Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 15, 1891, Image 8

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i. Ptwl.t. Tttrtria lKlnnd n.acrltt by
I'veiitlfe Mulfiinl,
Ol'yfgtatt by the Author.)
. u.
W1 hundred, miles
fro.nl the Uvr Cali
fornia cwt.it 1U tll
Ion inland of Onad.v
lup. Uiiadalupe is
one of the twelve or
J 7. " "jny
twenty ti.tmos whivh
,ir ,Mit.itii,. flirt ti4tiik..t. h.vd Wm.
ppiytihr to th varioua Reogranhioal
division of the earth's surface.
Whitney talked of the plentifulnees of
ea elephant ou the Uuadalnpe beaches;
I prAmnie the sea elephant is identical
with the sea liou. Thoy resembl a lion
alxmt as much as an elcphanL So the
prow of the Henry was turned toward
Guadalupe, While on this trip, on
morning before daylight 1 heard at iu
tervals a Strang noise, something b
tvvvon bellow and creak. I thonght
it at first the creaking of Kmethinjr
aloft, but as it grew lighter I saw a
strange looking head emerge moment
arily from the water. It gave forth
the same cry, dor and came up on the
other side of the vessel. It was a seal
pnp, which the sailors said had lost its
mother and followed the vessel, mistak
ing the hull for its mstemal parent
I presume that seals have no recog
nized fathers to look after them. Tha
poor thiti.c, uttering its pluiutive bat dis
cordant cry, must have followed us to
sea forty or fiftv miles. I know not
whether the sailors" explanation of its
' . 7
At IS It?
conduct be correct' Anyway it makes I A California invention has just been
the occurrence more pathetic, and were' patented which bids fair to revolutionize
I utterly unprincipled I should make an j the methods now in vogue for docorat
entire chapter describing how this pup I mg glass and porcelain. The objict of
seal followed the llenrv during the vov-1 the invention is to so divorate such snr-
ae like a dog. being regularly fed, and
as it grew up came on board and was
t.-Might a number of accomplishments,
among the rest that of supplying ns with
tish. 'lis thus that a ri;,"id adherence to
veracity spoils many an interesting and
thrilling tale, and brings to him who
practices it more poverty than pence.
Guadalupe on the third day came in
sight a lone, wave washed, wind swept
isle about forty miles in length. It
seemed the very embodiment of loneli
ness. Some would also say of desola
tion, as man is ever disposed to call any
place he does not inkabit But though ' evenly in Jhe desired locations and
Guadalupe contained not a single repre-1 bmshed over with a soft brush. Grad
sentative of the moet intelligent animal ually the images develon on the Dlate.
on -the planet, it sustained great herds of j green foliage, brown trunks and branch.
goati, sea birds and a little black and I appear, vivid and true to nature. When
white land bird, so tame and trustful as ! the image is thus developed a thin coat
to perch and eat from Miller'sand Whit- j ing of flux is applied, the plate is pat
ney's tin plates during their former visit I into ft firing furnace, and the picture
to the island. I becomes pennaneut San Francisco
It was our business to murder all the I Chronicle,
mot'ier sea lions who had established I
the:r nurseries at Guadalupe, A boat J
fU of murderers was quickly sent on
shore. We did not see boat or crew
airain for three dava. Most of that n-
riod was spent bv us in looking for the '
boat, aud by the boat's crew in looking
at us. They landed on the first duv,
found no seal, put off at dusk, lost us in
fog, went ashore, swore at the Hen-
ry's people for not sighting them, hauled
tlwir boat well up on the beach at the
month of a deep canyon, supped on hard
bread and water, jind turning their craft
Kitrmn m . rawlAil nn,lp if fnr a
quiit and went to sleep on the sand.
During the niht a semi-hrirricane,
called in these latitudes a "willa wan,
.., ti-.r,Ti. nn.t hoa-iin ,1.-,. vL
canyon. Striking the boat, it rolled it
over and over among the rocks, smashed
the frail sides and rendered it unsea.
worthy. For two days the crew roamed
up aud down the island, living on Bhell
fiih and the fresh water left standing in
pools, and trying to signal ns by gres
built on the mountains. The captain
was in a state of great perplexity at this
disappearance. Bat, having left a por- j
lion ot tne crew at bt. Bartholomew s
lay, he had not hands enough to send
ano: her boat ashore and work the ves
sel. Then he dare not come nearer the
inland than three miles, fearing sunken
roc-Ks aud currents setting inshore.
