Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 01, 1891, Image 4

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fntcivsttiiii TUMilts (intlu'iH'd By
Active ('oi'im of KcRiilur Cmi.
I illinium.
Wo Imnllv know how to N'tin onr com
miniioiKion this week, .i by nlliii? facts
thor an Mime who r snro to sot Hp wliowl.
Will say, houmpr, if (lit Kip Van Winkle
lontoiil nwake to tint! the oonnlrv prttwn
Iwyond their rvo,nition it is thi-ir fault, not
ours. All thai is iitwsaiy tor llioin t lo
la Jo take tluiroonnty iar, tvtiil up on
the improvement being iiihimj, ami they
won't be so easily srprissl.
Oanhy is the fuel station of the Southern
Pacific railroad Thi.samis of ooils of wood
line the track on either sxle for the distant
of one mile ami half, while there re
thousands of coMs in the 'imher ready o
be delivered whenever there is room torttrd
A. K. Wait, of rortlaml, has concluded to
encircle his little farm hero with a ne fence.
They have completed three and one-fourth
miles, and are not around yet
Charles Schmidt has removed his saw
mill to a new location, some ten miles east
of this plix. He has established a lum
ber yao! here, and does a large dupping
business, principally with Salem.
H. A. Vorphal.our worthy blacksmith, i
thinking of putting in an extra forge, as
the increase of trade in his line necessitates
more help.
We have long felt that the careless and
eriminal discharging of tire arms On our
st .vets, which has been indulged in to an
alarming extent, would sooner or later ter
minate fatally, ami winch came near b 'ing
the ease last week. Last Saturday evening
Mr. Harry tlilimore, while attending at the
bedside of his sick wife, heard a shot am)
was astonished to feel the ball strike the
house. He hurried out to remonstrate with
the parties for such carelessness, when an
other sltot was tired, the ball striking the
ground in front of him and glancing up
passed just orer his head and also struck
the house. Our citiiens have Instructed us
to say that this thing must cease.
We would also say that our flag pole was
not raised lor the purposeot hanging thereto
our school house chairs, nor our neighbors'
irheelbarrows, nor the products of their
turnip fields.
Mr. Campbell, late of Kansas, who has
located here has returned to that land of
grasshop;ers ?id cyclones for the purpose
of disiwins of his farm. He ha concluded
to ren.ain ermanetitlr among us.
Through ihe courtesy ol Mr. George
Knight, the Wolls-Kargo agent hero, we are
enabled to give the money order business
done by this eonipavy at this otlice for the
quarter just ended. Numberof orders sold,
2tSl. amounting to f!,"74 32. Wi I'ss.
April 38, IS!H.
More tain, which niwiinv good crops.
Villi wheat looks govvl.
0. Moehnke and a number of others are
sick with la grippe.
W. O. Pickeson sold his place to Win.
Iteoson and son. They intend to move their
saw mill on it as there is considerable tim
ber there.
Kmil llncnther lately eold forty acres of
laud to J. W. Imley.
There re several more cheap place to be
bought here.
T. Hohlander is building, mow cellar.
It ought to be lawlil to kill peddlers as
they are getting to be loo plenty, and some
are very insulting if you do not buy.
Born, to the wife of W. O. lickeson, a
daughter. All doing well.
K. W, Homshuh wants a piece ot land
cleared for which he will pay two hundred
and titty dollars. Mr. Kaiser, of Clarks,
thinks he w ill take the contract.
Miss Annie .Martin is home on a visit.
Mark's Prairie.
Mb. Kditor: As you have invited cor
resx ndence from all parts of the county,
and seeing no items from this point, I will
endeavor to send you a few jottings occa
sionally. The wet weather for the past few days
has delayed the sowing of oats and the
planting of spring crops.
The wheat in this vicinity looks splendid,
nd a large crop is expected.
The fr'iit crop also looks very promising,
and farmers seem quite jubilant,
Mr. E. A. B. Howard is visiting friends
and relatives in Virginia and Kentucky.
