Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 03, 1891, Image 5

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    The ICnterprlHc.
I'ltlKAY, AI'llll. 8, IH1U.
NHIIIII Milt K li.
Alliiny l.iii'nl Iwny uliilliili.) T il it in
I'kIII'iiiiIk Knri' nlirmiLilii Mil n. in.
KimKliiirii l uiul (wiiy ninllum.) ll.iiU i. in
KUi l II lull Nil
ItiiH'tiiirii l.ni"1 (any ttiltniift) (Hiti n, m
A 1 1 1 I.i.imI imiy nliillnlKi li ll i III
I'nlllnrllUl K .H'. tllliillllj V HI jl. Ill
Tin a in.
m im III,
I Ml . in.
I mvk r.iim.A nii
7 .nun. in.
10 ini n in
'I ll l III,
i 111 i III
H .HI (' III,
NliMiiiinr All.in.i II Miikio mi l"i ill tiny!
-run v.- -
M tummi i n t,
V III! u 111
i mi i in
ii in y in,
M lull in Ml.
II wi i in,
i nun. in.
KKI.I.lHili tll.'N Nm M Kit.
Niiiliw."t fir M ili'in inl way liiitlti.?, 7 :iii
it tu . tl n I iy .'ilni",l,iy mill l-Vl Iny, iu riUnil
Hliitti'i. ' h ml l lit', I Hi i in. Tiii'..iy, 1 1mm
ilnt iiinl rninrli
,N. I', t'll.'HM KlMUKN.
M.i.t fur i,.) luii ninl iv .iy biiiitlnt, it til,
M.ui.l.n. Wn Ini'-il) mull .-1. 1 K.h ', nil, in. I
Itli.l it !' I itnllug. II hi. TiII'kIiiV, lllllfa
.tin rtli'l Krl'lty.
Tiii: riMiiisK liin ii i"l.i nivalin
Canine ill hum - Ii.ivh Urn mily I "in i in,
tllli Iliii'f S lll.niii'llli ri' i'l', iiiiIukm ,nnl'
llii'.'ini.il Im.il n hi l' ill illlllM'il n
yn mi lli.il ruiili-, im tl.ti .Nui tlivti'xt Iiiih
Im'I'II iii'IiTiuI nil I. V Inn fimiliiliii, mi. I
will Mill liMlilll nil llm ('iililinliiii, lit
N'iiiii im tiiiiiK ri inlM Hit' liinili', iih hIiii j
ia liuvtiijj it H-iin li ryliii'liT pill in pliii i"
of a liii li rylui.liT, hirli n ll n nllt
liii'ifiiKti luT i I itinl ii,ni'y, Tint:
NiiIIIiWI'hI, hu ll l.t'lt itln r In tin- ki'll"K;; J
TiiiimiM't'tiill u I n , liuil liu'Ht ni ii
lli'iiilnl Siikiiii'm mi llm ii . r river,
mnl if huhHiu Inli'lillnn ill llint nun- i
pitiiv iii a Ian I'I.iii' tin' Tulfilu nii tin
KNiint itiiit.-, tu inn iii iiiiijiiiiriti.il mill!
(Im N.ii IIiMihI, lull 1 1 If iiilnliilit iiiiIuiimI
(lilli'tt'lit . Tin' .M :!!. iliiliii lini lii'i'ii '
1M)M, unit Mill In' 1 1 . 1 1 1 r-1 . 1 1 . 1 In I Iii'
l-titi llvitr hiiiIm mi Il.tt i 'iiltiiiil'iit,
Tilt' t)rt.;,, I'll, 'V lh, ,lH IlllV" lll'illlli'ti'il
tn $fi Vt hifill il i'U I' rl.rttti-.-ii I "or I 'it'!' I , :
Kilnii mi. I J in villi', Snli'lii j'UH iui!n it t f
Miluar iIIiik ii iiiilrt'inli'til Iniiil
AvM VI. li. I'ulil I'l.t.tU, Il till' kill. I- !
in--', iii . Ii.h,i mi'iiiii, ii,i,.iu rin .hi im,
Till I VI 1:1'. .1-1 Ik I I'l nil I.', I .l lll.lKi',
till' ll:llt llljj l'll. ll ll'l'lll ll iinim.
i r ji .'I 1.1 I Iii ."ii.'riili.i'l'ii! ul I'uiili. :
I ii"l i in !"ii .Sinni.i'i ul mull' Hi ll-m i j
rliiMivn in liin 1'niinlv , !l U I ; tiuui'mr nl .
