.-... ..W-""',sj..1 ', 1 a COUNTY NEWS ITEMS. Intoifxdncf ria-bll (ilh(nd ly Aolivr Corn f lfi'ifiilur foil trlbtitor. 1tns4llvtll ltrmti. The fartners will noon lie done owlug Ihcir spring grain. Mr. K. 1'. Carter h"-t tine colt this week with lmt lie thought coti)tioii of tho limits, Mr. l' Curler bus Ivon frj- sick, but is fliiprov slowly. Tin- Iviiswllviilo Sunday svh.wl clM No, t prcsi-nted their h-nclier, Mrs. M, K. IVivid mil, ft beautiful llihle, l iivh 22, us it birth day present which she npprroiii more lh,i 'iy ihii.i: they could lm o given her. She will ever remember the givers. They Ketv Pa.lloy lVijIes, Henry lUiylro, Imuic Sharp, Nellie I'ungsn. IVinns Movies mid lPip:v lloxlc. Si's. P;tvidon h-is Iven tin it- tcticher lor two years, md is very Buteli an vh I lothcm mid lliey to her. Nlr. John VUIi;iii is making cider this Week. N.II.O. MoIhIIk HiiIiMm. The Wilhoit, MolaMa, and Oregon City railroad is the latest enterprise out, ' A . heme is on tool lo build a rallro.l IVimi tlie celebrated Sods Springs down Knelt Creek : thence through MolalU prairie to Oiv,-on City. Ti.e le: nth of read will Ih Kut lvent live mi'.es; will cost nlvtit cue .'eUith of the iron railroad, and for all fra.ti a! purges will till the present need of 9 first class railroad. Kilty miles of a Eke r- a lis -j; splendid satisfaction in California. The plan of the track is 4 inch iank 15 inches hie. placed (i inches apart on lies eery 5 feet, the tlat ge of the loco motive driving heel being in the center of wheel , iih a fru n.m hearing of 1," inches on each side of I'aiiire on the wooden rail, -aitisf :'S inches ocarmg on iron rail .Mails. Tlicrcvre the wooden road can he n.ore successfully operated on sleeper gia ies :: hnrper c.tivei, than is possible wish (lie iron a I. ihegon Oily b;us Ix'en selected as the most favorable terminus ol this new rail- r ' i I. W ilieh W i!i i e this i-onnlrv r .li. t. ; emmunit a::,n with I tlan.l and the s o: id at large. Vet. On gun t'itv i-a v : t ia -e to get i i. ... s.;:t!i, but w hat ii'ii town ot Or ;i V-iietit it would Is- to the i'am to have the daily j v.-itati-wi o! !ii se naimuoth wehfoot u hivls i .di am .ig i i w.!n me pnu.icts irathe g '.nose .uiit s thnt'.rgti ti.e l.e: .''ore of old Claeka oas ccuutv. . d up t and This tick' i:- a,. nierpriss il.a; eo, con s everv i-er.n i ':,g the li:.o. witetiier they wi-h to st-i their lard or m.irket their varied farm fWditets. We have lomi talked railroad-- I '":' bv.g lovk.d f.-r some company to 'vjti'td ni? :ttV;i-'. u-i Ho v bel-.old, the m:isoii is here. lay bwd. a:.d build. "The Lord ,:il In Ip those ill.;! help theiiiseh es ' is an id saying ilia: would work ill rail roading. With a mutual determined ellort the rail- r:i;ul l'ro:;t Stub, .V.rl.-u-s ItV I Ire-'on I'dCi-all be coinoleted this summer. 1S.-1. Let s I fcear from ai! along the line without delay. Kail road su.wyn.s will soon be in the field a" tin lieiween Wilhoit and Oregon Ci'.v, locating tiie new wooden railroad line. Should Ihe eople -how the 'teecssa'y en couragi nicnt along the pnscd route. t :i will be ihe ''j-t there' road the people's ad. "Frog Po.ni" must have plenty of native msie now, since the recent rams must have Increased the frogs' gurgling territory. j What has become uf the Clackamas c-oiiutv fair that was lo be this year? Who- has charge of it? Whom shall we depend an to drive the liist stake? Ye scri'ie has been on the "verge of treathing" for two weeks with bronchitis. Mr. Alei. Smith has had a severe si ! t of hi grippe. l'r. Leavitt w as called to the seat of ar to dress the abdominal incision made al the recent outbreak at Missouri Kidge. March is holding itsow n characteristics to Cie