Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 01, 1891, Image 2

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    v J;" -A."
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' I I
. i
Mini lisirl tor.
fUin.W, MY 1. ISO I
lr I ol g'vat 1 iii-oiiancc thai t'lo-ion
;. oon-c ,!!! "I S.s i'wnr a- a nom
a luji mi! r sh.c.M Is.o i1 it -ho en. m
,!i Portland l.i (lu- U i.luni, -He Fails.
' I I .'.tt'd'tMIVs il s ilt.v.ss,e
'i-it N'iiM Mii f Orc:.m i'iiy
their produ. ts Iv h,..-t:s at ai! seasons
r i r . V ;.M ,!di channel could
.-de ami v a, u heed tiom PoiCac-d to
lace for Ktv t a few thousand
ii. VV tmi-l bettor and cheaper j
lrtalio!i tor In av v Irvuihl.s mood.
I UoVKKNON IVllllO' IT h(i plllOod hllltsolf il)
I Hit unenviable light Ivoloiv I ho world, by
I making some injudicious remarks to a
i IVU'gram reporter.
Now that i In supremo i-ouri lt:i.s decided
thowai;"ti iva.l appropriations to k' uniMn.
stitntioi.til, the ,iir-iioii arises: Wind
will Is come ol that live percent. Iilml aris.
li'K from Id. j i ; 1.- tuii.ls? J
Tim i r. -i.ii'i i
,,-U': ;m i i ill.'
ss,.tks well lor it
There can l-o no
coni.nv is nine
ll I- II'. Cllod CV CIV possible
southern states, and t,is
io patriotism of tlio people,
lom.cr rti-y doulil thai the
..!, and iln North, South,
i-a-i aid rx! a:o e.pial in (heir
.Vinci . a. i iui notions.
lippon ol
tv -
I ' i'
(any. In'
I ai tiotl.
' ' I I III' llll!!,
i;V Tracy confessed that New i y,
i Yoik harooi' was defenceless ui the limoof !!.., sv
Ihe thix anmcd mptiue with Italy. Tiiis
lo v:"t'U' "In.'; tr'al inim!'ao(nr;ni! li'i'ni'i'U ilnaiion will v HI oiuv ti'iuo-
vnti':-, Itd.v- ii.il i ;iv to ianfT (n'ii.ht .lii'.l, nii'l woik lia, noiii v ikiniiut'iu'vd on
r.Tllsi'il, S:i. : .si from Uivj;u City lo nmu' of tlio m'Yi'mI laltciii l U oivi-d.
Kin Kiui:oin and -. n Mrt, when tin- 1
ri cr -.-,!' I n ado i l!id.t fi.r tlitf law-i A Uw oi;i-ut at ihola.1 wmuih of llio
mm ; ' ' orati. at small outlay. Out 0,vi;" kMaUuv tv.Wiml nil nolarU's
Jt'.iXO.iXXUiad Ixvn ,-x;vidl on tlio Man-! I'"1'1'1' ,V!'-iM''- ii'mnd-xum will.
I.io vs'untv Oi.n k or iivor.lor in tlio ooutily
i m which Iluy rt'M.lo, hii.I utile tins
; i dono tlio co;iinii-iotn willln' I'orlvilod.
Mix, M, I'lmiinan mid tnotliorund Mm,
Knoll wvtv vlsitlu,. M". I'nnnolt lt Sum
d .
Hon. Uaivoy Iv I'm fnvnrvd nur vilLi
Willi liii pivonoo la-l nook,
The familial laco of Hoc. lli, !,iiii, ...
Mini on our M riots laM Mon.iny.
Mis. T. U. . Xvllwood will IcnicnoM,
wook tor a to lu r old homo, Avm-a, '
low a, Slio mil !... ,1, ,-oini aim d Ivy liof In I
tlior, Mr. I'lnitlrs I'.oniult, and lit I lo sou'
i-li l ook, of Iho ilr.'.'.ou l and Coin-
I'uniii.ouo.d ln.il iii'ft a lino Iioiim1
"u. WIioh com, I. to.l it wi ...
