Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 03, 1891, Image 8

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J CllAVTElt 1.
Antony Make loft thooftioeot Humrill
& Co. a god i;al disappointed. He was
himself a shrewd and intelligent follow.
Ho had secured the patents on his now
invention, and wss ready to proceed with
the manufacture. Ho hail carried the
papers, tho drawings, his model machine
to Ruinrill & Co., ntul thoy bad them iu
consideration. Thoy now offered him
ISW for the whole tiling if he would
turn it all over to them. Ho had pro
posed one mid another scheme by whioh
he should go into busiaess as a partner
with tliom. Those had boon referred by
tl6 managing partner to the Mr. Jerkins
behind the scone, who was nu imaginary
person created for the purpose of saying
no when the managing partner was
shamed to. Ik-tically all these schemis
had been refused, mid Antony was now
to take the $SO0 or nothing.
This was not his first experience in such
business. He knew by this time that the
paople who bring things before the pub
lic, be they inventions, be they books or
b they ideas, generally expect to be well
paid for doing so, and he knew that the
ystem of co-operation, whioh people are
hoping for and praying for, was by no
means yet established. With some bit
terness of feeliug, it must be confessed,
though he was a good natured fellow
enough, he walked down the street of
Tamworth considering whether he would
tak the $oX) and be done with it, or
whether he would go to Pittsburg and
ee if there were better rhanoes there.
Antony Blake did not believe in debt,
and he know how to live on a very little
money, but for all that he had very little
money in store, and he certainly did not
have the f 10,000 which would "be neces
sary for him if he were to equip a little
machine shop of Ms own and make his
own automatic car coupler. But, as it
happened, he was a persou well esteemed
in the whole community of Tamworth,
as he deserved to be.
I should like to know, however, how
much of this esteem he owed to one
queer circumstance. While he had to
start iu life with absolutely no property
it happened that he did hold as trustee
for his mother some bonds which he con
sidered worthless iu the second issue of
the Cattaraugus and tpelousfls railroad.
These bonds had long since lk?eu taken
off all lists known to brokers, and it was
long since any coupons had been paid.
Still the Cattaraugus and Oiolousas ex
isted, and there wore Siinguiue people,
among whom his mother waf. one, who
supposed that at some time payment
would be resumed. Antony, being her
trustee, had to keep these bonds some
whore, and he had been notified by legal
advisors th.'it he mast keep them in one
of the security vaults which are now es- j
tablished in all the considerable cities.
He had hired a modest safe at the Ami
cable of Tamworth, and at the Amicable
you have the fatalities of a charming
reading room, where are all the new
magazines, wnere you can w.isii your
hands if yoo need, you can make an ap
pointment with a friend, yo.i can write
a note on the Amicable's pair.
These facilities are thrown open to
you because you have hired, perhaps for
only $10 a year, a safe in that bank.
Antony had found that here wo3 by far
the best club room in Tamworth. In that
city thoy have what is known as the
"Strangers' Rest" well developed; you
can go in and pay ten cents an hour for
all the comforts of a club room, and then
go out again. But Antony found that,
in the long run, $10 a year was cheaper
for him than the Strangers' Rest at ten
cents an hour, and what I should like to
know is whether his standing in that
community had not materially risen
since the old dons and widows and rail
road trustees and other such persous
who had their safes there found that he
was one of the habitues of the reading
'room of the Amicable,
He suspected himself that it gave him
these advantages, and be was careful
not to presume on them. He took care
not to sit there writing letters in times
when a business man would be at bis
counting room; he only looked in there
at the hours when the most prominent
of the dons were there; he took care not
to appear to regard it as the only loafing
place which he had. In proportion as
he was cautious in these regards the
dons began to respect hiin as one of
themselves; that is to say. as a person
who did not have to work very hard for
his money, and who had in tha chamber
adjacent the secrets by which a quarter
ly revenue comes to the initiated with
out muc:i cracking of their finger nails
or griming of their hands.
On this particular morning Antony
was obliged to brnak his rule. It was
just the hour when he should not ordi-
narily have gone to the Amicable. It 1
was seldom indeed tnat no had any oc
casion to look at his mother's bonds in
his safe, for they were as worthless one
month as they were another. But to
preserve the respectabilities of the place
it had been his habit to have his safe
opened for him once a quarter about
the 1st of May, August and the corres-
ponding quarters which ha observed to ,
be "coupon quarters" for some very dis- j
languished dons.
He would retire into one of the little '
cells provided for the occasion, open his i
box and then carry it back that it might I
be deposited in his safe again. The last
time that he had done this Antony had
placed two fifty dollar bills in his little tin
box to guard himself from spending them.
