Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 03, 1891, Image 1

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f" "N . Mil -j". L.. ,:.
VOL. 21. NO. -ll
lOKTAI.IJbHEJ)' 1808
The Enterprise.
I'hIiIIhIiciI Kvvry lYMu.v.
Mt'llMi'mi'TION IIA'I'I
l-AY llll K IN APV.IM lii
I inn year -
hlx llliilllll
Throe iMiitilhn
Adiirlisiiig rutin given mi
KH!H T CI iMIItKIIA I ION A I. C II CHI : II.- l-'liv.
0 W. l.i i am, ! r. hi rm i ul II . m. ,,i,.
' ;MI . m M'iimIiiv M,-h,,l utter tii, mints sur.
H'llil illlHIl,
tlti'tlla l'r "Tin- Dlili-rpi'Ui'.'
UmiiN Mll.l.H,
IV IS, 11 II A M II Ai l., -
A WmiillT,
V. I.icwitu,
H. Nkwt-mav,
Gi.o. Kmiiiit.
A, Mathi.ii.
A ii I in ii I'.i.tn h .
. .1. I'm i.i imii ii,
- - . AlMK,
MkAIKTW ItllllliK.
Nkw I k
VHi I'Mvnr lili'i'llliK H niiti'Mlny iivi.iiiiK
. ' ., i- ,,rii . I'm t t.r ii.i-iii n ,, v.,ni.u I ,..
I Hiil'lely n Christina Junli'iiyof intTv Hillnliiy
I Vl'llllm .11 II M prompt. .
'' "I '" UAH la I I IllitCII , -IlKV. C C, IIai
I ll ! Mas.. I'mtnr MuruliiK M.-rvler nl II HO, motility
"''l 1 l fj I.'.. Kli'lllMK Merylt'li I 111, lli'imliir
tonyer llim-lliii. V.,.i.i,uy rwlilliK, Mi.iillilv
t'mi'iiiuii M ii'l Ilia iivery U'l'ilnvmlny vinlhi
pM-1-l'illtlK ihi, (It , t Mmi.lliy in I In.. UK, hill, ,
e.imlKl In v H .1 1 1-.ii In nil
HT liHI.S K l IICIH il CATIIIil.li;-IlKV. A.
lllt.l.t'.iotAM,, ln. -.or lnt Sitmlity inu.s ill h mill
III Wl A. H l-.iery H'l-ulnl llll, I liiilllh K 1 1 1 I It V
lli'Milnll m i tin. it niter til' nl'lui'k iii.i.H,
Al nil other nut. so -ll?llll si-rnmllh. NlltMliiy
iHrliniij t ;ki i- m. Vespers, minlngi-tli-ul
i. ",-,, II1 lll'llt Ill-Mull hi v -hi .
mi ,t i. m i
l,l.,ni liii'iiir.
llollcd Dhhii For Hit l.'ilillnitlon
of The Kiil'Tpi lM' IN'iMlcrs.
IV luliiriillftl 'ii ii m.
Citv or .Mi-. in ii, Mk r. Ii .'ill. Tic
fi'ii'inu ullii'n iiiK nililiflii.i ii lal'li"
nlnmiiiir Urn 1'iinl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! m -r of Ino-iiin-iH
ii.tiniiiliii'.i.il Ih tii ntiKi- (hi' viir Id-'H,
Willi llm fiiririMiii r.-niilt llini tlin lodii
in li.l vi'urn i hut ;'ii4-l. 01 Huh iiiiinlii-i
1117 witi' Hpiuiiiiriln uml 110 Aiiii'iiraim
l.llllOi- 'I'l'OlllllfK.
1'rrrnnriio, Mmh ii,;.! ThiTi' iim ihi
iiot in tin' cnlii' ii't-ioiiM Iiimi. niulil. uml
, . i l .-.,.1 ...,.. i.. I
,.t Moomooil iliiii.ttt (In. ni-lit nn.l!r,"l,k',,!,"'",r.,,",l'
xi'MTiil luiiiilrnl HtrikiTN in.irrlii'.l imnt
llm work Hlmrt I In-full' miiliiilil, dill
ilnl riot ri'luui. Tim oikn urc in!
oii.-iilioii with ii ri'iluivi! fori-i', uml nil j
I'H'oit will lii iini'li' to ki'i'p tlirni inn
iiiiii; W'oi k mi' n urn in iiiini mill xi'i ioim
4 : 1 1 1 it .: II . lew. J M In.ii. i troiililii im ixii'('li.i lii'loii) Ihi- Hliiki'iHj
ni-i i, -i-i. ..ii niti'i nnin ttiiiuii v i oyt.i
exrili'iiii'iit ciiiiMi'il liy tlm lirii.
uiiji'i l to lii-urt iIiwuhc.
U U HUH ITII.V, I i:i l i;it 1'IIM' intui t.
Iliiiiiii! Hi liill.in UHli
iliiK lluiiilx-rl C.tiiI.
Wahiiivoton, .MhitIi Huron p'nVii-
i llm It.ilinii miiiiHliT iii.'ormi'd hi'i T"la'y
j lUaiiii! ollirially tit tit ho Imil lnn n n-
I i'a .'i ny i n L'ovcnii i -in. iohiiii' in i, i,. .,n i . .,
. , , ,, ., , lt.ii) will luivn no i!i,veri,tii.it.t.xi,u)jt
;oiiriii(oriin:il tlie premili'iit. ! hi llm woi lil'n fmr, l,ut imlivnliul c.
I A ri'Cill unili'r the viiviiiiiKtuiii'i' of liihiln will bt' t'licouujjt-'l,
Tim Arkriim4 li-giUtiirfl lifm l.fr
jit a lull upproiiriiitini,' .;(),(,(ij r ,
worio h uur -xiiitnt.
r- : . i .i
j rrii-Ki', win iioici l'!lnMlri ainircln
w.ih I iki'n to a liouiiiil waK lak.... i,,
j liDH-ilnl in u Ht.irvinx - 1 1
a H'rioim muttiT. Thiir
Hiaiuloi-clnct J, W. I'almer in vay
! Ill al hut hoin in Kprinjtlield. J:i-i:uiis
I of Inn aur.!, 75 ycurn, tm (ru-iida am
i uUriiu:l
Clackamas County Dikectoxy.
