Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 01, 1891, Image 5

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e I.C n t e r p r I hc,
Kill HA Y, MAY 1, 1HUI.
NnllTH Sill'NIl.
li l.i"il (w nMlliinnl
""'lit Knri" nliMimh)
llitl f Lui'iil (wny inlhm)
rjt I.ii('1 (wr til"""l
Tiicd iiiiiu)
,J ilia KifW
UBtliiW an.
1 lA a. m.
H 111 H, III.
' y mi fi. m,
n ii i in
7 11 m
intr Altiin-lt Maaaa nil
1 m . m.
n ;hi i in,
top at way
inn I'ltr,
tV. rtlTI.HI.
II mi i hi.
4 mi in.
i i fur riaytmi mnl laiullini"
'Jl h Woittooitny mikI rrMtir fm I
' iv IniMllum. II , Tiinatay,
t Kflil.
) tu Viral Adwrllr
Kl ilrllwmil Iii'rti1 III Till
- r"- will h"ini'r tw rhartnl m
ml II Hr lln-a lur flrt llinirllna ami
I war lliflll InrMra atllaiHll lli'trllim
Uvlii( piihllrailiiii will l ilrllvarail
Tf ic unite In "i la lur, ur iiaraulnaa ly a
tflUla alWrui'if.
OHt'KTITIVf Illlll.l. Tlw latcat
out I a contemplated competitive
In lake plaa between lln young
broom brigade, mw (wing dia-
edin military iHrlli'i hv aplatn
Warren, and Company r, el llila
'!!, .......... I,.,li... . .trill..,! In
ilea tituevery week, M ar Ira
1 1 ittf rapidly tinder athormigh I'niiian.
, elioyl lib a little iimro training
J im tr i rial would give Company K
, a. cloms rb lor llrat honors, beside
nlil be splendid way in whlrh to
money lur iuw dia uniform,
y c)mpiiy In the llrat Ti'itlnii'iit ia
sled with tlrca uniform xrtit 1',
I .1 will mit tin (ur tlii-an to attend III.'
encampment without Indng out-
n a style creditable to llm uoaa
Tim uni'litiv drill willi tlir
'lair, would materially alii tlir
ii to kiH tln'lr ni'W rl'illica, wliirli lur
' liliro Hiiiiany will rout ihIiii
KikJ f'iO(l Hurli n iniiiiMitil vh iliill
1 I aiuni'lliinu ihw ami novel, adit
- itiTliWIIllii'liI ol I Urn la 111(1 wuulil lit'
illy pmroniwtl. TIik (. N. li.
ft at I'nrllniiil I-In i nt llml llicy
1 all rmiuiiiill In W N drill n( lliia
1 mid Hull llm liii'lnlnr o( tlip inni
V w4)lil m lruiir' llm i'IiIitihiii-
ii a (lifvK'iH t'ilv iKHiidn )uv Inmi
I In aitni'ihiiK lln'ir tniirnuinnnta
tKINKKII ur lltlll. Oiip ill parli-
ciiiwa u( llila Miild' Mr William
(W Ihi rtlinn lirrp in IH-U, diinl r
y at t'miim viilk'V, Iwtwt'ii Hiwr
un.l llin niiml, Tliruut;li llnnr
r h;iving j'iiiiil tlin rinninr Aana ia
ur takitm ai.y part in Ha riMiiiimia
Wina ol l ln I'av family Imvii nut
rtd In innwr riMsjrila. T
I, WilliHin ami tii'inKii, mill a
r, Mm. Almira Ward, iiii Iiopp
a ixt llinr rarinita nrrlvixl aixin
Nor mi IIkavy an Fiiwt Hkwihtkii.
Mr, II. K. Ci-iwa, iimuiiimr "I nm
lllllilHtnlia Miiwillllll'0lllillliy. Hllltna tlmlr
Iiim til Iiikh i mil mi lii'iicy iia wim ll'"
MMiurlnd, Tliev liiivt' iilri'iidy it ImlJ
mil Him nf nHi 'In llm Clin knfiiH". I" nd
llii'lr mill la riiinili on lull Hum. J'1'
oira llm! wimiI mil mid down Hot W I I
iiioi'lto (ImliiK On' lull' (i'i"lo'l, will l't
Hold Ifi in 1 1 1 1 lit-ii ilmvn Ho' r vnr.
