Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 22, 1891, Image 1

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. v
I IC very frlilny,
J 01
. -i tm
; mi
,Rtlln III Hl)VhO
I KlVPII (III llillt'alloll.
. (I. W I'rmwr
lleo K lili:lil
A. Mmln'r
A 1 1 1 i m llliii'k
(I J I r H 1 1 1 MM ir
. K. llrmlilnill
K A, Wrlglil
, II I.' l,oU
W M Nn t rry
Sunday Sorvlcos.
Co. Directory.
, J W Mi-ldium
II. II liiliiianli
W. W II S mi... n
W T. Wlllllucli
H II C ulllt
.IhIiii w. ,n, ii.lv
Air V I I..Iiihii
HMiii'V Hiii i-lli
lit C. I" Stllltnui
I ( linrlrn M.'i.lnik.'
tturlivlliia Pair
vciit.a ttr.l Monilny Iti Ni'
..ii, li.y In Ai.ill.
iraalnli Itlal Mi'lulu)' III each
nirl aiicm Aral Weiliicadny
if 1'Ri'U llltllltll,
I V. ttynii
I. I Curler
h, It ilri'im
.KM hirnmii
A S iri...er
r I-'. Minna
r, r linlit .M-k
ka, W II II. mill
( lUiSi'ld. ('Una Alhvy I J
,. Ctt'itiiiHii, I. s W Hrii'il. .1.
i. J W it'l'itiiiu.l.
ill I'lly ciiuiii'il tl tt Wiil
nlli. IK MAIM.
S.inli.i ml A M , '.".ll I' M
n.i.illi. "i A M i. Jii I' M
nr. Hi .1 i.
M. U11.I, Milium. I arm mid
I in l.' n hi. M.ili'l o i.. N fl
. iitt-l r.-t'iin. 'it I' ''ii. in.
ink. t'Urk., lelltl" I lilt. ll
1 1 .... k I., i i ... .il I" "U n in
it it 1 1 .iilur.tu). ttiil nemi.
KIIIHrCtiNUIIKilA l lnNAI.I.'lll'IK .11.-Hi.
II W. I, in , l''ilnr Horvlink HI II a. h. ami
7 !Hl r at, Sunday Hi'liiml altsr imiMilliK atir
vice, Pinytir lill't-llllK Weilni-ailiiy fvi'tllliK nt
V nil ti.i'l.irk, Prayer liHtlliiK uf Yimtitf l'i.iilti,a
tiuiilety iif CIiiIMIiiii Kiiilinvtr ttviiry Sunday
nviMHMK nt H;'1' pr.itnttt
Klltsl liAI'llril i lll'IK'll -Hkv. Human
I' a lik Kit Himlor MnriiliiK Survlni. nt II Mil ml n y
Ni'limil al IV 1, i, Kvciilnii Servlri, ll all, lingular
prayer l llnu Wrilni'a.liiy mi'iilim. Monthly
('uviiiiniit MpimIiik every Wdiliipailiiy uvenliitf
irii'i..iiK l lit. II rat Humlny In llio i all. A
Hernial tnvlii.ili.il m nil.
Ml'. Kill .MM CIH'Ht ll.CATIItll.lO-llitv. A.
Illl.l.KliitiMi, Pualur, On Hiinilny nnim nl H nml
In mi a. N l'.viry a ml mul (unrlli Humlny
(iorinaii tii.riit'iii tiller lit U n'rttMk niaa.
At all oilier tunaae r tigtlali aeniitiiia Snri'liiy
Krliiinl nt i mt r at. Vi.a.i.h, nniiliiKutlriil
ulijiiila, nil. I lli'iir lli-lliili nl 7 :ul f M
mi I'Ai I.'m . I. i in ii.:il. -iii v J. M lion-
al'lMill, RlM'tnr, Nervier oil Illtnl Hull' MiHiltnya
nt II nml 7 ml Milliilny ki'Ii.u.I i.l III HI I'niil a
litlllil Jlli-eta fir. I I luilad IV III rnrll limlltll. Mra.
II I. Ki'lli.y, I'fialiU'iil, Mia. K I t-'in-lirmie,
Seeri'l.il y.