Cm the third night one of their fires
was eeen from the Henry. Standing in
for it, by daylight the missing men were
seen making for us in an old yawL Be- (
land, full of water, was towed the shat- '
tered whale boat The yawl had been 1
found on the beach, probably left there
by former sealers. By stuffing all the .
viuiucn biicj tuiuu npni3 IU lia DUU
warped cracks and constant bailing they
managed to keep afloat long enough to
reach us.
i They crawled on board a pale, hag
gard, famished lot and I was kept very
busy for a time ministering to their
wauls. They ate steadily for an hour.
Even with this rescue a greater catas
tivphe tlian all came near happening.
ccalmed and by means of a treacherous
etinent we were being rapidly carried
toward an enormous rock which tow
ered sentinel-like alone a mile or more
from the north end of the island. It
Trailed full 500 feet toward the clouds.
Its perpendicular sides seemed built np
in artificial layers. Toward this the
lienry seemed helplessly drifting, and
the 'Old Alan,"'undor the influence of
c r bined anger and despair, jumped up
a1:"! down in his tracks and howled on
th quarter cWk ;w l.r; hiw the voyago
I i reaching such an unfortunate termi
nal on. Fortnnala.Jy a ;:ri i ! ntini or
hx' lental bruize cjii; uv l.trl ':, i.
In time to give ns t"f-ra;-'! way. '
V. e trifled no nioro with (iuud.duy, ;
but sailed straight away.
PPRNTIfR M.n.FO."iD. !
tTei-h07 Pounds; Wants to Welch 1,000.
Be fore his recent vit to wonderland,
is thia city. John Harmon Craiir kvl
traveled mow tpan 400,000 milea. It w
long journey ,'lnit John lum much siio.
The floor civ(t which John tony chnoiw
to wnlk must, l prepared to wiikitaud
ft strain oflT3 pounds. N evert heliw.i,
ho eats and nhHt regularly, and conse
quently Is healthy, His amtiitinn is to
woijrh. 1,000 pound, whioh would shatter
the records of hilt historical and myth
ological heavy woijjht.i. Ho thinks he,
will do it,sioii, unless hi HiiMoty to do
no retards hi growl h.
"lthashvn tho l.vv with people of
almornud weight and Kino," wild Mr.
Ouis; duritij; Ins recent exhibition hoiv,
"to lie short lived and subjivt to violent
attacks of illness. 1 n the. only ouo
vho has enjowd throughout lifo perfect
Craig ha accumulated several fort
unes, and lost two or throe in an HLeu.pt
I to run a oiiriA 1U yvt iowo Kink ;
arYount well proportioned to liia owu 1
iu Rcaides' UitiK fat man hu is ft
Knight of Pythias, Odd Follow nd
United Workman. Tho tliat know
him host my that he ia also regular
bureau of charity,
j Ho was born iu low City, la., and ia
thirtvfiv, yoam old. At birth h
i weighed eleveu pounds. 'At eleven
month . he weighed sevouty-wwu
P0""1 ni1 th rf two r1?,1'
; I'"" "
j " by iu the wd for his a, and
! Ptww UXW cash prise offered by
Barnum in lisW. For the next two years
he traveled iu Europe. When he re
turned he weighed 800 ponnda, and
year later he weighed 405 pounds. When
twenty-five years old he weighed 6&
There Is a Mrs. Craig and a Mr. Craig,
Jr. Mrs. Craig is a blonde, twenty-four
years of ago, and weighs 117 pounda
They met for the first time in St Jo
seph iu 1S!?4, when Craig was on exhi
bition there. It was a case of love at
first sight for both, and in less than ft
week after the meeting matrimmiial
negotiations had ended successfully.
They were, married in Fort Scott, Kan.,
two weeks later.
Craig's father weighed 117 pounds, his
mother 123 jKinuds. Kansas City Star.
8aetliln New In IXxorallun.
faces ns to produce and permanently fix
upon them impressions of. figures, por
traits or scenery.
A sheet of glass or porcelain is covered
with an emulsiou, and after being su
jected to a dry heat is placed over a pho
tograph, engraving, etching or any kicd
of drawing. The glass or porcelain,
after being sensitized, is exposed fur
about three minutes in ft strong suu
light After tfe exposure is made the
picture is developed by the use of cer
amic powders of any color desired.
l be pewder is taken dry and of ted
Darmngf.'l Tin Mln.
