Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 08, 1891, Image 3

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Ikt(trrtlhir Ciiiuiniiitiirli'it and New
Ileum ( ltiii'il From F.itt'iiitnitea.
Hun Kranrlaeoi Aiiioiik tlm iHHiigtirii
who arrived here yoaienUy by the
German tramp Mliininiir, llonnM from
the Orient worn 47 Jiiimneee, of wImiiii
!) are wonimi, They lite of auoh a low
oltia ilml Deputy Hnrveyor Oiwklll mimI
IiIm iihmIhIiiiiIii could not Ijii curliilii
whether t!ny were I'lilniinn or Jiihwi(ii!
"Don" Un'harda, the Interitrettir, waa
ienl for and aiitlalliul lilinaeli that they
were really Japa, Murine Huri.oii M.io
IntoHh fliwolv examined all the Japane)
and Dually refuand to li't them land.
Tim wiik'I Kruiliiil un w Inch tlny wore
ri'fiiHo1 it iiindlinr ruiilil not be awer
tallied, hut it In anppoaod about the
Cimoim-hoiiae that II l kiw they
Briliulititu beeoine publiii clmrKPH. Tim
Japa have no money and only a vmy
mull amount ol luiKKiiKM. The steamer
in In a very filthy condition, and
(jiiarantinn Oflloor IawIit placed lier In
quarantine until ahe Into been tlioroiilily
rutin or cArn.t VAtatmi.
Klickitat Leathir: Tim cattle proaiieota
and price of cattle la Bllll on thn rlae.
Last year Htih k cattle aold in Moiilmm
lor twelve and fiftmm dollar a hwa.1.
W now ham ill the ltiilln Dally Miner
that n Unfit t'Htllu deal waa cnnailinnUid
in thul atale, Nalaim htorv acllinu; hi
whole herd ol M.OtHl heail, which are
now gratiiiK on llm ('row reservation,
to a company in which Mr, John T.
Murphy, ol Helena, In lnu rented.
Twonly-llve dollar 'r head waa the
price inli lor the cattle. ThiaU ulinont
double the price paid (or rattle loot year.
An increase ol liK) er cent In on year
ml atill ifoinn up la not a hail pruaiiect
lor tbe(ariiii'r
Kaletn Journal: It II. Miller, formerly
of Salem, tint tmw editor of tlm Nprinif
fleliMiaaette, iiioiirna the loa of a run
vanaer ami aeveral I Ik ilollara. A nice
piwarliiK youiitf man struct. Kprlnifllcld
ahort time mc ami the eilltor ol the
(iiiK'tte hired him to canvas (or lull
.riliera lie ptircheaed a horse unt
outllt ami ohl them to the yountf man
(Ultimo, Aller rnnvniuiiiiir a (ew il.ivs
the young man Hold Ini oullH (or cunti,
which he pa'ktd iilmiif with the anil
acrlpthm moni'y he Iim I collei'leil anil
kipieil out witlinut leavinc hit future
I'cii-r the I'oi't, eilitor o( lint Klniimlli
Htnr (Uihea up the Klone itit.it ai lollowa:
huiurl Kuui'tin folk lately put forth
their I"'! I'tforta to (ik)I the olil fonnilit of
tluit region, hut fnilixl. They cliialed
nut a nt'inn man, gave 'lie lure a flue
touch eiprenaive of thu ''treamirv"
willed iik." carleil it to a lonely (lell
ami mihiie ptently iluit It up ami pre
lum tei! it an active dweller Hut ,mc
of the uremic reutaiiia of the hmt lettia
Intnre exuuiineil it ami pronounced it a
(rami. It waa too Kvmmelricai and
It had no mom on ila luu 't
Itoteman Anal. An editor who had
Ixten MiiindiiiK away at hi delinquent
uliKerilra for noine limn, llnullv
droiiKht litem lo their aenne o( duly with
the following ii.al panxlv: "I.lvca
of (wxir men oft nmind iim Itoneil toil
don't a'aml a chance; more we work we
leave tiehittd ua hiitifer patchei on our
panta. tin our panla mice new ami
Kloaav now are patchea of diirront line:
all lieeauae kuli'rilieri lntK"r and wont
pay up what ia due. Then let all be up
ami diiiint; aeml In vour tnito I it over
o amall, or when the anow o( winter
trikea im we will have no panta at all.
uonx ro tbk ha lai.ANna.
