Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 01, 1891, Image 7

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    ftRM AND 1I0MK.
ttr of IntiTwt to tin' Nnni'i'. ''
Uciii'i', llmtlniliiiM. Hm-h
Illlhcl ilhil llnilxi ln'l'l-
li.Mlll I ll Mil
ma ii i ,i imIih,
lliul in nut
HiiTTV lii' if: 111 vvm...i,ii,
i A n ( i : ,n l n i .
(rtimlii',"'" v '
,A viry l"'-;"y I'" '
,'11,1,1! gur.l.'Mmi-!. "" I1
tH'illll'Tri, '""''
I uiiil'wHii ci' ;ir;iHi uii'l
ititu of cvpi-i'M nn
vi-t iMfi, "r iiiivlliin
too ftdiirinK h inilurc, Such
tnlici'fi 11 the iiioi iiinx nlory, citii
f bird vine, 11111I otlii'i' twi'iitv
tern, an- hdlcr left lor uncivilly
I yen ttiul liuiMiiuK. Hunt uiv
hr than hcciIh, Iicciiuhc niorcccr
n, and tin-v tin "t HO '""K
Witch tilt' iui-k of twining imhI
viuliiitf. I'nil'ii'llu riliH id not
HinUivu, hikI to sen Hiich 1111 oh
t BtuntlinK th'Tc week alter wci li,
Iting fr ill clothcH, ilocH not ivc
iil jilciiMiint iinircn,iioii of 11
Uut first funl your uinliii'llu; ami
1 mrtV not ho no cum v, for "n tiri'il"
ibrcllan tlmt arc no louder lit for
I r ncliloni hccii, Sonic iih iii
? of the family, however, may U
ta to produce one; unit then it
ulj b iniiueiliutely Htri'ctl of
j few tattiTH loft to it. 'lhc next
p Ib to jmint th" frame ami huii-
brown, ami when unite dry,
mtthoendof the haiull.,' lirinly
th ground, with the frame fully
jnud. If the. lmndl it rather
art, it will he an improvement to
d ft piKe of wood to it.
It U now ready for the vinen,
deb should huvo niado Home pro
m in growing; and when they
Colxnin to do their Ix-nt, the old
.ibrclUfraino niaken mieh a lovely
L'cn ktwir utmldcd with Mohhouih
red or imriile or whit" or nil to-
if t in vincN are nnxeu
Candor ami truth am natural
In the younu. )inHimulatioii and
deceit rcMult from InjudiciouM Kuid
alien iuhI rcHtraiut.
The poulterer who hau all the
milk he em. line hau III his hand
one of the llneht i-uk pl'odie-iiig and
llrull I'urioioK I'ooiIh,
Poultry kfepmr. woinc hiiiv, pro.
Mollis lll"l" t',-0 I II li'H ulllrll 1 1 1 1 1 1
Heciii eiiplivaliiig to the fi male
mind limn iilmoMt any oIIht hulim
trial pursuit,
( 'holera in produced hy lill h, cold,
iliililp quill ti '., imploprl' l','i'iiii;,
inula variety of ol her chiihi'H. Pre
vent it hy I'li'anliiH hh and iudii'ioiiM
I here in i-1 ,11 a liMint 11 of time
left to htart a K'H"I Mlrawherry l'd
thin fprinj.' A few pl.iutM Ki t out
now mid can fully attended will
make huinlredH lv fall, mid thiiH
you euii hcciire a fa run lied of the
lirHt k ) li 1h at 11 Hliiall I'XpriiMe.
The fuinoiiM brood inure, lleiiuti
ful Helix, 2:l!'.i, dropped u buy colt
recently, by Klectioneer, at I he farm
of Senator Stanford, I'alo Alto, Cal
ifornia. Thin youngster in the hint
foal of that much prized combina
tion, Klcetioiiecr-Heautiful liclln.
I'rofeHHor Hunter NiclioUm mik
gehtM that women niaku tic bent
buttcniiaker iM cnuxe of their xupo.
rior ubility to bee and hiiicII any
thin); wrong, and thin fur the nimple
mtHon that their line olfactory
HciiHe in not deadened by chewing
tobacco, Hiuokiug ciarH, or drink
ing whinky.
