THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922. Page Seven s News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY Rev. Robert Allingham, pastor of the Alameda Park community church, will speak at the Hazelia community Sun day school December 31, at 2:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 on this date. You will enjoy this very pleasing speaker, who comes here highly recom mended. There will also be good spec ial music. . ' ' ' Mrs. Max Forte, who has been quite ! ill at the home of J. Eastman, has re i turned to her home in Portland. J Jit JX JX J& J& J& J& j J& J& g$6 j Jx jjfi $ CLARKES jX Albert Gasser jt s J If f if J? f f K" J? a? ? a? 1? William Evans" of Aurora spent Sun day with Mr. and Mis. J.'R. Lewis. Miss Enaa Caseday spent Saturday and Sunday at the O'Leary home. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown returned -X s& 8 8 C JENNINGS LODGE Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck - Jt ' J John Leichtweis, Thursday from an enjoyable trip to 5g,,,, Eugene. Mr. Brown transacted husi- ? tnFFFFF ness while there. -i Mrs. Lestowe. who came from east- Willamette University, is SUMMONS. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Stage of Port- Charles Kilgore returned home from L nrefron nn visit, is sick at the land, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,tj. of O. for his Christmas vacation. nome Cf ner daughter, Mrs. Shelton Marshall over Christmas. C. 3ones, Albert, and Ray Fisher Bechtel , - t ii . i;j.J i i a t T 4-1 J I Mr. .and Mrs. Unas, marsnan visueu spent one aay msi wees m ruiuauu uu a , .Io f ty,a A;rrorot nt bf- s ia WnnJthe public school united, last Friday. ;tofore eiiBtoig : between the Piamuir hl.Tllft tA. thfl " -CJ ' ' lecuvcu a. In the Circuit Court of the State of - Oregon, for the County of Clack am5as. . STANLEY WILLIAMS ALLEN, , Plaintiff, vs. ISABELLE R. ALLEN, Defendant. To Isabelle r Allen, the above named defendant: - In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are nereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore six weeks fromthe first publica tion of this summons, to-wit: - The 8th doy of February, A. D., 1923, and if you fail so to appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to this court for the relief demanded in the complaint filed in this suit, to-wit: For a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and here- holiday vacation. with . Mr. and Mrs Christmas. - Mr. and Mrs. Katty made a business trip to Oregon City, last Friday. miss J&auusr rauiei "- cwtlan.l whPr shs tansacfr i"1- -v. "V""' Portland She was in a hospital and ; - number of pupils trom tne seven tn ana i . i i en business. .4. np is now convalescing ai ner iiuuie uciC - tt,i wa, a Satnrdav i elsul-u eca shopper in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. N. Caseday are visitin On Wednesday MrB. A. A Spangler uxe at the school house a where she will remain until she re gains her strength. v. cxra ritinvp-A TTofRtetter ".L "r ;:ta thp In Tower, Oregon. were ill jl cguu iy vu. S. Elmer was in Portland last week. holidays Fred Lindau has sold all ot his 1922 walnut crop at a good price. He also sold his dried prunes at a satisfactory price. As this was his first prune crop and his nut orchard is young, both crops ought to be about double next .year. He states that his filbefc trees are full of blossoms for the firet time. In a few years Mr. Lindan will be a leading fruit and nut grower in Oregon. i Tommy Robbins, who was unable to at itend on account of -sickness, and pre sented him with a book. The pupils - . . ". I in rAsnnnsfi to the aniifial sent out hv ftted Jas-ger is home for the Christ- anriot nT,triht m quarts of canned fruit to be distributed to the needy on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, who re cently came to Portland from Spokane, spent Christmas at the home of the latter's brother, Dan Jones, of Morse avenue. Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Deter and family, when returning from Sellwood, Christ- : Jt Jtjl J j4 Jt J Jt Jt J J & J $g WILLAMETTE jK . Beulah Snidow . -. - ' I5 if jf j? J? if sf " " Mr and Mrs. William Pollock are .mas 1av were the victims of an auto- receiving congratulations on the ar-mobile wreck, and aa a result, Mrs. Paul Schiewe has started to build a)rival of a daughter, December 19. She house. This is bad weather for house building, but we all hope he will suc ceed and that he will have a good home before long. " - . The Misses Elenora and Lilly Schie we of Oregon City spent 'Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schiewe. Charles Gasser is busy planting prune trees. One more grower con verted to the fruit industry here. Our school celebrated Christmas last Fridav evening. The school rooms has been given the name of Jean La Velle. Mrs. Otis Messenger and children Tnla TCthel and Genevieve of Port land, spent the Christmas holidays at the home of the former's parents, Mr: and -Mrs. M. Waldron. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Porter and chil dren were the guests of relatives in Portland over hristmas f, P Berdine. who formerly resided n Willamette, but now is a resident of n -.TioinA ot thfi hnmp nf Mr. were decorated with the usual greens, i g Wednesday. and the children gave a remarkably tt Wvatt fine program, after which Santa Claus Mrs. Hvatt. Waldron and Una Hyatt m, alter wnicn oama uauai - - rhristnlps riinner at tne came down the chimney and distnbut-. Mr - Mra . Tu0 ed presents to the children, also many , fl f fl t k dinner packages of candy. The attendance was !atdrn Christmas day. a record breaker and everyone had a" . fine time Miss Beatnce Oliver, who recently I underwent an operation at the Ecanuel 4 a a d.t.f st ..4.t.i hosmtal . nas returned to ner noiue. g,tf vr vr vr vr v v v?- v -- 5' , . , ,,, j 1 . , , , c ii-- ,c!TQ ia mnnh imnrnvpH in nPa.ltn ann in Pnrt anH "1UJ"' ""f I - J 3 J - J g,jt Jt Jit Jt J J Jit Jl 5t Deter's niece, who is here from east ern Oregon, is in tne Sellwood hospi tal, suffering from the effects of severe cuts on her head. The Deter car was struck by a car going in the same direction and was badly smashed. The other occupants of the car were un injured. A "500" party was enjoyed by the members of the Community Club last Wednesday evening. Seven tables were played and a good time reported by those attending. W. I. Blinstone is again able to be out, after being confined to his home several days with a severe cold. Miss Mattley, teacher in the Seaside schools, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Matt ley, on Addie street. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starker and the children spent Christmas with 'Mr. Starker's mother, Mrs. Charles Starker, M. EDWARDS, C. EDWARDS, and THOMAS Defendants. and the defendant," said su)tt (being c,n Tift fm tro. a r. brought on the grounds of desertion. k toho or, ,...7,11 iiiaw.! This summons is published once a 1 ltillHU u T VVUVUV1 0 UUU UUK"U A II . . . , of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, said order being dated the 26th day of December, A. D., 1922, directing the publication of said summons. , Date of first publication, December 28th, 1922. Date of last publication, February 8th, 1923. ALLEN & ROBERTS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 714 Swetland Building, (12-28-7t) Portland Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. RALPH BRADY, Plaintiff, vs. . ELIZABETH EDWARDS, EDNA To Thomas C. Edwards, the above named Defendant: In the Name-of the State of Oregon, you are hereby iequ;red to appear and make answer to the plaintiff's com jlaint filed against j ou in the above en titled Court and cause on or before Sat urday, the 10th day "of February, 1923, id date being more man six weens trom and after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if jou .fail to appear or make answer to said complaint the plaintiff will apply o,the Court for the relief prayed lor herein, to-wit: For judgment against he defendant, Elizabeth Edwards, for the sum of $750.00, with interest there on computed at the rate of -8 per cent per annum from the 16th day of March, 922, and for the further sum of $33.72 vith interest thereon computed at the late of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of March, 1922, -and for the further sum of $75.00 attorney's fees, and for the costs and disbursements incurred by plaintiff in this suit, and for a decree decreeing the plaintiff's nortgage described in the complaint to be a first, valid and subsisting lien ppon lots numbered 52 and 53 in ROSE WOOD, reference being had to the re corded map and plat thereof, being a subdivision of sections 18 and 19 in township 2 South of Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Clackamas (County, Oregon, containing about ten acres of land, to secure -the payment of the sums hereinabove mentioned, and foreclosing said mortgage and di recting that the real property therein described be sold as upon execution to satisfy the costs, accruing costs and sums hereinabove mentioned, with in terest accrued and accruing thereon, and decreeing that you and all persons claiming by, through or under you or any of the defendants, be forever bar red and foreclosed from all claim, right, title and interest in and to said real property or any part thereof, save and except only your stales redemption. This, summons is served upon yft publication in the Banner-Courier, newspaper printed, published and hav ine a general circulation in Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable James u. uampDeu, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 27th day 01 December, 1922, which order pre scribes that the same be published in said Banner-Courier at least once a week for six consecutive and succes sive weeks, beginning with the issue of December the 28th, 1922, and ending with the issue of February 8th, 1923. Dated and first published .December 28th, 1922. OGLESBY YOUNG, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and Postoffice Address: Room 424, Chamber of Commerse Bldg., (12-28-7t) Portland, Oregon. Duncan and Evangeline Christainsen entertained West Linn school friends, recently. Mrs. Frank Childs is reported some better. CHERRYVILLE Parnell Averill ! hopes soon to be able to be about. Work was resumed at the big saw mill, five miles east of here, on Wed nesday of this week. There will be a lay-off New Year's day. A, happy New Year to everybody! Old-timers say that the squaw win ter we had in December means mild weather for the balance of the season, ggj R. (J. Murray, wno nas Deen em- W. " A. Rush, who was one of the graduates of the mid-winter class at the Monmouth Normal school, last Fri day, has returned to his home at this place. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider spent Christmas with Mrs. Snider's mother, Mrs. Patten, in Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bretscher enter tained at a Christmas dinner, Monday. Covers were laid for seventeen. Mrs. Lucy Allen came up from Cor vallis last week Wednesday and is spending the holiday season with her daughters, Mrs. W. I. Blinstone of Hull Mr. and- Mrs. R. W. Potter and son avenue, Mrs. Uerta Hertel and Mrs, i JtjtjtjtjItjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtJt ! HAZELIA By Hazelia School Pupils. i5V if if if if if if if if if if if if J? Mrs. Frank Childs, who has been seriously ill at her home in Hazelia, was taken to St. Vincent's hospital this pioyea on Dnage worK ni rvuuu ?, , arrivefi from Mikkalo. Ore-Gladvs Cooner of Portland came home for the holidays as moi Tnursday evening, to spend the Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hendry have re nis sons. Kaymona and uoDert, wuo r..',r i-r,: 1. t D rr. n,i are employed at Marshfield. Archie Averill and wife spent the holiday week with the home-folks. He Miss Thelma DeBok and Miss Mary j Christmas. Mrs. A. F. Russell of Jennings ave nue is on the sick list, from the effects of the prevailing colds. The children of the Sunday school gave a Christmas entertainment at the Shannon, teachers in the Willamette t 1 ,.;ntr.A tho f Armflio cicttfir Mrs is working for the state, highway de-1,,. partment at Winchester, Oregon, near " , , . Roseburg. ' Irene Duncan and Blanche Brown School closed last Friday until after are spending the holidays with their u j h: t. .1,1 ...... v, parents Mr suit Mrs. TT. T. DunCan. r:"Zl;hZrT bT Baker is spending 'the gram was a pleasing one, with songs near New Era. holidays with, her parents, Mr. and E. H. King is making a fish pond Mrs. H. Menenoer. on his ranch, near Brightwood, and will school house, Friday evening. The pro- raise trout. (3? jfr it 55 5t 58 J f! A KITS j John Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Funk visited the latter's sister, Mrs. W. H. Zivney, Thursday evening. Bob Wanker le.ft for his home, in eastern Oregon, Thursday afternoon, oft or visiting relatives and friends . . o Jt e&it ifffifififififififififif Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lehman called at the Frank Whitten home, Thursday evening. The Christmas program, given at the Hazelia school Friday night, was well attended by parents and friends of the The Carus union Sunday school held its Christmas exercises at the church. Sutvrlav Pvenins- A verv fine nrotrrani ' school. After an interesting program, was rendered. Santa Claus appeared and distributed Kenneth Renner and sister Ona were ! candy and gifts to the children. The guests at the Guilliam residence, Sun-'school room was tastefully decorated, day. I the large attractively trimmed tree be- Wftvne Stevart ia makir,!? frenuent ine the center of attraction. School trips to Oregon City where he is hav- ;will reopen Tuesday, January 2, after ing his hand treated. the Christmas holidays. and folk dances by a group of the little tots, representing fairies. Each one was remembered with candy and nuts trom the tree. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts enter tained at a family party, Sunday. Cov ers were laid for -seventeen. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and children were dinner guests at the Theron Finch home in Woodburn. Jerry Madden is excavating and get ting the lumber on the ground for a new1 house to be1 built on his property on the Willamette river, near the foot of Jennings avenue. The building will be erected in the early spring. Mrs. Howland has rented her home on the river road to Rev. Herbert G. Crocker and will spend the remainder of the winter with friends in Portland. Miss Vada Bluhm of Beaver Creek isited at the home of Mrs. Henry Hen- rici, last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. H. H. Emmons is sick at her home on the river road with the pre vailing cold The Grady family, who sold their home on Addie street several months ago, have taken up their residence in Portland. We Want the Accounts of Housewives We want the Accounts of housewives women who are earnestly trying to help their husbands in the struggle for financial independence. We want to help them save more and yet live well and to enjoy the protection of this strong e stablished