Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 08, 1891, Image 2

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.mini, in i:,
nl lnirlrlr.
FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1891
Tim Medieiie
Trut. has run u
lrii-1 law psed hy tln l'iltv liiM Co
Trot, like lhe lieaper
against it suae, the Htiti
.Vivomitt.t to the city rorder'i rpr
tli municipal dnht or OrK I'lly il roll
lint up (n proportionate ratio Hint would
put to shame the (treat, li county of Clack
amas. 4
Tim JuiIvn hihI clerks of the first ward
at the election last Monday, inslead of stunt -iiiK
hill to '!' council ot f each, fnr the
j services rendere 1, should have made it i
! enough to over the issue ot the city's new
j Rill edp Kinds.
Oovkkmok lYuuoyrr continues to work
his fake of frc advertising with (rood re
I suits. Tin' publicity itiven his name hy
j his remarks coneernlnit (lie reception oftlic
j president, will so a Ions y toward mak-
int him famous, if h dee not Rot thf mini
i liuuioii for the presidency.
A provision of tin? law which threatened
to swamp such combinations with trouble
win litigation declares that any person
who shall t-e injured in his business or
ni crty ly any other person or corpora
Hon hy reason of any thins forbidden or de
clared to N unlawful hy this act may sue
tlurvfor in any Circuit Court of tin' I'nittsl
Mates, In the .iitriv t win-re the defendant
reside oris found, without respect to the ATrrvrn'S is called to the commentary
amount in ivntioversy, and shad recover ' n county roads hy the Wilboit correspond
IhnvtoM t! damages ly him sustained ; enl of I'uk l-'.v n ki'ki.sk. It is nialter ot
v,l ;.eivt o! suit, hnii' j: a iva-oi able momentous importance that the roads lead-1 imm j(
auoriicy s ice. j ins to orvpon l ttv snouNI Ih in passable
- i condition, and the Uiarxl o( trad should
Sow mats tesi oi tie praeticahily of j minch up the enersies of the people in that
ff'Vinisall cith-s in the Cited States having direction.
President Harrison mid I'tirty Itacvf.
iilios (lur Jicn Tonru
Nolwlihataiidlns the slonuy weather that
prc ailed last Tuesday, there was a l usy lot
of people deeoratli g the tow n of Hat Iowa
in a way as tasteful as could he seen any.
vxhere. Across the railroad was a very
pretty arch all draped In stars and stripes.
On th west side ot the road weit' two largo
llass surmounted hy a cross hannerof hunt
ilS, In the center of which stood a lil'e sie
photo ol ''our Hiesidetit llenjaiulii Harri
son," tn the east side of the road could he
MH'tt the wo:d " wm.com k," made of ever-
jtnvns, and the hack sround dniped in nsl.
IM I'tont ritroot
Nuriloxoii'rii Aiienl" h"
I'nttlainl, drt'soit,
Iotor IMamoinl,-
-1 loot'tollt
I'ihIit liie
HUvnr Nlnel. Kswi
Civsfont Wotlos (v;UT;ilitt'l,) A l'roof( Iiaiih
l.oi'is ami Wtmtl ( 'lioiM is
n'iiilc Kilt'8,
Ort'gon City
t tive tho isan.l po .ii.aiion, t!ie Umelit j
of a fn- mail diii'ery system, it j
is now very important I Lai (lawn fit v
t.h work of evtemiins her
slon'.d Ixv-i
b.'U'ida'ies wi'ii idtunate o''ject of consol
i.l.iti; s adjoi.u ij; a I otions, thai we may ,s-t
tl.c population iv. jutrvd to vs-ure such Ivn
!iis that will roolt from the adoption of
t!.i.- yste:i. Cue city in cacii slate has
Iw i seltvteii tv :mike a workis test of th
jro;His.,l n.aii delivi ry syvti in, and Kose
fc.rs has Ixvn designated as such city tor
Ore. oti.
Tim paav;v of the anieiulmeut to .sec
tion s, of the statutes of Oregon t'ity. pro
vidins that peddlers of hints and vi'soln
hies in the city limits, shall ho taxed or.iy
fo per tnor.th, is a death hlow to the home
producers ai d sr.H erv dcaicrs. The tow n
will le thxhicd with liaskers. The old li
cense n'sulations were sood enoin;h had
they hivn enforced. (hd two couneilniaii
had the nerve to vote against the amend-iiient.
