"WOMAN'S WOULD. GOOD MRS. BALLINGTON BOOTH OF THE SALVATION ARMY. t Want. SuCTing In Maaaactiitaatia, j : ltrawiim Ruum t'rolliln Th Story Af Rrckt tlrawn A Wuiitati'a llitml, . How On Coat W Slartmt. latniw. fsowtue otnr unmo is fav ored, and drawing room must contain the fewest hvhh01i of furniture, and the few be sot flat against the wall. Willi onu sofa and a table the room in thought complete, 1 in in also an English fash inn, datum back 1.10 years, Now York Sim. The must Impressive affair of the past fcw weeks was when the postmaster Hem-mi's wife opened their house to fashionable company asked to " talk" I by Mrs. Ballinglou lVntU of the Salva- ' mill wrm. a viw nvmiati 9 Ituuioiice I , n.. l i i ,, , . . timuM to placidlv work lit the ferrv. all prominetit women, from the tires-1 . '.. ....- Went' wife down through the senatorial circle. They had come prepared for well, certainly not what they saw nil hoard. Thoir faces, full of intent interest, and much of the time wet with team, were as great study as the woman with the M.ulouua expression and inspired voice who stood liefore thorn. If anv one had j Tha Stiiry of lin k I llrown. IVvkin Hrown, the "ferryman" of Rtuwn'a ferry, near Carmlohaels, who died nveully, hud worked that ferry forty years single handed and alone. She was the widow of James Ittvwtt, who died before the war, and Itockie eon- lu her erly day she attended nil the fair, horse ractn and old tune mtistertt, ped dling gingerbread and uprnoe heer, both famous, an she made them herself. She had a secret prc(iarattou for her (ringer-' bread that made it famous, and no doubt j did a great deal toward making it fa-' tU' SSV' Vl .10 i l.er..t..t..r ml- ui tlJ.i.1 Ci-4 M-lJi ,,,,., ,tt n,-r. L till" ' raT fTivffWfVMVTf ItlMV t v t t r v f f irf wp t f n r: " I' T V 1 Lybi Kai'h i'r l lirim lin1". It t eii lrut lui'l. Ill lu-l M'vi'tKl liumUwl ilor "'r ;wr, thuu Urgo uiiili to lu'tr. ; miliar at all the loeal fain. She ne-er wme prepared for cant and eensational etlivts. the very thoti(ht must haw vanished before the beautiful face, told her ws-ret to any one, and with Btvkie died the itiuxerbread. . For the jvvst twenty years he ha IWW pnw, and stnuur; ton, o weet T w Z Z t , "Z T TkT.?". ,U" manner eo modest and , . ; " " 'T " w to colors than what others milit cull beauty. She wan exceedingly hoeiiita- and rinn and wouuulv. i Aa thi young English woman stepped forward to be introdnctl by the Ker. Dr. Hamlin, of the Church of the Oov vuant, then- was nothing in the simple well tittmg black gown and quaint bliK-k I hvinuet to mark hr callinj?. It wasouly I now and then that a turn of the head! showed tlu little narrow baud half illMlllli tii.l 1,11, t.tf .VS.tt-,. .... l. .......I.. m.slU.Uors.Uvationirmy." Though i-iwlisn by birth and eiluoation, and mi- ble, and often entertained friend with a dinner of her own cooking, which was a marvel, and topped off with her famou ginjcorbread wa a dinner never to lw forirotten. Iter years of toil and trouble did not (jo for naught, as she loaves quite a sum In the fall ot THE MILLHMETTE band Company t'KKKKS IMU'i'KMKNTS TO HOMESEEKERS lUHSOl.t'TION Nl'TIOK. Mini lliirii imrluiT- U IiiMHIHMI rin '""" ii ,,r iiinuiiii 'lu, rUi'k nil Mm Knii uuMi el Uv ill"li,'l ii. m ."" ' ' . ..H.n...r Ktfl ll-. M Hit Bll MW'MllliMHP nun ,e..l.f. M-ll M ,..,. 