MI' I llnlilHT I fl'K'ol'.M. i:II!Iii'I(. Ikv
JnllM I'AKai.M, I'ualiir. M'U lllllR avr vlrp Mill;
Mn ii. I nv Hcli. ml ,i l: I... Kvuiilntaiirtlmi l 7 M.
r.iw..rll l.nnKUt iii..iiik Milli.lny intMilnii nt
il in, I'luyi'r ,M. i.lni I IhiimIu) ctonlui al u M.
linlik... t . 1 1 I ) y tin II... I,
hum', I'iikhiivI..(Ia. ciii iirii - Kkv. ii.
W. iliuuniiv, I'nalur. KervUu. nl II A. H. ami
7 ii" ! M, M il, I, mil Mi lmiil nl in A at. Viillli
ri.n.li.'. Murii.ty u( i:iirli.il.iii Kmli'nvor mi-na
nvi.ry Mun.lny t.vi.nliiM nt ti m Wi'iluwailny
ovuiiIiik irnnr iiinuliiir nl 7 ii. Hcita linn,
KvAMi.i,li ai. I.'m Mi ll --.tiiv, i. M, Tntlaa, n(
Ult Kviiiik.'IIi'hI Aami. Intl. hi, will ll-il.t .tTvlrea
nt 1' if... a llnll i'iry Miimlay nl II A M llifavn.
nliil Humify 0ai...iIiI. llenunli nnlilmtli ncltmil
vvury Miiinfity nl IU A M
1 Jiifrii iry.
V IIIIAI.H III'' I It ll..
I. il.,. mi H, r.ill.l I ll.'.ilil) 111 1
I. . If. nil'
N, J I' AIT"lt'N. ,
I'ri'.iili iil. I
iln.K. .Vk.Wi. K iK I'.
I.u unlit nl M-....I.I.- lull.
ylti-, I'. M Ilk. Hi". Ii. t'
nl II nml M
ilM.I., NO. 1. A r .V A M.
r r.iiiim'ililrnll.'li "n
. ..( ,-.i. I. in null ..I 7 ..l I'
in. I'm. .it" .m Hi'-l t .mi ii. I
A. . i M l I . W. M .
I. K K i A.S. '-'. ilnr.
nir;, I i ' u. K S".
..l iy rvi'ii ..k nt 7 l" .. .'I.'. l
I ,... ll.ill MnlM l'""l
I. -r it.' In ' il' I I" "'I' ml
.li. Ii. l. .11, S ii
III. .a, Kvnll. hi-i-li-lrtl y
MI S I . N.v i. I II II K
Ir.l I I.I...I i.".'1! ni..nlli
II. M..il.i-r mi. I xl.ltinii
y liu II. il ' . nil. ii. I
J in ,.m:i I .
I lilrl I'liiriiit. h
".i.l-. Nil I'.t. 1. " ll I'
.11, ni linll, il.nn... i'. rv
I.IIiiii.' I'li'tliirll lii't.li'
li M AUK I I I III M, .N il
.ii;. Ml .' I. I ll il T. j
ly t-i'.-tiliik' nt KnU'it ' li'i'l i
li-lllli.T. nlil.iy. imiilt. M.'l
W II 1...S MIAMI, tt. I'. T. I
, 7.'. .Mnl'KIlN WUHhMhS.
..ml Ttii'wlnjr "f rnrll
K. M WtiturN. V ft.
I.. II. Janm., i litk.
,i)ll, K UK A." I' W.
Hi nml li nrtli Krl.lny rvrti
III II. 1. 1 Krllnwa' l.illl.llllK.
hrvll l'..illnU lltvllnl ti. nt
ill, Ml. .'.. A (I, I'. W.
r.ilny i-yi'tilliK ill KliU'lil'
lid I. rnlli. r. liin.lr ui'L iiiihv
K. C M M.l. oi n, M, W.
IKI-iinN ( I I V I'A I lilAII
l. riia l i:.
.1 iv Kw'iilnii nl 7 .:' ill hall
li s'lrri't.
M li. II , M KV, llnirli..
I'. I' vim i n. Hrrrrlury.
I ,( . 1 n . K . No. ii. mi 'N or
Iiluy ill 'i o'rlnrk Ill III
1-HMi f i A Kl.n H. I'r..l,
Al -IIKKT Mllll.l.lS.i. Hrr'y
AMlK. Ml. 111. I". nl II
Iny nl rnrll tiinlilli nl Itirlr
ll. II. HI.M.V,
', Mi'r'y. Miialrr,
ANlilC, Nn. 117. V nl II.