A. J. W'ull bun h hen that layH
hei own weight in cggnevery twelve
dayn. She in of the game bantam
variety and weilm exactly one
Hiuud, und twelve of her eggs are
of the name weight. Wall Iiiih a
roonter of the name variety that
ner 11 III" Vllien win uiiavm . 1 1 1 - .
mi ii ii'itiiflm 11,11) t m ,ii ml nm n uniirli.r
lt every one exela.m over .U '.,.,,;,. (.,ir,mi(.1(, 1
iuty. I
V parfti-ol with the Hiime trent-j The (tujjar lt rcipiirm adee
fit in equally prettv on a Hinaller : N-ruicable noil, an it rootn jicnetrat
lo, and it would be very orna- ;,l,eply and are nbundaiit ly huji
Lntal in tin-center of a round bed with lin.. libcrn through' bid
ted with bright colored phlox or rcei ivi n it nourishment. A deei
dy-tuft. With a long-Mioulcd
U'ring-p"t the viui H cuiild hiive a
ly drolicliini.' in warm weather,
lt .llltt huh is ii"t .-liininn on
111, frolu I heir i""! to their bi -li
green tipH, and ibid would keep
'in fienh.
Mindy iomu in the
iluce beetM rich in
beet- yrow above
crown i nearly
bent Soil to pro-
Me.'ar, for when
the cround tin-
AtlVASI A'.K oK AN 1 S.
) had long be n known that ant
grt,'t e lie in 11 h toother innect',.
cilid they never meddle with
.ltd 'fruit. " Some fruit gro rn
Eird tliemitK M a liilixiinen in the
hard, and take p.iili- toib'Htroy
t ant li i 1 1 k wherever found. Or-mlii-t
in Italy and (ierm inv,
KfVPf, re'aril the imM as very
icficial. andenco'ir:i;;e their pre--
Hi. A 'oTe'OUclclt (t.lVH : "Ma-
of the leading orchard pimprie
I in .Northern Italy and Sontli
1 (ierniany are cultnalors of the
nmoll 1,1a. k ant, which insect
tv hold in hiuh esteem an the
s lor siinar
lu-i ly set- i
best WUV to :
rcioain un- ;
r, acciimu- j
Viial 1, t, i
It seeniM to be eolicl
tied that by fir the
keep manure is to h t it
der the animal-, all w int.
lating to a d'-p',h of s
and preserving H the urine. Win n
thus tramped don u lirinly it never
heats, ami is fully one fourth
Htroneer than when oiled out d.ior-
expoHed to the sun and rain, both!
of which injure it great I v. ! 1
lauds heeding in not all done, and
it will now be further delayed. Kali
Mown wheat and oatu have fine
growlliH, ami in muiii" place it 1m
beingpiiHtureil down. Spring grain
that Iiiih Loo 11 mowii is. doing linely.
The fruit crop is thriving.' All
IrecM are generally in lull bloom,
I'l'i'sent. indicalioiiK puinl, to a phe
iioni 'iuil fruit crop Ihinyeiir. Ilop
liaw good urowlh, They are from
one to (no b i t. above the ground.
The hop acreage has been in
creased. More pot ;ito' 'H than usual
have been planted. St rawlsTrieH
and ol her small berricH are coining
mi finely. !erncn promise to be
1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 u 1 1 1 y plentiful.
Limbs are doing well, 1'rerara
liomi are being made for shearing,
which will be in full Id, ist next
The week glows with most favor
able prospects for WVhteru Oregon
cropM and productions,
The weather lias been more
cloudy during the past week than
for a long time, and libt rains
more general. Over one-half an
inch fell throughout the section
Tho teiiiMTature has Ven idightly
below tho average, with occasional
light frost.
The rain that fell was needed,
for the Hoil was becoming dry aixi
Into sown grain was not germinat
ing. The rain giveg renewed vigor
to grain already up, and greatly as
sist that not yet npiearing. The
rain that fell is worth a lurge sum
to the w heat fields. I'rospeetH were
never Iwtter for the wheat crop
than they are at the close of tho
present week. Tho increased acre
age, and more favorable weather
will produce a much larger crop
than the phehoineiial yield of last
(irass on the rango is growing
and furnishing good feed. Stock
are fattening. Shearing is in pro
greHs. Fleeces are large and wool
of good quality
Fruit promises unusually well.
In Wasco countv there has been a
largely increased ncrcngc of wrter
melons. Vegetables in gardens are
growing rapidly.
As in Wctern Oregon, ho it is
t hroUhiiet KaMern Orcoll the
prospect.-, we-e never betti-rfor Im,uii
teoiiD crQjis.