Capitol Journal: Frank C. Baker,
the alate printer, left laat evening (or
Kan KrnnciHco on lila way to the Sand
wich Inlands, where he goea to viait
liia brother, I'hiirlcn linker. They have
not met aince 1872, and Mr, linker ex
pect to tie almeut aliout five week.
Upon liia return he will attend the con
vention ol the International Typograph
ical Union, to he held at Hoaton on
June 8ih. Mr. Hnker atatea the work ol
of the lant lexialalure ia very nearly
cleared up, mid during hia abaence the
atate prinlimt oflice will lie looked alter
by Ueorga Hibliert, ol Aatorla.
roMPARiaoN or VAi.i'm.
Aatorla bulletin: It iaaaid that Handy
Oldn, who inurden! Kinil Welier and
alter lour triala waa aontenceil to one
year in the' penitentiary, is workinu
aide by aide with a man who atole 1-0
and waa aent up lor five year. Accor
ilinil to mnthemiitical calculation! the
law which aent thene two men to the
penitentiary m nut have placed a value
ol lour diil I arn on Weher'a life aailiteoata
(Ire year to ateal :'0, and one year to
kill a man, the man mnat be worth one
tilth a much na thn twenty dollar.
Capital Journal: The McMinville
Keporter chnmpiona a new flower (or
the floral eaibleui of Oregon. It brin
(oreward the wild currant, and advances
HrKUincnta why it hIioiiM lie iiiikIo the
atato flower (o'Orenon. For the journal
the dandelion and lily aru too common
ami lack in ulowinK colon. It wantaa
flower that la radiant, repplendent and
brilliant in colora. Itcloaea its argu
immt by anyimc "Give na the dauliiiK,
tho brilliant wild currant lor Btnte
BukerCity Blade: A during attempt
at robbery waa made on tho eaat-bound
paHHeii(fnr train Saturday evening laat.
Three men ntlaoked a pasaengor in the
ainoking car, who had (150 on hia per
son. They miecoedod in Hocnring the
money, but hia (Ties attracted the at
tention of the conductor nnd several pas
muigera who entered the car and made
the robbers return the money. No ar
rwtB were made, Thn above hapfioned
l)otwe(in Union and North Powder.- Re
publican. jti.KCTioN oForncRHa.
Ktigenn HoglHtor: The slockholders oi
the Myrtle Creek Consolidated Gold
Mining Manufacturing Company hold
their annual mooting in this city last
Saturday, Tho following directors
wore elected to servo the ensuing year:
E. ,T. Pavis, G. 1!. Chisinan, L. W.
Brown, B. C. Ward, of Salem, Evan
I'elci'Hitn. Tito directors then clouted
the following olllcws: l'res. I,. V.
Brown ; Vice pros., K. I'utorson j Sec, A.
E. Whoelur; Troas., T. G. llondricks.
iTSNiuaa nt i.iaa.
Grants Pass Courier: The Bogus
Hlver Valley Hal I road Co. is talking
ol extending lis line from Med lord to
f.agle Point, and on the completion ol
the rond there we see no reason why a
thriving ami prosperous town will not
grow up mere
Kiigelie Guard. Thn Rommeiiceiniint
exerulHea ol the University o( Ui(ou
will begin Sunday, June 14th, Ituv V.
I., t'orwin, ol Salem, lias been engaged
lo deliver the baccalaureate sermon,
Arthur I, . Fra.ur, ol Portland. o( the
class ol'HJ, will dellyor tiio addriiss be
fore the University, June 17, at 7 p in.
CArTt'HKU A Tllill'IIV,
Astorlan i John Harlan was Infills
nllice yesterday with a largo gray eagle
that he had killed on the corner of Main
anil Klaskaulne avenue. The proud
bird of Ireedoin waa sitting on the apex
o( a blasted Mr when Marian's ritlu
broiiKbt him down He measured seven
leet seven Inches from tip to tip, He
will tut stuffed, and would be a good
companion to the elk that goes to Louis
ville next month.
IndcMndence West Side: Many a
writer ol note has received his first
lesson from becoming a correspondent to
the country press. You may write lor
practice or practice to write, and the
people ol your villlaue become interested
In what you say, Thn you are encour
aged lo "prea on" until, II you have
talents in that line, after years ol toil
and hard study you may probably be
come an author or an editor.