'.lit v nl rnrll iimnlli. nt lliolr
li. C. .Mnil.liii k. s,.. .
.1. 1'nnt i. M.iHtrr.
'I. II A It.. liKI'AUI MIi.NT
' lllllilitlN.
ly (l l.'lrll llliilltll, at 7:!HI
r' Hull, lni.;iiii 1 1 .
II VIllilNli. CiiMiimtli'lrr.
Ctllll'M, N.i, Is, ii:i'AH'l'
' UK UllKl.llN.
IK, - S..ri flin y.
I. - 'I l l'.lMlfl'l'.
mil llllr.l Vrl.l lyi ,,l r n il
.'liiitl.lirf. Mi'mlirrn uf curii.
illy ivi'li'i'inril.
IISI' Itl.l.ilMI.NT.ll. N. (i,
nl Miilll. Iliiifiilur ilrlll ul;ilit,
ir lnii.lliris lurrlliiK, (lri.1
Firnt Mrlllrliiuil
Syroml I.liiiili'iiiinl
lJrolosaicji ml Curds.
13 M. UA.SliM,
NOTAUY I'tT.I.h", KlvVI, lTATI'. .i
INhl'llAM K
(lltli I' Willi till! W Illnilli lH. I'nlla IturHlllrlll I'd.
ti-i-K'.n I'lly. - Oiriimi.
11.1, 11 W.W.KI'.K
AritH!Nl:V AMI COl'NSi:i.l.(lt
AT LAW AMI Ntl AliV li lll li).
tirr(i.n I lly . Ori'Kiitl
Oltl.-i' i.i t ('itiiflrl.ra ttvw .Iruv: .lull.
Il..iiir.:...i.l. I'rr rm.tl..u nml 1 1 ni.ir lnti.1 np
lln .itL.ii. iiii.t ..iii. i 1.. ml .:!.. .. Inia
lltraa . r . 1 1 . y -11 i.tli' li.l.-.l It.
. w n; iii.k i ii i' nis.MtY
!. el .in. I Nnt'ii i i'-ilii ir
yy ui lli;i;fniiN .k M.n'M.Y.
im aii; m,! r
iir.-1'..ii iny - ori.),...ii
...in. '. iiml i: t'liitriM..ii lir..t!irra'
; mi
I.l... I
.'I i.l
n ll-K-l.
ii. "ii. i i" w r ii. -rr. li r V l ; tiNi-in p.
III! .... In,. .,.t. nl,,,!,. ,...,, j ,.,.. urn., 11 t'lly
i II ill., MiM'.lii.l I. II f I" I IN. i.
llm IvKMlliul
ll A. OuMINii.
A llullSK I I AM
All I'n-ra ti.-r.in. V M Inn I Ulfi-H n l lM-lnllf.
, Ml,' I" f ....ill I t ii 'i I 1 '. I M illli.l u.lll l.
I. l.l.li.t.lU',- - ,1
: Ultr.i..iS i irv..
11 . I I III . J. Ill ?, ps. . .
. 1 1 N - l S ,V II'II.M'.N
I n it.. n.
I. A W V l liS,
ntiHi l .tililii nml Mun .tirrt. IT,"
i A i I' l.A lul UK I If.
M ' N I . V 'III I.i i.V.N
Rri'iiliil WimImi'siIhv 111 rnrll
ntlsr. rust hIiIii Miilll strrol,
ml I'.ik'lllli
r'v. Ky i !" II i ni'Miit, Pit's
;iiTnN, I'lirciniiu.
'I' Ill IMK CO. Nn. '.!,
wViv "( 'ii .'1 1 iimnlli nl t'.'l
., ' V . IL iv, HI, I'lV"
r'y .1. . II i:..SM'l.l, ! Ill
i. AM. 1 . 1 I "!.!. I'll,
i.' i ,. ,.( . ... il m. 'I'll ill
nil:,.. I'll .. A llli '., I !'. .,
y. (Hi As In i7,i;ii, l nn
CirNl:l.tiUS AT LAW
MMN M 1 11 1. 1 , ! , I I ( I l i 1 1 N I'lTV, illtlllliN.
