Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 03, 1891, Image 7

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Diwufa ltms.
8.rlnn Iimk I'oine mill Unwei Iim put on
t hnaliiioM lr, HicliiiK law It In fori' nml
Hurry Hlilplny and William Hyr, nr., r
"lioK IlinrKlinlH,"
Mum' Itulli kihi Minnie Copley iliiinliil
Dm ilmirtiiK 'In.iil Kiiiliiv nielli.
Mr, Kituim H I I , I y within our limn Hun
dny, Omul NiKiin himI W. II. ClirMIe lire IU.
Iii( nil Hik t'nliiinliln, "I.nik lin Hlil ye,
Itulli Copley win vUIiIiik IiIi'ImIh Inim lnt
wn k.
'I'lii'ro will l.r uu "Invltiillnii liull" at Pros
IT U hull, Friday nilil, April !ld. A unod
time l l'Tlld,
Ivlnii I'hiil wn vUltlntr fiii'ii.U t Hlilp.
ley's limn Hulurday nml Hominy,
Our little timn l nw ukciip.l time iiii-n a
rwk ly "imutf, inur," iiiii'li'liy tlm
(lwi'lti liru IihihI. I'nriii llim Ilclmii I,
teiu'lmr Mid t'linrllii llitliicn li .it.
Our wlionl la iriiKri lng llnidy kIIIi Pro
femur Kvaim ill the Iii'Iiii,
Portland MH'iim In hold an utlriiitliiit for
two of our young tfimlli iuiMi-Wnller ami
Clmrllv, Tli Oswego Wdles are ami ami
lonely. Never mi ml, giila; "uliUto llli
tl ."
Tli KiikIitihtvI.t ai llie Methodist t'liiirrli
wm a mnw, thanks to Ml II, Klinefelter
ami J. C. Unities. Tim "little loU." d.
tried lobe praised.
Mr, Po. tor hulllvan ami (I. W, I'mnser
tiavt lcn tm the k list tin pant week,
I grippe Is gelllngteheipille tlie rage heie.
Mia Kin. Dyrriiit KaU r In Portland.
lllll Wldtten aa seen walking through
the slreris ttalunlay.
K. I., Davidson la "tin druggist," o ay
ka girla.
Mr, Karl Mark, of Lebanon, I'vnnaylta
Ilia, la visiting hr. Morn alum,
1 1 CI Kit.
April I, Mil.
!lllno .loteo.
"April KikiI" lithe tint from the ataiil
matron who salts your rotte to the tiils
clilrvoua Uy lw pins rag dull '"I wr
balls to your cost toil.
The day uslmrrd In by a dance given
hy I'mlun I'nml l Uin on tho night of the
Slat, Never tnlnil, boy, IF the girla ill. I glv
yutl an April mitten. Kool'a day comes
nmt year alii.
.a grlpiw I. a hail a pretty firm grip on
mi irt i.f ll.r Inhabitant of .Miilino for I lit.
Uat two n ka, and l'r. (ioiirher liaa heen
quite In demand; l.iil we are gl. t mile
llial many are Improving.
W'i are very airry lo hear of tli death of
1.1 r ol I frii.ii. I fnptulu Mi l'nwti, atnl feel
Dial llit entniiry aa ell i tli city, htta ana
tained a great ..aa,
Muliiiii lm a new fa nily, Unit n( Mr. J.
W. niili, lute of 'ir,..;,,u Ciiy. He If In
ru i t". T. Il.iwunl ilmiriii mill, Mr M'in--hi
llie f.irmer nnllrr, having realgne'l U
rliarKo of a It niring null In I'alnav
Tlly, Wellington. Mr. Munaon l a g"l
inlllrf an l a nun of n r ing Integrity, ami
we Uli litni iui-r.
Tliew'iifil UtilH'giii nel M in .lay, with
kiili'l'aiu a tin. her; Il la lnr I'ml term til
tliia plii.f. Ymir Sew t'-'a niraeiaimli'iit
lu inUtakm mi thai . Inl ; hut alie nimr
wrll rYt.iiiiiietnli'.l, ami the ilin-i'lnr art. to
Ui rointrutilliitetl On tiu'ir i hnire.
