The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, December 21, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Page Three
(Etfmmwwttj Jtf
'.- News From Over " .... -y.'
' t 3f 8 5t 58 58
" Dr. John duller ';
Yon Yonson Skidoos
. Oleander Yon Yonson yust f uH of
moonshine, yust. undseated from a
blind motorcycle, by city authority and
given a nice, warm yob in the -Canty
hobo crib, yumped his -yob at 11:30
last Tuesday night, yust one-halfvhour
before time to sleep off his moonshine.
When dot Mr. Marshal mahs,-4ie cuma
. dis vway in de- mornings,, he say, ."How
vas it? So I say purty damph cold in
"".beers, so I quit. I am "not In'des
inornin'. I beat it to you don't know
. ywhere. Pick me up some more times
..irwhen you got more bleenkets on des
' bed. Pen meby, ine" go to scHeep un
forgot tfa yun jautrf. .. .
V At last reports Mr. Rothenburg,-our
efficient night jnarshal, . had' "reported
to the sheriff's office the escape of one
H. C. Byers of Portland, from-the city
. jail. Being-rushed for- time he perhaps
. : forgo all about his board bill, but will
' settle accounts when he returns for his
non-ljcensed motorcycle, 'held by the
Students Home For Holidays
- Craig Dedman, who is a student' in
.' the department of commerce at O. A.
' C, is in Canby spending the holiday
' season with the 'ho'me folks.' Craig is
- a young man of high ideals and aspira--
tions and his success, in his chosen
'. -prof ession is hoped for by all his alum
; ni friends of the Canby High school,
from which he graduated with good
' grades and honorable deportment three
I years ago.' " j
There is no better asset to any com
. m unity, state or" nation, than good,
jnoraloung men,Kwith ijoble character
and high ideals. We are glad to see
' you Craig, and wish for you a merry
' Christmas. .
' Alexander McFarland
? Alexander McFarland of tlfe Central
i Point district, near Canby, died at.the
Oregon City hospital on Saturday, De-
cember 16. Mr. McFarland was taken
j to the hospital a few days ago with
double pneumonia. He was thirty-five
' years, of age a,nd leaves a wife and
I three small Children. ' '
; Break Even
j On the irrigation proposition, Molal-
la voted "wet" and Canby voted "dry"
at their respective1 elections, last Sat-
Nicholas skilbred
Nicholas 'Skllbred, .'(brother of Rev.
Overt Skilbred, pastor of the Lutheran
.churches at Canby and Barlow, died
at the Sacred Heart hospital in Spo
kane, Wash., last Wednesday Funeral
services were held for him at the Can
by Lutheran church at 11 o'clock, Fri
day morning. Intermen was in :ion
cemetery. . -;
Mr. Skilbred spent about one month
with his brother here last winter and
made many warm friends.
O. E. S. Elect Officers -:
On the fourth Thursday of this
month. Laurel Chapter, No. 113, 0. E.
S.,of Canby,' installed the following
officers for the ensuing term: Worthy
matron, Elizabeth White; worthy pat
ron, Clarence L. Eld; associate matron,
Maude Beaty; conductress, Madge, Stc
ner; -associate conductress,; Charlotte
Eid; treasurer, Lena Ehlen;' secretary,
Blanche Eccles.
' Marion Lyle Potter
Marion "Lyle Potter, two and, a half
month old son of Mr. and Mrs,- Arthur
Potter of Barlow, died last Saturday.
Funeral services were . held .Monday
afternoon. The child", died of pneu
monia. Interment was in the Rock
Creek cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Potter
have the sympathy of the entire com
munity in their berevemeni.
Family Returns To Canby
George Kohler, who) with his family,
spent several recent months in Cali
fornia, has again taken up his resi
dence in Canby. Notwithstanding Cal
ifornia's balmy atmosphere and mild
climate, the wandering Oregonians re
turn to the fold, when wishing to en
joy a real "home, sweet home."
Musical Enjoyed
Under the auspices of the depart
ment of domestic science of the Canby
High school, Dr. Emil Enna, a noted
musician, gave a piano recital at the
M. Ei church, .last"-Friday evening, to
a" large and appreciative audience. :
Aid Society Holds Bazaar :'
The annual bazaar was held at the
M. E. church last Friday night and was
well patronized. It netted about J70
to the funds of the Aid Society, under
whose auspices it was held.
Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt J Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt 9gf
J 1 Mildred McKiUioan - J
tf j? if r K" iff Kif if U" jc"
The regular meeting of the Commun
ity ' Club was held last Tuesday" even
ing when 'plans " were made for an
Xmas-party for the Xmas week. Mayor
Shields also spoke to the" members on
the subject, of the campaign for the
bridge Queen. A number of the mem
bers of the Community Club attended
the social given for the benefit of
the queenKiandidate, Vena Barnes," at
West Linn, Wednesday" evening.
