Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1891, Image 2

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    hie Enterprise.
Mt:M F.Kits,
nil Vroprletor.
Another Missouri cyclone hits done, Im
mense lHnaT(i in tli western stale, de
stroying ecirndderahle IH and nroprty.
Til Charleston lulled to capture the ltnt,
mitl tlio oIiivm) in likely Riven , m nothing
has heen heard trom either rel fornewral
" j J s iii,rflii(rtin'ii - "'B i v'"""
Tilt hoard ot trade should aake to the j ini? dotit by the soldiers at Walla Walla
.... ...... ... .. ... : it I. I -...I li 1- .......
iirUHirtm-eeof doinit some ellecth work for
1r eonum-ree ami trade of Oregon City.
There U no reason why the mercantile
houses of this, city should not dotihle the
Vftlume of hiisiites now transacted, it only
iWjuire tittle effort to bring about the de
atred results. The roads leading to this city
in every direction should and must b put
it a pawnble condition, if Oregon City re
wives the business to which she is justly
entitled by reason of her location and fiicil
ItSes. tf merchants complain that business
iS dull, it is because of the inability of farm
ers to set here with their teams. As an in
stance of this, a farmer liing on the west ;
aUeof the river came to Oregon City the
other day, hut had to leave his team one
h.ilf" mil, from the .sii-tot.iiaion hri,lt? and
,n.ll- Ad it .v.i',1.1 l,v.t t,M ntl.t.tst 11 ' at ,1... l-i,,.,iii ., nil ., . ...Oi.m l.itl.l this um'tc
dairseroiis tied, rtukiig to get his wagon j The prohibition pltmk was defeated. A
.u .. ..t ......i -n.;., t ...... , .... it... ..r
Ul 1 1 uta. (mtv VI tt-tt.t. I , , " v..,- j in'w J'lU I imp ,'iuvini ui? ni, nn ,i, i"'-
Wilt, asm. are helnir examined, and it taverv
likely the guilt will It fastened on the right
Mvnv strangein coming to the city 'k
why we do not have a town cits.-!. In re
ply, The KNTtaraist would atate that the
whistle of the numerous Uolorir and
mills admirably till the place ol one.
T 'it people ol Oregcu t'ity are clamoring
for more rapid transportation facilities to
and from Portland. It is almost certain If
the Southern I'acillc company do not put In
accommodation trains a motor line will he
i "
Tiik People's 1'urtj of the I'nited States
of America have adopted their platform
lioiitifroids i driving thou:inds of dollars
wui1!s ef Irade an ay from the city. This is
no idie theur) . It is the cold, solid (nets.
Tiier .1. yet room for more uianu
IVteries, etc., ami an eilort must be
made to sx.ure ihcin. It will not do to let
su much a ailable w ater power go to a.-te .
No city or cuntv in the state is advertised
' toss, and ha greater advantages than this.
, tilts.
Sinvro'iCuilom, who believes the Presi
dent's speech at C.akeslou was a good plat-
litical unibition, and it is expected that it
w ill gather in the alliance forces.
A Tiik Kstkki-nisk has been enlarged at
considerable expense, and is giving Its read
ers the best iMimtv nat-er in the stale. It de
sires to make further improvement and
add new ft attires, and, In order to do this,
it asks each subscriber to indnce at least one
ol Uis neighlHn to subscrilte for the paper.
This w ill place Tun Kxraarata on a sub
stantial basis, and enable it to make the de
sired lim-roiemenls.
fCrm in itself, says: " 1 don't see why the
Republican party should rot be successful A rot irteu, movement of considerable un
it the nest presidential election. We have i portanee h noted ii.iwvnt correspoiiftcn,-e
int.. laws the pledge made to , Irom riiarlrsion, foiui. t aroium. iw
llcipwcitv wstli the S,.ut. i I "''ile Rcpur4itnm meeting ever held in that
i. erica.-. .-.umtr.Vs is a great s'.-.cce. Free i "' "el.l on the t in tnsiani, ni w.n-n
asgar hacn,.!-;e,i u to soil more meivban- ! Mywf dub wen- represle.l. The mwe
.Itse t. tho s:gr ..t.ntrics. and all along ' ' li' K' "'"f:r'kh ' '' -wl'-tieline-w.-ha,eUv:i
milking progress tu nwave whi.-ll sn. pt ow the state l
tlie dm--i line of the irood of the ople." .'. "' ' -"Then-
m. evens,- now for the fanner. ! " wlo expected to win the Alliance mew
runnr.li: ort' after ,t-H..g.- g.-.!,." a.l.letl the buck in time regaHlhe new inwement witN
-s'r.itor. -No class li.;s had the attention of I oonsidcrable coiuvrn.