He taw that he should have enough
money for hj current . atp'iises besides,
and he bad 'not oared to make a pc-ruiii-nent
iiive.-.Loe i.t of tiiirf sum. But if he
wen; to f;j to Pittsburg li muot have
the.-:.; t;vo Ili'lies in his pocket, and he
walV.'d down io tha AuiiirabJe, gave the
nu;n! r of hU hvtio and his box was given
to him.
' Vrf J . if
He H'totl tht bonds out one after annthrr.
It is possible that there are one or two
of the humbler readers of this little story
who are not soouaintod with the careful
machinery of a security sate company,
and as the story hinges on that niaehiii
ry it may be well to explain it. You
boo yon are to have the double combina
tion, pateut, absolute security that is
given to the largest corporation in the
world say the Bank of England and at
the same time you who are as poor as
Antony Blake was are to have your own
little separate cell iu which your own
property is kept, and nobody else in the
world may interfere with it. All this is
arranged by a wry iugvuioiw system of
policemen, attentive dorks, doorkeepers,
gilt pickets of iron, iron floors below and
above, so that tire cannot bnru your se
curities nor water drown them, nor
thieves break in, nor rust corrupt thein.
The most honorable and virtnou ward
ers are selected by the most ingenious
and highly approved competitive exami
nations. You present yourself at the
gate and you are personally known to
the warder, who geaks to you cordially
and opens the gate to yon, as he would
not do if yon were one of those unknown
loafers who have no safe in the security
You pass through this prison gate joy
fully, for you know it is no prison to
you. You tell him that the day is fine,
or that it is rainy, as it may happen, and
pass on till you coiue to another gate
and another war ier. You toll him that
it is tine, or thi.t it is rainy, as before.
He also calls vou lv name, and savs that
you nr.? looking well, and yon enter a
second passage. This passage is provid
ed wi.h little catacombs or columbaria,
precisely like tls.fcv under or n. nr the
city of Rome, except that those are much
smaller, and that those oaiaeoiubs have
now no doors, but in the stvnnty vaults
each cntacotub has a little iron door, and
these doors are numbered.
You remember by mnemonic processes
known to yourself what is the number
of yours: the iimnber of Antony's was
4.Ui 7. You meet iu this passage a smil
ing, gentlemanly friend, who also calls
you by name, expresses his hope that
you are well, and tells yon what the
weather is. You also tell him. These
are not passwords, but thoy are the
civilities of the occasion. You then men
tion to him. in' a whisper if you please,
the nnmlvr of your box. He affects to
remember does rem.;::lor, vrhaps
and with his key adjusts the luck of your
catacomb. But please to obs-Tve he can
not open the catacomb, because he has
not your key. Your key has leen given
to you long since when yuu hired your
catacomb. You then op.-n t!ie catacomb
with your key. wi:ni mu cannot do till
ho has first turned hi.; key in the lock.
In the catacomb vo l on 1 a long, narrow
tin lxx, unless you should be a very
great don. In fiat e.w you have a
large catacomb and you have a largo tin
box. But Antony w:n a very little don.
as the reader knows, and he hail there
fore a bos long enough for uny coupon
bond, but not large enough to contain
He drew out his box, thanked the :
courteous attendant, p-issed warder No. I
2 again, who asked hi.ii if all was right,
and then in the passa:
between Noe. 1 !
ami 2 selected a little room, like that in
which you eat oysters in restaurant of
some cities, when it is supposed that you
are ashamed to eat oysters and wish to
have a separate cell assigned for the pur
pose. You go into this cell, which you
find lighted. Thero is a littlo table for
you, with a pen and ink and blotting
paper and a pair of largo cisorg. These
scissors are there that you may cut off
the coupons from yonr bonds.
Observe with admiration that both the
requirements which have been referred
to are fulfilled. You are here as lonely
as Robinson Crusoe was before Friday
came. All your wealth is in your bauds;
you cim do with it what you choose, A
minuta before this wealth was in a safe
which nobody excepting you could open,
and a minute hence it will be iu that
safe aaiin.
On this occasion Anton v Blake found !
some difficulty in otiening his box. His
key seemed to be out of order, but be
ing an ingenious person it happened that
he had a little skeleton key irith him,
and with this ho threw open the lock of
! the box. He saw in a moment that it
was not his box. The securities in it
were those of the C, K. and W., C, B.
aml Q- B- c mi D. securities, many
ot thl!ln' absolutely "gilt edged" in the
market of the moment. There were one
or two United States bonds, and, in
short' if a Boi fairy had touched his
mother's bonds and changed thero into
; wniis oi i no very oet hub coma noi
have done better for him than had been
I done here.