Nkw Kiiim. Tluil riimliiirf itml catiiUi
iiKi'iii, Mr, V, A, WoiIiithimioii, on im
(niint ol Ilia uiowllitf IiiihIiii'IIH, I a
Hi IhIimI Willi lilm, Mr l ! Kiliimv,
nlioU wiillkiiowii tollm 'oilii ol Om
iront'ily. Mi'aara. WoIIii'niiioii iti Kin-
liny liiivtl lllU'il l l'i''K'io' oinci-a in
riHniia ft mid 0, (MiiiMiiiin lilora, wlmni
tlii'V unt jiri'liiiri'd to lillmid to nil klmla
of ri'iil faints Mild money IouiiIiik luci'
Kntkmtaimiukt at Moi.ai.i.a. TIui
Irtdina ol Molilllii IfliUOfn rtin luiiklliU '
ti'iiNivn iM'iuinllona for mi iinlnrliiiif
nimit to luku il,li' Hill in ilny iiviiii.iik,
Milhii', lillTnry vMrrlma, nullum,
.kiiIcii, uinl ollinr mm ii linna mn on
tlin in ir.i in , iiihI ii'fii'liiiii'in will lie
itm'iI ltll i'ii iluiilil I mi a t i mill
allu'r. Tim nria'twla will ln uiroiii
ali d lor tlin lii'tii'lil uf Hip triiiii,
Inhtai.i AiiuN or l'.iaioii. lii'v. (i.
W, illiiiiiny. w li'i li an Iiiiik ollli'inti'd
da uintor of llm I'lvnliyli'il.tii rlinn li ill
Hilarity, wimiliily inaluili'd 'Vi'ilni'nl'iy
pvpiiIiik a ntiiiiiiH'iit nHtor. Tim oi
iiliirity of v. (liliniii'V wua dimioiiMl rul
ed by tlip inrttfi crowd iiiwint. Kpva.
lloyd, Mllliuun mid Holt, il I'ortlrnd,
mid liv. John 1'itrKoiia, ol lltia i lly went
inaiiit unit uaaixled In tlM InalalUlloli.
Tim Kxori iupa wurti llitiiiinling anil Ini
irtaaivn. l.nna CkahiiHatidN. VIllTO Will lull
liruiul lalr lelcliiiitinn ul llm aiiril'ud
citioi' itmiiHla, Nw Kit, hnudiv, Mity
'I Tlie aam iiIiik ti'nniiin will Im dnvolrd
to iH-llati'ia iiml auiia liy Hie New Km
l.llii'rul l yi'iniii, and firlef udilmaapa liy
Mr. Henry' Addia, of Pnrlliind, and Mia'a
Katn Ki'lim. Vlr. Hmnuol I'li'man,
iiiohI'ViiI of llm California Mule arral.ir
union, will Im tiirf) im tint allermx on
'TIip ICvolutlima of Century." Tim
iiiltU' hid cortlittlly invited.
A itNK It. .AH Mr. J. W. K.C 'oml
aiijtffrviaiir at Clurkniuiia, liaa ifited a
new .1.' purl urn ill iviuil iiiuklnx. Irialeuil
of tilling up llm rula und iiinilleji-n with
Utli.ll and Imve at I rl , Im la IiIumIIiik out
tlw nt 1 1 1 1 1 n anil miikliiK a amixrtki road-
V ol (roll! to .'ill leel in wUttl, li'aV-
iilK ilrilinnu'e hikI otlier iuiipnveiiilila
r Hliollivr aenwm. Mr. Itoot Hilda llial
tlip r.mt of liluatini; out llm liiini ia
fiiuiuiriitively riniili, and lua example
will piolialily Iw lulliiweil liy otlier roiwl
As Oi.ii lUaiur.sr Mi. C. NYilaon, of
WllwillVllle, "llll of III" VMMirnlilli old
liiii.-iK ul ( ..iii.aiiui'i I'lMintv, wua viau-
I intf "reuu Ciiy tliia ee. For inmiy
yeura Im roinli:rtPi tlin irilv ci'imtmI
iii.'rrliiiii'li-e I.I.HI' I.i lli.il vii'inilv, Mr.