Ci5i;gr--s, Tot ti;e past tv,, v.;u as the farm-i , .. . , r. , i..
f , ' , ' , , , ' rr is a tact that U-s not retlwl ereil-.tably
erv have, ami a goiter eilort has Kw made ; .,,-,. :,v -..! fl.tct.-..
to i;: t h,ir iM'Iin'.t 1 ban lor an v ..llier t ' ...
ci.i-s. Mr 1
'if work, rcn
nd able
aC.l has
uo a hi
enj iel."
lair.e l.i- done a vaM an onm
mas county, that ther are the h-st adver-
!:i;i in great Ivnelit to
am! !.a-siio.v i, himself to be wise
, ami at the same time very careful,
;,laccil llu- American "biveromenl
,,-r 1 !a -c ;!i;o. i! has ev--r nelv.rc oc ,
Tiit.nr. a large areu of the govenmn-i.t
kiivlsin 'i-scouii'.v that; yet remain iin':r
t'.v'i, bciJeii .g on the 'acale range of
Sountai'i.. :' so-nc , if t!icse lands sctilels
have located and h.ult homes, a ikhIwii ot
wi.iom have there resided for ten or twelve
ii-ars, am' an-unable to .-ecu re title to their
Mhtmtved linmcsicads. for tlie very reason
tlun tl.e-s- laniUhave not been surveyed. T,
rttiiton- and ifplicntions should be sent to j ,,4fl.s lo .
tTie depart-nent at Washington at once lor
appropcLitioti for the survey ot tnese
ai thousand-, of acres would thus ne
thrown o;,oii to stitimctit. The delay in the
avpropriation for a survey of this section is
serious .IraWhacK to no- comm.
" , .; .. . :.. .1..". I-..-, ,.r , fl... V,,rrl,.
u lu.wt I'm,..)., who ierive here from the
Ka-t state that Oregon t'ily and IT kuuias
eou'-tv arc ram aiatHely unknosvn. and
j that I hey wen- induced tocomt- hcretJirongh
the re re-et:tatiotis ef friends. Voider-,
U,vk ami c:n tthir- is:-e scattered1 every
where s t inc forth the jdvantjiges ef every
section excel t this. t a fOiseraniH- we
dom.l t t in--bare of Ibe desiniliii immi
gration If t'lai ka:ca. cunty does not get
more immigration it is she tauit of ber pev-pie.
Toit in Hat ion of m-.isercunncr has ul-
wa.vsliet.-ii pri tliH'livi of She most ttomstrou-
hose visionary aeheinam who
profess to believe in trie iswuance w p.i,er
I nu'-ney on the farm Units ot the country,
j are advocating a policy that will lie ruinous
: it. the extreme. This tuts Wen HeniMistrnted
i to an ahsuluteccrtainty, as it is nothing but ,
ian inflation of values, which alwikvs result.-I
' ili-astron-ly. Ura.il now has a paivr cur-
9 r 1 nncy of about ? iHt.tVV 0. which is inervas-
Ttp. new lime to make preparation f.r a ttt ,, ,-ate f $lj.mi,flOrt per mocth. j
nrth of July it lebration. Oregon t'ity is . s inflation can liave but one re-iilt.
npted for uul.ins celebrations and public ( wU1 j,,,,
rheiiiigs a succe-s, ami there is no rea-on
Twenty ThoiiHanil Ilnlltsl-"H I" t1"'"
lug for lioeatmt'iit In Fltuiil Intliin
Iry Hiitl Klectt lc MkIiI lMt
lllg litipioveiiiruts to b
Muile.'-'Umi. Donuld
JIacleay Intot'esleil.
Il.vHtowa, May IT, 1WI-
Thin morning' ' Hottthern I'acllhi train
brought in a party of aUleen,- eoina or na
tional reputation. The vartv Included Hon.
