Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 17, 1891, Image 8

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The sun setting trailed its dying crim
eon over the shimmeriug water of tha
pretty river, over the dainty boat float
ing slowly down stream, and oat a faint
tinge of pink athwart the pale, colorless
face of the woman iu the boat, with
heap of anowy water Uliea at her feet,
erne slim white hand trailing over tha
glistening water at the boat glided along.
Alma Dane might live for years, but she
would never again view such a 'perfect
txvno, or feel within her heart that
atranga, tvmjt peace.
Dr. Cameron laid down the oar at
length, and let the boat float down the
ttruatu, hit dark, earnest eyat tixed upon
the pale race of the woman before him.
"We can never forget it, can we, Mine
DanoT be asked at length.
She atartod, and wat it tha hut ray
of crimson tunlight, or did the blush at
sound of hit voice and the deep eye
fixed upon her with such eager Intensity?
"Xo, I shall uever forget, the taM
aoftly, and the gray eye drooped from
More hU eager, passionate gate, and
the white hand iu the water trembled a
' little. "I wat thinking of Cudine," the
added irrelevantly.
He smiled it was wonderful how that
smile, rare aud sweet, lighted up tba
man's grave, dark fac. It waa like a
burst of midden sunshine through a bank
pf grim, dark, storm clouds.
"Poor Undine!" he sighed; "in fluding
ber soul she found a doubtful blearing.
She would have been better off without
Miss Dane's big gray eyes met Mark
Cameron's eager gate, and they drooped
shyly once more.
"Heresy!" she cried lightly, shaking
the water from her little white hand,
aud drying it upon a laco trimmed cob
web of a handkerchief.
His eyes were upon her with such a
dfep, intent expression that she found
herself trembling under it.
"Alnml" hi- voice shook a trifle in
spite of his efforts to be calm "this is
our last boat ride together, 1 suppose,
for 1 jco to-morrow."
"To-morroie: Oh, Mark!"
That name his given name slipped
from her tongue quite uuawares. So
often hail she called him bv it in her
thoughts that slie poke it now and did
not know it
"lee. to-morrow, gravely; "it must
be. Oh, Alma, if you knew all! Listen,
I have a story to tell you, my frieud.
You are my frieud, ara you not? True,
it is only three months since we first
met, but somehow I think I must hava
known you in another world a state of
pre-exiatence. When I first laid my
eyes upon you at the church festival in
tha town yonder my heart gave a sud
den leap. I recognized you do not
mile, Ahna and I said to myself, 'Tba
one fair woman under the tun for me.'
And yet. Alma, I cannot ask yon tha
question that lingers upon my tongue,
because there is a reason a good reason.
Alma, look me in tba eyes and say,
'May heaven help you, Markf"
Sha glanced into hia face and faltered
forth tha word that ha had spoken.
Tear were In her eye, tba red lip ,uiv
. axed. What waa it that atood between
these two? Something the black shad
ow ot an awful wrong!
Dr. Cameron bent bit atately bead, and
as he plied the oara once more aoftly,
J. '.uiward bound, ha want on tpeakiug
id low, genua Toioe. )
- "iiim Dane, answer me una question.
Suppose that yon loved a man loved
him with all your heart and tool, and
bad promised to be his wife. And theo
then tba clouds of black disgrace fall
suddenly and unexpectedly upon him
and obscure hi good name. He is ao-
cuavd of crime, and only tha lack of
roliabia eridenoa aminat him preventa!
bis punishment imprisonment for years
bi a felon a cell for the crime of forgery.
What would yon do in such a case? i
you who surely ought to know that the I
man yon love is innocent, but wrong-;
fully accused by some secret enemy.
Would you give him np, and when the
wcrld turned its back upon him turn
away from him too?"
The woman's earnest gray eyes meet
bis without flinching.
"I would love him just the same!" she
answers bravely. "I would stand by
lain, and comfort him, and cling to him
for better for worse' you kno ! Oh!
bow could a woman who truly loved a
man turn from him in his hour of trouble
and sorrow r
Mark Cameron's hand closed down
t;,:a the trembling white one which
grouped a bunch of water lilies.