li'ii.ul.', uiln.i, ,..ii, i. Ill; in 1 1 in ,tl.-.l
v iil in ii' "I l.m.l iiiiii' ninl yriintiiK, ,
$.ti,isil; fitliiiiili' I l.i'.ili- i.f m Im i Int-
llll'lll', (7.'"HI, t It II'' I'l lll'l'ill .lIllB, III li
ji!uU", rli, ii in, m li. iil i.tUr'-i, r'i-., fl'.l 1:1;
HIIH'IIIlt i'l illKlll.lll' I nil Hi IiimiI IiiiiI'.iM, ;
17, t"'; vt lull' iiiiiiii.i" nf iKu'tniii"! ilit
trn'!. Ins, iniiiiiifr ( yriiiltl m. IiihiIh 7.
llill'l"ylnn li'ilv-iini' li'in'ln'r ; I'lmini ;
iIiimi i-Miiuv t" ul. ii' inlitiitt hi dr."
((iii I ilv ; luliil Hitmiint uf ii'.i'iIb, tl i,- :
Ut.-i,',''i ; tuial iiitii'iint ul iln!iiirti'iiii'iil,
t-10 If'is.x;, Tln It it mili-ii li t tlnmiiiit
lur t"..i k it 1 1 ii t . uiiiily wliiiiil itlViiirii. I
Hi M Sin tn Imh ii iiv Mr. Cliutli'it :
'Urit(tii. i.f Mi'Muivillt', Inf. It tvi'fk i
lur i.nr i'. Ilu i ,i l i"H il H'ruiiiiiii'inlii- !
turn fruiu Hit' I'lmiii'Mjr nl ( '..iiiiii.'ii i' u( j
1'iirtlitini it Im'Iiik liili'innif'1 iii Hit- inlni
Vili iiolt ul tltr Ixnl mi(ur iii.tlWirv in j
thin "lull'. Id' nill ri'iiiui ill July. Tin
( li.iiulirr uf C.iiinnuii'ti Intit urriuiii"l ;
to oi'i'iiri' n niiiiuniv uf wml nl IIik mi.mi-
lull I It im li'll'K lii i will In' tliitiriliuli'.l !
to llm (ill llli-r'H lllii'ilK'Imllt llm Bliiln tn
Wtt Hli.il lullilit lllti lil'ft Hilltlill"! III!
Jiruililrllirf tlii'Wt iK't'ln, Tim In't'tH ;
rnln il Ul tut Hiiulvot'ii lo i't w mil n'r
tvnUKt' nl urn flmrinti iiinlli-r tlii'.v fun
lit i n, mi. I il tlii ri'Hiill iruvt"t miiiil.ti loiy
titer" will k tilt-lily n r.ipiliil (nrlli
iniiiiiiiK to otail Im lory (ur tin' mutm
I it i tun- ul HM"I-Kitj!r in llic matt'.
Tn k ".si'i ii" Makkkt. A iIimIit in
i,it.n'ii t.iiil yntliTil iy Unit tltt'ie una
li'inunil (or liin Iniiika, to ulup Kitl, for
tl'i ftiit 't'r ft'iitui Tlmy uuiNi In- ifooil
otutiM', tln aniiill nni'a pii ktu! tint or
tlui rur-lunil ri'ji'i'li'il. "Now ia tlin
tlini' lor tint ftirini'iN tn ytnl tlmir 'iita
lot' I'll til tht'ir IiuiuIh," Hiil tint ili'ali'r.
"Tln ia tin' l't I'luiiii'ii tliny will liv
to lift ritl ol tln'lll." "1'prliiiiia tlm
larmrra will not "t'f it In tlmt lilit,"
nul tho rt'x)rttr ''Oh! It Ih the Imv
liuaiiii'Mi I'm trivliiK yuii," 1 1 n'jily.
"Ahk miy tiiuii mi llm Hln-i'l." l'ln
UrttiiTH imiKt iimi tlii'lrnw n jii,lk'iiit nl in
the niattfr. Ori'tiiiniun.
