Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 15, 1891, Image 5

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    Mie Enterprise.
FRIDAY, MAY trt, mill.
Imny l,onil mny ilnllnitD
IIIhniU l',iiro (llirmiKli)
lung turn I (y
' mii'Tit anemi.
ttluirii l.wl ('iy
Imiiv L.m'iiI IW" "InllMiml
lUinnm M" (llit"ld'l
7 ili n. hi.
s :i . in.
' a.fM p. in.
V iWn in
1 11 p. in
7 I i. in
iv (imsQiid vnt.
l us a m, thou, m,
ti i . in, in mi . in.
I ii p. m, 'IV mi p. in.
I tr, , ni. mi i mi,
n m p m. il , in.
iwanwr Altmui-lt MhIum mi tc ( wnjr
OKHdllN tn v.
:MI t. in
:i . m,
li p. Ill,
i v rusTUsri.
mm in.
II mi p in,
;m . in.
M.p. (Ill 's NTKAHKI'M.
Mtw fr lnyl"ii urn! Imitliiic. in.
Iitlsy, itliii,ilyitii'l Ktliluy K,,t l'otilioi,
I t IiiIIiik, II . in. tili'uliiy, 1 Intra
i mil rrlilny.
T lill Ailvrrllwin
II I, 'nil n ,1 r 1 1 ' l I nx rli"! In Tim
TtsM-afK, will litTfrtlh-r ! linrui', f,,r u
rati of II ,er Im-li fr nrtti lin.irilnti ml
'tit ior lin'li let- cii'li iil,"i''iu(-iii hiM'tllim.
nlli'UUO"! Mll,lli'nlli, will l,i il'Url,-.
:ll ihH mill,- In il, !ir, nr Htitirtiiitt-l liy a
,,,ti.l,l, iiiiriiry.
i" CoMI'ANV's Nl: tll'HI'Kllh. Ait
'lltiollvli III It I I t iNllt, III) cll'cllllll
ulliccra) of I'' ( iiiiiiiiiiv look place ill
ir arttioiv on tltc l.'llli ult., tcieiliiiijj
(hf elm'llou I y iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii vote, of i
mlcmuit Iv N. Wiureii In lln eitpt.tiif
Ami 1st Hiiiyi'tiiil J V tiuiiouu lotlte
, Lieutenancy Till' I WO otlifcrx-elri l
mml u very Hiiiiiriirv m uininut imi
lull) ll,0 eviiiiiilillik! hoard Monday u(
t week mill 1 1 1 latter I'm! ni ilic ni i'k
IUVImI llll'il iepllti0 CollllllihMloim,
In lint til" company on mi it I i i 1 v
Iter footiuu 1 1 in it it In been lorsome
iti punt. n, I Imlli ollicers Htnl men will
atly lutnelil liy it. 'llm llit hI-jih
um by tlm new ollleeis liim I h lo
rds tlm t'ipiipincnl ni tlm iuiii,uiiy
ill tlrnwi uni'oiius, hoping tn 1 1 ii vi. (hi)
im lor tin-1 1 1 1 1 t ii c ti 1 1 1 1 i ) t Ht It i v -
lillo III Jllly. It II W looks, lloWI'Ver, a
hey are I o mint iIInii, i lit turn t , mi -a
our citixen mine to the rescue
time in la-l diawiiiK near ami n
L liolliliiK ii,lnil has been niTOin
shed, homo una Hiitfi'Ht un idea liy
ik'h til Imyn innv ki iiiln camp with
ll JMnii Willi till) rent u( tliu coiupa
mi of the ri'Kliinint, ninl if tln'iu 1st no
lerway, iln'ii let it hi' tlirouu'li Hiiiilnr
crijitlun. It mil tnku .VH).
ot? fttV Nun mi. Inbtitttk. Ciiunty
tool miMTinlrnili'iil, Ali'i Tliiiiintuii
Uttkllig rinitiiinii fur ImliliiiK the
clier't nurniKl iimtlhito fur Clm'lm
. comity, which will convent) July
SnJ Uiit two wvukii. A linn cot pit ul
itructor will Im wcniptl, mul the
mion will Im nijttlu prolltiililii one.
ii iloni.Ttl int'iHMy, Hint nil tenchom
irnnt, mul nclnxil tllmrlori nd
I run of ik IiooIii ri) ittvitt'd to rrntiiti
sir buiini'iiii no tlioy run ntti'inl it
ml nortiuii ol the time. Htipl. Tlitnif
1 will litnku nrrniiKi'liii'lilN to t
miKxInli' nil with lion.nl who nttinl.