"Qod bless youl" he murmured broken
ly. 'I shall think of your words, Alma,
in the future in all the dark, dreary
future that I must pass alone!"
The boat's keel grate the land. . Dr.
Cuneron spring oat and assist Miss
Dane ashore, and together the two go
down the long, green road which follows
the pretty river in its intricate winding.
A lovely quiet country, yet only a half
tollo away a bustling town, with a star
ing new hotel and the usual influx of
summer visitors. Dr. Cameron had
come to Grandon a few months before,
and had opened an office and commenced
the practice of his profession. He had
made few friends outside of his profes
sion, and bad led a reserved and quiet
lifo. Junt throe months ago Alma Dane,
the popular young authoress, had coma
down to Grandon from her city home
for a few weeks' rest from her literary
labors. She had met Dr. Mark Cameron,
s.d the mischief was done.
r'or the first time in her life Miss Dane
bad learned to love with ail her heart
a love that surprised even herself by its
intensity. Yet he had never spoken a
-rd of love to her. They walked along
down the road which led to the roomy
wldte house where Miss Dane had se
cured board; and as they moved slowly
oi -rard, speaking upon indifferent topics,
f r something held them apart, all at
cr.ii e they came in sight of the hotel turn
c t an open hack which was coming
,:: ra the road from the opposite direc
ts ru Insido sat a woman, a lovely
t1.. ide beauty in a stylish traveling suit
.t night of Dr. .Cameron she smiled and ,
ooweo. mocmngry, .
Abi glanced bto hit (Mtt. tt wm m
pale m death, aud hi Uot were oVjeedy
compressed. Not worl Aid he uttsr
until thy waolieil her ft! ttien, de
clining hr invitation to Miter, h bad
nor adieu and took hit dojiartur,
Aim vreut utraigUt to W owu room,
nil tat down to UUuk It Kit ever.
She loved html eh lored Mint What
vre It that atood botwea them like a
ahadowf For aurely if ever a wen' yi
looked love into a woman' face hi had
spoken that night.
A th tat aloue in the pal tray twi
light thure wet rap at her door, It
opened, and alia found hersolf faea to
fin- with a woman. X atran(r th
uuiie woman whom ah had that
evening in tha hotel oarriajr. She bowed
coldly. . : ; ; 1
"You hv niada a mistake," Ahna be
gan, r
Tha other woman checked har with a
(light gesture.
"I hava mada no mistake," ah reneat
ad, in a Ann Yoloe, "Yo ara Alma
Dana, tha writer, ara jri notT
Ahna bo wad.
"I auv Alma Dane," tha responded.
"Just to. I taw you thit evening with
Mark Cameron. I thought jwharia yon
might like to know all. IIU patt history
ahould be known by tha woman who
care for him. I did onoe I waa hi be
trothed wife!"
Alma foil back a little, granting the
back of a chair that stood near; other
wise the was calm quite calm.
"You see, it waa in New York," the
alow, languid voice of tha woman re
turned, "ha waa in a position of tnut
while he prepared for hit profession. One
day something went wrong t a oheok waa
forgtxl, and the crime waa laid at Mark
Cameron's door."
"lie never did it P panted Alma madly.
"IIo never did it!"
The other woman smiled exasperat
iiigly. "I did not have your blind faith in
him," she said, "so I broke the engage
ment between us and married a rich
man. That was two years ago. Passing
through thin town we stopped to rest
for a few ilays, and I saw yon this even
ing, aud that is all. You know the nut,"
It waa all that Alma could say.
The woman turned with a light laugh
and swept from the room like a shadow.
Alma threw a white shawl around her
shoulder and left the house. She wanted
to got out iuto the open air and fight her
battle alone. Not that she loved him leaa
he could never do that.
Down ou the river road, an hour later,
the found herself face to face with Mark
Cameron. He took her in hit anna and
drew her close to hit heart.
"1 have seen that woman," ha aaid
calmly "the woman whoa I one fan
cied that I loved. She will trouble you
no mora. Alma. Dear love, tha black
shadow it gone from between, at forever.
