Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 17, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. 21. NO. 43.
The Enterprise.
.i IHil.llwhwd ICvry Krldny.
jItoIpai'L'R or claciamas county.
ii ver - - - - i i"'
41 months - - - - - 1 "
Hire liionllis - - .. "
, AiWdrtUlim rates given on application
: irx-xsrr.
itm for tiim gsTHRpnisa.
Gso. Kkihiit.
4lLWAIil, - ( i ARTHUR -BLOCK.
Jmi)N Mills, - U. i- Truli.inokr.
. K. BhAMIIALL, ..-. AlM.
. A. Wrhhit, MsAimw Brook,
tii. I!. Uwn, Viola.
V. 8. Niwhkkv. ' - Nkw Era
Jlackamas County Directory.
, A - - '
. $ county orricKiw.
ri,V ,.! , J. W. Mildruiii.
rk of Court..,.,... j M. H. Johnson.
V hvrltl i W. W. ,1. Hamsun.
'rwidr W. T. WI.HI.x-k.
Wunr "! ft.
l,pir Joint W, Nobis,
'Sfhtml i4uK'rlnlmiJnnt . , ,AIx. Thomson.
owvevor; . lilniy Hniyth.
, I Oharlra Moelinkr-.
"jum.imsioners j t..r.H'tlii Hair.
, Circuit court convenes Ural Monday 111
Went bar and TSiinl Monday in April.
Prolmi court In session llrnl Monday
ch month
' Coimnisaioner court meets firm Wed
nesday alter Hint Monday of witch month.
fnynr , ., Tims. F. Ryan.
avortler I'rler.
,.m-.Mir H. R. Ur.'fii.
, Wur)r ..P. It. (.'hannan.
' Itv Aitnrney A. H, DtMwr.
"'UVuhnKv. '. ".
. treK t'il"ililWoni'r ' HnhoiM-k.
, up'tof Water Works W. II. liowril.
fc I'lU'MI'MMKN.
, H. OatlnVId, t'has. Allirv. t". J. Parke,
L T. U t'harman. K. M. Warren. J. It.
I L Treinlmlh, J. W. O't'oiiin-ll.
' Wuler niwilngof city council And Wed-
swlay la ni b mouth,
Malls rlos going north, H A. M., 1:30 r. M.
' MilclMKi"Koulli,H:lA.M.,fl.I'. M.
OlOn-iron ("Ity U M.)lll, Mu!lno,rrui and
lllioil! IavM at 1 W a. H. Mumluya.
Iiipadaya and KriiUyi, and tvlunii on
tjuwiiiit ilaya.
l,rrm l ily to Mliik.riarka, Mulluo, Un-
Mill and Mraliw llruuk : lav at
f A. Turadav. Tliurwlay and Saturday,
d raturtia on following- ilava.
Society Directory.
i. Hf.14.1 Cuuil llociMna Bmoad Tud; to
' eta moiilh. VUlluri Kiouaia.
rt. K .NAUtOl, J. T. APrSKWIM.
awmiary. rrwldrat.
f."Tmi.!JM UlUE, HO. M, X OF P.
Mia trr Frltfar alftil at UMoale kail
. Hilu ttnlihu Inrllad I M. Kaaaa, U, V.
, S JHi.Ba, at at H. aa4 1,
"PlVLTHOM AH LOlKiK, KU. L, A. F A A. kt.
. lla raar aonaiaBloailuaa an Iral
c I ihlr4 taiurdaraof aaak nunih ait JOr. a.
' atbraa taioodatandlniar luTltadtoaitaad.
. CAKIX, W. M..
1 f T. F. KY AM, HMratary.
ri'N 1 OkKttOM LODUB, 1.0. 0. P. Ma. I.
y taau ararr TkuwUr aran.ua al T:M o'olucl
j, a. la tha Odd Falloaa' Hall. Mala airaH.
.baraaftha Ordararalnrllad to allaad.
'' Ordar al W A. Midlrtna, N. U.
ok Thua, Ryan, Saaratary.
AU8 KNCAMf MXNT. Wo, 4, I. 0 0. F. .
''M4 ttllswa halt. Mrabara and lilUu(
n-i-rinivKi, aordlalll larltad to attand.
. Narlka. Chlal l-airtol.
. taala Iral and aarnnd Tuaaday ol aach
t aid at Woodmaa Hall.
E, i. waaa, V. a.