liintitiitn will h Imlil in thtt 1 1 1 k '
loot buihlinit, Oregon I'ity.
i 1'lDHIiKK liKKIIiKNT. - t'npt. I,. K.
lit, olSuli'iii, who linn I km, n viMiliimul
linllcn, Iniil over in thin city iluriiiK
I week to mh Inn non, Mr V K.
tt, HUjiorinti'iitli'iil u( tlm W. T. A
Coinpnliv dipt. I'rutt wan prtntii
Hly lthii tilled with the ciirlv hintory
ilrtKon City, mid erected the old
olttn mill", lie irlno puichnied the
mnd for the imrlien who limit the
tin, m well m the it (or the woolen
II company. The captain linn now
tn reaident of Kalem (or ninny
im, but vinit to Oregon City atrortln
icli pleaaure an he view the old land
liLvna Uhk 1'avkmknt. A nhort
te aifo rock from the hill opponite
Mbnrg wan lining lined in paving the
rat In that city. A gentleinnn, who
thereat the time, examined the
k and found it contained nilver an
II as tracing! of tin. lie Riiriirined
i fienple hy allowing thnm wliat a
aableatyle of paving they were lining.
I'entigation nhown t lint nilver nxk,
icli I well worth working, bIhiiiiiiIii
Lhnt vicinity, ami ellorln are buing
do to have it utilixed, Trace of tin
,' Ix-en found in nutlicient ipiantitien
nanant a thorough tironMct of the
iliity, w hich will tloulitlcnn In) mude.
'kobaiii.v tiik Samk (Ink. The Wel
tie nyn a l'oillitiitl pethllcr w hogoen
Vamioiiver nilh oranue hun Ih-oii
eting with competition lately mid to
himni'll now luken over two wugmi
1h, 'Cticlicn one ol llietn in ft nlied.
en out ii J III peddler' llceiiwi on
oilier, ii ii I when nohl out, relilln the
-'on from the hidden one nnd thun
e lU'eiiHd on one vehicle. Thev
I hlrtt HheiMiy in Vancouver. Thinjin
ibalily the nuiim peddler who worked
city for ii couple of duyn, nnd wnn
on wiiiioiit paying the required
snne ol 1!0 per day.
'o Havk a Monumknt. A eorreii
ident at Iliirim, Or, aond the follow
i The Indian Chief Chinook or
Ulam Parker of the Warm Hprlng
jnrr.f Wasco Co., who T tliod lant
win bar I to have , a Monument
sted tp hi memory. An order hay:
"-crJ placed liint week with Nile
'irnn,.Mttrblo cleftlor, of Walla
1U for the lama: Thin Indian was a
nt and guide Under Gen. Fremont. In
5. Signed the treaty of 1855 and
i 'Widely known for hia Christian and
rUable example!. ? i "
COniiition Imcuovkd. Mr.' Krank
night, who was nerioiiBly injured by
piug and falling on the railroad tract
be presidential reception lant week,
nnlirted to hi room although his
dition is considerably Improved,
I thigh of his lamo teg war severely
ised, nnd possibly the bon? wiih
'ked. His many frionde hope to see
i out agtiin soon.
SeoicriNO Ciiici.k. John fl. Clark
lea from Oregon City that be is iinx
i to arrange u mutch with Hilly
is, formerly of Sacramento nnd now
Id city. Ilesiiy he will light with
jlution gloves for nny reasonable
ph mid that be menus business,
old Lewis be hunkering for a spiu
! contest or for glory hero is a chance
him. Oiegoninn.