Kiiinl'li Ali-lrii". ..( i!lr, l.mill Mmiry. F.irr
rin.t. M,,rti,'nr'.'.. nn.l Irnn.nrl lirllrrnl
l.nw Ihi.lnria
T. A. Hi llllll.t.. A. s. .lt..M.II.
Oillra iii Jnuijur Hl-u k, (rit.n City
. T. lll'IINKY,
J. W. UKAI Ktt.
j .
Orrtfoi. i'lly, ... - OrctiiM.
Twrlvi' vi' .r t'vjtorli-ni'c nt ri'itUlcr "( v I',
s uii oilii'i' hrir iiM'.itiiint'ii'l'- n In inir i"T
hiliy ..I nil kiifN --I l.u-iiif". t..H.n Hi. litn l ..f
Hi i- nil"! Itn Cuill!., i.H-i t'i I.IH Uv I'liH IU''
III llln yt-m-i.t! I a it-1 t'llit iv
1 iV lVK.
TToi;m;v a.M
iiltkHuN t 11 V,
1 I:, ii.wkn,
tilf'i' ciiriiiT .Mum ftiul V.ljihll. istift'lHt
ojipnxttt' 4'itMrt lliHIHl1.
,NK Of OKKta.'N U Y.
t AMIIKll.
M AN litCU.
Tllnft. I ll A It M A N
CIIAH, It. I AVKlKl.h.
Ih-jMislt- nwcivcil mi 1 j-MM In rhcrk.
Apprnv''! liilU mul tii'irw (llsf'iiutiti'il.
rniiiity mul eh y w ii mints Imtiutii.
I .n i ii in lo uii .w i i I.i I'll- M'curiiv .
rnll.-cii.iim miiili' .fnmi'tlv.
IM nits s..lit on l'li-itmi'l, N.iu .Mrinn j'liii'n
New York, ami all i rincipul ( liliuf Kii
"I'l U wi ii'!.lc exi'hii tiki's km'-I nn ilmnl, Sun
Km llcisi'M, ('lllt':i.t tlli'l Ai'W Ynt k.
I si i:k-t f.un on i i mi: i-i:i'"M rs . i oil - vs:
Kur llirco utniiths, 4 per ct'iii p-'i' minnm.
For it miiTilliH, r iu-r n'ril. pm niiiuim.
Kor Vi UiOiuliN, ft prr otMit. per uiitiuih,
Tlmo for! I flcntcf of iIi'IhihHp pnyiilil s on do
miinii, but Inlcrtt foi fHtcd If tiriuvu brfore
iMid of ti-rni ol (U'pcmlt.
Ciipllnl, ... ?uni,tRKI
mn.lo. Hi IU lliM'tiunUMl, MikcH co
liTlltMis. illlV- Htitl -rIK I'M'ilHIl!'!' I'M il'l points
in f!n- I'liPffl Sl'iu-S l'"tii-i'pr ,Mn! 1 1 1 1 1 KotiH.
i'. (i iiu r,'rri", i li! :.- I tn rhrr);, Illli'fPSf (It
iimi.u r;i'i'. u : w i mi linn' ilt'(H-.it. liMlik
"i" ii : !! . ; - l :. ' i . i-".;: !n...i imiIiis
in In
i o. i.a it.'i;i'.'i rr:, rrj's.UMii.
V K DiLNAI.I'SU.N', Ciislijer
The Oomily Seat of
Clackiiniiis Countvv
I'lil' lliinilt'l' 4Jrilln lliiNliiif nail
I riill lriMliii'liiK llruluii ,.
ul'llin .VirlliHi'ht. '
Clackamas County I woll
tiiiiliiiifil itml cuntuin
within i t h nrrii muno of tins Hn
rnt ngrictiltiirul IuihIm in tin'
Mtutf. It Iiiib tlm advantage
of liulli river ami mil trunHjxir
tiitinn. A un at iir'im of tho
innMt ili'Hiraltli! IiiihI.m wi;re tak
en up in I'uily iIiivm liy Kettleri
who obtuiueil arjt tractn
tlirmili tin' (lunation land
claim net. ThrMe ar now li.
int; cut iiiiiittiMiiiitll tnii'tHimil
Hiild on i'iimv tiTiiiH, ami make
very ilenirahle fruit and veii
tiililc fur ii ih. Now in the time
to lniy w hile IiukIh urn cheap.
