iiioiiiliy.nd, 'J'lii'y next vlalled Itli'O whore, llii'y MiiTi'i'di'd In in "ii in of fl An in mnitll cIiiiiik'i' two vMt (iorviiln was id llicy hid next lii'iud uf nt Hem they loitered the stiiro llli'ii n( Fun I (ilexy, lint It Im lit lluit tliry miccnotl In nlitiiln lloliny here) either. It WUN uri limn iiko mm n sulo wiih Mi at Hllvorton timl the iioneral in Im Unit tlm mine putties l!y Inti-renled In ,(ii cam, j in in of tlm In w tt lit xi til roach these gentlemen mid oiler iTii'd jnHii inttM in the Nnrth ove foundry hauled hi Hiilcm I fiillow- II I'OIIVl'lltlOII IOW N ON TUN II, A. rtliind rlironii'ltt ; lloim iiiMHi'd by h editors In Kiiiihiih will mil "well with tlm old vi'U Hit lint we minleiiin tln (irunnt.u i) tliu (inind Army ot the i.KC'rroit onrniAiiv winci-it. l.akovlow KxHinlnlnri "I himi Jimt discovered why diittd men lull biles, "Wtdl why?" "Thtty It'uve that to obituary llnr." NKW I'AI'KHON rllK IIOItllKlt. Htiitti Jutirrml ! H, II DnrrU will soon start nowspiipor Hi Mill City, on the east lino olthii (lii'W'iii I'liclllc,, In Marion county. It will mill under tho full rely original ht'MilliiK of tlm (iii.olta, (), A. Clieency, will bti eoitlioeloil with it. Ill'.t I.AIIItt) A IHVIIIKNII. Joiirnul; Mr. Henry Masscy, of thin city, linn received iiolicn of a 47 emit dividend on IiIh llHI share in tlm Myr tlnCtnek t'(iiiM,ii,luie, llydriiiille lii.ld Mining Sioek, This I lint yield mm 111 dii) run, and i n I ii it t .-m llml stith Htoek 1h worth HDiiietliliiK. Mulrio slock holders urn (eeling (jood, you lint, NCAIIICM MY AM KVI'I.OKION, Allmiiy llmitld: A loud tixplosinn which Mliouk windows In thin cily mid iivuii in Tangent, tmveii inllen awny, was heard on Friday evening about niim o'clock. Il oiTimiiinnd emisliloialilH eon Jnclnro mm to It citnsc. It In learned that Im wan a lingo charge of dyiiiiinilti used by It, Ilaikhart in Mu'Wiignut mi oliHtluiitti big nt ii hi on IiIh place aiijoliiing the eily. MAKINII A Tllohi.lll ISHCI'.CTION. KiiHt Oreuouiun : -Tho honrd of ruil roitd t'uiiiinlMHii.iierH in evidently iiinkiiiK n thoroiiuh liiHiieetioii of tho I'lilun I'ueitle roiid. The ieeliil train which lelt here yealerdny iiioiniii, had only reai hed Huron lut nlnlit, a Htalion on tho iiiountuin,, thirty-two miltw diHtaul from I'endlfton. It will iirohwlilv ornnniwd fur thu nrionit of I reach I. a t iriinde thm evening wn the United Staled tieitmiry, ly IIIcIiiiik from the toplo in of peiiHion money not their Uii t'ondemii the liieuiher lid orniiiii.itiiuii fur iirowliiK leiiiiindiiiK tif the people (lie Id ollliti hihI lie rei'ouiiixfd an failiir in tho iolitici of the I'lie nxht to vote wo do mil lint tlmir riiht !o dictate or )liliciil hi'Ihmi or n poliliciil leiiiiuiicti, mill we, tint repro of the reform preitu, do here miritelveii to reinst mich .re n tho part Kttlierally ot the oldiern, hut ettimclally of the ly of the Kepulilic," UKOS IN TIIK.col.l MIUA. j nit in mureim unx Hkmnokwii Inxt week The iturxeon t-miuhl lunt xeaiton SIiIiik Idit. The fUheiiunn very kmI ttiiea inleldnn l'a cenlH H-r Kiiimi, hut ine IheniNidveH to few linen, flxhermiiii had put out it ns ho could have ntlende I to of Htii'Konn would have far le demand. SpeakillK of tlm Kurd to tho Hilpply of Htur been exlntmled, n tlHlierimin hutloin of tlm river nt i, where they (to to opawn, cd with them. In lUliiiij; l ninny tlillereiit kindu of Ktl, dill'erent In stylo and , hut in nearly all cubph )Ut bnrhn nru uxed, and flmherman cannot llnd the until without tlm hitrh he rb oil', leaving a ininotli, At'CIIIKNT TO KTKAMKM. Itay Cily Triluimi; Word