L. B. Jamkit, Clark.
'Aauaary aeoond and fi.nrth Friday ataa
I V ol mk month la Odd Pallowa bulldlni.
i"urBiU bralhran ooidlally Infllad to at-
'( arrry Tundav Kvaiiluf at 7 M at ball
Mala ami rounu Hiram.
M. tl. Harauar, oracla.
P. i'aiNtaa, Hm'ralary.
PKKK 1IUFI.R 1.01'UK, No. t, HONS OP
."r H arary Sunday at 1 o'rlork p. m. at
I.i ItUatb't Hall.
.l .ikl, 11.11 II . II...
Fau (lANnKKnaa, I'raa.
Ai.bkht Hliuuxu, Sc y
. TUAUTIN ORANtIB, NO. Ill, P. of H.
' tat laat Saturday ol aach mnmb at their
V I In Wilaouvllla. K. h, IUnhy.
"Mlaa txaa Huaar, Sae'y. Maitar,
ilu: WARNER OHANUE, No. 117, P. ol H.
., laat (mirth Haturday ol aach month, at thalr
I, I Ir. Kra. E. 0. Maddock, Hao y.
i, "" J, Caato, Maalar,
tmADB POST, No 1.0 A. 11., DKt'ARTMENT
I 'aula Aral Friday nl aai'h month, at ?:M
1 1, al Odd Fvllowa' Hall, onou City.
unu. a. HAiluiNU, Oumuiaudcr,
anH avi.iirv cnunu u.. i. iivti.o
T. 0. MYOown, . Prldant.
!-. flan, A. llardhif, . - Hacratary.
, I P. H. Cochrane, - . Traaaurar.
"te"ta on rlrat and third Frldnya ol arh
I1 'nib lu (lounoll (Miaiulii'r. MiMubara oloorpa
lt j.ro abroad, cordially woloonivd.
f COM!' ANY, FIRST KKii 1MKNT, O. N. 0.
-t-.rmory, Third and Main. Ranular drill night,
ocli'lny. Hi'itulur butluvaa muettng, irat
mluy ol aauh month.
- Oantaln.
i' I, Warren. - - Flmt Uameuant,
, t P, Randall, Seoond l.loutanaut.
1. Oannna,
IhI. Sargaant.
Q. M. Hargtiaut.
g(T. Wbltlock,
' FOUNTAIN II08K CO., No. 1.
Oftftnlar mooting, aoi'ond Woilncailay In each
inlU al aniilno holme, pant aide Main atreet,
" iwoi'ii Hevttiith and Klgluli
ACKHHMAM.Boo'y. I.ANi a Qariinir, Proa.
i, Kti, Nkwton, Porimmu.
It anennd Tunaday of each month at Cat
tc'l Kiiitlno liotido, W II. IIowki.i,, Froa.
I, H. Uttatnw, Soo'y J. VV, O'CoNNKi.uF'ru.
pM'lK HrNt Priiiay of enrh ' month at
! Siiuulit Kim hiii Ikiuiio. Ciiak. Aiiikv, I'roa,
I, 3. U. Jiauon, Soc'y. Cm An IIithkr, f'rm.
i-:. I. ' ' r H'.'
0 W. I.tiraa, Ha.ior. Horvloua at II a. m. and
7 mt r . Honda SYhool allar morning aar
rhie, Player nifvil hh Wiiiimlay m'inn at
7:Wl,i,(i)iu k. 1'rnyi.r niKnthig ill Young fno,la,a
NiHilniy nl Christian Kndnavor every Sunday
ereuina alt Ml inaiiml.
Finn I' HAI' l MT (.'IM'UOM -llav. CO. Rata
Hm, Paatnr Moruliii Snrvllal 1 1 00; Hutiday
Solioolal ii I'll Hvioilng H.rvlim JO, lingular
C rarer iiiiwiIhk Wrilnrailay smiling, Mmitlily
ovanaiit Marling evry Waduanilay oraulng
prvoedlug Ilia Drat Sunday In tha nioutU, A
Oorulal Invllallon In all.
Hii.i.aaaaao. Vnf.m, ou Siindaymaaaal aand
10 ;iu a. M, Kvory aacoud and luurtli Sunday
(larmaii anrmon allar the o'ffliwk maaa.
At all other mawaa KuglMi aormona. Sunday
Si'hiHil at 1 an r tt. Vwr, aunlogatinal
aulili'Oia, aud RriKdlotlon at 7 Mir. M.