."HH'sl lodiit m i. 1 1 . o s nn,:, ,
I l o.l to ici-oit Cat tlio li, ;
wood Is i'lM.o con .-:i!o-c,-:.i n! '
i tliom:h it I I diH.iiioiiino Iwtoivlio w ill Iv j
I allo lo occupv Ids acousionii.d laiv In tlio '
' St. Joint l K, cliinvli. !
''"il 1-olinian has disposed of Ins Maok
I siidtli luii u no-is Korr,
IM I'l'.mt Hlrtml? I HARDWAIIE I
Smllini'sli'ili iK''"1"
7 'tivxt. !G cjyjzrf-'
iilland, Otii'in,
flllK CI
ll, ,-l.lclll
lvn i I. iiioo
..' v , 1 L
lit Woil-v viirraiilt'il.) V Si S l'rot.r ( 'Iiaiiis. Aiva.l-
i u 'id.
It ics.
Oivuti City Aciit,
cliosior hip ca:.id. to pro t.s' an ii.U.U.ito
wan i way lo tlio mvus tromtliis trMt man
ii'ai '.'.iriv.jt iviuer of the uorlli of Knclan.l.
It i tH'nr found thai aVut f .Xt.tHiti.iV mois
tvil: Iv rrs'uiivd toooinplclo thowork, and a
vn.;i iltcs of the Manchester eorration
Ims adviwd llio ni'ii.i of tlio rvi'iinsl as
istanv to t! e ei'tori'riM'. This is an on-ic.-pi
i.-e that is iH'in l.iishod tow tint vtim
V'ci'ivi in staid old Kncland, and the im-
I'rvvouioni to i e mad.
I'ho new law lakes etleet Mav ;K1.
tuilo iviui'sivl with the Manehosler shi
'I'll B attention ot thr feather of t'lacka
I mas county is called lo the fact that the col
l iimu.s ol Thk llM KurmtiK are o en In them
', for teachers loutnieut, if ihoy will take
oliarite of the .same. The teacher of ITaek-
I aillliS iSllllttV sllOtlht ll.lVM U I.Ui')lrv' Mv.i..t.
hreforashi'ehaii- , , . , ,. '
I ' - " ..... 'l M.HPI.
sioit, w iih less inis"irlant counties to the
ertivy Society wore li
on Tuesday ovonlur.
I'lvrnm was well reudeie.1
Ihir iiianufiicuirus ate on the boom, 0.
Wisslu r. ninai;er of K. K. llonrv's
slnxl.lv and uialtross faclorv, ivmrts husi
ness itni'rovitiaml will ul on .several mat
tress makont (he oomili week.
J. ti. Honnelt has received lartro eon
sipunent urapriiiK clip wool. The mill will
commence o'oruilon as mhui as the weather
will permit, Ituirx. kt.
April ISIU
I a (irippo is still hero. A iiiihir those on
Iho sick list are, lr . MilllMlii liud PiukhisI
The entertainment ill I'iosm r's hall was a
1,1 al iho sell . .1 I. ... . success. I lie hall was cmwio.i wuu people
A lonn and varied
.-i::.d. A ship chai nei is the only ini'mrt
r.t i.'nsideraiioti la. Nine to i Oren
j trout.
Thk ahstraci of th county lren.siir)r'j
ity prv-ininent ailxantai.i's, and a inauu-' olllce, made ly the (irand jury, shows the
t.i, tilling pla, of jjft-at i os.sihiluies. And indehteoncss ol" I'lackaiuas anility to 1
it is almost rr: initial nesliiwin'e not to take , alwut 11,iW, When one takes intocoii-ndva-ts'of
such an opportunity to ivm- sideration that $'.M,tXX has twn paid out lor
j lete a channel where Nature has done so ' tlm hmldiujt of new !ridrea, mid rpair of
l inch towards its forma'ion. Orejron City i dauias,vs caus entirely by the great HcxhI
will t-tver occupy Hie p,silion it deservei: ; of 1S.XI, the county U iu an tiniwuui pros
I'util this is accomplished. With an 0e j lfwus condition,
channel it is survey destine.1 to take the lead -
j-soneof thetireat n.anufacturinto'ntersof ! An ''lwt was introducevl in the
the world. No other matter is of so much j (-ul"oil WitinosilayeveuiuKlotheordiuauce
importance to Oregon City at this very time i IVSl1'llK peddler lh'ense, which provide
s an ohii river. The' attention of the M'11 ofitnHined fruits or veReta-
oar.1 of trade is siu railed Ui this tin- w,'s bM I '' B ' lr month.