bank. Don't hesitate to consult us any time w'e can be of service. Our ad vice and assistance is always at your disposal. . $1.00 Opens a Savings Account and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank Clackamas County Bank Sandy, Oregon . We Wish YOU r A Very Prosperous and Happy New Year The Hub GROCERY On the Hill Ask Anyone Ask anyone you know which is the highest quality baking powder and almost invariably they will tell you ROYAL. "My cakes are 100 better since I bought that can of Royal," writes one delighted user, and everywhere among your friends, neigh bors, relatives you will hear similar commendations. Royal Contains No Alton Leaves No Bitter Taste r ill SSSSZSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSr. Our entire stock of Washboilers and Pails at the very lowest prices: Xo clean them up dur ing January. All Copper Boilersat $5-5o . Copper Bottom Boilers at $2.50 ; D. M. Klemsen & Son Staple and Fancy Groceries 504 Main St. - - Oregon City CHOi From the. we can bi5 you the choicest I prices no more than you, j have paid elsewhere for $ V less quality. Oregon City Cash Market Ruconich & Roppel Props. Phone Pacific 75 218 Main St i X r v r ?: A. i k f 5: Hats Must Go ENTIRE STOCK Celia Goldsmith ' Trimmed Hats Sailors Childrens Beavers and Caps All Going At a Big Reduction For Sale Live Stock BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS The foundation of this flock came from the Government Station at Mountain Grove, Missouri. Fine color, even barring and good layers. Hatching eggs in season. H. O. Newell, Mo lalla, Oregon, R. F. D. No 2. 12-21-4tp FOR SALE Fresh cow, with or with out calf. Phone 27-F-24. 12-14-3t FOR SALE St. Andrewsburg-rollers, from imported stock; very pretty, good songsters; $3.00 per pair. Mrs. George Bliss, Oregon City, Rt. 3. (12-14-2t) . Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch tor sale.. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. Cost Little. Results Big Ban- Courier Classified Advs. LOST One Michelen Ford Disk wneel, painted orange, with Goodrich tire and license tag, December 9, on road between Tualatin and Wilsonville or Oswego. Write M. C Young, Wil sonville, Oregon.' Reward. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jersey bull, Oregon Park Chief N, sired by Maple Park Chief; Dam, Golden Glow's Blossom. Solid color, except small spot in forehead, spot on each stifle, white below knees and white switch, white tongue. Bred at .Ore gon Agricultural College; now at the (Barnett farm, one mile east of Parkplace, Oregon. J. H. Barnett, owner. 12-28-4tp DIRECTORY OF PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS FIRMS ALWAYS THE NEW THINGS FIRST. Ladies' and Children's Ready-To-Wear MONEY TO LOAN Paul C. Fischer Beaver Bldg. Oregon City 209 7th Street - Oregon City K A 0O0 , I I M , fSF "'" " '"' " " " " i - loDf i r ? V v ?f ' l j . r rss ...if Cook With Electricity SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE ATTO R N E YS-AT-LA W 6 Per Cent State School Money To Loan on Farms. General Practice Bank of Oregon City Building Oregon City, Oregon HUTCHINSON MATERNITY HOME Mrs. Ida Hutchinson, Prop. Reasonable Rates Sixth and J. Q. Adams Sts. Phone 498R Oregon City, Oregon W. G. H. Krueger CONTRACTOR House Moving, Raising and Repairing Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile Construction Estimates Given Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington St LOANS Holman & Pace FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Money loaned for you or to you at current rates. Farm loans only. GRANT B. DIMICK Oregon City, Oregon Seventh and Water Sts. Tel. 86 Wm. Stone ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON CHARLES T. SIEVERS LAWYER Caufield Bldg. OREGON CITY, OREGON DR. E. A. GIBBS, Nervous and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Room 2 ' Beaver Block Oregon City. Countless thousands of American housewives vould never have enjoyed real efficiency, econ omy, convenience and cleanliness in their kit chens had they not obeyed the national slogan cook by wire. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney at Law Oregon City, Oregon Beaver Building Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2 .e JOEORJVIAN Tailor to Men and Women 207 7th St. Oregon City C. D. & D. C. Latourette AND EARL LATOURETTE Atorneys-at-Law EsUtes settled Money loaned Prac tice in all Courts of the U. S. First National Bank Building OREGON CITY, ORE. Phone Pacific 405 GEO. HOEYE Chiropractor Phone 636W Caufield Bldg. Oregon City, Ore. . WM. GARDNER OPTICIAN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 719 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. Dr. L. G. Ice DENTIST Oregon City O. D.Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Over Bank of Oregon Ciy OREGON CITY, OREGON HUGH R. ROBERTSON & COMPANY Member American Institute of Accountants Accountants - Income Tax Service Auditors ? I Portland. Ore. Minneapolis, Minn. K-K-4-X-H-:X.H-K-:Hk1 1517 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore.