y HIE enterprise: iff CHAW. MI.MF.Ktt:, ubllnher mud lrtrlrUr. FRIDAY, MAY 15, Rkah what lh Mink corrciHndcnt h to mm- rvKiinlinit roads, lie advocate th name method of road work adopted thtiaea on by (lie aiirvior of ll Clackamas road district, TUt matter should be ted until belter methods ot road work are a.topted. Cxhsy Is taking front rnuk in the pro' perona town of Clackamas eo-mty, and linn organiced board.of trade, that Iim a nim bcrshlp of over fifty. Tin ii a movt in Ui right direction. A welt regulated board of trad ran do more to advance th Interests of a town in a general way than van be ao- ctmii i-ltnlitsj by any other method. Tli namea o( the ritiaene who inaugurated (Ida organisation at Candy i a euttlotent guar antee that it will be conducted on buainea principles. . , Tut Klickitat Leader saja there wr three cliHttol mortgages recorded in Golden dale against the famous shoe shop at North Oiilles, which was foreclosed, and the shop and machinery were old by the sheriff on May Itli. II n,l lint establishment located in Oregon City, where rate of Iransporla lion are reasonable, and in the immediate vicinity of a great commercial" canter, It would have flourished as other institutions of an industrial nature have flourished here. ASSOl'Nl'KJIKNT. Titit EdTRttriuai lakes )ride in calling me uueuiion or its readers to the general prosperity and prugresa of Clackamas county ml Oregon City. This journal ha been enlarged to eight vage to meet the demands ol this section and its patrons; and 4hia number is issued as a special industrial number, showing the Inducements offered ttj capitalist and manufacture, and tlie advantage offered to farmer and fruit rair who desire to purchase lands or email tracts. Tun RimitrKtsK is now printed on paper manufactured in Oregon Uly out of Orvgon white fr, a fact in which it feels justified in cmwlmr .l,i,i ti; iourtiul has the beat corps of country corres pondents of any paHT in the Northwest, wid tins number is the best advertisement yo can send to friends in the Fast. Any one desiring information alxmt Oregon City or Cla.-kamas county should address the secretary of the Oregon City Hoard ol Trade Tiiiaais much complaint regarding the OV..Mtion oft'ie roads leading into Oregon City from every direction. The citiaensof Ouyo.i City must arouse to the necessity ot bettering this condition of things, or trading jaaiiits outside of the county will reap the otticm. nvo counties on each aide ol the tik'kaiuas are competing tor the trade of Me outside precincts of Clackamas couutv, (1 they offer the inducement of better rls than can le found by coining to Ore- Man ity. I'eople residing on the upper ewekumas, f-pmigwutcr, a:ul Kiiuts contig- uejns to Mariotfcoiiuty, all preter coining to iev f:ty as a trailing center; but they can- 1c blamed for going elsewhere when the auditions of our toads are such thai they i t,: be tmvvled with comfort, and utterly i possible to haul heavy loads of produce t market. Some system must Is- a loptcd vfcerchy the roads leading to this city can i Improved and kept in that condition. 'lo great trouble prevalent throughout the i'.n ty is that there is no universal system vi road work. A road supervisor is up yeinte.1 for one year, warns his ncighlrs tt and gets v hat litrle work he can out of 'Wmii, the majority of whom leisurely put ia their tiuke to get their road tax worked out. The supervisor then adopts a system . roat work which he considers the best ;-a-i of niakir.e a road th.it will te miuiremenis of the public, when next I year another s:iHTis,ir is unpointed who . wio;-t adherent method oi'road work, and j und-esthe lalr put on the tlioroughnire by the t'oi'n:tr Mi;er.i.r. rsi,l,. :.; I the laiT in many instances on the r.j.ul is luisaiisliictory lor reasons ubove meutioued, Ithoujh this is nofarilt of the road super visor. It would tie a matter of economy to thetaxpaye- iind lanuer if the road lav was everywhere paid in money, as it voi:j I ftn"i-,lMU'y of the money market is loosen-m-iire much better roa Is, as the pro lueer j Yl'rilJ' lllia will lie the