1!. S. I'Ai.I'K,
oi,-i rer 1'. S. Signal S-rvice.
mvi:;;:i ttKi'i.tr
Tlirrit iwt
(Ird In tiu-
H"it, tit itr what UP I
i turn llnkrr Cllv, PC NTf fPV
a ittiiti who tm irt' VrfCil 1 UiV I
hridiiip 'l tilllirl with the rexjiirr-f-n ntt'l fl f
i1'V-lfmr t of (hut rmiiHry, 'i hii ntutl ii VJ vJ
n ti'i dlltt-r Ihrtll Mr, J"li R(wufl, uvn of the
w lititi , niwt nvrt fttflui'iitliil iiJim In th"
(tiiily n went l'tlcf lir w:iytt; " tiii'l In' 11
ftilT iht( fiorri p(iim hi lit v 1 u:k iiik vaw r,it kl'l
iiry 'Hindu int (nf njtue linf, mi'l hn im 'I iinnty
rriiKii-n wltliont nity Imt i'-iu por nry rr)U f, The
In my li n k hu'l h'-'t'oitir imj nrvrrv t hat t wan
prrvrrii"! ImhiI uHtivUim 1' tiiy wurk ftli'l -oulj
lint ni've tifnitil without the H of n p; 1 He. flmr
tiiK, through h fi Ini'l, of tJi wjii'l"tftil t vn r(
fr tp') tty Kidney Th, I wim hidm . -I lo try
II h. mtt ftoin (hut vrry firtt do I fotiti'l lii-tiilit
relirC, Kiel hi-fart utin hut tlif "ntiiu of the
iutt the piiitti lit my t'u k rut Irrly -thnj-(iici,
1 hnvt rvry f.iilh lit U.r viilnii 'if thv Orroti
Khliiry 'Jt a, noil tun C0)iM-ii-ntiotily rroniun nd
It I" my furuilfi. I would .not V without it for
nvh!it( " - - -
Oij'iii Kldliry T-.1 enrrti tiit-k'n hr, jtKOtill
fieii e fif iniii, till' k fliM nr-'liiKtit, hurttlii(f Of
t'Minftil M'tiniiitoti whit iiiiiiiiiitiir. ii in I (til ft lire
tioiiKofihc kidnryot uHitur yotKMtof "ither nt 1,
HtM MIK lir
1 A.2STH)
I'urtie-M ili-Hlnni" Wrsiil TurniriK, I'ut
teriM, Ilruckets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will boKiiltml by Calling on Mts.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
CVOpp. Hie CongreHtional Church
M. H. Klinnn.
J. P. Hill
Flanagan & Hill,
Kt.PS ON 11 A N't) 1'IIK BKST gKl.F.CTIO
lorn, Al, Hir, 4tc, to tx
In lj(u-Kftlbftm block
InUllll In lh Hllll.
(IWe m call
Fakr's Goldei? Female Pills.
nUhr.l I
11 tin- orR'u,
, r;, .1 u 1 1 y (e.fti
K 1 1 Mi j :u !.j II..
;i le
r.i! luefl'tt 1H!
t y v rr
vor FrTnny.n Irrtr'iliir
I tic: lioihittclikellifiu
011 tli iimrki-l. AVtrf
fail, hUf i-efiiiullT tiwd
'' ! iIUIliJl!l ludiri
niiirhly. (J iit'iri !
to reiwvo n.!ij.reel
IV'ti't hii:ii,''ii7T'rk1.
pitvt.- 'i ,:m litii ih.
aii ; nio'it-j Liouib-
11 riiig und Simnncr.
Wo r iruexlly invito your iittcnliiii l 011 r manill'.'niit sliowinn of
New and Stylish Selection
For the Spring and Summer f'or.tlis.
Vnnr OW M inlere-ts eiiniiil In; Kellci H-rvei (Imn liv fuliiilinriziiijf yiiilrst lves
Willi liiew) X'kxIh iiihI pr'ei-o, beraiiHe ll,cy '"Jiti -i iit
More new slyles, Immls'iiiK! selecliuiis and i lioiee novelties
tli.iu ever U-foru.
Come mnl wo 011 r coinilet iiBsortment of Sjiriii ami Summer styles in
... DRY GOODS . . .
Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing
Goods, Notions, Etc.
Now have a Full .Stock of Lumtar on hand and can fill
all orderg promptly. Their stock embraces
Flooring;, Ceiling, Unstie and all erades of Dressed Lumber, Lath,
Pickets and Dimennion Stuff.