1'IHH'i'HAl.H r-ull liHAl'INU, M,.l, ,l iir...i..l" li't Hio n.Unv Mill I,.,, ,, I'rolllii unit m't'i'lHi li"" " ,,:;;!; ,i',,.,ii "tiIuJZ'" !,. ,o,.i ol N m imi "' 1,1,1 ri'l'ili"'! ' he rmlii In reaetvi-.l l ri'J i ) "" " ritolMllui. " Hnnlinl iriiHi,, i, . Hi. ll.nllh. '.Mi " ,',',' llll'.HII I ,. "r I'llllll III t ' I ni V X 111 Tr,... " MLllllljill III ,U IM.,f1', i.nii'i. Mt llm iiimii "i, ' ill rtvo ,.,, ,!, ,,, , 'I. j H'.'rv.. III (,.l mU,: " 4 ;'.! JK M II JillHiiN, Trpsnirtit'" Niilli. I I,,,,, mi In w limi'lii luihl. ni'iilli'Kl'lKlii tlm ji.impin "I U Mniilii'liii"'il I"'"' w l''iilr!'i'i iili' linin IheiUiml M n'' I. e CAHir, riximy Ti'-linli-l Oresmi Oil. April IT, inl. To Hie ii i)rr "I M'hiHil illiirli-l N' 1. Clm kmn i iiiiiil. ilr.nii . Ilm iv."iil llm l.ii liniiifl ilunlel r iiim tin mnl I" I'""' '" lh ",l"!','f ,liMO.UIIiln""l "I'l",'" t',,iiilnM.m,v, ulllilii IM il)" biiui ili ' UH. null,.., n ll.17 Kill lie rliiri'l 't'lln .. II i im r ..I, 1 I'l.'ik. I'lilinl ' J Urmiiiit'lly. April I.V ll. " ANP- ,ullr Tu llullilrni. hrnlr.l I0.U Iit eifi tln l"i 'C """) !., lu tt.'.l flili- ml'IIH'ill "l 'i li'i' li'-il mull IJn.rlmk m suiiiiU), Al'Hl 'l'i. Iiwl Tin' .lm l"i rni"n ll"1 Us1'' '" "J"'1 ""1 "' nil I. hi. r'nr lurllut ,iliruUr 1" Julinlliit'l lluiiil'lir.') ril.INK lUkHl Jii.s v I H IN III MI'HIIKV. J TtiMI'klNH i!ro luia ul x'li.nil illiltli'l S'i HI nl tiue years ago by nsudem.v, Mrs. EKilii is nut. save for a very slight ac cent, in the least like au English woman. Hi type she is purely American, and would not. except for the little accent, , even suggest Eugliah associations. Mrs. Booth is the daughter of a Lon ih clergyman. rared iu orthodox faith, and, as is plainly evident, is thoroughly edncateil. She began work in the Salva tion Army eight years ago, when but seventeen, and with sister workers doing teacue work" in the lowest quarters of London. Not loug after her marriage to tieueral Booth's son, Ballington Booth, she came with her husband to this coun ter, where he has become a citixen, and where their child, now two and a half years old. was born, "a boy," as the mother proudry says, "who will be a citizen of the United States." The love for her own baby has made this yonii:; mother's heart even larger aid more tender, and iu one of the low est neighborhoods iu New York city she lus established a day nursery, where ba-Ui-s of the poorest, most wretched, and tiften depraved mothers are taken care of. Seventeen hundred babies were re ceived there hist year. Not only are the little unfortunates cared for day by day, but in this way, as in no other possible, the mothers are reached and helped to better lives. ' AiTufher method of "rescue work" is donning the tatters of poverty, going into the very slums, where church work with Bibles and tracts would bo power less, and living the practical religion of caring for the sick, and for the time set ting down to the level of the lowit. Washington Cor, Springfield Republican. Wouiau Suffrage lu HuurhiiHlll. The legislature will soon reach the dis cussion of the bill for municipal suffrage for women. Perseverance is the strong hold of the woman suffrage cause, and this measure will be urged with the force and earnestness and eloquence that sprite's from belief in a just cause. If it fcuis, the battle will be only adjourned to another session. The knight errants of tue cause of woman's rights know no Mich word as defeat. Little by little the Wo hnv lots oOx'JOO feet, IOOx'JiK) feet, nil fitvoraWy locntc.1. 18S8 masked men broke into her cabin and not finding as much money as they expected, they tortured the old woman horribly. The fi.nils who jierjietrateil ' the fearful deed have never been discov ered. For the past two yearn she ha? niAiiii her hiinte with litir a.,n Aun,,,.,l She was eighty-tire years of atf, and the lots twice the ordinary size nro but half the tmual n ioe of other lots siin-, ,''J"' ZZ Sr-nd brekThe' W r"'- J M right hip bone. Uutler iPa.) Herald. I suitable for suburban hoiiios, convcnieiit to town, schools, chuichcH, I'runi' Orchanl," of ami on il llr,'Kiil. Iix 1 lm klli t'uunly . ..lulrit n.tiiillllOrill'" 'l HirrMUri A Woman's Hui It U only recently that the