Wjlx.in Ima Kul fmtli ia llm Ileal
crou tliia aiMaoli. mid in of I lie iioiniiin
' tliiit tlierti Ih a l.niflil nut ! fur Cliii kii'
mini" eouiily lutiuer", ll cxpreawa
liiiuai'K aa liii.'lily pieii'. with 'IiikKn
TKiiriiiBK. and tliinka llml llm Iml uau Iw
douliled in lua lieittliliorhiNrtt,
I.iincliea ut nil I ii iii m at tliu Oiioii
Cllv l.uneli Cuiinli'r,
Oimimlaalniiur'a court !oti voiii-m ntixt
Mr. I, II, Diirii'd Iihh plittti'il lOiunm
llilo lulu lielHi'i'ii I ; I y ami Oreirou ( liy.
Cliiiniiiiii it Hon Imve a rmiiplntn Unit
of Mm I, Mil Iiml Hk'liool IIuiihii alioti In
Miaa Miiy I'), Mmley and Mr, Herman
1''. V in win, jr., wine, iniii ried In I'ort
land tect!iit.V.
Htepa urn Ih'Iiik lukeii toward Hie
eHluliliidiiimnt of mi Odd l'Vlluwit ioilii at
Canliy at an dai ly dul.
Ohm liiimlred tliollnuiid pouuda of
wool waiitod liyCliniiimu AKun. Iliyli
eat market n n Jiaid.
J'ortlHiid eauiR out vli'toil'XiM in t'le
Kreut liull tiiiine (jiven on laat Hiinilav, and
Taioinii wua anooped lor once.
Aiiyonn huvitiK old oaik Ktovea cmi
exi'luii'tf tlinin lor new onea at llm hw
olid liaml atom, (in lliern for ImrKUiim.
Km II, Niilieker, ol Indiana, now
Cniied hlalea trviiHurnr, formally itn
luri'il iijiiiu llm diltlea of Ida olllcn lialtty,
Mr. U K A. KieyliiK, llm liva (i nic
er, liaa a lurjiH aliK'k of I'lioiin onion
ai ta, w lilcli Im will diapiMu uir at low
Tlin lluy City Trillium cainu out laat
wei'k pilnleil on Idun mjMr. Ilia the
mutual iaHr in ireni-rul inukn up in
Mr. K. V. Iliidm, repreacnUyl Ki
worlli 1-eaxUP of llm M. K. liun li, ol
llila pluee, at ttie dialrirt league held in
l'urtlaud laat week.
Mr. N. O Waldou ia out aicain after
IhiIhk rou'liw'! tu Ida riHim fur aeviirul
dya, and hia lainillnr fxxiatenanco ia
now aeen on our atrpet.
Mr. H. U (irern will l -avn l,r Ida
in I una In Laiionoiinly imxt wpk , There
can bono ijui'Hiiou of their eitont and
rlchiipaa, iiml Im la receiving Hie moat
fiivwihln rejiorta fromtlmin.
Mra, V., II, I,. JdiriiieUliT wiirna the
ii'0ili', that aim doe ln.t inly her aiien
t'li'li'n af Iniiiii.a, Uiu illneranl peililler,
nolwlHiNliiiulliig liu Iiuh ln'i'ii circulating
hi. Ii reu),t
Mr. T. A. Ilaeon haa removed Ida
two children from Nisur t-'lty, (Wiimb'a
county, whero lluty Imve Ihhoi reaiiluig
lor auiim tinm w i ill Mr. Mm kniMl'iT, who
died feirently,
Ilialiop J.J, Aalmr, of tlm Kvungel
li'nl aamaiiHtloii, will preoeh 1 0 .;t0 A. M.
Ill I'opti'a hull, in the German luiixuaiie
next Kunduy. All aru coidiully invited
Tim Mvatic Cliih will give one of there
Koclal ilam ea Hal unlay evening, May
2nd. at Armory Hull. Mimic by (Jul I ma
& Kvereal, of Portland. Ticketa f 1 .00.
Mr, nml Mia. W. Havage reJoli:e over
ilia arrival ol a on who took up Ida
abodu in Oregon City April J!7tli,
Tim Snyeiitium club gave a moat en
joyable party at the armory luat Friday
Goto Wilaon A Cooke for Oliver plowa.