Si. PAKI.'N P, K. t'HI'KJIl.-Kar. J M ton
aldeon, Mnoliir, Unrvlna on aliarimtii Muudaya
al II and 7 ml. Siiuday Moheol at lu .St. Paul a
ituild aineta rlrat 'l lmraday in Citnii aoiith. Mil
II. I. Mrlloy, Pfatlilanli Mre. Y L. Coliraiie,
Sonraiary, 1 '
Joan P aiM.au, paator. Morning aurvlnaal II;
Holiday Hrlioolat Ui uO; Kvaulugervl al7;W.
Kiiworlli Uuigua tiirHtlug 'I uamlay evening at
7 00 Prayer Vnellng Tliuraday evening ali.M.
alraagnr onnllallyluvliad
W. oiaoNa Paator. Hrvlra at II. A. w. aud
7 W r. M Sabbath School al 10 a. a. Young
PtMiule'e Soalaty ol t liilallnu Kudvavor miHiU
every Sunday evening al Ml Weilumday
craning prayer mallng al 7 HO, Heala tree.
Evanobi.ii L Cili a, it Kev, J, M. Prelia, ol
tha Kvaiiarlli'al Aawx lallon, wll hold aervli'ea
mi l.,l,'a Hall avnrv NlllllU al 11 A. M IbaaeH-
mid Monday eaiMiptud, (torniau Sabbath aohaol
every Sunday at 10 A. m.
Professional Cards.
SUTAIV I'l llllf. I. HA I, K1Tr AllUNT
Oregon Clly orrgon
untiHi, rooina I aud A, Cliarmnu Hrotlmrt'
blofk. over Llvennoia'a holi'l.
Aeirraai-ra or raoraarY ri amaHtD.
Oltloe two doora above piMtolttce, Oregon City.
j. a. ee.H aeaaaot'UR. T r cowiao.
All Caaee belora V S. Und OHIre a apeelalty.
omoe rooaia 14 end la. V S laud oiUoa
a building, o
Canby, ... Oregon
Coraer ElghlH and Mala atreeia, Oregoa City
' Oregon.
VA1BT ITRgT, OliaoN city, osgaoit.
Farnlab Abatracla ol Title, Loaa Money. Fora-
clue Murtgngae, and treaeeet Oenaral
, and traa
r. a. Mcaaioa.
a. a. paaaasa.
tcbrihe a dresser.
OSes la Jaggar Block.
Oregon City
w , t. auaasT, I. w. saArsa-
Oregon City,
Twelve reara experience aa redater ol the D.
I. Land office here nnommenda ua In our apec-
laity ol all klude ot buatiieaa beinre tlie laud ol-gi-e
and Ilia com In, aud Involvljg the praclloe
In Ibe general laod onice.
Q It. DYE,
oaxoos cirr, - oriuos
oaaooH city, - ORtoox.
Offlce oorner Main and Eighth atreeta,
oppoatte oourt home.
Paid up Capital, 1100,000.
Depnalta received aubjent to cheek.
Annroved hllla and nolea dlaoounted.
County and oily warrauta bought.
Ixiana made on available aecurlty.
Colleetlona made promptly.
uraita aoia on rortiauu, nan r raneiaco,,! nica
go, New York, aud all principal cllioa ol u
rone. '
TelegraphlO exchangee gold on Portland, San
Franoiaoo, umoagoaua Aew iora.
For three mnntha, 4 per cent per annual.
For montha, I per cent, per annum.
For li naoniha, I per oeuu par auuura.
Time oertlfleataa ol denoalto oavablion da
maud, but lutareat Inrtolted If drawn before
aud of term ol depoalt.
Capital, ....
Leant made. Bllla dlaoountad. Makoa ro
leotlnna. Huva and Bulla nxi'hango on all poluta
In the United Statea, Kurope and Hong Kong.
Dypoalta reol,-od iiibjoct to cheek . lntoreat at
iiaual ralaa allowed ou time dnnoalta. Bauk
opeu Iroin 9 A. a. to 4 r. it. Saturday ovenluga
I mm o to 7 r, M.
O. 0. LATOURKTTK, Proaldant.
V K. DONALDSON, Caslilor
I lolled Down For th Edification
of The KntcrprlNe Keaders.