IUti Hoaiih. Mr Henry Troijiie. unit
of the It'iuting Ihiiiiit" of IliiniiiHciia,
wa in luw n Sutiiriliiy In KH'iikinK of
tlin t'i'iiilltltina of tlie Clui'kitiima I'tiiinly
rotls, lie wiiil in liitulinx in their ro
(luce to I'oi tlnntl, tney iimi'iI four homea
to draw a loml to die Multtiotnitl) counly
line, wiivii tliey Heat two uf the hurm'a
iwt'k home, tlii vitat ililliTi-nce in the
romla ol the two ennntiea, iimkitiK tlii"
extm tniiililo nefi'Htury. lie mIm com
iliiined tlm Ihey Inul to Imnl their pro
tliii'e to l'orllitnil unil diapoite of it in
onler to Kit money lo y their Iiixch
in Cliu'kiiiiiMH county.
Vkoxtahi.kh Akiuvino. Culifiiniin la
now lurnialiiiiK Oreiinii with n iHaort
menl of not over-teniptini( Hirin viet
blc t very IiIkIi prit'ea. I-nter in the
aeuaon we will return tlie compliment,
Knot with vi'KHtHlilea tlmn with fruit.
The ieople of the I'mulle eonut Hra ea
peclitlly favored, and the exchango of
product between the northern and
eontliern ectiona will in tho future fuw
iah buaineaH for swift ateumera Ocean
Uanaportation ia alill in ita infancy on
the Paclflu noaat.
Ii.i.koai. TX I.kvy, At the annual
achool meeting In March the vol era of
('aneinah dlittrli't vntml it tax of L'4 millti
to erect a new achoul houne, which
waa curried by one nmiocity. It luia
allien traiiHireil that three of the voters
who votml in fuvoruf tho tux are really
reMideiila of Mount l'lt'iomnt mcIiooI ilia
trict, according to a recent exuiniiiBtion
ol the boundaries. This ciiuhos the tux
levy to lie illeiml, and another school
meetiiiB will bo culled soon.
Tub ('hown I'acku Mills. The
, Crown paper mill, is running on full
' time and turninu out immense quan
tities of manilla and straw paper and
atrawboard, which provide steady
employment for a lariw number of men.
Kverythiim is proirressinR favorably in
and around theae immense works, under
the ablo inanflKeniMiit of Superintendent
T. J. Creuao. and AsHiBtant Superin
tondont M, Uosenbaum. Oregon City
ueeds more, euterprisos of this kind.
I'lulllll it It It tl 11 1 fHlolnll III Mill Ollli'lill coir
li'lnlice nf llm Kvniipullcil Anmii'lulliill
will convene . In 1' it.vtltit, Yiiinhlll
t't.unly, (lr , mi April 'I. it l id niMhnm In
Kn.tliin over tlm follnwIliKKiiiiilHy. Ilnv,
J, lloweiaox ninl C, ('. I'iiIiiih are tun
pli'Hlilinueliliiia of the cniiliiieiinii,
A liliillTKul a IM M.VNli, iMialeril dr(
U"il liepulilli'iiu: llfluie Him iiii'i'liiii of
the fi.i'Kiin IiiIuiii,i ihi'iu wiia nun
1U' Mlillll lliil',lH,. I,,' lllillllH uf uur
liix.itluii laws, The li iil.iluio I nml
adjourned, Innvinir Ihi'nii with the
Wllt tltH.'llliill IiIMm thul cvi-r lll!l'llCI'i
Hie aialiica nl any alitie, Why nut cull
ail t'.xlui aiiaKiuii ol the Ictfinlatuin (or
the wile inii ,iiti kIvIiik iih a juitl liun
lion law?
I In in TV Full Kcai.M A luw pnai-i'd
I ,v Hi i i ,i i. ,.i. i
J ' r....... ,i in,, i. I'll,),, Ml'
eia tlm cininly court to imv lur pmllmrii
nr roiiKHis nut inure llniiitIO nor lei-
than M ; It hi.'Ii henr, if.) lo II ; wild-
....I ..... 1-J ... .1 . .. . If ....