Warrwn A Dolman, Funeral Director
and I'mlurtakera, Oregon City Bunk
F.i.m'tiuN oHIrricKMa. Cnnby Iidgn
i. O. li 1., o. .'ail, ia in a proHM-roua
William a. tlle.1 in t uoma val ev I ru, fr tint iirea-
li.ripr r.tiiitHtlUi Mia-oun and lob t ,,Hrt.r am: Weldoii M.unk,.hipf
(ltlmrallingofftMiithmliHtpn-aeier Ueiunhir: lleriha Kniijlit. vice emnlur:
Want waa aiculenlly kille.l 1 1, j.i(1. K.., r..iurv vv A Av.rv
...in i . : . ' . . .
ln'41-unir; li. 1 . niglit, luiancial pei
tt.lurv .1. II. U OkiiiH,,!, -lnii, l,iii V
NltVimna, of Orepon City, in Wt. W. Ijwail.inaial,al: Kva AtiMv.aiiai.l':
ianow living al 5ewliprg, an.l baiM- . w.lllu.. Tim Imlgp will give
1 an invalid for mnue Hum Sim ia I ....i.ii., inHialUinni f ulli.ipia nml a lit-
c wuriifig on the llrat mill erei'ted
ynu fiiv, and hia wi.luw married
It. Iiiivid. Ma. !
mother n Mra. J
rien, if Nrwberg, and W. F. Ih
t, of Aatiaria, and Waa one duiigiiter,
id, liniiiarrH-'l. Mra. Madurao ia
of th very lew autvivmg piomra
OKTHAi r 1. nr. Tim contract fur the
tlm new arlnKil building in Win!
it hi Cily waa let laat Sal nr. lav In
mm. Muv A llargrarea, Ihev laung
loweat hiildera. Tim fidluwi'ug are
aiiidiinla bid by the acveral con-
turn and liinUieia: Mav A llar
fea, ttlH ; SiamKlur, C!lTft ; K 1,.
, Vim; J. Ililg, (CMCIA; it. II.
clav, WW; IWlh A Hruit, U'HHi;
i. Itommr, $'.'HA7; T. W. Sullivan.
4; Uo llakin,2li0; W. I'alnti-r,
Tim building m ill I .'CViH. '.'
iea Idgh, Ivaidea a two atory veali
i or mitraiifp, with atuirway, cloak
na, rtr. Tito new achool Immiko will
in elegant building, complete in
y way, and a credit to the went aide
tiiiiil, ami Cluckumaa couniy un
euiiv eiiliTliiiiuuinl
ewniiiii al M o.rlia k.
lion ia cXU'iiiied to all.
on next h.itiinlay
A cordial invila-
IPOBTANT Mkktinii. lion. J T.
craun, uf tliia city, and J . T, Gregg,
nrtland, and Win. Galloway, were
alem Saturday fur tlm puruae of
idlng a inruiing of tbo atato Uiunl
triruliurp, in connection with other
iber In addition to other buaineaa
aiictrd hefurn the ineeting, the
d tire alan ileairoim of bringing Orp
beforo tho (iiiblio at the World'
Mtioa In Chicago in IKI, and baa
orixeil the aecrelnry to adiltuaa let
to cttrh county anaeaaiir in tlm atnle
itating hhu to guthnr certain atutia
Inforimilion in Ida round over the
icta for the tmrpoaa of it becoming
mm! and printed in pamphlet form
itniTKU Mail Fai'h.i riKa Mr, W.
Jl. .MiUIixiii, the mail curru-r on tin
route lioin C,a. liuiutiH to Logan mid
Viola, railed al I'll k F'.MTKKraiaK nflice
Moialay. Hi) ia very unxluiia to xrriin'
LiKllrr aei vre in Hie iniitter ol In.iilH lur
the jwoplii of tli.il ntiun
ul tlin I'ountv, an. I l.iv.ua ilirort euni
liiuiuitiitloii to Oregun cllv A petitioli
w ill tir4'ii ciliated fur aiunalUii'M, asking (ur
a ilmly mail niule loaupiily Spruigwaler
lligliluail and all LaliTiiuHliaU) Hiinia
direit from Utegon Cily, whah will
give the iH'iiple a direct mail, w ithout
iraveliiig a round abuot way Uiruugl
wno Wai,th Kionrratio, Al
A. Waltero, who waa arreatod at
on City laat January for obtaining
?y tinner mine pretenaea, haa been
iaigei ny the Ulackamaa county
I jury, thnra tteing no evidence
mt him. ' In a letter to the Oregon
ie denied that he rniaed a diaturb'
in Vauglian'i grocery atore, In that
wnern e wa rcarrenled by Ollicer
' after hi ecaie from jail. He
ha went to Vaughn to collect $50.
li he hud loaned him.