I'lrrlt nf lmrtii
K, hm.J liiK'riiili'iiili'i
l'MMillMllliri.''iirl Hi
ut mmitli
. -I. W. Mrktruni
II. II. Jiihiimin
W, V, II, hmiMiii
. T Whit lui k
H. J, l'i,!,i. i
Jolin W, Ni.lilr. i
A li-k. TlioniMtii. j
Milii-' Sun lli, j
I'lmrli-n M-.rln'iki.,
Coilii'llm llitir.
.'.Hi ItM 1illti jif j
..I II 7 -u. u I.... u. ... .1 .. . r.
.. . , f.iiiii-iw i. ii. hi ni in, ni rum p - i. .1 ,, ,i . , , , i .
I lini.i.l, I il..n.,tli; M.'ivlru I-.H, !,,ri,l,. W "Itll tll I'XI l'lit ioll of 1 ' rt! ' i ll ' f 1 1
i 'tiiv ul 4 immi ot'ii-k. HI I'liul i.nll.l iutii.tK r,ki ' ( fiintoioM. till lhi mi. Inlii'm of th.l I'Vitii
I r.uny in liill'll llliilllll Ml. II, I., Krll'ty,
I'li-nlilmili Nti K I.. CuHir imi, nVi o iiiry.
jiiiin tahhiNi. rnli.r. Miirnllm m-l v hi) III II
.L 1 '" .': "'vii-i..i7 ;m. i hji,iuii,,ii in tin- eoko reifliin. An
i i myrr .iii-i-uiik IliiiimUy i vn.liii nl i. :iu.
-I- ...ik.-, .-..riii niv uivi.p.l
. Kii"t' us.mi v 1 I'.ki an I'liriii'it -iuv. a
iniw.y. rii,r, Hrrvimt t 11 t. u, mul
7 .1" I' M. H,l I, I, ..III Hrl..,.l .1 III l M Vnlll.u
I'lmplr Hi..-lt ly nf I hrli.il.iu Kuiln ml llli-.-l j IHI1 liri' II t W Ol k i II t ll lllllli'H, In) iliige
vi. Niiu.Uy ,-,-i,l,i,- .tit:). l,.,li,0,Uy j Oll-tr:i!l.iIH nf lift V kill, I Oil till' lmt ol
r.l AN'IKI.II Al. I.MI H' W Hi'V.
i j 1 1 vi' hoiiiil ol tlm AiniTii iiii ri'iliTaiioii of
, j I.iitior hid in tlii'rily for the ihiiio of
Iliil-lllOf a roiilioiMli'li on tlm rnlnal
I'lohllhlv l' llllllll! Ill I'll'l'l t H I'OIII-
j il l,lli-. I! llll I'llil llll- ll ikl'.
TIiIm iiiornintf rok Im ln-in drawn
i from tlm ovi'iih lit MoiiiwooiI, Tin)
I'iri'Hl l.tiliiriindc.
fill.AMli:, M .u-rii, Ahont ll
ll... I.,, b.. ,.,,1
ulm-li l,l,.r ii I.I 1. ,,,.ll.l ,,..! IIUH l M IN
j fully ,,.ntroyi',l tlii Hiilirt' btiHini.t-s oor- oulil li! no iitteiiijit Id ilmiiiiii thi! fart
j tion ol tlm i.y. Tin. (Ire oriKimtwl from (Imt it ilwi not "ignify that noiluiil fx
i M ili'lfi'ti'il lliii". Mm Kinlii-r. tlm wife of ' . i ...i .i!..i,.. ..
... . . lililtiuiiilin Ull'l iiii.i.uin, r i miii-n ii, i
piiiiitiir, ilii'il Huh afii-rnoon fiom ' ' .. ..... i i.,.. ,.i ..i . . ... i ,
WOirf! llll! OMI HiaillH. IOC i rttl.llll.', , . ' .... ma-m
,, . , . , . , .1, ., ,ii in tins New York viixtoin hoime Tlia
Mut'iiiiH iTiiimriali', ih lirft in tiiitr' of ,.., ,. t ., ,u
Ihc Ilniia.i Wition. Ho th fU'VcranceH ' ol "
of iliploinatlA ri'lationH rannot h ri
xanli'd hk compluli!. Junt what tlm
Htatim of (Ma odii'iu! iH, rannot Iih know n
exii'pt through hin olliciiil art. It if
l).ivton ! ctati-il h in in i hurift! of "nirn-iit af-
lie the fnim." II anv wmoiik Hnjiiilicanri' at-
Hhi) wuk i
I M l'ri.ln nf ' ii. iniiii'iM iii'inn iiin'ii', inn. inn roui-
ili" t-.inim. iii-.il , inn. ni. will tiniit .i-ri ii i. i puny i-xH.rl a nior" jii-niTitl iiiithri'ak
l I'-I'i llllll n,-,, MiO-l i(,l II 1 U Ii,,. ,,-! I,, in',. 1,1 l I,..,.i.,r K.il.l ll,,, u.,,1!
.-....,n, an.T,T. IM-I litllll 9niX.HI 11 "I IIIMII 1 I . I
I ' ""' "
Ih'Iiik liiinli! Ii ri'.i'ivi' 11.
I'rom ! I-I . j
I'kmii.ktov, MAiirn.31 Drpot Imilil
iiiKi arii to hi built aloriif thi' llm- ol the
Hunt roail at Atlu-nu, KaiiHyi'le, Ili-lix,
him tvaiiii, waiiHimrur uml
Anotluir nrwilt of th tain will
Ilav.d Jarrutt, a Han Krain-im-o ni
Hlrr, tell iiiuIi.t the wliein of hix owi
tiurk .MuiiiJay tiioniiiit; and wax i.Tuht;i
to ik-atli.
flu! United State ntflamer (ialena.