wuk re ceived here yeatenUy from the Nelialeui una ma Menu, or AoitiinU lu turnuiK moiintl Imekeil onto a rock mid nuiaidied olfitH propeller ami rthltter Thia will lay tho boat up for Hevernl week iih Ihey have to netid out o.er the motui Liiim for Hie broken parta. A Kieal ileal of freiKiit in now pileil up at I'ort laud awaitiiiK ahipmeiil n,r and Hi in news in very dixcouraijiiiK. VKMV rAVuKAIIIK I'Honl'Xt'TH. Timea Mountaineer: eMirt from varloiia iHirtioiiH of tlm coiintv ahow that tlm recent rainx, f(ilme, by cool, damp dava, have been very fuvoiuble to KiowiiiK t-ropa. The late aown npriii( Krain in doiii fairly well in many localitiea. An enormoim harveat Heeina to Imi amiired. l.axt Mnmiu'a wheat crop briuiia a (food price, Iimi, and iIiohd liaviii a atipply on hand are able to command KO renin a htinln-1. It will lai a pronperoiin year fr Hie farmer. WoollH KHOM Kl't'AIIOM. claco Cull: One eoiner of Mail dock ia beiiiK iuclimed one ot atoriiix aUiut KiHl ton 'ho lumber camii from the of tho Audi'H, about three tiiiiiyai,'uil, In Kciiailor, mid to thin oily by a lady lutnicd re are twenty-nix: varietien, in very rure and beautiful, 1 ponnihlo color and nlunle, I' black In u li'isht yellow. Iiuh Mpent Hever.il yearn in icu. and bun traveled inmiy lies on the Aini.on river. Hed tlm Audtia aevernl timen i pit'tly Miami, who im a contractor iilorcnn (iovernment. The hrouijbt to thin city by the mid the eehoonor lllukelv. hi: 11 HKII TO AHll.lllr.lt. tiervain Star: Thin letter will lend many to doubt that the army in ro cruited "from the run kit uf our bent and uioHt Intelligent t it iceim" anil will roll nbly tleter many n father from encour MinK bin noun to neck pinitioii an privalen in tlm Tinted Stated regular army, feuiinj! that their nwioeiatea woultl not be an honorable nn the word noltlier ought to imidy. He might not wmil bin noun with nohliern who esteem tl.e taking of a man from the civil nuthoritit-n ami nliooling him to death nn "meritor- : ..... ii ii-i . . .. . iinin act. n no not in-iievo mat w o have done any hoiu-nt man an injustice, mid. let the coiiKeiuence bo "a niglillv vinil" or nil the phiiine linplien, wo will not apoligiio. Tlm llrnt Jnll nt Ortigoii City wm built In IH-I-I, Dr. Mel ouglillii gavi a lot. 1 1 wan liiiriiid In I HID. To llrnt leglnlatiir hold in i)ri'K"ii wax at Oregon Cily, June MM, mid tlm hut ln tlm city Kobruary Ift, JHlll, Tho llrxt lirlck hoiiw In Oregon City wax Imlll hy tleorgo AU'rnplliy In IM4. The lirlckxwum uiailii al Hull creek In Oregon City, The llrnt nuw mill wan tin I It hy Dr. Mu biiighlln, ami noon idler Im added a grmt mill. 'I liev liitvv liei'ii tlcntroyed noiuti tlm. I The lirnt I'rolenlaut chiircli oil the J'nclllt: count Iroui tlm Ciipn Horn to lluhrlng Hlralt, wan tlm Mt-thniliiil church at Orgoii City. It wan begun In 1HI2, and wan fin ished In IHH, In IHfil noiiiflniily atliteil a hell uhlch Welglud overfVXI iouiiiIm. I Im wooluii mill at Oregon Cily wun hullt In ixm. In lM7:t It had W.ooO xpin tllen and 'H broad liiniim, ftunetl yearly a hall' million iiiihU of wdoI, miiiI londe l.'H.lxiU yarttn ol eainlincren, and Vi,m yunln of llaiineU. It unnlmiiied in Wi, The llootl of lull im tlm hlghent nince I Imi uf MU, except that ol WiO, All along the Wlllainelte linii-.cn, Imritn, nlore hoonen, hrldgen, and femlng were washed away, wlnlii rulilii, siniill .ii k, nnil many other thlngn were nnepl uny, l.lun Cily wun ileslroyed, Oregon Cily hlin the gitiiulcnt wnltir power on tho I'vlllc toiisl. Il him great fnnl!tn' lor niitntilin tnniiK. Ilsgreut full are pnnsid liy lucks. Hy ineniin ol I he IniU the w lmt-ln ol 1 1 1 it 1 1 y mills are liiriu-il, lu thu Inst llond the saw mill that was mi the edge of the basin KiinHushed aay. Thu elecliic worknureon tlm basin, tint they were nut waslied away ti anse they were fanteneil lo thertHka hy iron ham. Nw ailditlnon Imv o lit i-n inadu since the llnixl. They light I'tirllitml. Another striking feature Is the suspension hiidge. Il was flidsht'd in ImH, two years lielore (lie flood. 