John Hogan arrived home last week
from O. A." C. to spend his Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Draper have mov
ed into their new home on Bock St.
Gordon Hammerle returned to school
Monday after an absence of about
three weeks. Hammerle has been suf
fering from a broken ankle .bone sus
tained while playing football.
N; McKillican received his naturali
zation papers on Monday of this week.
He was formerly a citizen of England.
Meade, Mildren and Bertha McKilli
can were guests at a dinner party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall
of West Linn Sunday evening. The
occasion was the fourteenth birthday
anniversary of their daughter Dorothy.
Several sawmills to start operation
in Lane county after first of year
, Approximately $1,000,000 has been
spent by the U. S. Government during
the last year in developing poisonous
gases for military purposes. J
Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt JX Jt jt Jt JtP
Jt John Lehman . Jt
Jt jt
Sif Jf X P f " if K1 1? K"3
Albert Fisher made a trip to Oregon
City on Saturday. '
Mrs. Gwilliam is reported ill, with
a bad case of tonsilitis.
Miss Beth Brown who has been em
ployed- in Oregon City for some time
was a recent visitor at the home of
her parentsMr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown.
Mr. A. A.Spangrer transacted busi
ness in Oregon City Saturday. '
Wayne Stewart met with a serious
accident last Friday, when he cut his
two fingers off with a wood saw. At
last reports he was getting along as
well as could be 'expected.
Mrs. Edgar Brown and two children,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Jones, made a business trip Saturday
to Oregon City. .
Mrs. George Ingram made a trip to
Portland Friday to visit her neice.
Miss Lyda Davis who has been very
Minnie Edwards made a trip to Mc
Minnville one day last week.
Emerson Edwards spent Friday in
Portland with relatives.
Saurday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart was tendered an enjoyable
surprise when a group of neighbora
called unexpectedly. -
John Stier underwent an operation
Wednesday, having his tonsttand ad
enoids removed.
Mabel Davis, formerly a resident of
Carus, is. reported very ill with pneu
monia in a Portland hospital. ,
Since the snow fell last week,
sleighing has been a very popular pcs-
- Carus .will sold its Christmas pio
gram Sunday evening, December 21
A fine program is being arranged. '
Jt Mrs. W. W. Woedbeck Jt
Jt "" Jt
H" 1? V P P IP IP J? P IP P f I? K"
The members of Grace Guild will
meet next Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. -Edwin Pearson, with .. Mrs. Pear
son and Mrs., Jerry Madden as joint
hostesses. Officers for the ensuing
year will be elected. '
Christmas exercises of the Sunday
school of Grace Community church will
be held Friday evening. There will be
a tree and' a program appropriate for
the occasion. , ' ...
Msr. Lucy Allen came up from Cor
vallis and will spent the Christmas
holidays with her daughter, Mrs. W.
I. Blinstone. ' '
- Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hendry and little
daughter will leave, Saturday, for Seat
tle, to spend Christmas with Mrs. R.
H. Hendry's parents.
Mr. and Mrs.. Abe Gilbert of Glen
Echo will leave for Eugene soon after
the beginning of the new year. Mr.
Gilbert recently resigned as county
roadmaster and goes to Eugene to take
charge of the Lane county road work.
They will retain their property inter
ests here and expect later to return
and make their home here.
Miss Elva Eads, a student at the
O. A. C, is spending the holiday sea
son with her mother, Mrs. Ellen Eads
at Meldrum.
The social meeting of the Commun
ity Club will be in the nature of a
"500" party and will be held at the
school house, next Wednesday evening.
. Wally Truitt sustained severe burns,
on his hand, Saturday, caused by an
explosion when he attempted to light
the gas heater in their apartment on
Hull avenue., - . '
Rev. H. G. Crocker and family will
occupy the residence of Mrs. Howland
on the river road after January 1st, and
until their new residence is completed.
The minstrel show, given by the
young men of the community at the
school house, Saturday evening, was-a
decided success. They were greeted
with a large audience and rendered an
excellent program. 'A substantial sum
was realized, which will be turned over
to the church piano fund. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts and chil
dren will spend Christmas in Wood
burn as guwsts of the Finch family.
George Morse, Mr." and Mrs. Painton
of the Tillamook country, and Mr. and
Mrs. Hayles of Airlie, will be dinner
guests at the Hugh Roberts home,
next Sunday.