portant mailer. The river can he dredged
from here to Portland at small expense, and
by b'tsting away some rin ks the current
t'roni the outlet ot tuo i 'lackaiuas can Ih' so
. hiiiiirtsi thai the liar cuiil ho permanently
Ia maseus.
Hain! Itain! Kami
l a lirlivs. Measles.
Mr. tiriciri has so far recovered as lo le
hie to return homo.
J. U. Morton carries Ids hand ill sling,
hoiun lllicled alVr the manner of Jolt. We
bv halt-past seven. Tlioonieilalnuient con
si-lol of dechnmitious, dialoKiies, slnginn,
and Instrumental music on Ihu puino, cur
not, banjo and Kiiilar; also niulc by the ts
won't brass band.
Ms Minnie I'optoy ws vl-ltiu.sid J,J.
I', Haines's I'llditj cvonini;,
Tlio base ball ground has lien leveled,
and now we have one of the tliu -t grounds
in the eoiinll ,
The poll tu man was ninuud yesterday.
I'hsiliv would li t Itaxu missed pnyluK bis
dollar lor anything, as this was his lirst
Miss Kinma Walters, of South I'ortland,
Is visiting Mrs. T. llrown.
Jake l.iiyuuin bus relumed from his
ranch In Washiimtmi.
Mr. Urose Is mm inn hi Salem lo,l.i ,
We liotlcu the brl(!htlu s ol our childmi.
Tur strik.-r
sllr .
O. e
Hui .
SS'!u t;
n. It... i
the oi . r.i
in the I'ennsyHai.ia eke re
ly to come to the u.-u.d n rut -
. are 1 ,
il a
,u!,i h.:
in. port
', i , re
! 1 te. te l.
. r th. -o
itUens, Mr. S. dlsen. Purltiir lilirvsidenif
here the last three years he H'ained the re
ss.i t and esteem of all who knew him. He
was a native at Sweden ml .'? years old.
Work on the new Free Methodist church
to lie built here, will be comnirticoil soon
This is not irivini: our home merchants fair We think this step in the riicht direction,
shake., If the preset it license law was limsons mtils a cluin h. True, there are
strictly enforced it would proUvl DreRon churches in the neighborhood that most of
uty oeaters suttteiently. A rate of fo r iho people could attend, bill Ihoy are not
ii.oi tu is certainly discriniiiiatiu in favor j convenient, tly having a church here in
ol the hawker, who imests no money In , town we would pt theatlondamv of ai;r.'at
! ':ii essor i-ro...-ic in the ritv. I many yount! people who otherwise Would
i not attend.
a. mi's tuo;!'. ar lias Wen .ns. overed in
tne manor ol folium
w ish him ("'at patience and t specsly re-1 I'm Unit hoy on boiii asked w by hedidn l
coverv, attend Sunday school, said that them was
We are sorry lo note the fol that death no fun there, and he was goinc to seethe
hs taken way one of our most ress ted ! hase hall. Of coura the lar-er Ihivs sot the
the eianipki. lints.
: th-
to ,
k i.,! of ,
in-; -rt.-i !
