Oregon City Enterprise.' 3L24. NO. 44 OREOON CITY, OKKGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1891. ESTABLISHED 1806 ruE Enterprise. u1iWhIicI ICvpi-.v Krlclny. i w al pa r tili Tr c u c it aa s u b nt iT WlltHCmi'TION IMTKH, tTHI.K IN AI'VANi I yimr - - - - $ i llllllltlll I no month - " dvartlaiiiR rale jiIvkii on application. AOkVTH roil TIIK KNTItlll'IIIKK. nv. ' - (Iko. Kmiiiit. H'KAMAI, .WAI'KiK, ON Mll.l.H, i. JtuAMII Al l., A, WmIHT, C. LMI. H. NKWIIK'HY, A, .Matiikk. Annuit Hl.iilK. (I. J, l'lll I I I Nil Kll . - - . AlMH. Mkaimiw IIiiook. - Vlol.A. Nmv Mil a vckamas County Dikkitoky. COCNTY tlFHCKHH. K Mrl.lrum. It nf Courts , HI!' mllT ,,, laiiror. , , 'wr. , . , mi Siiriiili'iuli'iit teyor imlssiimera ii. I I . JllllllHllll, w. w. w. II, hauimm. f. Wlllllock, H. II. Cailll. . John V. Nnlilc . Ali-x. Thomson . Hnlncv Hniylli t'lmrlcs M iclinki' t'ornelitu llitlr. I'lllllTH. Irrull court convenes llrl Monday in ember and I bird Monday in April lohato Court in session lirnl Monday :i month iiliiiniiMlioiii'ia iiiui t incel Hint WiiiI lay alter Hint Moinlii)'of each Hionlli, OHKuO.N CITY OFFICER. or , ,,, 'limn. K. ltvmi. inter.,.. ... . I.. I.. I'ortir. i.wir M. It. (irreii. murer K. It. t'lmrnmii. Atinrtii'.v A. r I'triwrr. iluil ' ('. K. Itiirita. st 'iihhiiIIoiit ('. HiiUim k. lof Wilier V.,rk W. II. JIomi-II. rnl'Nril mi, '. t'aullild, Cliiw. Alliev, C J. IVkv, f. U Omnium. K. K, Vnrrt'ii, J. It. Trt'tnlmlli, J. W, 0 Votim-ll. gnlnr im-cilm nf city i-ntiui'll flf.l Wvd jr lu w li lunuili, I'M K MAIIM. ilrkiM' going mirth, . ., 2:'.'o r. M. 4lll ). K.iillK MlUtll, M U) . M.,li :'.Mr. M. ltK Itnt'Tfttf. egou City U Mnliillu, Muliuu.t arm uml mil: Imit nt In im A. M. M.iinliiy ii, iicailays uml I'rliluyiT, mil returns on wing uvh. ijliiii City to Mink. ('Inrks, Miiliuo, I'll Mill and Meadow UriHik: l.inii nt M. TttcsiUv, Thursday uml ."uliiriluv, return! on follow inn dava. Society Dlroctory- OKKudN CITY HiiAHIi (iK TRAPE. elHt Cniiit lliiiiiiiiiu Mer-ntid TuesiUy iu ntnlilh. Vt.llnrs well-nun' K Di'SAl.l'.sii.N, I T. AI'I'SKSnS. ecmuiy I'rnlilcnt, ACHil.l M l.iilHIK. NH M. K OK P. rli every Friday niiilil l Masonic hull uir knights iiiviumI K M tum, I). V. . luii'U, M ul K. n,l H LTNOMAII l.olKil:, Ml. 1. A. K 4 A. M. i1h It rrRiiUr rummiiiilrntliiiii nil flrvl lilr.l HtunUy ul i'cii nmntlt t 1 r. N irU IukimmI .IhiiiIIiik nrp llivlti-il lu Hltiuul. W. K I" A 1(1.1 . W. M.. T r. UVAN.Hi'i'r.urjf. OKKlKIN UHU.K. 1 u U. If.tio. a. (l ry ThiirmUy mn i nt 7 Ml o'Plm'k In lh OiM Ktllwii' lull, tlnln utrci'l. Iim of Ittr (inliT urn ItiTltrii lu Httiind. r.lurolW A Uiillrimi, N li. 'linn. H)n. Hfcrmnry. XIM KNCAMI'MKM. Nil 4, I O O K. ill llrtt ml llilnl Tui'iiUymil mi ll muiitli. it Follow lill. Mi-inliiir nipt vUltlliK irtihn, etirillnlly IiivIiimI in niiimhI. (.JAKNKV, J , tl t'nN NKI I., Meillie. Clili-t I'xrliit. IKCAMI', Nil. 1U MilliKU.N MIIJi.MI..N In Ami llllil Minimi TuiiMiliiy ill (Ht'll ll at Wnii'lmi'li 11. ill. K. S. Wahiikn, V. H. . I.. It. J 4 NN K V , I'llHk. 'ALlXl'ITY l.nlKiK OK A O V. W. -in ftvory m-rnnil ami fi.urili Krlilny i'vimi f rni'll innlilh III (Mil Ki'IIiiwn1 liilDililiK. ijutiroiiiK lirniliri-ii rniiliHlly Invltfil tn ul- 1 IU Wll KINHOS. M. W. 't.K No. I, OliliUdN CITY PATIttAH- CIIAI. I IUCI.K. tivry Tiii'n.liiy Kvimlug nt 7 ml nt hull wlu HltU Knurlll Hlri'i-lN ! M il. IIai'ki.ky. OrmUi. K. I'AINTf'l, Hi'lTllllir). if.H IlllKKK I.OIIIlK. No. (1, SII.N'H OK II KIIM ANN t ivry Huii.liiv nt 'i V. rk II 111. HI mlh'i Hull. ! HKI OaNMNKIiKH, 1'ri'H. ; AI.IIKHT Nil 1 1. 1. 