'.' vi i inn ill' tiui , if ill jr. I , ttuii lr
'iiMitia, t.,ll In (I; niUHkriita, 'J.'i In Ti
i mil;'. ; l.l.ii klnil uililiilM, 5 In I cent ; I
dial pi'iM"HH in ' 1 1 m it 1 1 . i i'Wliii i' ili.i;..
nie In imrMili, hIihII Itnvn Iwotliir.lH
nf llm liniiiilv II Miiinc la killi-d i' ii ii
utlii r,
li i'I-iii: iii'M-liii.ii Cuvin i r, 'I lie cilv
r. cc. nly went In jrictii ex iti'iiw In .! .. n I -liiU
hliiidn 1 1 i'i n a i ii I imprnviiiK the puh
lic i'iintic nit Hiu hill, hnl miiiiii' v.i in In Ih
nl Iiuvh hrivi' i;.llci up a I'lilnlicr ul the
yiiuiitf tii i'i-i cut iiIIicim ilnvtn, mid tint
all Hie I ii"l:iliiin p ix-llile mi Hie pieiii
Im'h M itur llvnn h.ivh Hull il it ia
piiKinii In i ii 1 1 1 1 my nl Hie ymuiK van
ili'la he vv lit Iiiivii llciii cuiilliii'ii in the
jail In Hie full I init nl the l.iw
Ni w Kiiii.wai.k IN Cam mmi, Mr,
llnliiinl ! I .u fi in " mi, t.ther en'erpi
IHK reitiili'iila Ilv inn mi the hill in ( 'uiii'
iii, ill ate Iniil'lin u new Milew ulk , coin
ni"iii Inu at llm innl ul what ia known
aa the M irxhall hli'pH, nml milium; Ul'
Sevt'iilh Li Hill Klii'i l mi tun lilI I. lull.
The Nidewulk It h'lill nil H Vt'iy etiav
lirade only aixtci'll clepa In'iliu ii"' tn
naei'iid tin' lull, Tin- M'll t-t ri ; -li'ina Im
llm Kl"walk ciiii" eiitiri'lv f inn tiin
p"ni!o tfnidinit mi Hie Init,
Tin t'ANMIIV liver ( JtKSI baa li'elt
raiwil in liiiini li in aiiliwi ipii'iii- Inward
the piiii ha t' "I Hie ciniiei v . A iin'i't I
llll W I'l he lin'd II'. the III lie e V hull nl II j
n'i lu.1. , I'. M S .il mil iy f'i" cll'.'cl-!
Iiitf nil iiihuii. ili.ni, and aerin inn .i.hli
liniiiil "iiIih. 'I'iptioiia. Kaniii'iM .imI
! vi im me t'lxt' iltli'icti'd in the r.mncrv
kIiiiiiI'I iii I f il a puiiit In he mi Ii hi I :
ua il p 'iv i lea it t! I iiiitrkel fur vi'uet-I
ill li- il, d fli.il ', lllulkiV' H rilijili. villi lit j
tna I i : V nuiliber uf peiiili', i
III MlllliM I lull I III 1. 1 I II VI, Mlt.llVII,;
L li l.al.e, ern laiy ul Hie Malej
I l"l liculi ur il H'irirly, n 1 1 itt ti lit- -H 1ii.it j
Hie iii.ii ti riv i 1 1 1 1 u n( tli tl cueietyj
w ill r .itieni' ul Iii. SI t'e Iuiiim- in S ilent, j
Tin-In. A pul Hili, An im Minis i
n v'l im la aiiiiuiin. eil, and p'iH'ra .ii','.
In in from the le uli.iu hnl 1 1- u i 1 1 1 i'
ill tin- M. ile A k.hhI .tti'-ieiance ii n- I
J tt t -ii. tin- llll l'llll W il! In- llll illlp ll- j
til ill on.', mnl Hie ai'Ciel .ti y uka Hint all
inenili-'ii. nut il'ile tit ntlelid, biivihy
ipi'.,llull tu he brought Infill- llic
aiH iely 'ur dia. noluli, Will send them
to him ut the e.ilU dale.
Nrw SlIUHtlK The reaidellla n
t'l;i. kiiin.i I li-ii.'liln and M initv, to
Ki'llifi w ill, 11. I. t'li.iiiu.in. iiianii.'-'r n(
the I la- kiiinua lli'lvlil- lieitl liMuie inn
p.uiv, n ive i-ttri I'l'ueii in r.-C'inj; ?'iu i inr
a sidewalk fioui Hint phu'e lo the Al.er-(
iutny Iirt'lt;i'. The hi.lewiiik will be I
tbrtfi fet-t wide and snt-stantiull)' Jmilt,
and w ill be a ifieut srcuiii'ul.ttioii tn the!