With reference to the reported dis
covery of a very rich tin mine about
forty-five miles f:-om the city of Du-
ranS- John Pershmaker, the owner,
the discovery of the vein was almost
an accident. He had gone to what is
lnlown 83 tae Dlabalt mine for the pur-
P0"6 of "'""""n;? the yield of metal
faring ores, not knowing that tin had
ever let'n f"m"' tiwn'- IIe founJ snaft
nbont 300 ftH t de' i1- which luJ passed
trough w I'ght veins of gold, iron and
silver bearing ores.
On making a close examination of the
sides of the shaft he noticed a large and
very rich lead of oxide aud tin. He ran
a horizontal tunnel for a short distance,
stri1kin! a veI,n ore,oy'r foUr.feet V J1
"uu "T"' l" - "
tin. assaying fn,m .,0 to 60 per cent, of the
"""P"" "
whatever, so that the work of reducing
the ore simply amounts to the work of
smelting nd casting into ingotsNew
York Telegram.
Something New In VeeU.
The skeleton vest has a full vest front
and "n Pen back- The collar an(1
piece of the shoulder top run all the way
around, thus affording sufficient body
for a proper shonlder set. The vest ia
then fastened around the waist by a
belt . Tbeee skeleton vests are made in
two sizes. One siio will fit a 32, 84, 36 or
38 bast, and the ether will fit a 40 to 46.
Knnent sits beautifully and fits
l""-"?- mam leaiures
are that n does uwav
of ghi and useless material and
makes a very 0001 garment. Mercer.
An Important Letter.
Technicalities of the law are being
used to an advantage in the Walker
county court A party was charged
with the theft of cigars. The county at
torney, in drawing up the complaint,
charged the accused with the theft of
"iiin" cigars. The defendant's lawyer
succeeded in having the case thrown out
of court because the tetter "e" was
omitted from the word "nine," . and
showed that the accused did not appro
priate "nin cigars" belonging to some
one eke to his own use. Madisonville
(TeX) Messenger.
Built New York'ji Elevated Bod.
Mr. John H. Hall, who died recently
in Thomasville, Ga., was the first capi
talist to take hold of the project of tha
elevated railroad in good faith, and it
was largely duo to his energy that 'the
roads were completed. He was a very
wealthy man, and besides his great in-t'-re.Htrf
in the elevated he had large rail
v.iv interests in the south. Cor. Phila
i :.!.. Press,
0.-. K
i-lniiuurd Ryder is arrau".
i fume appropriate Hindoo words to
tiiemn,ic of a lot of Yale songs, to be
introduced into Eunt India by Pundita
itamabai, who is laboring to elevate
child widows.
ii)ti.ii., ilK in tHM l r i f. i it ---
Iv'i.-i' . ., J -' - . . m . .. A ... .,. -m.l. J IjI Hanoi Ofii
f ' y " , -'J T 1 Jr: I iil s V , 11 ii.eeti.K.
L j, , . . i 7 ( i j. lii 1 t i i l i i... .,, iMii . iii, I
7,-.. .K 'J -v -',:1,I, .ore ..I .r..e II ". Mel. ,
jJJ f "V ' f not w.Ml lnui.lrt.,t .Wltr. or j
i .ii i m . ' ' I
hand Company
OKKKItS tNll'(
We lmvo lots "0x'2M feet, lOt'h'JiX) feet, till I'.ivorality looutctl. Thfuo
lota twit-o the ordinary fi.e tire Imt half tho usual price of other lot niiu
ilarly located. We have otie-aoro, two-ncre, live itu.l ton acre tracts,
suitable for suburban lionien, convenient to town, schools, churches.
etc., iitul of very productive soil. A large, growing "1 rune Ori lmnl, l
which wt will sell part iu email tracts to suit puivliascr. and on easy
Call and see us and get prices at
On gon City office .ron
Robert L. Taft at Portland office,
No. 50, Stark street, Portland. ;
raa r.lnllnf. ,
Fan painting is the coming caprice.