!nttld Macleay ami daughter, of Portland;
Mr. A. V. Turner, r the K llson Klei-trle
Light Co.: Mr. (lol.lsmllh, broker ami capi
talist; Mr. Jay tlreen, mining man; Messrs.
Oarieson, llrown, tlson, A'C.
Mr. Turner, of the Kleclrle Light Com
pany, was seen at the depot stum aller the
1 party arrived. Ho readily consented to an
Interview, " I have come out Here, aani
he, "on a trip which relates directly to the
Industrial. Of course my trip is also in the
nature of an inspection, but It relates more
Intimately to the business which brings
these other gentlemen out this way. We
now come to Uarlows where we intend mak
ing aiTHiiicnieiils lo establish several large
! Industrial plants, Including Moral raising,
! electric light, and possibly a motor line,
1 Tl.iv have been several stock companies or-
gunincd to carry these projects intoelfect,
and it is no visionary .scheme. These com
panies are backed by lliousanila ot cnpiliil.
These people and myself represent the
whole, and our trip Is for the purpose of lo
catingseveral big industries, There w ill lie
a large electric light plant, heeldea many
other industries which I do lint care lo
mention at present."
Monk 1'koi-kktv Hkinu rt.mnn.- County
Surveyor Sidney Smyth and his force of
men have been lira' several days thrs week
platting another large tract lor Harlem A
Ir !, W.-n i.lalted ill from on
twenty acrelracts, i
Kotki. Hl iniiso I'oMMKxenii.-Mr. A
WilVisais has iMnuuifned building his large (
hotel ran Kail mad Ave sue. A fon-e ol eir
lntcr have been emp4oved, amt the mod
ern stmi'ture will Is- completed with all pos
sible dispatch. Mr. Wiliams is a thorough
hotel mail and a bright prospect awaits him.
.arnVBruwao Nsvmso l',,i-i ution.
Mr John leek's large blarksmilh shttp and
hall buitiUiig i- ulino-t rouipleled. Mr.
Zcek will iist put in a full line ol I'sum ma
'nhinery m oomi -ction w i:ii his other busi
ness. Pusr a N-r on. SroiiK 1U n m-t- .- Mr.
Jjimes ',. lifcas has rtimmeiite-l l.tiil.li his
j paint ami i-il store on Mam street. U will
he coiupletitl in tell tliiys.
: Moils,, TitiBt.HM-H 1'ot.KJ. Threo line
nien from the I'os'al Teicgoph t'oiupany
have Urn lure this week ami placed their
j lifltgraph tcs lt cviil'otni I" the Inns of
J tr streets. Tht-y are to phi le live dMed
j poltts to face tslie slrvs-t-.
I'amii.us Auauisn. The laimlit-- ol
Messrs. Kviiis. Tracy and nilh ar'tved
re this aI, and an- all highly plad
ith their u home.
Sltwt'oTt.v.iKs..- T. I'.n.lKM'snei.t t-"1
em cottage receiving its llnfphiugtora Uvs.
Much taste ih tli.-plaved In lis nrchitcf tm
Narlli"!-"" Kt" '"'
' ....l.l.,.,,.-..-.'t'll
....-PUmoml." We
. TUtt"oh
, . l't-ixif (Miaiiih. Aroiitio rilt'H,
Lttggors an.l Wootl rii..pi'(-r ..-.
OivgonCity Agent,
Aro you wanting oithor a Farm
or a small tract
Call and oxamino our choico list.
Willamette Falls Investment (
Kor I very seldom work
Wear a lliiine stone In my ahirl,
And with gid.ly girls I tllrt
All the tiny.
I'm the gweatest living masher ;
At the twa.le I am a slasher ;
On my lip wear a moiislasber;
Pay a u-wy i levnh-'nuisber,
Who pwolecl" my life with tare.
And through life I saunter sally.
Making wholr-nlc con,iiesls tlail.r .
Making men h-ok sad ami tpieer
When Iheir vvives are standing near,
tining on inv ualty gear
f I-'LH
i Kt'iii
I wlllt In
f Marlon
f ItHIlllMll
' m. F
i changi
tiiug stdii
WILSON if, '"11.!,! to
. Mr. Tnyl
FKPIT i totally tli
r'lil'lt tliB puatn
ffl W.h tit.
Fltl'lT 1 1'iiwwl i!
I' ltl'IT i Aurora.