V 'l:-!i, .:
it..:;,-. It'ti
Ih:,! i:s.-. H
have bet li
IV -ays t"o :
here to w.n a small com
to sj e:iti i; at home. 11
ridi i:i p u-iiCiiiar, wh.-i
the w tiole :.n . i ltT em: -
" Hi' athi
1 II'. i
otiiiKtation to this
i in . Ti..- ha e ii,:.,pie,i the pi in of
ii in l;;.ti-i tiri.tory, and makitii;
ir way ii.to tuo I iiiie.i States bv rail or
s ,.iuji, i; ilie... selves uinut.d in some other
"av. 1 h, -u-.i:i. .- I'ieoii, arriving :tt
I'.i !,o..;, Mai...-, ji. ui tne mi. bile ot the
lr..,- i.i trooi l.mrpool, had but lilteen
1 on :.,:, ol--a fm t iiich elicited
some w.,i,.ler :i:.til it was disco'cred llial
.'iMioTiii -rr.it.t.s b-i.1 .:i-,..uh.trked tit Halifax
'v : i -i. ' r::.' ' .: of making ta.-ir w:i
:vn t':i- , . e.iiit: y h, ;-.i:l, thus avoi.lin' an
, iV;i,ii.i:,..!i .oe! tin- jer capita tax of .'si
cents .a. h,ii,.i: n li im the steamer.
e and
!s t. o
per c
a -iii'f
a -,:
w ;.
t'.o i
-ttimr .I' d :;
i-iim: t" do
liicieht i.- -,;
: of io:c ' :
,. tin- .- ' l.,: -
-. o , .
:o par
'i t. of
returned in
iv- re -vi iri.tl-
.1 -:.,,!
. hi
. :h
. lut
,r t
eas ' i- ii
May It
, itV
1 1;'
h'ir.t. I')'.:
loos a little
-e I
r.v imiiMra-
otliiiiir, a very lit-
rte. towards a remedy. Mr. I.o.lc's con
sular in.-isx-tion bill, .voulil, if passed, have
dweii still more satisiactorv.
su.l. -i in, on the rvi ulilicau leital voters'
will nooiinate their catt.li-'
ih . rs .im! ciHineilmen. The
ie c'ii, o on next Monday,
pir-ent e.iuneil hiivo do.ie :.
cilnjotir -vtom of w at, r
wa:!s-. a 1,1 tie , ,.:;;n,. ns-ineiit of uee,ie,l ,
,-.:e : i ej-'.,, e.i.i ui-, Ahd it is eiiiiie-ily
ho;., . iii. I a i.e.v council will lie elected
who v.oi ...Mit.niie to have the city in:- j
I ro.e-i. t';i i-r iniiiiis should la; exteiided i
Some of the hoodlum clement have h.-eu
been amiisini; themselves l,- overturning
the i lill nil lilies on the school premises
Now it she-o certain VoiU'K' gentlemen I '.')
do not wish to net themselves into trouble
they had ! tier ,pii, tlv return and phm
tiiii.iisiu their proper po-iiiou. I'vcsri v.
News I nun barhivv.
The prospects for crops in this vi. ii.ity
Well- never liellor.
atchfid i", e of insurance companies. -I'or
the past f,.V week iho many new huiid-inu-s
under way of con-traction have caused
the intention ut' oitleivui in.-uraiice uten.
Almost every day we are favor.Kl with u call
from some repre-eiitaMv-e.
The Southern l'aciiie railroad is nwake.
Tnis company sees the iiusrtance of mak-1
ii K improve:; cuts and koepiii) pace with;
the fa-t developments of our town, as they I
ii.l'o mov mi'i i forty u en n aUii; ovteusiou ;
oi: their sw itch. pr. paral -ry to the hire an-1
tiiilille.l Wheat ship. I, ellts this I'.ill. Il is;
their intention to make this the pasinf; i
pluee for trains, and soon you mac epei t '
to see a telegraph olhce liN'HIed lu re. !
.Mr. h. 1. .Moore, a t'hi.-ato capitalist
AiipitioSAi. rao OSWK.O,
Pr. .Sullivan has lawn on the sick list for
the last week.
Mrs. t'arl t'ristetisen Is very sii k with la
Krippe. Pr. Kewler, of I'ortland, is alien, I
liiK on tier. He says hers is a doubtful case.
The dedication of the new church in Iho
new town was financial success, with
closed doors. It costs nolliing to get in. but
how about cttiiiK out ?
Mr. ta,ltehl is building a ui,
the new town, w Inch will W-an
place. I'ive or si new hou- a
tier cuii-ina tion here, n-w,
ow hut sure.