The whrat ami thmr market hi're la g'm.l.
willi an hu rt ming .l.'miiii.l.
Weather uiiilllil ; gru aiiirtiug; lliw
era I.I.Himii.g; roinla mmhly, nml apring
omeitht rt' in the Indue.
Ppni.glpr A Tower hnve alaiut eompleli' t
Ihr work on I'. T, Howiinl a mill. Tin y have
pill in a ni-eillig aepiirulor, large iM-nlea, am
other iuml of r.ill, a . nl r an.l oilier iim
ihimiv It la now 11 lery cnmpleU' lillltt
mill, unl prepnre.1 lo.ln in m.! work na
y are agilaling the .inelion of a
wuri.i eMermlmiUoli on the icnigara anil
owl llnil carry or griml atmiea, nuiN, har
rela, pilihl'nrka, polut.H-i, ol, thoppi.l
feed anil other arln le. It -tvina llmt griml
aloi.ra ami naiN are not very .ligeitll.lo uti.l
havetieen retiime.1. A word to the w ie ia
11 111. ii'ii t.
Wishing the e.litor iin.l hi" paper every
uii eaa I aiiliai llie myaelf Nirr.
April I, IWI.
one liml given II awny.
K. U. 1 1 ut t li Iiihimi, one of ('anhy'l rUIng
young iiitni I'uine iulo town III oilier iluy
iiellng rather alrangely for one w ho never
Imlillgea In the uiil.'iil, Hut atlur illlllgellt
impilry we I. mini 11 it- nmae to liu the advent
of an eight pound Iniy lit Ihelr hnliae, W
eoiigriilnliilu you, Kil.
We feel llmt the luat leglalal lire did t.'auhy
ii K i i'n t Injiiallei. ill nut i.uaaing Unit (,'hli keii
lllll. '
New fnnn llurlnwR
The 8. I'. It. It. Inn n lliilahinl exUindlng
Ihelr Hwilcli, wlili h hiiuga it Wlfeet heyund
the M'enml tt nrehllUn',
'I lu.a. diu.ly, lormerly viigini'er on Die H.
I'. It, It., hna uluinal lliilalii d hla new aiiloon
hull. ling, He will inline it 'I he Cafe,
lliirlnw A I'o, urn ereellng a 'iWM two
aliiry hull. ling nil the timualle, It In to lie
iiai d for genera! olllee purpoaea.
Wuller I'!mii., foriin rly of Oregon I'lly,
la ereeliiig a alnre uu 1 1 if luiilii alreet. He
will ore II lor eoiilfi llnnery, ninl the upper
hlory for a photograph gallery.
J. H. Dela, for rly of I'orlliind, l ereet-
lug a "tore on Main alreet. He will alin k t
wllh pulnla, 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 ' I gliiaa.
Mr. Winilh, of the eleelrie liilit workn.On'.
gnu Cllv, iHinght elk' hi aerea lieretlila week.
Hnrlnw .V t'o. have aeeiirml I'M earlniidH
of gravel from Cnnhy, wlili li tliry will une
lu griiillng Ihealreela,
The olllelala of the R. P. It. It. pai.l
Harlow a vlalt a few day ago. They are to
aend tfielraurveyora herein a few dnya lo
make the preliminary aurveya for a railroad
from here to Wllhoit Npriuga.
Klght hullill.iga have heeti roiitrarletl to
lie erci'li'd al oua1.
A great iiiiinl.fr of new roineri arearrlv
lug here daily and loenllng,
Kaaler Himday fmiiul and left m eiioyiug
gtaal health. Ai a genera! rule we htive a
very healthy ell.iiale. The grlpl Italida
no aliow at all here.
Mr. J.C. Canto haa gone to 1'ortland to
viait hla family who are alaying there Hill
whiter (or the purioi of educating their
An entertainment I to tie given neit Fri
day evening at the ('arm w-IhhiI houae. All
are invited U mine. The dialogu entitled
" Pumpkin Kldge" will be plovetl. And a
dialogue of a " Woman .Advertising for a
Huahaml," and another entitled "The
Wheat tirowem' Aaiux-iatliin," and aeveral
nlhera, twaidei aeveral recital lima, among
thein one entilled " Ya'nh HlruiT Helling I lie
old lllue Hen." A goml time la eicted.