Owing to sickness at home, and some im
portant business matters, Rev. C. Alderson
was unable to preach to us last Sunday.
Marks Prairie school No. 3S, with Mr. Ar
thur Winches as teacher, is nourishing. Mr.
Winches is an excellent teacher, and we
take pleasure in recommending him as
E. E. Cunningham, a young man Irom
Missouri, is working forJJ. I. Dozier this
season. Mr. Cunningham is an excellent
cornetist, and rendered some tine music in
our presence last Saturday evening.
Dr. M. Oiesy, of Aurora mills, is having a
considerable amount of slashing done on his
farm south-east of Aurora, He has also set
out some fifteen acres in bops on this same
farm. Occasional.
Farmers are busy tending their hop.
tirant Graves, of Montana, hrs heen vi&lt
ing relatives in this vicinity.
An excellent and well rendered entertain
ment was given by the Aurora literary and
debating society at lloneer hall Friday
evening. Too much cannot be said In praise
of the entertainment, and especially of the
rendering of the music Our baud is cer
tainly one of the best In the country. The
hall was tilled to overflowing, showing how
we appreciate any attempts of the young
Mrs. P. Amen, who was called to the
bedside of her dying father at Merced Falls,
California, a few weeks ago, returned last
Friday, accompanied by her mother and
niece, who intend making their home here.
Mrs. Savage has moved to her old place,
three miles south-east ol town.
Two of our respected farmers, whose
names we refrain from mentioning, had
something ol a dispute over the shooting of
a dog, which resulted in blows.
K. J. Casio, with his threeeldest sous, are
very sick with blood poisoning.
A very pleasant dani-e as given by the
Misses IKira Paly anil Ella Stone, in honor
of Grant Graves, of Montana. The danc
ing was kept up until a late hour, when the
guests departed, expressing themselves
highly pleased with the evening's entertain
ment. Nll'IA.
April 20. mi.
Ma. Kimtor: I will trouble you with a
few lines, thinking the people would like to
hear from our part of the country.
This is one of the pleusanteM places on
the Willamette river.
Our people appreciate your valuable pa.
per, and wish it success.
But little spring grain has been sown In
this tot ality as yet, although there has been
a great deal done in the way of setting out
fruit trees and strawberries.
Messrs. Howard, Rogers, Hoit and Nor
ris are going into the berry business quite
extensively this year .
Mr. I.ut'lling has made numerous im
provements on his nursery larm in the way
of buildings and fencing.
The Willamette Land Comps ut out
one hundred acres in prune tiers this
spring, which give quite a dill'erent apear
ance to the prairie.
James Nolan is busy moving his barns to
higher ground. Jim is looking for another
flood next winter.
C. S. Shank will graduate from "old
classic Yale" in June, when he expects to
return to Oregon, his former home.
The Riverside school is progressing nicely
with Mis Starkweather as teacher.
Mr. Eckerson has purchased the farm
formerly ow ned by John Sims.
A. R. Shank has encircled his house with
a new picket fence. Alpha.
April 27. Mil.
Recitation-My Orel Shade,
Uecltatlon-Where the Mince Tie Grow.
By Herman FalerU
lmdogue Bones tells a Fly Story, By
Tom and George Swaler.
Mr. Nora l'ickord presided at the organ,
and the exercise were brought to a close
by the choir singing "Mount Vernon Bells,"
Refreshment followed, being served on
shingle, .
Many thanks are duo Miss IMatls for her
etuclenl management, SoKi txroit,
New Km,
Fanning has come to a standstill on ac
count of the heaviest rainfall lor mow than
twelve month. There are a great many
acres of grain yet to lie sown and no pota
toes planted at all to speak of.
C. T, lix Is again running his saw mill in
full blast and getting out a nrst-elass qual
ity of lumber.