After I left you I wat called to tha bad
tidd of a man who had fallen from hit
bona and wat brought into tha hotel to
die. Alma, I found in him tha man who
had married Miss Garth, the woman
whom we met thit evening. Ha died a
half hour ago. Before ha breathed hi
hut he tent for a magistrate and had hia
deposition taken, which ajowaralaa ma
forever from that old hauthtg horror.
Ha twura that to win Mis CHrtfc be hU
committed tha forgery a4 bad thrown
tit blame moon me. Abaa dear, tree
lore, there it no locgaa any abadoar a!
in between nt. Too lor m will yo
be my wifaT
Har head reeta upoa hia heart; aba
whisper aoftly: , , . :;
"I hava always bettered you narer
one doubted yo but fur roar take 1
thank God that tha dark shadow ia for
from your life forever."
Truly, "human lova that ding throogk
food and ill report and remains faithful
to tha end it but a refluctton of that dl-
ne eympatny inai lata oown ns merer
na all." Fireside Companion.
What Hoard ChU al tha Capital.
Quite a number of Washington women
bave made money in keeping boa trier.
There it one within a few blocks of the
White House who ownt two house
worth at least $40,000, the whole of
which she has made out of congress
men'! stomachs, and I know another who
boards government clerks and clears
$2,000 a year. Another woman, who is
known somewhat as a temperance advo
cate, keeps a big hotel here, and another
has three houses filled with all kinds of
officials, from cabinet ministers to treas
ury clerks. She has different rates, ac
cording to rank, and the senator pays
$35 a month for what tha representative
gets for $U2.50, aud which the clerk gets
for $30. She has a negro steward, and
he is such a good caterer that he is said
to receive $1,200 a year for hia services.
Furnished rooms bring very high rates
in Washington. You cannot get any
kind of a room in the better part of the
city for less than $20 per month, and
suites of two rooms range from $40 np to
several hundred dollars.
It used to be that a congressman had
to pay at least $100 a month for any kind
of rooming accommodations, but the big
flats which have lately sprung up in
Washington reduced the prices of rooms,
and the room renting women of the cap
ital are not making so much. Quite a
number of women make money here by
catering, and there is a little French
lady, Mine. Demonet, who has made a
fortune by furnishing ice creams for
White House dinners, and who has fur
nished cream and confectionery for all
the presidents back to Buchanan. She
is a dark faced little old lady, with eyes
as bright as those of any business woman
of France, and she understands how to
charge high prices and get them. Wash
ington Letter.
Ouj;ht to Recover
Lady (to colored laundress) Well,
Annt Chloe, how is your husband today?
Aunt Chloe (gloomily) Ho ain't no bet
ter, Miss Mary. He's done gone on a
new inscription, but de doctor's got
mighty serious hopes 'bout his discovery.
Harper's Bazar.
An Idol IitMlroyd.
"Them has be en a (,'reut deal written
abont the wonderful memories, of hnt.nl
dark, but let m. tell you if. aU both,"
aid a well known member of the craft
"Of court a clerk ha to have a good
memory, but to ha any man In busi
ness. And it is quite true that training
one memory in a certain line make it
more agile in that direction than the
memory of a man of different vooaMon
it likely to be. Hut what I refer to i
the talk about the memory of the hotel
clerk being phenomenal, and, to prove
it, citing instance how seeing a stranger
onoe tha clerk recognises 'and calls him
by name ten year later, though not hav
ing seen htm in tha interval. It't uon
ena. And though tha guest in ques
tion may answer 'tit a fact, h it but de
ceived by ' tha regulation trick. You
take sharp notice tome time and you
will tea a man approach tha counter.
"If that man hat ever stopped at th
hotel before be will recoguie th clerk.
And th clerk, teeing the spark of recog
nition In Uie eye of the guest wboaa
name ha doesn't remember from Adam,
hold out hi haud and grab that of tha
gueat, shakes it heartily a with th
ether band he ahovaa tha register to
ward him and give him a pan, at tha
tame time firing at him a lot of ques
tion auch a 'Well, where did you
tpriug from thit time? Where have you
been all thit timer Yoo are looking
well; family ditto? How' buainm!