very laat. Farmers are getting anxious aliout their uediiig, but men recently from Kansas say, this wet is something nice." Railhoao Tzt m. bamasetu. A, W. Cook had the misfortune to cut his foot last week, which will lay him up from work for a few days. Miss Myrtle lireithuupt has engaged to kach the Union school for a term of three months, which will commence the first Mon day in April. J. K. Morton will soon havq hi new fciirn completed. The Free Metho IUts have purchased luui lif r w ith which they intend to erect a church ill Damascus. Kaners are waiting patiently for good KeaTVr so they can commence their spring work. J.A. Forties and family, Mrs. Sharp and fiiniily, and a great many others hi the neighborhood, are all sick with la grippe. 1 understand that gome of the Damascus toys were out sacking unities last Saturday night and caught one. Cbank. From Cams. This burg u. quiet since the storm (at school meeting.) Mr. E. K. Howard was elected director to succeed James Graham, and Frank J aggers was elected clerk to suc ceed himself. A tax of 200 was voted by a majority of one for the purpose of procur ing new seats and other repairs aboutschool house and grounds. Mrs. Katon b in poor health, likewise M rs. Casady. Ed. Howard had a sick spell, but is all right now. The warm weather fur the last few days made quite a change for the better in the wjnter wneat. ever was a ueiter prospect for a heavy harvest. Mr. Davis is fencing in forty acres of laud with cedar rails for a sheep pasture. Mr. F.mtnett has put in a quantity of win ter oats which are up and growing, Mr. llornahue has his main crop of pota toes planted. Mr. Sherwood has fenced a large lot of land during the winter, and is now havinga lot of slashing done. Mr. Hunter has commenced building bis new house, and when it is completed will jive Mr. Wiley May possession of the old homestead, which he bought of Mr. May oine years since. By the way, that was a pretty good sale for Carus $30 per acre; but then this red land is known to be the best necks savea from tnc gnnows, tney win oe -e.it into Judue Taylor's circuit for trial. for ill ptiriHiseii of any in the country. ) MrXNvopi'r lias nwived iuiUh of lit k vointuient a postmaster of t'ariia. The Ivetter class of farniera are rvailv to join the tanners' alliance when the organ iier (Mines, which will soon happen. The young Messrs, Cooper am cutting hruh on the Alpine farm, Mr. Alfred Smith is reclaiming soint very good land this spring. Miss Kale Casto will coniioeinv a term of school at Mulino the llrt Monday o," April, Horn, to the wile of KUjah Hutchinson, March 21, a son, Mother ami child doing well, ai d l.ige is the happiest man in (his neighborhood. Now, Mr, Kdilor, a word in reference lo our roads. Hundreds of dead (lies arc standing in the road UHween the count) scat and Wulino, with their large tops and try rotten lindia lallins every day, and are liable to cause a visit from the coroner. Now it is bad enough to have to travel through mud, owr rocks, rotten crosswnys, uphill and down, without being constantly exposed to the danger of these falling limbs. Whose business is it to remove these dead- I tall--he superv isor of f'C disiiict, or the jpirson who cwi s the Ian I adjacent lo tin MMrtd It is ihs i ledly dangerous to travel several roads I am ae piaiuied dh in this county, 1 think it is the duty of till J " eorrospomlei.ts lo ss ak of this matter, and so call ti e attention of the proper author!, ties to it until something is done Ivl'ore some valuable lite is lost by these tailing limbs. Mokk Anon. March 2t, 18 l. Xeailew brook. Ma. Kiutok: "Ui ilripie" lias laid lis Ixniy, relentless hand upon several of our ciluens. Mr. S. II 1U