FARM AN IJCMli. Hulfi ri of lo)prrt In lu Fimiifr, (;p. tltlll-r, HotllrilltliM, Stork llnlncr Hfttl lloiixi linlii. MAKHKT VAI.I'K uK pul .Ty, llniili'ii till fpriiiK In t ln Port- luiul iimrkt't huvi' Ihm'ii fs im p iluz, 1 1 1 i . . i .. , i it . ami yt't I III' IIOIIIUIHI IlUN llrrll vMi limn tin' Miiiiply; tin-)- arc a ,. i "'"'ulil lie under the cuwk' fum d-d imcr iiiiw, lull Htill 1'inninainl lii(.ij'lM ""'' '""I the MuIIh, and re prices. If nur pcojiln would Htt t i "H "flcii hh it wuiku luu k to the continually rowinn niaikc't'! '"'fuller. Thin muvch the plank they niiiwt icHoil to ol In r ineaiiH of I'l'cventH the hoofx from incuhiition Im-hIiIim th.. old hen. j "'"(""K IioIcm in it. ,et (lie lieiiH mipply the tyiK and ' '''J,rl K 11 t" vermin, and if the incuhiitoiH the liroiliTN. 1 plentifully in the poultry ter, cleaner and heallliier ehirkeiiM j 'l'"''', lice cannot live. Here t-mi he niineil inlilieiallv lhau the , "' .ll IM lHor Ih-ii t . and the old In n can ejve iim, and when we i ,,r1'TI""KH nrc hiiv.mI urnl hy the ad eoiiHiilertheiuantitv there ih Hiielr ""xl""', "' ,'HI'"' l,r''",r,"l I" purt a wule .l.ll'erenee tlmt the l I, i ! ,'.'r '""' !" 1 ll" N"' K Thin in the Hot to In' collnid'Ted in the IiIUMIh-m l'-llllcr on the fal'lil eillll at all. Cl.iekenH can he ri., t t" t"" irth may he the thi.-c month old with a g"".! in- i H"VI"KH lml,lt ''' it i ! ciihator and liiimded at a met not . l"'(hJ,,''' t(Mxll tfl pi r duin. not count-! 'I'lin iii-kIn of Hitting Iiciih nhoiild iin; lime and tiny will hrin nut ! '"' "onle of earth, wit h only n tliiu leu than ft'itl 'prr doen, and '".Vl'r "f 1111 id raw on top. A d lint often an much iim 7 ." ami while there H little ciiwt.ii for diw-ae. Mnct of the dmeusiH uf iniiillrv ----- youii' and old, nrccaiiHi-d Lv liee;j'"''' "r" '"HUHhed. with th- iueulmtor there are ml I u the Miei.p, piK mimI youuj; dloek lice, alld l'ulliuilli'lit diheane. Norl hwedti very lilli l''aniier. lilii'W !i M l(A III 1(1(11 . A mm 1 method of growing Hicre i no pin t nf th,. farm ceou Ktraw herrieH fur oruniui ntal as well "my umri! importanl than tliH as ie, was seen ly the writer last miininerat Medford. A Imx was lilted with earth, and several two inch holes Ikhi iI in the Hides and end nf the Imx. In these ImlrN straw U'rrieH plants were placed. and in tin liter of the earth a lare tomato ean, Willi holes pun ched in the Uittoni, was nearly) luiried. Water placed ill the ciHli fei the plant" for several tin s. ! I lie sun lieaung agaiusi Hie WimhIi ii nurfm e cau-i d the I'erri. h at T until a very thick whit'e sud to ris'ii ijuickly, and the hloss.mis ' H achieved, is Is i-'t. I'se this fust and fruit wen- very ornamental, j watcr to cut the du;-t. and after that Trv the plan -Independence West j Wiisli the soapy water out of it Side. I thoroughly with clear water that imvs i KwiMt tiik iahm. Hlimild liuvery hot, holding your ... , ., t i it ! head over a liasin and letting it he It is nut the agricultural college . n . i i. .ii i- ,ir tKiiired Iroui a small pitch- r. 1'rv than weans the l.ov from the farm,1', . ,. , ,, . 1 . , ,. , . ,. iii,' ii ,i , the hair lirst witli (owe s, anil then hut the dude literary college that i . , . . . . .. . ' . . ,, ; ,i do not hraid it while it is damn, gives a smattering n science, the,. . , . . , , . , ' r i ii ic. ! hut have it either f.iiincil until it is languages (ilead) iiii'i literature, i . .. ... . 7 ,, , . .,, . ... i dry, or if possih e stav in vour ll is rt hah v stated that in I utario, I " . . 1 . . . - .. . .. i c ' rHiu and let it hang loose until it where hey make a husines of . . f .. . ,. , , , I. i ! is free from all inoi-ture. po not fending children to ugricultura , . , , , , , , ,, ... . In- ndiiee.l under anvcircumst.inees rnoois, more wiau i i n ui. m il I.U.