manicure industry has invaded London. It is now in that city an established trade, as it has been for some time over here. An English paper, however, is still snfti ciently impressed with its flourishing to aunounce as a rather curious jiiece of information that some women who have pKuty of leisure and monev "go as often as once a week to the manicure conrt," which will not strike au American read er as reiii.irk.tbly frequent. Many New York women send their maids to learn the trade of the manicure, and thus se cure daily trained care of their hands. It is a fact, by the way, tested by ex pert observation, that pretty women rarely have pretty hands. And it was a wise woman who said: "(live me a pair of fine eyes, a good carriage and a pretty hand and I will marry the king." So high an authority as Disraeli, too, ex tolled the charm of a beautiful hand in woman, and ascribed to it a means of fascination whk-h never disappears. "Women," he says, "carry a beautiful hand with them to the grave, when a beautiful face has long ago vanished or ceased to enclutut When other charms have all disappeared the hand, immortal hand, defying alike time and care, still vanquishes and still triumphs, and small, soft and fair, by an airy attitude, a gentle pressure, or a new ring, renews with untiring grace the spell that bound i our enamored ana adoring youth. New York Letter. 8h Found llr Lover Dead. A few days ao Mr. John C. Oore, a highly respectable and prom iueut citizen of Uaineeboro, being informed of his ap proaching dissolution, nt his request a messenger was sent utter his utuauced slroni walls of prejudice and custom Mlag Etu Dyt.(W, who ee with and inherited injustice have yielded, and the position of women, legally and in al most every other way, is vastly different from what it was when the agitators be gan this crusade, though political equal ity is still withheld. At tirst ostracised, then ignored, then j laughed fit. their cause has of late reach-1 ed a point where its opponents find it i her father and mother seven miles be yond Gaiueeboro. The bravery and de votion of this young lady is a matter of admiration and universal commendation wtiere the facts are known. She crossed Cumberland nver, which was very high, in a canoe, after dark and rode on horse back to Gaiueslioro, runch of the way through woods surronnding the waters, ,liuliiliilriiirii Nullr N.illiv U lli-irlo (l I'll llll Hi" iiliib'lll'd ) l lmrlt i I IA) i'll. n I' ii i'i i'"'" ' F ' ( III,' BlHlH lull U Itt II lU)i II. iln-,''.l. All 'i"ii llltlm ..ii. .it,o nhl riuli mil rr.iiliil In lire Tlmmi i,'iil Ihr muni" mini tin-1 "Hire "I MrMtliln , A Im'xi't, I" urKMnu l II). In Mid finny, mill r ltilu'lu r Mllhlll ! l-ii'liwii inun inn I II IK I M l I tVsu.N A.lmlliltltnl.T nl the 'li wl II . 1 U tun, ilr','r'l Or 'h I II. nritui. l'lll 1.1. IWI Mollii'ln A iMiux l nii't k Urudnuli!!. all.irt! lor Ailllllllllrlnl 4 17 o ii OVKIfLAND i Trains lor ll,s K,tJ -A M. and u IM 1', ii'lfJl TICKETS SiS '" Mi ' lltgaiit New Dim, 5i 1' HIM.MII laMtllC I FltKK I'dLUNlHT jj Hill Tl.tOII(ll To- ' OMAHA, COUNCIL I!Ll f ; KANSA- Cli 5' i.c WITIIot t ri.,r & I'lutS rillMIMIIllllt Jl tillOtl SttJ Smm . CI rt liirlli.r Mrilriiiu, J utc, and of very protlurtivu noil. A large, growing which we will tell part in small tracts to suit purchaser! terms. easy Call and see us and get prices at Oregon City office or on Robert L. Taft at Portland office No. 50, Stark street, Portland. vinii:. I'ditui' HtT. l.tMi (irru a; Omui'N ( iiy. or . apr K l. I Niillec l licrst'V llrll thai Ilia tl. i.l aiMI llunai iiri f). i l l.i nlil i null, al. ami lim nh i a, will, ramn- rl. w ill l' titlU'lali; H ill III llila ullli'c i u U, i. I "II alhl oil that la) ninl llivtMltcr a'ilii-lli'tia will Im ti',-lr.l (nl