Want room with bathl and to on until
the gueat has registered. Then the clerk
rings in the guest's name before the own
er hat time to tee if it it apnlled right.
It' a simple trick; but it performance
not ouly causes the one upon whom it it
played to feel more at borne, but to mar
vel ever afterward at the wonderful
memory of the hotel clerk." Chicago
Th Saltan's Tsbls Kllqustts.
The sultan never usee a plate. He take
all bi food direct from the little kettles,
aud never uses a table and rarely a knife
or fork spnon, his bread, a pancake
or lingers are found far handier. It re
quires just twice as many slaves as there
are courses to serve a dinner to him,
The whole household is at lilxrty to
take meals where it suits him or her N
aud thus every one is served with a small
tray, with a shmu, a groat chunk of
bread, and the higher ones ouly get the
Nearly oue ton of rice per day is re
quired for the inevitable pitlaffe, B(K
pounds of sugar, as much coilce, to say
nothing of the other groceries, fruit,
vegetables and moat. Kice and mutton
and bread form the greater part of the
food for the majority of Turks, together
with fish, sweetmeat, confectionery,
nntt and dried and fresh traits.
That there it enormous watte and ex
travagance in the kitcheua it obvious,
and it ia aaid that enough la thrown away
daily to maintain 100 familiaa; but tuch
watte U perhaps uot confined to a Turk
ish royal household, and might alao be
found in kitchen nearer home.
The (urplus ia gathered up by the beg
gar. In whom Cunstantinupl abounds,
and what still remains it eaten by the
scavenger dogs.
All the water for the eultan't use aud
the drinking water for the household it
brought in barrels from two pretty
tteeamt at different plaoea in tha Boe
pborooa toward tba Black sea. Ex
u tjrte mt WitHas).
Aiwa 4W B. C. toe kmtaae tnt i-
ttedaosd tba psaastU yetaaa of wiittag
Wt right. FrerioM to tba
to from nc to left fvereilad.
alttkMgb tha method oallad boas tiny at
taflhat is. alternately from righ to
left aad from laft to right) waa aoaae
wbat axtoaafaily practiced. Tie atv
ctent Hdbrsw and Grask Wofuage were
written from right to laft until about
480 B. C., when the form of the Greek
Utters waa ebanged from tha twice! to
tba cursive, and th manner of witting
staged from right to laft to left to
right St. Louis Bepablie.
"George, dear, are yon a member of
tbe union?' askad Hortense, at they tat
aide by tide upon tba lung suffering tofa.
George waa a plumber and consequently
eould not toll a lie. "No, darling, I am
not," be said. "Well, you ought to
make application for membership at
once," said Hortense, with a meaning
look. And George took the hint, and
now Hortense goes around wearing only
one glove, the better to display the
beauty of the stone. New York Herald.
Photographing Drops of Wstsr.
An instrument has recently been ex
hibited in London by which a photo
graph can be taken of drops of water in
the course of their formation. It con
sists of a lantern and lenses by which a
water trough, the source of the drops,
can be strongly illuminated, together
with a lightning camera having a re
volving disk with one perforation.
Points for WrIUrm.
Piece of tin cut and bent make a false
back for pigeon holes where short en
velopes and papers sometimes slip in too
Have one pigeon hole always empty,
except as it contains such papers as must
be attended to before one or two suns
et Cor. Writer.
Unfis of India Rubber.
A solution of India rubber in benzine
has been used for many years as a coat
ing for steel, iron and lead, and has been
found a simple means of keeping them
from oxidizing. It can be easily applied
with a brush and as easily rubbed off.
It should be made about the consistency
of cream.
Ilia Strong Point.