1. Ml, Hl'U y 'CAI.ITIN (ilUM.K, NO. Ill, 1, nl II. U lnt Hutiinlny nl imicIi mmilh nt tholr it Wllwnivllliv H. II. IIknuy, h Hicha Sua iu-, Hi'O'y. MiikIit, WAHNKIt UltANliK, Nil. 117, I". nl II. I loiirth Hntunliiy nt pnch innnlh, nt tholr II New Jirn. K. C. Mh.IiI.h k. Koo y. i J. Cnntii, Miiiler , IKl'OHT, No 2.(1 A, It,, lil'.l'AHTMK.NT t OK 0KK0ON. tn flnt Krliliiy nf riirti ninnlh, it 7:110 it Odd Ki lln ' Hull, iiri'Kuii Clly. 6KO. A. HAHIilNd, Oiimmiitiilor. )K KCI.1KK COUI'H, No. 18, liKI'AKT , i MEUT OK OIIHUON. 0. McCnwn, - . l'ri'Hliloiit. Ido. A. Iliinlllld, - - Hnori'tiiry. i', H. OoolirHiio, - TruHmirnr. t nn II rut mid third Krilnyn n( uni'li 1 In Oouiirll Clinmlii'r. Mi-inborn nl t-oriH (brnnd, oiirdlnlly wi-lenmi'd. OMt'AN Y, riHHT HKUIMENT, O. n7(7 tfiry, Tflilrd uml Main. Iti'giilnr drill nlijht, ny. HiiUr tiunl unH muoUux, Di'l y ul ohuu month. . orKu KIIH. - CRptntn. Varren. - - FlrHt Ucuiriinnt. tnndall, Boound LUmUiinut. lanonii, . Int. Surinam. Whttlork, Q. M. BHrjccnnt. FOUNTAIN IIOHK CO., No. 1. ilnr ainiMlnii, Hei'nnd W(dnvidny In (inch i nt nn nine nniimi. ial nldu Mulu utmot, mi Hnvdiilh uml KIkIiIIi i hkkM an, Hi-n'y. La mn (UniiNKll, Pro) ,.Ku. Nkwton, Fnriiiiiiiii. CATAKACT IIOHK CO. N(). 2. IHHdOOHd Tlll'Slliiy nt ('Hi ll llinlllll Hi Clt KllKlUD llllUHII, W II. lldWRl.l., I'rON. ,, tlKNTow, Him'y. J, W. O'Connki.i., K'rn. H.UMUIA IIOHK AND LADDItH CO. ! i flrnt 'Friday of iicb ' month ut ill il KukIii hnue, Chan. Atikt, 1'ri'M, . Bacon, Beo y. Cit Ai BiniB, I rin. SUNDAY SERVICES. riKSri'ttNiiHKlU'l lONAI, ( HnHCII -Kkv, O W l.i i an, I'n-ior. NumrrH nt II a. M. nl 7 J Y U, Kuiitlay Hclmul nln-r inorfiJhtf nr- 7 attn.nltick. I'niyi'r iiuiliiK tit Young l'.'itiltt,n 4tMliiy ul Clirldiiitti hii'Utuvor nvory HmitUy ovi'tiihir n( t w itrnmiii KIKHl iWVilM 1 lll'HCH - Hkv, (!,(!, IUik wan, rnniiir M'TiilnK rtfrvlrit.m il ((; Hmi'l'ty ticli.M-l iiU, KviMiliiK Ht.rvh-y 0 Hi); KfMitlnr iirnynr tnmtttiiK W ttliM lny nvithliiif. Moinlily UtivtuiMiit Mri.iiH nvery Wmlni'itiUir ovi'iiliii iri(Hititiii i In- flrl HuinUy iti lUu tuiutlli. A ytirnlrtl In vllittlnit tit nil, HT. JOHN-M Ml'ltCII, CATHOMn.-ltRV. A. Itii.i.HitHAKii, t'tiK'.nr. itit Muii'lny titnniml Hhju1 (it ;m . m Kvury Htx'tiiMl mid funrtli Hmniny Urillrtt H'rilHUl f(tr tli H o cine It m KM, At nil titlu-r mi'i KiikIIkIi m-ruittiif. Hititlity H.'iio.'i nt ; ;ki r h Vvkimtn, nui'IondiUhI ul. I. I'm, uinl naut ili, tinri hi 7 !Wr, . HI. i A l lrt I, K. I'lll'it ,'!!,- Hv. J, M linn. thUull, Hfictitr, Hnrvh'ttH on Hlinintn Hiiiiiiny nt II mitl 1 ;wi hiin.hiy n-Iii1 hi IU .Hi I'Atif s (iitllil iiu'oU tlrat I liurxlny In vut li uinnlli Mn, II. t. kvlloy, i'riulili in; Mm. K I t o lirn, MKl lliiniHT KI'lHt'ul'Al, rlltlltt ll.-. I(KV JnliN I'axnxi, I'n-tur. M.-rtiluK mtvU i t II: HiimUy NcliiHiUt Hmhi, kyriitn -or vln l 7 id). I',twnrtti I .vr k ' iiM'i-ttnK I nmlrty pvvhInk ul 7 I"). I'myi'r MfiMlnu I liiirniUy tvmiliiK M it Mi. lrHiKr crM 1 1 y luvlirl KIHmT rttKMllVI Kltl AN flH'ltCII.-ltteV. II W I.IUUMtV. 1'n.tor ht-rvlcr nt 11 A M Hint 1m r M. H.ihl.mlj HrlKHil at 10 a. M. Yntih ISmmi1'h Morli'ty n ChrUiUti KmUnvnr tm' l pvrry Huii'Uy viiiliit( nt AM) WiliirNlity vi'itltiit (ir.iytT MHH'liiiK nt 7 UU. HHti Irw. KVANt.KI.lt At, t in R H. Ht'V. J. M. Trt'lM. (if tlti KvmiKill ul Awt'i liitloti, will ht'l'l Hrrvi-i I I' ti.i-'ii lUil evi-ry HiiiiiIhv at II A M llnnt(!- out) HiituUy pm t'iittMl. (lurtimn Hitlitmth h''U(mi very Hiimfny iity nt 10 A. M Professional Cards. i i.i. il wai.kkh. ATTtiHNKY AND COUNHKI.I.OK AT LAW AMI MoTAKY I'l III II'. Orrinii CUy, - Oreiim OITli' nrr Cmillclil't now 'I run iims lloitirmrail, l'r rmlitlitt auil TJinlwr Uml ili-pllt-iilliiiiii iil nitidr Uuit ntllt-e l,u lur.i j,ri'iiiptly ottvinliMl t. . WOTIIKIIHI'MON, I.AWYIMt Ni'TtKY rrni.n llrfKim CUy ai. tai All it nt Oriigiiu Oltli-e, riMitnii ft mil n. Ctinrmitti nr..lliir' Murk, iiver l.lvrritiufff 11 Imlt-I. I. I'd lit bit, ATTtHtNKY AT LAW A H.THAI T IIC I'B HUHT V TV H lll H. Oltlotf Iwu ilMiri utiiive iioHlofTlrff. Orrsnti City. HHOi HKHHRI'I'lill t r COMINO. P, ItiH.'KKMiHill'UII ATTOHNKV AT LAW. All Cum'! lii-(iin I' S l.ii. (iitlrc nirrtlty. HIIU'v lixmi. UhiiiI Ci, V M Unit ultli's llllllillllg. o OHKiiOS CU Y.