Miipli of I luckHliiaa lli-ik-hts ninl Pink ,
I'l ii e, illid Will prove uf inn tin ill ml v. ml- .
iiti'' to tlii'.-iiu t'ily. The ci'.v council
alnuilil -re that a new aniewalk ia hull'
limn l'rt't tai! a at ore to the Ahernailiv
biiil'e to connect with the fidewulk
to In lonatriii'ti'd from Cluckamaa
A MuliKI. Sl KAit I.VIM II. Messrs.
II. K Smith, vice-president, and i K
Sinitli, t-it m i i ii t t-n. it'll t of the Willainelte
PuKi Pulp in i 1 Ik, iiH'i'iillv received a
steam launch direct from New Yoik.
The lanitcii ia proisdled bv a steam
engine of Imir hurae power, and easilv
makes eiiiht miles an hour, and will
coinfortahlv seal twenty peraons. They
made the trip limn rortlalul to this llm e
in one hour and llll IliiniUes, a lew weeks
since when the water was low and the
current atroiiK. Messrs. Smith are
bmldiiiff a boat house for the new craft,
and will tin iliuiht enjoy many pleas
ure rides up and down the Willamette :
durii'i; the aimuner.
tiKTTIMI AT Til K pAl TS. "The Wel-
cunic InipcB His fact that Post master Sleel
has been made suHriutendent of the
Second street electric cart and was
seen lirinninu one down town in irrent
Ut ipmaiiliki' style the other mornimi
has tiothiiiK to do with the Orcein City
K.NrKHi'ltlsK, which is dated Kriday and
wiiich is published but twelve miles
distant, reachiiiK this ollice as late as
Sunday lo say notbitur of Saturday's
Astoria Bulletin and Columbian arriv
ing at this nlliii' on Tueaday." This
ai'connts for the numerous complaints
ol suharrihers of TitK KntkkI'isk, at
Sandy, nml other puiuts in the county
w ho net their nia'l from Oregon City by
way of Portland, mnl complain that thuy
tlo not k-ot their imtier until several duvs
after tmblication. It Postmitater Steel
would pay more attention tu the post
olllre in Portland, and devote less time
to the service of outside corporations,
there would be fewer complaints about
Hie inelHciencv of the Portland port
ollice anionic tlie people.
MatUkvoks A Hu b Law. One of
the old "blue" laws still In full force at
Oregon's state prison ia that of deprivlnx
the convicts the pleasure of reading- state
papers. Mot a newspaMir published in
the state la allowed within the pilson
walls, and this arbitrary ruling has been
enforced for years and years. No one
seems to know why such an order was
mil' le and no (food reason has yet been
advanced why it should not be re
voked and tho prisoners be given an
opportunity to educate Miemselves upon
subjects connected with the state.
Superintendent Downing is conaidariiiK
the mutter of repealing this rule. Since
California and other statu papnrs are
permitted in the prison he is at a loss to
know why Oregon papers should not be
admitted, '...Sau,. Fraucisco. papers give
Oregon news very completely. One
reason advanced for prohibiting Oregon
papers there was that discussion on
local topics were likuly to tako place
among the prisoners ; and another that
they might loarn of easy mountain
passes, dark recesses, etc. Hut these
arguments are idle. What the real argu
ment is, it would bo dillicult to any.
Saleni Statesmen.
Mr, M, N. Moody, nf Molallit, was in
town Monday.
Mr. Henry Will, of llinin I'm.le,
ciinii in town Munihtv,
Mr, .1 II Wiinlil. ul MimiIiiw lliouk,
Wiia in Hie city Muiulny
Mr. (i K. Miller, of HiKhluii'l, bailed
llm cily on hil Hiilniil.iy.
Mr. A I! lillliiiK-t, of (iribblu'a I'ru
iln, una In llic i ilv thla week.
Kev .1. C'. Held, of Kant I'ortl.unl,
was In Oregon -1 1 y Hiia week.
Mr. K, ('. C'liiipiniin nl f!l.ii kaiiiiia,
was duiim Oiuinn I lly Halurd iy.
H'tiint.r 3. K. Wait, of .Mnliiinin ill
cuiiiily, wiia In I Iih city ycaterlay.
I'atlinr Juw'ph UiiclihBlr,"r, oi New
Km, w.ta in ()ie'iii Cilv Moinliiy.
Miaa lealii l.ey, nl lllhliind. la viail
ilil! lie) her alhler, M'H. I., It Miliami, ul
Mr, A. M. Lovelace, a pnn.iineiit
t.i.'ii'liaiit of IlaiiiaaciiM, wut in town
lai't Sutiirihiy.