Antony Blake was amazed and dazed,
ffe, lifted the bonds out one after an-
other to nee by what proci:. of evolu
tion tho ('attar,:ii:j:!H :i-i 1 Opelousas hud.
been thus cli.iagi.d, and with a vague
feeling Hint he hhonld find his two fifty
dollar notes at the U,tum. The fifty
dollar 111 ..'.':) :; re nut tin -re, but thero
v.-.'.;i ;i lit' I ; j, -. r.-.'.- l i f five or six mann
re;o.l i. , -..! '; -1 ;;;. with white ribboit.
If voun? libiVe bad troii'i at once to
tne head center of tlio wonderful romhi
nation of warders, (juiivdlaim, clerks and
assistants who made up the hierarchy of
the Amicable this story would never have
Ixvu written, mid the reader would at
this moment be nockitiK other occupation
than that be has in band, "lloforoa
shiry can ln told," rjivs Mr. Anthony
Trollopc, "theitt must boa story to toll,"
All that folloys on these pages sprang
from Mr, Hh'.io's aversion to take tho
head center info his confidence, or, in
deed, any other of the guardians in (ho
lu the first place, lie knew none of
them personally, though, as has btvu
soon, thoy all know him professionally,
That is to say, it was the pil'essional
business of each of them to know Antony
Blake by sight and to koo that he tit way
hud fhe box in No. OCT when ho wanted
it and that no one else ever had it, and
also that bo never hud any other box
than his own. But all of them had boon
imported from Now York to carry on
the Amicable, which was a new enter
prise in Tamworth, so that he had not
made their acquaintance ol her than of
ficially. In thosovond place, as occurred
to him now for the first time, he. should
have gone to the head center before if he
meant to gout nil. lie should have gene
when liis little key did not oiku the bond
box. He should not have pu ked the
lock of a box which, as ho now knew,
was nut his with his little skeleton key.
In the third place, ho was not sure
whether tie should best advance the ends
of justice by going to tho head ceuter.
Ho could say that his f KM) were not ii
his box. But here were sivuritios of
three or four hundred times as much
worth; and, as he well knew, there was
not any one outside an idiot asylum who
would steal the Cattaraugus and Ol
lousas bonds. It might Ihi that the head
center and some of the others were en
gaged in a common frand, of which he
had in tiis hands a little clew. Those
considerations iassed through tils mind
and determined hint, wisely or not, to
make no complaint to the head center
till he had taken the advice of lawyer
Meanwhile his first businese was to go
to Pittsburg aud to get the f 100 which
he needed for his jonniey. There was
no money in the box, and of oourse An
tony could not have taken it if there had
been, seeing it was not hi. "Urecu
backs," says an eminent legal authority
"are tho currcnty of thiovi." But oven
had Antony been a thief he had no o
portuuity to etcnl.
There worvthesix letters tied np with
the white ribbon. Antony did hnk n
their address, as has Ixi'ii said.
But at the moment his only wish wa
that his despise 1 Cattaraugus aud t
lousas bonds were i;. his hands. He re-im-mlx-rcd.
i.s he often had remembered
Uoio, tiie pathetic K'hf of Kobins.m
Crusoe whou tiie givut current of the
OriniK o w.'ls sweepm ? him to sea in his
cam'. 1 Ikvii HKir Uobuisoii looked at
his retreating island the
island which
be had always called a prisonand
wished th:.t be might return to it, le
cans it w as homo. So mor Antony, who
had always do. pi- d thoCattaraugusand
Opoloiis.is. It ow wii hed that be had them
in Lis li.ti.sls. l a point of fact, he put
bacu ti.o Li x into the cell from which he
had ii K. and be wont at once to his
lawyer consul, iit the lawyer cousin
was not in. Antony did not like to tell
his iph't r story toa si ranger; be therefure
borrowed a hundred dollars from the
lawycrcousiu'scioi'li and went that night
on the train to I'it.slmrg.
This is uot one of those storied which
torments the reader by refusing to tell
him all that the writer knows.
Once for all, lot thereadT understand
that the KmU and the letters which '.
Antony Blake found in his Ixix bclongc.l '
to a very nice girl whose name wa
Edith Li:n-. How it happened that they
were all in this box shall now bo briefly ;
told. ' j
It was some six mouths before Antony i
Blake found them that Edith Lane's fa-.
ther called her into his own room. He
then explained to her that she was so
old that she uiUHt learn to take care of ;
her own uffairs.