.i,ii.!Li.i. i . i. i ... o.... !....i.. .. .i :..;ui,..'u ,...ii
v -.wLiiniMiiriirw Hini'iri yaro II 11 I w HV1 to HIT llllilinifri n n-i an, i inn . . , u I k;,, 1 ., . , 1 1 .'
dlHon hy the H, klcv I.unii.er Co, ,y ; ,,:..,m that the eha.e d'alfai-e. in to be I " fe,',n " ,
Whifl. ban H.wmillK .1 Kb.-Li.. ' lin.ileil in hi- fnnrliona to Ualliiitf ua-- i,M been ril,H!'1 10 1 WU,"',h.
iiiiriy-oni) milrh eut ol larouia, in
heart of Hit limber on the Hoiilid.
lory iul,,y mm . M
. ' -OOv
, OKfciillM 1TV iifHt I HH.
W or . I !,.. I". It i tin.
Itoriirilt r . . 1,. I'.irlrr.
Am.iir M. It. lirri-n.
Inrawuri-r .. , . I', it, t'lmrinaii.
it Auorimv. , . K.t irfr
Vnrliiil f. E. lun.
n'rt I'niiiiiilirtii.iii r (". llnUikk.
Mup'tul Wtr Wiiik W. II. M.twrl .
nl K, II MIS'
H II. Cniiliil. l h. Atl r. f. J. I'ii.
T. I.. Clii iiiini, K. .S. U ' nrrt'ii. J. It !
Trrinti.iili, j. . (IVuiini-ll )
Hrnuliir KhWHK ,,l city uuiii'l Inrf lkn-j
Hiwtiiy III mi. ul ll.
.l ill In rbiMf iioili! Mint Ii, ., 0 l. M., Ii :IW, M. !
Riio: Ir.i ri m, -DriKiin
llTiH.i M,,nllii M,illn,i.l'nni ,,i ;
iVilhi.it .- Aj ,ih ul I't'im . n. M.rnf. ivi, j
" liuk, ! i uml I'Viilm , mul ri'imci on i
liiilnniii ii i
iiu'kiiiiI.uv (h Mink, liiiki. M nit i t n
Inn MiIIk mul .Mrii-li.vi li,,iik. Iraw'n ul
I" A Hfciwlns, Hium-lin mul Ktta'tlui
am! ii'liirnn mi l,,kouif' iltim.
Professional Cards.
A TT( iKM'.Y
,tATII Pll-IIHrV M llHlhlllklv
I iwti .n l,yi. unit-,,. iiri-ir.. t jty
, . ni,,nr tmt.,1 i,ii
HliM lil.Mii) on
T r ooutsii
1 y III H'k t-Wiiaul oil
UuiiNKYil ai iaw
All ( 1,l,ll. I'. lj Li. ll'ltm a r..inlty
l "Ulr-r rtium 1 1 mul J , C M Jmu4 .if-i-i-
.huilrnii;, ,
jh k.on a s y, - . i ,rilt,u
UK l'llHTKK.'.M ll
i'f'.HTAV ,1 sl'Hi;t!;i',
Society Directory.
1 1 l"ll
(sk-n ,i u:. km n
U li'llMAl
il.Vl-l.i,.lM 111 tl,f HI ,-Hl Ol lil'IH ill
tlie ri'ii'iit raid will hk.-lv be uiadi'
known licliy. Work tit Moowood will
now b jiiihIkI aa raplilly an pofaibli",
and bv tiHimrniw, t'roviilin-j no onibreHk
orriirH, Hinok-e wfll be nei'U riHing from
the ovi'iih.
ItiwToN M ami ii Ul, At a n:r't
niii'tmn nftbe (;arpnterH I iiimi it i
"nid tbi'-ifiri-iw-,l fi'i'lint; airiiiniit the
Car'nterSi and I!mi"i"t'ii AiKociiiK.il
la vrv Mt.rxniK' and tluil the entimrnt
iin favfiMif taknni raifcral action, tine
ol tlie mmiihera Htaled after the inefinu
that lliurr would Iks a Htnke for vight
hoorn lliH Hprniijr.
'(hp i:rrilt' liulM-r,
! Jjimiin. M ireli :U It ia an ojtn ne
crct I li.j Kuiperor Ulilliam baa nuri-mui-d
l. Ilrol ilrrply neorly u! the -Merman
lrijiret by Inn extreordiuiiry ariWL'iinre,
, 4i lirnlariv to the f yinee ltr"it of I'.a-
i-atiii, Ilir Ihikeirf 'Mixe-CV.b'iri! uml Hie
!traiiJ liiikeof IK'-d. Tbr i.ipeior'e
pi'iiiul 1 1 1, l ion ahiki' baa er-t n uum
iih -(.'lu'wed liiiN-nre. AlKn.-e. .ir-
'f iiiio and the IMii'liixb iovmres luive
all In tv inuiiH-iilw-itliiii I be neat month,
'ami in ad.blioii t-w hm vimih I 1-jinlan.i,
tlie Ani-lii.iii tiiaeeuvrrr), anil N,,rw.,v.
., l'KHi;no, Or. .Mmrh Ttl . A . E.