Wheat Raising. Clackamas
county wheat curried off the
lirMt jiri.cH nt the (Yntenial ex
ioHitinii and (he Oregon Htatc
fair. OutM, huy iiikI wheat
yield liiiiintiful criijis nut infer
ior to tin- production of w heat.
Till' cl'npM never fail. .
Hop Growing Im liecnniiii a
iinlii;ilile ami important in -1
diiMlry of ( 'liukain.'is comity.
Tie' hop viiiiIm uf thin county
have mi fur c.-i .i j.i-il the rav
avjcH of the Imp Inline mo de-ilei-t
riii't ive in moiiii' neetiolli.
Hops are a pi'uifyihlc crop even
nt th" lowi fi nmrMH jiricc.
Fruits and Vegetables-
CluekuitiuH county is pre-emi-iiently
the iVuit growing and
veitetiildo prodiH-inir section of
tlie Northwrst. IVuiieii are
very pro(itahle,aiid while many
extensive oreltaulM Umiil; plant
ed tin le is no dan-'er of over-
st.iekil! the lliaikl'lM. AppleH,
peiiehi H, pairs, cherried, hlack
lieiries are Maple products of
superior iiia!ily. Potatoes
and every wp'taUe that can
he (.T'uvii in a temperate cli
mate ure produced in immense
(juantit ies.
Timber, Manufacturint?.
EtC- t Maekaliias county pos
sesses I'xtensive forests of the
tinest lir, lur. h. c. d.ir, ash, ma-
ile, ouk and other varieties of
lard Wtiod mitalile for inonu-
facturine; purposes. There are
already a liumher of sawmills
in the county, hut the industry
is only in its iiif.tncv. The
pport unit ies for lumiier nian
u fact ii ring ami other industries
are good.
Mineral Resources While
this county has the greatest
Iron mines and works on the
Pacific coast, its mineral re
sources arc only in the liegin
ning of development. Exten
sive deposits of the finest huild
ing stone, of which satisfactory
tests have heen made, are
awaiting further development.
Other Advantages. No
where in tic1 Northwest can
lands w ith ' such facilities for
transportation and in close
proximitv to the markets of
the world he purchased at such
low rates. Clackamas county
oilers hotter inducements to
the manufacturer, capitalist,
and hoincseekcr than any
section on tho Pacific coast.
No hetter field for manufactur
ing. The raw material exists
here in aliundancc. The water
power is practically inoxhaust
ihlc. OreffOn City Situated at the
great falls of the Willamette
with 2.i0-horse power at low
water, that can all !' utilized
fur manufacturing, it will hc
conie the great industrial cen
ter of the West. It, is the ouly
great 'it.T power situated on
tide u.iUt, with all the ad vin
tages of hoai and rail trans
portation. Woolen, oexclsior,
Hour and several extensive pulp
and paper mills, with wood
working . factories are already
utilizing a portion of this im
mense power. Yet there is room
for hundreds more, who will
he furnished with free sites and
free water povr. Oregon Citv
is only twelve ini'c di.-'Unt
r,.,., i,., 1 1 ,., i " ,..,. ,
ii i 1 1 1 . ..ii
,ic euinnitv
Uollcd Doffn For lh Kdlflcatlon
of Thin tulx-i'iirlHc Itpuilci M.
Ufport f the Commit I of . of
Nkw OKLitNii, May 10, The com
mitloH uf (y nimle lu reHjrt to tli
niavnr IijiiIkIiI. It nay, in purl :
Tin) 8 rut work uf tlm coimnittio wan
to oli tu in from tlm ulilef of police tn
Kirt of tlm ninety-four mhhI nutioiiH by
JtiiliiiiiB mul HIclllmiH, wliern the ac
ctiBiid ewajmil for the want ol eviilenceti.
Tlmn (iilloweil tlm mwuHMiiiHtluii of ('liiiif
of I'olit lliiimoHKey. The ri-MiiU of the
trinl ili'iiionatrnleil to tliu peoilo tlutt
no one lufe from the inynlcrioim
bund tbol H operateil to ard-
Iiiwi of the law. It wan only when tin
fear khiw into abiolute conviction that
the people rose In their iniuht, took the
Uwa Into their hnndii, and then followed
the event of March 14
Tho report then, at length, gotm on to
"how the eStiHtence of the Mafia, anil
tella of a vittlt nuule to tlie Ilaliun con
ul to Mnra information. He elated lie
wan ready to eo-orate with the com
mittee ; aud would prepare a re
port containing the Information' hi his
pMiion. He win convinced of the
ex'mti'iice of the Mafia in the city, and
had MtroiiL! HUHiit iom ua to who were the
leailcm. He fiirnislied the cominitte
with nainea.