"I do not mean, said he, "to turu
oyer to you now the whole of your
mother's property, but I do mean to turn
over to you so much that you shall not
have to come running to me when you
want to buy a shoestring and a paper of
pins. I havo placed in this envelope a
, number of bonds; I am going to show
' you how to cut off the coupons from
these bonds. You will havo to do this
twice a year; you will then have to carry
these coupons to the Waverly bank,
where I have opened an account for you.
t When you want money you will
write a check on the Waverly bank, and
you will go for the money yourself or
send for it. You can do as you please
about keeping an account of these things.
If I were you I would keep a littlo cash
book, but I shall ask no questions. If
i you come to me at any time for money 1
i shall then ask questions. But it is a
! great deal better that you shall learn to
; take care of your own affairs before I
Poor Edith was distressed and pained
tn hear her father tftlk nf ilvim Klin
said as much. She said that she knew !
nothing about business, and she had a I Now Cousin Evelyn had had a
great deal rather go on as they were, j horrible love passuge with Fergus Mania
But he was flint. He told her that his j tire. I have no right to call it disgrace
precise object was to teach her to draw ftj. th(mlfh 1 am verv tht n.
check and to keep a bank account, and
to teach her sfimetbing of her interest in
the community, not to say her duties in
tne community. He hart begun witli
thirty or forty thousand dollars of hor
fortune, which he had put into these
Edith was frightened, and said she
did not know where she would keep the
bonds, and she waH afraid they might bo
; stolen.
"That," said her father, "is iho second
thing that you are to be taught. You
will not keep these bonds; I do not keep
mine. 1 have brought these this morn
ing from my own safe to give them to
yon. 1 have ordered the carriage, mid I
am now going to take you down fo what
is known as the Amirviblo f-'ufo com
pany. I am going. to hire a littlo ' Kafc
there in your iimne, and you wnl keep
vour bonds in that safe. When vou 1
Wnitt to cut ott tlio eonHitm you wilt go
down to the Amicable, you will have
tho safe opened, and you will cut olT
what you need."
This frightened Kdilh inure, (hail ever.
She almost cried, but In her dlMress "he
referred toim obi joke of the family bor
rowed from the "t loorgia Sketches." It
Is tho story of it young man whose father
was urging him to marry, mid said to
him, "Where would you be if 1 had not
ina! I'tedr Tho young fellow replied be
twoon his soln, "Yes, dad. but you mar
ried mother, mid 1 shall havo to be put
out to u strange gal." Kililh said she
did not want to be put out to any Anil
cahloSafo company or any Va oi ly bank.
Kim wanted her father to lake care of
her money no. I to give her what she
Wauled to spend,
But ho was perfectly (Inn. Thecari'iae
ruiio to the door, and Kdillt had to go up
ti) put on her hat and sacque aud gloves
to go down for her first lesson. What
alio was taught the reader already
knows. She was taken through the
Kates, sV was Introduced to tho atten
tive warder, and she had assigned (o her
one of the smallest safes, exactly such a
safe as Antony Blake had, and as it hap
ponod the nuinlier was next to his, No,
The reader now has a partial uo
tion of what mistake had occurred.
In ioiiit of fact, about a month before
Antony tllako had met this dlsapoiut
ment it had boon so ordered by those
minor juiwein who, under orders, over
rule this world, that he and Edith Lnue
went nearly at the same time to the
Amicable, Antony had gone simply to
show himself, that he might keep up the
reputation which he had acquired as a don
among dons. KditU had gone, on her
second visit, to cut otT some coiitsms,
wi-cu ku u.ia uouo suivesniuuy, una
which she had carried to deposit at her
bank. But it had so happened that
when she brought Kick her little box
to place it in tier safe, Antony Blake
was already iu that corridor of the
columh.u'iim), and was o'iilng his
safe to put his box away. The lock
inado sol Ae little obstacle, aud ho had
laid his box on the floor that he might
have both hands in handling the key.
Edith had to wait a moment for his op-1
orations to bo fininhed, and, as it hap-1
polled, she laid her box on the fl.K.ri
as she stood by him, in fact, if thj
reader is curious, putting on her gloves;
at the same moment. Antony touched
his hat to her, stoopsl, picked up lliei
box and put It into bis own safe, with-j
out any thought that he had ma le a ;
transfer. He puxscd out of thedoors, m
lilted t'ao wardens and w.is gone. Edith '
put the other box into her safe, and, i,
the reader nee, the change was com J
pleted without a thought from either i
party. ,
It w is not till Antony Blake was well
in Piiti-burg, dealing with the varioii
sous of Tubil Cain who make that city i
one of the lihost and lovoheit in tie,
world, that Elith one day ord. red t'i -i
carrinv, drove down to ton AuiicaM".
tooj out what she suppos M to ! h. -r
Imx, and found in it Antony's Cittar oi j
gus aud tqiclousa bonds and his h m .