W . .! .hi-, a prominent, lueicli.int uf
iN'eit Krn, .ia in (liivun t'ily on luihi
licaa Mund.iv
Mr. ,1 W. Hiaper tnnk tint aleuuier
I ii'ui ue ("hniii e hiat Monday fur ( uoh
Hay' tn he alient several daya.
M.a V. Maple haa reiiieil out her
(arm t Vinl.i. and will reiiiuve with her
ami. I'i I. Maple, lo I'ark I'lnce.
Tub Kmtkiii'KIsk oIIIcm ia prciareil lo
do eveiy variety of liorau bills, proinptly
ut i'lirtlaud prnea, hiiliifuctiun nu.ir
uii't'C'l Uiileia taken fur any newnpapei or
peiimlicil puhhaheil luremn .r ilon.catic,
ftnglu cupiea or bv the month or year
Cl KIKI.d A: IIunti.kv.
The W. ('. T. I!, will huh! a meeting
at Hie I',iili"t clinri'h Hna eveiiiiiji, to
elect dclf jMtca, to attend the slate
It) 1 1 vi-li 1 Hilt ,
The i'11'.'int' lur I'M. lUilum's wood
U'ul, Im iory al MhiiiiIiiIU view, ai-iivi-il
'I m-ilny. ulnl w ill he vlitced ill
puHll inn at IJlll'e,
l',.l- II 111 ..-1:1 4K mIi.IVi ur It. ,11' I'll! "11
lull. Wileb.irt'a barber clini, luper'a
I'll flttii'l. I.U'li 'i ami chiliirelia hull-1
ciil'iiiH a rieel:illy. 4t
M'. T A. ll.ii "ii. in uil liliiiii to pup-r
li.ihlilii; it 1 1 -1 J li 1 1 1 1 M i , ia doing a find
bui-iiieaa, up iigclil lur Sett lellicir's
Wnml'iurn iiur-cric.
II'I,.I.T. Appermii retnini'l fmni
Med im iile .M'Uiday, where he iilieniied
Hie (in eril sm vices uf Itia bruthei-in-law,
Mr. K. II Fellows.
I'. I!. Chin man, citv (reaaiirer, an
liuiliea that llu'ie ia auili.'ii'tll fuiiila tu
I av nil uiilstsudiiitf warrants issued
nnr to August 1 I Wli).
It. ille, sun ol W. Carey Johnson, w ho
is attending The Halle Aetttbuny. ia
M'etnliug I ho Fliiaier vacation at liointi.
His biollicr Ni'lln, being si i?btly III
diaHiml, 'I'luuiued at The H.tlleh.
('apt. A. W. Itiuhuiu has been laid up
fur tt'vei'.il tlnvs with the b' gripia.
diliinu which tune Cant. Miles Hell
handled the w heel of the I.atomi
Ussier iiervifs were i"ii!i lu the vSrf-'
oils churches nf Oregon City last Sunday,
and i ii i ir t of them were appropriately
decorate I with Dowers and evergreens.
An Foster concert w us given by the
M Fi Sabbat h school lost Sunday even
ing at the M .. church. The exercises
were appreciated by a rrowded house.
Owing to the exiruinely low water on
the Cuwliti river, steamer cannot
ascend above Kulso. The Kellogg
makes three trips a week between Port
land and the Cuwliti
The fact that I.ivermore'a new hotel
was o'iicd last week, failed to appear
in 1'iik F'.n rKKi'ktsK last week from some
oversight Oregon City can now boast
of a liralolaas hotel.
Messrs. Culill' A Son, of the Oregon
City Sash A Ioor laclorv, are erecting an
addition to their building '.'5 x 40, for
more shop room. Their increasing bus
iness deinuudod mine room.
Cant. J. V. F'xon, of steamer Bently,
was married to Miss Olive May, at the
residence of the bride's parents at
Mountain View, Sunday, March 211,
Kev. John Parsons, ulliciating.
Mr. F. L. Perry, of St. Helens, who
has charge of tlie engines at J. E.
Smith's rock quarries near Oswego, was
in Oregon Citv this week on business
connected with the machinery.
Mr. W. il. Boring, of Damascus, has
left a copv of the Oregonian at this ollice
dated April 22, IHttt. H contains
detailed account of the assassination of
Lincoln. Bring on your old palters.