Kill' IT Utnl ptwto
not tlioug
lug tiny n
only a alt
,bltiwn opi
t eiiua
.Tim at ion
Out for
tlil'lU Jiref,
Weslutn It
A nnouneemen
Wt- will hitvfiit HttH-k Hun wik
- HClll U
..... . , . u.
Kttst I'o
li g it'solu
if Allianc
gjlvtnl! T
Jon know i
irylng u
-Al st l A-
a si
-i,v no :-i-iir:ii ol J...v " '
toaKC..n;n-anier. With all the fa.-ili-tj;.s
of tian-.-o.-ta'i.tii. i..-aiiou. goo.l
grmuels, , ic, it needs oi.iy an organized ef
ft.rt to u-kc i! a-i event that will long be
rcniemhered. There are humlretls of peo
ple in Poland who always take the advan-
tatres of s;:ch opportunmes u, get. , u j
city on h'rt and tlusty days. Besules ure
gon City t'nould show her patriotism by eel-rtralii-.g
'he t,Horious Fourth lor once.
Thk approaching maneuvers of the
Ffench army outheOcrniati frontier will be
oa such a scale as a few years ago w ould have
influced Ittsmarck to demand explanations.
One dispatch declare: "France has now bo
far completed her military preparations that
sii is not too particular about pleasing Ger
many . It looks this time as if the maneu
ver 'wee arranged for the special purpose
ofpro'-oking a demand for explanations. '
Tic tnx-. s w:U occupy all the vital posi
tioi s which they Wo'.:!d have to hold in an
effort to 'cnuisc a suppc-ed invasion.
certainly bring bankruptcy
ami ruin as continual rains win iiruig a i
ilnod. It always has thine it, and always
will. U'U-iuil will follow in the footsteps j
of the Argentine lb-public she will reap ihe
same harvest.
The hoard of commissioners appointed by
the last legislature to build the portage rail
way at the cascades of the Columbia river,
have held their first meeting in Salem. The
board is composed of the governor, secre
tary of state, and state treasurer. 0. S.
Farley, of The Itulles, waa appointed su
perintendent of construction, and Col. S.
I,. Lovell, of Salem, as engiueer and clerk.
The distance of this track will tie about
uvtt miles, and it will greatly Increase the
n.n.pn- on the Columbia river. Private
,.rium at The Dalles will build a steam
boat to navigate the waters of the middle
f-ivliiiiitiift. between the head of the portage
mad at the Cascades and The Halle, a dis
tance of over forty miles, and in connection
with the road will be of incalculable benefit
to the living in Eastern Oregon.
yjimataln lb l1"1"
The people nic becoming jmloiis of
I M.iaii.r l.i L'linnt'. ami
ne in-s'i.-i..s 7 '1 i ;
Mild l pleusttl to know Ins banish-
iii-nl (roin their midst.
:4rs f. ). Miev, ot Otcgtei t'ity. lias j
rertiiliv relurnc't hsnno a I lor a visit of.
sevs-ral tl is nu'tnii; pii-i "
in eor vicmitv.
Ms. IW-rt W,it!ward has gone away
to 1st alwnt uu-st f the siiinic-i'
Mi-m AniV Taylor has be, n n n sick
with l.l grippe lor two week, but Is
s,.w ' improving.
Th I'nited !rct!r. li class aill ho!, I
their tinarlcrlv meeting at the scli,'l j
i , ,,n tin- :':!i and -HI- "I tins
The young pi-oph- ol the co nuiuinly
i. si tlliiL- nchool for mi-
ptovrtweiit and plea Hire, to init each
l'ridn night
Mr. !iv lvauu: has sniployed Mr. I-il.-hie,
liilt-ly Irom the t'Wt, ami i supply
ing w i Ui a number o. new rails.