ilre 1 dollars. I
Of course E lith know h1u had made a
mistake, and she instantly supposed, a
she usually did, that everything whu o
w is wrung was her own fault. Tin-.,
then, was the first result of In r f.ilh r't I
training her to business that k'.io h t '.i
lost all her own property, and hud stol. ;;
muneo!!ierproK'rtyof vastly more value. ,
for tho girl know nothing of tho worth j
IcstuioK of the Cattaraugus aud Ope ;
tmisas, and it was very easy for her l i ,
ee mat wnereas sue li.ut loll in li t tmx
only thirty or forty thousand doll.ir,
worth of lionils, she bad under her hands
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
worth of the second is.-un of that unfurl. ;
unato mad
She did not do what Antony did, lio.v
ever. Slio took the whole parcel, bun- i
Jred dollar) an 1 all, an I put it into her!
little saU'hol. She put back the box
into her safe, and as quickly as she could
escape the eye of the warders, all of
whom she thought looked on her with
suspicion, as if she were a detected thief
already, she rushed to hr little coupe
and bade William drivo her directly
Her only thought was to toll tier fa
ther all that had hupH'iiod aud to con
fuss that she was a fool.
Of course this would have been the true
thing for her to do, but there was unfortu
nately adelay. Her father was in Chicago
for two days, and Satan lia 1 all that time
to inspire her with other counsels. Now,
although Satar. might have done bin
worst liefom ho could make Edith Jane
do anything wrong, It was easily in hii
power to make her do something very
foolish. For, as Henry Kiugsley well
says, when the devil cannot achieve his
purposes by sending a knave he doc the
same by a much easier process and sends
a fool. For tho more she brooded over
the matter the more the poor girl ji r
suaibsl herself that she had lsttior not.
at first, sieak to her father. Besides the
finding that alio was a fool aud had tna lo
a horrible mistake there was a little siilo.
trouble which increased and increased as
she thought of it till it at lat became u
giant Afrite, destroying all hor peace.
It was tho recollection that she had put
in her box the six letters which had been
intrusted to her by her cousin Evelyn.
my readers was ever so compromiwMl.
; It was a very bad business, and Evelyn
had been pulled out of it only with great
tact and difficulty. All the compromis
ing letters had been brought together
and should havo been burned up. In
stead of bunting them Evelyn Hadduni,
when she heard Edith hud 11 safe of her
own, had lieggod her to take care of
them, and at her second visit to the safe
Edith bad put those letters with her
bond, The reader knows what had b
coiuo of thein.
Now this was the only secret which
our poor Edith had ever bad from her
father. She did not want to havo the 0
leUoit) broil ;;1 it, lo li 'jit by line iuve .li
gation which h ! : -ii' i 1.1. in j.J.., Ti,!, ,.
chi'd i,i:;l;i'illy I'aic : I I .- 1 !!' Iiefi.m J(
police court, ai a loi'i'; I'vieiel t;,.,
diiicovory of )l r bo.- opened by a j'l'l .")
and those loiters of Evelyn's mid i;'e
read itlond tin-! prtnte.1 in nil tne hiuui
newi'piii,i,s. She cried over It: she wroti
a note lo Evelyn which she destroyed,
nhe wrote another note, which she do
slroyiil also, and finally wild to hot'soll
that she had roller H'w nil l,'l
property which mh Iu the wib' than
have any revolution made a to what
wis In t'lm hos, if ho could only b,
uiolliiit whoever bad the bonds would,
burn those li.lM'nl leii-rs it seemed I.
her that ulio should bo p.'ifectly Impl'V
Iu nil (his of course Iviuh l.ann wa
quite wrong; but. as lb ' reader will ne
she was in a fal-o pmttioii, which nIh
had stumbled into really IVoitl no fault
of her ov. il,
l'oor Antony lllalut is (lie p-inoii win
deserves tile most cou.ldei'ulioll Hil'l slil
pathv from (he re,i lor, Antony lllak
upeui two or throe day iu l'ittsliui'
Ho was mod hospitably received by oln
friends whom lie bad Known at llinl'oly
technic iiiilitule. lb' saw all the mar
vela of gas di ili ibiilioti, or glass uiakiuu
of Iroufounding, and ly Mr. Westing
house's liiidMo.s ho was taliell lllioilgl
the wonderful luaihino works fron
which that os.piiilte appaialus Is pro
duced which pi sorvos every year lh
livs of I dare not say how many thou
sand jHsiple In this world. Uesuwuoim
of (he Tubal Cuius whom he had gom
to see; ho showed (o (hem the plans "
his mm'hino, which wore cordially com
mended. Ho had one and another mitf
gestlou made to him n to the ways foi
putting It upon tlm market. Hut it w
clear to him, as it IiikI been In Taul
worth, that the destruction of tln oo"
Is their poverty . and that ho was in noway
to gid any decent return for the very ex
quislte contrivance which everyUsly ad
mittisl he lisd In hand unions he him
self could Invest f IO.ishi or ft-VOW in th
coiuplicnl.Hl mat hlimry which was nuo
ewsary for priHlulug It.