She Why, you couldn't even buy my
Ho But I could borrow the money
from your father, Epoch.
a asr ID
l'sttle desiring Wood Turning, I'at
terns, Urnekets, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
irOpp. the Congregational I'liuii'h
till to MtittlMMbM W4een
w.h tin wt, bjr ra.
latM, IMtl Jft , toM. Hfc.
itani lMkar4ltif MN1' Wh?
o T ar an,
tontli. f. mh 4 lb.) fraik Mil H
. . whet w iM. -
tlMt are aaetly mn.Ii ft
lt.ta HiM Wi(ieyw
trial 4e vwt lit wwt en attar I tax
tr All ibe ita. Hit tewM Am
ti Nlxn tjMiMM tiMtWf Ifcetei,
MKW anit woikImAiI leHtul re,
M.HttllaU '. UK ra.Mll.lU, MAIN
M. 11. KlMiiagan.
J. 1. Hill
Flanagan & Hill,
WIIOIKSALK and kktaii.
til WUiix, l.l.iiir, A!. Hwr. An , l N
loinul Iu th KUIS. Ill l.!mi Kmllmm UIih'I
tllvs a s osll.
F. L. Posson & Son,
Genera! Agts. for l. M. 1'rrry ,t Co'
Garden Seed.
Crass, Clover and all kinds of J
Trees, llulbs, Fertilucrt, etc.
Be Keepers' Supplies.
We want You for a customer. CIve ua
a trial order.
F. L. Posson & Son,
209 2d St., Portland, Or.
!UCCTS to Miller Bros. CUlua Krs
Mooros Kovcaletl
Astounding in itt EllWts in the cure of
Kbeiiiualisni, Asthma, Malaria, It t
lioiiHnes or any other disetse arising
from deranged Liver, Stomnch or Kid
neysIt drives all impurities from the
Mrs Chu A. KimmI, wholi ln.rlilt kun.n
throughout Iho Norlhwrai laya
"For tlllceo yrnrt I enmttnl niifffrer
r lh a.il,,.,. ulil.... ........ .-u, i. .
.... .n....u ......... nHJ iitai, rAi:rii will no-
UlliKl by rnnaUnt rlianjn nl l.K-allly Two
yrngiI trltil Mmins a Ksvsalhi, Asmsix
mil I he bemni reeeivnl In.m II nrrf ihn ino.t
rtilyliir Itnivr itip rellel Ir.ira ih first and
prevented Uie liTrll.le ili.lreaa peculiar to tbs
dlea tlist maili! Hie almo.l unbearable. Any
Due who haa vit lia.l thins ean tinili-rilaml
the iirstituiln 1 le., mw.ril tills remedy. He
llevliiK it haa a. 1.1 1). I pleaaant yenra to my Ills
I have mil hesitated to recommend It to all like
suffereri, aud slwsya with Ihe aame happy re
mits. " '
lJ.To be hart ot all drurilats, or eu1 to
biswisT-IluLssa Iikuij Co., Si-stile, Wash.
U .Oa
, t s
J kCVb.' i?" ,4 ri it sV B
csicsse - 10 UNION SQUAHLHX- BAUtt
Oregon City
t'Niiim stt l.jKuiirrn t. '
n k i in, or . Apr. t, iwi I
K.itlee Is hveeliy lvru Dial lh lls nl s.lill
llulial .nrvi-n ( w lolt I i 4 lulilh. fl'" t
tftot, Ahil InwiiBlllfi ' mini. Mltire s et will ot
mlii'inlly Iu I It to I'ttliD mi May H l.M sii'l
i.u IIiki ilnr mill llirrmlicr )-1-' i ' 1 ' ' " ""I Ix
toewlveil fur imiIiu lnnl In i lit nwiiahiu.
J t AI'I'KIISU.N, llrsUlvt.
K. r Hl'lit II. Itorehrr
('reals, and Trail Marks oMalned. and all l'sl
rut htialhi'fts i-i,iiilurlrtl ir MiMlvrate ll.
Our Oftirs Opeseits U I Patent lime,
Slid we rati eemre patrntlu less tliuv than tiioes
reliiiiti' frimi V. asb(ni;li,a.
heud luiatel. drawllis or photo., With llearrlp.
Hon We adtlse, l i.slelitaM uf n,.l, ri.
rhary-e Our fee not ilu. tin patent is sei nred
PaaapMel. "Iluw in ohiain I'atenia," with
liauiee utaiiiial clients InyuurSUle, vouuly.of
ti'u. sent (re. Adilreaa,
Opeoslt, rslesl (Hc, WtahlsslM, 0. C.