- (irrgnn UKN I'OKTKK. M. I. I'KYK'IAN & SflUiKOX, Cnl.y, (iri'j.m W. I AKHV JllllMliiN. I . M. I1.1.KAH JOHNSON ,t IM.KMAN I.AWYl'KS, Corupr K!litb mill Muln rtrtttiit Orrnnii Clly ori'gnu. KKA1. KSTATK To HKI.I." ANI WiNKY TO LOAN Jl II. ill. C LA lot KKTIK, ATTOIiMOYS AND Cnr.NSKl.OUS AT LAW MAIN HrilKtr, lllltllilN CITY, OUKUOM. Kurlil h Atintrnrtu n( Tll, Iximi Minify, Knro- cIiiku AjnriKMKfi. mill irmtmirl t.ouvr Hi Law iln.lnrftH. T. A. H' imilil A. A. IIIICAMIH. M iTIKIHK I HKK.-SKK ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, Offlpc In JKKr Hlork, Oroitou Clly . T lll'HMIY. J. . l II A t'K H J JCIINPY A IHUI'Hi, A I I n N 1', YS AT LAW OriniiClly, .... Orison TVIVI Vt'Ar l"HT!l'IH'i- UN ri'iildT ul till' V H. Iiliil iilllri- hrri' ri-i'oiiiliii-lnU in. In ixir Mt'r liilty nl nil klml nl Imnliii-KA I.,. I.. re tin- limit ul fli i' inn! Iltt' t'inirt. iin.t liivnlvtiiK tlni i-rin-llrii In tint iti'in'riil liiml nllico. C." . IlYK, ATTOltNKY AMI COI'N." KI.nl! AT LAW nildioN CITY, (1 K. IIAYKS, ATTtlUNKY AT LAW (IHKIION CITY, - OUKIiuN, Olllcc piinii'r Mum mill Klj;hth i-lroi'ls, (iininliu court hiitiM'. BANKS. J JANK OF OIIKUCN CITY, I'llld lli('iiillll,Hi(l.(HX). I'ltRlilliKNT, - - TIIOH. I'll A II M A N CANIIIKII. - CHAN. II. CAl'FlKl.ll. M AN AIIKIt. IicpnsliH ri-cclviiil miliji-m In check. A)'imvml Willi Hitd iH'(i- i1lciinnieil. Cniiiily hiiiI clly KiirmiilA InhikIu. i.nuiiH iniiilu on aviiiliililc Kcuunty. CollpctlniiH lumli' iirniiinlly. llrnltH Hold on I'nrilniiil, Hun Krnnrliico,,Chl('ii- go, New York, mid nil irlnclinl cIUch of Ku- ropn. Ti'lcriihl() dxchiinni, mild on PnrtUiid, Sun KriimilHiiii, Clilcnii-i Hint Acw York. 1NTKIIKKT I'Ain ON TIM K IIKI'OHITK AS rill.UlWHl Kor Hire mnmha, 4 per pem or Hiinuiu. For 6 montliH. ft nur cent, per Hiiuum. Fur li luoulliH, li pur coiit. pur nullum. Tlino ccrtlflcntcH of ilcnnnlio pnynhl on de mand, hut lutorent furfcitiirt If drnwn before end of term of dcpiiHlt. rpilK COMMF.ltCIAI, TANK, OF OltKliON CU Y. Capltnl, ..... uni,ixx) TIlANNAl'TK A UICNKHAI, HAN KINO HUil N KNH. I.nnm mndii. Illlla dlf cniintcil. Mnkca to ICCtlllllM. HllYKIUIil NI'IU tlXrllllllKC lilt llll lnlilllN 111 the I'nllcil Stutus, Kilrnpe ami IIhIik Kiuii;. lii-piiiiltH I'cctil-i'il Niiliji'i'l to check Interest ut tiNinil rntcH Hllnwerl on lime ilenoHitN, Hunk ofien fi'oin II A, M. l.o ! v. M. Wiilunliiy evouliiK'8 from 6 to 7 P, u. D. C. LATOUUETTR, rrenldcnt. F H. UONALUHON, Cnnhlor n cm. Free Power and Free Sites for Jictories. JlOlli: I'KOI'I.K KMI'I.OVKI) IK MAN I I A( I I KIMi TIMS AM' OTIIKIt CITY II oiti:iiox. Tim (i real est Known Water Power at Tide Wal it. HAS THE ADVANTAGES OF CHEAP TRANSPORTATION AND RAPID TRANSIT. Is Situated on Tide Water within 12 Miles of the Commercial Me tropolis of the Northwest. I,A KAMASUl! vmsTIIKHANXKK (ilt.UX lUISINti AM UtlTT l ltOlll ( KMilOK OF TIIK 1'AUHC oinywtsT. The Finest Grnin, Garden nnd Fruit Lands can be secured at Low Prices and on Easy Terms. Oregon City id situated at the head of titlo water on the Willainotto river, only 12 miles from the commercial iiiotropolis of the Northwcft rortland. Over $9('0,000 was utient in inijirovements during the year 1890. Four large Paper and Pulp Mills are in successful oiera tion, and another one will be erected. The largest Woolen Mills and Soap Works on the Pacific Coast. Cement Mills, three