Shr fiiiii.i 'icr tioni,
Kdlth l.l'l- res.ilv.
aft.-r her f ,;'i. r'-. reti
t'll hiin u lie. b i
Hut ail ! :v lie w.is
(..will t.i Kir t. llrr
I ..ii. and tig n
u that she w.ml,!
id I..,! b'T biii-lv'
at bis ol!l'. mi l
each Ion,. .
to toil hi'u
.vh , ho iv! urn.' 1 s ie liutod
, .i-.i I -i put li i'iT till liii.fi
ills', 1. 1 h nil iriiiri ; In. w.i . in h;v,!, I n
his br. :!.l'.t!. an 1 t'l- p r gul p it It
ulTaMIII. Afl'T tie) svell uf t'l-.o
failures she Ii t. n i -U me . A -cinii'i
k. mi., in I'.e afi 'i i n from ,ci
i-arly uri-hory party i'i" found a not -from
h'T f i.h. t nyie.; t'. it he ;
cull" 1 to New Yir. Tin W H followo 1
by a tele tram Iron N'.uv York naj mg
he was o die I lo l,in.!o!l An I M pm-r
Kdith whs left t,, in r own newly a.
quired skill in iii,oi:i :i ; her ii.vn bn i
is-ss fur the ii"t six we 'ks.
What is. hi li-caini' v.-ry cl.-.ir was that !
she must have money. In 1 ed t!u is
Hini'tliing which gi.ii.-r.illy Uii:ii-i clear
b most isii!e in modern ..iciety. ICdit'ij
first mi-al'itlie luist ike which in .my other;
psipln in ike uf thinking that it will dot
any goo'l to nay aloud. "I must have
some money." She said loii to the l.mk
ing glass twice as she dressed herself
Hut no money cam., from liiat. As to
pusstsl th" most attractive book stm
saying. "I. -a I us not into temptation."
She wont on fsit if she could not rid 1 in
her own oarriu,;o, by whi' Ii I mean alio
never took the n'ople's c irri'ig.. the
street ear. She was even ncali einiii ;:i
to put a uickli) into the eouti'i'iuUoti but
at church, sitting iu the very inv where
tho deacon w is always sure of a five d
lar bill. Ibit t'.ien Edith in 1 . an no
count of this, and solemnly pledged her
self for every nirklo sir 1 laid mi thu id
tar to place a ten .lullar lull wlimi oh'
had it. li ar child, sin) know the diilor
eniM Is'twoeii blue turtle dnvo am
i(vA largo lambs. Those economies she
kept up steadily. Dut irouoiines do Uot
create money.
And it seemed as if never were the un
expected Oapeusos so terrible. Then
came a bill for annmil costs at the cine-fj-ry
which her father bad forgotten.
Edith promptly paid that. Then canin
J '11 venls. ,1,1,1 Tnnli. M,,rli..,l,il,.,,, in.a(.
i-nl hie.!,,,-, n,,,,!,,,.,,.,! tr MiHti.,,,1,, F,.,.
llll.l UT
...ir 111111:0 in 111, lee , ip (j, j p,
ill'lll mo nr.
' citll Hire iml, lit In l,.. i ,,,, , i i
n iiniie irnin ;i -1 , 1 1 , . -1 , , ; 1 ,
M'li'l ni'iil.. I. ill.,,, I, r l
linn. V.'e luh l.-. if i, ,i, ,,i,e
. w ill, ,,
''" nl
nr.', I,
'""" "m f"' linl Hue III; lilll-l
" I' !..:, i ll 1. hi.w 11 ,' i'i, .
leilll' 1 I 1 11:,! ,. ,, ,, .
I "i. 11, i" ut 1'ri'i'. a .lu-,.
! I 'Mllll v
Air ((, 'I '1 T.fl s
a Vi '
1 11 .1 1. .,,
j ruisiv -rr,-!'un;i.; vok it.
0ipulte Palunt oitlco, Wahlni)lon, 0. C.