Herman Anthony Is the most enterpris
ing man in New Era. He is improving his
property by putting up several new out
buildings and a new paling fence which,
when painted, will make his place the moat
attractive to the eye, of any in New Era,
Vr. J, Casto is rustling around like a lit-year-old
boy, doing more work than any.
body. He has purchased SO acres more
land, making him now in one body .120 acre.
Wedon't think the doctor intends to be
surpassed by anybody.
The grip la still quite prevalent In our
midst, much to the annoyance and discom
fort of quite a number of onr people.
John Maddox, of East TortUm!. who la
just moving on the farm that he pur
chased some time since from 1 Morton,
brought up a few tools and some provisions
to the amount of fifteen dollar, ami having
an occasion to go back to Portland on Sat
urday, did not return until the following
Monday, when he discovered that every
single article he had lelt there had been tak
en away ami has not been heard of since.
We hope some one will tie able to give some
information of the thief.
Mrs. John Haley, while out gathering
iter egg one day last week, discovered a
new nest in some brush and w eeds near by
Ihe ham ami upon Humiliation lotlnd there
were about a donen eggs in it and half or
them were China pheasant eggs.
Titos. Blanchanl and wile went to Port
land Saturday of last week to do their spring
August Bremer will soon commence the
erection of a new dwelling house, which
will add greatly to the appearance ol his
The grange meeting last Saturday was
well attended and was quite an enthusiastic
meeting. We cordially invite members of
other granges to visit us at all meetings.
Parties desiring to locate in one ol the
Iwst counties in the state w ill do well to call
and see tis and be convinced that New Era
means business.
We have several strangers in our midst,
some of whom, intend to locate.
Mis W. W. Jessie and Miss Kate Kcliiu
went to Portland last Saturday. Miss Kehm
had previous engagements to deliver a lec
tare thereon last Saturday night,
Nw Era is the first on the list for pic
nics. Labor day will be celebrated in grand
style at the Spiritualists' camp grounds on
Sunday, May 3d, beginning at 10 o'clock.
S. P. Putnam will deliver a lecture and an
address by Miss Kate Kehm is on the pro
gramme. Come everybody and bring all
your folks. Shorty.
April 27, KM.
lin district,
There was a very Interesting discussion at
Sunday school Inst Suudy In regard to what
kind ol a llsh Jonah awallowed,
amu-: si:kih.
You Can Find
l, M. Kkiiiiy'n,
K, J. How i n',
Sr.vn it mi's,
l l May',
Onion Skih,
Kahi.y Homn I'of.uoi;,
By tiik I'ai-km, Poimi on Itimtiii,, at
Kcllllll Ivllhlc tit'MIIC.
Mr. Micli.u'l Oiititln, PlaliillcM, 111.
in nkcs the sliilcnii'tit that aim caught
cold, wlilcli set lied on tier lung; she
she was treated (or a month by her (aim
tt v phvHician, but grow wmso, lie told
her she wa a hopeless victim u( con
sumption and that no medicine could
cure her I lor ilniggWt miggoslcd lr
King' Now l'isi ove.'V for Consumption
she iHinglit a bottle and to Iter dclitfht
loiind herself honellltcd It out liiHt dose
She continued It use ami after Inking
ten bottle, found herself found am
well, now does lier ow n housework nnd
is as well a aim ever was. Free trial
hottl.i ol thia (ireal IWovorv at (1. A
Harding' drug stoic, largo bottles .MH
and II.
Npeciiliitlim Hiiuu i'oiih
Scarcely a dav passe without the
new ol some large failure flashing over
the wire the usual result of iac illa
tion in Htook or some equally dungrr-
ou venture, the same electric cut rent
carries to dear distant friend the ad
tiding of (leatl, of dear one too often
the result of speculation in (intent nos
trums. .Moore Kevealod Koimxiv 1
no speculation but i eold on positive
(iiarantoe. IK) not fail to bo to vom
druggist and ask (or your inonev not
satisfied. We know von will go am
huv another bottle, For sale by all
I), I', winkhkt, ' " ' ''Hl'Tllii,
t -
Largest slock ol Collin Mini CaskeU knot South t'( I'l'illuml. Alno cil, IM
ami Metallic Casket iurnllie.l l tinier. . U'Hc llurlal ltolie hj
tieul' llnriiil Kobe In "lock,
Also Wilson iiihI ('airing Miikinj?, Horso Sliwin untlii!")'
oral llliu'ksii)itiiiii on sliort notico.