Special Hills Cut. Send in your orders k-fore the Spring rush.
utletl i'
lellS, lie,
el't.li til V
Flll lllelS ill ( lre(ii
t.u in. mure tln ir (..ir,
their lieli ImihIs 11 r
iiiiiiiiire.l, Imt it will 1
Nearly every f.i:ne : !-.e. j, elnek
ens, and ehiekeii iii.unii'e i-i the
very ricliestkiiel il' i!.uit, I'.iml, m
fact ton rieh for iiw' ill, ine. (into
some swamp and yet .stum uf the
mud there, mix it with 11 it eiiial
itmiitity uf chicken manure, ami
I... 11 . r ... :t- ..
1 -.1:1. , ..lltl. .i 1;,.,,. ! 'vni' nuve an exeenein leruiuer.
Bin, Tllie il .ir: tin ui' 1, u,"1 11,1 ft.
; c. n, M,-
' (Lit M.-.ll
On le,
. t i.m.
iiy !ii!
i-ruh 1
1". . r 1 En 11 1 1 III hi. I
1 f
lt-RrOWi rs liest ll'lelnl. J hey
ablinh nut liills in tlieirorcharils,
Heave tho pulice Hervii'e of their
it treus entirely to their tiny ml-
uliintr tin the stems uf the fruit 1
ph, cTeiinsiim the ImuihIis Kiel , ilr' ''"'
veg of maletaetors, malureii as
11 ad oinhryotie, and deseetnliii)'
en with spoils to the ('round,
tto they comfortably consume
, prudently ctory away their
TIIS ( AUK OK mi l l' THI KS.
f rttit trees that have been nc(
ited for a nuinher of years and
Ve lOoinc scrubby, moss-grown,
t half dead, may often be remi
nd and made to hear good crops.
,t, all the dead wood should be
itoved, with the saw. Then they
y bo pruned out somewhat to ad
( light ami air. Next, the bark
At la be scraped, and all moss re
Vd, and it might be well to wash
bark with some alkaline prepar
1. If the bark lias tite appear
K) of being bidi'-bound, a few Ion
adinal slits 011 the outer bark
Old bo of service, Last, hut by
nicanj least, the ground nhoiild
I thoroughly stirred, The best
y to do this is with a pair of good
.scsftnda plow. onot beafraid
toa break oil' some large roots,
ause this will only haw a tt 11
icy to start the tree to growing,
ir up the sod and remove it, from
ilind the tree, and keep (he hind
jultivntioii. I'ut on some hum-,
d manure, wood ashes or com
rcial fertilizer. The trees will
men siun 10 grow, ami 111 a year
;wo will liavii thrown out enough
V jvood to bear it good ci'oji.
. farmer who knows a great de.il
mt raising potatoes says that he
ms it n mistake for farmers to
nt only the small potatoes; that
ilo they may raise good crops
m small seed foroiieortwoycars,
liny do not obtain their seed iVoni
K! wlei l;,ke p;ill i !o s 'leet 1 ir-
ll, their potatoes will -nmi run
- and become small. We should,
least) Htdeet the lilunipest and
t wheat to sow, and why not po
ry it for your choice plants in the
Captain ISabviy-k discovered San
Jose scale mi some of bis fruit
trees, and Ol'derrd them thrown out
and burned. liefurc the lire was
set some farmers ciiinc and wanted
tin) trees. When told wh'it they
were to be destroyed for, they still
insisted on planting the infected
trees and became ipiile indignant
when they were refused. This only
illustrates to what length Muhlxiru
determination to ignore facts and
cxeriei)ce may lead a man.
Farmers etui improve the wheat
raised on their own farms, and in a
few years the result will be appar
ent by observation. The simplest
plan is to select tho largest and
finest heads of wheat and each
year sow them by themselves. Se
lect the finest products of these
heads and sow by themselves, sow
ing the rest ill the field; select the
best again, and so on each year.
The farmer who practices the aliove
will siion have seed wheat which
will command double prices if ad
vertised for seed.
Ckmiiw. Orrii'H, 1'oitliinil, Orcein, I
I'roji Wi ittlicr I'mHt'tiii Ne.
I'or week em 1 1 ll;; Snl unlay, A t ,1 I !l. j
WKsTKMN olilliioN. Wli.V'I'll Kli.
Cool, cloudy weather, with rain,
prevailed during the week. There
i were general light frosts on (ho l'.llli
' ami -Oth, which did no harm,
j Some hail fell in various direct ions
on tho 2.'!d, doing no damage.
I Along the coast and in the Will
tntnetto valley from one to two and
'a halfinches of rain fell. In South-1
tern Oregon lessi than an inch of
vain fell. The temper it lire ranged
f.in one In (wo decrees a d.iv Im
' low theitvenige for the week, tb.-fe
was siinhiiio at intervals, but far
I rum I lii average amount.