Cliiiinmiifiie, ronlrnrtnr and builder, an
I ..I.I .... 1,1 .., !... I.. . I
pieparnl oiih an- iwinirn, immeriy pro-
1 ill I mi t ant , I ii" ir-ioiiiioniHii noiei,
I ,!r(, -i ii ueaii at i:;l o cloi k tbia atter
nooii. IN. wiia ailtin in a saloon uml
eotiiplaiiieil o a pain in bia aide, lie
aat'l he would no to bia room al the
Itamtel and lie down, and alaited thioiiiih
jthe rear door of the aaloon and fell.
lie was carried hurk into the aaloon
and died immediitelv. He leaves no
family except two brother.
lUIK. UN i irv ih no t,K 1KIIC
MfVUut 1 .Mill II..IIO ,,M Hnvili-I llitntiay fll
tiarii ni-urii, Voln.r, ai i-i.mf
r n Ai.i-pii.v, j. r appsi!us.
tArl-HtUt) ltrnl.ll l
Al'liillKH t.i,,1.. .Vii K lift
Jli-.li. t i ry l-ri.im t lulu m M,,in' hull
t nir!il i
l.iWI Kl;-,,
I'rvm 'I'arniaia
Taiom. Makcii 31 The I'mre! Hound
Kleain-.ii-fi Afaociation waa lo have held
a iiie-tinu today, hut no quorum wae
pieiAent.wo tlm meetimf aa udjoiirned
to meet at the call of t'bainnan Moiralt
The elisirman Hinted that the notiee 01'
the J'acille Naviyatim Compaiiv to
withdraw from the w haa prartieallv
lieeu -rrm-indi.il. and lat when a qimrtin)
ot tt aoeiation niw thev will man-ape-
!to tiouhle with tfie I'm ifii- Nar'ijr it
inn -t'onipany, and the pool will lie
rtriw.jer than ever.
I'll roe I tain., I'rlrHiU.
Tun in. M H )t, HI. The llralyitea
ii.ii.nilly admit tliat .Mr. i'arni-H'a
prtonul ranvuHn flf the Siliei) ditrirt
. 1 1 i. :
porta. itiHlriii-iuiL' consular olln eia and . ' '' r
other Hinall iiiattrrs. In this raae fiir- The General McDonnell went aulinr
iber corrpB-onili'ni e between the irovern-! yeit'iday at Angel, tab Hhe waa una- ,
neataof the United Htatea and Italy j heijuenlly gotten off, but it will take twa
in tint take place directly between Wacb- w'eks to repair her.,
,ii,,,.,. ... .,,,.1 ii- .i,!,,,, i vcw iirriiiiv ijcmrgg u u,jiw,h;i i ij-.nup"
ton, ultbou-jh the opinion ia not preva
lent that the diflictllliea will lead
war. Tbe lfoverninent ia inclined
uiib, ltaliaiiH amJ otnera. fceven
tO I "J" v-
to - Hinre WM. eixty-tbree year ago, 2u-fJ
view the (irrwiit -situation lightly, and , foreigner have taken out naiu alizalio
will take no luiHty action The Italian ! paper in Mexico. .f these 1147 weti
conanl ut San Franc iaco nav no hostile . ,-jmniarda and 147 Atueiicana.
move ia intended. , . ,, , , . , , . .
I John Mullens, employed at odd j'.lji
Wamiinktom. April l.-The complica-1 .li,""r (rL'";h,
liona with Italy w !,a the only matter din- ! l-oklvu N. . waa auffoi ed in a bs
cu.aed here May. If hi the fteneral j -""eJ there Monday,
opinion of all the diplorratea in Waahinif-i j p phelan.a San Francisco attom-y
in ller - r,o J.,..,, Mt a i at a Wintiditinr-r.-j V..
C.H-o.,- f.-iirlli aii.t iliitli -lint i.
i,-"il Oily
ton that Italy hag put her foot
month. to penn, ami make a nreax ; tulel , Hnmuv nivrht.eaueinijlieniorrliajs
that will make br ridiculous before she j of lhe -onin; H died yesleidav.
atraiKbtens it out. It was the lat ot
April, and the practical jokers were out The furnaces in the noutheastern p,it
w ith Aril fool to:ies during the greater of Tcrre, Haute, Ind., burst ver-terda-y
iarto the dav. The one that struck i morning. Two men were killed al,.i
the lunges! and' spread with the greatest i much damage to property reunite),
rapidity was that ex-bpeaker Ueed was Iinrnii;r!l,lt(, a.e arrivini, in S , ,oki.rL
caM.t at Horence, deHpoiled of '- j at rBte of fifty a dav. They ua
SKport and eent to jail This report j )n0,t, .. b(jnni for the a-Writ gran
made tlunga lively U r a time but it only rej!iolls of 1(J paU(ie ,, Bi Vvnil
tok about a half an .lour to kill it, and
fon'.ething new had to be started.) -Hush Hush Tawee, chief of tbe Suakj
.Vi a matter of fart the sittiiition baa ; Indian", died Monday at his home o
not changed since last niidit. Italy has Snake river liunners arc utimmui.i
B.,i i-i.t niM.li. u imitirin in iirnv." thai ' the tribe toie'her to nai-iirina!,. in t'
has resulted in great advantage to him, , anv iif tbe men killed in the New Or-1 funeral
I.im they hoiw tliat Timothy Ilealv's W-u'iis parish priwm were Italian subjuets rh.lrll.. ..,,.. . nr . . ..
iiK-.ii i.i ii... ii.u, ...i .i... ...i. ...... U. i . . . .... ' -., v Iiarh-s -irr.urkie.l itlubiirL' s mi iii-
. i... . . . i . j. , i. . i - - -.ui in hik . in. iiiui. is in i' ail a lino iiuiiurv. 11 , ,r ,
iu- ii'ii ii-nii iia cm wi hi ii iiihi- i o ,inaiiH w , II haw tk... .,ir,... ..(.,,. i- - .i i . t . '.i .aire rniit'e ineicnani, was tiiuimj a
t,.'.k. of llm t,.giah. and half V.w niaioritv f the f-iural v,.f, . vJ'.. I Li". ,it.. lo 1 "cr" re , meiit that h.s h dy wui,l be rrfina-.ed
-J.iyini.illii-rsuiieisi- i-xruiiiu. a' leaet Ur, ,,, ih...,l,.u. i....;n..- i.il.,.i! " " i was incorrect.
..... I..- A..- Ii ti .i ... . '" "' uii'i i
k mimi.-i ti.r i:nn, nil. ii. I Il'roeii.1.. I,, i ( -
Kt: u i n i.