We are glud to hear thill Tim K"TKarniaK
ia going to li" an eight patre paM-r. Kor we
think, with n K"-l a Held aa II lint, and iiNo
a live editor, i ciiu r tilled up.
Ai thinga are not very lively here thia
week, I'll i low lorlhia lime. H'.aii.
March LN, HH1.
I'lon ing anil now iim grain Inlhi vicinity
la greatly retarded on an iiiinl of much rain
and eol.l. Kali wheat dnca not liaik very
well. Mr Kd. lUrrlngtmi tnkea the lead;
ho la through aowing grain for thi aca.nin.
Mr, John (irillln hn Uiught another hnre
and l trying to run the ranch. Km-ccaa to
you, John i hut volt lin k a housekeeper yet.
The roinls are In n leiirl'ul t iimlilion. The
only way to gel over them i on horaehack.
Onrnewiy arrived neighhor, ' Krol,"who
niii Welch's farm In Highland, h received
aiiolher heir. Mr. Wind also had Ilia aaiue
good fui'litlle,
The nillroiul auhJect lH in.iliiteil ngniu. II
will undoubtedly U' built in the near future.
Knur fiiinillcsof eniigninla pwaed through
under the leaderahlpol Sr- HenilerMiu, to
locale in the "burn."
A Utile trouble urine in the Itupliat church
or llighlimd, lu which .I.Onrhctl ol Ciinynn
Creek, Bin! 11 Wallace, ex pii.-tnuiMer of
lliiililand. vomtl.H Mr. mid Mrs. Taylor. of
Highland, are the .'oiitlictiug parlies.
Iluinnr has it tlintainc4) ihu illlllcully is not
lis yet acltled, church law will nut nvuil, and
civil law will ho resorted to,
Willi tho advent of Spring. r larincrs
are busy plowing and nowiug. There is a
nntiieubln incn'ase In acreage, both lu grain
and other products. Hevcrul of our fiirni
era hero are turning thoir attention to fruit
culture, principally prunes, poaches and
There in considerable emigration here at
present, and Ilia demand for houses to rent
exceed the supply alwut four to one.
C. P. I)lx has Just completed and moved
Into his new residence hero.
Mr. Bower Porter, M. I)., has located
among na, and from appearances tho doctor
thoroughly Understands his profession, its
he has met with marked success so fur.
Ituslncss somns to he good with our mer
chants, as they are kept busy early nml late
attending to thp wants of customers.
There Is every prospect of a woihllng here
in the near future, but v.e will say nolhiiig
about it for fenrf lleorgo might think same
He the I.
Mi. Kiutok: With the grealcat pleas
tire we bike this opportunity to a. Wrens
the readers of your paM-r.
The llelhcl school closed yesterday with
Mi -a M ii v Held tin teacher. Sorry Ihnt she
will not teach a iiuiiuer term. Wconclit
hi bate ait months scIuh.I at least. We
ha. hclora are willing to pay big tat to edu
cate the rising generation.
J. C. H ill la miiUing arrangements to set
out a large hop yard -about ten acres. Mr.
H ill is an ol.l hand ut the hop business,
I hiiviuir followed It in Marion county for
i several , veins.. When he gels ready to pick
Imps It will lie a big honunca lor the luivs
and i;irls.
I'. I', Hull will soon sturl lor Washington
to set k his It.rttim.. Tri-ulNs has his wild
oats to sow, ami might )us iismi-I! ow them
now s ui any lime. We wish him u boon
tilnl harvest.
Mr. (iraic, our new merchant st Clark,
who came here reccntlv from old Missouri,
is.liiilng a lively business, and Is getting
hi share of trade, lie also keeps a well
a-vsnilc l stock of drugs on blind, with mor
tar and pestle, and Is prepared tocoiup.i .ml
medicine on short notice.
