The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, December 21, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
College. While here she was the guest
of Miss Muril Stevens.
hCocai Tfews
O. D. Wool Army Blankets, Army
Store Electric Hotel Building.
lit' THE
-1 - :wm
It's so. .' N
For a gift ought to be more than the mere presentation of
something worth about so much.
The higher sense ought to be recognized. The fitness of the
gift to the occasion ought to be considered. .
Thus you always find Christmas and Jewelry inseparably
The question for you to decide is what article of Jewelry is
the most suitable in each case.
We would like to suggest that our stock furnishes innumer
able suggestions. ALL your gift wants might easily be supplied -from
it with profit to you and satisfaction to those" you wish
to remember. . ."
Because Jewelry is liked by everyone.
As we said, it's the gift of gifts.
Here is a list that may help you with your decisions
'Aplets," the new confection sold by
P. E. O. members at W. A. Holt Gro
cery this week.
William H. Bottemiller, a prosper
ous farmer of Clarks, was among those
to transact business in Oregon City
on Friday of last' week.
Mrs. G. W. H. Miller, who has been
ill at her home on Harrison street is
very much improved, and -able to be
out again.
Helen Ann Jones, a student of the
Oegon Agricultural College spent the
week end in Oregon City with her
mother, Mrs. J.'S. Jones.
Mrs. H. B. Steward whose home is
at Lawton Heights has had as hre
guest for a few days last week, Mrs
Robert Wilson of Oswego.
Mrs. Gerald Peterson and two child
ren have arrived in Oregon City from
Spokane to spend the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Spriger.
. Miss Pauline Pace, a- student of the
Oregon Agricultural.. College at Cor
vallis spent the week end with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Pace at
Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. George Case and son
of Southern Oregon, arrived in Ore
gon City on Tuesday where they were
called by the death of Mr. Case's moth
er, Mrs. Mary E. Case.
Miss Lorraine Lee of Canby favored
the Womens' club with several vocal
selections on Thursday afternoon.
cMr. and Mrs. E. A. Furson ana sons
Billie and Fred of Seattle arrived in
Oregon City Sunday evening and are
guests of Mrs. Purson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Erickson of Eight and
Jackson streets. They wUl spend the
Christmas holidays here.
Edgar the 10 year old son of Mrs.
Helen Miller and the grandson-.of Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Moore all of Seventh
and Taylor streets, was very seriously
injured on Saturday afternoon of last
week, while coasting down Seventh
street. The sled swerved and threw
him into an automobile which was
going down the hill and the fleshy part
of iis hip cut to the bone, beside
being injured in other ways. He was
taken to the Good Sanaritan hospital.
where he is in a very critical condition.
Hats Must Go
Celia Goldsmith
Trimmed Hats Sailors
Childrens Beavers and Caps
All Going At a Big Reduction
Leather and Corduroy' Vests at
Army Store. Electric Hotel Building.
Solid and Gold Filled Jewelry
Mantel Clocks
Kodaks and Cameras
Libbey Cut Glass
Toilet Sets
Pottery ' --
Incense Burners
Pyralin Ivory
Hand-Painted China
Sterling Silver
Community Silver
Plated Ware
Casseroles (silver and nickle-plated)
Manicure Sets
Myrtle Wood Nut Bowls "
China Ware
Columbia Grafonola
New Edison Phonographs
Waterman Fountain Pens
French Harps, etc.
Highway Pictures
Eversharp Pencils
Lifetime Pens
Sewing Machines .
Pyrex Glassware
Compulsory vaccination in Denver
as a preventive of smallpox, was de
clared in effect recently. There have
been 100 deaths from smallpox in Den
ver within a few weeks."
By Edwin Markham
Poet Laureate of Oregon
F JESUS should tramp the streets
Storm-beaten ad hungry for bread
Seeking a room and a candle light
And a clean though humble bed
Who would welcome the Workman in,
Though He came with panting
His hands all bruised and His gar
ments thin
This Workman from Nazareth
Would rich folk hurry to bind His
And shelter His stricken form?
Would they take God in with His
-. muddy shoes
Out of the pitiless storm?
Are they not too busy wreathing their
1 flowers
Or heaping their golden store
Too busy chasing the bubble hours
For the poor man's God at the door?
And if He should come where church
men bow,
Forgetting the greater sin,
Would He pause with a light on His
wounded brow,
Would He turn and enter in?
And what would He think of their
creeds so dim,
Of their weak uplifted hands,
Of their foolish prayers going up to
Out of a thousand lands?
( Hearst's International.
Again we tell in awe the olden story
While burn bright candles on the
tinselled tree, "
How the dear Christ forsook celestial
. glory,
cTHendy Warmth
Winter's chill soon vanishes when
you have a good ofl heater filled
with Pearl Oil. The touch of a
match brings a steady, friendly
warmth many hours on a stogie
Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined
by our special process, which makes
h clean burning no amoks no
odor no dirt'
Buy Pearl Oil in bulk -the same
high quality kerosene as the Pearl
Oil sold in five gallon cans.