J. K
. on ii.-l t vi
, M i.lu . ml i
V.(-i In l.o IX
mi i.m imui Mibi.i: Kit, i. i
IIhI-U if. r.-K-ilar ui'iiilriiu,.tA i.:i ft
n. I thoe -.ituiriyf .-1 i ,,.ii ii,.. nlh At ".'I l
iwilir in ih,.i !ii.ti, k- .r.- iiivlii.! t m ;iti
. i' ltl I W. M
I F Ii "I AN, ri w ary
iil.-iiii. luli.t:, t ii ii. K N-i.
Xli-i-u, v , i-ry I !iii(.,lni..-vi-ii . h hi i v.-.'-L
. a I" (III- i Mil rvin't. Hull, Ulli ln-,i
lli-i,il.i'r ..I t'tf , iri.-r -irs- hi . I'l-.l to Mtt.-i-t
My ur.lm ..I w ,. Mul .i,,u, . i,
I I.'-a, I; v-tli, Hrrt'.i y
KAI I I .M ii-ilI'MH. I. Ni, i, I l i) I' :
Mi'flli hi ! illl-l thit.l i u-'.. I'll , nl enrl. n .mill I
alo.t.l .li, n h ,H l','ii,!-r mi l ii-Uiui; i
i!ri:m h. peril ,!y lull f. I,. mti-H.I I
I. It JM-Y. J V IM'-Ml,;;, j
"''ili' l h ii-1 !.,,. -t.
CI 1' i it i
la l,n tin I -it'.
( i'l .--Hiil;s T I.VW
uts f I in: k r, 1U1.110M trv, wjiiiov.
I -reiirii eiiilMisntiir at liciliii, ia alaiut f for
,iu nt. rci-ain-ii, mi the gnu-ml thai Ik- ier
,iii.'iii 'ti nave pm-vcniiHi r.taipresa rieil
' li n k a visi' to I'aris, w liieli iK-cxci-Ki-ivelv
i Hbsiini and f.lii-li, lor the le-erct waa w
' wi ll ipi that p-r ll'-rN'Mc knewnotlii
; in ' r.llipn- I ri"erirli a llilemiou
iiihi! flu- h id m.'lied ( nliigi e. Albert
. I'l-rium, eiiibuKro'l'ir Ht t 'una, w ill
; jM'nhuhly suiveed Herbert at ISeiliu.
er taction is aa problentKitical a
.. II.-IMCI. ,
." .M- i;t,' ii-Us
if It!;!, l.ntl tl-t.-y, F-iTr-!i,
I. a.,u'. i,-iii-r,il
BMtitli tt WiKt linn. H tit
W-.ttniv.l S
Cm-i;.-!! I Ity
.1. n' Mt ll'-a.
A HK.WK.lt.
til l.xi9ilye Mrikc.
Ill iim.to, I a., M.in'h ,;i-l Kxten
,vr pi'iiiiialiniiK have U-fii niiie bv
Hie i iKi!,,M. i f tlie Ci tit j. 1 IVnnfvi
vania tmil iiiiiirt- ..'or a gi-ueral strike on
Vavt'.. Their gtifvnncea, Ike'V say, are
U-Vuiid fmilii-r t'i,luraia-e, f.nd only a
mrei'itis; Khnt-di'W n w ill tkiiiil thrill
Mtivtbiig. Tb M'ale prw'des at the
i iluii,l'ia ciiiivi'rr.toii fm ,:o ecu's per
'.-hi i. 'iNiii p.niiub, Ims la-en -ignored by
h!1 ll.e opeialoia, who detumid of the
jiifii Ji-t'l puiiiids (,er ton.
fne itinera will nuike a aemand for
ijs-dt-'miir dav, n'ld Hie alimluti' In-e-
Uilleil 11 r lliitilixg A- iil. ul
-'iio.Oa. V
unit ll'wiraof aL'.' and a js-and
; I I levamev, hung about six mi
-west ol :-rKi, gnmse hunting vesierdav
I and mt dow n on a log to rest. In draw
i:i'g his gun over the log be -grasped it
l by the miurzle and in such a manner
".lint it was disrtuirgfd, (be iarga nass-
in: 'nioogTi hoc inangiing in- iiainl in a
-tic alTairg
Word has been received heie from New
Orb-airs that every man ol those killed
was on toe rolls of the New Orleans reg
ister of voters. Under the constitution
Dennis T. Burke, the engineer ia
w as in charge of the Northwcrtem train
wrecked at Kacine Junction Tui
day, bis been ai rested at Milwaukee on
i of Ivouisianu when a man declares his ! a ebargeof criminal negliaeme.
HCH.yl. dimmer llll v,. ii 1. . " " i
m rt! T r - , mi, i- w .Miriv - - tnotisaml striken
lea I "T "" V , l'K , attai Ken fncue s coke works Monday,
V. . iii-eiis j m.ar littsr.urg. I'eiin., ilestrovmg tins
Macbea was a politician ami handled tbe i ckc ovens, railway tracks, "and tlm
ta ban vote. He did not permit the 1 windows of several houses were broken.
Italian to remain mnnv hours m Nw;
Orleuns beiore he made them serve no-j The Teunesse legisiatuie adj iurn, 'd
tice of an intention to become citizens in i ""'"' yesterday. Its most important
order ti increase his voting streriL'th action was tlie deleat of tlie world
n, niiinn,. (. . . , , , - , , l... - j, ,,,)..-,, tr .n , , , ,11 1,1 I. ;in,l itR nntlll'tV
KAI.ll ii
l.OlH.t AiK A. II f. W
Mi-i-l i-iairy ii-,.,,i,t mid -I. urtlt Kl Mil y--n
hit; nl i"i,-li in-o i It In o-l-l l i-:i,.ivs' l,,i!!'l.-ti;.
All -.I'Jiuirw.iiK l,r,'tlu'ii r-ri tully hii-ltiiS o -it
lr ml.
IA y,ll.KINSi)N. M ..
TKMI'I.K Lli I. (iKKiitiK K'lTV I'ATKllU't
CIIAI. cmivt:.
Meeuavrrf Tiicilny Kyiikaa at 7 M al fcn.)
on .Mulii ami ftiurtli sir-in-i
M (i ll.fKl r.l, Ortek
V. I'ltienaa. Sorn-itri .
l,rrij,in ttl.