-L th.. luriii. An. I ,. r . ,,, ii- i ileal Ii iiiel ilotruction to tin- hair, i ...,,,,1,1 ,,,,,. ,,f ,rr..n t.. tK I'ri-sH Hit t hamlicrlain savs he , , , if. ,. . ici , 'tii proe 01 fjrtat is in til 10 Hie 1 1.1 .1 11 "1 'aiul imt giKnlior the scalii. It tin-re !,.i,. u-i,;i. tl.,. i.r,.. has wished thai he could exchange . , . ! i,,,,,- ,. ' al " l ' hue the w heat pros 1 t 1 . .' 1 are oliHtinate spots of ilai i ri ll, run 1 , . . ,,...,,, ,.e , l,ui r... two year s study of Latin, drceki. , '.. ' ) -ct at present are ot tin- lesl, re- , , ., t f .1 - , ,- ..... I 1, In ..rii.iiliv fur tlie instrtietio 1 , .... .. .... . I iiui is usually given 111 a reiw agri i-ultural College, iimM Tin: w kst Mr. tieorge (Mark, sihk. a rustling5 farmer lu-ar Monmouth, sav that on grub land the Mile of tin- wood will almost pay for the clearing, and that grub land, if cleared, is nr. good as, if not Is ttcr than, the prarie lands. Mr. ll-.gcrs, of Independence, who in authority on tiling, says that front hi past years of exper ince be is profiling, nd tUat he will bury 20,0ml more tile this year, lb- places the drains four rods apart, and. find the result in be a ., i- t 1. 11 ri . , 1, j ,lir. rrilUK 1 one, ... savs that he is satisfied that thous- iin'il of acre of land in Folk ! county, now barely paying interest raising wheat, will in a few years make the owners wealthy in fruits, and tiie fruit industry will bo the means of dividing tfie large farms. Mr. C. M. Brown, of Independ ence, says that be is satisfied that spraying is "necessary in all our orchurds, and that no fanner can raiie good fruit in Oregon, or any where else, unless ho prays; that tho careful cultivation of California orchards would surprise Oregon, farmers, and that fruit raising is destined to become a great industry here. HOKTICUIri'HAI. NOTES. The state method of training grajm vines has but one advantage over any other. We can plow and cultivate both ways and keep the ground clean with less hoeing- It is however, not iib good as a trellis, neither is it as convenient for tying and distributing. Tho announcement has been made that tho Massachusetts Horticultural society, will spwnd ;i,0)0 during 18!) I i P"kch for plants and flowers. James J. N. Oregory says that for tho onion maggot bo has found liens and chickons a possible remedy. Ho claims that a hen and brood of chickens will take ca-o of from an aero to an aero and a half. in nimiini? ii list of desirable planlH of 1 lie iionm, in i . .i. ii , , . , 'i'..:i i: M: nr.: ea 1 H in leni ion n' i i iiiiiiiu n:;,i (i'-i i. lie of the best, of i f fl..- c i- : crowUi. , i 1 1 . a ! ;i i V;li-tv ol il;l' Willie IIIVIIKC ( TIH KIRHKk'n IIIHINKli'TANT, Tli" fanner Iiiin al hm e.Miiiiiiin.l JnliHinr.'clmit, a ol..aiiniiiK. purify K nKfiil IhK.t than any puU-nl In- can liny, H ,.imtM ,(,t,i iifjr, -x-''l tli.i lalmr of procuring it. U 1m .mii-Ui (V.-kIi, clr,,,,,, I'hc, in th.. Hiuhl.-M, it. al.Horlmtlti li'IUi'1 uiaiiiirnaiiil IimIiIm it till tllllu I...... ... ! .... !.. .'i II' 'in . i . in iihcii a ru n n-rui- l"T, N'Vllll I 111' IPX i,f inirll '"" iudiH-iiHilile. If thefowlH . , - have il.andeiirth in timid plentifully under the roost and in the in-HtH. pi'HM eiirtli hlioui lie UHi-d with a iuvihli hand, for it in lh fanner'n Hciivcncer it enahlt M him to gather i p tie fraguiciitH of iniiniii'e, and (.'leaning and saving of the natural lerlllieo. It is the life of the fanner of the farm ; it is his hank, and the dividend are nure. Who ever liegins winter without n hig hank of earth to draw upon, ha neglected to make ll good illVCht lUI'llt. lloW TO WASH TDK II A I It. I I ' .1 I ll'l rut wanning me nair, hiivh i no J,l( j. Home Journal, lisiuiil! tiieee r Lite icn soaii nut in verv hot put ....... ... .. ........ ... .. 11 11 111 . wirriiiu- uu-l i-i wii 111. ii .... plHCi- well tl he next morning. 11 1 MS. (iood l!iUskefp,-r. For cankered throat. ore nimUl etc., u-i borax ami l.-niey; drink . sage or slippery elm ten. j 1 Anyone who ha been scalded by I ; : steam should b" taken ton warm1 ' room, and the parts drenched by I jc"ld water. j j A tea made of ripe or dried j whortleberries, and drank in place j of water, is claimed to be a speedy i cure for many forms of scrofulous .troubles. 1 Fur Minnie hoar-eiic,-., take a fresh egg, In at it and thicken with !.-,. ri,., n,r,r le.'.t free v of t. ....... . .j ... I anil the hoarseness will soon he ! greatly relieved. Anyone can add strength and weight to his Isidy by rubbing well with olive oil after a warm bath. Oil baths are particularly beneficial to delicate children. Kqual parts of cream tartar and saltpeter make an excellent remedy for rheumatism. Take one-half tcaspoonful of the mixture and divide it into three doses. Take one of these doses three times a day. When tho anklp has been bov orcly sprained, immerse it imme diately in hot water, keeping it there for fifteen or twenty minutes. After it has Iwen taknn out of the water, keep it bandaged with cloths wrung out of hot water. Tho white of an egg, with a little water and sugar, is good for child ren who are troubled with an irri table stomach. It is very healing and will prove an excellent remedy for diarrhoea, as well as a simple preventative) for bowel disorders. As an antidote for a consump tive tendency, cream acts like a charm; to he used instead ot cod liver oil. Also aged people, invalids and those who have feeble indiges tion, or suffer from dullness, as well at growing children, will bo greatly benefitted by taking sweet cream in liberal quantities. (IHIi(K)N WKATIIKU HI'liKAU. Cintimi. Oi'i'li'K, INu-l In ml , Oivenn,) Cmii-W.-ullii-r lliilli-lm No. 7. Km' week emlunt ilur M;iv l-M.I (Thi-; buii-i r. ,-!..! f--. i ! .-(ate ihii'iii;: the 1 i 'I V monl !i ol' Ap.'il w ;i -to the growth of cropo. Tlmtotnperiitiire m tdightly Is low Iho ttvi-ragu. 'I'lm amount of cloudincHH and rainfall was alsive the averagft. There wern no Injurl ouh frosts, Tho rainfall retarded spring needing in Western Oregon. Fall and early spring sown grain have hud uiiUHiiully good growth. 'I'lm fruit wIih never nioru promis ing. The grass is good. Slock arc fattening rapidly. May opens most auspiciously for a fruitful harvest of all prodiictioiiH. On the 2'U, 2llh fun! LTilli, frost and ice and snow sipmlls occurred in sections of KiiMtern Orogon, WKSTKIIN OIlKdON. WKATIIKU. The fore part of the week was cloudy, cool and rainy, whihi the hitler part whs cloudlesH and warm. )otighiH, .loHipliini' and Jackson eounticH were wanner, and hud less rainfall than the Willamette valley and coast. Light fronts occurred on the 27th and 2'.lth in various local ities, hut iiu damage was done. The usual frost period is now past, and no damage need he expected from il. I HOI-M. The sunshine was greatly desired, and is proving of great licncfit to tie- growing crops. The present weather is excellent for (111 vegeta tion which is now making rapid growth, l'oiilars, lindens, and other deciduous trees are coming into leaf. Spring seeding on low lands is now hcing rapidly pushed. Karly w heat is very heavy, and in lodging in phwes. Tin- fanners are all ju hilant over present crop prospects, Fruit never promised better yields than it docs at present. Apple are blossoming; peaches, pears and cherries are dropping their bloom and the calyx is enlarging. The grass is remarkably good, ami Htock arc fattening. IIKAl.TII. Tho late cool, damp weather ap pear to have revived the grippe; many communities aro sullering from it. KAhTKUN OIIKOON. WKATHKK. Showers occurred in fore part of week inmost sections. On the2.'