Ilo Htuted tliut prior to the Ili-nneney
aitniaKMiiiMtioii, he had in aoine "y in
curred the diapieuMire of a coterie, com-
iioin-d piincinilly of tli men who met
,'itth tit the Paritli priMoti. "Tfiey in
ited liitn to a aupper, and "itttlimtLili he
pnrtiHik only of mmp, he wSm ttinii di
persUdy ill, that night with symitoiiis
of poisiiiiiiij;, and n aiitiHtied his life
hud tiecn atlempt"d. The written in
formation, he (iiuir.lsed, however, never
cuiiie. Afler aoine delay, he nolilied the
rniiiiiiitlee liiui it U-iiik; an extra judi
ciul body, ho did not Jeol WHrrunied in
niviiiK' the ii!funii,tlii.iu. IliiriiiK the in
terview with l i in the committee culled
his atfcitmii Ui T,!JJh-leli alatement
in a New York puper. to the etlect that
the ititiyor liiiil,itpiuii!ted uu extra judi
cial Imily, but i'.H object was frus
Iriiled, owing to liin (forte's) earliest
pruti'MlM, tun! the intervention of Mr
Illume. We reminded him tli.it lie ami
prominent Italian citizens Iiml railed on
the committee befu e the mass iiiectitik!
last li.ll, and approved uf the pacific
course, and asked him how he reconciled
his publikhed slaiement with this. He
replied the statement be ni.ule in the
New York Tribune were made us an in
dividual, not as consul, ami that the re
porter greatly exaggerated bis state
ment. 8CliC.KSTIO.X8 11 V TI1K CUM M1TTKE.
Tlie committee in puinlinn out the
remedies in the existing trouble, sug
gests the restriction of immigration, a
reform in the criminal laws and tl.e ad
ministering of criminal justice, a law
recognizing the existence of the bur
association, aud enduwing it with full
over to !ry and disbar any attorney
whoso civil practices render him un
woithy uf being an officer of the
com t.
"The only radical remedy which sug
gests itself to us,'' continues the report,
"is the entire prohibition of immigra
tion from Sicily and Iiw er Italy. It was
found necessary to prohibit Chinese im
migration, and congress passe 1 the nee-.
eMiry law. The danger tu California
from Chinese was no greater than the
danger to this stale from the Sicilians
and the south of Italy. They are un
desirable citizens, and there is no reason
why they should be permitted to partici
pate in the blessing of the freedom and
civilization, which they are not only
unable to appreciate, but which they
refuse to understand and accept."
a in tl r I Hill Holler
r.osroN, May Iti. Ceneral lluller has
secured a temporary release of Mrs.
Clarietla Johnson, bis client recently
sentenced to to prison for perjury, and
on whose account uie iteneral was
ejei'ted from 'be court. Mrs. Johnson
regains her liberty on a writ uf personal
replevin, a process so rarely employed
that it'is limit unknown.
Tlie 4 aeiil s S'oeliic.
Wasiuxu nix, May, V2. Senator Polpli
secured today the approval by tho sec
retary of war uf the location of the state
portage road across the government re
servation at tho Cascades for a three
feet gauge road, as recommended by
Major Ilumlbtiry, with the understand
standing that if it was deemed import
ant by the board that a road uf a dif
ferent eiiuce fhuuM be built their ap
plication fur a ' l':m w ;:' 1 ' c cen-
The lrell-iil A jwlliflfn, hnt
!) ul lleilnru IU
Wahiiinoton, Mav 1H. The president
in an interview with Representative
Hermann today dwelt quite lengthy
upon the reception extended to him t
the peotile of Oregon, wherever he had
an opportunity of greeting them, he
espcdully made mention in glowing
tonus of the magnificent ovation on the
part of tlm citizens ofl'ortlund. He
pronounced the ceremony at the grand
eiHsition hall there, one of the must
pleasant as well a unexpected, of the
many surprises of the entire journey,
'llm concourse ol eople, the admirable
display and perfect system observed
throughout, and this on a very rainy day,
made a lasting impression upon his
mind. The advancement everywhere
seen, as to the material progress of the
state and it towns and cities was a
continuous revelation. He expressed
his painful regret aa to Ida failure to
meet the citizens of Eugene, lie says
he had no intimation lliat he was ap
proaching so important a point in the
state nor had any notice that the citizens
theie were waiting to greet him. Hear
ing the music as the train approached
the depot, he hurriedly arose and pre
pared to appeal, when the train moved
on. Though it was an early hour, yet
be says that would not have deterred
him. This mishap aud that at Oakland,
in California, he nays were the ouly ex
ceptions to the perfect success and ex
cellent management during the long
The president stated today that he
would nut appoint any of the new cir
cuit judges until the meeting of the
'I'be War In 'hllti.