has been confined to his bed for a lew dtp. s. Several member of Charley Hubbard's family are ipiite ill. IV. tiuueher has been called up there on a professional visit. We hear that the) are slowly convalescing, l'liocnix has also been a cloe prisonor Willi la gripin' as jailer; heme thciihsence of his communication in last week's Ksreuruisit. We hail wiiti enthusiastic honors the N w KsrHPitsK, localise we wish to have ,H l',,ul,t.v r-M'er ill the great common- 1th ol Oregon, one that will be an honor l lo our OoimtV. The CilitollaU ol l'n l's- Tmi KisK do not make a display of the i bloody shirt or ham on blinded Partisan nivju lire. i Mr. J. 11. Wright was at the metropolis on t; e ISth instant on business, Mr. John Iloheson went to Ihe Kalis City I o:s the 2.ilh instant, where he met his . tin'tlier. Mrs. li(heon has Uen slopping Mieart'astie Koek, Washington, for several ! mouths. Welcome bark to the best eoiiutrv iu the westeai hemisphere. One ot" :ne Howard boys living on the l.arkins place, last week lifted the sculp leek ol'a very frisky eoyolte. Mr. James Tomer is'on a visit to "the old folks at home." Jim wears a knowing look, and we expect it's about time lor the boys to '' l'king up tin pans old shot gnus, cow bells, etc. Kh, Jim? We are sorry, very sorry to Karn that our friend Mr. Mroiugreeu has lost three cows during the winter. Mr. Stromgreen has an abundam-e of feed, and we failed to learn ; Ihe cause of their death. We report the following los of stink: (i I vv k ;.t,,,.p H I l .1 ..: i n , ,. , cow; Jos. Hees, one row; John IKihui, lour I i . . . , v-iiv , ,.w , a,, i.. .tiv i.uiii, unr To"' J"l'"f"! r ' cuml' " U'ft K,B'- A few day, since, as -""""" !'"" -"o ine om-i.ie oi a large .piautiiy oi -stomarn bitters:'' John ditto. At lenirth the inedi- cine reached the goal of its mission, and the partners engaged in a little listical recrea tion. No cl.fret Mowed or bones cracked, and no doubt the all air will soon be forgot ten. Willie Baker now strolls past his best mends wuiiout turning ins Head lor a sal- utation. Cause: two large boils that Iihuii up conspicuously on his neck, l on are ex- I disable, old fellow, for your hautthtv. bear ing- We learn w ith sincere regret of the depart ure of Carl Stromgreen today for Washing ton, and perhaps llritish Columbia. Carl e.xiiects to be awav several mouths. As he is the life and jolly spirit of every social gathering, and as true to his friends as the magnetic needle to the north pole, we will sadly miss him. Carl, may God be with you till we meet again. Miss Sadie Dix, who has been home re cruiting her health, after a severe attack of the measles, intends going back to Oregon City today, where she is in the employ of Mrs. Charles Caufield. We will all miss the society of Miss Sadie, and there willle a void in every gathering, and the eves of her many friends will wander over assembled groups in vain for her bright smile and cheerful face, and listen vainly for that fa miliar voice. We must record one more prospective loss to our social life. Miss Lizzie Jennings, of Butte Creek, who has been keeping house all winter for her grandfather, Mr. D. Rolie son, and has been a bright star in our social circles, will return to her home this week. But we trust she will in the future favor our rural neighborhood with frequent visits asa reconiiense for our present loss So many members are leaving us that we fear our lyceum must adjourn to the second Tuesday in October. Owing to some mis understanding the divorce case did not come off on the 26th, and was postponed to an indefinite date. Miss Tennie Mayneld closed a successful term of school here on the 27th instant. She has gained many friends during