golden year of would save many dollars in the wear ami ' i'rol Vri,.v lor Clackamas county, as well as tear of horse Mesh, vehicles, haul larger i tll? bl,lu"w ot Wcstcriqiregun. freight to market, to sav nothingof the com. ! fortof driving on 5olh, gmwth tU. It AlU)irii'UI' tUl Vl t K"'S. Would even he a matter of great economy ; Timber Grove. tlicm in this way, if the pro rata of mad j J. T. Grace's 11 months old baby had his fci was do-.Jiied. (iuo I roads a Id to the : thumb cut oil at the first joint, and his first wealth of a community, as nothing else ; finger is badly injured. Mrs Iloal and Mrs. can. 'Ihey are the great rivilizers of the 1 K.lgecomb bound up the wound nicely, wintry, and good roads are attracting the I The babv's four vear old brother was cliol.- Mrftrtiiti,,,, ..r K I. - 1! . . 1 ' ,,":,'1oKeuucaiorsoltheiia-;ping with an ae, and the child crawled Tun f.'-Vfl appropriated by Congress for the naval militia, doe not become available until July, when an e.piitablo division of this sum among the various stales entitled to a share in it will I an nounced. The money will he devoted to the purchase ot the necessary equipment. New Yirk, like Massachusetts, has already made a demand for an allotment, and is already trying to organiae a good force of citiien silors. Where doe the Pacific coast come in on this appropriation. L. . It is high time something was being done toward opening the Willamette river fori navigation. The boards of trade through out t lie valley, and the newspapers should advocate a waterway convention to lie held at some convenient point, so that a plan ot united action could be adopted. This is a mailer of great iiuporUnce, and demands prompt attention from the entire Willam ette valley. The" cost would lie small to open the entire river from Portland to Al bany and Corvallis, so that the stream would be navigable for boala all the year, if distributed pro rata among the towns of the vallcv. NEWS FROM BARLOWS. A Vine .wuiictn Hotel to be lltillt at Once. Prominent People litter' estetilti the New Tow a, Tint outlook for Clackamas county this eason is very hopefur, and the agricultural community will no doubt reap a harvest ol hekels as well a crops. Grain and lions will both bring a good price, and present prospects indicate a bountiful yield. The lateness of the spring season lias given the I budding fruit trees a fair start, ami they are I past all danger by frost. The spring show I ers have had a potent eil'ect on the grass, ' iin.t it..L- II, r,,..u ...... ...II;.,.. r.. ...i.:l.. .... ., , i ...iv ,,i v i ,111 1 iiu iol n line i . , i , , ... , ... and replace therein tlie ll.-l l l'1-ll!, IVlll lA l,,P,,,.,,,a u.,.1 t ).., 1 1 etable products will not fall behind cereals in a thrifty yield. Wool is up, and the Hot. Tin: m-eition ol in inigrati.,n from for eign countries to the I'nited States is becom ing a matter Of portentous importance to the nation. There exists vast dillerence iu Ithe classes and atandard of the people who are ticking i0 !,(. .horcs in great ordtt Among those who make desir oie citizens, and quickly assimilate with us as a people are the English, Irish, Scotch, Norwegians, Swedes, and the bet ter classes of the Germans. The people above mentioned are intelligent, industri ous, and become part and parcel of our country. But with all these there is a large class of undesirable immigration that is sapping the very life blood of the nation, ami sowing the seeds of anarchy, distrust and disintegration broadcast, that will prove a menace to our free institutions unless checked. There mnst be a line of demar cation established, or these I'hited States of Amyica w ill reap the whirlwind. The in vestigations of the New Orleans jury have demonstrated that the very elements of dan ger exist to an absolute certainty. Those nations that use this as a dumping ground Sir their paupers, felons, lunatics, and con tract laborers, must be given to understand this class of immigration is not wanted, even if this is a free country. Thousands of Swedes, Norwegians, and the better class of