ANli;l-:S IIdIKK t.lilHiK. K. Ii. SUNK l)f
Me.-tA mi'iy Htittility nt 'i ii'.tinrk ,. 111. al
'I mil hut Ii'ii IIhIT,. Kuril ii ik- limit. I'ri"..
Al HKKV KUU..INU. Ki-c'y
TI'AI.I I IN ItANilK. SU. 111. I'. i,l 11,
Vi-em lnt Nniiiftay ul riuii umiih at their
hull in W i . tl i... It, It IIksm,
Mlsi, lit i, Siiaiii", Si'i''y. Mithler.
WAUM-.li i.UAMiK. Nil. 117. I'. " II.
M,-'i lelliih Sulitfijay nl i-aelt ninnlli. nt tlii'lr
hull ill ,Vi-il- Int. K. C. Milililm k. Hi i- v.
,1. Cml i, ll iMi-r .
MTUiK. I'nsr, S -i A, It.. I'l-rAUlKIAI
Ol-' OI!l-:ii(IN,
(lrl F'rl.lay ol i"i,-li mnlttli, ul
'rwrlt,. vt nr i'(...rtc-ii,-i- us ri-mi'-r ot (lie '
a lot.l nfjnii li'-n. neiiinitn.itiU tm tu our aii.-c-iulty
.,1 sil iuuli nf liu t i,ta IM-I..IV llt-.iiin,l ,,(
m t tili.t lh- i an rl . iiiet itimivl.tii Hit. i.rtietiet
In llli. Ri-iier.-ii linn I ullict.
1 II. HVK.
roriVv-Kl.OK AT LiW
.itKiiiis i ii.
...... i t, ..i i . , . .
iiihi iiaiuoa.i i oi'jpnnv were today in
lii ted hy the grand jury fvr inisde
nseanor. in ronnection witb the fatal
ilouifi'iuu the aval, ,,f ,.rks I li. , tlpl M J11 rooru. h veil lie iiimiel, reo-
n.-ivs-unes ,' bfe from Iheir ,pl,,vers r-lant w,Hir,.,(V we
Tlie pri'ut lirii., of tbe -n in.'-ra is I V . rrl P rf 7 vt,;w'1!1
largely il.le to .be general rM,m, nTj. V'" L k. '' Hunt,
of "pluck .. ston-s, and ll. H''.1 "i -?'' W'"11"" , 1 '.
-,,ii,.. :,.,,., ,-,.,,, ,n - N""N v " :"'ein!,Jieiirvti. . noiiinson,
Ping ta, ,, emitiniially Ku.uri, M H, Vafi Chmln,.v i
1 ', Henry S. Lee, William Uocke
felierand la-verett W. Brainard.
U'liiiile mmineT. Dr
..-ii, I I 1 I : ,, . I in ..
,;: i'i ' ' I. '., . "V" .y. .r with the matter. ' ; nism to a'l h sri:-!atioit atle, ting railroad.
i'wrist this rtung. Tbe voung man I ,, , , ', n , (""v W1,r l":wp,.r. I IVettv Laura Kramner, of fbiear?..
..died thiseveuim-. , Italy ha-her bands fnll tryini: to retaiii ; rt,fuseiI tn ,!ve np K il0 f sj,allK.
- - her plnre an a first class ower m fcuione. j mte heitv to ffO.tVW. Her pan-tits
lail-aoal l:iKiirk Imli. leil. I iind she h not going to waste her ener 1 accordingly bad her ane-ted an 1 eoin
I Nkw Yd,. M.,-i.31 -Tlw dire.-tor ' f,"? "? ,,fforVi "l"15 V 1 mittod to the Hwio otti.e Uoi-d sh.-p-
, ..' . ' ': ni-. ''lie IIB i J u y h utiir Shu lia 1-li.nil miniil-unini. ' 1 i
u tlie New "i, irk, New Haven it Hart-
tears back.
iiK'Hiod ol I
in i lev I io lUieraiorH. ,i tialav s conler
en, e between I'.road Top, (iallilain, and
t h-ai-fteld region miners, representing
over lu'.Otlil men, a general ssrike on
May 1st w as agreed upon.
l'mfiiiii l.ljlillinii.r
w ........ ........ i. i i.. -
,--jtjr,i.ii'., . .lliii . . .11. Ill Minni-f l.i,,, i; ,,,!,. , ,. .
to inquiries of nipreseiitative Hermati . ' ; , A. , i . V T v -u ,1
tioiith tinrriean Tranblea,
1-U-knos Ayhps, Makih HO A riot
occurred at Moron during- the recent
eiet'triuiM. Two huudneii voters attacked
i:. IIAVK.s,
r. a. nt u.dl Ken
i,i:u ,v
. i-nrin-r
today at tbe treasmy department as to
the ciiisirnetiiti of tbe lightluiiMio at
Ihe n n ii it Ii ol tke l'itipjiia river, it is
slated that proKtsala for bids will be
ptiiilished in New Yolk, riiiladelpfcia,
which lasted two hours The killed and
wounded would number twenty.
Mi nsvoN At'iiii.LUX Mas-of-Wab.
A mutiny occured on the Chilian
man-of-war. Filcomayo, while lying in
.Muni mul r-iilitlt
.lit' r."irt Imii.
Hull, urt'uiin litv.
II UilllNli, Cnllllll lll-i,
Ml-:UK I:):I.ii-:k coin's, s,.. is, Pl'I'Aiil'
Mrs. K. (i. Mi-t'iiwii.
Mis. li 1 1 m t 1 1 1 1 k ,
.Mrs K, H, Ciii'lirinii', -Mi-els
nti tlrst Mini tlilr-l
nmntli tn l'iiiiin-ll lit,tii.l,i-r.
i reiisurer.
Krllnys nf cm-li
Ui'iiiiiiirs nf rorpa
iitiii'i ni,
, iiiinii.
M IN 11. K 11.
,1-' ol; I-:,
.fiil.l hi
ii'S ii i-v.