WAttrTwC.HI.ir ' (
linplue Violent and Ererylblni EIm
Bad PrMBila. , t-
Hw Yore, 'AIMia. - The
York World's spicial oorracndent t
jllunnoa Ayraigaya: "Ths rerolullon in
'Chill now amounts to civil war. "Its-
. pine, vlolnncn, conflatrstloni, srliltrary
rrsats, coin plots ovnrturning of tiie
lawa, treachery, and svnryliilnK elee
aliuoat that is had pravall. Trsds I
nnarly at a stamUtill, and ths supraoi
court and court of aupvsls are cluetxl,
and ths juds found ihoiiiwlve with
out authority, i'rssiilont Bslmaeeda
liga aaaninod functioiis which tha rr.nr
of Ruaaia would hesitate to graip, Th
ai'tual situation from a purely lullitnry
atandpolnt. is difllcult to coinprsliond.
Not S word of mlUhln news coinea br
trsna-Andine tliKrnili. The mall af
fords scanty protection for corraspon
dunce, and the cetinoraliip over the
prima precludes truthful presentment
(if the news 1'lsaKiia Is in a dnplorahls
condition. Everyixnly who could has
loft, and the hills in the reitr of Uis town
Rio coveted wild (load Iwxlioa, which
vultures devour, llorrihle tales of
enmity are rolatml. 1'rlsonnrt are taken
on either side, Hie adherents ol Balms
ceda, or Hie symiiathiwrs with the con
nieH, siid are linyoui'tud or shot without
mercy. The sultfiers slay their olticera
if they ilillor (nun iheiu The oMcera
of the Ri'iiKO tiitttulion, at 1'arspaca,
were killed hv their men, while the of
ficer! uf the Fourth biitliilinn (lialma
re'liatst ncre also shot, tx-ruuiM) they at
lemptcd to restrain their soldiers
from pronouiui'iK for the revo
lution. Revolutionists have -lima
far won must ol the skirmiahe and
bullies tlmt have occurrfd. Uulmaceda
hug no funds l.'ifitiiuuUily acipilred, and
he conflacutes the proiMrty of sll who do
not support hi ro. lie culled on the
hanks for 11,000.000 pesos. The mnmv
k-urs refused and were at once thrown
into prison."
iKon HAsiii.ita'o.i. .
Matllera) ( Mwaaieast OcrrlaT
la th Heyer! IFcwairiaaaiaig.
Wasiiixtom, April 11. United SUts
Treaaurer Huston and E. II Nebecker,
arrived thia afternoon from Inllanapolia.
Nebecker went at once to th eiecutlv
mansion and subsequently to the
treasury department. The general
underatandiiiff Is that NetancAar ha
screpUd the position of treasurer.
President llarriaon today appointed
Jatnea K. Eddy to aerve with Jauieg V.
Bushes, of 1'endlatoo, Or., as special
agants to allot the lands to th eon
federation band of Cayuae, Walla Wall
and Umatilla Indians of Oreffoa.
The secretary of state has received
information from th United State
minlatar at Hantlaffo, Chili, that the
government of Chili has declared elaawd
Die port of Chanaral, Tatal, Anlofo-
Jasta, Ocopilla, Icjuiqu, Ccletabaeno,
nnln, and 1'iaauua. Tha miniaUr also
etatea all vessels attempting to trad
wltb thoae port are liable to conlisca
tlon. H i . f
Th prealdent ha appointed Richard
C. Kearna, ot Miasouri. a member of
th Intercontinental commlaatoo, In
pise of U. M. Pullman resigned.
Washisoton, April 15. Secretary
Blaine completed bis reply to th last
letter from the Italian government yes
terday, and sent copy of it to th Mar
quis Imrwrirlli last night (or transmiss
ion to ftlurqais de Ruaini. It is under
stood to be a long and complete answer
to all questions raised in the last note
from Italy, being much more voluminous
than any of the preceding letters, bec
retsry Blain in his note has not with
drawn in tiie least from his original atti
tude in declaring the law will take its
cduise and cannot be hurried, and that
indemnity mill probably Imj granted the
families of the men killed st New Orleans
when it is proven they war Italian sub
jects, and entitled thereto, but this proof
must lie undoubted, and that the federal
government cannot trespass u;on the
prurogrulive of the state, which now con
trols Hctio.i in the case.
IkrathorW. J.Hcrren.
8ai.sh, Or.,April 13. W. J. Herren,
one of Marion county's pioneers ana
most prominent citizens, died of la
grippe this morning at 9 o'clock, at his
home in this city, aged 67 years. He
wss one of the pathfinders, coming
overland to Oregon in 1845, from 8t.
Joe, Mo,, arriving in this county in
January the same year, where ha took
up a land claim and has resided here
since. He was the finder of gold in
Eastern Oregon in 1845, which created
such a mining excitement. Ha was a
prominent democrat, and sheriff of this
county four terms in the 50's, also a
prominent Odd Fellow and Granger.