Mr. V.. B. Fellows, well-known
steamboat man, and prominent mem
ber of the I . O. 0. F.. who was an old
resident of Oregon City, died at
McMinnville, March Zn, aged 45 years.
f - T a Milli. .,a iM'u ib J
;l . , a. .uiiivi tit.w w" ,a v . t, m.u
flouring mills near Auryra, was in Ore
gon City Saturday. He will add brick
and tile making machines, as he has
some clay aunurauiy suapteu tor luai
purpose. , - i-
ine ooiuimitpn ui i. r. oiuick, uie
defaulting ex-school clerk ot Alhina,
have failed to coma to time,; and the
scliool district haa ordered its attorneys
to push the suit vigorously against them
for the recovery of the amount. i
The Sunday WelconW says: A.
petition is being circulated among news
pa per men of this city for the pardon of
Saunders, the corvallis editor, who
killed a man in Albany, in defence of
tho good name of Miss Alattie Allison,
That large Fnglish walnut tree that
mn ' 1 -, mi t : T. I . 1 I . 1.
stands on tuo Barclay proerty du the
corner of Seventh and Main streets was
trimmed of its superflous limbs during
the wuiik. This is one of the oliU'st
shudo trees in the city that was raised
from seed brought from the east.
Quito a number of the subscribers of
Tut: liNTKui'KisB, have responded to the
call last week, and paid up their Bub
sctiptions. It is desired that the re
maining delinquents will soon come
around, as improvements in the paper
cost money.
The Williiiiii'tle Kails Klectrio (loin
pmiv liuve alisurla' l the atuik of the
lllliliietlii Locks A T' iliaKiiliillou ( o.
Tint eonaolld .lion vt .a entile I'llecind,
aa boi.i ro. purationa were viriunlly
owneil liV the kiiiii" s'la kholeeia.
The Miirlcll.t. Cal ,L'nlun. aavs M'. A.
K Honliitlti, who was formerly n resi
a reanleiit nf lri'toii (!ily, mid is an old
resident of that pi. me, hna opeiiid a
una'erv slnre. The linn name is A, it,
luuliilie A Hun,
lleiiiy and Lvmun Andrews, of Mount
I'lfllLilll, Wll'l Hit! HOW H'tl'll lilll the
Aii' Ii ulliir il ciilli'ifi' st t'orviillia, Hju-nt
their l'. i"liii vie iiliuii nl hmiic.
Mr E. (Neaey, of Ihs I'acillc Nursery
C'liupiiiiy, of I'oiiluiid, was in the city
MuiiiUv. He cnnleintilali'S reinuviiiK
here aomi.
Aheinethy's new boat now Mua cm
alriicti"! at I'liriliiiel, to run on the iiji
per river, ia Hearing coiiipleiion.
Mr. .laenli K. Klmer and family re
cently front Kansas, have Inca't'd ill llic
vicinity of Ci.iika post Hire.
The O. (', 'f I u'm liotila will Suon hc-
liin iiniiiiiiu on a ninniiicr achednle,
iniikin live tiipa 'it ilny,
Mr. II. Vi!eiurt has pilirliai-ed H
Sloper's luiber simp, mid xuuiaiilcea
siitlaf iclioli In hia palrulia.
Mr. II, W , KeUiii, of ll ihliunl, came
duwn Tnexil.iy to attend I he funeral of
('apt. I-'. O Mrt'owil.
(io to Wilson ii ( o-ike for Oliver plows.
No I'hini-M) labor employed by Port
land Laundry Co.
An elegant aHaortmeiit of all the latest
alye nf viailuiK caitla at this ollice.
Hi tid your aoiled clulhea to the Port
l.a imhy Co. 1'unt ollice book stoie,
Wiirr-n A Hulinaii, Fuiitjial directors
atid I'lidertakeia, OreMn City liunk
Fine pillow s inane to order and M il
if ut, etc., of neat deHina at Warren A
All the I.ti.IiiiK peiiodicils and iiimvu
xines, lale't ui:d best novels kept by
Cituileid tc lliinlli v.
Wastiui, A k'lrl (ur general houae
wo'k. An eaay piai e and giKid home.
Apily ut this olln e.
x ,.-.,..! ,..,1 ;,, i,i ii,.. r,,
blankets and ovi iciutt to in.ike room
(or large invoice ol go'als expected from
il.ccast Tints. I harinaii & Son.
l int Sai.k. About U'hl feet of piling
at Pii(M'r Mills Station.