Ndlli K TO I'llKl'irnKH
Notice Is hereby given thai by order ol th
t'liiiiiiy Court ol Hie Slat ol oregun, lnr
t'laekalltas l iniuly. Ihe ulidrrsl, lird has beeu
duly aplH'lllli'd eaeeulur nl Uie estate id I'eler
Steel. deeeasiHl. aud that tellers testamentary
hat e Weil Issued In him all persulis. hafltil
claims aealliat the said ealale are hereby antf
fled 1 1 pri-seut Ihe same within els. mmitha
Inim the dale here.il In aaid eaeeutor. at Ihe
ooli-e ul T whliliM-k, al ihe tsitirl bouse, Is
Orefiin I'lty. (ireiMti J r Mitieiw
Kieeiitnr of the esiai uf I'eivr nieei. d-
iald el are h yih,
17 I M
Treasurer, Nolle.
I have iinw In my hands lunds appltt-ahl In
Ihe pay nient id all sarrauta vlidiirsnl prlur to
April Mil. Iiel
lutervat willress Irony the date ot this uiHIr
t H sl.ire.
Cnuiily Treaeurwr
listed ore,. in Cut, April I. laei.
notii'k rots iM'Hi.icArtois,
Land Orrtrt at (laaoos Citt. tls
Mar tl. 1W.
Nolle is hereby ,lven thai th lollowlBf
Dsnieil settler haa tied uiSlee of bl Intention
lo make float proof Iu supixirt of his elatra as
that aaid pried alii be made be lure lb He Is
ler snd llerelter uf the l' S Und 9li al Or
e,ou City. Or,.. ou May IA MSI. vlt:
flerrsC Millar,
Homestead entry No e7i for Ik o I swl,
of see. ft, t a, r 1 s. He names th lullowlo,
wtluvaaea lo prov hia eitliuuua raise
upon snd enttlvailnn ol aaid land, fit t: Har lee
liailjhely. l W Sawlell. Julia Stewart, ant
Prank a is lei I. all ul Mulslla. t'laekaenu to.
1 1 re, on i. x. ArrsaaoH, Kr,lsi.
IJ7-4 at
l. d orrm sr Osiuon i'iti, lis
Mareh 11. Iwl.
Nolle It hsrehy ilven that !h nllowln,
named aeiiler haa filed tamed tetuer hat Sled
nolle ol her Intention to make final proul lu
support of hit rlalin. and that aabl proof will
bs made before ihe Register snd Keeelver nf It.
H laud offle al Drrgou City, Uregou, on May s,
litetl. vli.
Heth K Jonea.
Homeatead Kmry No. MuA for th se' i see 1 1
la, rie. He namea the pillowing witnesses to
prove his ruatliiuuiis residence ii'ii aud rultl
vallou uf aaid laud, vll John rv.iell, i.
Handy, and Itobert I) Aletauder. P Slevera.
snd John Kaylor, ol Marmot, all ol I'lai-aamaa
oouiity, Oregou
J. T. ArrisanH, lleglsk'r.
Lanu orru s a? Osiuns Citt, Ot
Nolle Is hereby given that Ihe fotliiwlug
liained settler has fllid nolli-e of ber Inleiilloii
to make Dual proul in aupnori ul her rlalin, ami
that said tin, ol will be mndr lielore the Itegisler
and Iteeelver of the I' H Laud liltli at Oreg.ui
City, lires-oii, un May in, I'JI. vie
Mary A Plrkena,
Homestead K.ntrr No. I.Mv for Ihe t'. of ae'.
and ti, ul tw'4 ul see 10, t '1 1. r Us Hlieuaiuet
the following witnesses to prove her roiilltiu
out rotidenrtiiion and rulilvallon of said land,
vlt Hubert Aleiandor, Krederit k Slevers, ul
Mermut, an llenrv ilugen and lieorge HolTmaii,
ot Handy, all of Clsi'kainai enmity, Oregon.