Iiuhlir lMti.1 a In u M li' n.li fa J I .ll'I't llK'N. llraUlrf, Ii. K III Ki ll. Ilnalirt f to let tlie winter lire down by May, and there are many cold day in May when afire is needed. The spring, when the stores are taken down, and not the fall, when they are put np again, is the proper time to see that stove fines and Tltla it uuian Mad rv. Among the many callers at the late rcsuli'iice of (.leiieral Julinstou was a well dreamsl woman, who drove up in a handsome equipage ami akid to ee a reprtwuibilive of the family. She would chimneys and all parts of the parapher-; ,lot vo lmT ,mu,0 but olJ Ur- lu'D ualia of the heating apparatus of the house are cleaned. It is an easy matter for the man to attend to this cleaning in the spring, before the general house cleaning is done. If everything is done now, at one time, instead of putting dirty stoves away to stand for six months to be cleaned when they are needed, a great deal of trouble will be saved. New York Tribune, nfedl'nl to drop sarcasm, cease sneering j one Bwium,iug her home across and train all their big guns of argument and influence against the once despised arid unpopular measure. Younger states have passed and surpassed Massachusetts in the granting of rights to women, and some of the old ones are yet in the rear. Municipal suffrage is the next step bore, i It is tne meanura for which the strongest : arguments can be made, appealing for j tiie voice of women in the legislation that nearest uffocts their own homes. Of course there are many women who don't want f-uffratje. It is not proposed that they shall be compelled to vote. Of course, too, there are some unable to ap preciate that they have gained anything in that their sex is no longer doomed to ' inferiority and branded with ignorance, i Springfield Homestead. i Drawing ttoom Funilfthinca. No thoroughly smart drawing room i is considered quite complete iu these ' div without a glass topped table in which are kept on show all the especially i odd bits of curio and antique trifles pos- SRised by its owner. A fragment of : rare old lace, a miniature, an jrory fan, ! di;a and quaint jewelry, and especially ; sui.11 dainty pieces of china, are all stiittered in apparent disorder over the l,k linaig of the table, and the plate gia.-.s aiwve it, glistening with diamond , la jntnesrt, enhances the charm of the ( coliection most eifttctively. The linings of these tables should be i of old rose, pule blue, or green, or a sil- j tr ffrav. The fashion is one that ex- feted 100 years a,o in Europe, and a few of the drawing rooms have tables of that time, "handed down," of course, by family ancestors. They may bo bought, however, at very high prices, and the furniture dealer will sell a -record with each to show from what palace it came and which duchess it was that fcq.t her miniatures and fans in it. The furiiisiiin,,' of fa-hinnnble draw rootiw, by t:. way, i.-i U!'kr;'v;: an ia.;n.rtw, cljar.K jut now. For the Ivilteii y.i.i'.i it lias U'cn the custom to crowd the rooms with chairs of every dovice. tables, cabineta, divans and a channel of backwater When she and her guide arrived death had already claimed his own, and this noble and devoted young woman was given up to the most poignant grief. They were to have been married in a very short time. At the funeral in the presence of a crowded house, in accord ance with his dying requfat, his Masonic pin was presented to the young lady by the acting uil'r of the lodge in ap propriate language with the benedictions of the Masonic fraternity. There were no dry eyes in the vast assembly. Cooks-v01e(Tenn.)Prts. Perfectly Half Kilting llolaarj. An iuvention recently patented con sists in making any article of hosiery, for either under or outside wear, in surb a manner as to render it