Ihti l.sol th.e old to.vu Ule Wolkou
the hil-o hall ground and w til ha . o ti.i .
i.-,,,l order tor tlie suuim, i ,; , l i
ale lo liiil.l a fraud -i.u, , r ih, li
baud of this place. I'ho baud l; -I.
ariun very ta-t.
There is a iht la n k cru-htir at th:- pi,
which the ,'ouiit v couid r,-t to cru-i, r
tor roads iu this ili-.li i, t, it it Is .ml, I, t
of char,;,.,. I hi- -ui, ly is Iho ocl.i ,
have i;.iod roads put plenty of en.:
rock on them. We have the w.u.t r...d
Ihis district we have bad for year.
The Oregon iron ,V Steel i'om auv b:
started tlie lurnin e w:th 1'e'er lluiu-i
the wheel. Mr. W. II. Hoi i Is ..ur I
tu.4 UT
I'llvi'l au.,,1, N,t) null
pu In
ni nl I
'II nl Ion
liuiin In
ft Insl.
I, Hud
i, imr
l'l'fl'l'!.t .mt
lid ooi.
t Tht
W 1 1 .Sun ti"'"''
a wiih
l tiiri
-II v.
W I'l l I
extaor-d i hqpE
W'o will liiivc iii Hliu k Iliia wi'i k it
N.le In ili
I over
wa i
i enint
Vjred In
n n r -s mllml
styit.. r nlLLlu"u
IK tlm
Ladies I:inc Donuola Kitl, St. l.(uis'I)oantlI"l-'
but tin
llilruvi'iii,m the
Al .an A
TllfSO oililil.-t IlilVO ull lilt' Vt TV lutit
ill stilrliiiij;, linisli, vU, ainl fVi-ry
rniitt'il to tlo ohikI siTvi' t1, or tlm
ran liavt1 ain itlitT pair fivt of
1 1 iit I" lilulii'V
will lu rtTiiutlt't).
titioPS 11.1. I'd' I'lsn.AVId) IN oi l! WIM'iiW
I"iir is waf. MITT1;
iiin liasor en?
. on
' that
Mi" .
M not k
ked it
Ut (rot
I that
OrecJoi? ity 5170 h
t lllfl
' , Kd. 1
k, ji sj m rm r .'s 11 rr n m m a
1 11 , s V
.Mi,, il,-! WHCl BAUkbQU iU M B tlJ
' ' I The ick'i vv 1 1 .1.1 leading dealers ill
- L'tow no:
,ai 1
The 1 '01 est. i . ,,1 th.
taiiiment last l-'ndav
well attended, and th,
pi.tc vv, II lor 1
pi.iy w is, " I'll,
in a 11. ir room.
plan- ol II. V, I n, hlon,
1 ,a,
, - and
1:11 1 r- on the si
la-1 i .iai ' and " I
Yours trulv ,
an 1
1 . ,
' I so
w .1-
I he
alist arc lights should be placed on the
business streets. More substantial sidewalks
"T?; 1 and street iiuprovtinents are needed, and
The Farmer s Alliance has lieen nft'erini: tlie l'Tt' department should by all means tie
s panai-ea for all the ills that spring from 1 ut ' lirst class condition. It is there
pemiry on one side and plethora on the!f"rt' Ver-V importatit that only the best and
other. T!ny have promised to uivc U -i-la-; reliable citizens should be nominated
t;oiithat would make the tanner prosper-' t'll'l t''''- 1't'der the provisions of the
cm, iindthelalK.n-r happy. Hut from some j l,e',v charter, the next council can (five Ore-
on ( ity some much needed legislation.