The Republican League.
Nkw York, April 12. Arrangements
for the coming annual convention of the
republican league of the United (Hates,
at Cincinnati, April 21, has been com-
fileted. The convention will be the
srgest one in the history of the league.
Over 1000 delegates are expected to be
presunt. Among the speakers invited
ares t
Blaine, Popew. Spoonor, ex-Secretary
Allison, General Alger, ex-Govornor
Fornkc.r, John M. Langston, Major
M'-Klnley and ex-Spoaker Reed.
Count Iiowciihunpt.
Wilmington, Del., April 13. Count
Lowenhnupt, a memlxir of a noble
family of Swoilun, wbo married Miss
Klltm, the youngest daughter of ex
Secrctnry of Stuto Bnynrd, on the socond
of this month, died suddenly tit his
home in this city this morning. His
illimfm was Bhort, niul no one. otilmdo the
iiiuiUHliute family was awnro that his
life was in peril until the news of his
death was announced, Typhoid fevor
was the cause of Uouth.
Had Ills )W Crushed.
IIosssuro, Or,, April 15. Dr. N. P.
Bunnell this afternoon, while doing
some carperitsr woi k In a shed at home
hud his left loot seriously crushed by a
heavy ploce of timber failing a distance
of sixteen feet and striking the foot.
rievural cases of la grippe are reported
In thl country. Only one has provon
aVresai Kaarae.
Edosnb, Or;, April 15. A lively
skirmish took piece at the depot early
this morning between train hand and
tramps. The tramps broke into a freight
cai aud stole a cane of win. The train
men found them and a general right
took plane The night police was called
end with difficulty lodged the tramps In
111, There Is dangerous surplus of
tramps in the city. ,
' Terrible Accident.
Portland, Or., April 14. Word has
reached here from 1-aCenter. Washing
ton, of a terrible accident which hap
pened st that pises yesterday. A farmer
named ilolcomb had placed some giant
powder in a stove: the powder exploded,
demolishing the house end setting fire
to the ruins. Two daughter of Holcomb,
aged 14 and 16 years reejiectlvely , were
instantly killed, and Holcomb and bis
wile were seriously if not fataly injured
By the force of the explosion,
Albany news.
Alsasy, April 14. The Willamette
presbytery of the Presbyterian church
met this evening. Twenty-seven min
isters and elders were present. The
election of officers occurred as follows:
Rev. George (iillespie, moderator; Elder
J. II. Wilson, temporary clerk; Elder
8. (i. Irvine, temporary reporting clerk.
The live-ytrsr-old son of Rev. J. F
Slcwurt fell from a wagon this evening
snd wss run over, receiving injuries that
will prove fatal.
War la Karepe.
8t. Pstkhsui ro, April V). In spite of
the waocful utterances of government
olllciult in Eurojie, every'iody knows
Russia is msVing extensive preparations
lor war, and that her rivals are on their
aids making counter preparations for a
greatstruggie which must sooner or later
take place. Russia haa been expending
enoruma sums in the construction of
railways And In in this and other wsys
arrangements for transportation to the
Austro-Uerman frontier are alinoat com
pleted. -
- The RtataltU nasi
" 8a Astosio, Te., April 15. Edward
Khoadea, of Heattle, and Clarence Win
ter, of Ciakiim, Tex., fonght for
a purse of $600 before tbe Misaion Ath
letic Club tonight The men weighed
137 pounds. Winter was not in It
from tiie atart. He was knocked down
Ave time In the first round and five in
the aeeond. He wss game and endea
vonsdeto respond, but , was unable.
When he went down for tha laat time be
lay nine seconds, rose to hie knee snd
111 over on bis back,
DeMeeratle Clahe.
Wamumtow, April 11. Ongresaman
Wilaon of West Virginia, will leave on
Monday for a tour of the West, (or the
purpose of organicing democratic clubs.
Th trip will extend to Tacoma, Waah
Inrtop, ao-J will occopy several month.
He goes as repreeeotativ of th national
aocltion of democratic club, which
1 putting In practice Ja plan of organi
sation. Before fall tbe asaociation ex
pect to have democratic clubs in very
voting precinct in the United State.
the whole to be directed from Washing-
" Tbe dagar Oat pat.
Philadbltuia, April 13. With an
emphasis that did not permit of any
misunderstanding, C. A. Sprockets, of
the big sugar refinery, has placed a
sealed denial npon the latest story
relative to a restriction in the output of
sugar from the local establishment.