A IIiimv Orrima.-K. II. McKlroy,
Oregon' superintendent of publhi Ira
Iruciloii, Is jimt now up In hi eyes In
wuik In the way of uiinwrlilg corrnnpoii
diMice coiiceriiing Ihe nliite toucher an
nociiillon which In to h held lit Newpoil
during IhH llml week In 'Inly "" of
olher mntlern peilnlnlug to school work
ii Im In tieedlii. his intention Htiitenniiii,
I'li'Nio at AnaoMA. Tbeni will Im a
ginml picnic i mi i y In beautiful grove
near Annua, w Inch will I n participated
In bv the Aurora, Cnuby, Needy ami
lliittevlllii nchooln. A brief iKograin bus
been arranged, nnd the ilav will he
given up principally to meiry making,
and having a good oclable lime. Thin
will lie the gicnt plcnle ullnlr of the
Coi iii'mt IUisk Tn Wind. If
Ihlng that never luitl life can be nuld to
Iiiivm died, the l'ally I 'emin'ratie Tribune
ol I'ollhiiid, In aeoime nt leant nil nay
men who hml been eiuiiK.'d to work on
it. home nay llml the Oicgoiiiiui boiiitlit
(iray oil', but we are liicliiiml to the he
liel that tly pnnr ilidu't nlnrt bdcaune
the lutcenHiiiy "wind could not he
rained." Welcoimi,
I'ionkhi HinroiiicAi. Kociktv. The
Oiegoii 1'ioneer mul llinloricnl Hin ivty
ul Anioria hold a iitceliitg loihiy to miike
pri'liiiiiiuiry iirrniigi'ineiitn iiboiit I lit)
celeliintioii in 1 Kir.' o the JlMllb minivet
niuy ul Ih'n ilineovery of 1 1 if t'oliliuliiit
river by Cnpliiiii Itohert limy. All the
pioneer oignniir.itiioiin ol (hetoii itntl
WllH'.iilitftoii wilt (hniliih'-n bit repre
neiiied. lr. (' I' Mroitgainl ieo. II
1111110" are tleligiilen Itoiu tint , hi't'iin
I'iolicer AnniM'iiilinii, -t lii goiiiaii.
A N'kw Hi t-lin m -k -Mi, II. M. Sniilli,
. vict'-pri"iiii'lit ol the illiiini'lle I 1 1 1 1
;A I'npei ( 'oinpuny. has plans ib.twn fm
; an eli'i.'nnt ifNiicn,'e lo tie crerted on
, the went nnle ul (he river mi lite lilull
oppoMili' the rxfi inior inilU 'l ite hnild
inn itloiie will ,ol (S1 I'd, and lite
Hlolllidn will he l:l-!ilv I. ti l out. Thi
in Hie uio.t ninhilv liH'iilton for iiilwell
; ia III and uioiii'd llic'oti t in , and tin
I'oliiplelioll ol Ihe I lllldlng Mill il, Id
1 1 ill I ( I il 1 1 V to the nlliiiiiioim o linn
' place,
Nmv Waoon limn II. S. Ilonney
i hnn lieeu up in the mouiiliiiiin lien r bin
! Mohillu i ii Mi-It. He reportn Ihe niock in
Hue coiiilition mttl Ihe vrnnn very tank.
The renidenl altove Willioit liave cut il
road out (loin lint .luck Know len' plnce
to w it ri it) nix miles ol Table Itock. The
mm t it H plncen ate liriugeil and a irood
ford eciired at the cronning of the Mul
all. Willi thin new road, tennin tail
travel within nix luilen of Tahiti Hork.
It will I ,e a great convenience to Itcrrv
picker ami llttimi who huve inouiiliiiil
MttH'kranchi'n. vVtHnlliuni 1 mleH'ulcul
UkiosatioN Hav. I'ecorHlioii day
in now only a lew day oil' and ill time
the cemetery wan put In good order,
The ti. A. It, Mint ha apiniinlcd
a coniiuitlet to arrange a programme
for the occasion l.et it Id IiohiI
that the weather will prove line,
and then the city will turn In mannen
for the purpone of revering the noble
dead. If you have loved one laid at
rent in the cemetery, doiit fail to nee
that the little mound in in a presentable
hax) for thin occanmou You owe it lo
the dead, much lenn lo the scrnlinitlng
eye ol the living.
Nkw Iti'ii.iiiNiin. Mr. Kaher Tnchar
nig, the hoot ami nluH! iitutiufactuier on
Main street, w ho recently purchnm'd the
iimpeity on Ihe Xortbwest corner of
Main and Fifth n'reetn fnun r. II. W.
lionn, in, hiding the building lined as a
drug nlore, paying therefore f'SHH), ha
commenced Ihe erection of a two-nlory
builtling on Ihe vacant lot, and w ill ndd
another ntory to the store. An the iliug
gisl w ill shotlly remove to Portland,
Mr. Tscbnrnig will occupy one Uf the
store looms (or his business, ami lease
the other room for some ilosirahle busi
ness A Talk ok Wok. John II Shiilln tells
a pitiful tale of woe in a (x'tition for di
vorce from hi wife Lenora, whice he
Hied before Judge Stearns at Portland.
He say he w married to her at Orenon
City in Augim1, HH& since which time
she ha abused him shamefully, trying
to kill hint with a chair, and applying
profane and Indecent epithet lo him.