Germans have come during the last forty years, who have taken up and reclaimed our waste lands, made good homes, and ac cumulated wealth for themselves and the country. To such as these the open band (it welcome should be extended. Bakes county's indebtedness, as recently published in the Baker City Blade, includ ing accrued interest on outstanding war rants on March 31st, was $153,600.68. There is in the treasury of the county $4000 in case. $25,000 in Malheur and Union county warrants, and with current and delinquent taxes her available resources foot up $70, 400.41. Baker is one of the wealthiest coun ties of the inland am pire, yet her actual in- debtedness foots upward of $80,000. Ye kickers about the insignificant indebtedness of Clackamas, County 1 How do these fig ures strike your craniums? With $20,000 Ions by reason of heavy floods, and tlie build ing of an expensive susiiension bridge across the Willamette, Clackamas county has only . hi actual indebtedness of about $40,000, and and another year will reduce that figure at least one-half, with no expensive criminal acB or heavy freshets to carry away bridges. along and the axe ca ne down and made the terrible wound. Mr. Gran' was away from home. Mrs. hd. Lower is on the sick list this week, but is better now. William Lamb is clearing for Buckner. Timber burns well here now. A special meeting of the school district was heldand the site of the chool house removed south of the section line. Grain looks well in this vicinity, but squir rels are bad this spring. ' J. F..01sen has finished planting ids po tatoes. - 0. J. Hoal is busy making shingles. Mr. Cosper has a two-acre field cleared and plowed. W. C. Buckner's cow brought forth a calf that weighs 80 pounds. Mrs. Lower has a son that was born on the Tth of May. A lakoe number of delegates were iu the city las-t week attending the Baptist State Convention of the Young People's Society. There are umny points of interest in and around Oregon City that alw ays attract the attention of visitors. This place has the ad vantage of any other in the state for gath erings of this kind, and our people are noted for their hospitality. u From Oswego. Cat fish are plentiful now. It is a com mon sight to see large strings of them that have been caught by the small boys of this place. Mr. D. Monk has been visiting his grand son at Springbrook for a few days. Harry O'Brien has gone to bis home near Newburg for awhile. Ist Sunday was one'of great excitement to the Oswegoites. The Second Nine base ball club, and tlie small boys' nine played a game of ball of five innings. The victory was in favor of the small boys, which will be the Second Nine. The first nine will play a club from Port land next Sunday. The Millwankieband boys made a call on the village band last 8unday afternoon in return of a visit made them by tlie boys here about two weeks ago. Come again, boy. There will be a dance next Friday even ing, May lh, at Prosser's hall. Come one, come all. E. L. JJav.idson has quit the druggist busi ness and is catching cat fish now. Thetemjierance lecture last Sunday night at the M. E. church, by Mrs. Stevens, waa grand. About forty signed' the pledge after the lecture. There will bean excursion Saturday, May 16th, given by the Sunday school of Oswe go, Sellwood andMilwaukie, to Multnomah Falls. A god time i anticipated. Mr. T. Worthington and family were vis iting J. C. Haines and Mrs. O Brien'i last Sunday. The wife and child of Karl Marks arrived last Friday evening from Lebanon, Penn sylvania. Miss Etta Cook, of McMinnville, is visit ing her uncle, G. W. Prosser. Mr. A. Maloney and wife wiil leave for California in a few days. They expect to make that their future home. Helen. Mr. Wllllnini baa places! the order for tl lumber tor bin new hotel. Soon as the lum ber is on th ground a large force of crn tvra will go to work on it, and alio will go Bp In a hurry, , ltnw roi tni "Oaklt Hu.i.."-Muy blda were put in. for the (trading of the Oakley hill. The contract waa awarded to Mr. Peek, who was the lowest reapnuilhlt bidder. When the grade on this hill l completed It will give a county road from Wllhoit Springs to Harlow's which will have no superior In the atnte. SmawAiM lUruu.t Hmn Laid.