Tiik tcndei.iy v
found to indulge
mverest condenu
the Northwest. 1
see::, the pa-si,.;i
t ti-a:il o.it tticn on l'ucx-t i
in raeins is receivius the
lation Iroin tl:e i aivrs of
'nt, as is not mfre juently
tor i:::mh!ii!S con.i'leti Iv
f i '. -hadows evei'i the love for life. It is i
lur.'dy ex;cud tint this dan rous sport
will lie abandoned until there ihvu-s a n-p-titiou
of one ot the Mtan.ho;,! horrors exjie-;
rioM, d on the Mississippi in tin- early days. '
!:Mic se-.tiiiictit will then ipiiekly put a,
stop to this jo, keyins m the matter of the 1
a!ety of hui- an life. i
Tiik National AssH iation of Stationaiy
Knsit'fTs, av eiufcav onus to stvure more
thoroushness in tlie tuaiiiealions of sta
tionary etisineevs. This a move In the
right direction, and will he productive of
tlie host results. The frequent aivident.s
iKvui'ins fiMiu the use ol sta
tionary engines are due in a gri'at tueasiire
io inioui j eieni engineers, i nese engineers ),," Iw ijilit
siiouiu ih- examintM ami IkenstM tlie same
as steamhoat engiiuvrs.
white and hlue hunlin ;. A little lurther
i mi could K scon a very pivtty and artistic
jiUvoration of the residence of William
! Harlow. Leading up to the. house ever
greens were arranged, arlisticallv draped In
gs mid llags, while the house was
covered with various sited llags fioin every
window. A presentation was made to the
president hy William Harlow ot a Ih of
hlaek waliiiitn. The inscription on the Ikix
was as follows:
" lo I'l-esident HcnJ, Harrison A I'aity:
" I'm it Irom the seed imported Iimiii In
diana in s,Vt!.
" Oon plin. cuts of Wuium HkUt.ow."
The depot was crowded with pimple to
get u sight of our president, and all their
hearts were made happy hy a courteous
how and salute us the train pulled out
slow ly and hid adieu.
Mr. Hall, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, snent
scleral days in our town, ami expects lo lo. I lug trom ill'
cate here withm a week ortwo, fl Oil
u'l'O, Crtwonl Stni
weeks in Oregon t'liy. j
Trof. M. V. Hoik addressed a lai'i.ecrowd '
on the evening of the '.Till of April at the:
Uiance- hail, commencing at Hi', M ., ml ,
closing at 1 A. M., alter whi-h heoii an-,
ited an Alliance of lue .ty eight inen lu is.
OlUi-ers as lollotts: President, 1'r. lioiiehir; f
vice presiih nl, John Paine; seereisirv. K, I
II ,1'oopei; tn.-isiiier, N, II I'aruall. chap '
lam, .I.J. M .dial i ; lo lurer, liiou.as 1- Iv un ,
steward, P. Paine; g.ite keeper, ticorgc Mill j
latt, !
Oelegales In lliel'ounty Alliance l'i, U.I
Oouclier, N. II. l'.iruall, ('. II. I'oins-i.lieo
Ogle. !
The 1'iiskel tesihal held hy this graug' on
last Saturday evening was a lerv pleasant
atlair as well as a llmiiu i.tl sin ces. Twenty !
eight baskets Were auctioned oil, hung j
is. lo s"l li' apiece, an t netting !
r teatures of the euteiiainuu nt !
A nnoancement-o.
OAl . i iii I ii i ii i mi i sT
Wo will have in hlaek lliia week it
Ladies Fine Donola Kid, St. L(UiisTnanl 1 i j,5 1
Tut ettort
regular army
it-'. Putted
v". of P.itrn
day with t1 c p
val'ey a id r.i.i
Chief Joe Pa.:,
su-picion, a:i;l
any ot Ins nii-.i
svhes. At "least
fiv-iii otlier n-.i ::il
Xev aJa. so ;
have Indians enlist in the i
t nueting Willi much sue-'
talcs Coin:-iisio!u'r Carvl-
In id a now i'ihv the other .
' . v. i-.o nr.-1. vans! in (hat
tiio pn-i osition to them.
'" k-si u-'oii the idea with
hjectod strongly to having
make sol..:crs ot them-
be wanted time to hear 1
!- i : t ,o triis.' down in
Pain, rain ! K.iining again.
Crops are in a nourishing condition.
Messrs. Wilbur tiraves, John H.ilv ami
Saw mill men sav the .lcmuu.1 for lumber 1 11 "" priiiai'le. such a
far exceeds their expo, Unions, and many ""' ,i"h I '""I- candy stand. olllce, etc
buildings are Nuna deluxe I here for want li fe-ni-r.
ipiick supply.
William l.overi.lgc has just received a
large hay press. It is named "Alligator,"
ami was shipped by "J. A. Snonccr M I'h
MlsS VlHV lUws of l'.,rll.,,,.l
goril irtoniiuii t, -j'lenuiil gtowiil.
We were through the hills adjacent to
.Maple Uidge yistenlav. and were really
Meadow hrvok
As a .;r n-ral thii f.u "m rs in this loc.iln
lire through pulling in lln ir spring lop-
! flic warm showers of the pt few day
l.....:.:,.... . I ""'
i'i,-ii.-in'i3 unnir luwii mis week,
Mr. P. A. Kacey, of Missouri, is located
here, and will start to build three business
Tllt'SC 'Ji tin st l;lt Jill
ill StitfllillL'. Iillilt
ran In I to i
can liui
t!it very latest iiiiiniviinriit
etc,, ntid t'M'i v pair in war-
i o,m M'l'VH't', tu- tlie jiiirt liaspr
aiiuilicr pair five or their
liUMieV 1'etilinleil,
i place were wit-
ini; w a-
tection. She
tew policy.
lieorge Sutherland of thi
uesses in me luilcr case.
Mr. Kohert Poinsett spent Saturday in
your city.
r.'l. braves ami Joe Haehtnanti disposeil
ol a nniulser of their sheep last wwk.
A large May- iay picnic was given by the
pupils of Miss Kouald s s,-h,iol last Satur
day. Mr. F. Amen lelf for Saletn Weluesday,
but has retiirned.
Mr. Joe Ihuhiuann went to Portland
A number of Mr. Cole's men are iiniiln.-
on a. pointed to eon-, ,ri a(.ro,s R(K.k t're-lt. which thev
duties I largely in- . had U-eu obliged to remove in getting so,,,"..
tnmgypro- low down the river.
S. J'. Piitnain lectured at Pioneer hall
; lt -Monday evening on the "Demands ol
I Lilieralism."
Thk New York Commercial Cn ion thinks' At 'he entertainment at Hutteville the!
th.it sniue kind of u customs union with i -v"rora bal':1 furuishetl the music.
Canada is mv.arv t prevent a class of1 Tuesday at II. .1) A. M. President Har-
our laws prohibit irom ! rison passed through here uuiid the hurrahs
wav of Canada. That ol "'l' inrge liiiiiiU r of ( eople assemhled at
n hu ;ts from the l'a- i '''t- depot and t.eiglibonug huildings. It
A'ter ha i-g tri,sl live trade for ten years, '
veden f II i: t.- line with other enlighte-e-1 1
it: 'tis a fev v,:irs :o.0 a.,.; adopted pnv !
i'ic: tlx- -alisiied with her 1
u in- judge from the I
la-a'y ma-'e to the par-!
rcooni mendi
liament by a
aider th ijue
cn-ased. As
tactionist m sentiment, there can be little
dnuht that the reci.t.iiiu-tidntions will lie
on C
io pari. anient is
houses here soon as himher can lie
i cured.
Harlow A Co. have just ns civ ed a large
lire and burglar prool sale; it is now In Its
j place in their olllce.
I It is surprising to think, with the very
j small amount of advertising ihat has been
done for our town, that so much property
has been bought up by actual settlers.
Mr. Turner, of the Kdison Khvtric Light
Co., of Portland, paid our tow i a visit hist
Tuesday, and was so much plcasoo tlutt he
purchased a ten acre tract, and will at once
put in nn industry that will have no like
eipiat on the Pacific coast.
Our merrymakers an' anxiously awaiting
Saturday evening, when they will have the j
opportunity of "skipping the light latilas- j
tic." The hull is now receiving its decora- I
turns, and arrangements have U-en made !
for a full brass hand to he in attendance. .
K.'crvUnly is omlialk invited.
surprised lo s
the w d,l hinds
liHUlis Vi II I. I'd: :
pi.n i n i ui it wiNpow
in iv iomi: IN.
.it r s sons as
irtin igr:n-ts
landing con.
jmirna; re!i.r
dii f-tt-i, t
from Hr:!i-li
hca-l-ta-; the
pi -es, a 1 th
i:.- b
!,T had been resirted that the train would
after paving the j ,ive minutes, and for that reason hundred:
tin ent itn
s there i-
;o prevent their entering the I'nited
Tiis KvTEP.rr.isK ludicves in protection of
heme industries, and to further this end j
ontsjiie peddlers should be made to pay a j
license that will protect home merchants
who are .striving to build up the country.!
A correspondent in another column says ,
that re. Idlers are getting to he too ph-ntv. '
a;nl tome a-v very ii.-uHng if yon do not
buy. It is a niiuoii.s policy not to protect
home manufactures and local business enterprises.
of people assemhled from all parts of the
country adjacent, and naturally many ex
clamations of disappointment were heard
when the train steamed by without stopping-
Claiia UoNAl.tl.
Mav, Kl.
Tue Aa:-traiK,n ballot system will proha
lily boi-orne a law in ev ery state in the l'n
ion. Twenty-one states have already
alnpted this style of ballot at elections, va
ried sometimes with slight modifications.
Mure than a third of these have adopted it
Since the elections la-st November. Bills to
bring about the reform are also before the I
legislatures of sevural otlier states, and some
of them will undnubtodly be successful.
The complaint of the London Times
should lie looked after, and the supreme
court of the United States should be admon
u! ed to hurry np matters. The case of the
sfl!er Sayward has been postponed until
October, and the "Thunderer" is aghast.
The delay of American courts are not m
derstosd in England, and they almost in
vite the civilized world to express an opin
ion. It is too bad.
C.xLiMKMrA has just passed a law requir
ing all executions of persons sentenced to
hang to be performed at San Quinten, within
the walls of the state penitentiary. This is
n idea worth imitating. The publicity of
hanging Iwes could thereby be wholly
avoided, and a wholesome influence would
bt exerted upon criminals.
An Italian news aperin New York calls
the civilization of America a bluff and a
humbug. If its editor and its patrons do
not like A meriea they should be permitted
to return to the land of their nativity to
make room for better citizens. This coun
try has no use for such anarchists.
OitEnoN City as a manufacturing center
is : rc-OHiiueuily the peer of any city on the
Pacific coast,
ot.t is the con
t.. .Ml li.i !
ii.:;.'t -i '
The sowing is nearly all finished in this
j section of country.
Potatoes are not nearly all planted.
We are having nice rains, and spring
crops look well
Our school is under the management of
MissT. Maytield.
The Association under the auspices of the
liaptist church will be held at Highland,
commencing Thursday, May 7th, and con
tinuing about one week. Uev. Short is the
preacher in charge.
A Farmers' Alliance was organized at the
Highland hall with a membership of fif
teen; also one at Harmony with a member-
ship of twenty.
Horn, to the wife of G. R. Miller, a daugh
ter. Mother and baby are both well.
Mr. Miller had his foot severely braised
by a horse falling on it two weeks since. He
is slowlv recovering.
John Griffin, Ed. Harrington, and John
Gard are prostrate with la grippe.
Kd. Harrington has lost a valuable cow.
Our worthy friend William Livingstone
is stll on the sick list. Wm. Henderson is
running the ranch.
By all means, a question box, Mr. Editor.
I will ask one for a starter: Hw can a man
protect bis stock on the public common
whan run or chased by tlie neighbors' dogs?
Slay 4, 1891.
Another week has inisse.l, ami ()WVl;o is
j having plenty ot rain ami mud .
j '1 he Oregon City huse hall nine arrived in
full force Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in
the South Oregon City hack. The Oswego
tune were arrayed in new suits, and were on
the tield to reteive theiropponeiits. We are
j sorry to ay, Mr. Editor, that Oreg itv,
j in all her glory, whs defeated- I'J jmimh in
'favor of the Oswcguitcstn II for the Oregon
i City nine, in seven innings. We ad ie the
j defeated to learn to play .base ball U-I'ore
: ""'v challenge such a manly team as our
little village boasts.
! It sa pity that some of the young gentle-
men, especially those that are strangers,
j don't Use a little U tter language on the
streets. Hoys, try to do lietter the next
j time you call on us, as we are peaceful citi
I zens; but when our dignity is insulted jus-
tice is on hand in the form of law.
One of our young gentlemen, Mr. Harvey
i Hrien, was poiso 1 by poison oak while
on a pleasure up the lake last Sunday. We
are sorry for you, Harvey.
The school children spent u verv delight
ful day in the woods last Saturday.
Services have been held all the week at the
Catholic church.
Every one went to see Harrison yester
day. One young gentleman and his girl
were so excited that they went out in the
rain without their umbrella. We hearol
several of the boys having to walk home.
Messrs. Haines, James Layman, Ed
Haines and Frank Davidson were in Oregot;
t'ity yesterday.
Charlie Wither wears tlie kroadestsmile of
any one in town. A girl has arrived at his
home with Harrison. Hn.is.
lie atitindaiice of teed on
In some l hues one could
mow a very good ipiantity and ,iialitv ot
wild cm i ne which coveu d tl e land and is
fully two feci high.
" I lie I .iiivon I reek l.v ccum is ihe latest '
victim ol hi grippe. At its regular se-sion
on thelslinst.ini it was decided to give it
a peiio.lof recreation, so h was adjourned
to the lir-t Kriday evening in Oi tnlier. Ul.
We a, knowledge a lea-ant call Icon Mr.
W. W. Pulley on the .' I insl.
Mls N, lhe llopl-etg Is oil a lengthy so-
j.'flrn al the Pahs City. Wewih her a
pleasant i-it.
Mr. S. A. I ane is in the emplov of Mr
vt. bisincr, clearing land tor cultivation
and slashing down a pictures, (lie grove ol
young lirs,
Mr. J. II. Wright started Monday nt, a
business trip to Woodiniru and t,en.n. Mr
Charles llulilutd started the sau e dav on a
liu-incs trip u French Prairie,
The organizer of the Farmers' Alliance
miss.si our" con nuiiutv as he vn nt s,i,,e.
j iug around the i in le la-t week; but no la
mentations wen- heard hereon on that ac
count. There was a hull at Ihe residence of Mr.
Ta;. lor on i!,e evening nt the '.'d instant.
The .
u know ledgcd leading dealrra in
Sr-C. gljl - auwaiio wots ukx. -
i hu-inev trip W French Pi.one. . It K f i tV jX 1 4 ft ST ISJT1 -51
r -i m .f r t.w cy? WZ3sSSd
..,.... , .. ,.. ..... fiy,.i. ?"i. Ar.--ji' ; " v, ixr'r.ZKC.t
I -MierttsmT ,.,-Hens. tefll S
i .,-1 , ii ., ,- i '':'1:-''-Hf irtsii-iil'ili mmk'" kT, ' ' - V'
l he follow in I, the list of let lei s re- .- - ..-... -
iiuiiiiiin.- in ine nosi olllce at On-eoii
Mo .re, i l.-orge
Miller. Mrs s.i rah
Mamiler. Jonu
McKinne,, Mrs ', l
Martin. Mrs Ihissaha
iiiiiiiiing in
I ity, May H, ISid
Ando, Martha
Ituckmati, Win
Hrown. llenj M
Carpenter, II. T
Card, Willie II
I onsowe, Mrs Joseph i I I onnell I
Cooper,. foshlUI Pli-ton, Mn ,er
l-lexander. Willi, i,nin,.l,v . Sh. i n m X
Fleming, Murray. L' htih r, .h.h.inn
I'ishhnrn, Fd 'l ow n-, i, i iti,
llettniaii. I aril Town- I, Ned II
Hedges. Flinlioth Wieduer, Andreas
Hopper, Miss Nora F. Wright. II
Kellogg, Mrs Orleans iimwiddt. .1 I)
Leonard, Hurry Zuuiwal It. Mrs Mav
Morton, J W
If called for sav when advertised.
E. M. U.xnuh, p. M.
sui.K ai,i;ms loi: nip i i pm-v ifi
In pvat variety.
1 hos.
The only draw-bank at pr'--
rtcn 'A the ri
West Oregon CHy.
I wo Germans from the Hast have nur-
I chased three lots in Windsor, and are
building a house.
Mr. Parker intends to build a residence
i on his lots in a short time.
Messrs, Hargreaves and May were here
Monday locating the site of the new school
Mrs. and Miss Ana Baird were here last
week and visited the school.