!d snow fell and ice formed along and south of the lilue mountains. On tin- 'J.'ith, 2"t Ii and 2!Hh frost were general; no seriou damage in re sirtetl from them. Cherries nnd wheat were slightly injured in a : few places. The ti'lnHTiituri' con tinues cool, but gradually rising. Not ipiite an average temperature i prevails. j ntoi's. ' Fall and early spring wheat con- itinuetobe promising. Late sown spring wheat is not so good on no :,.,,) t nick ol ram. .More rain ,iri. :,,,i ,,.,. . !,., fl,., norts indicate ill. u uie ports indicate that the promising ! conditions w ill not continue unless j more ruin falls. The field are 'dusty and the need of rain is al- ready apparent. The grass is good. 'lnck reported to be doing well. ''! H. S. I'a.i. k, Ob.-ervcr 1'. S. Signal Service. Mr. Diiyley, of Manchester, is a moM iMiinycoiw anil uiithiuuiistio Usherwoin an. lkiitu tlio inclemency of the wwitlit-r, winch it would seem that only liiinli'mtl gillies could wiiiure, this lady bravely faoi-d the eluuientii and landed on una trip six muuifif"Ut salmon, three of whi.1i weighed 28, 22 and W pound retjDcctively. Mr. Iiayley mio r.vdod in landing only four (inn on Ihb OCCIisidll. The queen regent uf Spain ia a very much overworked and worried woman, diwpite her rank tuid authority. Sin) is BuQVriiiK friun acuto nervous prostration, and has btvn advised by her physicians to lcv Mini rid for a tiuio to obtain per fect nut from her anxitk. This she cannot do for fear of endangering the security of her son's throua if she relaxes her Ti(rilnea in regard to steta affairs. The smallest shoes in trade are made for Annie Pixlejr, who tripe about the oonntry in No. 2J. According to the sftuie autliority Maiy Andurmm wears H, LiltUn Knsnetl, 4; Ada Rohan, 6; Lillie LanRtey, (Si; Ellea Terry, , and Mand Kendal, 6. Bernhardt takas a No, i last, but the long nje of avUala has spoiled ber feet for breach beots and Spanish slippers. Itti Kinney lUno, the Nashville au thoress, ia the wife of Iioliert Ross Eeno, who cotnos from the Rosses of Penmsyl vania, and who, with the Haklamans and Camanms, claims a share In the es tate of old Philippe Francois Renault, valued at' $309,000,000. Mrs, Ross has just oomploted a new novel. She is a hard worker and frequently write four teen hours a day. A perfect foot is a rare -beanty. The foot of Pauline Bonaparte, which was modeled by Canova, is spoken of by eon temporaries as of marvelous beauty. She was well aware that ber feet were the perfection of form and tint, and had them as daintily cared for as feere her hanJs, the imils beiuR jwludied and rvuged by bvv maid. Here is an idea. Artists will pay good prices for the frames of old pianos. They use the wood for panels to paint en. The seasoning of tbe wood W such that it will rctuiu the brilliancy of color longer than any kiud of canvas or other mate rial. At Mi-h Pin-- i V. ilU , .'.t K'ljll iy bac'..i.l a.,uin iht-ir iiwilo Mm, Mm aMiftwr ai MAa TMnwa, hm krmaUA Urn tmi tnrp WW apinwilm myi. It it a imifhin that baflvw, rtnsra, drips and trim iim entire Dohnr breed niiiiultaiie nuxly by the Him pin tnruing of a crank. The Delwrs lire on the water front, near the old sulmon cunnery, back of Old Town. Mke miiny of the bouwii in that vHnity, the In nun of Uie Dolxsrs is built on piles. At hltfli tide the buck porch of tUI humble home eiteiule over the WKtr, and thin frt wan favorable tc the idea nwlilch Mother Dolxrr had worn roiiceuM in hr mind for somo time. With the uiwinWnce of her IxmUand, tli enterpriMinjc butovwworki-d woman cut a hole in tint flooriiitf of the back porch alsnittfour feet wjuare, and then Imilt a wiii'llm like thorn iiiaseon old fashlnn ed well ciirlw. Tli'-u nhi! got a iimitity of stout wire gne or screens und made a oruto or banket Unit wmild eunilyiilip through the hole in the floor. 