The report was to the effect that the
Philadelphia sugar king had entered
Into an agreement with the American
Sugar refinery company, whereby the
home production was to be limited to
2000 barrels per day, In return (or
which concession the Havemeyer A
Elder combination in San Francisco
was to be closed, thereby leaving
Spreckels in undisputed possession of
the Pacific coast market.
Allen leaner I.avr Violated.
Chicago April, 13. Special Immigra-
lt T..- .1 . O il
uon agent iesier, oi ppnngneiu, arrivea
here today. He is preparing a volum
inous report for Secretary Foster. '"I've
just returned from Omaha," said he,
''and I can promise you a sensation in
the course of ten days. I have keen
making an investigation there, and have
evidence that the contract alien labor
law haa been and Is being grossly
violated. I am certain large concerns
there employ large numbers of men,
and have been importing alien laborers
in direct defiance of the law. It will be
a big surprise, as the concerns implicated
are known all over the world, and their
reputation for honesty has been un
questioned There are also several
other cities where an investigation has
proved the law is being violated, but in
no places are the rases so flagrant as in
The World' Fair.
Chicago, April 15. The war between
the executive committee of the lady
managers of the world's fair and Secre
tary Phoebe Cour.ins was brought to a
close today by the positive refusal of
Miss Cousins to' recognise the authority
of the sub-committee headed by Mrs.
Potter Palmer. Miss Cousins said she
would neither retire nor appear before
the committee ; that she was legally a
member of the board of lady managers,
and wss not amenable to discipline from
the executive committee. She also de
clared if this committee undertook to
dispose her, she should appeal to the
courts. A fear is quite generally ex
pressed this evening that the fend may
entirely disrupt the huly managers, as
Mis. Palmer, It is pointed out, is a wom
an of great ability and determination ot
chnractor, and Miss Cousins hits a legal
education and a remarkable record us a
plucky and successful lighter.
Krldrat Ilarriaoa and Party
: ,';"ww Wat'.. , - , t
Wasiiimoton. ( April 13. President
and Mra. Harrison, with tbe party who
will accompany thera on their trip to
the far West, left her at midnight on
the special train prepared for their use.
Owing to the lateness of the hour
only a few persons, beside the railroad
employes, were at th station to witness
the departure of the train. As the
train pulled out of the station, th
iresidont stood on the rear ot tbe plal
orm of tiie last car, and removing hi
hut, bowed goodby to tlioaa waiting to
see him off. . The , first stopping place
will be Lynchburg, Vs., which will be
reached in the morning. Secretary
Rusk will accompany the party only to
Oalveston, to which place tie goes for
the purpose f making inquiries regard
ing the presence of Texas (ever among
cattle, "'
Portland, Or. April, 14. The com
mittee appointed by the late legislature
to receive the president : President
Joseph Simon, senators K. B. Eakin, jr.
and J . V.t ullerton ; speaker T. X. Ueer,
and representatives H,' B. Miller,
(ieorge T . Story, N. B. Butler and E. B.
Butler and E. B. Uambee, of Umatilla.
The committee held a meeting in Port
land Monday afternoon to make arrange
ments for the president' reception. A
telegram was read from private secretary
llslford stating that tbe president would
reach Portland, May 5. at noon.
Tbe resolution, under which the com
mittee met. wss read and discussed,
and after a veneral interchange of views
aa to tbe plan of reception, it was voted
tiiat tiie legislative committee meet the
president and party at Ashland and
escort them through the elate. The
boards of trade of the vallev towns have
had the matter In hand Tor several days
past and will be prepared to give the
party brief receptions along tbe route.
The early part of May is always the best
season lor viewing the beautiful country
in the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue
river valleys, and if possible, tbe time
card will be so arranged that tbe party
may take advantage ol the principal
points of interest slongthe line.
On the arrival of the train at the
Central station in this city the president
is! party will be received and escorted
to tbe Hotel Portland and will after
ward be driven over the city. In the
evening, at 8 o'clock, a grand reception
will be given at the Exposition building,
which will wind up the day (eeivities.
This is but an ontline of the programme.
Th detail will be arranged in a (ew
laaber TreaUes,
Scottdai.e, April 14. Tbe great coke
strike is believed to be neartng it cloee.
Brerk (rom th rank of tbe strikers
were reported from all parts of the re
gion today. Great Buffering is reported
among the strikers at headquarters.
It is said a dosen families are starving.