Then, when he was sick and unable to
care for himself or her, she went away
to live with John Hulton, a
former husband. He asks for the sole
posnesnlon of bis town lots In Uervais
and I-air Ileal,
Skkvickson Dkcoration Day Meade
Post No. 2, ti A. K , in conjunction
with the Ladies' Relief Corps will hold
memorial services at the Congregational
church, Sunday, May '.'4, ami on Sal
unlay May HO, IVcormion Hay, will
have appropriate ceremonies at Ihe cem
etery, and from there will no in a
hotly to the Mount Pleasant school bonne
where appropriate services will be held.
They have been invited lo go lo Mount
Plfannnt on tlutt lu v to participate in
Ihe raising of a Hag on the new school
hiiihliiiit, where the eiti.en tit Mount
Pleasant will provide refreshments.
t oitiplcle program will appear in due
ill wind that blow nobody good" i a
saving that bus a snug lodgement in the
breast of It. W. Mitchell, superintendent
of the Portland Industrial Kxposition.
It seems that the 'World's Columbian
Kxposition would not conform nor agree
to certain suggestions made by Professor
Hurrett, the eminent electrician in charge
of the electric exhibit at Chicago. Mr.
Mitchell' noticing this in a paper which
Kngeno Field sent him, at once wired
the professor, Intimating his perfect
willingness to carry out that gentleman's
Idea in the forthcoming Portland ex
osilion. Asa result Mr Mitchell has
the assurance of' (he finest electrical
exhibits aver aeon on the' Pacific coast.
It pays to be on the alert. -Orcgonian.
Cot.n HiiAHTiti) Clicks. Marion
county has a cold hearted county clork
as all who saw the touching scene at the
court house this afternoon will testily.
A young man dressed in his best clothes
and a white handkerchief tied around
his neck, and a young girl dressed up
in blue appeared at bis ollice and tie
sired a license to wed nnd some one to
tie tbo sacred knot for their weil or woe.
While everyone else was touched with
compassion for the young couple, the
coltl clerk eat behind tho ollice liar and
forgetting tbo days when bo was young
and sought favors from olliciuls, refused
to grunt a license until the required
witnesses wore produced. The young
niiin lives in Multnomah county and is
not. aciitmiuled in Salem, At last ac
counts tbo couple woro bunting for a
person who would nil the required nus
iii ion . Journal,
f.unchcn at all hours at the Oregon
City Lunch Counter.
Pure Willioit Mineral water on
draught nt K. (i, Ciuillcld's, A cts a gins.
.The Evening Telegram with Its eight
inigi'M every evening i a very newsy
Capl. J. T. Appernon ha Is'en sillier
nig neveudv willi the rheiiuiullniii for
several days.
lion. II. K. Cms In erncilng a very
ileal ii ti 1 suiintniiliiil stable on hi
premise in litis i ity.
Mr. C, Lcwin, ol Viola, was in I own
Monday, lie report everything pros
poilng in his neighborhood,
Will It. lititcber ha been appointed
travelling Hgcnt for tlm National Cigar
Company, nl Hi, Louis, Mo.
One hundred thousand pounds of wool
watcd by Charman A Son, for which Ihe
highest market price will be punl. '
Mr, nnd Mm, ('. 1 1, Latourette look
I lot Soul hern Pai illc triiiu Sunday even
ing (tira few tl.iys visit In California. .
A lien- ghmn front ban lit cn placed in
position in the poxtollicc hudding which
gives ii ii milt ii iinpr tv. ii iipH'iiiaiii e,
Messrs. Wilson A Cooke huve n neat
sluu painlcd ucros the entile (tout oi
lin'li liaidMiili' and itupictiM iit nloie.
Stipl Alex Thutiinon left Tiicdiiv lo
visit Ihe school- in lb'1 e i letn pail ij
Ihe county, anil will be nh-eiil Scvenil
tl:i n
A move is ot, i,o lo o,.iti:.it another
ha"i' bull i lull in this i I'y, .mil a lettnin
cluli n ill t i- one o 1 1 ii piob.tljiii's ol llus
The eiii'ine and liod- t- (or H. ('. Mi,
Cold',. in w kiwi.iMI near lirabam'n
h"ii-.e, a. met : i .ii i I'orilautl
Mi'ltdav. 1
! Pistrict Attorney T. A. Mcl'.rid is
iiitciulitii.' t iicmt toiiit lu Coluiuliia
loiinly ibis w-ek. im was also Mr. A.S.I
i Otenser. j
! ('apt K. S. Wurren and family have
i moved Into the btice double house of (i.