'IIiIh banket, which wan about three fit (hi-p, wiw huig in slings fiiH. ii. at the four corners and then alliuihed to the drum of the wind Iuhh. Tim baby wiihIiit was now read) to be put in np. ruti.iii. liright and early every morning the five little DuIh-i-m are huntled out of tx-d. The eldmt, a girl of nine, though small for her oe, in an extremely handy young girl and a great help to her mother. Slic peels the nighties off her little brothem and sUlcr. likewim ber own. and loud! the children into the wire bosket Next she throws in a handful of wafered mid then join the little band of CAiuli-daU-H tor tiumeriiioii. When everything is ready Mother Do lier, who bus been unending to her house hold dtiu. w in the meantime, comes out and lnitns thu windlniM crank. She low ers her happy little flock down into the clear, cold water and given them a thor ough dousing by working the crank backward und forward. Thin movement and thu commotion made in the basket by the children produces a lather from tlie soap and cleiuiwn the kids in a man ner equal, if not superior, to the regula tion hand bath. Unlike moet children, who kick and raise a fims when being scrublied, tlie little Dober actually enjoy their matu tinal plim;;e bath. The cold water im parts u healthy glow to their pink skill, and their even uparkle with delight an they duck and tumble over one another in the bat-act. The youngest, a bimching little youngster only eightwn months old, fairly shrieks with delight at the prosjiect of a plunge, and cries when hi neither thinks it bx oold for him to go down in the basket When Mm. Duller tiiinks her brood ia clean enough to but till tlie next morn ing she Ii im In the banket up flush with the pliitiorm, fastens the crank aud let j them dry a while. This operation aud the gentle lepbyrs thai blow in from I lleJiingham bay muwve all traces of j moietnm, no that no townie are needed for drywig- the Utftutte, whiuii is an iiu pocfciot eavhiK of utittartiil m wU as tune. Twhxim NIS. OH r.Mluae Stomp- At liwt a jiJan ban lieen Bfovered for using old puxfetge efcimps to some ad vantage. Hie firnt tbingi to rUorouglily souk tleun, so that thy uo lonxur adlu-re to the jwpi-r. and the best way is to im merse them in water for ouie time. Von then huve them rejuly for the mo saic work. The more diverse the colur ing the U tter, ami in the collection for use there should Iw blue, red, green in fiu-t, every color that can Ik- Sound. Then prod-ed to arrange thtm in geo inetriral patterns. cutt:;vj some diagiv nally aoros where the design neeils it, or in halves. They caa be adopted to the designs published for patchw.rk. The chief point to aim at is to select a gool pattern, t keep it uniform, and to blend the colorings wedl. Wlien these have Ixyi mastered it is Tery ornamental work, applied to the tops of tables, amall cabinets, boxes, frames, letter cases, etc. It reijnires to lie sized and varnished with clear crystal varnish. Londen Tit-Uits. . A liar EiMtnple or Deration. Miss Julia Redman, of this city, has not been half a block from her home in the last twelve years. During that time Miss Redman, who is a pretty and ac complished young. woman, has been in perfect health. Her apparent strange conduct is das to the fact that sh has been a constant attendant on an invalid mother, whe died n-centiy. Miss Red man this week visited th business part of the ety for th first time in welvt years, ft had grown eat of mar mcol lection. She is now thirty-two