Oregon City, CyoRon,
Repairs on all kinds of small machine
promptly mail. Pupil, ate key to
any lock manufactured. Shop In
Winesel A Scripture's black,
smith shop.
Oswego ICIipplngs.
Cat fish arefonnd in abundance here, and
form the principal diet ot a great many of
the Oswegoites. As dsn diet furnishes a
considerable amount of brain food, we are
expecting to see a decided improvement in
the minds of our people.
Friday evening, the 24th, the Foresters
gave an entertainment at Prosser's Hall,
which was a grand success.
At the masquerade ball last Friuay night
everybody seem to enjoy themselves to their
entire satisfaction. We noticed McOinty
among the crowd.
The young gent who took a sudden tum
ble as he was returning home from church
last Sunday evening, has our heartfelt sym
pathy. While conversing on the beauties of
the evening to one of Oswego's fair ones he
failed to notice the obstruction in his path.
May he have better luck next time.
A great many new buildings are in course
of construction in New Oswego, and quite a
number of citizens are putting nice picket
fences around their lots, preparatory to
building later on in the season.
The grippe has somehow lost its grip on
the people here, and sickness is on the wane.
There has been only one death by la grippe
in Oswego that of .Barnard McCall.
Died, at his residence on the2ith of April,
Mr. Forsyth. He was an old settler,
and leaves a wife and four children to
mount his loss.
Mr. S. Olsen also died on the 22d of April.
He was 58 years of age. He has lived in
our midst two years, and will be greatly
missed by his friends.
James Wilson's family have the measles.
The hardest rainfall we have had this year
was on the 22d.
A meeting was held at the Union school
house last Friday, and a committee ap
pointed to see about go ''ing funds for mak
ing a county road fro- tnascus to the
county line between Cli .famas and Mult
nomah. Crank.
Mountain View Notes.
Rain, rain, rain patter, patter, patter
with fruit trees in full bloom.
Robert Shuble has built a nice new picket
fence around Ins place.
Some of the boys from Mountain View
went up the Clackamas fishing a few dav
ago and returned next day with "halo" fish.
Try again, boys.
11. It. Nichols has his coal pit burned, and
has a tine lot of coal.
tt. C. Maddock, of New Era, was in town
to-day. He rerts all right in that burg.
The young people's meetings at the Con
gregational church are well attended.
Mr. M. McOehan is down in your city
building sidewalk. Mac says that he did
not want to work, but that it was a ground
hog case! WiI!j.
sunk hit
competent pharmacists employed
Fine Perrcmcries ail Toilet Articles.
Aim full dock of
Only a few families in this neighborhood
have escaped the grippe.
J. T. Wingfield is quite sick. He was
taken down with the grippe, but Is now
troubled with shortness of breath.
Nearly all the farmer have their grain
own, but cannot plant corn or potatoes on
account of the rain which has been falling
the last few days.
Rev. J. May has bought a new set of har
D. Hunter has the foundation of his new
house laid, and His summer's wood piled
closest hand.
J. K. Graham has just set out 1015 straw
berry plants.
Miss I). IJoyer, a niece of Mr
lately came on from the East.
An old gray mare mare and a two-year
old colt have been jumping into Mrs. Davy
Jones's grain for the last week. C. Alius.
Logan Notes.
The entertainment at the school house in
District No. 4, gotten up by Miss Emma
Platts, tl e teacher, to procure funds to pur
chase map and globe for the school, was
well attended. The program was as follows:
Greeting song, by the little wios. It was
well Bung.
Recitation Only. By Walter Shumway.