.o e.eiy poiu..,. oi me cuy , ine elcclllc , ,,aia ,lr ,,m a xwl ., Mul,, y )!,,,,,
lij;l,t system earned to the residence Mirta; I IOst luvoral.lv imnressed wilh our section.
and has sxken lor a lar;e tract of beaver
dam land.
cause tli,-y have signally failed in Texas, iu
a business venture, to the sad loss and J
t!c..r!y bought exricnee of a number of t
l.o::e-l farmers. It is reported that the in-j
s;.'tution i inducted an alliance exclianp, j
for the sale of -Mods lo members, and as j
rainy of them were short of cash, it was
arranged that members wisliina to deal
Won me exctiatij-'e slinulil dejsit with it
their personal notes, properly endorsed,
payable in the fall, and draw goods as
ne (led. The exchange then hypothecated
ti. : ..-e notes in payment for supplies, and
w:"-n it 0' lid no longer do this it suspended,
a- d the holders of the notes were referred to
tl.". oriirinal makers for satisfaction. One
fc-iner testified that he gave his note for
$i ' "land received only $LV,0 worth of goods.
II afterwards found his note in the posses
si, of a Cincinnati firm of wagon makers,
aii. uad lit pay it iu full.
in i
il;.' tin
S-omf. of the Walla Walla soldiers have e
tahlished a precedent in the lynching or a
gambler, who shot and killed one of their
number. Although the gambler, Hunt, no
doubt brutally shot down the Fjldier, he
had not yet bad a trial, and, under the cir
cumstances, the soldiers were not
ju-liliahle in taking the law into their
own hands, and should be brought to jus
tice, in palliation of their offense it is
claimed that the sunie company was sta
tioned in Arizona a few months ago, where
one of its incmhcs was shut and killed.
The murderer went to trial and was ac
quitted, much to the chagrin of the sol
diers. Since the troops came north, "Sandy"
Olds has been tried in this state for a cold
blooded murder, and escaped with one year
in the penitentiary for manslaughter, and
the lynchiiiguf the Italians at New Orleans,
I H K ordinance establishing a board of i.iumere moj-uir-
-i water commissioners passed tlRM'oun- ville' l'r,UM-v " '"flatncd the minds of the
! .t the last meeting, and these oilicials 8"1,iera tl,ut tht' decided to give Hunt no
probably tie named at the next regular d,t"
on. This board is empowered with cer- ... . ' ,,. .
privileges, under restriction, that will is gonig up. ilns ia good news
, it- workings effective, and will have i for tlie f,ir,"er- " '""ks as if " ,"i,,t lu!,t
...liate chai-ie of the water ,v,.,., f through the season. The practical failure
ity in all its details, ami will take many
ar 'nous duties oil' the hands of the fire and
wa' r committee, t 'ommis-iotis to whom
;irt h'lt ii tted , ertain i-owers, jind u hciluive
Ui lirect control of special blanches of mu
ni!, al jovcnniient, have been etlective in
act ring the Ue-ire.l re.-uil,-. In con-ulera-
nti'i 01 tilts tin t. II vconlil ilnilli'Jess stcllrr-
hsfer results if the fire department of Orc-gr-
i City was governed hy a i-oiiiiiiis-ioii, as
it i.i Minted that more ellci.tive legislation
cxiuhl Is- secured in that way, and would re
lit v.. the council of t he ii -ua! a:,: u int ofVcn-
SLrc from the b:
II in. f-M i' a:
of A I-, 1-f, !,..
y c. en I t. V:
ion oi .-oca,
t,';tv laud ollic
' .1 ,-..tu the
:i ei-o r-:,ip of
hut in failing
to g'd that place lie sttcceeded in si curing a
iuwallve billet in Alaska, which will likely
atiify his aspirations.
of the French crop is an undoubted fact and
il seems almost certain thet the Knglisli
and Russian crops fire going to be short;
while the unsettled condition of political af
fairs compels the powers to keep on bund a
large stock of food against emergencies. Kor
the pa-t fiv e yeans it has been apparent that
. i the production of wheat was not keeping
pace with the consumption and thai some
day the end of the wheat year would find
the chief commercial nations without any
reserve, on hand. At anything like present
prices the world'- limit of production has
nearly been renched and the consumption
h:i- hei-n going on increasing year by year,
net only in con.-, queiiee ot the growth of
j . ; , i : i . i t : j . i , h.,1 turmigu the extension of
t.-ie ' i,i - - ol v, oi. at eaters. Many of the peo
I ;e who an: co,,iin:i here in shoals never eat
..la 'lien I...;. ' hi ' heir own country. They
no ,-ooner land hen.- than Ihoy become con
sumers and thu crop must be swelled to
supply them. The day may come when
wheat may seem cheap at three cenU er
pound. After years of weary waiting Ore
gor wheat raisers will receire their reward.