Many strikers are calling (or aid. Tbe
feeling against the leader is beginning
to be bitter, and threats a to wbat they
may expect if the strike is not soon set
tled are made.
RvicnosisA powaartrL is vis.
Eviction were begun today in a deter
mined manner. The families of two
men who have taken an active part in
the labor demonstration were the first
thrown out. Eviction were carried oa
at Summit and Adelaide, and tbe scenes
on the road today are likely to be re
peated all over the region. Tonight tbe
operators assert the strikers' ranks are
breaking at many points. Eviction is
a powerful lever,' and the rank and
striker are becoming dissatisfied with
their leaders. A crowd of infuriated
foreigners attacked tbe house of sev
ers.! men wno returned to work toasy,
smashing tbe doors and windows. One
woman was badly injured. Banker
here say a steady ran has been going
on ever since the strike began. A great
many of tbe Hungarians are drawing
out money. They save nearly all they
earn and upon going home some had
as much as (2500, and aay they will
be wealthy in their own country.
Pkndlkton, April 15. P. S. Zeahner
died at his home in this place this
morning, aged 55. For several years he
has been suffering from consumption.
Two weeks ago he was attacked with la
grippe which hastened his death. He
was identified with railroad men build
in this section, as civil engineer, having
located the O. R. A N. line from Port
land to Pendleton and across the moun
tains. He also made the surveys tor the
Spokane branch. A wife, two daughters
and a son survive him.
Lehman Blum, who for the past twelve
years has been one of tbe leading ciu
seus of this city, and who contemplates
moving to Portland, was presented with
a gold-beaded cane by his friends last
From The Dalles.
The Dallis, April 15. The vote of
the taxpayers on the question of a fur
ther bonded indebtedness of $25,000 to
complete the city water works, was taien
yesterday. Very little interest was
evinced, and the vote was light. Out of
137 votes polled, only eleven were in the
negative. It is to be regretted that legal
nroviBions as to advertising for bids,
etc., will render this additional $25,000
unavailable for at least three months.
The work under contracts for reservoir
and distributing mains will be completed
this week, but the laying of supply pipes
will have to be postponed until the sale
of the bonds now authorized. .
Kansas City,' April 15. A full re
presentation of the Western states' com
mercial congress was present this morn
ing when President Francis called the
second days session to order, ine sub
ject under discussion was general busi
ness and agricultural depression, causeB
and remedy . No one would , question
the ability of the Western andouthern
states to support as large a number of
people to the square mile as now live in
Pennsylvania with 114 5 persons to the
square mile. All in all the figures con
firm the truth of the statement already
made, that the United States, with its
area and material resources, is capable of
maintaining o00,000,000 people.
T:i.khafiii; iiHf i:f.
Ex-UoreoAf Waterman; died at Han Die go,
of pneumonia, Sunday. , ' :
Three peraona were Injured, one fatally, by a
railroad accident al Vanrt. pa. yeaterday,
Friends of Blaine declare that he la la th
race forth presidential nomlnatloa In ISM.
Yesterday f0Q,0M) In gold was takea lor ex
port to Berlin at lb New York ub-treaaurr.
Dr. Kbea Turger, wbo founded tbe Mew
England eoueervalury of sauale died Sunday.
Oyster ahella are xliiMl4 ou Long Iiland
sound twelve Inchea long and fourlucbea wde
The government yraterdai puubaeed 34U00
ounce of allver al prices ranging from .K'Jb to
Th racing ruble ol lb 1st Senator Hearst
of California, will be eold In Mew York, May
Pbyalclaoe of New York report that the back
bono of the la grlpp Is broken end the dtaces
la decreaalug.
The etoekholders ol the Washington National
Bank yeaierday decided that tbe bank should
go into voluntary liquidation.
A prleooer in the Marahfleld Or., jail Bator
day, sat fire to ibe building and wss nearly
auffocsted before he wsa released.
Fir at Albany, Or., deetroyed the berne of
Mrs. Jane glmpaon, R- A. Irvine and John Fox
laat olgbt. Loaa, IlioO; no insurance.
An explosion oeeured la a powder magaxln
adjoining tbe eullaua's palace at Zanxlbar.
Filteen were killed aud twenty wounded.
Engliaa walnuts, beautifully ebelled by ma
chleucry, are Mmoihing new In boxes Irem
There ia a difference ol only twenty-two
quart mile, between the areas ol England
and Iowa.
Col. C. W. Taylure, the well-known dramatlat,
wae found dead In bla bed Sunday morning at
bla borne In Brooklyn.