Recitation My Big Sister's Beau. By
Nellie Humiston. This was well spoken.
Song Put your Shoulder to the Wheel.
Recitation Santa Claus. By Ansel Pick-
Song Sweet Dreams of Childhood. By
Miss Anna Bahler, C. Shailc and F. Gerber,
Recitation Forebodings. By llonry
Song The Oregon Rain. By Swiss Joe.
The old Oregonlan was the best on the pro
Declamation An Oration on the Crisis,
or Any Other Man. By Tom Swaler.
Declamation Sheridan's Ride. By Frank
Hutcluns. Was well appreciated.
Song Orphan Child. By Misses Lois and
Maggie Ribhofl,
Silver Band March. By Miss Anna Bab-
ler. Was well rendered.
Dialogue The Expected Visitors. By the
Misses Emma Platts, Anna Bablcr, Lois and
Maggie Riebhoft", Clara Hiitchltis, and M.
Centennial March By Miss Ellen Gerber.
She did credit to her n.usical talent.
Dialogue Running of! to be a Cowboy.
Hong Little Shamrock. By the Misses
Moore, j Clara Ifutchiirs, Lois and Maggie Iiiehhoff,
and Emma Shumway.
Dialogue Mr. and Mrs. Tmllr-r, Hy Miss
liOis.Klubhofl'aiid F. Hiitchins.
March By Miss Minnie Shumway.
West Oregon City.
Mr. Godball hoties to have the new side
walk completed in a few days.
Mr. Nickell is busily engaged putting in
his crops.
0. A. Gurley and wife, and Mary and
Vesta Knight, of Canby, were visiting Mr.
and Mrs. 8. A. D. Gurley last Saturday and
Twelve new desks and a teacher's neat
table have been placed in the school house.
The contract for building the new school
house was let last Saturday to Messrs. May
and Hargreaves for 12.700. It is to be a
neat four-room building that w ill be a credit
to the place
Several of the boys were out fishing last
Saturday and caught a large number of cat
fish. Mr. Frank Baker has about a thousand
cords of wood to deliver this summer.
Mr. Parker is still in the wood business.
He divides the time between Portland and
this place, attending to his business.
Mr. J. Humphrey is still engaged In fish
ing, though he finds time to look after the
construction of tile new school house.
We have a prosperous Sunday school
which meets at half past three P. M. every
Sunday, fir. Godball Is the efficient inner
ltitendent. Last Sunday Ada Moehuke
was awarded first, and Maud Pomeroy sec
ond prize for' having brought the greatest
number of pupils to the school. Mr. A. S.
Dresser presided at the organ Jast Sunday
to the entire satisfaction of alt present. Mr.
Dresser is a good musician.
All kind of Fresh and Salt Water Fish.
Oysters, Crabs and Clams. Poultry
nnlgamo of all kind in their
season. Order filled and de
livered to anv part o(
the city.
MRS. C. fl.
V '.le,i. .. . ,, X
Watches, : Jewels
Clocks, Speotacu
en t
1 m
11 In
I pr I
Ik v i
r. ii. mti "mt i
to tal
I &M Ebi mira
Fit A MB i,
Old I),
Peiili'M in WINDOWS, POORS a ni HUNPS nix!
RAII.lNli, NKWKI, POSTS, Ivrr., all tmule
from TiKirouuhly SviihoiuiI Lumber.
Jobbing; Order and nil kind of ('iilutn't tirk, Turnuifc ia.'
Work Jipiluily fiticiiiiiMi ti. r.sumtiM'B luriiifiii'n jjmb
jr coin
Kled v
nnd wit inflict ion ciiurniili'i'd.
Shop on V;itcr St.
AOJOlNlNa POM 4 00.
Oregon (V,.r
and f
3 lie a
m. a Illl.- 11. II I I ! few t
t vs i i n mm n n ni r n rv
xd i ii m rin iiviiiii ruar r i
An inn i ill 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 .milium, la.