her so- joum here whose best wishes for her success in her professional career are unanimously expressed. The school closed with an exhibition at night, where considerable talent and genius were displayed by our amateur actors. The pieces deserving of special credit were the dialogue, "Personating Elders," by Laura Wright and Clara Edgecomb, (aged H and 9 years); the play, "The Bungtown Lyceum," the play, "A Pain in the Hide," by J. 11. Wright, Miss Tennie Mayneld and Miss Lizzie Jennings; a recitation, "The Gam bler's Wife," by Laura Wright; a recita tion, "The Gambler's Child," by Miss Liz zie Jennings; a recitation, "That New Church Organ'" by Mrs. Bonney. In the course of tha entertainment two dry chest nuts were worked off on the poor people. Mr. Hubert Ringo, who had been failing in health for some time, went to Bunch iii-v. ' taking off the duty on sugar here was tlrs fur Ida health last full, W lemti that lie has hilly reiweivd his health mid tips the scales at I Sit lbs March Sk Wtl, I'lloKMIX. Wet Orexmi t'liy. K.venlmdy will huil with delight the new side walk, Mr, Titrkerls still engaged In the wood business, Mr. tiodhnll has lieon niaking some in -iroveiueiils about his pnuulses, lhstrict Clerk Thos, tiibli bus completed the assessment of the district. Mr, tiihb makes an elllelenl clerk, Mr, ,1. Humphrey has been making gar den. There will he a special school nieellnit held In this district oh Saturday, April 4lh, at I p. in, to consider the matter ol building a new school house ol four rooms, and Ismd lint the district to pay for same. Such a building would be a pride and ornament as well asa lasting monument lo the inlelll cciioe of ihe people of the district. The school Is now in a prosperous coml n tion with S. A. IV tlnrlcy as principal and tiriiee Haird as assistant. Appropriate exercises will be held on Ar bor dax , April lutli, p, m. It is the ih of Mr, tiurlev that palrons of the school and all friends of education at Jeiui the excivi-es on that occasion. .Milwaukie. j Hon, J. K. ami Miss.s lK-ssie and l.ney ; l.atnlvert wen' hen i.'is) Satuitlat'. lVc Hit kinan, of t'liu kainas, has Uen it , he pieul visitor in Milwaukle during the; past week, ' t The Kv angelical Ass.H-ialiou held its .piar ! terly meeting here last Satimlay, ! We arv sorry to report ihe illness of Miss Kdna Hoss, Hiiring herabseiice Mr. Frank ; Mullen takes charge of herchiss at Harney I school. i A serious accident iH-eiurel lust Tlnirs- J day allermHui to ,1. Ilrorrjic, who resides i one mile from here. hiie felling a tree he I was stiih'k on Ihe side and was seriously injured. It is feared that he win internally injmed. IV. Kay, of Scllwood is attending the patient. Mr. Itroetjie is a son of J. F. liroctjie, the Mt. Tabor Florist. Wi tie alighting from a bum;) hi front ol her rcsidcmv last Thursday, Miss oihe fu elling, daughter of Mr. Alfred l.uellimt. slipped ami sprained her ankle, which will confine her to the house lur some lime. A muniier ol friends assembled n the res- i.leniT of Mr. and Mrs. t'bas. Kisley last I n. .ay eveuiuv to attend a arty given In hou lor ol Mrs. Kis,-v. The evening wasdevolisl to kh lies, dancing and social anoisemeul. i l.'efresliineuis were served at inidnighi and I partaken ol with a relih. I'ancing vvus re (sinned and at au early imur the guesis dis j I e'sod i.i H eir several homes, well satisfied ; w ith their evening's pleasure. I A iiuiiiUt of our citizens, seeini; the ins. ! ci-ssity ot a buil iing that cun U ustnlou anv 1 oeeasiun, have decidisl to luntd a public hall I on the lots belonging to the good templars. The building will lx- Iwo stories and cover a space ol 4l x ! feet. The ground floor will It-occupied be