1 1 cost altogether The city gate llnon, ('lackaman county gv llH.ttm, anil the rest wun maile up by the syinllialc owning the land. The bridge in Just a short distance from the depot. The Clackamas Seminary lor young In dies wan built In IHAI. It turn the combined etlorl of the MethotlislH anil Cuiigregiilioii allsln, and prospered for n time, I .tit as a seminary hun become extinct. Kighteen thousand dollars were nii-nl to tOuml it, and John Mi linghllii gave a Mot k of land. Harvey Clurk wan the lirsl teacher, after which Mis. Thornton ami Mr. ami Mm. II. K, Ilines taught ill it. The new school limine wan htiilt lu 1H, at a tost ol' alioiit lioio. unit an addition wan limit in m, which rust ulsiut $Z'MK Hut far the mostmitinliintiul and rt lly in NEW ERA. in MVOHTkn (OMMKItX'iAL Itenllnrd to lit) One of Tho TlirlvinK Ton iix of ,'lut:kmiiun ( ounty. Now Kra, five mi lex xoiith of Oregon City, fouiitlod In 170, in delightfully situated on tho lino of tho Huutbern I'aelllu railroad, and on the hank of the Willamette, river. It ia a aliipplng point of no Mtnall importance, and itn people aro noted for tlmir social (jualitiex and enterprise. Thin plucu in the only town In Cluckmiiun county xoutli of Oregon City, having the advantaged of both river anil mil trnuxportution, and freight rntex me actually lower to and from 1'oitland, than poiiito further noiith. There aro TWO I.AHIIK WAIIKIIOI SKX. hero for tint handling and xhipping of giniu, ami otlmr prisliH e. A consider able portion of the b.nt farming lumln in C'l.it.kanun county aro directly trib utary to New Kra, I'otutoen are one of the xtuplo prodiictionn of thin xectiun tlm noil being peculiarly adapted to their growth and maturity, an welt an other vegetable, Nor in thin portion of the county in the matter of fruit glow ing behind other xectioiiH of the county, but in making hroud xtiidcx toward xnperiority in that line. The ia:ople of New Era do not bouxt of their facilities, but they aie "getting there jnxt nn hard" uml it in duxliiiud to become a point of COMMKItCIAI. IMI'OltTANl'K. Iii ad lition to tlm wari-lioiiHi-s ix the extennive mercantile extablixhnient of W . W. Jexne ; the pontoflice and Welln Fargo exprenn kept by J. C. Ntiwlajrry, who ;arriea a complete line of grot.crien, ntutionery and notions There ie a large public hall, the grange ami W, ('. T. U. hull, the Hpiritiiitlixt'n hall anil paik. Here ia aituatei the camp grounds of the Spiritual society, which are fitted tip in comfortable style. They undoubtedly have tho fluent camp ground in the atute. Tlm Catholics have a neat church building, and fiour inhing organization under charge of Kev. rather Buckholzer. The W. C T. U. having an organization here that ia keeping abreant of the limed. Warner O'CONNELL, THE ClothierHatter Wants you to call and examine hi Large Stock of MEN'S AND BOYS' Can show you the Finest Line ever exhibited in this city. THE ONLY Exclusive Clothing and Gents' Furnishing House IN OREGON CITY.) New Goods arriving daily. No shelf-wdrn stock. Latest styles and best qualities. IW PORTLAND PRICES DUPLICATED.! Die (utility court house. It wan