Sash, Door and Wood - Working Factories; two Hnx Factories, and two Furniture Manu facturing Establishments; six Sawmills. Kxtensivo Excelsior Works, two P.rick Yards, a large Brew ery, Cigar Factory, Ice Works, Iron Works, Sandstone, Gran ite and P.asaltic Rook Quarries and numerous smaller enter prises and manufactories, and them are free sites and free power for more Besides all of these, Oregon City has two Electric Light Plants, one of which furnishes light for the city of Portland, 12 miles distant. There are several fine busi ness blocks, nine churches, a tine court house, and an ele gant school building. Oregon City has one of the finest graded schools in the state, and its population in moral, social and intellectual attain ments cannot be surpassed by any city in the state. Oregon City is the county scat of Clackamas County, which has an area of 1,000,000 acres, a considerable portion of which is yet unsurvcyed. While a portion of the county is mountainous and heavily timbered, it contains within its area some of the finest agri cultural lands in the state. Clackamas County wheat took the first premium at the Cen tennial Exposition and the Oregon State Fair. A lot of peaches and apricots grown near Oswego last season, wero mentioned as being the finest in the Portland market. For further particulars, ad- dross any of tho real estate agents whoso advertisements appear in the columns of The Entkkprisk. or tho Secretary f lw, n...v., P;i,r Ti,v,1 f n.o uivfiuu vavj V1 irade. NEWS OF TIIK WORLD llollcil Don ii For the IMiflcnlion of The Kiif 'rirlHC Keutlcr. i mrii HAMim;r. .tl alter of nmut Or-iirlii( a li f urlou I'iii-iu-nl. Wahiiintoun, April, ill. Karnimt tifinrt in liin(( niHilt'iin tlio iurt of cattle niHti from tlio fur Went to have the TnxHH Wvfr riiltlii qiM'pnlim! linn en lalilMidl liy tlit'Hriculliinil ili'fiartiiiifiit fur the Kiciit i-.itt le-rui "IHK Htatn of Wyoming, .VIuiiIuoh and ('iiloiiilo,inovi!. Initlicr aoiith anil iniilu to con lor in to the iituruiitini! line lix;J niion hy thoi-e tatra for their own protaclion, Ix-fore tlin lialiunul Kovrinmttit (iiareiitiiiH linn a cnlubliiihM'l. H-omtor I'amy, of Wyoming, iin-wnlcJ tlin mutlcr fully to tliu aKiicultiiral (l(-iarlnioiil, anil It i proliulil tlm tnattar will l fixer! ai dnHirod. 'I lia (l'IUltlIll-lit llUH COIIIIIIIllli- ca'ifil with Sdcnilaiy KiihIi on the lub loct, and the wcrutury thinks the do- irtni. nt ihotild no fur modify iti in ilrucUoiil to (icrniit chIIIh tu lm ihiiC(l Into the Htalci of t'olorudo, WyuiniiiK and Montana fiom u far aotith an hen; toloie, irovidi-d thune hUIcm nive aatii fuctory HKBiiranct' that no cattle ahiiiied Intu tlmin ihall be nent out of the Htiitwi before the Hint of llccciiiU-r. The effcet of the order, of the agricultural depart ment moving farther north the quaran tine line eHtabliiihed by the itatea wad toward a lA-rioua baidahtp on large nunilxTs of men, having cattle leiwecn the line docided uikju bv the national government, and that which by ex perience the HlataH named had found to I iafu. HKKOKMATIOV IN TIIK NAVY. Kerrntary Tracy will next apply Ilia cIvilHw-rvn-e nietfioda to the Mare Inland navy yard. He will rench that point with liia new policy within aixty daya. So noon aa everything ia in smooth working order at the New York and Norfork yanla. he will turn hi attention to the I'atilic coaHt. A board, conait Ing of live reliable oll'icera will be a pointed lo carry out theiKjU-y he has Inaugurated. Thin will be iven reg Olafon itiHtructioiiH with anch additionH a may be required bv the conditions at Mare inland yard. The boaid to be created to carry out the new policy will disregard polit'ci entirely in its con sideration . TIIK Hl'HIl WILL