Mr. T. C. Andnis, formerly of Maple
bane, has purchased a six acre tract, ami is
now hav ing lumber hauled on the place for
a dwelling.
F. K. Sinilh, formerly of Marvsville, Mis
souri, has purchased a live acre tract and
will move bis family (rum I'ortland this
week. He will occupy one of Mr. Harlow's
tenement houses until be gets his residence
Mr. tiispie, of Clackamas, favored us with
a cull last Tuesday.
Mr. C. II. Hicks mid Mr. Itoaeh, of Sun
nyside. were here during the week. It is
their intention to locate here.
Mr. K. (ioldsiuilh, of Portland, was here
during the week in the interest of real estate.
W. W. Irwin has let the contract for a
modern style cottage to Walter Kvans, to lie
erected immediately. William Is very en
terprising, as he will also put up a butcher
shop in our tow n.
Mrs. Hammond, of Portland, has Isen
visiting her brother, Ju. Z. Peas, for the
past week, and expresses herself highly de
lighted with our new town and surrounding
The streets arc now being graveled and
sidewalks laid, adding big improvement to
the looks of our town.
J. O. Htrayer, of Portland, was lieru dur
ing the week, and purcha-ed of Hallow A
Company two tracts, one six and one twelve
acres. He is now putting same into onions
and water melons. Mr. Slrayer was loi g a
gardener close to Philadelphia, and appre
ciates the value of good soil.
Thomas lirady paid Portland a visit this
week and brought back a good fresh supply
of wines and liipiors. Tom's rapid increase
of business will soon necessitate his putting
up a larger building. I
A number of coul tai lors have been here
investigahng the cut to be made on the
Oakley hill which leads into Harlow's.
Jt being the desire of the many merry
makers to have another dance soon, Wil
liam Harlow has kindly donated Ihe um of
his warehouse for Saturday evening May
Oth, when a large crowd will have an oppor
tunity of dancing to thu music of a first
class band.
The m.'inui'oiuent for Iho past six weed..-:
! has spared neither pains nor expense in the
I seleelion of the mo-t eflioivnt r l- ih'-d hd-or
in lilting up one of the mo-t elahond,. and
elegant places between i'oilhind and .'.in
Francisco. A line building which will he
used by Harlow A Co., which will ne known
and used for a real estate and loan business,
is now receiving its finishing touehus. The
fixtures are of cherry, and appear massive.
wet is very wet, and
The wet is very wet, and it is claimed
that theie is more water in ihe ground now
than at any time through the winter, lint
this Is growing weather. liven the furmct
faces are growing long as they sit around
the stove at the st otlice discussing the
prospects of crops ami Ihe new railroad
from Soda Springs to Harlow's via Needy. ( .'i
Messrs, Poop and Noblitt arc doing goo i
work lu having their orchards pruned and
the trunks of thu trees scraped and cleaned
of bugs and worms, thereby destroying
their eggs and nits w hich are deposited iu
the crevices of the bark preparatory lo
liuU.hiug out when warm weather comes.
If the farmers would all follow their exam
ple it would hav e a decided elici t upon the
vermin which destroys the fruit, Is'sides be
ing a gratification to the eye.
Commissioner Hair will soon commence
work w ith a force of men in grading down
the Poind, Ison hill on the Molalla and Hub
bard road, and tilling in the bottom, which,
when done, will give us a good road. Here
tofore this part ol tlie road has been an eye
sore to the public and next to impassable in
winter. Wo hope the neighbors will all turn
out and lend a hand. When once this is
done we w ill have a permanent mad which
we ran travel with pleasure.
Frank Fisher is busy with a posse of
neighbors rounding up the logs on his new
clearing, which he had grubbed last winter,
Frank is one of our ru-tling farmers, and
w ill make prairie out of his timber land if
he keeps Ins stomach and heels,
Ucorgc Hrockart has bought the old i,,n
aldsoii farm, and is turning over the sod.