In Pari it has outlived tht winter, and ,
the latest "tli'siiia" ar still the talk at
all the women's gatherings. Featlior
fans have, of course, had to yield before
this cra, as plain surface are needed
to receive the decoration. A fancy of
the winter was a clover leaf fan of satin
or silk, npon whichamotu friends put
their autographs. One of clover green
silk, with violet wood sticks covered
with celebrated names, was carried at
recent diplomatic reception. What a
treasure trove this will be to some future
collector. Exchange.
Trimming for a 1111 DrM.
Speaking of bills, I saw a ball drees
the other day which gave me a positive
shock. It was an eiquixite bit of eastern
embroidery of most curious oV i'u,
worked on filmy black net. I a.tked
what it was supposed to represent, and ;
learned that it was a repetition of s '
scroll from the Koran. Think of dancing
in a gown which hail around ita hem the
creed of millions of people, "Allah is ;
Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet!" 1
P. A. Reesenr in Kate Field's Washing-1
ton. j
8h Thinks It llnttar Thn aa Annuity. '
There is a woman in Norridgewix'k
jail for trespass. It seems that one of
her neighbors gut put out with her aud
had her arrested for trespass. She was
found guilty aud fined one cent and costs.
This she refused to pay, and the plaintiff
advanced a week's board for her at Nor
ridgewock. She has now been there a
month and there is no sign of a change
of heart on either side. Fairfield (Me.)
Journal. ,
Sha Paint, and Writes Masle.
Josephine Oro, the composer, who has
in so short a time gained recognition by
her songs, dances and marchea, is a
pretty pink and white little woman with
Dig gray eyes ana a gentle, winning
manner. She is as clever with the brush
as with the pen, and her fruit and still
life studies are justly admired. She i
quite a protege of Lillian Russell, who
is very partial to her. New York Letter,
Doubt About tha Coming of Summer.
A little four-year-old girl np town got
np this morning, and as she hopped over
the carpet to where she could get the
heat of the register she looked at the
window, on which Jack Frost bad man
aged to get in a small specimen of work,
and dolefully said, "Papa, I dess it ain't
tomin' summer in ever so while. Mam
ma said it was tomin' more'n a week
ago." Utica Observer.
What Are Trifle.?
In a will recently admitted to probate 1
in, the Ulster county surrogate's court ;
occurs this clause; "I give and bequeath J
to my daughter Bix silver spoons, all the !
diahee, and all the trifles." The qnes-
tion propounded to Surrogate Carpenter
ia "What was the intention of the testa-!
trix when she wrote 'all trifles?' and
what are trifles?" Kingston Freeman. directly over Hio minister, drenching
I him through and through. A temporary
A Glio.t Card Party. j check was given U) tho services by this
A society lady of Jefferson City, Mo., : sudden fulfillment of the preacher's
is getting up a progressive ghost encher J prayer and the tninnuility of the meet
party. Not a word is to be spoken by . lug was not re-established until an in
the guetits until the twelve games are vustigatiou revealed tho cirtiso of the un
playcd and the prizes won. Sheet and expected downpour John L. Smith a
full curtain masto are to ..be. worn, and uTteeii-yeur-old buy, had secreted hi'm
no player is to know his partner. St. self in the utt ii; of tho school house in ad
Joseph News. . j vimco of the mcetilig and given practical
lell'ect to Mr. KIm.Hv'. I
IT.,. lm,.,,.. I (,.,. u 11 1.
" ....t... uijiunu ui ocuiunwiK"
Ilolstein, who is soon to become a bride. '
is H tall and very handsome vounif wom
an. Jier shoulders, arms and nock are i
perfectly jirriportioned, and she has
pretty, dark blue eyes, '
. . t . 1 1 ' i
i ' V.' '
AM' -
All In th (l.ild.0 Vat. '
I m.l with Kltlj Nnata,
On h.r poll th. milkitin pail, a Uumj Main at
h.r knw,
Ohl b.r .yua w.nt tint. in. of hlua,
With th .111)1111)11 ilant ln through.
And bar aaorr lip. lb. bt uf lb. ruat on Uia
Fur a jrnar and fur a d.r,
1 bad auuKtit In .vary war
That maid.n (air a. May fur uiy triM tor to
Evary art of tnnan. and y
rond lait. with lawni try,
t had naad wlili rnuwlcM alU. yat all, all In
, Bat thai moralng. at tha trace
Of th tniuM. In my far..
She pauai with timid irraea and morinarml
my name.