JOIN TIIK BEAK. The treaaury department haa decided to at art the reAenue cutler Kuah to the Artie a'oont the middle of May, to keep company with the Bear, which ia now in that region. The Iiuaii.xiil convey to the Heal (Uliereies the Ncial agent of the government who will atnerintend i he call li of aeal thia year. He baa not beou eclectad a yet. Ilia inHtruct lona are now twing prepared at the treasury department. VABiiiNgTos, April 22. One hundred and aeveiity thoiiHund ouncea of ailvdr were purchased today at pricea ranging from .tttKili to MM The 1'rexltlrnllul I'urly. I.ndino, Cal., April 22 The president ial party entered the state of California at Fort I'ma at i M o'clock this morn ing, and was presented with a large quantity of beautiful flowers and real lis. The entire party was asleep at the time, so they did not see the presi dential committee. When the presi dent and party reached Indio at 8:15 o'clock, it was received by a large and influential delegation, including tiorvenor Mark limn and stair, ex-govenor Perkins, Senator Feltoh, Judge Van Fleet, of Sacramento; 8. M. Whita. of Log Angeles; Colonel C. F. Crocker, vice president of tho Southern Tiicilic, and Mr. Stump, the chairman of the repub lican committee, tiovenor Markham made an address of welcome. Los Anuki.ks. Cal., April 22 The inorniiiu opened beautifully and all that could Im asked. The people are pouring into the city by all the avenues leading thereto. The citizens have en tered in to the work of decorating w ith a will and the city w ill tie a bower of beauty. Noticeable on tho streets are the old soliliors f:om the Home, who have come in to do honor to their comrade. The fears entertained last evening that tho proiident would be late in arriving were dispelled by the arrival of the train on time, at Tusoon. Should no accident happen our honored guest will probably Lie with us ut 2 p. m. J client I llutler. Boston, April 21. A week or so ago, Oeneral Butler had a dispute with United States District Judge Carpenter, as a result of which Butler was forbid den to apienr before tlio court. This morning, however, wheu the case came in he insisted upon niMressing the court. Judge Carpenter declared him disorderly, and ordered the marshal to remove him from tho courtroom. The marshal and assistant escorted him out. The old gentleman was much all'ected and his eyes tilled with tears as he ex claimed, "1 yield to force." When the marshal haa released, mm in tne corri dor, Uetieral Butler immediately re- tumud to the court-room, 1 lio judge had left the bench. Wheat Market. San Fuancisco, April 21. The local wheat market rose to (1.93. this morn ing, but the feeling was easier later in the day. Some heavy changes took place on change, ana snorts seemed tute as active as longs, a rumor on ie streets to the effect that a broker had failed, developed the fact that S. W. SearB. member of the board, had boon caught short, and that some of his con tracts had been bought in. Portland. April 21. Wheat milling, best grade, $1.00 per cental. Hnroii Fuvn lu Homo. Romb. April 22. Baron Fava, Italian minister at Washington, who recently loft that city on a loave of absence, has arrived here. Immediutoly after the baron's arrival, he had a prolonged con- forence with Rndlni upon the New Or leans affair. The outcome of this con- ferenca was sot made public llumuaon lleli-naeil on Hull SfoKANK, April 21. Judge Hunford thin evening inlmilted IIuiiiikoii, the covii li-il cattle thief, lo bail in the aiim of $10,000, penning the iiearitig of the wiit of haheaa lorpua. Ih.i.KNA, Mont,, April HI. Full report fiom from Moututia mtuiicipal electioua hIiow that the republicans carried every rity In which party line were drawn, except