Mr V Muriin uah a jilcsl al flu
W. W. Iivv-jis neat cottage vsdliic reatiy Tor i homo ! Mr. lavlor tm last Miut'uv
tHcupancy rbis wtsk. j Mr. I.alun Scut I 'f new rae horse
SvMiu iTK's lYut ihsk lr. Joy aireen . starit! on an espc iision lliroiil ..the In
purchase.1 !, worth of property this ' tennil-itvions ol ihe earth last Saiut-
ulllV,.V)l 111! KUV l,,r Ulili-ru '"
, he l".i;t-d befuie desn-nding tar info tin
barnvaid well, and was nssisletl back to
j the surface, receiving only il (cw slight
' inini-irs, liom which lie 'is rtw.vi-ring.
i Sl.iv lit. ISiU tni.rri:.
it i'o. Ilvis week. I
Mniintalii View.
br-ink Welch
Ladies Fine Ut mola Kill. St, Lou is Tt k amUSliLf;
1 l!t to ho
Tl.Sii o.Niils lidvt-nil tin' v'iy l:tttl iinpnivt'iii, n tlv
in hUti hiin,', tinih, t-tt-., anil ,-vi-rv pair in wa? ounUy. '
. .1 ..... I ItMttll.vn. I
...,,,f... I., , o,l mTVIl-lt. Ill' I 111' HI TIIHMT ----"(
I ,l ll tt . t t - - i
ran liavr aintlu'i' pair fn-f tr lli' ir
IIHUH'V li-lllllilril.
I taUK H 11 1. I'.F
mi'i.n in "i i: wimmiw ,n sr as
Till V I nMk IN.
atnwt p
ohev w t
y phtlgfl,
'siplion o
i Union
rand Am
week thiwiigh Messrs. lhirUtw A l',. It is
understowl it was purchasetlHir a y ml irate.
Drur.u 1 1 lien vsis. Mr. llahu, a well
known Mtl eslate dealer, of the arm of
Halm A V'urson. ol Portland, purchased a
two acre tract of Harlow
Mr, A. I. Itn.wn, or Kosloo, psrcluoed
seven acres and Iwo bus this week, lie in
tends building on bis lots immediab-lv.
Messrs Carlson A Olsuii have purchased
thrvc and one half acre adjoining the town
site, which will lie their future home.
iMii't eMKST roii tiiusT Mu.i.. Messrs.
ltarlow A Co. will oiler a big inducement to
the first grist mill that will start at tins
place. The natural mill rat which passes
ii.rt.iuib this land, and the rentral location
of Barlows lor all the wheat growing dis
tricts, oiler great inducements to grist nulls.
The first mill started will lie ottered a good
Hob. PoKAU) Maci.kav's OriNios.-Mr.
Macleay when here expressed himself alsiat
as follows: "I am agreeably surprised lo
note the many improvements you have
niful sinee I last passed through your place.
You unquestionably have got the location
for a large town, ami us you all know, you
have a wonderful country to back you, so 1
cannot otherwise than predict for you a
prosperous future." Nkttik.
.light at
oou nf of
it flonu'i
tve made
UirgeoM at
A If Artllf
Manufa. tu.vrs, a.ul Dcalt-r. in all kin-!, .if Mjjw'j
of 1 1 gill Hid , till-
mil' lots and is erect .ou oil" or
collages ..I the iiumI nunli-i ?
TVo Tin, many democrats who have been
proven guilty of havi.- g accepted bribes
while holihng inuniiipal ofllces, and who
only escapcl well merited punishment
through legal technicalities, have just been
appointed to lucrative and responsible posi
tions u:.dcr the city government of New
York. And yet we find otherwise inteili-p-jit
men khort-sigiiteu enough to advocate
the turning of the National Government
over to Tammany Hall, for that is just what
tlie election of a dcmociatic president
next vcar would nitjii.
T,.vt- iirl. ill lie the 2.")th anniversary of
The K.ntehi-kisk. and it is the purpose of
the management at thnt time to issue a His
torical number, one that will pertain to the
early periods of the settlement of Clacka
mas county, and a sketch ol tlie cany news
papers published in Oregon City. It will
contain many interesting reminiscences of
pioneer days, and the readers of The Kktkk
prise are requested to send in any ohl pa
lrs printed in Oregon City, even up to a
recent date-that is, up to 1870. These pa
will be a great help in obtaining data for
the historical number, und will be carefully
and returned to
The throbs of increasing prosperity now J their owners. It will not lie Kissil.le for
beuiefclt in all branches of industry and The Kstf.rprihk lo occupy a five-story brick
business in every section oj the country, block at that time, hut it will endeavor to
are sharp pains to the gouty old democratic j give its readers an interesting historical
hulk and they tell the story in indisputable historical number on the occasion of the
language of which party was right about the termination of its first quarter of a century
McKinlev tariff act. The ruin predicted of existence.
by thede mo-rats la-t fall is a long way oil',
unless that party should by accident obtain
the control of the Oovernrnent. in all its
branches and carry o-it its ruinous ideas.