perfectly sell fitting, without being narrowed or stitches reduced or widened, or the stitchee increased in any way by trans forming the fabrio at intervals and so as togivetho required Bhajies. This con sists of two kinds of fabrics, termed one-and-oue rib and two-and-two rib. Thom two kinds of fabrics are made and joined iu the knitting at one operation without changing, transferring or in any way narrowing any stitch or stitchee dnring the process of manufacture. This causes, by the increased elasticity of the two-and-two rib over the ooe-and-one rib, the decrease in size to tlut necetwary shape, and when changed again to one-and-bne rib the fabric is again of its original width. Three changes are ef fected without any seaming, linking, sewing or any other device hitherto used for this purpose. Textile Mercnry. Johnston, who perceived her, that she wished a 1 k of General Johnston's hair for her collection. "I have," she said with entire self pos widim, "a lock of Uvneral IWi hair, a lock of General Grunt's nj a lock of General Sbcndau's, and I would like a lock of Ueneral Johnston'." As soon as lr. Johustun recovered his k'lf possessiou h told his caller that Iter remarkable request could notbe gran UhI. She left regretfully, not on aoronnt of her requiwt, but of his nifusal. Wash ington Cor. Ikiston Herald. Good Tor .1!sm Curtilliia IIsntlliKat At a recent meeting of the school board Miss Caroline Hastings offered an order that in all documents, records, etc., of the scliool board giving the names of teach ers, their baptismal names shall be given without abbreviation or diminutive. la support of hc;r order Miss Hastings said it was a shame to n.se such names as Nellie, Sn.iie, Came, Uattie fend Mamie in the oflicial records of tlie board. Teacln rs should asbume the dignity which tbe piaas that they are called upon to fill demand. They should atj least give a name that is in accordancs j with the calling tliey have chosen. If thoy were ho unfortunate as to have been baptized Susie, Nellie, etc., Miss Hast ings hoped the next generation would be more fortunate. Whfcu Miss IListiugs was a girl herself Iter family aud intimate friends called her Carrie. At one tiuio she was ubout to have some cards printed with the name "Carrie," bnt h wise brother saved hr. The orler was passed. Boston Itecord. Heat I NeeriMl In the Hpriuf. Tlio warning not to turn off heat too early and not to make haste to put away stores in the bpri ti :j needs to be spoken ouoii. ,.- .1 1...-J of iuiicui have been ti;iced to ib') fooli.di pr:w;t-ii of let ting 6wu tho winter fire as soon as the Bret mild breeaea of Spring blow. It is tin mttmrh in this duuureble climate A (Irnat Mugcr'i Way, Mine. Pauline Lucca is now forty-eight years old and has decided to retire jier mani'iitly from the stage. She is said tc be the most approachable of all the great artists. Scores' young singers liesiege her home every week, who beg to be al lowed to sing to her for an opinion. The lovely Lucea listens on these conditions, "that scales or an exercise be selected in preference to a solo," "and that sileiict be interpreted as an expnwiion of my dislike." If the singer has a voice she is praised and encouraged, but to the many whose vocal powers do not justify the expense of study she has absolutely noth ing to say. If she talks, it is about the weather or the scenery or the world In general. London Letter. Tli oel. l,er ( arrl.,1 uffker t oll. A valuuble mare and colt cncied from the barnyard of A blub Hayes, the noted stock raiser, of Cincinnati, rooeully, just as a freight train came thundering down toward au adjacent crossing. The colt got in the way of the traiu and was caught on the cowcatcher, iu despite of the mare's anxious neighing. The loug train could not