The Votes Fur City Office rs Cnnrnssed.
Regular meeting of the council Vd
mmday evening, May (Hit.
Present: T. F. Hyan, mayor; I,. L,
Porter, recorder; C. 10 Burns, marshal;
J. W. OVonnell, 0 II. Cautleld. J. W.
Treuiliath, Clias. Alhey, T. I,. Charman
C L. Parker, councilman. Absent,
Minutes of last meeting read and
Hepoits of ollicera were read and re
ferred to liimnce committee.
ToTiik Mayom And City Cocncil or
Omkuov City.
lUGKN'rucMKN: The charter requires
lout 1 iiiuke'a report at this term on the
sute ol the city lluances.
Thu only sou ice 1 have to go to is tho
honks in w hich the warrants aru entered
when issued. The warrants are ran
culled in tins book when returned by
the tre.isnrcr. This hook shown $-4 , tjs.ri,
1M ol warrants uncancelled. Undoubt
edly some small warrants never will be
returned. Therein outstanding til) ,000
in bunds. This indoliitciliie-s is re
duced by the amount ol warrants can
celled by the treasurer and not yet
turned over.
I.. L. Pohtkk,
I herewith band you my report as city
collector lor Oregon City :
Ami. ol registered Uxe cul-
lechMl . . . . $3(H8 4H
Auit. of speciul taxes collected. . -i St IHI
From licenses and periuita IMS) SO
Water Rent l.M 15
tM3 0U
PaidSchilling, license cancelled t lit 00
Cum on t-NM 15
Paid to treasurer VSM Oil
KkM 00
8. K. (iHKkS,
City Collector.
I) K Sbeiipard t 0 00
111 AS Co 122 M
Clias. Holds 10 00
Wolf A Z.weick m Ul
J Roake 12 57
Walker A Ihikes 11 W
A Anderson A Co 65 00
Orcgonian 10 60
CBabcock 50 00
('has. Paulstein.... 8 (0
C K Burns 80 50
I, 1. Porter 17 50
0 0 K L Co K7 65
A J Giesy 25 00
Charman A Co 1 15
Joe Barrett 13 24
F It Charman : 27 70
Gladstone mill 16 40
Gill A Co 1 IK)
John Kelly 5 00
O W tireennun do
W 11 Howell 40 (X)
I) K Sheppard 0 00
Sydney Smith 14 00
John Kelly 00 00
Pope A Co HO 47
HJLivermoie 10 00
K B Walker 40 20
T W Sullivan 4 00
A Walker 88 00
James Roake 102 07
J W Cole 6 00
John Graham 6 00
M K Willoughby 5 IK)
8 K Green 5 00
F K Donaldson 6 00
The ordinance providing for a water
commission was read the second time,
and passed. The following were elected
as follows; T. V, Ryan, $ years; Hiram
Straight!- years ; C. H. C, Cuutiuld, 1
The city surveyor submitted his re
port of the suivey of Seventh street,
and an ordinance was read and ordered
published establishing said grade.
The ordinance authorizing tho mavor
and recorder to sign lease of water
right ground from the W. T. A L C,
was read the second time and passed.
Councilman Catiliuld announced that
B. Goldsmith, of Portland, had bid one
half cent premium on tho Oregon City
On motion $300.27 remaining in the
special fund, was transferred to thu
general hind.
An ordinance amending section 8,
providing that peddlers of fruits and
vegetables shall pay a licenso of $5 per
month, wiib read the second timo, and
passed the second time. All the coun
cil voting aye except O'Connell and
Committee on streets and public
property reported favnrahly on the
petition of K. K. and Mary ('barman
for a sidewalk to connect with the
Clackamas Heights sidewalk.
Tho council canvassed the voto for
city ofllcors cast last .Monday, and the
mayor ordered certificates of election
issued to the candidates who bad re
ceived the required number of votes.
Councilman O Council entered a pro-
tsst against Issuing aesrtifleste to mayor
elect T. VT. Sullivan, claiming that b
din not posses the ipiallllcatlons ot an
elector. Mr. Sullivan being called upon
explained distinctly that lie had been a
reshlent of Oregon City for twenty-five
months, but the council refused to see
it In that light, and when the matter
waa submitted to them to decile
whether a certificate ol "lection should
be issued to Mr. Sullivan, they all
voted No, except Charinan.