And a blowml, IiIwwmI man,
I'd a klM bemtath b.r ran
And eonaent lit-r ul to .pau, wilhout one
woril of blame.
And amid lb. blunmlng bnw.ra,
I'd bare ramtilitl on fur hmtr..
With my bluthlim Klow.r of Kliiwurm, under
lli'vi-n's lil ne doui.;
But th. lamb h. nk a lilt
At b.r lull, till all .pill,
And crirm, "I'll t liiltr' Kuty darlnt hume.
Alfred 1'ercvvtU (iravra In Spra-Laitir.
An Kany Way of I'.arnluf Money.
A Brooklyn woman has found a now
industry for her sex, and Is practicing it
herself with siiceem. ,Hhe outlines her
plan to a friend upon whom sl called in
a social and business way: "I want you
to have your bills made out in my name.
Just let me buy everything, In a word.
You have priced and compared. Well,
after your price are as low as yon can
make thnin. after yon have practically
concluded your pun-haws wilhout re
gard to anybody else, then have theso
goods made out to me and delivered t
yon. No matter how low the prices are
I siiall make 9 per cent.
"I have a standing account with all
the leading dry goods stores anil millin
ery shops and furniture factories in
Brooklyn. I get 5 per cent, on everv-
thing I am snpwed to sell,
lf tho bill
is made out in my uame I have person
ally mid those goods which the bill calls
for. tIn your case, of course, it is purely
a friendly courtesy. But I get the com
mission just the same." The statement
sometimes made that women have no
head for business does them a great in
justice. Drooklyn Letter.
A Prompt Auaw.r to Prayer.
A Unitiil llrethren preacher, the ttev.
John Ii. Etterly, of Lewiston, has been
conducting meetings at tho Brush Ridge
school house, In this county, for three
weeks. The countryside for miles
aromid is represented nightly, ami in
tense interest is shown. The other
night an amusing climax occurred dur
ing the delivery of brother Elierly's
opening prayer. The venerable minister
has shown a partiality for the phrase,
"O Lord, shower thy blessing down
upon us," which is iucoriioratod in all
his prayers.
When this period of his invocation was
reached tho audience wan thrown into a
condition of extreme excitement by the
copious fall of water from the trim di...
. , , ' ,"'li Willi
two UUUKetHOf
water. Lewiston (I'a.)
. l venr. lielUiO-4iM'H.mi;ii in w. .
Tros'iiror'n Nullm,
i iv. 111 lv In-n.U Intel. uw;1 '!
ll. ,,miui.ni Mull tt.ioieu I'llt't to
i A,,!l will '" "'" llio-lHlor thl....l.'e.
r,niiiiv i ie.iioor.
hi I'llv, M.iy , l""l.
Niilloo or 1'Umiinil
,.i"liilO i'iilll Ili-IWi'.'ll
l :lfil inllilin ll
I lllli -
)' l ! II
hi i ii.
I I I lo.N
,M'I H I'-
lit .ill i'H llml I'll " f I"''
Iiiii l)n'i.ilni)' )miiii l"H"'i' r"'1 ,,','",,
i lui, Wiiiiiii'i, liuiiii'i oniii'"' ' -
illil,l I'.illlllV. Ol i'll'i". 111 lti II 1 1 i '-
ll) .V llllli'l. ) ilil l iU"l"'l , , ,
.. . i. ...i pi i .ii,..., .1 in III. i'1'l
..nrllinr. tii'il lli.t., llll li .i'tii" ' '
liliillli iiuilor inn liuuio "i rri'n ii',
lniiiii I II). A rl l l, IMU.
" AitiiiliiWti'StiHH Si'lli'.
N illi'n l Iii'k-Ii) glii'ii III it 111. iiiiiMiliiiifil
Clmrlin Muxiiii lm Iwi'll III. I'u'lllly I "ml
ul in. ti.iii n( tiri-nmi. ! I Ihi'Wiiim inniiiiy.
iliilv niii'iiiulnl .iltnliitiiii.il" !(, 111. i'iU' ul
V ll Mn,i!l, ilri'MM'il. All n'ltiili" linlllll
iiIiiii .ii.iiiih nii.ii t" r."iilril I" (""
m,ii I tli. taiii. In in. t lln'U tiilii-i' ul Mi'llilil.