J. T. ArrtktoN, Register.
state of Oregon, I
County ot Clackainai.l "
C. K Drew. Plaintiff,
Th Portland Cement Company,
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of an
execution leaned out of and under the seal id
the Circuit Court of Multnomah County and
Htale ol Oregon, and to mo directed and dit
vcrcd to me, aa HherltT of Clackamat County,
Oregon, and hearing date March wli, im com
rnsudliiK me, In 'lit' nameof the Stale of Oregon
t ml out of said dideiuliint't properly to make!
the turn of H.IKiuin, In u. H gold ,, tatlir
with Iniereat thereon since the imh day
March, A. 1). mm, at the rate of 10 per efni, iM.r
month per aiiiiiim, and (or costs and dlsbuiso
ment herein. Now, Iu order to make said
amounts, 1 have levied upon the properly of
aaid dclcndiuila, hnreiiiHller described, to wit
lleglnulngai the tuuthwest ur most westerly
corner of block No. at, In the town of Orcmm
City, Ctmuty ti Clackamsa, and Stall) ol Oregou.
sccordlug to thnumcn map, Ihcrcuf; running
thmios totitherly along the eaalerlv bouiM.r. .1
Malu ,lrcl, thlny-lwo (Hi) and to-inu fiei,
thencs easterly on s Hue, Ihe projection ol
which would Inlertent or strike the most north-
rlv corner tit block No, 711 Iu snld Oregon City
(oet to s point fllluon (lf.1 Icet wuau-rly from
the center ol I is main trsck nl the Oregon and
Call torn Is Railroad track; thence northerly by
s I no parallel wllh the laid main truck to i
t'i L1".'? """"'"'y boundary ol snld bUck
. ?'. " '"t 11,0 c,""" ol aaid main
iuoi iii ' ".!' "0S"rly slung said honu.lnrynl
laid block W Ui th placu of beginning; ,;,v
JJ.d alV?1:' th" M,Iltlon, Iu lltit.,1, ,, ,,,,,,
41, 4.jo 4ul B,ura, In Hook No. I ,
And will on Hatitrdny, May 'Jd A It, 1MI, i i he
Ih'j Court llousu I,, OrcKoii city, orcon, lor
caah In Imml all dclcii.riintH' rli it. tltl.t h n,
in crast In and to the shove deaerl he. r,' ,1
u, ,,. W. W. II, HAMaoK,
HliorllT of Clacltiimiia Cnunty, Oregon
Dated till, Ut day ul April, Will,
Train lor llie Kart !.,,.
M. enillMW I', U. S:
TICKETS fittf,
tun drM- 1
run Tliroiigh un
for liirllisf partleulari ZtlkL
ot the fomisMr or
i l, jirt o mot
- AUK'
Northern Pacific;
Great Overland RnTj"i
. tloN Mn
Shortest Line to Ck8----
And sii mbu tVvACKAN
Hie er(lieru l'trlt(
la Iha only Ilu, mue
l',.a..nh-or Trains, lf
I- ! Meeni !lil,.ril,,'r
l.tuiltlolis lnv l iisiU Baiirer.
I'tiluiall I'alui-e Mn,. eMir ..
I'iiIih e Pining ( , hHil fliip
.... rveyor .
,rom ,,,r"
Kee Unit ymir tu knl,
.Nurilimii ', nio h i Clrrtill c
avoid i lisne olr, jvemlier
1 hrmixti I'nllman raise tie.
I linlilil eoailies. fliie.l isiteal5" " '
jli.i-.-u l oiUeud, 1 arums si ltColHlllll
rb inonl
l-aii) si riu lilliy SII
. IK. II It '0B1
1 4 Jen'l . -fett,hyiir
Ml, I'oriltt tttl, tor, oiirili-r,
nr-i,t. r,.ruer ri..i.s.t:r,r-
... , .,v Aiiom
uhIiuI. . ,
Oregon Pacific BaI 1
T. K. HOilii, Ktrsir, ' Tre
.SHOUT LI.K TO CAUN nils elo-
Train No. will run TtMii'reKoit C
day snd Hsliirtta) t, snd ot cjlmit: I
.lin e hen i,iH.sr : sliii'iulsy
t rain No 4 lll run Mutiilin OwiiiK tl
dsvt sinl h'rldsy, ami on liileVrfrtui C
lieu tmeaaary ; i Mills I
l.ttvsa Yam l-rlUatm .