in liutte, where the (tainiH.'rnt elected the mayor and a majority of the council. H III Nfrlkn lr i:iKlit lluun, l'lnitHiKO, April 21. The general lockout of men by maater atane-iiiawtm haa inaugurated a bull'lera light lor eight hour. Fullv liO.tKK) men em ployed in the building trade will atrike on May Int. Will llull.l tUt- lloail. Kcoknk, Ok., Apkil 21. Inaa: Iirit ton, general inainigei of the Kiulaw and l iiHtern railway, atatea that he in Prepared to construct the road from Lunelle to tlio ocean provided the right of way can lie secured free. lurdoa (rn(ed. Rai.em, April, 21. The gorvenor today granted a full pardon to I). C. Henyolda, mint to the jicnitaiitiary October 31, 1877. from Umatilla for five year for the crime of larceny. He wai pardoned at the recommendation of the trial judge. The Fxrrutlon Frutratrd. Emkanla, I. T., April 20 News haa been received that the execution of Roa Heily, JetT Brown, Douglass Brown, Judge Barrett, I'aro Johnaon, Lane Andy, and Prince Hawkins and I'aro Johnaon were recaptured, but they had been pardoned by the chief. Influenza In ICnglantl. London, April 21 Influenza ia raging in lxjtidon. -One-third of the members of the National Lilieral club and a ma jority of the inmates of one of the larg est hotels are down with the disease. The extension ol the epidemic is favored by the weather. Telegraina from Leeds and Shetlield report a similar state of a (fairs. i:ie-llon In Ireland. London, April 22. From reports of the McCarthyita members of commons who have canvassed Ireland, it ia calcu lated that the election would oust twenty-six l'arnellite members of parliament including l'arnell iiimself. This would leave tho strength of the dilferent par ties as follows : McCarthyites 72, Par nellites 9, Unionists, 22. All Objection Waird. - Chicago, April 20. At a meeting of the board of election commissioners to day, the attorneys for both parties waived their objection to the count aa it now stands. The revision was promptly dropsd and apparently noth ing but good feeling exists between the incoming aud outgoing parties. Next Monday Hempstead Washbourne will take bis seat as mayor of Chicago. lifpubllcans Meet. Cincinatti, April 21. Delegates to the republican league convention arrived in great numbers this morning, and at headatiaiter everybody is busy with the preliminary arrangements Music hall, where the convention will be held ia beautifully decorated with flags and bunting. An address of welcome on behalf of the state w as given by ex-Govenor For- aker. Outrages in South Africa. London, April 22. Advices from Rath urst, capital of (Jambria, British West Africa, state an envoy sent by the gov ernor to the king of Oanibria, protesting against the depredations and abuses suflered by Knglish colo.iists was es corted back by the king's body-guard alter rieces of flesh had been cut from Ihb body . Three British gunboats have already ascended the (jambria river to avenge the outrage. Fatally llorued. Portland, April 21. Helen Chris tian, u domestic emploved at the resi dence of Joseph Holder, in Sunnyside, met with a terrible accident last night, which will doubtless prove fatal. She was ironing clothes, and accidentlv up set a lighted lamp, which set fire to her clothes and completely enveloped her in names. Before the names could tie smothered her clothing was entirely consumed and her flesh was fearfully burned. AccMeiitly Wounded. Maksiikikld. April 21. Safens Jorge- son, a young man emploved as clerk in the store of the Oregod Coal Navigation Company at Newport, near here, was shot and seriously injured last night while attempting "to tako an overcoat from a nail on the wall of the store. A revolver dropped from the pocket of the