He has got his steer broke to his new vv ag
on, and is gelling ready to lake the girls out
for a ride. Here is a chance, gills. Keep
your bangs banged, and your best foot tor
ward, for from present indications we think
(ieorge will soon he thrown upon the mar
ket. C. O. Hovnton has sold mil his farm in
iohditv lots to iiiimii'i'ant.s, and moved to
I Woodbiirii, Marion couniy,
I Charlie Purcll and Ilarhaia I. e have
euteri d into an agreement lor In In r or tor
worse, vv e nope it win ne n,r tieiier. I iiev
will remove lo Hiiena Vi -hi, w here Charli'u
has rented a farm.
Our farmers are bond ing I heir farms lo I he
Petroleum I umpnnv. 'Ihe cnninany ex-
fin Km
ot Ne
M t
K'. t
V urn mi
' held
' Mid
t tht)
Jo nu
f 1 . . m ' . . - i
- -AC"Y- UU1T CM. I1KN DkltSUNislore
f --, WL ' cuifwum t a issu and J
i mm.m ' l--W - s-r f,-VnH
rrf'-..vN: a
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it ' urvi ji-r,-
i . 1-: ai.ims run nu; i pi KiiiniKii
"V" .C"1" mlilii
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1 1 " mt o
Id in
In v-i'i'dt variety.
ftvre i
litriiien k I
d, I
tl fr
.IA.11KS KOAKI'M CO, I'mprietoR
.'im I
ai I
Maniifai tui't'i's, ami Itcalcrs in all kiiuln of Mat'Iiin-
i:i:i'AIi;s proini-tly
,i -a am-i
It' arli
; - K
the i
J the
pn I'
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It Z S ri: .A. IJ Iri, A. 2ST T ;
and .
"rs.T'r-fc-r- w- TctTt It
-a--w w," JiJiJJtJ A n
dill' IIIIU
any -ly Ir
f-,1 i.i
pects to lllld oil in this V li-l ll ll y 1 but whether
it vv ill he in pav ing nuanlil ies remaiiis lo he
seiin. Holing will
: in a few day
Jluriiiiit .
IM I OTO (1 li A I
tin: ..l.J-s;',hh.-. iitnl it'll ,,!,.
I'nlilu. I '.'I.,, I
- -jllpi!
nt li
In wli
Uv. iv, Ki piI ami 8nSM to
l.ut'ATiai HKTVVrlKN TDK IM!!"'10"'
,v ,, , "K,'",T ,.
'Hi' lod.-i s. iilw.tyn on litiiiJ '4 Inft
liUVi'i-t oii'l':S. A ItOITIlll ct- P"'
Willi till' lo.tl'll fill' lot ISO Ht''.'p,
1 1 h', ii tint i, 'ti rcgarilitiL' any v,
nplly iilloinlod to ll? f"
horses nouirht andSdem ,1
,,ven !
0. J. LOYDJOft;
A heavy hnil slorni Ihr, ah-ni d Ihr liuilj'""
hi.i.-'-'iiii. l-i'i-lav. It i In-, In.d he, ;
advai -cl nieild h.-m-'lcid 11 : , iu'i
li nil ' In- u.n iier.
A e.di I, .,., in lo Ml. I., i' ..J. ., i
and pa l, I.'.' e:,l--ii Ic a l ,- !: 1 -. , .,.
hnye hhiek lie. II' Wai -i en hy Km.. I V
Sunday. I'd iicst is a good slmt, ;,
was fortunale lo tnnloi good his eseii,e.
'I he young peopl of this place will give a
pie social in thu near future. Vkno.
April 28,
,,'! (M ICC
d , J. I5, C.I, I.."
Fancy Grcc
the tt
: lino
1) ,4n h.
i he very
els the Iii''1
choicest tl"
Corned He I, l'i, l.;,.., ,!,, J,,,,.
I.ard, Hutler, Kggs, Mi,.,
ShoppoBovenlk street, npi.osllo ilepot itulra
r wa
hum H
i yi--'
o'"" 0,
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