Little Evelyn Moritz, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Moritz of the
river road, delighted the congregation
of Grace Community church with her
singing. Evelyn has a voice of rare
sweetness, that gives promise of vast
possibilities in the future, -
jt jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt Jg
J& ' - jt
Jt - Alice Freytag Jt
Jt ; Jt
Miss Fayne Burdon, who Is a junior
at O. A. C, arrived home Saturday to
spend the Christmas holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.-A. Burdon.-
Mrs. H. C. Parker is spending the
week in Albany, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Roscoe Ames. v
Mr." and Mrs. C, E. McGetchie of
Portland are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. McGetchie, this week.
Mrs. M. E. Turner had as her guests
last week, her sister.Mrs. E. Du Bois,
and daughter Betty Jane.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson had as
their guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Bowers of Canby.
Mrs. Julia Williams, who . has been
visiting in California, spent a few
hours in Portland Tuesday, while en
route to her home in Vancouver, B. C.
Mrs. Williams and son Kenfort spent
last winter with her sister, Mrs. Har
vey Wilson.
The ladies of the Christian' church
held their annual Christmas bazaar at
the church Wednesday, December 13.
The affair was a decided success. The
colonial idea was carried out in the
decorations. Lavender wisteria was
used to decorate the booths, which
represented a colonial porch. The din
ner tables were centered with laven
der and yellow iris. - The ladies presid
ing at the booths wore beautiful colon
ial costumes, while the girls serving
wore Puritan costumes. Miss Nora
Webster and Mrs., Donald Christy sold
fancy articles; Mrs. Chester Parker
and Miss Alice Freytag, candy; Mrs.
R. McGetchie and Miss Pansy Oswald,
aprons; Mrs. Fred . Hay ward had
charge of the dinning room." Follow
ing the chicken dinner, a number of in
teresting slides, made by Mr. Turner
and Mr. McGetchie, from snapshots
taken on their eastern trip last sum
mer, were shown.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Chambers enter
tained at dinner Thursday evening, in
honor of their daughter, Miss Gladys.
The evening was devoted to games.
Places were laid for Nellie Harvison,
Vivian Rauch, Veatrice Rauch, Hesper
Leete, Mary Meeds, Louise Merrick,
Gladys Chambers, Roy Wilkinson, Lylei
Williams, Delbert Hayward, Alfred
Rowan, Averill Shannon, Fred Meeds,
Ernest Freytag, Jack Chambers, Allen
f Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cham
IVjJ S3-
ilternj Christmas
Our Store Is Filled With Good
. Things for the
Xhristmas Table
Plum Pudding Oranges
Fig Pudding Grape Fruit
FruitCake Apples
r ranHu I?! rse-
Nuts Dates
The Hub
On the Hill
Keep Eaithl And Youth In
The Legend Of Dear
Old Santa Claus
Hood River Pac. Pr. & Lt. Co. has
new power plant nearly completed.
Company spends on average of 650,
000 yearly for new plants and service
Salem Four canneries have pack
valued at $3,056,500.
Portland to have new stage terminal.
Salem-"Court Street Christain Church
to erect $30,000 edifice. " .
- The sons and daughters of men are
df two classes not the rich or the
poor, not the young or the old, not
liberals or conservatives, nor even
Aristotelians or Platonists, but those
who believe in Santa Claus and those
who do not.
Children are of the first and more
glorious family. Hence they grow;
hence they burst with life. They be
lieve, and r so have faith.that good
comes riding out of the air, with
jingling bells and prancing reindeer,
its pack crammed with gifts, its round
and smiling coachman breathing benev
olence 'and cheeriness and hastening to
fulfill every wish that is dreamed on
dented pillow. Alas! when doubt
creeps in, when the eyes and ears of
the spirit no longer see or hear and
demand comes for physical evidence,
then all the high faculties wither and
pass away.
"' The walls of the prison house tend
to close around the growing child. He
credits the slander that there is no
Santa Claus. " Poison enters into him
and he degenerates into an animal that
merely touches or tastes. Thrice
blessed are they whoare able to keep
an imagination green and lasting and
to subdue or drive away all forces that
would throttle it. The rites of Christ
mas, after all, are mainly for the old
folks, their absence representing the
instinct to keep alive the divinq sparks
ofyouth. A little one that, no longer
petitions good St. Nick is a sad spect
acle; even sadder is theman or woman
to whom his myth has lost its savor
To such when the sun goes down and
the west fades -the heavens fill with no
shining stars.
The period through- which mankind
has passed has been marked by a
duel between those who hope and
those who despair between those who
believe in Santa Claus and those who
do not. Let us rejoice that the quiv
ering balance is now definitely inclin
ing to the better side. Beyoung, be
forever young never has the old text
been more vindicated than in these
days. ' '
Unclogged with prudence and limp
ing with no rheumatism, youth, shout
ing to laggards, "Would you live for
ever?" plunged forward through four
terrible years, furnishing new reasons
for respecting humanity. Then came
the sere and yellow leaf of the stay-at-homes.