IMt'OMI K UK AM) l t't VI Kll IN i
Sullivan : & : Davidson
Tit oilr DRUGGISTS between Portland and
Oregon city.
Curry t full line of
". J. BAI'I'll
Wal dies, Jewelry, Clocks and OfJ
eal (noous.
at '
r havi
)t tal
r. Mi
43. a
tl tin
t worl
.(all. in
ia nit
I an in
rieri. i
t. of i
ill, tin
lti.'i Firt Stni't, Nnir MrriHiii St. Lndir' I'rivnlo Kntrauro l'-( the
in i
fl TTinTl AH
I 1 LLUI1 I I Wlh
Store located at Mountain View, on
Molalla road, one mile south
east of Oregon City.
We deal in Flour, Corn Meal. Feed.
Groceries of all kitiila, Hoots nnd Slmns.
(ienta' Underwear and other styles of
Clothing, and nnmorons other articles
suitnble for the needs of the farmer and
his family. Hv prompt and fuir (Ualinn
we hope to receive in future, as in the
past, a liWal share of patronage.
gMT the hiKhest tnurkctprice paid
(or Hutter, E?kh nnd Fowls.
September 11, lll!)0.
tli n
Kirs. M
j nil
, vlav, : :
i X Hon
One of t!it lit-st ititoii for fac 1,
1 1 ll J'.'ry m ay
) Oni' of tlif lit-st titort
Fine Factory Site ami ilm k in thm-itv.
J river front near lusi iichh cfntcfj"
Ni'iirtho Stilpliitt" mill, within (0 fivitnonfA
of tlio c-utiul ami lockH. 1 (;;- 00 arroi IZ1:.
I ahlo for jilattinj; into lul.i for inanufactorisaiem
West Side.
resilience or liiismess juirjioseH. I his 'VituTti
first LMin for the West Side, nnd will bfftibem
tril are i
I hi'fon
as a whole or in lots to suit.
Business Corner. ! l'! ) cornvTA
Maple Lane-
These gentle spring showers are getting
Mrs. Davies is visiting friends at Beaver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride, of Port
land, visited the family of Mr. Moutz the
past week.
Born, to the wife of 8. T. Huntington,
Thursday the Kith, a girl.
T. C. A minis moved Monday to his new
home at Barlow station.
The Maple Lane school Is progressing
nicely under the management of Miss Alice
W. T. Ilankins is teaching in the Btrick-
-:- $3,3001 -:-
Bankrupt Stock
-A. 1ST ID
To be sold at (30 Cents on the
Dollar for 15 days only.
Call early if you want your pick,
ana avow tlio rush.
40 Acres i
S street, Orep.n City. IT'
' to ftiir
A lartro list, both imi.mved anMJ".
Residence Lots. iniproved of desirable rt'sideiU'eif ficta iii
J erty, both within city and Huburl Smtribii
Fine tract near Oswego with ono-cigtli"NOv
river Iront very exec Cut for imimifacti!,..w,Vi
J and very sightly for rosideiico projiorty.
Prunes and v'1?,1 ',,f tl,'-trVn for S&Sij
VpfiPtahlpQ ( v Diablo Lantl in tho valley, on tho rP tie dei
vegetaDies.) and near Clackamaa Station. J8
. ) 50 acres near Oatficld IJutto, tlds Biift"
A Bargain.) Milwaukie. Vry nightly, and near ':h he 1
) posed motor lino. Acetous
We have aho many other fine tracts and epeeial bar?VHVl
which it will nay vou to consider. I
the oflice of tho a ih Km
i DaviH
Willamette Falls Investment H
Mayer & Ackerman, Props.
let 1 -in ITU Tl l
I'll hfirini hn tmv I ' v a lvtt aiiaiiik
i ii iii'iiii ii i mil a n. j
uuuuuiiuuiuiiimjjMiiji ji
pNoli Til
I irouith Ik
"iigtn hi
'!, In I
lltft'tl llllB
Mie hill. In
Ivor of M