AllMlNlsTMATuM'H No I lo , . '
SK I I I I, Ml ,s f h
Niillei. I liiireliv lvni Ihtl ,, f
yiliMliii'O'iief el tlio i'.i,,ii. , ,," Hi ;
lui'i' imiL li oe my nu, I '
...HOlll'UlorSlllld l''li('ili,-, ,,i ''V..
una in unit hi. 'i nit i ....i
llll.,. in IH.I l.lili nlli l. ,,,'. 11 i
lit llinj loon "U 01 lii'l.irn i '"'i
.i, III On' I'liiliOn Cunt ii i',i .
Ihi'Ii.iiim" sml HI sni uf Hi,,,,,, '
,. . , , , . 'llli!,L
l"IU', I ill" 1 1 1 1 II I 1 1 r v l,
li . i y i clir "I J ,.
tie I mini) Ci'iilt
I'llli.,, ,
NdM.'K ll i'Ulilii ()L
NlllU'l'lB IllMvllV Ml I'H OilU y , , 1
Willi' I' "III o Hie hi li. Ilt ' mm
I I'L ..iiiiim I'i.i.IiI tlio Ilt.1t.-t.l . . .. 'I " '
I'll V H I-mIiOi ! 01"' Oi't 10 Oty , ,
li'oli-. id i' I, ioi.I Hi II h Cur, ,.
to - liri'ii (no I m h 1 mi , 01 i,,,.,
0 ll-,i0,l Oil- '. I ,,, iitl. ,.
-I I ' I'' ' ll , 1
toil lut'-l ti l ,i tO, ti ".eo'iU.r
if ' i 'L - ii in" ii.,ini i. ,i i
li t
I luo .'milip III I', , S
nli'.l At.ll. lt ;K'II,
. ,1 ) yei
ii, bi lou
I ho niin'lil i.i.'oiii.s i'I 'Iib k
riireo i
, Advei
IP Ml II 1,1 iri.l'i IH'SM l',.it,,1(r
, I, I It lli.i .I'll. ot II K 'f. . I, I,, '"
II M.illil IV, 'Hl 'HII. IW'I, SI lilt J, ,
k. t, r on' I'H. I' ' "I rli i'iini ,
n..'.Min fur III
rn.iilHB vMr mid (, . AttOI
lll.'l l.itlIPi Ha Hu. K;
ii'iinii nl m il
nf0 lll ll.'IUl
II lu
' "' "'. " ,"' "- nii.wA
Nnlli'S nf Alllnul Mrrtlni Jni,,m
1 lie Sllloisl UKk'Ulllt ill l 11,,1 ij I
it III .I.Mi l!l l"l.l. A.s.irti"2' ,
mlil .ii Km iilli. w .'I II H I rn In ui-'" A
ii M ..jr. Arrll Mli lnl. Ii.r ll. t", 9.
IrrlllH sli 'Si'l i" illtnelin. ( t i
r mt'l li.i Hu' lr'.tt.plli'ii nl ttri, ,Hi 'J
u iiih v. hii. .hp inwiti,,
I K I ' -m
1rk o
'il l '"S'tird1
K" 'i n asm
' Comnil
I Noni.it run I'uuui'uiiiii
Aflet Bf
I.OIII (IKHI Atll'll ',
Knllell hBrvh trn llcl On U ,,
' Itumnl rllllT !. Sl. I alllnl i-HH,,,
; io.il. i ..I h..r oiicioi.,ii i.k. . flnyof
; Niiit.iiri ..I to rlilm sit IImi i,i.i itro-oi'il
' Ik lim-ti. helnr III. ItrgUInf tl.. lirwu, Asse!
s lau l inl oti juii i:ti), uivj m M J roiiMi
. '" ., , Jilv Ai
Hniii K. Jem... idr'.lii
I ll.illlrtc. tllltl Nil M-.. Inr III .Slli rt
' J . i ll iimr Hit. I, lli.li,e iii, j,.,. i
' .r"r lo Ulu fMlil.iira 1
I vall.'.l ..( mi.I Inn. I via J,.(,n ,, ,
, S.only ali i II. f.tl i Alta.lf, l a1" 'L'
an. I J"hi. kalor. ol Maina il, all ..I "I.
e. ,.uuy oitit'.ii
! J T Arr,..SK-;
j Soll. K V"U rl.,li'ri, i;
' I..M. urn. r iifui rirtf.fe ' Mall
I U.nnti.'i Wail'
S. ,!!. I. h,t,.l v (tin that llm ti!..
ti .i.i.i .aiti.'i to. S'i, i ,.iii.p o' ht ii. Orei?
Illl.ll . ( II . H...t .,( l,rU,: iVlllll'l
Out iO.I I r ' !' m..!r.H-l.i.r ilia)., A Villi
.,, .1 ii.i-.,,h.r nl O.r I' H I ni.iill.,in Mhiai
t il) or.-.-. m. ..i U I l'.. u TireV
M O 1 I t-.rkriia. f,l j:
M..m.-.lrs I I li , ' V. ,11 (, l. ,1 JI a aj
.' . ..I .