Tho rain was very beneficial to
crops on uplands. On tho lower
I'm: tie.'- f rwi
; n;w le- 11.
I Aei-le-. ITI'i'll. Ih.v
j .iu,-a, c a.
I liiia,,r. f n
leuivy. f id . . .
Hi', !. Iho, If ft
Iteef. drt-.i-eil
Mull. in. live fl Mi
Mult irri.it, f ,
1'ork. Ilvo, f lb
I'urlt. ilren-n
VimiI. Ilvo.
Vial, ,lr..s,,l, - Ih
II.1II1H f II. . . .
ItlKMIl, " ...
Chleki'ii. y imn. .t iIhi
( hlek. ,. ..1.1, .r
I'lU'kB, )r il.ii
(il'I'M,, .tT ilnl
1 urklt'H, per pmiml
. SiiH
.. 11110
. ttCII
J. Bitner, Proprietor.
The only first-class Hotel
in Oregon City.
B. .8 Bllomy,
oit. niAKMAx i;i:os.' nuiLiuxii,
Curries u Full Stin k of
Household Furnishings.
Now and Soroiiil-Hiiml Furniture
Hoiniht und Sulil.
Can give von a bargain.
The Lcatlinp: riuiti'raphcr of
fOltSK!! KIltsT AM.TAYt.Oi: fcTKKKTS.
S-'Ut I", (1T IlililTil!.
'i re l-- i.im I iu rc
oil1' I'l'rii'cl-'.I'J.
Aii'ir, i,
Welora llnini lies UT, CO Hi 1.A.N I, OR'
Kor sale tiy ''tiurinaii it Co.
i'riitfuistH, Ori-L"n City, Or.
F. L. Posson & Son,
Oiu-nil AgU for H. M. rt-rrv & Co's
Garden Seed.
Grass, Clover and all kinds of
Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc
Bee Keepers' Supplies.
We want YOO for a customer. Give us
a trial order.
F. L. Posson &. Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Or.
Cheapest : in
the : cit'nT
Orders from the country promptly filled.
148 Third Street, Portland.
Near Morrison.
Of All Designs, From the Smallest
Clxild'ss Cliair
To the Largest
Arm Clixir.
PuccrMnrn to M illcr Brot.
Depeiiilsoii tlio condition of jour stonincli
and liver. These make your Mood good
or bad.
Mooe's Kevcalod
Kerned y.
I the crrentoHt of nut'irnl tonios for th' sti
ach ami liver. It regulates tmili suri'ly
Aro you Mllloiu?
Are you ooustlpHlod'.'
One TonsjMMml'til of ill .jor s Ilo
veitleu I'eniedy vi!S i! ve
you Kelief.
O. H, KefBP a well-known Seattle ilrtisjrist,
ays Moore's Rurenleil Kerned; otirl him of
MTere btllioua keadache.
TC8old by all drujgliw,
Patent Rocking Chairs of neat and nobby designs; Perfo
rated and Wood-seat Chairs; Fancy Reed and Cane
seat and back Dining and Library Chairs.
We also carry a complete line of Mattresses Yum
Yum, Coil Spring; Pox and Top made to order. Woven
wire, two and three-ply, of all sizes; Bedsteads, Lounges,
Cots, Etc., Etc.
Warren c$c Holman.
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Pictures, Bric-a-brac,
Engravings, Etchings, etc.
IOS Third Street, Portland.
Orders by mail or boat jiroiuptly tilled.
Arlington Building
Oregon City Sash & Door Factory
Sash. Doors and Moulding. Turning of all
sizes of doors
Estimates for stairwork.
2 V'A Ull IVlUUUj
and windows made to order.
Orders promptly filled
mm .. m" .
Ths New remedy. - - Absolutely Pure.
.A. GtIRjIBA-T? success.
Thousands Already Cured-
ily roiu irklV mi'ilioiiit1 h i r.uiinT Us wny
St' it (TIIHO IMF Ml K. No .lif'-0 I. HI ioV-
ks. It coms uoiliing to iuvi.'ni;Hio. Scad
vit'i'n op
into iho vol
fiiiil (n rt-'
Hir book ivtiuiniiii: full int. i m a
lt tin MM UKUli: Kll.1,1... CO..
KM Jlorrhon St., l'ortluiul, Or
Exclusive Agents tor CUckamas County, THOU. CHAKMAN & SON,
Oregon City, Oregon,