K. A. Wright lias purchased eighty acres
of land that lies ill the hills south of his
father. We don't know what Ed is going
to do with it, as il Is very rough and hilly.
We suggest that he rent it to I'hoenix, and
(hut he, I'hoenix, put a tight fence around
it, slock H with wild annuals, convert it into
a park, ami then donate it to Clackamas
county. Probably it would bring a motor
line out tliis way.
We think tho mail carrier on this route,
when he takes bin meals nt the Oriental.
iiiiLfbt in l nrovided with a private box. II
he sees Ibis he will understand.
We weie lately show n some caricatures
sent to K. A. Wright that made us tremble
w itb h ar. We don t w ant lo least on canine
venison, neither do we want Siunsou to
escort us to Salem to learn a trade.
. Mr. John Wright' is hauling his shinnies
lo Chirks. Mr. I i nice is buying all Hie shin
gles be can gel.
We can boast of llie first fruit lives in
bloom on our Hclhel ranch.
We think our Meadow llrook scribe mis
represented us about .wauling to get mar
ried. We hardly meet u man but what lie
will Icll s of some of the sex that are on
the iiiarrv. If we call t win the onetlmt the
dart bus struck we prefer to remain single.
Wonder what has become of our pro
posed railroad! We would like to see the
citi.ens of eastern Clackamas county arouse
themselves from their long Hip Van Winkle
H. A. Wright mi neon on tne sick nsi.anu
was conllmd to his room for a week. The
writer culled on him yesterday, the 27th,
ami found hint with strength enough to sit
tin. Hope to see. him on the mond.
Frank Ayors will soon start for tho Cow
lit! river, Washington, to make his fortune
greiisingskids, A. t.
March 28, 111.
botils, His recovery Is doubtful.
James Ogle, a promising young man of
this vicinity, baa gone lo Kaalern Oregon.
Hinging school every Thursday evening
at llie M. K. church.
Hutidiiy school every Sunday, and preach
ing every second and fourth Sunday of rach
K.iutom or KsTKai'iiisK: The clllr-ons of
Clackamas are thinking of having the town
Incorporated, and llie city limits made aoaa
to lake lu Portland . Oregon City, Oswego
and Mt. Hood. Willi these places for sub
urbs we think we can boast of a town that
can even eipial Scuttle, Washington. Krom
the way llme Washliigloniaus talk you
would suppnao Seattle wns liul the sine of
New York, with prospects of soon equaling
bunion; but Just wall unlil the next legls
liilure meels and wo will allow them a thing
or two.
The Chn kimiiis baud boys gave a ball at
K.ugle Creek on the 2ftth. A very enjoyable
lime was had, but the attendance wua not
large owing to llie very bad weuther and
bud rnuda.
Mrs. Kinlly Italia -y, a former resident o
this i.biif. but lalelv of Hellwood, haa
bought the Shcperd property al this place,
and will move back the last or the week.
We are glad to welcome old residents home.
The lisliie of A. O. V. W., recently organ-
lued here, is in a proarous condition, and
cunieuipluie building large ball soon, the
lower part of the building to lie lined as a
furniture or hardware store, both or wuicn
are needed here.
flackuiuua Park, recently laid out and
platted hy Portland parties, is a line piece
of nroioirtv. Parties wishing small Homes
will do well to Invest.
W. It. Matlock, of Sllverton, has I teen
visiting friends her during the past week.
This is Mr. Mullock' old home, and he
notes maiiv clianKes here since he went
Mr. and Mrs. George Mot k, of Portland,
and Mrs. Jennie Chapman, of Salem, were
yialUug friends here last Saturday end Bun
Mr. Thornton Strlte has returned from
Kaatrrn Oregon, and will make Ibis his fu
ture home.
We wen-all sorry to learn of the death of
Captain McCown.
DM, at Clackamas, on Monday, March
Hist, Infant sou of Mr. and Mrs.C. E. Hani.
Ilton. Funeral from M . E. church on Tue
lav. atS P. M.. conducted by Rev. William
J. A.Tiil'iert and William Jones are mak
ing extensive preparations ror fishing dur
ing llie coming season.