J. Matukmis
. Park Place, Onrgoli.
Funk Neldon at Wiiii aett A Scri)
tilre'a liiuckMitilh slioi inakesa Ht:iulty
o( impairing guns revolvers ami sbari
eiiiug stnssuia. Sulislacliou guaranteei
Sr. 1'atkk k's Pu.usi for disorders of
the liver and laiwcls. A vfiioroua but
gentle physic that cleanses and renovates
the whole system. Price 25 cents per
The Port land Laundry Co. have es-
tabliehed a branch ollii e In the post of
liiy hook stoie w here iackiiyw of wash
wlil tie Wt-eireit-liid nrrmititfy forwahled.
Superior laundry work is guaranteed.
A H.vKtiAiN. Grist mill with 153 acres
of good hind for sale about 45 acies in
cultivation Good house and out build
ings, at bargain. I in pa re of Tiik
Take Medicine?
Necessary but Unpleasant
, Duty
faera Is oothlhg
We Eat, Drink, Wear or Have Fun
; With
Thtt ta of so much Importune m
The Medicine We Take.
A KKLIABLK DKl'QQ18T Is a joy forever to
any community.
E. G.Caufield
ttiHms nothtug but
Pure Drugs of the Highest
3 Quality.
:new books .
Caufielj : & : Huntley's
"A "World's Desiret" by Haggard I-ong.
"Ray Bias." by Victor Hugo.
"Tlie Lost Heiresa," by Ernest Olonville.
"The Ablie Conatantiii," by Halvey.
"Tlie (iladiators," by Whyte Melville.
"The Light Uiat Kailwl," by Kipling.
'The lliaiitotn Rinksbaw." by Kipling.
"A Fellow ol'Trinity," by St. Aubyn.
"Misa Bietheriugtun," by author of Robert
Klsinere. - '
"Journal of Marie," by Bashkirtseff.
"Called Back," by Hugh Conway.
"Dark Days," by Hugh Conway.
Seventy-five paper covered Nov--N
received during. the
pt week
Fresh Stock of Garden Seeds Just Arrived.
This old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
Hartwarn. Tina. etc.
Plumbing, Gas Eitting & Jobbing
Attended to Promptly. Es
timates Furnished.
Tho most carefully selected jrorerties in the City or County
For Sale
No. J. 1 GO acres, 2 miles from
Canby, on S. P. R. R.. stjleiitlid
level land, fine saw timber, 23
acres cultivated, good frame
houne, if3,2UO.
No. 2. 1(30 acres on S. P. R. R.
3 miles from Oregon City, 13,200.
No. 3. 80 acres, open level brush
land, 4 miles east ofOregon City,
1 mile lrom Clackamas river
1,000 on time.
No. 4. 10 acres joining Clacka"
mas Heights on tlie south, nearly
level, can be sold in lots and
blocks, $1,250.
No. 5. 225 acres, splendid farm
on Clear Creek, 6 miles east
No. 7. T lots in West Side addition, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, block 100
lots, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, block 151, all of block 20, Main street, all of block 145
Oregon City. One fine lot in Sellwood.
No. 8. 30 acres in "Clackamas Fruit Lands" all in cultivation.
Fines peach land in the world, price $200 per acre. My peach orchard
netted $200 an aere this year.
Will exchange No's. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, for any good city property in valley
towns. For terms and particulars apply to
H. E. CROSS, Oregon City.
Have new attractions for all consumers in their
Mammoth Assortments
' Of General Merchandise. Their stock consists of
boots, shoes, crockery, glassware, dry goods,
etc. Quick sales and small profits
is their motto.
Bank Building,
Sown t & i Young !
Fir, Jjpruce and Cedar; also Laths, Pickets. iShin
gles, Etc. Shipped to all points on
the river or by rail.
Mill situated on
Oregon City, 100 acres in culti
vation, 50 acres to break, new
frame house, new barn, tine wat-
" er, best soil, good neighborhood,
school, etc., price 16,7-50, on time.
No. 6 343 acres in Springwater,
the best all round stock farm in
Clackamas county, level land,
100 acres in fine cultivation, 7
acres orchard, good house, two
fine frame barns, thousands of
acres of out range, water every
where, 45 head cattle, Berkshire
hogs, 30 ton hay, 500bushei oats,
wheat, vegetables, horses, wag
ons and farming implements, al-.
together at $25 per acre on time.
Oregon City.
Willamette river at