-No that the roada are again good lumber la be ing hauled a rapidly as caix tie cut. Quite a strip baa been laid, and many thousand feet have tieen contracted to be put down at once. i ltt'tt PINll CoMXKNCKIl IN RvHNKsT.- Mr, John Zeek put five carpenter to work on his building last Tuesday, The building Is to lie 40xi 0, and (wo stories. Mr. Zuck says he will liavciteompleteM In short order. Or a Tew Ktam isiiimu jTt.r with Phomixkxt OfTmna Paori.a.-Mr, D. W. fmith, a Port Townsend banker, w here last week looking over the situation of our new tow,n. Mr. Smith has been all over the Willamette valley looking for investment, and after a carvAil examination of all the IKiints divided that Harlow Mueisd the greatest inducements. Mr. Smith mads a caretul view of 11 llmt great country tribu tary to us, and y greatly pleased with bis observation. Poktlami Cu'iTxusT,. or tun Km or Coiimtt a il u'i air, W iiotanxLi Ouockkii. lion. I'onald Macleay, of Portland, will be here thia week, ile coniits to nU k out 11 tract Uhiii which he w ill build a maguilhenl summer house, Oks.kis CtTt Visitor. MLa Kaile U' Orsey and Misa Annie lihnde were ililrs to lira. Harlow's last HuuJay. Goisu to Dflsa.-lr. and klr, Wil liam Barlow will leave for lHinrer ueit Tuesday to vNit their daughter, Mrs. ti. A. Shcppard. Tliej expect to remain about four weeks. Nsw Station A. .int.-Mr. Charles !' I.aslimuil bus succeeded Mr. John Sims as station agent. Mr. I1, will act as agent, and also as telegraph orator. PitriTios roa Post Orrtra. A petition was forwarded this week to Postmaster Gen eral Wannamaker for a (Hist ofllcc at this Hiint. The petition had over one hundred names of legal voters. iHroT TO BK Itl.SMHKl.Kli.The Southern Pacitic railroad bus ordered carpenters to remodel and enlarge tle depot at this Hiiut, a telegraph line. The constant increasing business at this suiit necessitates this change. Gkavki.isu tiik SrKKKTs. A nuuilier of teams will lie placed this week graveling the streets. It will add considerable to the good appearance of the town. G a HiiKN Kits Ill's. Most of the small tracts sold by Harlow .V. Co. are being put in gardens and fruit. The soil of this prai rie being adapted and guaranteed to grow anything almost that soil can produce, brings lots of gardeners and fruit raisers here. Old resilient say it grows every thing, and want now to experiment on trop ical fruits. , II mi as Kxiovaiu kTimk. A largecrowdj congregated at thedance last Saturday even- j ing. Hie Aurora baud lurmshed its usual good strains of music, and a general good time was indulged in by al). A Tkxa Miitiao Mas. Mr. JayGreen, a prominent Texas mine owner, was here this week looking over the location of our town. He was so much pleased that lit could not resist making an investment w ith Barlow & Co. Iwdkbted to the Kditoe. We are in debted to the editor of tlie wide awake Ks trrprisk for a call made us this week, lie was much pleased to note the progress our town is making, and expressed a bright fu ture for "Barlows." Mr. Editor calls it the "garden of Italy." Nettie. 0. Bourret, the Woodburn physician, purchased a lot here this week. He will erect a large two story building on the main street which he will stock with a complete line of drugs. We are pleased to have the doctor among us, as he is a wide awake business man, and his reputation as a phy sician is first class. "i6i"KVwr j HARDWARE OOHTA I'nrtUtnl, Ongnn Dealer- -Plamoud, Nlt,w,tarn Atfutlla for --bailee- Occident -Timltimith ieiler Unc LP -at( I'roscont WedgoH (warrantotl.) H & S Proof Chains. Arcade Filos. Ropo. Loggers and Wood C1ih'hw S?MT.aHiw. Oregon City Agout, W KAKM KAKM KAKM KAKM KAKM KAKM KAKM KAKM PA KM PKOPKUTY PKOPKKTY PKOPKKTY PKOPKUTY PKOPKKTY PKOPKKTY PKOPKKTY PKOPKKTY PKOKKHTY Are you wanting either a Fan or a small tract Call and examine our choico lis Willamette Falls Investme wlreaacroi our aide alk, as broken lnia are not pleasant things lo