Nkw Yowc, May, 18. Letter and
papers received by the last mail from
Sou I It America contains interesting fact '
concerning the trouble in Chile. ' There
seem to he probability of immediate
ending ol the war. lialmecad.i's army
is said to consist at present of ' 30 ,000
men, Chilean soldiers are being driven
into foreign territory. . ,. "
Saw Frahcuco, May' 18. For tfi
pant few months, il, Franrjs, who rep
resents a syndicate of English capital
ists, has been endeavoring to persuade
the farmers of thin state to combine.
As a result of his lalsirs, California
fruit cannery companies have incorpo
rated with a capital stock of two million
dollars. The new company comprise
about two-thirds of the canneries in the
Skattlk, May lib A acial to tlie
Pout-Intelligencer from Franklin mines
says that everything quiet there, though
the dead-line, guarded by I'inkertons,
is maintained. White miners are show
signs of yielding. Several families left
town today, selling their shanties,
which were built on the company's prop
erty, to the company, which puts
negroes in possession at once. An in
creased force of negroea wan pnt to work
thin morning, and more will be put in
tomorrow. A pasty of white miners
went to the house ofJ. L. Fry, white
engineer of tlie hoisting engine, who re
fused to quit work, and assailed
bis wife verbally, so that she had to
take refuge with her husband in the
engine house. At New Castle, another
coal camp of the Oregon Improvement
company, feeling runs high, because s
a few men have stayed at work at the
pumps and engines. Between twenty
senate lu ileccmber. lite supreme ' ami irony snots were nreu at a speciaj
judges will meet with the present cireuii j train at 9 :.')0 last night, while it was
courts, under the new law which requires ! making the run from Coal creek to
that otganization, the third Monday j New Castle, a distance of two miles.
in June i SberilT Y oulery and Deputy McDwnalu
were on the engine and several bullets
whistled past their faces, but no one
was bit.
That the Italian government is endeav
oring lu check the tide of immigration
to the L'nitcd Stutes is shown by tlie
issuance of a circular by tlisV Italian
minister of tlie interior to the prefects of
the kingdom for the restriction ol such
immigration so far as minors are con
cerned. '
1'raJiH ItelirtiiJI airu'ii.
Notes or Strikes.
Because of lack of orders, the nail
mills of Kelly county and tie Belliiont
nail mills nave shut down u! Ironton, O.
"Dsy laborers on tlie Western Minne
iitii railway dock at West KuLeiior.
Kkatti.k. .Mav IK. The revenue cutter : T. is..' sti uc! for aduance ef '.vtmiv. It
Pear arrived here today, after a moiilb's j k probable that the street laborers will
cruise to Silka, Ounalaska, and Retiring strike next week.
sea. Among those on board was Louis j T)e Hl;ike montl)g ggo
H. Tarpley, formerly of Salem, Cited ,()fx) minei8 i) ,he penn,vlvania anj
States commissioner at O.mala-ka, who Wetit Mire,amJ Gas ,, Coal
made the cruis for the purpose of secur- : Colll,am, were declared off yesterday,
mg witnesses in tl.e murder cases to 1 ; ,, 1()gt. 0, the gtrikl,rfl W,J0 .mained
tried at Sitka. Commissioner Tarpley j at ,rwitl win reuru , v(jrk flt ,he
is accompanied by his tiride, to whom (,M,r.ltlJ1 g tt.rm.
he was married at Sitka on May lL'lh. j Th'B Kia'sa wo,ks assciblv, of
She was Miss Bessie Bugby, daughter;. pitt,i,lllir ui,tri(.,, has decided to
of Hon. John S. Bugby, of San Fran . Mlila frm ,e KniliS of Ubor and
Cisco, now United Slates dim let j'"' j airiiiate with the American Federation
for tl.e territory of Alaska. Captain, o( , ,lhor Assemblies at Alton, 111.,
Heulysava the schooners Premier and I an( s, Loui(i i,ave expressed their will-
Daslung Wave were lost auoiil tlie:
ShuuiHgins lsanda in April. He brought
down ten of the Premier's crew. The
Bear will now coal and take on board
other supplies, and probably will be
ready to sail for Bebring sea about
June to join the Rush.