completed (Jrange hold their regular monthly in IXK.I. It inn solid brick and 'menlfd meetings here, and are prospering. J. siriicitire, wun a swuie nu -ing, iwo suiries rsm.KXS AI-TKIt AM.. loloiiixt : The Kodak it nut toy ax h iiiki censorious and nx declare it. to be. It can fid, mid n miui p hIk it limy lie f gotul it-Miltnol' cnni-iilei'iilile f '"'i" wax proved tho oilier i" Kiininioii Caiiinla. A r 1 a bank nod iii-scnlel I be cashed I lei- manner ion in the minds .if the oil! without her being iiware of fxx h.im titlitoi by an mini ruplier. Tho picturt! hi. the discovery of the porpe- aitim unit, iiati netni com- tinie provionxly in tho n. rn.iii) to in: u jKWKi.nv, )nily Kxaminur: Jmlgo rduy roverxod a dccinion of ourt in roforenetj to the es iiih W, Miller. The Hint y brought hy the executor K. II. Voeks, to comptil elle F. Miller, to deliver up ig ami two HtudH, valued at nion wiih given by Jutlge iimtMra, Miller, hut Jmlge Bed this ortlor, thus giving xxion of the jowoliy which s givon hor by her himbiuul ' hia dentil. (UIKIION l ol.l.KtlK UIIAMUAK Independence West Side: A high nchtxil girl nt iMoiiiiiotith, chisn A, being told by her teacher to parse thencntencc, "He kisBt-tl me," consented rebictnntly, Ix-cauxn oppoxed lo xpeaking of private afl'nirx in public, "lie." she cominen- ceil, with tiiineci-XHiti y cinphasin and a J fond lingei ing ovei the word that brought ciimmni to her Nhrimp-pink cheekx, "in i a I'Mllolin, thin) person, xitigolan uiliil , her, liiiiHciilino gender; a genteinan well lixed, liven in Independence, universally coiiHtlered a good catch. Kissed is a verb, transi tivetoo much no regular evening, indiciitivo mood indicating iiU'ection, Hint ami third mixoiix, plural number, and uoveincd by fitvumlnnccx. Me Ob, everybody known me,'' and down she went like Mctiinty. A I'll IKK COMPOSITION. The followim coiuooiiitiii vu riileii hv l:iitlu rloi.l WhillocK, a I,", yiar old son ol U'linnty Kecor.b-r Wbitlock, and a pupil of : 1 1 if -ixlli grade of the piil'lie mIiihi), re ,si.leil over liy Mr. .1. W. (hay. Ahtuii a iloen of Mr. dray's pupils wrote nn essay on Oregon Cily, and the Minimis of the school voted hy ballot as to who Imd I he best composition. Master liulherlord W'hillock received the largest niiniher n( hallols, and was declared tho successful competitor: OIIKOON CITV. Oregon ( ity is the second oldest city in Oregon. It was founded in IM'i hy Dr. Me l.oiighlin. Its population at, the present day is about -IWKi. Thu following are the mimes of some of the first pioneers: W. W. Ittiek, J. M. Itn con, II. I'uulield, A. Warner, Win. Whit lock, J. 0. Campbell, T. Chariimn. S, W. Moss and li. Totter. The first white child born in Oregon City was M. I). Kiehnnlson. The first newspaper published in Oregon City wan tho Oregon Spectator. It wus printed on a press brought from tho Sand wich Inlands. The first number printed was Issued In February, and was the llrst paper published on the Pacific const. The llrst post office was established at Or egon City July, Jim, and David Hill was made postmaster. and a basement In height, and xurmoiinted hy a tower, ft stands between Main street and the river, In the center of a block. A broad (light of stone utepa lends up to the first flixir entrance. This building cost nlxiut $00,(11 o, and represents more for the money Hum any olher building in the state. There aie in the cily tunny handsome itiidt veu elegant private reside iicei). neitrly nil of 'them situated sons to command a Ih-bii-tilul view. Harvey Clark organized the first Congre gational church at Oregon