have and wodonl waul any more from that cauw. . Wa I s. .Newly. The weather is fine and the farmers happy e ice more and busv as ben. All transient laborer can get work among n. if Ihey have the Iwckhone logo in work. Once in a while a trump comes tbrouliour way pretending to seek work, and luimer hires him in good faith, eipcctuig Ui get his work done, only to 1 deceived ky Ihr wretch. It is teally a bailie that young stro.ig fellow should ruii around iu lb vHiunly preunidine to liiinl eini ioyiuini, when ib'Tc is work im every baud aim gnoo wages. But the fa I Is Ihey do not want work. They havegol the check and shamr lsauee to tramp and ask lor a j"b in order to get a mealnr a night's lodging, or drop In at a farm bouse on Saturday night, and make a bargain to go to work on Mundav morning. Then the far.ner will give them tools an I lake tiicut out and show them where to work. But when nnon conies the miserable wretches have kipd, and tlie farmer can go out and bunt up his looli. lint we are glad to unto that this ciuiiium uity is getting tired of ibis lnw class, and our farmers are keeping a sharp lookout fer Announeem T m t-extrabrdi Wo will tlltVf ill KtiH'k I Ilia Week LADIES : GENUINE : I KID TURN SHOD ' Latest -A I HA I A ila.le lit the 1 Stria, J Ladies lineDun.uola Knl, St. Louis' TIU'SC p iil liavt all llit in stiU'liing, luii.-li, ftc ranti'tl to li gmul si-rvi'-o, or tl can liavo ainitlicr jutir frt't inoin'v rt hiiuli'il. very latt'Ht i ami vwrx ji ic jn or (iowOS Mil l, UK I'lSPI. VYI- D IN Ollt WIMMiW Til KY t't'M K IN. the We hoi-e the lime is not hirdiMunl Canby. The citizens of Canby met at Knight' hall on May eighth and organiied a board of trade. The meetUig was largely attend ed and from the feeling manifest would judge that the business men of this place were fully alive to it every interest. Last Friday evening Prof. M. V. Rork addressed a large assembly at Knight's hall on the question of farmer'! alliance. While we don't agree entirely with the pro fessor, will say that he li a fluent apaaker and well worth hearing. The following is the school assessment of district No. 80, of Canby for the year 1891 Vs handed us bv I,. V. Mock, district clerk. Gross value of all property assessed, 105, 105; indebtedness and exemptien, $24,055; taxable property, IHI,0r0. The contract for building onr school house was awarded to J. Wilser, ol this city. He made the lowest bid, $1735. The house Is to be completed Oct. 1. Mr. I. Le Mahiea, of the Courier, b as been among us for several day gathering item of interest for publication. The lodge of Good Templars, of this city elected W. D. Shank and J. S. Wilkinson as delegates to the grand lodge that con venes In Lebanon the second Tuesday ia June. J. A. Chase, of Park Place, was here last Saturday looking after his several Interest here. The EnteM'Wse is represented at this of fice by 34 regular subscribers; the Oregonian by 2'J weekly and 5 daily. M. S.Caldwell, of Hoseburg, has moved to our city. Mr. C into take charge of the section on the S. P. road. We would suggest that it would be wis dom to refrain hereafter from itretching when these Icllows will have to earn their living by honest work or starve .Some of our patriotic Needy people went 10 Portland lo see Presidant Harrison. Amongthem were Mr. licorge Itortoii, pl Jercr and brick layer; S. V.' Ilardi sty, mer chant; l. II. ltyland, attorney; It. W. Zimmerman, tanner, am! harness maker: L. O, lliivver, hop grower and tanner ; T. Tower, musician ami music teacher. They report the reception a grand success, 'i hey fe I well repaid for their trip, and all wish the president t "ale journey home, hoping that be will visit us again. The grippe has about disappeared from ourmid-t, and we are not sorry. Hope it has lost iis grip for good. Mi-s. Worlliy Z.mniermau is home again Iroiu Oregon I'uv, where site 1ms Usui at work for some time. Slie is still jogging along alone, Imivs, Judging by matters anil things, and the actions and movements of Mr. Samuel tiglesby.'thn Sn-dy politician, we Ik ink it is high time, Ix.ys, lor you