J. f. Hiingingfoid, as a n al esiatt otttce, and I Calm as a general store and postolliee. The biuhUni, will l of iniatern structure and will cit alsmt $101111. This will lie an imisirtitut addilion j to Milw aukie. The next thing in order will I Is' the formation of au imoroveuicutsocietv i , ... , lor ine purpose ot inducing m inn ih-turcrs : . , . . . . , ,, . i lo locate here, keep our sidewalks in repair I and our street lamps lit I rll()n Owing tothe wet weather fanning os-ra- (j,,,,, are , a s,aii.Hli Ullt ,ttll j i i....r. n .,.i : , ..: . , School will begin in district M on Mon day, April fl, with Miss Kale Casto as leach, er. Miss Casto is a teacher of exerinee and is well spoken of w here she last taught. As the eensus taken by sk'hool Clerk J. Knapp shows lil pupils in the district, it is j probable tbut there will I i unt.c a large atteml- Mr. John Hubrany has returned from the Ncstucca country, when- he spent the winter. Mr. J. C. fiordon has ordered the lumler troni D. I.. Trulliiiger for a line residence, which he will erect on his farm this sum mer. 1 he stock of w heat in the countrv j must getting small, as the local miller has been paying 75 cents per bushel during the past week. Hop raisers in the vicinity are somew hat alarmed at the louse, which seems to breed and winter on plum and willow sprouts and in the spring migrate to the hop fields, where they do an immense amount of in jury. As yet no remedy has liecn found to exterminate them, although experiments are now being made at the state farm. As hops are rapidly becoming a staple and paying crop in parts of the Willamette val ley, It is to lie boied that some means can lie found by w hich they can be successfully fought. Whykk, March 30. Frog Pond. The weather the past week has been had on farmers that wanted to put in their crops. There has been some plowing done but not any seeding to sjieak of. Fall wheat is growing rapidly and there arc fine prosjiects for a big crop this tall. Mr. Salderu, from Cathlainet, Is up on a few days- visit to his farm in Frog Pond, He is engaged in the logging business in Washington and is making a success of it. Tualitln Grange met yesterday. There was nota large attendance out bdt they hud a splendid and lively time Just the same. Tualitin Secular Union meets next Hun day and a good, lively time is exacted. Everyone is invited to attend. Today is Easter Sunday and the usual program was disposed of eating eggs and going to church. The Germans had a big time at their church as it is confirmation day with them. The United Brethren church sprinkled eight and baptised two in the river at Wil- sonville today. It was a pretty cold dav. colder water, hut they seemed to like it. There were about 200 people present to wit ness the performance and they all seemed of the same opinion that they hud lots of grit with their religion. Mrs, J. L. Kruse is off on a visit to Free port, Washington, where A. 0. Kruse and family reside for a few days. L. Lecher, of Yamhill county, spent Sat urday and Suuduy with Miss Booth in Frog Pond. Come again Letcher. Mrs. Sophia Phillips, of Oregon City, Geo. Harding, druggist. til nw d,a with her father, Tlion, Kv . n 1" week Miss Alice iHiwiilim's school closed In the K, 1', seminary last Tuesday and every one was highly pleased wllh her as a (each er, Mr Henry llohh, ol Michigan, will lie gill Ihe same school the. bill ol April, and we hope he w ill give as good salisliu lion, Slide Master II, K, llu.tes mid wllii tv turned toiltty httnt tt two weeks Iceluilng tour through Million, Mini, I'olk and lien lon counties. He reports the roads pretty bad. t;eo. Sauni has his saw null inuiilng at hist ami Mtwcd I'lHl leet one dii) last week, He