CIDKNT at Clackamas. County
ol Niiperlntendont Thomson last
I.av6 Tn Kutkhtribk the particu
f a florlons accident that occurred
Clackamas, which waa crowded
i lome way. Mr. , Perry Parrlnh,
'avis A Ambler' saw mill, was
id by a horse, Sunday, crushing
heck bone. Dr. Hickman was
I, as alto was Dr. E. Sommers. of
place. Mr. 1'arritdi In improving
i0 fracture is very painful.
i Tint Cahk, Mrs. May .Ifiggins,
gh her attorney, Will K. Wiilkor,
;ht suit iignliiat I). W. Howard, for
in Recorder Porter's court, for
9 due her for work performed in
ird's restaurant. Howard disputed
111, but tlm jury gave a vordi'-t in
Of Mrs. HiggiiiB.
A I. Anna Hai.I. Nkkiihi. It ieberom
ing evident that Oiegun City it) t lot have
a larger bull lur amiiM-ment purpose
I lie pn arnl null accomniodalion are
entiiely too aiunll for oiaraa, bull or
for entertainments wbert) large crowds
aaaenihlo. Lurger nuurters u'e needed
for tho armory, and it bus been sug
gested tluil F company in connection
with tlm bnxiiii'iia men join inuea, and
erect a lurite one alory building with
atngi) and extensive Heating capacity
It would no doubt prove a paving in
vestment, aside from its advuutuge to
the citv, und coulil bo miido to answer
tho reoiiiitiinenls of an oiiera house.
Tbo O, N (i's. at .MiMinnviile have
erected a building llMrxlOOfor this pur
A I.ivk Mkiii iiant. Mr E. K. Wil
liaiiis coiiiineiua'd hiiNiness not vefv
many moiilba uno on a comparatively
small acall in Oregon City. But by
keeping only tho very best goods, and
selling at tbo very lowest prices ho bus
built up a liu no business, ami has erected
an addition to hi store which now ex
tends back from the street to the depth
of 102 feut. The entire building ia filled
with everything called for in the staple
and fancy grocery line. His method of
doing buidiiusH liavo in a great measure
prevented trade in other line from
going to Portland, aa people at Candy
and Itarlowa claim that tlioy ran now
buy groceries aa cheat) hero, as in l'ort
land,' and Mr, Williams Bhips great
quantities of goodB to his customers
throughout the county.
Advertised Letter.
Tho following is tho list of letters re
maining in the post oflice at Oregon
City, April 29181(1.
Hutlcr. Martin Pond, F 8
Charuls, Arthur Key nobis, Miss Mamie
Kdmnni8.MiHNTlnr.nh Nmith, P J
Koss, Joseph I) Tlioimis, Klixahetli
Hedges, OeorK Thomas, Mrs Jane
Halatrom, MissAnnle Taylor, Miss Myrtle
HiiwkRWorth, J H Werti;, Jiiculi II
Hurst, Mrs K Weinlmrd, 11
I'filc, Hilly
If culled for say wlxm mlvertised.
K. M. Kani.h. P. M.
Mr. Kaaaiinl Faust, of C'anemah, is
maiiuiaciiiring, and piittiaig Dr. Jc
ning's t-eiebrated Muuitain Herb
llnimebt on the markeL
Mr. li. Ilargiave. of Cani-tnuli, wtie
haa takvn the MMitioMaf yanl master at
Hie Gtadstone saw null, ia constructing a
neat (viltuKP al ti e luter place, where
ho will rei-iile in the future.
M(-nii' I.KaauNa un the violin, vim I in
cclltt, cliiriuiiet, or aav bras instruna-at
will Im given diirlngtliia siimrner at wy
resnltmcH, Third and High streets, cily.
aldtf Fmii. SriH HKaur.
Mr. C T. Andreas, a cnrpeiitjr and
buiJder uf M aintain View, bus purchased
a acre tract at Hacluw 'a and will ii-
gag in (nut raising nml gardening, in
audition to crs'nlenng and lnnl.luii.'.
IC'V Mr. Ilaruravea Hilled the -ilpit
the llaiitiat oliurrh lat Sunday. Mev.
Ionian 1'arkrr, llv new pastor if ex-
aii'tel to arrive today, and w ill nccupv
te pulpit fur the tirst tirno next Smiday.