They sought to turn off the
fountains of faith. But, happily, their
grip is loosening and the sweet waters
flow again. Whether your youhgster
hangs up stockings or not, don't your
self, Mr. and Mrs. Grown-up, lose your
own credulity.
He WilK Appreciate a
Seiberling Cord Tire
the tire that as the result of. 25 years of tire building and
experience of A. Seiberling- The tire with more ad
vanced and proven structural development than any oth
er tire built today1. .Seiberling , tread rubber extends from
bead to bead, gmng,extra protection against tread sep
aration and scuff ing.' from curbs and ruts.
30x31 lJ $12-50 32x4 $28.40 ; ,
31x4- t $25,80 33x4 $29.40 ,
Watch 'for ; the new-,, Seiberling. Pneumatic Tire due to arrive in
''"'.....' a few days. -
Eleptrical Gift Suggestions
Practical, labor and time sav- ,
ing gifts for mother or wife.
Gifts which will be a "lasting
reminder of your thoughtful-
Hot Point Irons, the last word
in ironing efficiency $5.25 to
Curling Iron $6.50-$7-25
Heaters,, from $7.50 up
Ovenettes $5.00
Immersion "Water Heater,
for heating water instari
tanteously $5.25 to $7.25
. Grills,: from. $10.50 up
Chafing Dishes, the ideal gift
. for the girl at college $17.00
Toasters, Hot-point quality
$6.50 to $8.00
Coffee Percolators and Urns
$1000 to $18.00
Santa Says, "Shop Early, You'll Never Regret It"
If you want to solve that perplexing problem of
Christmas giving-RIGHT, look over these sugges
tions, then visit our store early, without delay, and
make your selections while the stock is complete.
lie M
Gifts of accessories, the things which help so much to add joy to
motoring, are always acceptable to the man or woman who own
a" car
Silver Beam Spot Light ....,.....P....$5.50 to $7.50
s. & m. Spot Light .... :...............:.: ....,...$9.00 to $11-00.'.
Stop Signal .........................i..$2.25
. Rear Mirrors .....;...$1.50 & up
Trouble Lamps .. ...$3 00 & iip
Folberg Automatic Windshield Cleaners .,..................$7.25
Sun Visors Green Glass relieve the eye strain of motoring by shielding ' the
vision , .:.......... ........:........ ... ...... J.
.Windshield Cleaners, a necessity in this climate ....$1.50 & $2.00
Horns, motor driven '.. ,$5.50 to $10.00
Motor-Meters From .................,......$250 to $10.00.
Radiator. Locking Caps, with your monogram J... .....l...$6.50
'Jacks From $1.75 up
Cord Tires From ............$12.50 up
Oregon City License Holders ...........l........: .......$3.00
Our line of bicycle supplies and accessories is complete ; "
Make your car start, easy use Columbia Hotshot and storage batteries
5th and Main Streets
Litv- A
Oregon City
Gas, Oil, Repairing, Battery Recharging and Repairing
Is IHIe a ' p
IPsieti? RPrTT-
5 V.T.- V it Je
Jy ,' ' , - '. '-, ,
Then consult us about his gift. We can help you in mak
ing a selection- '
Tube Sets or long distance receivers .'...$30.00 up
Murdock Ear Phones, 3,000 ohms $6.00
Radiotron Amplifying Tubes $6.50
Radiotron Detector Tubes 7...... $5.00
Peanut Tubes : .,.$6'50"
Peanut Tube Sockets $1.50
Tube Sockets .C 50c to $1.75
Variable Couplers .- $4.50 to $6.50
Variable Condensers $1.75 to $500
Wire, per 100 feet . :.............60c
B Batteries ..,.............,...$2 00 up -
A "Batteries- :.::..;.!.... ...r.$17.50 up -"-
For the Boys
Gladen the hearf of your son this
Christmas with that new fishing
tackle or. athletic equipment he has
wanted. ' -. - ; "
Base Balls
Fielders and Catchers' Mitts ...
Tennis Racquets
Tennis Balls
.Trout Rods .
Trout Reels
Trout Line .
Salmon Poles" '. .........
Salmon Reels
Salmon Lines ....
...:.1..25c to $2.00
......75c to $12.00
. $3.00 to $15 00
..50c each $5.50 doz.
.....:..$1.50 to $12 00
:..$1.50 to $5.00
.......r;..25c to $2.00
........$8-75 to $17.00
..,.....$5.00 to $15.00
. ..... ...$1.50 to $3.00
IP1! sislraliglhi't s
All sizes, from a vest pocket Pathfinder to the powerful
10 inch Everready searchlight- Priced......$L00 to $4.00,