J, II. Millard, or Harmony, has oncd a
butcher shop at Clackamas, and is doing a
t good business.
I Of the wedding we spoke almut in our
I last coiiimuiilcaliim, oi e has already taken
: place, Mrs. II. Duval ami William Woods.
I The doctor says the otlier one w ill come oil
in afew .liiys. RT-
March SI, M'l.
week across the canyon.
Absle Williams has rented Captain Coul
ter's farm and stock for the year. We wish
him sticrcas.
We are Informed that Henry Tocdtmelcr
has iM-guii the erection of a lurge burn and
that he will build a new houae next summer.
John Plntts of Kelso, Washington, has
sold his lots at that place for $'H. and re.
turned to Oregon Wednesday. John thinks
Oregon fur ahead of our neighbor across the
river, and will make this bis future home.
Lewis Platls mude a trip lo Newlierg and
the Nehalfiii vuilcy, looking lor a locution,
He was highly pleased with tint country
and will I.Hiite there sometime lu April.
Mr. and Mrs. Hremer, or New Kra, spent
Thursday and Friday in Plallshurg, and at
tended tli confirmation exercises ut theGer-
n.B'i reform church: Their sou Willie and
six others were onll rincij in the church.
A large pa'ty gathered at the residence of
Fred Koellermeier Sunday evening in honor
ol wliss I'uuliue Kellermeier. Tlietln e was
spent in games, music, and social converse.
It was an event limg U lie reineinU-red by
those present, IIiihsktte.
Jlelow la given the Oregon City Market Ke
port enrrecied weekly Irnm quntatlnus fur
ulahed Ths KSTKsraiaa by the local merchalita:
Wheat. Valley, f 100 rbs. It
Osia, y Its) tt 9KaU
r Lots
4 70
4 SO
(Irrgnn City Hills, Portland1 Hrsnd
I'oiiiitry llrsud
Corn Meal
Oat Meal
Bhnrt If too
, ..." IS w
... . !-
1891 . . pring and Summer;
We earnestly invito fonr attention to inr magnificent Showing ol
New and Stylish Selections
For the Spring and Summer Months.
Your own interests cannot he better served than bv familiariising yonrselvea
with these goods and price, because tliey reptcsent
More new styles, handsome selections and choice noveltiea
than ever before.
Come and see our complete assortment of Spring and Hummer style in
Clothing, Roots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing
Goods, Notions, Etc.
Timothy bay,
Clover bar,
r sniiccs.
Potatoes, y cwt.
Apples, green, V boa ...
Apples. 3 rled, V
Bulter. Y
Ksga, yMol
Hooey, f I
Reef. live. T t
Ilif. dreaaeil
Million. live Y n
Mutton, dreaacd, V
Pork. live, ft
fork, dreaaed, W !
Veil, live.
Veal, dressed, Vk e
llama f 14
Racou, " H
Chickens, y iinf, prr dns I IW
Chlrkeua, old, per do . - SUM
Ducks, per am
(ieeae, per dol ftll
Turates. perpoana mi.;
J. P. Croakor, of the Mountain
HlulT Meat market, is doing quite good
liusiness and is still increasing, notwith
standing the dull season and tho erv
extrtvagent advert isenienta that have
aniK-Hied Last week. was the bent
one since lie came Here, t lie ciioicchi
meat of all kind ia kept con
stantly on hand at moderata price.
Corn beef, Pickled pork, llama, tiaoon,
Laid, ltuttor, Kgga.elc,
. . J. P, Cuot KEB.
Now have a Full Stock of Lumber on hand and can fill
all orders promptly. Their etock embrace ,
Flooring, Celling, Knstic and all erades of Dressed Lumber, Latk,
Pickets and Dimension Stuff.
Special Bills Cut. Send in your orders before the Spring rush.
Kami Mltlnp.
There wos one Inch of snow lttit Sulur
dav inornliiK and lroale.1 our apr iik flowers.
Itcv. TroUing-er, of flurryville, preachexl
at the Bacon district Saturday evcninK and
Sunday some forcible sermons, which were
appreciated hy the people of that Jection.