Cily In 1x44. The old church building wits moved back ami a new one built in ilx place, In lxxu, costing over ITnoO. The old Methodist chinch was also leovid buck, and & new one built in its lace in IX!l, at a cost of over $xim). The sash anil tloor I'm lory wux Marled in Ixs'.l, nntl in the flood ol 1ki it was washed away hut caught on the side walk anil n there tied. In n short time niter it was xtnrttsl up iiguiii it was htirtii-d. They noon built a new one, ami it is now runniut;. Once there was a tUestion ax to whether the cnpilul of Oregon Territory wax Salem or Oregon Cily. During the time the tpies- lion was talked over part of the legislature met in Salem and part hi Oregon t 'ity Mr. .minister wax the only member w ho be-1 liered I hut Oregon City was the caital .! The itiestion w us decided in favor of Salem. The ohl capital building is now the Oriental hotel tieorge Itroiighfon built a new saw mill near the moiilh of tho Ahernelhy in ism), i The pulp and sulphite mills were built in ! I.xsii. . They Heroin thefliKul. The sulphite mill was not finished until after the llootl of I sin. The Crown Paper mill was begun in lx.x',iand finished in l.xsm. These mills are Is-lwcen the locks and the river. The Imperial Mooring milts wi-re built by Daniel Harney in IS'C. The Portland t 'e inent Works were built about the vear ISs7. I The basin was built hy the People's Trans I portatioii Company. T he I iidians w bo murdered Dr. Whitman a( Walla were hung at Oregon City iui the .'id j day of June, KMl. The death warrant was j signed by (loveinor l.ane. I lirriiKiumin Witm.ot K. Casio in master, and K. V. Maddot k is secretary . There in a flouring mill here that can I e purchased on reasonable terms. It lias good niachienry and water power, and wan doing a good business when the owner hail to lenve it on nccount of poor health. There ix no question but what it would do a good business if its wheels were again act in motion. NEW TODAY. Trwher'i Wanted. To mllcit HpiillrntlmiF for membership In the norm Anirru'sii Mutual Kt-ncru AxhiMMHtton, uf tMntrict Atfcnu at M'llitlU, Oregon. i. W. O'CONNELL, MAIN ST. Between Fourth and Fifth Streets. If yon want THE IIEST, buy NORTHERN CROWN ALLEN'S S66DS If the merchant you deal with does not Keep mem send to Al.l r-N direct, tie payn the pontage. Beautiful catalogue sent free. ADDKEH8 E. W. ALLEN, 171 Second Street. PORTLAND, OR. CHARM AN& CO. THE LEADING MUCKS Tearhfn' Einmlnntinn. Notlre Is hert-liy given that (or the ptirpwie ol mskiiifi an exHiiiinstlnii ot nil pttriointwhrimky nlfer tliciniielves a cnntlitUtt-H Itir teachers nl the M-litM.l of ttilii eoiinty. the eountv school miii-rltmulein ihereol will hold a public ex lunfiiHtlon nt the court hence In Ort-fom City, ctimmeiicing at 12 M, Wednraday, May '7, lxal. l'ntid this lllli dsyol May, Is.d. Ai.n. Thomson, County tichiHil Superiuteudeut of CUckamns etiiinty, DrvKoii. tirlst Mill For Sale. The mill at New Kra will be nold at a bargain. Itaatheliesl Its alion of any mill In the county. bvliiKon both the W lUmiietle and ratlrtiud. hav liilt a larKe gram growlui! district to draw from. Fine water Hiwer HUttwu arm of gtval. tilla ble land go with the mill property, (imsl terms will be given and an experienced miller with a amall t-neiul will dud this a pnyiug invest ment. Call on or address E. C. Xiaddock, New Kra, Oregon. I Small Kami For Sale- I Ten aerea on county rod two and a half i from Oregon city, near school house and saw mill, good mm and level; Hue Irult and berry intid. Ik a biirKalu. T. C. Livksav, Oregon city. Small llomox For Sale, "hoof the most desirable nieces of land in Clackamas county w'll be sold lu a bodv or in small iraels lo suit pureleiMTS, Ninety acres in all. thirty Iwo acres under cultivation, hal-iili'-c easily cleared ; soil, deep, upland loam: live acres young bearing orchard ; house, two barns, outbuildings, etc.; two eoo.i wells mid i ui'vn failing springs In pasture; iwomiles from tireg ui City en main county road:good graded , school convenient and In a wide-a-wake, rt- specr.inie neiglihorlioo.l; goo ' terms given Cull on or address V,, 11. Kanciikk. Cregoti city. Abtwlute Purity. Careful Dispensing. Proscriptions Filled by Competent Pharmacists. Toilet Articles. Perfumery. Fine Cigars. CHARMAN'S BLOCK. C. W. PORTER, General : : Blacksmith HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Shop in the rear of Pope's Hardware store, Oregon City, Oregon. VORSHAM : : : BRO s United Hack, Truck and Livery Company, W. H. Cooke, Manager. Comer Fourth and Main Strectq, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLK of the City. RifS of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. ' Morsea Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. F. L. Posson & Son, SEED -DEALER IX- Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork None but the best of meats h.tndk-d. Free de livery to all parts of the city, SHOP TWO DOOKS ABOVE POST OFFICE oiti:,'0 n v. oiti:. Assignee's Not It-e. i 'n the Circuit Court of tho State of I , j Oregon for Cbiekiiiniis county. j ., ,, , ., i In the mutter of the assignment of S. Ii. Green, 1 ersolis ti'tinhleil with rhi'linintisni ! . Im tireen anil c. A. Hands, partners under should read Ihe follow inn front .Mrs, X ! the firm iinnic of tireen llros. ,v. Co., insolvent, M Petom, of East Des Moines, lown. j .. , , , Shes.n- I loi.l siillor..,! t. iil. . i,., Hue notice Is hereby given thai the tinder MI0M1NX. I innl MUlercil Willi lht'linm-1l,(.,i,s,een elected assignee of the estate tism Hie (.'renter part ol the Imio for j of thi above nameit Insolvent debtorMind has lieiirlv seven enrs. I doetoretl n trout i '',"ly 'Hinllilfd-us stn-h. AH persons having don I for il w'ilh iihi-ocbiiw ,.o,l i.; ,.l ! ('i,,lms ngains' said liisolveuls are herein- noti J . ii,, llhs,U;ins iU11' ''H d;tied to nreselll the sacie or operlv v.-riile-' lo eleclnc licllM, p.itcnt Incihcinc.s innl al-! (lie tin.lerslaiied m his otliee nt'the Oregon most evmyihim; )al Wat (ivnmnieniled 1 "' ' " "tills, nreu Cily, tiivgon, within r rlieiinialisiu. I'inallv a in-iuhl-or m Faber's Golden Female Pills. i vised me t.i Ii sain and w as i me that I procured a hot lie. in. I'inallv a in-iuhl-or nd- v t liiiiiH'ei'lain's I'ain Hal- siirt- Unit il woultl help : id lielo I ion, iiot itoin too stan ; inn u loon live i SO cent. litilllcH to cure nie, so you can i UiiosH how Inttl 1 was as two hottlcs will j cure liny ordinary casti " Kir saloliyj (it'o. A. Harding, drut.'xist. " ! - :n inomiis in, m the e.l M.iv 11, ;vi. c of mis l. A. SHUT As ce. n:iiee i w . . 'a -v ror Female Irreptilar lues: nothing like them on the market. Sever fait, Sueeessfullyused hy prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relievo suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Pon't bo hnmbtigtred. Save Time. Health, aud money ;tako no other. General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co SEEDS Garden Seed. SEEDS Grass, Clover and all kinds of SEEDS Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc. SEEDS Bee Keepers' Supplies. We want YOU for a customer. Give ds a trial order. F. L. Posson & Sop, 209 2d St., Portland, Or. Successors to Miller Bros. Catalogue FT- vi 6. .r f v- 1 vre vs r- .