Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 08, 1891, Image 1

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no. in
tutlllif I Kvcry Kilila.v.
iTfiuili ( I'Ai'iiifu ir t; u ck a ivi a s uii u n ttT
111 fear.
I mutiilia,
'tow Hioiitli",
HTil.aurlpilniia rylilp In ailvanna
Al vorllnltlK inina kIvuii iiii ni'l'"1'""1"
' "auknth run T ii it KN imii'iuHK.
. . . u w, rrr
(.lnll Mill'. '
(nuluW Hronk.
loin, '
iuw Km,
Ui'il KnlaTll
A Mul Hit
Ailliur lilui'k
(I J Triilllimi'r
K. H Itrainliall
K A. Wrlulil
II. C. Lwwl
W. M N.iw hurry
:lrtokiirH8 Co. Directory
Turk nl iniirta,
.elin.il HulnrlllUMliltHIt
II II, JilltllBI.il
W w II Humauii
W. I. wIiiiIih-b
Jnliu W. Ni.l.lu
Alrl. TIhiiiiboii
Hiilnny Km) Hi
I r C. I' SiillH an
( Imrli't M.irliiiko
Cumullm Hair
(MriMili "'inl I'liiH'i'iii'n Hrt Miii.iiy in
-...i ii.u.l M.m.lttv In Aurll
l'rnlialv i iiiiit III maalim rttal IU'iii'l l '
t:iBlMliiiirrriirt mia I"! W eitmraitay
lllsrllml Mutlilay "I m il IIHilllll
T K Hyati
I, L 1'i.rinr
8. II urm-u
K l( l lm nun H
A. . rir
. 0. K Minna
W. II llowil
I'ainVlil.Cha Attiry. C
' 1. C liailuaii. r-n ..
h i ri.ini.mil. J w. ii duun-l
HHlr niwilin '! ell
iiii in ii iiiiiiiUi.
Htf AUillll.'y,
llH I'ntn llllBaliilll'r,
nipt. '( W ttr Wnika,
Jouui'llni'-" - I'
rll DM Wcl-
Sunday Soi-vicoa.
ifllhr'lNUllHMTIl)NAI,i:ir(C.- Kkv.
II W I.ccab, i'n"t'if- HitvH'mi ill II . unit
7 iul I' M. Hiunliiy Mrlii.nl alter iimriilin wr
Poiy.ir IIU'IIIIK Wi"IIM''liiy UK l
T iiiiiiuliii k. I'rnjiT nii Kllim "I V'Mtnn ruiiilH,
ni-lmy l (Tiriatimi l.mlHiir iivury Xiiwlay
bvhiiiiib l 1 "" r"-"'!'!
I'akmxh Paai.ir M'H iiliik KiTvliiii nl 1 1 M.imli. y
Hi lin.il! VI In, Kvi'iiliitf Miirvlni' II Ml, Hi.KUlur
i.myiif limi'llliK tliilH jr vvmiiiik. miiiiiiiiy
('ipvihiiiiiI Murium nvury Wml Iny wvmilim
iirm-i'illim llii flrl Hiimlity In llm iimmiIIi. A
anrliUI llivllnllmi In nil.
HI. If f II n H TIM Kt ll I A I IMII.n.,-n. n.
lln.i.itiiiuNii, ro:iir iiii Hiinilii) inn" nl mill
In mi A. M. Kmry ininl nii'l linirlh Miu.iloy
(Ititiimn iriniiii ltir lli iialmk in.
At nil iillini iiii KiikIIhIi 'niiiiii. Himilny
Hi'liinil at I ;i n. Viwr, nimlKilrl
milil.Tn. hikI Hi'tii"lli'il"ii i 7 wi r, H.
Ml' I'AI'I.'H I'. Iv IMM'H.'II - Hv. J. M lh.lt
lilai.ll lli..'l..r Kurvlinn mi ullrl liulu Huinln vii
t II and 7 ml Xumliiy Mrhm.l t l ,t I'mil
ilnllil ninniB flr.t Tliuniliiy In rm'lt iinuitli Mr.
II I.. Kullny, l'riai.iin. Hr, K I. l iK litmiB,
KrrVi)H' KCHUOI'Al. cin iti'll -Kkv
JilllN l'AW.N, I'linlnr. Mlillllllll "Vlrl II,
MuiiiUy Ki-hnuUI U 10: k.nililiun'rvlrii nt7 ilil.
Ktiwiittli l.r,iu wihk KntMlny pviiIiij t
it ' il, l'ryr Hi I'tlnii Tliurintiiy iiysiilnk t If
It anif -ri I'l.rill illyliivl'p.l
KlltMl' CKKXHV IKIilAN ait'WII.-K. l.