be stopped until it had run the better uurt of a mile. Then the colt rolled off unhurt. The mare had wildly leapitl culverts and crossing fences, and was almost up with the en gine when her unharmed colt full safely down the side of the track. Cor. Phila delphia Itecord. Milli K. I.asii Un . oa.ius I'm.um , April i;, wit Ci'ltil'tahil tiavln l.ei.11 rlilrrr! at llila ,irtl,- I.V Kraili lal, I nil . aaalUBl I ll'imaa tl. I illlinill Inr ali-ii'loitlnir M llotiititrail fnltr Nn. :at ilslt-l Julip.l l"li-i. il'"il llii'.li'l ao'awd, ll'.l r .i l III I Ui-aaiuaa f"Ulil, lifi-K'-ll. ill, a i tow I" Uiv ,'aiii-,'IUl"tl ol aal. nil r f On' naltl ( nil,-, arr lirr, l.j utiiln-'iiail l.i a-x-.,r al tin. i.tlh-tf n tlir Mil tl J unr. It,l. al I ii rim t. a in . l.i r-ixitnl ami lunilali luatl ini'U) ri'lii i-nolig al J all,-Ki-il alaliliiuuiptil IHKi J T .i-rHa. Hi.mr flol'li K I' S t.JINII OrrH I. DUlunS City, uti , Ar II. laul l'uai,Ultil liavltif li.u rnleri.,1 al Ihi.ufTlc by Vim II. Ilmnl-r.ii atfalliil It it ,1 1 'li-r-t-lllx-tKiT fur a!.atlil,'Ulli 111. Ilmntiatrail Kutry N't n.-J ilalr.l Man U li. Imtl. U..,u Itir Ima t anil 4, tn-tlult IJ. taiaii.lilli i a. r .1 In I'laraa-itia- r,,u lit t . I 'ti-"ti. llli a lira to tlie raural latlnn nl aattlptitry. Ilia aalil (.artlca ara liarrti iiltitDi'lii'.l tu afl'i'ar at till, uftli-a lt Ilia fllft ilay nf Jim Ivil, Ml Hlo'rl.a-l. a III . In raap,it ali't flirilltlt tfatlmutiy nilttariilliK .al.l aiiwtfr.l aliati'lmiiiiaut J, 1', Arraatt,, Hvsutar. t .'i ; .-j NoTK K ruU IM Ill.ll'AlloS, I.asii Orrn a ar oaiunH CiTf.Oa. Uar VI. 11. N'lli- i. ItiTi-liy Ktvt'ti Itiat tlia Inllimltig llatlltM al'ttll-r Ita. tlll"l ll'itll'li ill III. I II IVI.ttaitl to malv rtlial j'ro'.l lu aat.,,rl u( ttla rlallu atnl thai al'l t-rii.il w 111 l,. niailn tirlnrr tlta Iti-ala trr Hii-I Hi" rlvi-r .'I I hi I H l.aii'l univfi al llr-i-Riiti I'lty. (in'tin uu Ma rj, avi, u I'lorrac: Mlllxr, llniittialtail ititry Nn ,v; iii li,r tint ia'. n I .w'i nl ',-. ii, i ,i a, r I e. Hp liami'a tlia tlltiata Htttii'tnra tn pr'MH lila r. 'till ti null a rratavlw-a iipuli ami i-iiltlvaltoti (4 .alii lamt. mi I liarlr I io i la: l.--t '. II W banli'll. J"llll Slraart, aU'l I'riik Snnlrll. alt ,1 M,ila!la. rlai-kama. !',.. llri-Kiin. J. I. Ar-tHuM, Hri(Uli.r How Una Coat Wan Ntartcd. Some time ago Lady Dnnlo, who has never got over her taste for theatrical apparel, took to wearing a big masculine box coat of white Melton cloth. It was intended to be worn as a coaching coat, but Lady Dnnlo wore it everywhere with the collar turned np about her ears and her hands thrust Into her pockets. It wasn't long before these whito Melton box coats aipeared conspicuously every where in London, and now the Anieri- I can girls are bringing them over here for their coaching trips. Tley have many recommendations to the American fash ionable mind. They are neither pretty, nor suitable, nor becoming, nor cheap. New York Post Among the unusual inventions patent ed by women are improved bottle stop pers, improved method of fastening door knobs to their tpindles, an appliance for plucking hair to bo used in the dressing of furs, improved method of preparing lualher for thu soles of boots and shoes, for improvements in electric arc lamps, and for more reliable indicators spe cially applicable for use on toe roiling stock of rattwayjrs. Ilnat Tlraa to Tuiia a I'lanu. Must ieople let their pianos go until tlie ear cannot tolerate them, but a piano requires constant attention, and where the changi-s of the season urn nuu ked onglit to bo tuned at least four times a year. Where tho tuning is occasional aud not regular, either the spring after the fires are extiiiguniii winter, alter tliey are well umler way, is tho best time for tuning, for then the