yaars obi Here is a ran example of a daugh ter's devotion. Dsbnque Cor. Chicago Times. A Will Olrt't Boomm. A blind girl has matriculated at If el bourne university. . In algttbm, arith metic, French, Latin aud several ether objects of study aha has tahea a first class position. She has been sightless from infancy. She has had, however, passion for study, and it is her anbition to earn her own living by edooeiionai or literary pursuits. At the examination she wrote ber papers by the aid of toe Braille system. A teacher frem the Blind BctSoel transcribed her work into the ordinary oharaotera. Exchange. 8ka Killed ' Cm with a Olab. Miss Louise Burreother, Satarday after noon, hoard a noise in the hetxtoop, and going ont to ascertain the cauae found a large coon in the ooep. The young lady souo aecured a club and went back to the coop aud killed the animal. It weighed sixteen and one-half eouads. The BUTenther family live, on qpper Pratt street ia the suburbs of W ins ted. Hartford Cotirant. In FTankfort experiments. are shortly to lie made to show tho application of electricity to aerial navigation. The pnlley which controls the avent and do- sivtit i-f t'.ie ballihin win lv ..r.ttc.l by i'-i !'' v'yu' U'V, an-.l n kv'.!.e wire w i :: ,! !. ri ::v. '::-n t :. c:"i : en 1--U- tva Kin.,,- in I !i. l-alleou ;.aa at tiio t.UuUiJj,' point bolovv. Um. WkmrnA 1891 . . . gprinj We earnestly Invite your attention to our magnificent showing of New and Stylish Selections For the Spring and Summer Months. Your own Interests cannot bo better served than bv familiarizing yourselves with tliewi goods and prices, because they reptesent STANDARD GRADES and BOTTOM PRICES. More new styles, handsome selections and choice novelties than ever before. Come and seo our complete assortment of Spring and Summer styles in . . . DRY GOODS... Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Etc. i SELLING. LUMBER. The GLADSTONE MILL CO. Now have a Full Stock of Lumber on hand and can fill all orders promptly. Their stock embraces Flooring, Celling, Kusllc and all erades of Dressed Lumber, Lath, Tiikefs and Dimension Stuff. Special Bills Cut. Send in your J.F. O'REILLY & CO. STOVES n Cheapest : in : the : city Orders from the country promptly filled. 148 Third Street, Portiand. Near Morrison. UMUO! 1 Of All Designs, From the Smallest Otxilcl'js Chair To the Largest Patent Rocking Chairs of neat and nobby designs; Perfo rated and Wood-seat Chairs; Fancy Reed and Cane seat and back Dining and Library Chairs. MATTRESSES I MATTRESSES! We also carry a complete line of Mattresses Yum Yum, Coil Spring; Box and Top made to order. Woven wire, two and three-ply, of all sizes; Bedsteads, Lounges, Cots, Etc., Etc. Warren cSc Holman. Oregon Picture Frame Company Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Fictures, Bric-a-brac, Engravings, Etchings, etc. 108 Third Street, Portland. fl-Orders by mail or boat promptly filled. Oregon City Sash & Door Factory MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Turning of all kinds, Special sizes of doors and windows made to order. Estimates for stairwork. Orders promptly filled p.-- The New Remedy. ii .M...... '. . K if' , it li i n only ton months this irulv rom-rkil.ti tni.!!etm hi t.nnH tlx way , : if'li' tin" vi-r; I'.'st Inmiliov. tci-:"!-v i! : i:'-i. k. .N-li . n w- tv't'"!. r i! i'x viuuIm i : : - 1 i f . h : ; t . ( i t . itti ing full i - i i ; r : Si i5 1' ; -'-:-. .' ; i .' i :-.-.. .i. r Kvi'lusivo Aitonu for CJi.t-Uiinui' l uumy, 'i liuS CliAKM IS & mS, v-- urtjjuu 1'ii.y, urrgoo. and Suinmcr, LUMBER. orders before the Spring rush. Arlington Building Absolutely Pure. draw A. GREAT STJCCESS greatly admired. lowers uro I very lavorawt; opnujiciiw for cousidunible oiUU