-s'.v-cv--. .liwenh V. Dtirv. of U'nrsniv III . ..ui let-ami Heerlverof the 1' ol,l.l .:ii. .1.. ...ii. .1 ...V.. i ' ' I t'Ki'u City. Oregon on July Hi, l.v.il. viz truiiiueti wun riieuiniiiisni aim tried a iiiinihcr of dill'erent remedies, hut sitys none of them seemed to do liim any tfood; hut timilly ho got hold of ono thnt speedily cured him. Ho was much pleased with it, anil feft sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what tho remedy was that cured him. lie states that lor tho hetictltof the puhiie that it is called Chnnihorhiins' Pain Halm. It is for sale here at fit) ets. per bottle by our druggist, O. A. Harding. NtiTlt'K Ft 11! I't'llUCAI'loX, 1..VNU Orncr; at Oki-mon City, (in. May N, ls-il. Notice is hereby given that the fnlloulng niiuied settler lias tiled notice of his intention to lm.ke tittal proof in support of his claim and thai said proof will be made before the liegis ..mil eftice at Or- Sent to anv address, eeuve bv mail on re- .ItO ,,f ri,.. M 11.-. A ' A.ldre'ss. THE APHSO REDiCINE MMW, Western Brauth, Siox'i:, 1'OlliLAM), (HI For sale hy Olmrman A Co. ih'ut.'gisls, Oregon City, Or. Notice of Final Sett lenient. Notice Is hereby given that 1 have filed my Dual report 111 the comity Court of Clackamas coiintv. Oregon, as administrator of the ..soon of Joseph rlorcnco, deceased. And tho court has appointed Tuesday, June and, IStll as a day n,.tl time fur hearing such report and for the settlement of said estate. A. Matiikh, Administrator ol the estate ol Jopseph Flor enco, tleeeased, May 1st, ISM. M:5-a Charles F. Shafe'r. l're emptloti I), s. No. TtHki, for the nwij of see Is, twp 'J s, r 7 e. He names the following wit nesses to Drove hlscoiitiiiuotis resldeneo upon and ctiltlvntlon of said land, vi: John Mcln tire, T, C. Wilson and Chas. Colla, of Cherry vllle, Clackamas county, Oregon, and T. (1. O'Donnell; of l'ortlaiid, Miittuomnh eoiinty, Oregon, J. T. Aei-KKsoN, Register. ft-2Ml-:)fi; NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, Land Office at Oreoon Citt, Or. May 14, 1K91. Notice Is hereby given that the followinu iiamod settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim and that said proof will be made belore the Regis ter and Receiver of the U. 8. land office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on July 10, MM, vi : Cnarlea delta. Pre-emption n. 8. No, "O-Kl for the n'; cf see. S, twp. 2 s, r 7 e. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous resilience upon ami cultivation of said laud vir.: C. K. Sehnfer, .Ino. Melntire, T. 0. Wilson, I). O'Dciinell, all of Cherry ville, Clackamas county, Oregon. 6-Si:tl-i. J. T. Ai'i'KKsoN, Register. WOOD ITUXIXG SCROLL SAWING. BOXES OF ANY SIZES MANUFACTURED Parties desiring Wood Turning, Vat terns, Brackets, or Shop Carpenter's Work Will be Suited by Calling on Me. Doors, Windows and Blinds TO ORDER. G-. H. BESTOW, - 4T"0pp. tho Congregational Church Great Reduction Cabinet Photoorap!i3 j o.NLY ' cT"1 r"v f -i nm-i t-i-m-ttvt- AT Thwaite's, 167 First Street, Bet. Morrison and YaiuluH. PORTLAND, OREGON F.F. WiriTE. W.a. WHITB WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects $ Builders- Will prepare plans, elevations, working de tails, and specifications for all kinds of btnli lngs. Special attention given to- modem e,-. tage8. Kstimatea furnished on application. Call on or address WH1TK BROS a . Oregon City, ott I'.islablishrd 1M3. C N. GREENMAN, Drayage & Expressing Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city.