Cnint.il, i!i.;i !!,!.
j i 1 1 1 si iii rg ami rortiumi, nr. nevspaieis, j tlie tiaruor here, lite miitin, is sup
Ijuid that lads w ill he oien-d and cm- 1 posed to have instigated by the (Tiillinn
. inirls award, d April ill, and that on tlw I residents of this city. Thtee sailors
j 1l d.iy nf .lantiiirv the new lht will le j wore killed and nine wounded.
I Hashed "pun tin? ocean.
! Representative Hermann secured a' I'rom tatorla.
i pension todav tbroiigh Ihe department) Asti-hi . Mabcii 111. All riiimitown
, ot Coos coutily. lie is ' ja excited overa big damage suit which i 'wry day by wil
'late war. i is imminent between ,,m K. I fin
Itritiali Influence tt unin-
Nkw HokK, April 1. Advances from
Era7il report that tbe purchase of the
estire plant of the Amazon teain Nav
igation Company by tbe Brazillian cor
poration l'reca tie Obras Publicas, has
laen coinpleted. The price paid was
i'ft(,0(K). This transfer from British
to Braillian Imnds of between SO and
100 steamers, together with landing:.
offices, etc., is of the utmost imortance,
1....1. . n :t i .. .. .
ooiu iij ixuzii anu mis country, ii
sweeps away at one blow the British
intlueuee and control of transportation
facilities in tbe interior of Brazil. The
corporation which made the purchase
is the same which has lately been pur
chasinirall the Para rubber' crop with a
view of controlling the market.
The Walla Walls and Tioop A nittf
played a game of ball yesterday, which
was witnessed hy a la'ge crowd. Tin
game was one-sided, thesoldiers out
play tlie cjtv nine all round, i-'eoii
17 to 2.
The will of the late Senator Heaijt
was admitted to probate in San Fran
cisco yeste-day. Mrs. Phela Heats
was appointed executrix without i-omtS
as the will provided. The. cttate is
valued at over $10,000,000
A young assaassin attempted to kill
the minister of the interior, at Buenos
Ayres, General Gulio A. Soca, Iwcana
he could not get work. Nearly 1000
people in Chicago, died of laaripte.
during the week ending March 28th.
lor AiiL-iisI Carl
I a Vele, all of til,
ni i, IN
i AI KIIi.il
I liei.ieseiila'tve llernian has pre- Chinese merchant of 1'ortland, and
' sent, -d In the liep-irtmetil a numetoitslv Wo. a Chinese ,lav ( iouhl of this
:H!iicd petition from Harney county j i hen the Mongkut sailed for China
asking lor increase ol inai
I 'i.-mioiid to Shirk : distan
l', a
re, ti ft v mil
front iihrniitl, I'linllully widcoui..
K COMPANY, rillMT UKH1MKNT, I). N. li.
Armnry, Tlilril anil Main, lii'xular ilrlll nlithl.
Mntiility. Iti-Riilur liiisltiess ini'i'tlliK, first
Monday of I'ttiii itiotitli.
u iii ems.
. . Capttiln.
K. a. Wiirreii. - - First I.liMiiriitint.
T. 1'. limiiliill, " Heonllil l.li'ilti'liiint.
-I. I), (litiinni!, - ' V tst. Hiirtieant.
. I'. Wiiltkit-k, . ij. ,M. Stimeaiil.
KOCNTAlN Itl'lHH CO., No, 1.
Iti-viilnr iiiei-tliiK, st'cniiit WiMlnt'silitv III ouch
llliilllll lit elicinn house, oust si, In Mall 11 street,
hetwi'iii Seventh uml lilulitlt
l-'.ll. NHHTliS. Kol-,'11,,111.
t'ATAIIACT lliisic CO. Nn. 2.
els see, ,11, 1 'rill'siliiy of om-lt tnoitlh at Cut
Pi'iinslts roi'i'tv.-il snlijeii tn ohfi-ft.
Aiir,,veit 1,111s ami notes iliseniititi-il.
I inilit y un,l city null -oils helliiht,
I.OUHS ntjtito oi uiuliulili' si-enrlty.
Col!i-otl,ms tniole Mi.iii idly.
Prufts snlil on ro'.iluinl, Sun Ki-.-inclseo .Chlctt-
Ku. New York, ami alt itriiu'lpul cities of Kti-
'1'i'li'itrnphlc exi'hiitiiites sold on I'oitliiml, Sail
Kriiiieisco, Chli-sii,! aint .-i'v York.
I NTK ttKST 1'AIIIOS TI M K PKI'i "stTS l roi.l.ows:
For tltrt'c months. 4 per ci-ni per iiiitiuii),
Kor ii months. ,ri per cent, pur nuunm.
For 12 nioiiths, li per cent, per annum.
Time eei-tl;l,-,iles ,,f ih-oojeto p:,vul,! -on (Io
nian, I, hut liiiei-i'sl forii'ttotl ii ihaaii hefore
cml of term of deposit.
lelorlii Soft's,
Vn roitiA, March ill. In the lcgislu
tnre this aiteiiioon Hon. Turner pre
sented a huditut speech and to the stir
iris of all no debate followed. Fsti
niates so far have not provoked a word
of opposition.
Charles Peterson, a prominent mem
ber of the Salvation Army, and a man
standing six feet two, was arrested this
morning for n violent assault upon a 10-year-old
uirl .
John Stuart, who was caught in Ihe
net of burglarizing Governor Nelson's
residence Sunday, has been committed
for trial, lie plead uuilt v. When asked
service Iron: t March A, Sam Ping was arrested just
i as tne vessel was leaving, tin informat
i ion tiled by Ark Wo, and was brought up
iiclore .ludge ,leMtt on a charge ot
embezzlement of $1."M, the complaint
ii, ,;,,,, i',,,t ti, . i, ,,i i,.,
mittod about .January 1, lSS'i, and that
since that date Sam had been out of the
slate until within a few days prior to
the tiling of the information".