The prealdent haa recognised Bl Young Yew
aa tbe consul-general of the Chineaae empire
at the sort of San Frandaco.
The wine makers ol the west aide ol Santa
Clara ralley have lormed an asaociation to
secure better prices for their output.
The eprlnc meeting ol the New York Preiby
tery took place in new York city yesterday.
Rev. Dr. Sheerer waa chosen moderator
Postmaster general haa decided that begin
ning with tbe enaulng flacal year no more ad
vertisement will be allowed in postal guides.
William J. Zealner, member of th Olympic
Club ol Baa Fianciaco, was arrested last Bight
lor stealing 111 M Irom a locker la the gym al
lium. Midnight services were held over the re
mains ol the lata General Albert Pike ta tke
Pint Congregational church at Washlngtoa
April tth.
The McCaull opera eompany will not show
in 8t Paul beeauae tbe Minnesota senate passed
a bill lor bidding women ta appear oa the lUge
in tiabts.
-ChrlsttaaJaUraeld. a Serosa fanaer, soa
aaltted suicide yesterday at hi Bona at WU
creek, where ha Uved alone. Nothing la knowm.
aa to his relatives. , .
Oa of th stockhelders of th delnaet
United States sayings bank. of Topeka. Isa,
kaa created a sensation by aoenUig the bank
offloen ol crookedness.
Tea ol a Baa Francisco sealing eakoonsr''
crew wen recently placed ia shackle for
mutiny. They were working along th aorlk
weet coast bound lor Bent lag strait.
Leva WeU, a manager of th Buckleys, Iron
sad Metal Company, waa loand dead la bed ia
a Clevelaad hotel last wight. It is
supposed to be a ease of ealclde.
X. Nebecker, of Indiana, la menUoaed as a
probable sneeeesor ol Houston. United Bute
treasurer. He la a retired banker and a per
eaal friend el the president.
A terrible aeldsnt is reported Irem an Irea
mine at Saint Louis, Rhenish Praaaia. Three
men hare been killed and several Injured by
aa unexpected tall of rocks la the mine.
Th director of the New Haven and Hartford
war arraigned la New York yesterday oa a
charge ol misdemeanor In connection with th
Fourth-avenue tunnel collialoa last February,
An expert haa discovered that shsree ofthe
Boston Water Power Company amounting to
I70.0U0 have been Illegally leaned by William
Brown, th company 'a former treaaanr,.
Brown is now dying.
A package ol American illustrated news
papers, containing caricatures ol King Hum
bart and hla cabinet, hare been received at .
Rome, sad the pictures have raised the Italian
blood to a boiling heat
Thomas Baumgardoer, ot Lancaster, P , as
signed yesterday. His llabilltiea are from 1500,
000 to (750,000, and hla assets small. He was a
memberol the firm of BaumgardnerJ A Eber
man, which tailed Saturday.
Sherman Ball and A. C . Moore, two Wiscon
sin young man. arrived at a Seattle hotel and
going to bed blew out the gas, they were dis
covered yeaterday morning. Then 1 a
slight chsnce lor their recovery.
Ben. Biggins, ol Delewar. says they still re
tain la a modified torn the wh ipplugpost and
pillory, because the lists is so near three great
cities that It Is in danger of Becoming an
asylum for criminals.
By a collision between s Bock Island passen
ger train and a wild freight train at Vincent
1 a., yesterday, Postal clerks W. H. Pope and
E. J . Brown were bsdly crushed, and several
other trainmen injured,
A New York girl nas been sent to the Insane
asylum beeauae she thought every man she
met was In love with her, but was deterred
from proposing marriage lor th reason that
all supposed her tc o good lor them.
Th New York Tribune celebrated Its fiftieth
anniversary lastjriday. A letter was .read
Irom Prealdent Harrison who said: Th paper
haa been a potent Influence in mora than one
Important crisis In our public history,
Charley Bagsley, a negro i who killed an
officer near Birmingham, Ala., a few days
inc, waa shot dead by a posse who was
hunting htm yesterday. He was concealed in
a home, and opened fire on the officers.
The only man tried, found guilty and ex
ecuted for treason during the existence ot th
U. e.senste was William B. Munlord, in 1862.
Th execution took place in New Orleans
nnder an order ol General Benjaman F, Butler
VarisBlue, late sergeant of Company B,
Ninth United Slates infantry, stationed at
Whipple barrack,! was suffocated by gas in a
San Francisco hotel yesterday. It h thought
he was under the Influence! liqnor when he
extinguished the light.
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