TttE horticulturists of Polk county will
. aiit8t Monmouth May !, to effect perm--aoerit
organization for mutual aid and in
.atruction. Fruit culture is rapidly becom
ing one of the most important industries
of the state, and every county should have
its. horticultural societies and clubs. Clack
muntv especially should have an In-
atltution of this kind, as its fruitgrowing
interests are forging ahead ol any other
county in the Willamette valley.
Advertised l.etlro.
The following is the lmt of letters re
maining in the post omce at, urcicon
Citv. Mav 21. 1891.
Boom,MissChristhi2 Kenncy, George
Rrown. Mr N M
Casaday, G W
Curtis, Samuel J
Craig, William
Edwards, Allen
Hess, Mary
Hess, Mollie
Hawkins, J K
t-f.wlt'p Mrs Cora
Johnson, Leander
If called for say when
K. M.
McKenna, David
Milne, Mr jolin
Measlnger, Amanda
Neely, Mr James
Kenke, Johan
Richardoon John
Hmith, Mrs Kttie
Thomas, Mrs W H
Wheir, 1. 1
of ;
; t',o-i--.iiid "rlsin- t-owr stud:
- of the country. What re
:i- !, i"c been attained in a '1
ii Uiw miiv twentv-liv
Kanhk, I'. M.
larb.T I
Vfiirs i
O.N .101!
Wool Wanted.
i that, tlie hi st college
were opened to Kor which the highest market Jince
Oswego is having ft real live circus yester
day ami today. Who can say now that we
ar'n't having a real live boom?
The base hall last Sunday was postponed,
as the Portland club did n't uppetir. The
club has several challenges, but have n't
quite decided which one they will play first.
O. W. l'rosser hail a hand stand con
structed on the ball grounds.
Those who went on the excursion hi Mult
nomah Falls spent a most delightful 'lay.
The scenery along the banks of the Colum
bia river is very grand.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Maloney left for Califor
nia Sunday evening.
County SuperiutendentTlionison paid our
school a delightful visit.
An ocean vessel landed at the Oswego
furnace Monday evening. It had onboard
a cargo or lime from an island in theOulfof
Osweco has a noet. We wouldn't he sur
prised if ho became world renowned. It is
the young boo keeper at tin lurnace, tiru.
H. I'ettlnger. We send a production of bis
most fertile Imagination.
Till iiudk'b soliloquy.
How they stare
And declare;
Men in envy sometimes swear
At mv rare, exemisite air,
And the striking proportion ol'tny pair
Of legs.
How they gaze
On my ways;
I am the lndii s' kwaze
i:p the avenue on line days
Willi the bo-oays.
I oahi s
or mine
Mr. I'redi'rick'a new house and hhu'k
santh shop is well undi-rw ay and w Jl
sootl he reaily lor o'-cupiuicy.
Wil'.-y May has bought a inn team, of
C. T. Hickman ha mail ait addition
tohis rositlem- and otherina addttl to
his already handsome hoiao.
Mountain View offers a lino rliance
for an miturprisiug man tu put in a feed
The entertainment at our new school
house was a very enjoyable event ami a
finiintiiu success, i n priceens win i-
used fur the purchsso oi a lit flag to he
raised lecoraiion I'av.
lr Powell of (in-sham, ami his
daughter, Mrs. T. I.. Sails, ior rly (
Oregon t It v spent n lew ilavs last wt-eK
visiting at the home of .1.1,. Swafford.
The doctor thinks Moiiutiim View a
beautiful place ami thinks we ought
to have an electric line by all means.
Joe Harrington has been making lino
improvements on his place.
a- v'l'f Vi : in en fjlf.,1 nn. I l.'kl'AIlIS nnmitiHi
V ..'ll.si. i in n t- - ,
S having
- Cateadt
tlt envoi
bki ana n
of bend
; ika ttK
id ho w
tli ba
.int) point
mmr mnn rniTmnnT.T.Tnn Tnn m
i l nr. h hurliliiljJ Jd ill
l'i i: v. . ;,!, , i
llll C- lMUlKIUll A "IT T3 1
rx. r-, . L v v j it,ii
. an J- ran
oswKiio, oKr.tiON, j and LUNCH COUtfl-oltl0
Tit sat! DRUGGISTS baMtti Portlail anil Me.i,erv.i a.y .n,. "night '-iiiopuri.