W. Church, on Seventh street near
A fisil race on the sidewalk in front of
tint woolen mills Inst Kridav evening lor
iL'l) nidi!, wan lite excitement, lor a
- lew moments.
j Minn Annie tiralnilii ban accepted a
j sintlioii an tyn writer and stenographer
I in Ihe ollice oi the Willamette pulp and
I Pasr Company.
Mr. C. Hols-rg I erecting porch in
front of Mr. T W.Clark's building, oc
cupied by II. I. Piice, the merchant
tailor, ami Shade' shoo shop.
An cnlertainment will be given at
Mar iiamnvilie, Kridav., Mav 2.'nd, the
proceeds of which wilt be used to pur
chase Hag fur the school bouse.
Kxcursimiests from Portland now
coma 10 Oregon City of Sunday in larne
numbers Kinhing is gtssl, and this
C'ly airortln splendid opportunities fur a
day, outing
Mr. Albert I'rutt. of Hubbard, wan in
Oregon City Saturday with bin fine
boise, Mainlirino Temple, Jr. This is
the lliiit annual Unit has been in
Oregon City this season.
Mr. II. T. Martin is selling consider
able tpuintilic ul bis rustic furniture in
Portland, for which there in a gtsni de
mand, (ioveuor Peiinover purchased
an elegant settee from him the other
Messrs. John and William VanWay,
ol Qulncy Illinois, cuusina uf Sheii'f
Samson, arrived last week accompanied
by their families, and are very favorably
impressed w ith tlie country. They will
locale here.
Capt. I.. K. Pratt, or Salem, was in
this city Monday. Ho was a former
Oregon City resident, and laid the
foundation work fur the woolen mills,
and was a prominent early navigator of
the Willamette river.
Hev. J. M. Donaldson and ladv
appeared before Deputy County Cleik
1 lowed, Monday, and renounced all
allegiance to the Queen of (treat Biitian.
and declared ttieir intention to become
citizens of the I'nite I Slate.
Mr. K. C. l'enlland, of Independence,
secretary of the Orcg.-in Press Associat
ion, was in Oregon City Monday prov
ing up on his timber claim. Since Mr.
Pentium! disponed of the West Side, lie
i Pas opcneii up a real estate ollice ut
There ill be an entertainment in the
i Mt. Pleasant school house, May Id, con
sisting ot singing by the Aliblch llio-
titers ami hoetchlei mill declamations
A small admission fee will he'eharged to
secure a tlug to be raised I'.eclaralion dav
by the (i. A. K.
About six o'clock last Kridav evening,
the till of Mis Nellie Watts' mili
nery store was tapped of $22, while she
and her clerks were in the back room
room eatitig supper. This is the sdcond
robbery that has taken place in this
place w ithin the last six months.
Mr. T. P. Randall has resigned his
oflice as council man from the first ward
to which he was elected one week ago
last Monday, for the reason that his
duties as purser of the Latona will not
admit of devoting his time to city leg
islation, besides a question has been
raised as to hia qualifications as an
Hon. P. Paquet, who was appointed
by tho county court to make the nec
essary repairs on the bridge across
Sucker Creek at Oswego, went down
Tuesday to take the measurements. It
would cost about $21X10 to build a new
bridge, but Mr. Paquet thinks that re
pairs can be made for $200 or $;100, that
will make tho bridgo safe for th'ee or
four years yet.
Mrs. Barrett, living near this city, mot.
with a serious accident one day last
week. A horse ou the premises was
fastened to a mil to keep him from run
ning away, and as Mrs. Barrett tip
proached the animal with a view of
catching him, be started oil' nt a rapid
gait ninl tho rail struck the lady, knock
ing her down and breaking two ribs.
As Mrs. Banett is an elderly lady the
accident, will lay her up for "some "timo.
Mr, Kard Htudeman, of Mink, I one
of the numerous farmers who have sub
scribed to 'I'll k Lntks-i'Iumk during the
pant month . I In is one of the lucky
farmer who held bis wheat, uiilil this
spring, and is getting a good pi ice for it.
The resident of Ciinby and vicinity
are very anxious for some one to put in
a ferryboat actons the Willnmelle rivjir
at that place. Here is a good opening
for some enterprising Individual or company.
Dr. L,
Itohvnl, of Kagle Creek,
called at Tn Kntkiii'Iiisk tllice yester
day, Ho resttts gooil health ami eveiy-
thing nourishing in that neighborhood.