The new sidewalk is a favorite resort for
Thepupih, teachers, iincj several of the
pa! runs inarched in a body to attend the re-
( :,-. of tin: prn-Ph:nt la-t Tuesday. All '
Logan Iteni,
The neit time a "Spectator" goes toanen-
tertainmentto take nolei, if he would take
an ear trumet and a pair of siiectacles
along he might hear and see the whole of
the program, or at least get right what he
does hear and see. 8o thinks another spec
The dance at Fisher's mill Friday night,
May 1st, was well attended, and a pleasant
time was had. It is hoped this will not be
the lastone of the season. Thko,
llui-kli'ii'N .trill. 'a Suite.
The Host Salve in the, world fur Cniu
liruiHt'B, Sores, Plcers, Salt Itheuni
Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Uiiltiluins, Corns, and all Skin F.ni
noun, nun iioniuvciy cures t lies, or no
pav required. It m guaranteed In give
perioci siiusiaciion, or inonev rcfundet
Price 2.r) rents per box. For sulu by (i
Mnllno Notes.
La grippe bus nearly disappeared.
The farmers have been busy improving
the time between showers to sow their drops,
but many gardens remain unplunted.
While the crops grow the roads are grow
ing too, but down instead of up, and we
hear of some tempers thut the rain affects in
the same manner.
Miss Casto has thirty-five scholars en
rolled on the school record, mostly small
Mr. Henrv Smith and his bride, of Alhi.
are vi.-itinp' his hrnllmr, J, W. Smith,
will'T in ii"! .Mu'inn n.lh-r n.ill
leraono troubled with rheumatism
Htiouiu road the lollowing from .Mrs. N
M. 1'otera, of Fast Pes Moinea, Iowa
HhesayB: I had suffered with rheuma
tism me greater part of the time for
neanv seven years. I doctored a great
deal for it with physicians and tril
electric belts, patent medicines and al
moin everyuung that wan recommended
for rhpimuitiHtn. Finally a neighbor ml-
vised mo to tiy Chamberlain's 1 'uin Itiil.
sam and was no sure Unit it would heli
. r . ...... i l. ... . . ....
uio viiab a piouieu u uoine. ii uui help
me, right from the start : but it took fW
u ceni noiiies io cure mo, ho you can
gueag now uan i was as two bottles will
euro any ordinary case " For sulu by
1. HUIMIIlg, lllugglHl.
A few days ago whilo sitting in Elder
tsros., rtrug Btore at Tingloy, Iowa, Mr.
T. L. Dyur, a well known citizen, eumt)
in and asked for something for a Hnvern
coldwhicli he had. Mr. Elder took
down a bottlo of Chamberlain's
Syrup and said ; "Horo io something I
can recommend. It commands a largo
salo and genuine satisfaction. It is nn
excellent preparation and cheap." Mr.
Dyer purchased a bottlo, anil "the next
day when wo saw him ho said he whs
iinicli better, and tbo day following ap
peared to bo entirely restored. This in
n specimen of the effort ivenesB of Ihi:-'
prnpninlioin- lln-i Moines AT:. i ! .-, M.
;;... '-. a. ii o'-iiug, ih-u - ;. .
ran & Son
JAMES JtOAKK &.((), I'ri.niielnrs.
r . ....
iuui.tnacuirers, and Ht-alfM in all kimlx
CAbUNti.S furnisheil ai
'f Maehineiy.
Kl.l'AIKS lutmijiily imul0
I")' ami nlnht. iin, i
('Imps in any Hi vie. Side entrance
for lailii'M.
Meals nerved
main stiikkt.
the old eHlnhliHi,,.,! a,l relhihl,,
"'''"'"''"""f a,T,,M.
Idvexy, Fi-o,I an.l HuloSUlilo
1)"uIi1.mii..1 SinK0 RiKH, find uml
j"" l";rH, H ulwityH , 1Iin,j Rt t,
owes ,,,.. A (iorral, (,()nnw,t(,j
wilh th.. Imrn fur lti.wo ntoek.
,7 """"!' "WifliiiK any kind ot
i. ... "I'lly utu-ndud to liv ueraon or
Horsos Bought and Sold.
j Mt.M.ltll IN
l',:l anil Fancy Groceries.
in-; I Kel tin: .;!
ill gel kim.
.' Q . i i i.: a iininh'-r Iimiii In
I ing lantHundaycvening.
, e aitenilfcij meet- j '
i.nn.'i: iiowur.l. j ''ii V
Miss Jennie McManus is siiending a few I
o.i' .Iwi;
hi. ni, I., nn,
Shop on Kc-velilh i,e.;t,
M " l"l lll'll AMI ,
.on uitv
"I'lm.ilto .I.-jM.t Mr