If acre of land below Kolton ua the
U est bunk of the Willamette iute acre
tract. This laiiJ i splendidly sitaated,
and atfords a goud view of the Will
anietlee river
The renaon that evreylMidy ama lo
Xreiiibntb ltroa., fiisli market, .is ac
credited to llie lu.l, thai they keep
mlv best fresh salmon ami other fishes
Ii' beobtuined, also the fattest poultry
jaiultr y and game in season .
The Sunday WeK uiue say there i
ta.'k in National guard circle of an ex
errhion by rail to Salem of the First
rfgiment, where Ikey will le entertained
lu a piirtiuii ol the -i rund regiment and
Mw rlll.i'lis of the capital city
lol 1, No. 1, of Central Point Knler-
pitse hs lieen rectdred at tin olfcee
li pnlilishers are Messrs. Kerstoni i
Hum, ami they will no doubt meet Willi
sBum-ss. Central Point is in the center
of tho garden sjmii uf lioguc river valley.
F.s-City Treasurer W. D. Paiie. of
Fast Portland, was married last we-k to
Mr. Morse, und buve gone to Chicago
on a wedding tour. Mr. I'aiio is well
known in tins city aa the sikh-iiiI auenl
of the ow .I'.ilaiiil insurance company.
The new reiil estate linn of MeKinney
A Wtlurapnon sold this wvk 40 seres
of land tor Fmil Guenther to John Dil
lev, lute uf Nebraska, who will move
with his family at once on the land and
become aritixen of Clackamas county.
Kino Pillow made to order and Mat
Hug, etc., of neat designs at Warren A
K, GlaaK)ol will have a constant ii
ply of all sorts of regeublos and plants
III Mtl MTaft i M llunu I m t tlaas tM.la I '
Point, or K. K. Williams' grocery store
fir. Patrick's Pills, fordisordsrs of
the liver and bowel. A vigorous hut
gentle physic that cleanses and renovates
tk hole system. Price 25 cents per
Fo Sals at a Pamsjain A nice
eiislern rotlagn in a beautiful location
ill lai sold vry cheap rt sold soon, on
lot. Impiire ol C 11. Uye, ollice over
Oregon Cily Itank. A 17.
The Portland Laundry Co. haw es
tablished a brunch office in the potft of
fice tiook utore where packages of wash
will be re.rivcd and romptly forwarded.
nua-riur miinury wora is guaranieeu.
A Paucaiv. Grist mill with I"! acre
of good larnd for sale about Vt acres in
cultivation GissUioosc and out build
inns, at a burgu'u. Impiire of Tint
For a tame back., a pain in the side or
clmst, tir fur tooth-ache or ear-ache
promi relief may be had liy using
( 'humtarluin's Pain Halm. It ia reliable
For Male by Gbo. A Kasdinu.
The sidewalk to West Oregon City Is
becoming a popilur promenade of Sun-
lav altcrnoon. 1 lie view ot the Fall,
southern isirlion of the city ami outlying
additions is griind, while the cool
springs of water iilong the route of the
walk add to pleasures of the scenery.
Mr. W, S. Notlngt), a newspaper man,
f Sank center, Minnesota, is in the
city tho guest of Mr K. II. Pohnll. He
reports business ilull in Minnesota, and
is making a tour of the coast for health
and pleasure, and may locate hero in
the Northwest. He leaves this week for
California. ,
Foa f Al.. A ID-hoi so truiliori tliresh
ing engine, C. A (. C'ooMr manufacture ;
also, one Simmisis drag saw, with car
riage and belts alt complete, and in good
running? order; nmrly new. Will be sold
at a gr-at bargain if sold soon.
Inquire ol C H. Dye,
tfj Purr Oregon CNty Hank.
Notice 1o Taxpayers.
Xotieo is hereby given to the taxpay
era of Hiool district No. 34. of Clacka
mas iwvnty, Orejem, that the tax levied
on Match 2, lilll for said district is now
doc and payable to Thus. (j. Wibh, clerk
of said district. If not pai l hv May 28.
I.Hill, wil be returned deliBpient and
turniHl vr t) the sheriff for collection.
Hy Order of the Hoard,
Tuos. T. Giiirs,
Orega City, Osrgon, Apr. t7, IBM,
5-1 ; a-22.