to tune up your cow horn ami tin pans, and put a new roat of rosin 011 your horse fiddles. Mr. J. V. Kilter is putting up a as-tv slaughter house, and he invites the farmars to bring on their fat beeves, as he is going lo run bis meat wagon in our lunglilMirlmid this season, and he is prepared to buy the farmers' cattle aid furnish them with Irtsh meat, Mr. Chas. lloopman has pan-based the Needy blacksmith lup, and ta prepared to do all kinds of wihh) andiron work. The farmers will do well to patrouUe him, as be he ia a first class workman. Mr. O. II. ltyland has received the ac pointmcnt of notary public, and when tbe boys get ready to take unto themselves a rib they should call 011 him to have the knot spliced. We see in tbe last issue of Tin Kxtih miihk your Wllhoit correspondent gives a kick in regard to the public road. He thinks the people should be stirred up to make better roads, and we think he has good cause or what he nays, and are glad mat ue uas meiuioueu me matter. U't us hear from all the correspondents through The KiTiaraist. Let u all getaiharii stick and go to work in earnest. We all know that the roads are in an allfired bad condition, and that without any reasonable excuse. Our road law isJaine and worn out", and our legislature ought to furnish u with a nevVand netterone. In our district we are doing a little better than usual Three or four enterprising men are doing volunteer work, besides our (upervisor al lows us to do our work at home, where we are interested, and the ieople are pitching in with a will. A great many supervisor are stubborn and selfish enough to put all the work where they arc the most Inter esUid, and ignore the interests of othors In the district by taking the men at one end of the district clear away from their own rood to tlie other end of the district, coiiiikjIIIiik them to work on road where they probably do not travel once in a year. The conse nuences are they do not feel interested in the work, their time is fooled away and the f!,a,ls.,aff '!0" tl,e better- Then again, as tlie Wllhoit correspondent says, oue super yisor undoes another' work. Now would it not be better fur each aehruil .n.i,.t ,., 1.. a road district, and the people elect their supervisors? as they would know who the best man was better than the county court does. Ho should be competent, and'eleetcd for two years instead of one, and thus have in i!ioriiiiiny 1.0 IIIII.HII Wlillt bu coin. jnenees. Otherwise ho nmv lav on" bu iilans, and before lie ran ,.iirrv n... 1..,.. eil'ect his term expires, his work is unlin- J'V "V. "" "-"visor uikcs 111s place, und by tho time tins new one ascertains what the roads in his district require, hi time also expires, and the roads never get any better. iiKB0B NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFI OREGON CUT IKON Vi JAMES IIOAKIU CO, IV Manufacturer.-, and I't iilt-rs in all kindn CAT1X(.S furnislud uud UK PA I US i . : . z por Sullivan : & Davidson OSWK(K), OUKOO.V. Ill CUT DEUGRISTS btlweci Fortlisl ill OwoiJIiy. Carry a full Una of IIRt'll, HKUiaNRH, Tllll.KT ARTICI.aa, KO TIONN AMI KASKIAI L UOOIl. I'ltKSI'ltlM'IONS 'AHKrl'LLV COMI-ot'MDitD QUEI and LUNC Meal aetveil day a Chop In any for MAIN aTMaav, -:- $3,300! -: DOOTSandSJIOESI Bankrupt Stock or BOOTS : : A.2STE GREAT Rl PIIOTC the old tttalil vhn jR- 'ablnrt lltoi SHOES CLIFF ME J. P. CROCKER Keepaeoni Corned Iteef, I'ickll Urd, Dull Hhop ea Seventh ilm To he Bold at M) Contu on the Dollar for 15 days only. Call early if you want your jiick anti avom mo ritHii. Tho Great Eastern Store. Mayer &. Ackerman, Props. JOHN A. BECK, THh RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrlann. PORTLAND, OREGON IS STILL ON KAItTII. For Rt-ncral rrjiairing ho hIuiuIh without a wwr. For firht-olitHH, rc liahlo goods Me -tore is nocond to none. k. - Livery,, Feed ORECC LOCATKD JJKTWKK PI Double and Si die horHt-R alwaj loweRt priewt. I with tho barn for Information ret stock promptly atu letUir. Horses Bou 0. J. IiC Plain and Tho Ixivejoy 1 the city with the all'ordii. QOOD BEDS ANl C0IIMH rOIIHlllUl AI Fa old lit i 1