W tilllllNKV, l'iir K.il Vll'fl HI II A, tnl
7 :ui r x Halili.itli H. li....l m u h, Vniiim
I'vuiilr Hnciiity "I I'lirlatlntt Kinl.'viir iiiMiin
e.!ry Huinlny kv.uiIuk m Wi-iliiB.y
evnuliiii itii)tf "" '"""K "" ""'
f. hki,ii l. t in ki 11 - Ui v. J. M, Tri'l". "I
llm K.vali lli ul Aa!UlliiM. will M wrvlr
,t' .... Hull ..T) Hiiii'ln) nl II A M tlii-
I H I y in. .lii. I. Li'iiiiiili Halil.alh ai'kut.l
iivury Hiunhiy l lu A M
PtofuHsion.il Curtis.
11 ."U I'. Ill
11.ll. ,!.,... , mm Nurtll.lt :l A M . J .
Utla i'Iiiiii tf..tlltf Huillll. l A. M
all. It H.H'tHa
Ort..,u flly I" M..I.IU. Mull t'.riia nii.l
ttlihult l..' ! I'11'' "I Wiilnl'V".
lii.Iv nii.l l ri.lii) iul ruituii' "I 1" in . 111.
lunt'lli'Miiik, fl.,k.. M,I.i....I'..Iim.
Milla nu. I Mi-ail" Im .i.ii. Iti nt lutam m
luawlny. I luir-.l.iy nlnl !lui.lii), ml ti'tuin
11B (ili.tmt il
r- "i Society DirfH tcry.
(VltK.itiN CITY llnAlili t'K TIlAhK,
a I unit llilllan 1111 Hi'l'iHIil I in mill)' III
. W...1I1 vi.ii..i.i-ii'.'iiii;.
r .. liiiN.M.I'HUN, J I AITMtM'i.V
h,.rt.'li. IT..l..'lit.
M IIII I M l.nl'tlK, IHl.au, K UK I'.
Hhi mrrr I'rhlny nliitu nl Mamtilf hall.
VUl'ltm KnlKi.la tuiitwl M. II anus . '
) K lilli.l . M "I ( "l
"iirl M.MAII lillMiK, M. I, A r A A. M.
ll,.i.l. It ti'Ur r.iiiiiiiiililnnlli lia Aral
1 tlni.l enlilrlata of i h n Hi ' ' '
-,-ljr..ii lnai"l atntttiif ar IiiviiH l.i 11b4.
fll.l. II WAl.KKU
ATTiUiM'.Y AN1 (ilNhl'.I.I.OU
AT I AW AMI NtrTAIIV I'l lll lt'.
rKti fit - OrPKim
liffli n inn ('iinricl.ra n. w ilruii atnm
llnlili-atnail. I'm rmill"li nmt Tlinlirr latul ai
li-allu!ia nii.l i.tlur Inml i.ttiri. Inia
Inraa .n,uiitly iiltciiiliil lu.
w, a. wimiMiKriHitt. u (' musitr
Lawyer ami Nntnry rulillr.
til III' KHI'l.DN A kl.NNKY,
tirr-iiim City - in-i(u
Offl.-r. rniilna !t ami , t linrmnll llriilhvra'
REGON ffl.
Frc(! Tower and Free
Sites for Factories.
The, (Jreatest Known
Water Tower at
Tide Water.
Is Situated on Tide Water
within 12 Miles of the
Commercial Me
tropolis of the
t.ltAlN IIAISIMi All! Hint
l-HOIll ! (i KMilOJI
llnlh'il llowii For I Im KillflcufliMi
of The DnIcrjirlMf llciitlcrM.
l ltOM Mill. XJ I O.i.
.Mallt-ra iff .Ii.iih-hI Ori'iirrliig In
llm rlu l-urlirnlj.
Wakiiinu'idn, A.r 31). In vlw o(
tint Imiin ttriiiunef ilritil)(ini Iw ilonn
In tlivCulmn'i'iH Ami lim.ir WillmiifUt!
rivern, in tlm iiromiwd iiiipruvi'inniit bv
th fity n( I'orllanil, Henulor l)ol.li and
tlm lion J, 15. Mtiiitijomnry, who In now
In tlm city liuve iM-'n niukinx uoiiib in
tuirU into the m-timl rml of (IrtKtgiriK
liMiB uinJ i)lwwlirr TImi (t')veriiim;t
1 iayuiK '" 'I1 Citliloruiit Ilytlranlic
lM'ttiiiK mi'l lii-'UiiiHtiiii Co , 1 2 1
rem imrvuliicyaril, hiiiI In Henry Wif
tjii, of WanhiiiKton VMy, lh cnt jwr
cuhtu ya.nl (or ilri'iluliiK, rumoviiiK anil
ili'ii)itniK at a coiiHiiliTalilti diHlaiw e Im
hind hiilkhtiudH, in Iht) improvement of
tlm 1'otoiiinu rivr HatH. The uiaterinl
i (iravt-l, auinl ami mud. The coin xti
liou hait hi-i-n nliarp that thn-e diller
nt plant have tten coiiHtructwl for the
Work. The dredK!T iiw;d by the Califor
nia company i llm puiiipurt'dKfr. Ulh
r are tlie fluiiood and ClaiiiHhull. If
NuK l.lf ol l.rl.
Iniios, May 5-Urd Jaim-a
KiU'iud ShflH l)oin.'lan, brother of th
MitnpiiH of Qtii-miKbeiry, i-omiiuU"d
anitiid.i tinluy by cnttiHK bin throat.
I f jm mind aa unlmlaiicetl
l..rk. uv.'r I.ii 1-nunr
A, t linrmnll
1 In. I. I
J I. I'dlt l i ll.
AT l'o KM: Y AT I. AW
Ail-tin. i ni i Hui-i.iiTV rt KMitmi.
tHtii-iitn.i ..ra aixitc Mit..i!.r, (iri'iiiiti t'lty
The Finest Grain, Garden
iim) Fruit Lnnds can be
secured at Low Prices
and on Easy Terms.
1'oiiri.ANK, May 4 Harriet Ilalpru
nr, who waa nnvundy biirrif.d lant iiiht
by lire cjmmuni(ateil to hor clotlnnu
from a litfhtwl ciuaraltn which alie wan
artiokliiKat the time of K'jiriK to alecp,
died tliia morninK l her bnrim.
Ilmaf l-fail-ull".
Lkwihtos, Me. Tlie tJJtal defulcation
of(ahir I'ercival, of the -(hoe and
1-enther National bank rf Aulorn, in
11110,000. I'ercival ia very, feeble but if he
la ever able to leave his room he will be
prosecuted .
Influenza In I.nlHiil.
Ix)i)ow, May 8. Influenza epidemic
ia unabated in Sheffield and has now
attacked Nottiniham and Carnarvon.
Numerous, death are reported. Hidney
HerUirt i proMtratetl with the danger
oun malady.
I'roat In .lew i:n(lanl.
I!oton, May B. Diaiiatchea fiom
variou part of Maanachuaeltt aiid
Conneticut (itiite that ice formed in
many place laKt nimlit. Cberrie and
the contract for tlie work on the whole nnere;l, mil outer iruna are
rotouiHC llata could have Ijeen let at one W enotiuli advanced 10 oe injureu
time to one concern it could have been
done for H cent tier cubic yard. In
rhilath-liihia the Kovermnent paya 10J,
eeiilH Mr yard for dii'dgtiiii and tlepoeit
IliK behind bulkheada. In the lialtiiuore
harbor which include the removal and
deposit at ome diBtance, the govern
ment pay 10!a centa per cubic yard.
The tiitire will ive the l'orlland au
thoritica aoine idea of the price the gov
ernment i pavinK for dreduiriK work,
Ilrlckliiyrr' Hlrlkr.
London, May 4.-Bricklayer in mont
of the center of Knland liave atruck
for higher wages. The Htrike i causing
much annoyance to contractors, and ban
thrown out of employment a law num
ber of men belonging to the aatociated
trade .
Wttfi Take Hart.
Romk, May 4 It baa been decided,
from motive of economy, that Italy
will not take official part in the Chicago
exponition. To this American should
take no exception, a Italy took no olli
rial part in tlie French ex portion of
l Alil I-. Vt. M..
K KV.VN. Sii iiitury
OKM.hN l.til'tiK. I it. ii. f N't-
Mi' i-n-ry Ttinra'lay vi-n ..a at 7 M nflm'1
M. In Hi.' u.'.l l-'ll.'. ill. M
l,,i,t., 1. ,. llin tlr.t.r f- linitcl I" annul.
ii, unli r ..I A Mi.ll.-K.il, S ii
' Tlma, li)it. H.-i-nnary.
fXl.l l-.M'AMI'MKNI. No . I I' l K.
Mnl. (Iul all. I llllnl 'rm-xlayaul m-ll niiillltl.
at lt.li! Ki-ll.iwa hall M.-Mili.-r ali.l vullliiK
lulrlarrlia. .-. ,r.l lo 1 1 V 111 vtl.-.l I" Btt.-ll'l
J. H, jAhMtV.
I ll:, I
-SMII t,.
0 K'i'i l.til't.K. NO 'JH. I. II l. K
Matt. t ii-l-l follow nail. n'-i".
Hatiirtlnv i-vi-miiii
wr,il-Mi'i' "
J. V Id-' 1
Ylalllujl lifi.llti.'U
(i Minna (Utlll 11,
I'ANItY l.tilii.K. NO ''' I 11 1
WiWlm-i'iry s itunlay in',-llliH-nl Ktiti'ht'"
Cailby VUlllliK liii-nilu'ra ala litn.tr
e,,m. Wifi.11. s 111 .. t'
t.J I'm K.-f,
CKl K t'AMI', N. 7i, MtlPKIlN Wlli.liMK.N
Mi.fi. ll. t nu. I i-i-i.ti.t Tu.-a.lay nl cncli
nlitntli nt V 1.11.I1111-11 lliill
1 .
j a. nam kKNannt'iiti
t r tiiwt?.ii.
I Itm KKMtliitl tilt
1 '
it (KWTMi.
Mr. Mitchell, wife of Senator Mitch
ell, it i now reported, will upend a
portion of the summer in Kurope, Bailing
from New York altoiit llm 30th of May.
It wan the intention of both Mr. Mitch
ell ami Mi Mattie to Hpcnd the autn-
nitsr 111 i,,.i-i;i,,i. in.fc me 11. u. . ... ....
j4the t.hvnieian. who has ten treating Kei.reen.llTe seiee.ru.
Hj Mrs. Mitchell are impcralive and he Wau.a WAU.A,May4. Henry Kelling
- - .. I say she iniwt no where nlie can net tlie ha been ne eded to renretMjnt bolhWlnt-
f hi.i'tiii 'itV i KitUiltt'll at U'U mineral waler of a Cfititin fpring, . , Hintorical aocicty and the Walla
'"'r M ' . ! a. il ia (In- imlv remedy for her DteM'lit U'all 1iniu.r aaara-iulinn at the Astoria
.1 1 1 ..e 1 uinii.ii mi tiwii . , . '. .. .!. fi in. ; : . .1 t .1. .
1 1111 iiraum iim- inuii 1'iivauai toitoiuuii. 1 m-y n m .c..in. ... inieeiini! 10 arranire irie program im um
iivn, . ,,,,1.. 1 9 : kurone mtmt of the atitiuner. enator I celebration of the anniversary of the
. i. , ' . 1 ! Mitchell Hill leave for Oregon about the discovery of the Columbia river.
llDlll lilt' t-t'lini iciviai ; mtm t,!,,,,, ana will reinuin tiniti ute
f thf North wont !' -u,r, i;.-n ' ' '
iu rettirti iu .. r.ii.,i'. v-,.,,,." - - -in
the ttipretiiR court, which lias been
net for the beginning of the term.
vi: A 1111.it
t; ,4 mt.
.Hew and
Wa 11 1 noton, May 5. Unusually cold
weather prevail this morning through
out the entire northern portion of the
country cant of the Missouri and Mis
iasippi rivers. The line of freezing tem
perature extends from Southern Maine
westward through Western New York
and Northern Ohio, and including Mich
igan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North
iMkota. In Southeastern Michigan
the temjierature is the lowest on record
for this season of the year, the mini
mum there being one degree lower than
previously observed during the drat part
of May . Severe frosU occurred through
out these regions, probably causing con
siderable injury lo fruit and early veget
able. The temperature in several
cities at noon today i as follows: Chi
cago, 30; St. Louis, 45; Cincinatti, 40;
New York, 38; New Orleans, (33.
US n!
All I'a.i-n U-li.ie T a Land 1 Hill
tilth-.) fit,. tna lliiltil l'i. I' H
-1, tilt, Hint. 1
CABUY il.tlriaiiM.
A iDl.i.l..N
Ullil tiltit-.i
I'ururr Kiuhtli ami Mulit airevla. oniii ti I It)
Im-ici.ti. j
KKAl. t:sl A I K TO M H I. AMI
Mn.M Y in LOAN !
i iu n.t: i.T.ii i;i;i ik.
V a 1
Col'NSKl.tiliS AT I. AW j
MIN rHI,l,t, OHtUliiN I ITV, Ulll ii'iN. J
Ftirulah Atixnicia u( Tule. lawn Mmiey. K.rt-!
l-ti,.tt M.irlii-ii;!-, niel traiinii't (,.'ln,-ril
1...W It i t lit'
liver $'.M"n,( h )0 wan spent in
improvements t hiring tlie year
Four large l'aper ami Pulp
Mil s are in sueeesslul opera- "
, ., 11 1 ! nti'itt in Ihe seal nsl
lion, and another; one will ,,;(r.,, Amwri,all Comp,
I'nrle Ham' Melznre.
San Iikoo, May 5. This evening
United State Marshal Gard sieged the
Chilian atearner Itata, now re
ceiving jpplie in the harbor, ami
placed Optain Maur-eum under arrest.
Telegrnri hnve l)een paing between
this city nd the department at Washing
ton which brought about the above re
sult. T ngboata have left to stew: two
vessel seen outside, one which is sup
posed to le the Kobert and Minnie
and the other a ship belonging to the
insurgents, which have been hovering
around the entrance to the harbor to re
ceive supplie taken on board the Itata.
The warehip was first sighted about
noon today, passing north Ten
hour later she repassed the harbor
going south, laying to just north ofCor
onado island. Custom Officer Berry
sent a arty out to investigate, who re
ported seeing- a large vessel under steam
which they could not approach nearer
than two miles on account of steaming
away from them. Orders were re
ceived fiom Secretary Blaine to seise
both vessels if found within the twelve
mile limit, and both Martdia! Oard and
Collector IJerry have gone out tonight
in different tugs for that purpose.
The IluHvian I.oaa.
London, May 4. A statement is
made, purporting to give the Roths
child's view of tlie protests offered in
certain Hebrew quarters against lite
Tuiurt lieof ereal.
Mocnt Hamilton, l.al.. .w - i,.,iiint ,u n nl tw Rimh Iwi.
re-discovered 1 r, . i .ia .!, tt,
T, a. a snina.
1.. Ii. Jasm.1. t-i
f M.I 1 TTY l.olitiK OK A It e w.
MW i i ht) .i-i-nii.t ami li.itrtli Krl.lny even
Inaoli-irli in. .nlli In tiil-l K.-ll.ni' I.iiII.Hiik.
All I..J..1U a tin-lliri-li i-iiiilliill) Im Hi-.t t" nl
U'Ui I AH. ttll.KINsnS. M. w.
. I. LolHiK, Ml. A t
M'-- '- .-vi-i y Tlnirailtiy i-v.-lilmt
hail . Vlallini! Iiri.iln r inn
K. V.. M iiil...'
, Kn-iinlnr.
0, I' in-1KMIIK
t, til;l tins t'l I Y
t ll.M, fllifl K.
. I'. W.
Ill KlllKlll'n
,),- i-l. ..mi'.
K. M. W .
! a na.vi!
Mt.-ta even Tiii n.l ly Kvi'lilim nt 7 !M nt li.-ill
en In im 1 r.'iiiiii r.-.-i
M ii II 11 ki.KV, lli-ii le.
K. I'AIMtH. St-l-rirllliy.
ASlil.Ls Iim l-.l! LoPiiK. N" 11. SUN '''
I II-: 11 MANN
Mi-.:- i-M-iv Siiii.lnv nt 111I1.-I: ,1 m nt
Trewlmlll H 'll l-'llHi litv-si HI 11. I'ren.
Alio ur m.iii.i.in. H.-e'y
Main. In--! Siiiiirilny
till 11 III IVll.i III III!-.
Ml.-- Ilr.n.i siiaiiI',
il-,, Ml. Ill, I'. n( II
nl ein-h m.ttiili ut their
I.. II, IIi n-v,
w i;m:ii tiUANtii-; N.
Mi-i I
hiul lii
Mill t-itntil!iy nf i
,-u l.iii. K. 1
, 117, IV nl II
h nii'iiiii, nt their
M i.l T- - I. , Kee-v.
.1, r.i 1, Mrikter.
HKAI'i'. nwl. N.. '.' .i A. I:.. I'l I'M:
4 til'- (lUI'tltiN.
M0rl fltst KriililY nf ClH-ll tll-ililll. nt 7::
y, M. it iiilT l'i-H"ivh' ll.ill. ori'ti.'ii i .i.
HI-!). A. II AHPIN-li. C .inni ilnli'r.
Itttlt'K A IH;KtKlt
uffli-o III Jnpu-ir HI... k.
W. T. Ill'I'.SIiV.
1 t'l; M- Y A
A. a. I'llKM-Ht.
uri-it-'ii l lt
), . Ml VI KIt
lilt All- 'It,
iirin"ti'Hy, ....
Tin-In- ir- 1 i.-i!.-- : n-r l-t.-r
S I.iihI ..itli i- hen- r.-.-i.iiiiii.'ii !- 1:- In '
In It v ,,l all kin.l- i-l I , I.-!. til.
tl. e'all.l Ihe l II. ..II I linen I.K t'f
ill illi. iii-lii-i.-.' Iitil-I "ll" i-
1 II. HYK.
ATTt !1! N 1". Y
A N 1 1
l.i.ol; AT LAW
1 1 1 v .
1:. 11 Yi'
IlltliiiiS I ITV,
(Iflii-o curlier Mmn
,i,.,..ite fi
ntiil 1' -f: li t ti lrl
i'irl lin'iM'.
am; til
lll.l.lil .S t II V,
f i- il:-l.v
ll l Ii. 1, 11,
The largest Woolen Mills
una Snap Warkson the .'acinV
Cement Mills, three Sash,
lhior ami Wood - Working
Factories; two Box Factories,
ami two ' Furniune Manu
facturing KstaUi.-hmcnts; six
Kxtensivc Kxcclsior Works,
two Crick Yanls.a large Crew
ery, Cigar Factory, lee Works,
iron Works, Sandstone, (iran
ite ami Basaltic tan k Quarries
and numerous smaller enter
oHm'S and manufactories, and
. .. . 1 f
are tree sites ami li'ce
fur more.
tics all of these, Oregon
ias two i.lcettic Light
Fiants, out of which furnidies
light I'm- the city of Portland,
FJ mill's distant.
There are several line husi-
ncss blocks, nine
fim court house
'jant schniil luiihl
Cilv has one of the
ura'li'd schools in tin
ami its lioimlatioii in
.social am
mcnts cannot I
any city in the state.
( Ireg'an City is tlie county
seal of Clackamas County,
which lias an areaofl.OOO.OOO
ai'i'cs, a eoiisitlerahle portion
of which is vet unsurvcvctl.
cliurclies, a
ami an ele
ng. Oregon
intellectual aitain-
i suriia';sctl hv
1 v
MKAI'K lil-.l.ll l-' fiilil'S, Nn
Ml-. ST UK UlilTiU
Mr, I-'. 11 M.'iTiwn. I
Mr, te-ii, A IIiii.Iiui;, - - l-
ill-S, V X. I'"i-1ii-iiiii', - T
Ml'i'li n ""-I mi'l llllnl I'Ti.liila
nintllll In I'.'lllu-ll t'll in In l, Miihilier
friilll iil'l'-iiil, riirilliiSlv U'rll-nllii'il
Won I
i-n-Iiir .
il i-iti-li
nf 1'iirpM
1 1' A.N V, I'lii.si' ;,.ii M..M l), N. (i
.I iiiul M:iln. lien nl:, r- ilrlll nlulit.
!;i..uliii- IiiikIiu-
Mmi.l-iy nl I'iKTi mnntli.
K V Warren. -
'IV I". I.iiiel ill.
Iliei'Illlrt, tll'nt
Kir-I l.ii-iilriuilit.
S in) l.ii'iiti-iinnl,
; :i rnt'NTAIN IHisK Ct 1.. Nn I
' . -s-1 1 1 " I- iiii-rlllt:.!, Ki'i-.illil Wi-iliies.l.'iy lit 1'in-h
mfiiiih .11 i -1 1 ).-1 1 1 1 - liiiiir.e. i-iisi siiin Main stn-ot,
rjttl u '-i n Hi '.-eiiili iiiul rh-luh
I -CK Kit M A N, rtee'y. I.ANCK IIAIII.NKU, I'lA'S
l-.li. Klt,l'.N, l-'nri'lU'ili.
i ('.
ieenll.1 Tlll'M.lliy I'f
i-.imj nn- liuiii.i'. NV
II. it... 1. 1, Hee'y. -I.
(Tl. Nn.
i-ileli iniinlh nl Cut
II. II. m i l l., I'res
V. II I'.iNe'lT I., i"T1.
t.CMIilA 1 1 ) K A.NU I.AIUlia
In llr.it Krliliiy nl 1 iien
F01111I11I11 i nline IliillHi!
fi. ). IIACUN, Hee'y.
ntiili nl
t'llAK. ATHKV, lT-l'H,
CiiAh linv.Kii, frin
M IN l.II'H.
lit. (nulla ri'C
A..i.ivi'.l 111
I VI .1 M'.l'.leel 1" I'lu'.'k.
Ill Hill! lllileil ll I m. nu I C't.
1111IV unit lull' Will i mil I' -n;:'U.
t,n;ins lllinli' n'.l ilVililiil.il' mi'litlly.
Ciillei'tlnllK lllilili' iniil'll.l,
limits. Hulil nn ITntliill'1. Mm ri-,!iic!'.i-n tT'li 'l-
K.t, Now Yuik.iinil nil 1 .1 . in-1 i ut 1 I'i.iiMil I'.n
TcU'sraplile exeliaticea wM mi I'.iiiliml, s-m
Kniiii-lM-ii, C.lilena.. itml Aow V..1I1.
I N'l'KtlKUT I'AlllilN TIME liKI-nsirs AM Inl.HllVS:
I'nr tliri'i' iiiiiiiiliti, -I per i-i-ni n'i nninim.
Kt.r tl litniillin. ft per eenl. put milium.
I'nr VI mniillis. tl per cent, per milium.
Tlmo t'lirtlllenli's nt ili't'tmiK' pnyiilil "tt ile
initml, linl Inii'i-i'Ht (iirli'llinl II ilimvn lii-l in
mill nt term nl ilopimll.
Olf OltlClitlN CITY
(Tlill,ll, JHUI.OlHl
TIIANHACTNA 11 II N Kit A 1. II A N li I Nil llt'NINKM.
tlllli'il. M.-;ke.l en
nil nil pi'illls
1 1;-
T.1.1111W iii-iil.'. l'.HN illt-
leetl.ma. lluvs mi'l wlls ech
In tin' ITlileil Still.--. I'Tn-iipe nil. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 --: K
Hi-pusllH ii'i-i'l' i-il Mil'J.-iT In i lu-i'k Iiilcievl nl
tIMlill liilt-M iillnneil nil tiini' ili'p.'ili. Il'inli
npi'll frniil II A. M. In I 1'. M. Will tl l il il y l'Vl'llill!',.1
fruiit 5 In 7 f, M.
I) (!. l.ATOUUKTT K, I'ri'stilent.
Hiriion of the county
mountainous and heavily
(imhered.it contains within its
area some of the finest agri
cultural lands ia the state.
( Maekainas County wheat took
tlie lirst premium at the Cen-
Fxposition ami the
Stale l'air. A lot of
ami apricots grown
i i
last, season, were
mentioned as being Ihe lines!
in the Portland market.
For further particulars, ad
dress any of the real estate
agent v host advertisements
appear in the columns o! Tin-:
FxTKuriiisK, or the Secretary
of the Oregon City Board of
( )regon
pe.u lies
near Osw
A lte" Ni-aann Probable.
AVahiiinotok. May 4 The outlook
now 1 Ihut a "close season" will lie
declared by the United State govern-
lerie, and the
Company won't havej
any catch this year. If it shuts out its
own lessees. Ihe government may be
lutinted ti)ii to make short work of
aca! poacher, regardless of the feelings
o( the Canadians, but there is no ground
on which the P.ritish gnvernniertt could
rcfit-e to belli in this wotk. anil its
ro-nperation will be asketl with a view of
showing if tlie United Stales is really in
earnest tn wauling lo prevent the des
truction of these animal. An ititer
natieiinl commission might also visit the
the sealing waters to determine what
should i f done to save lit i-eal li-hei U s,
pending arl.il i at ion . There w ill Ikmio
arbitration, however, on the misleading
grounds sought to lie laid tlown by
Lord Salisbuiv. The iptestion of arbi
tration is out of nitht (or the pres-nt,
and the on y thing in view is to prevent
harm coining this season.
Ihe North Anerican Company is
still lighting for the exercise uf its dan
gerous privilege "just one seas', n more."
It is even willing that ihe number of
nnitiKils to he slaughtered should he
limited hv Secretin v Foster to 110,000
I'ermissitiii to kill fiO.OOt) this season
would mean a license lor an umlimited
slaughter. It is well knnn that i( the
Ninth American Company gets a chance
to slattin il will be almost im ossible
to limit the ilesirtii'tioti. ine -Nonn
American Company and all its rival
bidders lor the least' make their bi.'s
nilh a fill! knowledge that whoever
nets the lease would take it subject to
the conditions of Heal li.-licrics, which
uiij-ht make necessary a stoppage of
Tlx- KeHelli."! ' l'Ii.
Cai.i.ao, Mayo H is slated that the
government lorces at t aliaine have re
volted, ai.tl that the ollii-eis have Hed
towards r.olivia. Tnc Fnglish steainer
l'lino anived here this morning. Wlien
she left Valparaiso, March .1. the relvls
had oi-ctiiied the port of Augusta. It is
prt'HUtned that Colonel Camus, with his
ioti-es, hits man-led towards Africa.
Wherever these men may be, however,
they are in a precarious condition, hav
i ni'" no iiH'iiiis of transport anil bcins
without waleror )i"ov;sioiis. Valpuraiso
lii's been converted into a castle. Mauv
of the guns raptured in Callulo during
t l,o last war have been niounted. Three
companies of theljuillota regiint'Tit re-volli-.l
at (Juillotti. The revolt was sur
passed and the leader shot. After the
lbrht at Uo.o Almonte th" victorious
troops became disorderly and sacked the
tonn. Women and g;rls weie abused
and sonic were timidi red. Oneo fired
wilh drink, lust and rapine, rioting com
menced among the men, and soon the
torch was applied and three blocks de
stroyed, while the si file conli:; tied and
the 'fall of the men t the hands of their
comrades in rapine aivoiiipauied lie
crashing of the tall of Ihewalls. Labor
ers front the niiv.te lieldstook lutft in Ihe
work of dost i ucl ion and ragerly siezed
the ea"trid,:es of soldiers who fell. The
ollicers foiitid themselves tinnble to exer
cise the least aitihority over tlie men-
S.vn niKiio. Calif., May ih The Chil
lian pnssengor sleainer Klala, Ciiptaiu
Manson, put inlo this this alier-
noon for 'provisions and possibly foi
coal .
aiiioiv In Tt'l'mettt.
New Tkoy, Vt,, May fi. The ttrnuiid
is covereil with snow this morning. A
I light fall is reported at Kichford.
Woll's periodic comet was
this morning by Mr. Barnard, at the
Lick observatory tin is the nrsi re
turn of the comet to its perihelion since
it was originally discovered by Max
Wolf, of lletderlierg, Germany, in 1884.
Caerinanj'ft Mile.
Bkrmk, May 5, The German
government proposes to the reichstag a
vote of 1,000,000 marks for the proper
representation of Germany at the
Chicago exhibition and for .the assist
ance and promotion of Ihe interests of
German exhibitor. Of the amount of
this draft 100,000 marks are to be voted
A Itcgulur Ileal h Trap.
Rekkcia. Cal.. May 4. Charles Hiley,
a native of Iowa, aged 2d, arrived here
on the Oregon train last night, and in
getting oil the tram on the soutlt sale,
it being very dark, stepped ovei board
and was drowned. Helwas a lather by
trade, and enroute to Salt Like. This
is the tenth life lost at this place in the
tame manner.
It is stated in substance that the
Rothschilds have the deepest sympathy
for their oppressed fellow Hebrews of
Bussia, and have gnown sympathy re
peatedly in a substantial manner and
are ready to do so again ; that thev, as
banker, could in no wise influence the
will of the czar, and that any attempt
to do so could hardly fail of a calamitous
reanlt, so far as affecting the condition
of Kussinn Jew, and that it would be
most unw ise for them to make the
interior policy of the Russian finances,
and that such a course would undoubt
edly give offence to other states, a
implying that the Rothschilds assumed
to be censors of the governments with
which they have dealing. The Roths
child, it is Raid, are uhsi-rihing for the
relief of Russian Jews in an amount
much larger than any tui-tits they are
likelv to derive from the Russian loan.
.ot l.ligible.
Lincoln, Neb. May 5. The supreme
court tislay tendered a decision in the
Boyd-Thayer quo warranto case, ousting
lloyd (deiii.) who at ptesent holds the
office, and declaring Thayer, his re
publican pre leressor, legal govenor of
Nebraska. The opinion recites the
fact ihut Bovd was legally elected gov
enor of Nebraska, but is disquahlied on
the ground of non-eitenship. After
quoting the constitutional provision
relative to aliens the opinion proceeds to
the question of successorship.
r.ioetloii at
Chant's Bass,
election which took
verv quiet
The RiitMiaa Jew.
London, May 3. Sir John Pinion, ad
dressing a meeting of the Ghoverei Zion
Association today opposed the sending
of Russian Jews to South America. He
said he preferred the British colonies,
which could easily absorb the whole
Jewish population in the world. He had
reason to believe the Kothciuiits syndi
cate would withdraw their offer of a loan
to Russia. It is believed the Rothschilds
authorized Sir John to make this statement.
aI-UlllM I'lio.
Mav 4 The city
place today was
nl votes were polled. J.
W. Howard, the pioneer merchant ot
this citv bv a handsome majority. J.
T.Galvin.'L 1'. Tuffs and C. L. Gray
were elected alderman for two years; J .
M. Childs, Sam Axtell and Alex
Burgess, alderman for one year, J . T.
lull's, treasurer. The best of feeling
prevailed, and the new council insures
I legitimate progressoin of business ol all
IVnr .May V.ml.
Paris. May.-An official dispatch re
ceived from Chid says it is proposed
that three members of the congress
ional, or institgent patty, and three
members of the Balniai-eda, or presi
dential party, should be appointed
to center upon MM to nisesuss
I some at-r ingiMuents wlncn would
I bring pence to Chili. President Bal
lmncadiihassolicitedthegcH.nl offices of
I Uraz.it, the United Slates and France
I in the effotts to restore pence in Chili.
lie h;is asked these three countries to
unite in any endeavors which they may
make in this direction.
Women nptnre a lliirglap.
Portland, May 4. Mis. Schnltz, the
landlady of a lodging house on B street,
between Fourth and Fifth, captured a
hni-i.lar this morning at 5 o'clock. At
i ilmt boor Mrs. Slmltz was soundly sleep-
l iug, when a lad v lodger entered her room
mill St id a linigbii- was operating in the
room across the hull Mrs. Slmltz neiv
ther screiinu'd or run. She walketl on
lipiocs up to the burglar and with the as
sistance of her latlv lodger, grabbed him
! by the e ollar.aud hold ot nt the same
time calling lor help, onnvr tsyancniiie
to their assistance, but before he got on
the spot the burglar broke away and run
dov.-n the stairway, alighting in the of
ficer's arms, lie received a warm em
brace and was escorted up to jail, and
todav wits given thirty days for reflection.
Ire I-'K11' Inches TlisrU in Ion a.
Waterloo, Ia., May 5. This section
was visited by a severe frost last night.
Small streams were covered with ice
eight inches in th'okness. The ther
nvim 'tor registered L'S. Mm h dtvmage
was done to fruft trees, which are in
full bloom. Small frtti's were not in
jured much, lxMrg a little backward.
Indications are for another heavy frost
Iiiia;e loe in .Hew York.
A i it any, N. A"., May 5 Reports
from various portions of the state shows
that frosts occurred last night and that
ice formed. The weather is said to be
the coldest experienced at this season for
years. It is believed much d image to
fruit trees and vegetables will icsult.
Snow fell here.
fleet !u;jnf Faetory.
Makshailtown, Iowa, May 4. F. H.
Iver e; Co., beet sugar luanttf.ietnrors,
of California,, co-op'-rut'tig wilh Eastern
capital, have completed rt-g .tia'tona for
the immediate erection her" f the larg
est beet sugar plant in the West, Capi
tal, $o"0,000; daily eapavi'.y, 4;0 barrels.
Planing, 3! ill Burned.
This Pallks, Or., May 4. The
Dalles Lumbering Co's planing mill was
burned yesterday morning; the build
ing is a total loss, also the machinery.
The tire is supposed to have been thu
work of an incendiary. The loss is esti
mated at $15,000; insurance !.tKL
Ire iu
SlassncIinooJl ami Con-
Boston-, Mass., May 5. risratehes
from different parts of Massachusetts
and Connecticut state ice tormeu tn many
ylaces last night, The cherries ami
plums suffered, but other fvui's are not
far enough advanced to he uninjured.
Serious l!i:ir:e i" Umliiia.i.
LaC.banhk, Ind., May The tem
perature in the northern p.-.rt of the,
state fell 30 degrees last night and ice
formed to the thickness of half an inch.
It is belived that fruits and are seriously