piano is leant subject to climatic changes. Interview iu Seattle Telegraph. ... ,1 -"1' Ol Ulll 1-UllJT j ,,,,.,! The recent death of the "poet" Close, in England, recalls tho curious circum stances under which ho received a pen sion. He was recommended for a pen sion by Lord Paltnerston in a fit of good nature, at the instance of a friend of Mr. Close. Tlie alleged poA was a mere writer of doggerel, and utter much dis cussion the (tension order was revoked Lord Palnierston considered his blunder an excellent joke. miiick nut rriiui'Aiiii.v l.i Mi orrn t ar iitue,..., lit,, i' Man-h Jl. lul. Ntiflri'la h,'ri-li)f (Ivi'tl tliat ',hn ellnaliii ItaitH'il aittltT haa lUt-tl i aint-1 attier hat ftlr! mitli-c ul h,'r liitriilttiii In ttiakti lltial rHil in uiinrt nl hl t'l.ilin. ami Hint aahl nr.... I will ! mo'li'l'el.ir,' the UviiUliT ahtl IU . t l.rr of S laml rilTlras at lltrtfolt City, Ori.iill. ntt May a ll. III. Hi'th K. J.inra. lli'lnc.li h.I Ktitry N. Mi'. I.ir tlif ao1,, ai.(i J, a, r 'i , He until,'. Utr I. .!.. In a tin,.. ,.. t .ri.vi' hla I'ti.illne.ma ruil.lriict. umiii aiel t-iiltl Mill. .ii ..( al.l laml, vt J.ihu Ii.m-UI, ,.f San. ly. an. I t,il,,-rt H Al.inn.l. r. V Mnni. nml Ji.ln. Kajh.r. nl Muriimt, all ul Clai-aainaa ruituiy. iim-kuii 5 .' .1 1 A l-l-r n.t!. Hrk-I,l. r Nunc ic Knit r''hi.tc a i ion. I iNi. uitti r. it tii!ii.it City, iir Slnri'ti !. In lnri'l.y tlviii !li! th ,.ll,,in .11. -r lex 111, . ii. ,n ,1 i.r 1, ,1.., ,,,,,,, In inakr II ii I .r... I in iii.i..,rt .,( h..r i l.oin .oi l Hint .ill. I .r, nl nlll I..- iu i.,.l.,.,,i,. tin, lira later .net luven 'T nl Itn f s I ,.,i on,, ,. , .ii City, I iri'ti'in, mi ilny I I. vi. v Mury A I'li kom, lli.ini.ilPB.I Km i y N.i V . -i f , ,i , liN.l '.. ..I ' , ( ,i t : , r hl I,,,,,,,., Hie li.ll.iii ink nun,..., i,,,n,v,. h,.r .r 1 1 n nun ri'-el. -in i .q."ii mnl i uliunll.,11 l , u, i, vl. Ui.l.. rl Ali'i-imliT, K re.leriek sh-,.t. i.i M ul Hint, nn lliiiry i . i . k n .ui.l iirerio- ll..ltiilnii "I S.lll.ly, 111! .. ni 1,, III. i niiiily, (ri.h.,. I'l" J T Ai'i-nimiv, It el Ilia I uttitany or ' . I I I ,r it. M. 'll'I.M.l, Northern Pai Groat Overly TWO KANT TUALu Noilly Shortest Line h An4 all aolu,t it. raiXAxa m The Xorthrrifi It lh. miI Uu. l'iu'liKtir Traill. Sreolld-t Sltwua l.uitiriolis i.y lV I'lilinall Palnv, I'slsee lllilrjU I'reM TertUri l Sen (hat your li.kfl. .Norlhern 1'a.iOc 1 avoid clisnpr Threutfh I'ulllliaH I'alMi lai i.mi Sd Hit Uu Cti an Mi Io in M Ml a u alil ilai aftarhra, Aural a taran r'irtiaaq. lialli i 4. !,( tl.(arH'lla. Af Nl.. rlUatl.Or, gW I at h4. tan u.i firm THE YAQUIW - Oregon Pacific r. k. iKHMi.k OREOON detelopkt: - SHOUT UXETOff irr. t'KKUJHTANDKAU'' Train Nn. S will n '. tlava and Halunlm ., h. lUra ulirti iimaaaarv: Irani Nn 4 nlll nn i ilaya ami Kn.lav, an. I alirn nnauary : Mfiimrr Sll:i I I11K Vlyl lt - Ib. Itult, Mb. I.laiaa SaarstNi iKa-l Man-U l, Uta Jl,t. auk. 1 Thf p,.mMiHy raaarva a alllui daiaa allliaul aotla Tralui cuuna.1 a II Int. Ilt.alaalt'.irtalll.aatl A:n The Oregon 1'acific NVillainelle river in Portland, aoul-Usiiil V ilV, aj.,1 KinUy ill 1 Cnrvailis Tnewluv, Tlii" dsv at 3;:l P.' M, Ij norlli-liotind, Momlii 1 Ktiilay al a A M. i' Turiulay, Thuisday tni P. Al. on Monday, W ilny, both north and lie over night at r-nlit: tl A, M. 5 Krrllit,n.TlrkfloO(t' I'urllau.l c. v iioiit k. o. r EAST AND f VIA Soiillicrn Pile, A SHASTA r Kxpress IVaiiiB leavt v - When stoves are taken down in the spring each should have all of its pieces put together, aud those that are small onongh placed inside of the stove: lai'0 pieces may bo at Inched by a wire. If this is done there is no searching or con fusion iu autumn. ..I i .I ..I I Tho wife of Councilman John Hallo ran, of Cincinnati, lias just n vol veil, through thti