Mh. tub. tVk -
l.savta f saNems-WUlasi
Msrek td. Ukv. iltt, Hah.
Th eoeapany rsaxrv tkt rtfl aseeie
tsllls dale wllhoul astles. OKKiil
Tralst eonneea trttk lh O C I .,, (
BtaaualLorvalUt asd A I leas,. p ml,y,
Th Ortm rarttlt! alstiWuK im
WillamelW river tllvll i1
1'ortland, tout-bound, Maedt A( uu
tty'4l,uU7 'kii...
( orvsllit Tucsilsr, Ibursdt.'tiiii, Kni
dsvsl 3:90 1'. M. Iti It ltiiov
north. lyonnd, Monday, Wslsr
Kridtyat BA M. lrrintl'l.TN()M
Ttirsilay. Thursday and hlfll''" .
I'. M. on Monday, WaaliHr;,l'
dsv, IkiIIi north and eoiith-lt
lie over night at halem, ln
a A' M- OHBtl
Prelghl sail Tick 0r. taltx,,,,
Portland. , i ,i
Jrdor ol
EAST and SOi
els rlret
Id Fell.
llareha, a
H. it
Soullieni Pacific
ill st W
Kxtiress Truilis leave rortlw
Pa Li j (
tela ever
f eaeh
land Af L
7 lr. a
l.v Oregon i lly L 5
10 let.M
Ar a. Pranelseo u
Abov trains stop only tt th U
tlona iiorlii of Itoaeburit; East H -X
on City, WiMMlbiirn, Salem, A"";telasvr
Hhixtda. Ilalsey, llsrrltbur, JutcHu ,
vlng snd Kugniis
HtWKIItlRtl MAIL (111!! ?
aj. ",y Pnrtland""Tr"m.;S i
ota a. I l.r Oregoncity L i : a
&wriij At ituwbur toj fV",
ALBANY IXMJAL (Dally. icfHLatlr. l'
r. l.v OregonCIIT I'Tititn
our. M.I A
r Alhtny
lets leal
Pullman Buffet SleK
For tcconimsdatlsn nt Second ('las ,rt fr,it rtl
studied to Express TttlUu Nuw
Vt'ott Hide Uiylslot. ; '" i
IlKTWKKN l'Ult ILA.M) AND CI)K j.0(.
Mall Train, Dally tKxcepUi"' ,i
7 ;ii)4. a. l.v
liinrw Ar
V'TirHsud At Kits flrtl
Corvallla Lv. st Odd
At Albany and Corvallla eonntff'
of Oregon f'scino Itsllrotd. ll)JS
Knpreaa Train Dally (Ktcs. . .(
40 r. N.
l.v I'ortlsnd A' V. 0. Mi
7 :ifp. a. I Ar Mc
Ar McMliiBvllls l Geo, A.
p A 0w
Fortlrkntg and full liifiirmtllfmory, P
nil jb. maiis, etc, cull oil CoinpMsy. ; I
Orcgim City. dsy el e
Manager. Ass'10. K. w",
Msndll .j , iflanting,
fl. wl,ltl.
nmm.non TsrliM1"' "
o lwlii,llry,N.y..l'"'1'-'
tun insy lil iii" fOV,
lr,.., vuuguli.kly S I
III s ly si Urn iimi,"" titiar me
..n. ii. A sr, sii ! ith ut en
viiifri,., y..ii .in '" yetm Hnvt
Ins ell yniir tliiii-,'" I" ,A,u uiu
llo wmh. All !'" ', "
.,Hr ..,rk.t. ' " " .
evstyllilna. KASII.i"l,.. -.
kiiMio.1 a te.i i, CATi
H Kngluc
i 11. 1IKNTI
ib. -
et i fin
nljilu lii
C. BaCOt