The pontoon bridge was swept away
at St. Charles, Mo., Sunday, live m&
were on it at tbe time. Thev have u&
been beard of since. They "were John
Cnlenmn Pril-r U'c.l-. T ..i:., t..i .
V v.,.. i :l -i ii.. . ;. .. ivo, i.,..tup iiuoilisita.
..,V T. "t i'" 10 uiel'Hnii'S Spark and John Knoch.
orld from Brazil states there is now a 1 n
tidal wave of speculation in that country. I ' assenger tram No. tion the Phila. Id
New companies with enormous capital m K''ding was wrecked at Yastine,
on paper are organized every dav and l 'a- y'fterdav m'Tning. .(.Flanagan P.
notes tor millions ot dollars are issued i 1,1 ul uuam;iort, fonstat-ls
at banks. The rcci- i "ooper. ot Mtniiury. Aits, Tn wiicr, oT
procity treaty with the United States, it '-eidslimg. and t ontraetm Wetzel, of
is said, will greatly stimulate, the sugar 1 Danville, were severely injured
i",hlstl'.v' ' ! Mrs (.. W. Hunt, wife of the ruiir...!.'!
. ...i.T atiraTa'a.-" --a-am-- j magnate, left la-t ni'.-ht for New Yoik.
was accompanied by hor physcian. Dr.
The Siifjtii- I'riiat.
San FiiANiisio Makcii i!0, Clans
Spreckels, the sugar king, has combined
with the Havmcyers, and is now a
member of the sugar trust. For several
weeks .Mr. Searles, manager of the
sugar trust, has been in this city and
tllH l o.M.MIiiCt.M. HANK
last week J . C. Havenmever arrived
: it ho had anything to say in the polica i Ihey consulted with Spreckels, hut
court, ho replied, "I wish to God they terms of the agreement are unknown
j would hang me." lie is supposed to be
Pkn nun-ox, April 1 The sale of res
ervation lands began today. The first
i excursion to the agency started this
morning, as advertised. Only one sec
tion of land was ottered for sale this fore
noon, lying twelve miles south of Pendle
ton and know n as section I, township 1
south, range 82 east. The first quarter
ottered was not taken ; the second was
sold to P. Olsen for iflSil; the third to
Charles Cunningham for -jlOOtl, and the
fourth toll. C. Yaugluiu for IfHoti. Rid
ding was spirited on the last two. The
land sold was all appraised at $1.25 per
acre. A large crowd was present at the
sale. The Side will last forty days or
nrmi Ktiiiilli. house.
(i. II. liUMou', Si'il'y
J. W.
lleiVI-i I I'l-l's
O'CoNNtai,, -"r
Meets Mist l-iiiluy of I'inii mouth at
Fountain Fntillii. Iioum-. Cuas. Aiui-tv. I'res,
(I. C. IIacon, HiiCy. ChAs lli'rzhii, l''nu.
'lit A NSA , Ts
I demented
,1 lil.NtiMI, HANKlNii Hi'
boiilH lllinle. Hills ,11,-eolllitoil. Mukes oo
leetlotts. Pays uml soils o, !iant;o on till poinis
III the I'nlleil spill's, l-'jiinpi.. .- 1 1 1 1 IIouk Kenc.
li--iosils 1-ei'i'l- i'il suhjei-t lo rlleek Intetovt nt
iisinil iiiti-s n lli.ii ed on tituo ih-poslts. Pimk
open fiom a. il. lo I I-. m. Sutuuia.v evenlims
f I oil! ,' III 7 1', M.
I) C.
l.ATlllitK'ITK PrCKl.leiit
F F. III.-VA1.1WO.N, t:sher 1 Auie
I n I e it o n 1 1 n e it t a I li a i 1 vaj .
Wasuimiius, Makcii ill. Final ar
l'iinoeiiients are now nearly completed,
iind in ;i few days instruct inns. . will be
issued to three parties authorized by
the international railway commission to
j survey the route of the proposed railway
between this country and Soutii
Bakkr City, April 1st. It has just
beek learned from ii reliabli. soin-ea tlvit
It is stated, however, a division of ter-, Mr. R. M. Lombard, a prominent- but
litory has been effected. The Have- eccentric citizen of linker Citv. also well
nieyei-9 win conrrot tno l-.astern mar
ket and Spreckels the Western. Spreck
el's big Philadelphia refinery will be
turned over to the trust and the trust's
American refinery hero will either be
closed oi' will run even with Sprackels'
relinery. Adoltib Spreckels todav
and favorably known in Portland's busi- i
ness and social circles, is at present at- !
tempting to beat the record of cireuni- i
navigating the world that was made bv !
Miss Nellie lily.' He started from Baker
City March 10, and n cablegram just re-
ceived bv a friend reports him six hours
denied Having entered the trust, but ahead of time. 1 is omo-ress is 1 oin.r
admitted an agreement had been ma le I anxiously watched bv his friends in the
with the llavenieyers. Northwest.
a. t-,. liingiiain. hhe lias gone F-.tst to
have an operation! perfonned hy New
Y'orl; specialists.
Mai ion Hampton and Charles Haw
kins, of Kanfnutn, Texas, were rivals
for a lady's hand. Their jealously cul
minated in a tragedy Sunday. "llaw
kitis was shot and killed. A 4-year-oiTj
child passing was mortally wonnde.1.
Hampton was arrested.
Judge Sawyer, ot San Francisco, baa
sustained the ordinance of the board of
supervisors, prohibiting the Flectric
Improvement Co. it m stringing its
wires overt he tops of the houses. Tim
company, on passage of the onhnunoe,
applied to the United States limit for
a restraining order on the l oan'.. This
Judge Sawyer declined to issue.
CttiCAiio, Makcii, 28. Mrs. poller
Pahrer, president of tl-e board ot' holy
managers' of the World's fair, has an
nounced its executive committee. Mis.
Palmer says she divided the country
into four parts of equal population, ami
that she divided the honors as equally
us she could between the political paiiies.
The executive committee will meet In r
April sth. Among the members an
Mrs. John A. Logan, Washington, D. C,
and Mrs. L. W . Allen, Portland, Oregon.