mail, a smitll box contain ing the wedding ring which was stolen from her twelve years ngo. fiho has no ausjricien of the identity of the con science stricken person. A trouscr button manufacturer at Darmeu advertisos.his willingness to pay : linn VM) to tlie Heirs or any nuui wlio may i oe auieu in a railway acumuut, provided trsc he is shown to have been wearing at least sin of flio manufacturer's buttons. SHKIlll'l s SAI.K. MtHlr nf liri'irnn, I t'nilli!) ul 1'li.i'kniMif I ('. It liri'W. I'hilnlln', v i Till" Pnllliiml i-III I-lit C,.i,iiny Nnllii' la Ii .1 , l.j bIwh, Umi I,, vi,,, I'XI'.'lllii.ll litaili'.l out el nn,! iniilVr II, ........I ,,,iiii ,,i ..nun, un, ii, t ,.,inn Hi oii ,,( l r.-. .11. nn. I I., mi. ,lr.-i-le. ,n, , I ii.t-n-.i i ., ni. .-.ni'iiit ,ii ri -I,,, in : " 1 '1 in- Miiri-li .-Hi n Ill'l ret llllf till', I II i he tl .1 ti,.. . ,f tlir 1 1 1. , ,f , t in, n ...ii i.i Mini inn, in i ,, M ,r, ,..,,,, ""' MI "I l.o.l't in I s K, i-., in I WHIl IlltlTi.-l llleri',,!! .. II,,. ,,.s I Mnti h. A. II. l-.il.nl 111.- ll. ,,l III ,., iininlli ,cr niiinitn. nu. (.,, ,ut, ,ls( in. nt iii i.-m. k ll minim. I h ive I,., , . 1 1 (. . t!. ,,,, ,. .H. ll' ll'Mliilila, l,.,ei,,,., il,.M.,,, i, I Hl'K llllillK nl till a. . 1 1 1 Ii I ,ir I eiiriifr "I hl.ii'k Nn '.' I, lu ll,,. ,,,, el n, I 'Iiy. I'muily el t'l M loo..,,i,sii,. i,r,.u,. "e-.r.li.iti I,. il.,,:i. ,,,, .,ur ;' ; lliimei- n.ulh, rty ,,!. . i, k- . ,.,,.ru I,.,,,,, I ,, v el Mniti Mri'i'l, tiilriy-ittu c.j, I,,,, i,;, ,,,, r,,,. lll'HI'O I'.'lerlv en n lllir Hit, ,..! i which it. ml. I lni, re,. in iriki. Hi.- n,...,i nniii,. erly ennirr ul l.leek Sn. 711 In miI.I (lr,.,.i, t'tv - (I'M Inn l.i.irit lltl.'lll (,i ,., vvtinlet ly r,,li' llu- I'l'iiler ,.r II,,. mil in irvk nl Uu. iin-irnu ,,, CHlllnriilii llll,, ,r,'k; tUn, ,, ' t.iirn t- with tl.,. k..l,l i.. . ,. '. nlllt la the aitlilht'l'ly I, Inrvnl mil. I l.l..? ', Hi ll'l-t Irnni the f-enter ,.l I ,.. IIiimii'1. wi'nli'i'ly iil.nm l !,i,,i,, .., I li.'itlllllllii!: niiva S.ui.h 7 ne - (Tfj ;i;.r,. I.v Iii I.-.. a. Ar l'..rll!. tlri-ii.m I ' S Kratir., ...iiitv, i netl,,. .' t li.-r I'lV el ul. I'l'l -n.ti . .' i-iii.I tv "t i n il illy Mr. A. A. Low, Hip l.iil.er of IYe;,i dent Low, of Columbia coll. Im.-t j n ,t piiHHed lii.-i eiglilinl.il birllnlay. Mr. J.ow has given f.'U.OliO to his liirt,hpl,-u'.o Sa lem, Mass. to be devoted to the etluca tien of deaorring boys. i in ii,,,,i. -k N. "ii . -.I Ii I il On- tun 11 I II v , . . II ..ll'.-.. ( He. ,1m 'I. nl lln mini liloeh .i. In the i.l mi. I exee,t llie ,i,c it i , 1'.l. 4tl. I'll nrel I ..', In Ii, Ami w ill ..ti Huliir.l iv M i luilif nf ill it iu, .. s ,i,l ,. Ilia C I II e ii, i, i, eeli III lu,l, i, ,ji I , lulcr, '.I I ri n in j I . i I,., ,, , , , en j, k. ailiaty aiuiu'.ili , lll'.lirtllllll Uinta, !,. I . . ,W' W- " HMSi,N, SlifrltT l ClsnksmsH Dtniuty, Orugun. Dstcd tlili lt day ef April, lam. Almvti tmllia atnp ulllj l. Hull. IU. tin nl KuM'l.illl ' truli City. Wiie.lhiiru. S1pf . shi'.l.la. Ilnlaey. II nrrliliK : yltiil nml Kujo'iin ltDSKItrllli M' nu.i, m. I I.v I'urllW' : U IN. A, M. I I.v llri'fiml'- .1 iu I' n. I Ar K.iai'lw. A 1. ll A NY I.IH'Al. Il'il! .'. ii ' iv M I" l.i- I'.irtlut ii 'in r. M. I l.v Ori'ifn1". Ii mi f, ii, Ar All.l,' FJLillman Buffc TOURIST SLEE' Klll lU'eel'ltlinitiltlntl lifHte6 iiltitt'hf J lu til',-. Weal rtttlalt' iu:twii:n 1'oiiti.vsh 1 Mull Trulii, liiillyl"''! , . -,- 9 V.MU.H. I ),V i-'H"'-, 1 v H i. M.I Ar Cnnt T ' I '-'-.il u-.i. "II. 1 nml rimta nml At Alluiiiy ami CurvnllH : nl (iri'iiiui f'lieldf Unllli'1" KxnrM Trnln I'llf. 4 :40 '. h. " l,v l'nrlli'f, 7 i', m. I ArliMlii' throucht, To AI.M r.ii'ii.io.is 'mil ni i t -.- i-.'i iinii..:, eli'., rU ! -tireijiiii (lily. J It. KOKIII.HK, MnKr, Ail , i