, I
I; e.-i
, ,. HI I a a !ifH,l ti
on. ,i 1m f,.ia h. i f s
,IIU"I .ill ll.'lif i i. i.'.-u ant i... fSf rf,;
a .loll , a. I , t I ' ..I- a 'Inn .."Oil), i..,, fc mmmmu
) t A !.. fcum,
t- ii n
.Soil. 1. l.ilt IU Ht.ll iTIiiji,
...Ml Ollli K at '... Cm.WI. "
).,,ll, la I11.1..I.1 i.Bi, ll.at ih, t l .
Iooiii.I ...'ll. T lia. II i. 0..I..0 Ml In'. Mal
1.1 111 l'- lO. O I......I In ..,. erl ..I li!.',.- l'l"le
Ih t .ai l .l -'I I. Ill lr ID .'In t'.Oert 0. I J I
lir n't l;i',i'lni l Hip I S 1 tiel v .
r. .ii( li) vnt .it mi M . 1.' al. mt. ; MI'L
I'Uori. I' Vlllnf. I Hnlil
It. lnr.Ie-1,1 ..lilr .St. X. VJ lel .a'..!An4l
..I..- .', Iml. Iln u our. li U Brttlll
Hiiil., .1. le I l,llfi ).l. f-,, no , 11, ,11. la.
I a Oil 1-Um! Ml le
I.-ll lejill H'-raif
Mel. Us Oiai'k'K 1
I A11 lowis Un M"!
Hjr Wr.
f-.. 1 - f Al
tv..,. a--. w
... ItM MlfU IM' I
I'Sh aW " .
VI a .. .. .... (..fbl ful...
XI I H I) I Oil 111,1,' I IH
iimhhi i.a.mi ai. Ji Mi K
I'sirm htlt I. .Nil IlKHI "
1111K1..K1 1'itv.ur . Icc. UU.
tllra la llari'tiv UIvkii lhal III .eiaa.4af Ol
'.-it aik) in iti'-n
I'd, U, 't Hi
Kf ml H it U-a, aU
iim ii.ni 4
fT Va H
housekeeping and wages there wasmti nu 0i' i.imi.i..i.a i iim an ..( i ..m"U '
trouble. The bous..k.N..r had b ! s . " '' ,,h' T1""1'
,, , ,, , , ' ,, , . , I II llllK'T lall'la III llm aialaa u( I ll(i.fjl.
upplli'd. Hut for herself Kdlth klie , ..n. .Vioa.la an, I a.niBirlenTrtrll.!," TTTT.
tlierii would !w trouble very soon. , , , '"'' K. iu
.... , , i " i . ii " rnrllali.1. r.iiuilv nl Miilluomah, .
.She at onc.i put her'lf mi short allow-1 ur..f le.. no. ,,y r, i ihu n"- Bw
auce. Shu did not go into a ul.oi). she N" l" ih p"m Mi
lu i.oitihii .v,i j aniiili, ramn So. 7
ntul will iiITit .rn.l o. alms thai ihl 4
.iioitlit ta lie. 11. vilniil.lfi Ii.r lia itmtaf
.1..111- tlian l -r ri; it'iilinral purpi.e ainli, AND!
on. 11.11 rn. .-1 .a 1 111 (,i a.o. i iinl inii.in tn.i
I'T ami ri'i i ln r n( llll. eltlo" at ntrn n
l1r.K1.11, iili Cil.lay, llm 171(1 iln) ..I Ai01JV i
II.. ,,,,.,. .. ,..,.. 11..1.I n it '"'
.I..I111 Mililioll, tl Si-tm.-lur. 1'liia.i.
llll ntl'ellUlnl or, 1
All) mnt iill 1,,'rneii. iluluiUlK
tin. 1O1, ni a rll-nl iili. la -un if.iiifi
I'ltllll. Ill ttlla
i flli i. mi .if I. '
.lay 1. 1 April, isvi'
. T, An m w
... W.M
hall I
L. Posson & Son,;
msi in ii 1 aHRA
, a.
( Iciu-iul Agts, for I). M. 1'erry & C;
Oiirdcn 8ec.
Crass, Clover and all kinds of ;
'frees, bulbs,
Keepers' Kiiiiilic;l.
it S ue f' 'I' a cusloiiier. ('irt
a ti i.d unlcr.
L.a P033
1 llli-1 In" r
iml.1 17
1 : i-
Fertilizer, elc , ;
09 2:J St., Portland, 0r
Hiiwckw t tu Miller Hum,