OregOtt Cllf. j ChopliMiytytr. HUiooJ. 1
.. I u tattles. tern slot
l-rrv lull tin t.l i 1
Hill WS SKIlll'INKS, Toll.KT AUIli Iks, Mir-1
tioss ash instil vi I, iiohhn, !
I'KKW ail lloNS I .Mltt l l.l.V l IIMI'ol SUtlJ
On the boulevard I loit,
Maple bane
Our road siiticivisor is iloiiiL' Nome)
very effective work on the road.
People passing ilong the roml last Sul
i.r.luv tt.ii, hi. lotvt. Set, II 1 1 111 Sllltll.lH 11
some of the mightiest tTintiiirchs of the
forest going skyward.
Key. Baker preached his farewell ser
mon at the school house hist .Sunday.
One of Maple Lane's most popular
yoimif men, lias just relurimd from u
trip to Southern Oregon, lie ileclureM
that old Clackamas iH gooil enough for
There are a number of stray stilinns
in mil oat field, which the road siitior-
visor may have, by calling ami paying
lor tins nonce. i . t ,
Prof, llork organized the Maple Lutio
l-'arini-i's Alliance on Wednesday even
ing. Mav (!, with 'Jl charter inemlierH
The following lire the ollice : W. V
lirayton, president ; Kit Cnswell, sei-iu-tftry.
Moots third Hatiirday in each month
(Balance next wek.)
lie Your Own Master.
Few people apprecluto how much
their impressions, their whims and im
pulses, and in fact all their mental en
ergy depends on tlio harmonious action
of nil the vital orgnns. A poorly di
gested dinner may make one quarrel
..'Ol. ii frb.ml A i.oiii.i.hIi.iI li.v,.r Tl.!. V
bring imaginary gloom nnd trouble into
Ihe HiiiinieHt ilav. A ilii-iiiiuitle piini
niny keep you Iroui ihihiiicss or work
noil i'ii ! iicly rliiuiK" Home imirkeil mil
policy A ft -iv closi'H of Mooi'u'h lie
veitled llciniMly will give lone to every
function and make you enjoy your
frjendH and and work.
-:- $3,300! -: ,
BOOTS and SI 10 IiS
Bankrupt Stock
mis Tsrt. - - tsa from
m. The
I'llOTOd Kevwy
I a dee
the obi r'.l,U.li.',l anil j ,r
",""""""'hM' Ih Amor
; R.'pniERmuid m
4'ablHrt IMiolrrih. cr0f
! -J her hu
. - j10 y,ah
!j. P.
To be Hold at "ill I'ents mi tlm
Dollar for 15 iluyn only.
( 'all eiii'ly if you want your pick,
and avoid tlie runli.
Mayer & Ackerman, Props.
Corner of I'ronl, nnd Morrison,
i i:ai;ii.
-T ! I.I
I1 or ;'i'iii'i':il i', i;iirin,r In- M,a
wit In nit. ii peel'. I'm- lii-.-l-cliiss,
lialile (ii ii ii Ih liiH sloro isi Hoi'iimi
none. Try him !
Kr.ptei.tl.lllllOli" !",1'")
rorned Heel, M.-kll IfA. Hr,.C
I ,ard, lhiller, Kg. t.a) ,Brgl
Simp on Htn tjiilli mrt-et, miptulM hade lice
-'tl, live o
Itivery, Fiod and 8aln "i
. ,Jd Minnie
r likeiii
Dmililo and iSingle Kip n,ull)(,
die hoi-Hen iilwayn on Wfi tQ
lowest prii'M. n oorr" n q (
with tin-liarn for l.o,
lllioniiiiuoit n-n." , i c,4 i.
stock promptly attended to !ed Mute
-tK Kill
. 'rtland ' 1
Horses Bought yaste
o. j. lovejr:
Giviilow, It
iinond rii
.veiov Hold sets tl4 A deei
II y it'll llie very ,1..11
rno rnver
,t. ft,,a,i
BHDS AND BEST " iumi8wa
Plain and Fanny
will he paid at tlio stote ot i. neiuiiB. i
Wlf Sflt sfff