garment and striking the floor exploded. The bullet struck his right leg below the knee in'tlicting a painful, but not danger ous wound. llrcw His FutlicrN l'oiiilou. Pus Moines, Ia., April 20. Goorge S. Boone, tho only remaining lineal de scendant of Daniel Boone, was arrested by United States authorities and brought to this city for trial todBV. He is charged with pension frauds. Boone served in the Confederate army, while his father was a Union soldier. The father is dead, and for some time has been draw ing the pension allowed to the former. Boone has been living in a caye on the Pes Moines river, about forty miles be low this city. l-'tre Near JackNonvlHe. Jacksonville April, 22. The Kilgorc residence on the Bybee place, one mile north of here, was burned to the ground this evening In sight of a large number of town people, powerless to render them any assistance. It was occupied by William Chastuin und family, who is" reported, lost everything. No one has learned how the fire originated. The loss cannot now be even approximated. from CorYHllln. CoKVALi.ia, April 22. The seduction case against Frank Hkyston, which ha occupied the time of the circuit court during the past few days wa well at tended by the senaafion-loving citizena of this county. The jury, after being out only fifteen minutes, returned a verdict of not guilty, much to the sur prise of a gn at maiiy. TIIK OCTLOOK KOR WHEAT W.A.Wells.oni! of our prominent irrain buyers, today offered to contract for 60, 000 bushels of this a'-am' crop of wheat at 75 cents. Crop in this vicintjr are looking unusually good for this sea son ol the year, and prospects are flatter ing for more than an ordinary yield. A warm rain began falling today at noon, an.! the farmers are in high spirits in consequence. llrldge at Alliuii). Albany, Or. .April tl The joint com mittee, consisting of the mayor and city council, county court and threi-J citizens, met today U select the site and kind of bridge (o be built across the Willamette at this city. The final reiort of the en gineer was presented. The plan of the steel bridge to lie built at Calapooia street was adopted. The estimated cost of the bridge is $99,700. It is ex pected the contract price will fall below that amount. TK.I.FGKtlMIIC ItKIKF!. Mny HDtrchlm htva been ejected (rota Rome for aciutluf a general atrike CD May dy. Mr Samuel Herdedy, living (Hit of MuDcie, Inii., in burned to death Saturday night by an explosion of natural km. The local fovernment ol Prince Edward Inland haa resigned. The governor bu decided not lo dlaaolre parllamenL A. Homarjee A Co., bankera and merchants. of Bombay, hare failed with liablltUei at W0, owing to wild peculation. Prof. D Rperanaa, one of the beat known nn- ticiani of San Kranclao, died tuddenlyof heart limaae in San Franclaeo Sunday. Newt from Bimla iayi the EnglUb have killed fifteen more Minlrmm in battle. On Kngllihman was killed and four wounded. While workmen were removing an uoexplod ed cartridge In itone quarry below Korrla town. Pa , it exploded, killing two Ilalianaind wounding another Mra. Mary E . Cough, wldi w of the late John B. Gough, the great tetouller and lecturer, died at Ulllalde farm, in Boletton, Maaa., today, at the age of 71, from parelyiia. A contlgnmentof 183,000 franci in gold, from the Bank of Genoa to Venice firnvhai been tolen in trau.lt. The police are, u yet, with out a clue to the guilty partlea. The Rev. Heniy Darling, D, D., L. L. D., pres ident of Hamilton CoUege, Clinton, N Y., died of bronrbitli it hit home In Clinton, yeaterdajr. Be wai elected prealdeut of Hamilton college in ISM. A Jewish lawyer, of St. Petersburg, write! to i friend In Vienna, that all Jcwi residing In St. Petersburg, have been