HcliiHil has Jual closed in the Hacon dis
trict. There was a ikhm! atU'iulatice durintf
the terra, which Miss Sweet closed with
honor for herself and reot improvement for
the scholars.
Miss JiiKuar will start a three months
scliool at the Hievers diirict on tlie lfttli of
Last Wc.'.nesiliiy some parlies out liuntiiiK
found a circat cave, in which some of them
thoii(;tit they could see a liirht It seemed
to he a ureal dislaiu'c away, end a K'at
roaiiiiL', niinlilii K' H"i-e was heard. Sonic
oi the crowd that hud nerve raid they would
not lie l.lntled, so they entered this wonder
ful, nmriiii! and thundcrinjr. place to find
April fool.
A lively coinpctition Is promiscl iM'tween
the since lines lietweeu this place and Port
land this summer .
It is reported that Portland company is
talking of pultiiiK on a Tour horse stage line
lietwccn Portland and Mt. Hood. The more
the merrier. Schihbi.kh.
' Dlssolntlen of Pnrtnerslilp.
Pawc Placi!, Otm., Moil, 10, 1H!H.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nershp licndofaie existing between C.
K. Prown and John Matliesoti, both of
Park place, Clackamas county, Oieiron,
under the firm name of Brown A Mat be
eon, is tliia day dissolved by mutual
C. E. Brown.
John Matuksoh.
K. V.. llolcomb.
O A. Hamilton.
The tmsiues will be continued at the
old s'aud bv J. Matlmson.
AND - Kffll!
: in : the : city
Marquam Items.
Nice weather, thank you.
Our farmers are now busy putting In their
unrinir grain.
Hon. 10. M. lliU'lmaii made a business
trin to Halcm and Oregon City this week.
The wooden railroad is still booming (in
llio wiiv of irasKl. and we are looking for a
boom in our town in the near future; In fact
it. Is rh.'lit. here now. lor u man lias refused
$l:!ft an acre for bis land.
Mr. l,nk Taylor, line of Oroiron'e pion
eers, is verv sick ut, Hie home nl Mr..l.l.ii-
' Cheapest
Orders from the country promptly filled.
148 Third Street, Portiand. Near Mo-rison.
I'lattshurg Rambling.
The weather Is fine, the large acreage of
winter wheat Is looking well, people are
making garden, and the prospect for fruit is
Kastcr, the egg festival, was a gala day for
the children. Thceggn were colored all con-
eivalile shades, and many fancy designs
Here noted aiming them.
The old time custom, all fool's dav, was
well observed April 1st, and many a joke
ivus passed and taken in good humor or
ttilh a hearty laugh.
I.. Pint! has been laid up with on injured
eye, but wearif 'bIiuTIo i'tf tejie is recovering.
John Krttse and wile am under the doc
tor's cure. We hope to lieur ol their upceity
Mr. llecknuinn lias lieen unite sick all
winter, and is not j ut aide to Ik! out much.
His son K.artiest is carrying on the farm ut
a crcoitaiiie manner inr one so .n'lmn.
Willie Piatt spent Saturdiiy and Sunday
In Oswego, the guest ol his cousin J'.ilna,
Civile Kviius, of Frog Pond, made his
friends ill IMattsbitrg a pleasant call this
Flank flosser and his wile spent several
days at Pleasant Kill with her lather.
A special school meeting is culled for Sat
urday to arrange tliu details of tlie new
school house to be built this spring.
The pupils of tho Plottsburg scliool are
busy arranging a line program for com
mencement exercises to be held about April
Miss Alice Downing, who closed a success
ful torm of school at the grange hall lately,
has retired, and Mr. Rolib will begin a
spring term there next Monday.
Miss McArthur, who taught successfully
at Stafford the past winter, will have charge
of the same school for tho spring term.
Captain Coulter, A. 8. Williams, Mrs.
Koellermeier, Mrs. dross, Mrs. Zimmcr
man and several others made our school a
pleasant call this week. Wo arc glad to see
the patrons tako so much interest in the
school. They complimented both teacher
and pupils on the rapid progress noted.