On motion the council adjourned un
til Wednesday evening,
TO wimWiMiuwn.
Written by Miss Clara Konsid for Tux Ks-
Welcome, Mr. i'rsslileiitl
Thrice welcome are you here;
Coins, alt you down henlile us,
And taste you of our cheer.
You've come a long ami weary way,
And need a little rent;
8o ill you down conUmU'il
And be our honored guent,
We'll give you ol tlm bent w have
The Injnt our state ull'nriln ;
We've lota of other tiling here
llcoii li-s some while pine hoards.
We may not ralne the orange,
Nor cultivate tlif linn;
Hut we've something more substantial
To occupy our time,
We raise the pluiuet wheat,
And make fits wltiUnt flour.
And our crops are clean and neat,
A ud our grains are never sour.
We boast of our potalixn,
Our onions take tlio price;
Our orchards and our gardens,
Are really asurprise.
And then we havs our rivers,
That are teeming full of flab,
All free to every uiiimr
Who loves that narory dials.
And many other thing are here
That much the lint would swell ;
lint 'tin no use for me to say
'Twould take a dny to full.
Hut lisik you, honored President,
And see our wpiailrnna come;
They re marching to the music
And beating of the drum.
They hail yon, Chic! or all the States.
United nn In one;
Koch liiilceiidriitof the rent,
Vet loyal as the nun.
With many million Ireemen
Behind you, stu b sn tlteie,
You need not fear a fneniaii
From fur across the .
lint see our banners Itjing,
And hear our ople shout
With patriotic tire
All along the route,
O, in it lor a mvs alone
We make so much display
And leave our work am! heat the drum
And dress our city gnyf
(l, no I it is not you alone
That we so much admire;
'Tin the raiscirLxa ynu represent
That set our blood on lire.
The right to Life and Liberty,
We live now to enjoy ;
We feel 'tis ours by right, sir,
And none may it destroy.
The right to seek for happiness
In cosy, quiet home,
And eat the best we can afford
l.ikc kings utsm their thronss.
Because you represent thene rights
We give you honor due.
And while you guard them carefully
You'll always tlnd us true.
TION. Kuitoa or KsTxarKisi. Your generous
and timely otter of space for a teachers' de
partment should be accepted by the teach
ers of Clackamas county.
It seems to me that we nerd some sort of
an organiiation to bring the teachers to
gether to sonsult and devise means for the
better advancement of the schools of onr
Other professions snd trades have their
organiiations, and why not the teachers of
our public schools?
In various counties of the state teachers
have regular meetings for the purpose of
discussing methods; for Social improve
atent, etc. ; and it seems to me that we, the
teachers of Clackamas county, ought to
keep abreast ol the times.
Let us organize a Teachers' AssociatioB,
have regular meetings, and strive to stimu
late professional pride.
What we want is more enthusiastic teach
ers; teachers who are interested in the
cause of education.
It is true that the compensation received
is inadequate, considering the ability re
quired for a good teacher; but 1 rucogiiute
the Tact that it remains lor teachers to ed
ucate the people to the point of paying fair
We must prove to the public that we are
alive to the interests of the schools.
We do not want teachers who are simply
putting In time.
We want patriotic teachers who will en
thuse the young with noble aspirations.
Let us us teachers, employ every means,
such as reading educational papers and
books, utteuding institutes, etc., to improve
We shall then expect to receive pay pro
portionate to our work.
I am willing to do what I can to effect the
organisation of a Teachers' Association fer
this county, because I believe the influ
ences of such an organization would tend
to advance the teachers and schools of the
The teachers' department in The Ektsr
pkisk might be made instrumental as a me
dium for furnishing Information pertaining
to the schools of this part of Oregon.
We have but one educational journal in
the stato, published at Uoseburg, and it ap
pears to me that there are ample reasons
why we should have a medium for the ad
vancement of the schools in this and sur
rounding counties.
Would be pleased to hear from some of
the teachers of our county on the question
of organizing an association.
If an association is once established I am
sure it can be niimilamed.
lours respectfully,
S. A. 1). (itmt.EV.
Oregon City, May 0, 1KU.