ordered to leave the city by May X. This means the ruin of many Jews. In view of the approach of May, anarchist! ire buy throughout Europe organizing for general strike. All European government! have decided to prohibit outside demonstra tions The Berlin Post says that assurances have been given lu the most authoritlve a,uartera that peace is leu endangered than ever, and i ma me relations 01 uermany ana Kussla are friendly. There was a serious riot at Ceil r a, Italy, yes terday, growing out of opposition to poll tax. Two thousand peasants took part and released i comrade from prison. Troops were dispatch ed to the scene. Judgment was rendered at Paris yesterday In the libel suit ol John W. Mackey, the million aire, against Gallgnaai's Mesneneer. Blondin, the director, will have to undergo sixteen months' Imprisonment Car, who killed Charles, third duke of Parma, iu 1864, and escaped to the Argentine Republic, but recently returned to Milan, com mitted suicide yesterday by throwing himself beneath a railway train. The king of iflreden has sent experts to Germany to study the question ol more rapid communication between Sweden and Germany. The new route will be from Trelleberg or Ystad via Rugen to stralstind. Natives of Portuguese Guinea of the west coast of Africa have revolted aud posted the French flag. In battles with the Portuguese the rebels routed them, killing over a hundred natives aud four Portuguese officers. Congressman-elect' M H. Ford died at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Grand Rapids, Mich. He had been IU a week pist with the grippe. He was found unconscious in bed yesterday morning, stricken with apoplexy. The Valparaiso correspondent of the London Times says the Chilian men-of-war Imperial, Lynch and Condell are starling fnr the North, under orders to attack the squadron command ed by officers who revolted against the govern ment. Josephine Simon, prima donua, whose home is in Sau Francisco, was married Tuesday In London to Edward Eayley, I wealthy manu facturer and liberal candidate for parliament fromCamberwcll. There was a brilliant assem blage and many valuable wedding gifts. A lively encounter has Just taken plaoe between the gen d'arms aud brigands lu tho province ! Fogg'a, about 100 miles from Naples. The bandits were dispensed after one had been killed aud a number wounded. The leader of the outlaws was captured. General Booth has issued an appeal In benal ot the Salvation army and hh work. The gen eral says he is short '.'0,000 iu his current ex penses and fears that much of his work may have to bo abandoned, as ho has Rlready gone as far as he dare to go without substantial as sistauce. The new Russian loau of 1100,000,000 francs, S per cent., will probably be issued at S4 Iu Berlin, Paris and Loudon. A syndicate, including the Rothschilds, Is handling the loan, aud the latter are harshly criticised for aiding a government which unmercifully persecutes the Hebrew In Russia. Dorman, the Frenchman w ho is walking from Paris to Moscow on stilts (or pretending to) Is using the railway cars nt intervals, according to the German newspapers. The last seen of him he was taking a train for the Russian frontier at an obscure station In Posen. Iu Russia it is expected he will resume his slilts. Count Tafe, the Austrian Premier is accused of favoring the anti-Jewish movement iu ordor to draw the Samttea to his support. He ha succeeded for the present in holding together a majority for the government in the reichnr ath. The caechs have presented their demand that the emperor shall be C;.i-ued king of Bo hemia and other changes effected in recogni tion ol Bohemian nationality. i ' 4 .J 1 n L. I T" V Xi-r ,1 :W.'" - rfWWj?Tr "'-'it - . I i