The Courier of last week contained a
composition written by Miss Nettie
Waldon, of tho Sixth ernde of the pub
lic school, "A Journey to Kurope." It is
a companion to the one recently pub
lished in The F.ntkkpkisk written by
Miss Ina Chase, of the same grade.
Mr. A. W. Schawn, who recently
opened a tin and plumhimr shoo in the
old Methodist church building, has re
ceived the contract for makintt 300 win
dow shutters for the Oregon City woolen
nulls, several 1'ortlaml parties bid on
the job, but Mr. Schawn waa awarded
the contract.
Are ra;j)Octfully reminded
Tkal tlm plane to buy
As well ai aiiftblng el In the
-Is of
E. (j. aufield
Fresh Stock of Garden Seeds Just Arrived.
All Kinds of Rustic Furniture
All work guaranteed and the best of material used.
Settixs. - to 00 Rocking chairs, - - 5 00
ArinChairs, - 4 00 Flower Stand, - - W to P
I.amp Stand, - - 2 and Diningroom Chairs per set, $15 00
Small Rocking Chairs and Baby Carriages to order.
This 44 and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
Heavy, Uf it mm
Hariware, Ttnware, etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnislieil.
Mr. J. T. Johnson, the boss onion
grower, ol Ulackamas county, whose
farm is one and a half miles below
Clackamas, was in Oregon City this
week. Mr, Johnson has seven acres
planted in onions, and states that he
raised 1500 pounds per acre. Onion
flowing is a profitable. Industry that will
ifcome one of importance in this section.
Tlio government authorities havo been
notified of the the arrival of flvo Chinese,
who landed in Mexico and were smug
gled in through Arizona. Ling Chai,
who lived hure several years, went back
to China, got his four sons and brought
thtmi back via tho now route, lie says
a parly of fifty caino in through Arizona
with them; that thoro is a Chinese ngent
in Mexico doing a largo business in this
9 9
Cloth bound books we sioke of last
week are here, and they can
be had for a short
time at
35 Pep ft Volume. 35
CHHHP? Well I should sny so.
But this price lasts only
two weeks.
The most carefully selected properties, in the City or County
For Sale
No. L 160 acres, 2j miles from
Catiby, oq fi. P. R. R., splendid
levtj land, fine saw timber, 25
aerea cultivated, good frame
honne, f 3,200.
Oregon City, 100 acres in culti
vation, 50 acres to break, new
frame house, new barn, fine wat
er, best soil, good neighborhood,
school, etc., price 16,750, on time.
No. 2. 160 acres on S. P. R. R. No. 6 343 acres in Snrinowati r
miie irom iregon iny, tne best all round stock farm in
Clackamas county,, level land.
iou acres in tine cultivation, 7
acres orchard, good houue, two
fine frame barns, thousands of
acres of out range, water every
where, 45 head cattle, Berkshire
hogs, 30 ton hay, 500 bushci oats,
wheat, vegetables, horses, wag
ons and farming implements, al
together at $25 per acre on time.
No. 3. 80 re, open level brush
land, 4 miles east of Oregon City,
1 mile from Clackamas river
$1,000 on time.
No. 4. 10 Joining Clacka
mas Heights 'i.the south, nearly
level, can be sold in lots and
blocks, $1,250.
No. 5. 225 acres, splendid farm
on Clear Creek, b miles east of
No. 7. 7 lots in Wpst. fciilp flildifi'nn lrvla 3 A K 1 S kll. km
- ' j "j f , l, IV J
lots. 1. 2. B. 7. 8. blnpt fnl nil nf hWli 90 Afain 11 f l,l..i. li:
1 -1 -J -1 -1 1 -7 - 1 " ) Diiivv, ail K'l mm I't I
Oregon City. One fine lot in Sellwood.
No. 8. 30 acres in "Clackamas Fruit Lands" all in cultivation!
Finpst neaeh land in tb wnrlrl nrinn .t'00 anra rnnk i i
netted $200 an aere this year.
Will PTchanfre KnV 1 2 S. R.-fi fnr snn annA !, Tnnn.,. n
towns. For terms and particulars apply to
H. E. CROSS, Oregon City.
Sorensen i h Young !
tFir, Spruce and Cedar; also Laths, llckets. bhin-i
N Pies. Fte. ShinriPil to nil nninta nn tV
'"'S 1 D ' '
C the river or bv rail.
; - , !
Mill situated on Willamette river at