A ir.air. I" Oti'ii'iti I'llv, in l'l 1'iiiitiiy. . nil
i.nu.iir vtiiii'lit'rt mililii n i,ii'iiili In, hi Hit.
! ,V,t. I II A It I M CMSU,N,
I AiliiiliillrMf nt III. m'ntn t ll,rU)inii.
iiu'ii.iii I Id , Uri'iinii, April IV l"l,
Mi'lirtil. A I'ti-ti t .ml K Mrinl.iilt.il iUIru
j lur Ailitiliilnli'r tll '.viM
I r.8 I isii Ortu Okh.ihn Cttv. Oku .
Antl It. ImM
I t'nltlili)llll llVlll li..ll 1n1lrr.1l .1 lllltnllll.
tiv Kr.iti'lsll I'lili'i.riiOlitl 1')ntltt. Mi'l'tllliiHilH
tur l"ii,l,,iln In. Hiiiiii"tv.il Murr Nil, wl
II. tril J1111..I IvO. Itlmll III.. lt nt K.1) .imv .
In i H . r 0 ..lit ri'ii'k.iiin. i'nitiil Ui.tfuli,
with . vl.w in 1)1. ..iH'.lltiiioit ot .Mill .uiry.
III. ..til iniit.t .r. lii'u-l')' iitiiimiiinit In .i
u'r .I Oil. uilii'ii mi ll" 'tli .Li "I Jim.. ij.
.1 1 1) t'lm'k. . hi . In r.M'i'ii'l .ii'l Itiriiuli l.ll
utility iMiit'eritliiif ..til .ll.itrit .Iiiiii'I.iiiiii.iiI
: i h ya s 1 mtM', n.ii.r.
.No I'll K.
' f. ??. I Mi nrrn , (nmiinN t'irv, n. .
! Apr 17. vj
i l'iimiliiliil h ivltiij ln'i'ii .til.tvit nt (hi iiit'i.
1 In Whi W lli iiili'iti.ii khii"I Kinl , lili I li t"
; vtili.rui-r fur Hi'.ii.li'iiiiii liit lliiiiii,tt,',. t iiiry
: Nil 77 'J. iUtl',1 M It'll l., Isi'J. U)inlt ih. Int. k
.nil 4. ri'i'liiiii 3. In. 11 tli l)i 1 1, r .1 In l ln'k.
111. t I'nliiny, nit i ill. with . 1 Irw In Ih. r.tMf l
tillli'lltil Hillil tltllt) III. till, 1 I'.rllut 1. Iirlt'liy
! tuiitnii'iii'il in u),,i iir nt not i, HI. -1, 1.11 111. Mh
1I1) nl Jitti. I'M, .1 In 1, ii,,t-k . 111 ).. r,.,..ni,i
.Hi) Itllllltlt It'tlllliuli) I'.'lii'vriitliti ail, I .lli'r.l
Kt.illlilnlllll.lll J. I' Ai'l-.Vi.H, lO'fttlt'r,
; i n : it.
Tt Loun.m)
on City
Friend of Woman.
ilie very n iimrliiilil. nil, I i'ituiii '.lie! (Ivimi
Wi'Msilklltd by M...,re llinenli il Iti ltietl y '
li'it w,hi lur It th. nniii. 1. 1 Wniiiitu i Krli'iid
- It In uniformly ur.-i'.i,i,l hi rrlli-vlng Umlr I
li'tlr it. nllinriitit
Ht,iinl iiti'rt' ,i (hi. ii. it, i ml r.inrily pmiLrly
l)ill,trll In III. Hill, ul t,,iiii,kln,l,
Mit.rri.r., Jnn. mi, hui.
"I wnut yim tn ,ni,l;.li my tealliiunilnl lur
MiuiHK's Kokai.kii Uk.mh.v, lur 11 ha. ! n ,
xniiitl tlilii',' lur in., lur It hnarun il in. nl Inn,, I
ai'hi'S, Inuii whl.h I li.v. mill.rinl whnu.v.r 1
li.i'.niii I'hlll.'il. lur tin. In.t iiin.,-,, yi.i,r I have
rulliTi'il ..rl.i'i tnrtur. Inr lui'My .fiir tiniira i
a lliiie.aiiinetiiiii'a reieliliin lur I hn i' hmi r lih
mil miy n-.i mill uieihln lBi M,p ,m ,,
Hi. niiinhi'ili-ii i-i'iui . lii trim). Now I am free
Inuii (lila unili'iliiii, ,,r iitih,. lri nymi.inin uf
lillr i.l IliiM- M 1 1 ... 1: N I liike jtnii'il ilim. n
,.i,,i,ri' id' ii' ,n ,. iim, i,,i .ih, ..,,,1 .il.ii
It Iiiik nl
ihiii, h i ,
'"""''! f i'" nil),. iiin ii. My linn-
'l'i- "in''l lii 111.'. :m,l In, ,, nl, I .,
III' u lllii.ilt n
eniiii,,! any i,ii hii;li in i: rnvnr, umi it
Inilli mi ll i,,y (iv it ll w.