expects lo tlo a vuslnng busimss before Ihe winter h aves. Wilsonv ille school coiuineiiCcvl last Mon day Willi Mr. Hodges, of Heaterlon, Wash iuglou could)', as teacher, Miss I'.lla Turner is unite sick wiiii la grip but is improv ing now, Mr. John Kruse is ipiite sn-k with the grip hut is improv ing at the present time. Mrs, John Kruse is down with ague chills but will soon reviver alter losing a lew pound iivoirlui'ois, which "he is able todo. County Judge Meldriiiu gave 1'. I'. ac.d lat week on ollb htl business, This is where Mr, Mehlruni taught his liist lermol school in year gone by, when he wa but u im re Is.). II. M. II, t'urrliisvllle, Mr. I'd. Henry t vimmems suthns' monllu school today in the llovvh II district. Mr, John Marshall leaves next neck to begin work tit Ihs'is.V Kppersott s mill neai tiieshatu, Mr. ticsuge K. tglesbv lnt rented Mr. William I'alniatcer's place for two .tears, and w ill move to it this wet k. The roads here are very bad, ami slu.iil.l be repaired at once. Mr. Harrison Tracy lea.es thi eek for Wilipa. Washington, w here he villi woik this summer. Mr. S. 1'. OiJeshv made a thing Veil lo his brother here (his wei k. I'ndcr the protection of the cnu.e law theChiua pheasants aie get'iug vcit nil inerous here. The grousi- huoteth, and the criminal slusUeth, and pnllelh the bath els thereof in a sai k We rci-let lo say that little attention is paid in Ibis m inity In the Inn protecting game birds, Mis, Sa n llutlnuin is slowly tcvowring I'r.uil tl long sickness. Mr. fan Fagalde has I ,-t three hones vv it ii in a t ear. Trv a Id tie Is-Ut r eati , Pan an I see if it docs -sol p.iv . Mr , F. Mars taimlv have aii hvn 'lis with the rr p, i'. bet are flit aie-eug l iu' I a: roi.s ,,f s, hool d.-l i a t So T .v busy si) Ing rate b II-. ov II : to Voting do n a tax to pav lor I1 e s, ho,, I ju.t , lo-e I there. Several parlies ate prospecting lor mm. eralon ihe n.nlh tork ol the! hickaiua-. Il.ele is trouble ahead for the linilor rii-r on the F-i-do 1'txs-k route, as no mad has gone to Sprit. gvvater and iehi,tn, o-t otliers for seven da s past, and there is a large amount of mad matter in the I umns ville olll. e lor said otliers. mi. March M, I -i!t . SiiiiH-kvlllr. vf'iite a iiiimls-r of cases of lagtmpr are! in this v ieietty. Mr. David Young and Mr I'oug liadlev. formerly sal-ion kees rs of Sim i,v ille. hav c lelt for parts unknown. The grand jur) seems to stiike terror lo su, h ssiplc. t rs. Skerls has )h en ibs-ttiring lor nonie time wth l'r. Vai ner for cancer ol the lace, but at last accounts she was no better. I " . " - 1 ""Hering 'r .viiss .u.iggie i.aker. oi nils piaee, lias U en some time with a white swell. ing on one of her limbs. Some time ago the children were playing ball at school, Mid one of them let Ihe ball club slip out of his band and strike her, which caused the swelling, lly advice she was taken to St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, where Ihe 1 doctors oH-ratrd on her limb, and al last I accounts she was convalescent, and isrx peeted home in a week or so. Messrs t'roisant ,V Wilson have os-ned a new butcher's shop in Mmx-kville. Mr. C. H. lHluney has Imiight the black- smith shop of Mr. J. S. Kipley at Hnun k ' ville. Mr. Itipiey is going to move to Tilhr I monk. j Messrs. Kibler ,t Ftteh will open their I new hotel in Sinockv lllc April 1st A Sunday school was organized lu re last Sunday by the Congregational church, with the following ofllcers; Siirintcndenl , Mr. Clutter; assistant superintendent, Kev. J. W. Harder; secretary and treasurer,!', II. Poole. The school will meet every Sun day at 12 M. Kev. C. H. Curtis, of Portland, was here last Sunday, and baptized ten persons in