Th Ohio lvilnUtiirs sitjmirusd sine dls res
The mli4 Mtatea ablp sn Francisco srrlreil
elCaluMi Holiday,
A sharp frost at Dimna, Is , yesterday mora
Ini (114 much drnn ui fruit.
Tin srchlilahop f York, who is suffer I m
from Inaueiisa.laaalil to l dying.
Tin HsHirtr, nl I'ulouu City, has been ld
Slid tits plant will lis ramnred lo Moscow Ms.
Tha aiideUI train tularin tha Kmpreas ol lu
dla'i paaeurs arrived lu Maw York yester
day, J "It n MIHoa llontsiimnry, formerly a eattle
klni, nf Sar. JixpiUu valley, died at Hnlllri
Cat., yeaterday.
At Uiicaater, Ky., ymlerday morning, Judge
Owiluy, a dlatliigiilthed Kentucky lawyer sad
Jnrtal, died of pneumonia
Tha liiHuenaa Is vary praralent In the elty nl
Utiles. Ths opera companies have tiesn
chiliad to auapend
rive hundred and thirty thouaand dollars In
fold cnl n waa ordered ymterday at New York
for ihlpineiit to Kurupe.
The Lincoln county Timet taya: Implement
men and wheat buyera storm the Big Bend by
turns with honors anout even up to data.
The Port Anselea Tribune aaya the plat of s
new addition li flled every day and soon there
will not be any farms wlthlu a day'e drive of
the town.
A (Ire lu the steel works at Breaker Island,
Dear Troy, Mew York, last night, caused a loaa
of M'nuuo. Nearly lttuu people are deprived ot
Tha (rare of Dr. Cronln, the victim In the
Clan a-lel society, was decorated with flowers
Sunday. Fully low people look part In the
demon at ratlou,
Prof C. F. Kaah, of the Hartford theolosleal
aemlnary, haa aceepted an anpolstmeiit ea pro
teaser of homenletlca and pastoral theology at
the Pacific Theological seminary, at Oakland,
Kdward E. Gedney, president of the North
River bin k at New York, and lUsahier Prank
Ingertoll have been held la ll.VOOO ball each.
They are charged with lalsltylng the quarterly
reporta of the bank made lo 1SW.
Word haa been received at the headquarters
ef ths division of the Mlsnourt from Fort Wuh
akle, Wyoming, to the effect that another Indl
all company has been sworn tn as Company I,
nf the Klghth Infantry, It Is composed of St
Shnehones and 27 A inches,
Gideon W. Marah, who waa president of the
Keystone National bank, of Philadelphia, at
Ihe lime of lu auspeusluu on March, last, snd
Charlei Lawrence, ei cashier, were arrested
yesterday charged by Bank Examiner Drew
with conspiring together to make (alae reports
They are held In IJ0.O00 bonds.
Tstll further nntlre. County Asseeenr Noble
will I et hia oflice In the Court Houaeat Oregon
Cliy. on Saturday ot each week.
Treasurer's. Notice.
I have now In my hands funds applicable tc
the payment of all warrants limited tn date.
Interest will cease from the date of this no
tice. r K.CHinam.
City Treasurer
Dated Oregon City, May?, IBM
Treasurer's. Notice.
I hare no w In my hands funde applicable to
ine pavmeni oi all warrants enuorseo prior U.
Am. Mh. !".
Interest will cesae from the date of this notice.
8. R. Calikt.
County Treasurer.
Dated Oregon Citr, May s, Ml.
Notice of Dissolution.
The partnership heretofore eiistlng between
T. II. Riser and K. Plnley la this day dissolved
hy mutual consent, K. H. Slser retiring. All
bills pavable to K. Klnley.
P. H. 8nsa.
Witness. K. Finlsy.
C. A. Bitss. Oregon City, Or.. Mar , 1881
.Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my
Dual report lo the county court ot Clackamas
ciiuntv, Oregon, as administrator of the estate
of Joseph Florence, deceased. And the court
has emiolnted Tuesday, June 2nd. 1S91 as a day
aud lime for heariug such report and for the
settlement of said estate. A. Maths,
Administrator ot the estate ol Jopaeph Flor
ence, deceased.