viae nil
our i r it tin n in nut- ii
MI'S. .! A M KH (II.HASiiN
'"r- U',!l Hi'! Jnekaiili HI.., Sllitltl., V.I
lVVit aiilc l,y nl ilriiKKlala,
reniolofn,,,, W.ilil, " ' 1 "" "
Bent) mi.lnl, lri im- nr ,l ,li, .,,,i ,i
t on. We ,ivi,., ir ,,,,., ,,,,, ,. ; 1 ;.
Pm,l,hlel' "Hew I" (H,lH ii IM, ,,. . ' ,, ,
Oppoait Patent OHIco. Wa8l,fnHt0n. D. C.
PX1 h
ft m&
WMtPY J V-'A 1
vnnnAi i I J
rv.iraj-nJiA.l V)
Tho alius I'IkiIi
I'oi ihtiitl.
,ntM;u 1 i:rr am. i avi...Ukv
It nm. lor 1 1 in Khm Ii...,. i.
A M. Mini II On M,
.ml Kilt,,,,,
rUlllillll I'nllH-ti N(..MK M'ill'. "
run Ihroiitih on i: )ittia tit"r"'t"1'
itiiij.,, . 1 iimi.
KANSAS ( 'in miii,
'l I ICAfr"" '
tf iTiiovT riiANot, eknmnn
Cln CiiiiiiwIliiH. .1 I'nril.iiti ht
" "' ' I Hit t , Cf
rm fitrllier ir(i.iil.n lutitir c"",,'
til III. l'ulllll of ,,'(,r 4'
"l, t S"rill.rllll.lM
o. m. m:i.i.i:. r,
Uim'I MajilMlnii.r.1
Northern Pacific H
nil emirt emi
r .ml third M
Ml litiurt Iu
Great Overland Roulii;;x;
NoniAM.Hui,, mmi,s
Shortest Line to ChfojjS. ' "
Ami .11 ptilttu :!, n, '.tmriiey,
"' ,'An'tNiLNNM'W J!e.m..l..le.'
... .. .. "t Waiar Wet
1 lie ortltrrn I'arlllr II, l iiih.-i'. it
.... f.i k.r, T. I
Ii Hi. only line rututn H I ii'inUll
,, v i tl.r ntiHiiliis
Uwi'iik-erTmitm, rln.tl umi
r tm- l Mi'Krs l lie. ads
l.imiiiOu. I ( y t oiii lie.
ruiiiinn ri.i. vi,.,.,,,,,.' ""'
tit, v t -ii.inK ai. (ntf,
r'rom I'orl laiiil ; Ihr ta"u ('")r "'
(. I IV.. H
.( your li. kHi J;5
Nortliiuii I'm illf Ii )( mi ( uy m m
nvoiil ( Italic iilnri, 1 Mi-r,.iw
InMM t."
..It) tt.v ..t'li... Sural li.l.r. .
nil n frnr,
twrvn rtnlttvl,
Ian-ma .nil Muu, .ntliilHl V
i.uy atmi-a ? . .v..
4. I, ll KI.Tl!tK.tiiN CI I
Aal..M'l laa. A(rsi, Itipui l'uil II
t....l'.r.l--.l.tr. Zsvuml
tWl?. en.f rir.l snd 0 ttnat ",,",f'
ev.ry Krt'
T. K. HlHiU, lta.-au.r, iu liigmidm,
shout lin k to cAuroR;;
u' tlitf I"'
1 ruin No. ill nm Turlt, Tw ol w A )
lavs and tt'aiiirtlav., ami on ii,ua
ilnv. alirn iitt e.urv : -'
I ruin No t hIII run Muiuliys, I- KKl-AMI
ilav. ami Kri.lav, ami mi iiti.niiRa
alum invewarv': f oil"""
ha, r.irillal)
Steamer .Sulllitf Itiitrs, i.ss.v.