On iiecotlllt of the space luken up bv
descriptive arlicles consiilitrablo local
and general mailer ha been crowded
out of this Issue.
The Ladies' Aid Koclety of Ihe Itnp
tint church, will give a fnir on the 2.'nd
or 2:ird of this month. Further partic
ulars next week.
Tite Salem and ' Portland telephone,
office Im I icon removed to C. i. Hunt
ley's hook and stationery store.
Milk shake and leu cream at the Ore,
gnu ( ity Lunch Counter,
l- k. t kit-...,.... 1...., L ..I....1...I
,'it .11, a. ririiitoi, nan o,-t'ii i-iri.i,;,i j
asniKiieu of (jrcen P.ros. A Co. by the
creditors of that linn. I
I Tiik Kntkki'Iiihk will he untie- obliga- .
; lions if llm (nruM corresioiiilcnt will:'
send In his riuine.
l'gi-er'a scale Imarils absolutely for-1
reel at Hum ollice.
in titilk at
Wuoi Wnutcil,
l orvihicb the highest market J.rite
w ill be paid at the store of I. helling. t
(into Wilson A Cooke for Oliver plow,
Warr-n A llolnian, Kuneral Directors;
and I iiderlaker, Oreg jii City ltank ;
Kino Pillows made to order and Mar
link's, etc., of neat designs at Warren &
It. ilnsiool will have a constant up-
! ply of all Holt of vegetables and plant
! in sea-ton as usual, nt the garden, Oreen
, I',,;.,, ,., .' v ic.h; ............ i,.,
,,,1, wi H4 ... i ,,,,inn nim i j nwie,
illd for Stone Wall.
Hid will be received by ths under-
! signed up to May iflith, 1891, lor the con
struction ol a stone wall on (tie east and
south nit.'es of the lota on which my resi
dence stands. Contractor to furnish all
Ihe material and to complete the job fn
one month from the time contract is
signed . Plans and siiecilication a may lie
seen at the Bank of Oregon City.
It Clara Kastham.
Notice to Taxpayer.
Notice is hereby given to the taxpay
ers of school district No. 34. of Clacka-
loss county, Oregon, that the tax levied
I on March 2, 1HIH for said district is now
I due and payable to Thus. 0. liibh, clerk
) of saitl district. If not paiJ bv May 28,
ilSHl.will be returned delinquent and
! turned over to the sheriff for collection,
i Hy Order of the Board,
Titos. T. (iiiiits,
I Clerk.
Oregon City, Oregon, Apr. 2", 1801.
5-1 ; ft-22.
Are respectfully reminded
That the placs to buy
A well anythini else In the
E. Q. Oilfield
Been studying economy Vhen
buying School Books, Sta
tionery, Etc., Etc.?
New Book Store
INext to E. 0. Ciuifli'ltl's Uritf Store
And sco if you have ever had bet
ter goods for tho money.
Fancy groceR
(iKEKN Flll-'ITH.
On the went tiih of the river on the Oregon City ami Portland roml,
mul Willamette river. Twenty-five minute walk from the mi-pension
i hriilgi'. Aflbnltf a si!etxli(l view of
side. This tract has heen tdaBhcd
cheap on easy terms.. Apply to
nrMi it-
Have constantly on hand a large assortment nf. Flowerinu Plants, Shrubbery and
Bulbs with larire assortment of best varieties of Hoses Cut flowers at all
times and Kuneral Decorations a specialty. A large s'oek of
strong, healthy. Tomato, CabbageanilCaliflower plants to
be had at Green House, or E. K. Williams or
Newton's grocery Blores. Oregon City.
H. T. mARTIfl'
All Kinds of Rustic Furniture
All work guaranteed and the best of material ustd.
Settees, - $6 00
Arm Chairs, - - . 4 00
Lamp Stand, - - $2 and $3
Small Rocking Chairs and
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
Heavy, Slieli ant mm
Hardware, Tinware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
Fir. Snruce and Cedar:
glos, Etc. Shipped to all points on
ine river
Mill situated on
Fancy Gnoeenies
the river, Portland and the Eas
and sown in grans. ill be sold
Park Place P. O.
Rocking chairs, - - 5 00
Flower Stand, - - $3 to $9
Diningroom Chairs per set, $15 00
Baby Carriages to order.
ft f Young !
also Laths, rickets. iSliin-
or ov ran.
, !
Willamette river at I