Hope l"or foiKinii plivcs.
Pakis, May 111. Prolessor Bernlieim
has submitted bis reports to the ac
ademy of medicine! regarding the experi
ment smade to cure tuberculosis by trans
fusion of goats' blood. The professor in
his report says that tourteen patients
have been treated by this system, and
ingness to join the movement.
'1 r.l.l.K AIIIIC 1CKIEF.
The public executiouer of Germany has ap
plied for an Increase of salary.
In an attack oy Arnautz tm the village of Se
vize five persons were killed aud many wound
ed. The lite of Maine's henlth continues to at
tract attention in the newspaper press of Great
Hundreds of Hebrews fleeing- from persecu
tion lu Corfu are arriving at briutlisi, where
they expect to take passage for Alexandria.
They propo.-e to settle in Egypt.
The Chotto quarter of Cortu is still surround
ed by military fur protection of Jews. The to-
tol i,!im)i.r i.f victims u, Cnrfu i.Ata flft.in
that two of them were in the last stage ; kiUl, j 1Ki , e;lty.five who died from privation
of consumption. Ten of the number j Kusjlahlla m,lde acontraet with the Chattel-
siitlertng from tuberculosis, the report j leraut arms fuciory by which the plant of the
mills, have been greatly improved under fr.ctory and its employes are at the absolute
tho new treatment, and the last two of
the fourteen patients, both ol them in
an an advanced stage of consumption,
died six weeks after receiving the first
transfusion. Bernbeim declares that
tho treatement has an important effect
in the early stage of consumption, but
says it should not be used in the last
CorvuIHs i:ii'clloii.
Corvau.is, May, 18. The first city
election under the new charter took
place today. The following named
ollicers were elected : Mayor, John
Barrett ; treasurer, S. Mitchens ; council
man, J. K. Bryson, J. 0. 'Wilson, B. 1!
Job, and Thus Elgin. The men elected
are heartily in favor of the improvements
provided lor in the new charter, and
our citizens are pure oi a liberal and
progressive administration of public
affairs. Xii,
AI'nli"K mayor.
Skatti.b, May IS. t). B. Wilon, ex
mayor of Great Bend, Kansas, who is
.wanted there on a charge of embezzle
ment of $-10,000, was arrested here today
hv Sheriff Woolery. lie had been hero
since last Tuesday and hud been under
r ,.:!! mce for three- tJavs. IK' is pcr-
i.'t u-ars. .( ace and appears to be
disposal of Russia, who gave orders for 3,000,1X0
new rilles.
According to the Buenos Ayres Standard, in
dications point to the election of General Mitre
as president of the Argentine Republic. He U
considered to be the best available man for the
The Posen authorities have applied to the
government for instructions as to what to do
with the multitude of immigrants throngine
across the frontier from Russia, mosl of them iu
an utterly destitute condition.
Swarms of young locusts are appearing in
Upper Kgypt. The government is issuing in
structions as to the best means of coping with
the plague and preventing the litter destruction
of the Ci.tton and maize crops.
Owing to the opposition in England to Rus
sian and Polish immigration, the immigrants
who have heretofore gone to Loudon aud been
assisted llience to AmericA, will hereafter go
from Hamburg to the I'mted Slates direct.
Trade in Moscow is at a stmidstiil. Letters
received in lierliu state that the Ceiiiiiiu colony
in that city is being subjected to ninny annoy
ances by the Utissiioi lau'.K.r ties, owing to the
pronounced sympathy of m.oiy of its members
with the Jews.
1'iieklen's AiiiIjii Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Khetim,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin F.rup
'tions, and positively cures Biles, or no
j pav requit'eil. it is guaianiee.i to give
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Price '-'" cents per bos. l or sale by It
; A. I'.ar.PtU.
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when' vessels hum evi-ry por
tion of tho world anchor.
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