I V.yl m ;W lll.lll.lts Vair ' ""''"fl.
"IU. If'tll, lll
m Ki L)l
Ur. t. ,t.l llth Jl.f' S.HI. (1d't
Tli. rittiiiny r...rv. tttt
riin4 ll
V atVtlltllltf.
satllni ,.".tr. wlltiottt nellr..
Trait), .iinltrrt will) Hi. O A C.
H.la.u'iirslll.slid Allwll. iNHY I.OH'
Tliednwn I'aeifie Htesml.i.tir'rf.'r
Willstuetie river ilivi.ton will i VU1U" '
l'tirt litml . Mint -hound, Monday, Vtflux. Bee.
lav, ai d 1 ridav at tl A M.' Anr-rzg-Z
'..rvlli.Ttie.lay, Tliurailay mls - , '",
ilavat ;l :m I M. I.'avn tor, w.KX
iiiirtli lintiiid, Mmnlity, Weilnewlii
I'tiiliiy nt M A M. Arrive l IV-
TtlfiiJiiy, Tliilis.lii)' mid rntiirilt a,ij C'lTvl
1'. M. mi Miiiiday, Wedne.iUy
i every whmii
lav, I, nlli north and Roulli-tmtind fit ninnili
lie over night at Nalvin, leaving be"", bm
0 A, M.
Krelsl)) aiul Tlekel ornre.H.lniinlrtu-
t: C: IIOIit'K
VBI. 1-OUi
r. A r. A. O f liv.ry Thin
iby. Visit i
IX. HeooM
iv.ry Tui'
a tut Fuutii
Southern Pacific Jlot
:' .'.'i
vnry 8ui
I't II nil.
Kxpress rruiiiB leave Portland I
7 (in a
7 ll. r a
in l'u .
I Kr-
l.v I',, Miami Ar
l.r Itreiinut.'ll l.
Ar H. Kr.nelaeo l.v
net Katun I
kiia Hmai
. ii w e ii nil
Ahiive ir.lna at.., nnly si Hi. followlat ,h H . ,
Hint, n.irtii nl Kmnliiirt : Itaal I'ortUiil !"" .
umi I'lty. WiMHltiiirn, H.lum, Alliat r, tw
Hhriiiia, llala.y. Ilarrlaliitrg, JuucllunW,
t nil aim r.il)(iliu
73 "rat Frtrt.
jstittl Kiillim
tIKO. A.
It(iHKIiriti) MAIL (I'allyi
.. H. j " l.v" "I'oriUii'
mi Ar
Uy l.v
rat l.v I
u '' a. I, Oreiimil
Ar llna.lilirit
I.tlCAI. (Pally, eii'rpt 8u J'I
i ui r. m.
i, tn. f. ii,
) mi r. x.
l.v I
Ori'.iui 1,'lly
7 MeCiiwn
.,. A. Ilnnlli
D i . 1 1 . n..rr.i cu.aaKin tlrat
uiniictll UUIItil OlcCr'tii(:,)iii)m
Fur aeuom iiimtai l.n of H.eonil Pu"W HANY", fl
atui liril tn Kiriiis Trslui. r, Third ai
West Hut. llllalim. nf .,',,'J,l!1"
Mull Traiti, Ually (Kxci"jt Huinlav.l jren,
l! III I'
,v 1 U
At AllmliyiiiiilCiri'.lli. cimnwl Wl "vu" ' A"
nt orncii I'liein,. HhIIk,,,,!. nieMliiK,
, airttlkl-tllll.
Kiirii Trnlti Imlly (Kxci'i'i :
Hiinn.T a', V.vL, ,T, 1'
I nil'.
I'cirtliinil Ar
Mi'Mliinvlllii l.v
K...KI1M IN, Hi'
5("": Kt). Nt:
. ii
, Tt) A 1,1. POINTS ftZ1;
11,1., ,iii, full tn roriTt.tl ion rrt'" ,'tll,.,j . j,.,
riifa. tii,a, mi.,, ,.u cninimiif ' eitn Ii
Ornauu tiny. 1ai:.n, K.e
Mutineer. Ahs'IU. K. slid l'"''r:
X . ' ' ;