Mav 1st, lstn. S-s:V
Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
number of different remedies, but says
none of them seemed to do him any
good ; but finally he got hold of one that
stteedily cured him. He waa much
pleased with it, and feft sure that
others similarly afflicted would like to
know what the remedy was that cured
him. He states that lor the benefit of
the pnbiie that it is called Chamberlains'
Pain Balm . It is for sale here at 50 eta.
per bottle by our druggist, G. A. Hard
ing; Great Reduction
Cabinet Photographs
167 First Street, Bet. Morrison and Yamhill.
Faber's Golden Fetuals Pills..
'or Female Irregular
lues; nothiuelikethem
on the market. AVwr
fail SuccessHtlly used
oy prominent ladles
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve suppressed
Don't be humbuiwed.
Save Time, Health,
aud money ;take no oth
er. Sent to any address,
secure by mall on re
ceipt et price, i00.
Western Branch, Box 27, fOKTLAND, OB-
For sale bv Charman & Co.
firuggists, Oregon City, Or.
It. r, it. a . t, .
Wanta you to call and examine his Largo Stock of
Can show you the Finest Line ever exhibited
in this city.
Exclusive Clothing and Gents' Furnishing House
New (J(X)ds arriving daily. No shelf-worn stock.
Latest styles and best qualities.
Between Fourth
If yon want THE BEST, buy
If the merchant vou deal with does not
keep them Bend to ALIEN direct. He
I'Hvh the poe-tatre. lieautiliu catalogue
sent free.
171 Second Street. PORTLAND. OB.
Absolute Purity. Careful Diapensing,
Prescriptions Filled by Competent
Foilct Articles. Perfumery. Fine Cigars.
General : : Blacksmith
Shop in the rear of Pope's Hardware store,
Oregon City, Oregon.
ft : : : BROJ
Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork
None but the best ot mean handled. Free de-
llrery to all parts ot the city,
OKi:(( CITY. - ORE.
Practical Architects 4' Builders-
Will prepare olana. elevations, worktnc de
tails, ana apecincAtinns tor an ttnis oi Dtuia
ingt Bpectal attention riven to modern cot
Utget. Estimates furnished on application
(Jau on or address w in 1 1 ukus.,
Oreaon City, Ogn
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Try him !
KHtabliNhed 1S65.
Drayage & Expressing
Freight and parcels delivered to all
parts ot tue city.
Caveats, and Trade-Marka obtained, and all Pat
ent businesa conducted for Moderate Fees.
Our Office Is Opposite U.S. Patent Office,
and we can eocure patent In less time than those
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawius or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of
charge. Onr fee not due till patent is secured.
a Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with
names of actual clients in your Stato, couuly, or
town, sent free. Address,
Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C.
and Fifth Streets
United Hack,
Truck and Livery
W. H. Cooke, Manager. ,
Corner Fourth and Main Street,
of the t'itv. ities of any ileei-ription
furninhed on nhort notice.
All kinds of Truck anil TVlivery p.usi
nesa promptly attended to.
Horees Boarded and Fed on reaaoa
ahle term a.
The Celebrated French 6ur,
Ia Sold ois a
to ctire suy form
of nervous disease
or any disorder of
the generative or
gans oi eimersex.
whether ari?iu :
BEFORE nseofStimulauw, AFTER
Tobacco or Opium, or through youth fill I uJiwas
tJon, over indulgence, Ac , such as Lost of Brain
Power, Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains In tB
back, Seminal Weakness. Hvsteria, Nervous Prm
tration, Nocturnal Emissions, Le tcorrh., . riss
liness. Weak Memory. Loss of Power and Impo
teney, whlchlf neglected often leau to prematiaa
old aire and Insanity. Price II. 00 a ooi, 6ao
for fa 00. Sent by mail on receipt ot price"
A WRIT. EN GUARANTEE la (riven fjar
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a Permanent cure Is not effected. We bare)
inousanusof testimonials irnmold and vmtti
of both sexes, who have been permanently cn&
oy me use oi Apnroaiune. c trcniar iree. Aadn
Western Branch, Box 27, Pobtlasd, Ok.
For eale bv Charman 4 Co.
Drttggietg, Oregon City Or.
F. L. Posson & Son,
Fksj BnsvsVaB dfcsWakskaW aaVHavslHaS' vt
General Agts. for D. M. Ferry & Co
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We want You for a customer. Give us
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F. L. Posson & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Gr.
Successors to Miller Bros. Catalogue Fi
" A pamphlet of Information and tb-llf
I Vvstraotof the laws, Showing How lu 'I
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