We understand tho services of Justice
Kruse have bemi e.ncaL'Cil tu tie a Uiiol tlns
(ireitl Reduction in Plintotrraphs.
H. Prier, tho old established and
relit hie photographer, of Oregon City,
opposite r'arrs' the butcher, will after
Thiirsd.iy March Pith take cabinet
photographs at $2. tr dozen.
For a lame back,, a pain in tlio side or
chest, or for tooth-ache or ear-ache
prompt relief may I had by using
t'liaiiilierlain'uPain Balm. It is reliable
For siilo by Ueo. A Hakdino.
Not ire for Fliml ,ltlement.
Notice i hereby given that I have filed
in the comity court of the county of
Clackamas, for the slate of Oregon, my
limil report as administrator of the es
tate of Joseph Florence, deceased. All
persons are hereby notified to appear in
said court and make objections to said
report on Monday, the 20th day of April,
18!ll, and tile objections to said report if
anv tbev have. A. Mathbr.
Administrator of the estate of Joseph
Florence, deceoseil . 3 :20 1 :17.
mlce to Hi idge Ilniltlers.
Pids will be received hy the county
court of Clackamas county until noon of
Thursday April, 51th, 1801 for the erect
ion of a iiridge across Alwrnatliy creek
on tlie Jones extension of Morton road,
loiiittli 250 ft ; width ltl ft. clear; heigth
about HO ft. .
Bidders to furnish plans and strain
lingriiins. Guarantee deposit of 1 5th
of bid required. Higbt to reject any or
all bids reserved.
H. H. Johnson,
County Clerk.
The Pulpit and the Sfnsre.
liev, F. M, Sbrout, Pastor of the
United Brethren Church, Blue Mound,
says: "I tool it my duty to tell what
wonders Or. King's New Discovery lias
done for me. My lungs weru badly dis
eased, and my 'parishioners thought 1
could live only'a few weeks. I took live
bottles of Dr. 'King's D;soovery and am
sound and well, gaining '26 pounds in
Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, writes: "After a
thorough trial and convincing evidence,
I am confident Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, beets 'em all, and
cures whon everything else fails. Tlie
greatest kindness I can do my many
thousand frionds is to urge them to try
it. Free trial bottles at G. A. Hard
ing's drug store. Kegular Bines 50c. and
1. -
Our Candid Advice.
It is seldom that we appear in the
roll of spiritual adviser or family physi
cian, but there are times when we feel
justified in calling the attention of our
many subscribers to an article of true
merit. We foel institied in saying that
Moore's Kevenled Heniedy contains
more actual merit than any medicine
it has ever boon our good fortune to
test. One trial bottle will make yon as
enthusiastic us the water. For sale by
all druggists.
v . i i
Of All Designs, From the Smallest
To the Largest
Arm CSiiaixra
Patent Rocking Chairs of neat and nobby designs; Perfo
rated and Wood-seat Chairs; Fancy Reed and Cane
seat and back Dining and Library Chairs.
We also carry a complete line of Mattresses Yum
Yum, Coil Spring; Box and Top made to order. Woven
wire, two and three-ply, of all sizes; Bedsteads, Lounges,
Cots, Etc., Etc.
Oregon Picture Frame Company
Mouldings, Mirrors, Frames, Pictures, Bric-a-brac,
Engravings, Etchings, etc.
108 Third Street. Portland. Arlington Building
tOvdors by mail or boat promptly filled.
Oregon City Sash & Door Factory
Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Turning of all kind,
Special sizes of doors and windows made to order.
Estimates for stairwork. Orders promptly filled
B-r nit
"V Ate"
The New Remedy. - - Absolutely Pure.
Thousands Already Cured
Within only ten months this truly remarkable medicine hae found its waf
Into the verv best fnmilies, hecnuse it itkku thk sii'k. hp diaense too pew
erml to resist its wonderful nlWeks. It costs n-'thiug to investigate. Si"
(or book containing full tnlormation.
it a i i n s Mirnonn kim.-.
N MorriNon fit., Portland, ."
Exclusive Agents for Clackamas Couuty, TU08. 'q y.g,,,.