the afternoon, ami in the evening he deliv ered an excellent sermon and administered the Lord's supper. ('. A. H. Uluk Mltei. The Kntkiii'kisi! Success to in its il ress. Miss Amy Taylor is engaged to teach a three months school in District No. Ml. Mr. Hill bus been feeling U-lter fur a few days. He is able to attend to his duties us district school clerk, and is assessing the proierty in District No. sO. Mr. Fritz Hluhni is building a new two story house. Mrs. I'. Duffy has returned to her home ami pence and harmony prevail. May It always be thus. Mrs. H. Bronnet, from Sea Home, Wash ington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kmll Giienthcr. The prospects are good for a large fruit croji. farmers are beginning to seethe advan tage of raising clover instead of summer fallowing. There is morn clover sown this spring than in any previous year. I think it would be a good thing if I'iik EsTKKfiiisir would have a ipiestion box, so that we would know where to go to seek in formation. People think theeditor ouirht lo know if any body dues, at least he has a belter chance to find out than we who live in tho country. W lint sity you? Ojvs, (MKDF.N NLLDS. You Can Fino J). M. Fkrky'h, K. J. Howkn's, Stakrett'h, L. L. iMav'b, Onion Hkth. KaKLY KONB POTATOI'.H. BY THE i'AI'EK, l'OUNI) Oft liltHHEI,, AT E. E. WILLIAMS', TUB GitOCKR, ' Opposite Pout Office. MRS. C. H. f.s 'xirr.fi' j v "V I u 1 I . .' jMh I ' f. r 1 I It ALL ItoltT. KIM nv, FSILEI licilois in WINMitWS, i(Ui;S ami ll,!N'S tnul nil k tixU ini.l hi v Irs of WINIMIW I'UAMKS, tHl I'KAMKS. MtH'I.UINCS. llliACIxKTS, STAIItS !AII,l(i, NKW Kl, I'tiSTjs, .:,v 1'iuiil Tlml'ivililv lolil'ing- Onl'is mul nil kitt'l nf W'nl'k lIMtliilv nltrlblril Iliul nittlsliirtinil uurtcnilrnl. Shop on Wjilor St. Walchcs, Jcuclrj. lli'i First Slrn-f, r:tf MorrisnMi St. nl.l'l. Its f UiiVI II CXiTlie Mail Jewelers I IMl'nli I Kit lit iSI'i PI VI I It I I.N I T7X . . iRiiyers, Attention A FEW BARGAINS FOR YOU. ) Fino Factory Sito I- ami J livi-r West Side. Business Corner. Residence Lots. ) . I'""' tract near Oswe-o with t.ne-eiVth mile 40 Acres river front-very excellent for manufacturinK J ami very sightly for residence protiertv. Several of the hest tracts for Prune and W'ctal.le Land in the valley, on the railroad and near Clackamas Station. Prunes and Vegetables. sp . ) ..: a('JVH ''r Oatfield Untie, this side of A Bargain. Milwaukie. Very sightly, and near pro ' posed motor lino. We have also many other line imeb. n.,.i i i , .. ' i it will ee of ' J,? 'U l L'""si,W- For pn-tieulars apply at tho ofli Willamette Falls Investment Co. OREGON CITY, ORECON. C. V. WTNEHKT" Undertakers and Blacksmiths, Oregon City, OreKon. Good HeareoH. Trimmed coilins and CaHkcU always in Stock L. BURMEISTER, Watches, : Jewelry,, ciOSlLVERWARE.Ci Clocks, Spectacles, K. II. MlI'll, AMI hit s r a i it liiinln SrtlsoiiiHl Idlliiln r. Cdliinrl Work, Turning lltlil Srfnll In. I '.A Until ra flllllisliril SiZ Ii 2 AOJOININU CO MAIIUWANK UtOMI (locks and ())tl !. tliltrn' I'livittr Kfilntnri. I jtnt ri rr. 1 N I It V mil Ii I l l i: ! i llf llf till' lll'Sl .silcS (U k in thontv. fur factor v Has 1 ft. front iifitr liiisiiicss ci'iiUT. N :ir th Sulpliit. mill, within CO f,.,.t f f tlie canal ami lot ks. 1 ;."-1 ( k nrr,.M sllit. nll for platting into ..t for inantifactorin, rt'si.lcncc or Imsinoss purposes. This is tho liist pm for the West Side, am. will he sold as a whole or in lots to suit. I One of the hest corners on Main S street, Oregon City. A bine li.st.hoth improved and un f improved of desirahle residence proji J ci ty, hoth within city ami sulmrhs. - " 'inn ii l: i i s s-'-i-. N?wc H. BCHII'TUKK tt 4 - i .tiwijwirwwT 'K i, (lit tll