At dealers everywhere. Order by
name Pearl Oil.
Lived manhoods bitterest life for you
and tne.
From Bethlehem and angel song melo
dious O, Golgotha, how short the way to
From "Peace on earth" to wild mob
a clamor, odious,.
And to thy Place of Skulls dark
He was not lost; the tomb brought
The fearsome cross proved but an
Hence through the years, when free
from sin's infection,
Each sorrow bears its own beatitude.
Thanks be to God! For, as we work
and listen -Where
whirlwinds of poetry never
cease; -
Like some bright sunbeam in a dreary
Through the fierceturmoil breaks
- the song ofpeace .
Hope on, work on! E'en dungeon
walls will crumble;
At last each cell be filled with living
Forever stilled tbe wild tornado's rum
ble; And heavenly music floods our
Christmas bright.
By Carl Landerholm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pierce, who have
been in Oregon City, where they were
called by the illness and death of
their daughter, Mrs. Charles Straight,
have returned to- their home at Sea-
, side.
A little daughter arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leete at Glad
stone on Thursday, December 14, for
Mr. and Mrs. J.. L. Shaw, Mrs.-Shaw
was Miss Norma Leete before her mar
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murray and little
son of Dallas, Oregon, are at the home
of Mrs. Murray's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Brunner of Parkplace,
whee they will spend the Christmas
holidays. '
Mr. and Mrs. James Blakesly, who
have been visiting relatives in the
South especially in Florida, have re
turned to Oregon City and are at the
home of Mrs. Blakesly's father, James
Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Seiberg have tak
en possession of their new home which
they recently erected on Willamette
street. They have been occupying the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Boylan
an Pierce street.
Paul Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Dillon, of Bolton, arrived in Ore
gon City on Thursday of last week,
and is at the home of his parents.
Mr. Dillon has been in California for
the past six years.
Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Oakes and
young son, Stillman Jr. of Portland,
visited in Oregon City at the home
of Mrs. Oakes' mother, Mrs. M. C.
Toban a few days last, week. Mrs.
Oakes was Mona Toban.
A tourist in passing through four
states recently was required to pur
chase four different sets of lenses that
his headlights would comply with state
?uitas Huggstuma
Automotive Accessories that
vould make practical and
acceptable gifts for your mo
toring friends "
Rear Vu Mirrors
Bar Caps
Flash Lights -Automatic
Spotlights ( -
Stop Signals
Cigar Lighters
Fire Extinguishers
Auto Theft Signals
We can furnish any of the
above items neatly put up in
Christmas wrapping.
At Elevator
Phone 390
Mrs. Angus Matheson of Myrtle Point
and her little son have arrived in Ore
gon City where they are to spend the
Christmas holidays with Mrs. Math
lsons parents, Mr. and Ms. E. L.
Moore of Seventh and Taylor streets.
Miss Ruth Rockwood a former Ore
gon City girl, now in Portland attend
ed the Womans club in Oregon City
on Thursday of last week, and gave a
very interesting talk. on "Bryn Mawr"
yffij spa v
Walnuts .......20c - 35c lb.
Almonds, Soft Shell
30c lb.
Brazil Nuts 20clb.
All this year's crop.
Santa Mixed ......20c
Crystal Mixed 25c
Ribbon and Royal
Chocolates ...25c - 30c
Your Christmas Cigars
in small boxes 12 to
25 in box
$125 to $2.00
Catsup, bottle 20c
Cocoa, 3 lbs : ....25c
We also carry a fine
line of seasonable fruits
Apples, Oranges,
Cranberries, etc.
D. M. Klemsen& Son
Next to Post Office
Oregon City.
Best Friend
And we're not fair weather
friends either. When the
battery is healthy we help
keep it so. When it's weak
we do the necessary re
charging to make it stronger.
When it's actually under
the weather we help put it
on its feet.
Our aim is to be the best
friend of aZTbatteries regardless
of make. You may be sure your
battery will be welcomed and
will be treated the way a battery
ought to be.
Con Hilgers
Bosch Parts, Products
and Service
Willard Batteries
and 7 Batteries
Apples, Oranges
Nuts, Raisins
We buy the finest quality of
groceries obtainable and our
prices are reasonable.
Larseo & Co.
if a n igy
, in SIS Gifts
Are Yours
in Return For Little Effort
The Banner-Courier has made ar
rangements with the Clackamas Coun
ty Bank of Sandy whereby the accom
panying Banner-Courier Thrift Coupon
will be accepted as 50c when presented
with another 50c in cash to start a sav
ings account. But this is not all.
When you open your account, you will
be presented with an unique savings
bank that is an exact replica of the
famous Liberty Bell that rang out its
message of independence on July 4,
1776. This home safe will assist you
in saving and stand as a symbol of in
dependence, the "very thing everyone
. should save for. -
There are three conditions attached
to this offer but they are simple and
easy: (1) fl.00 of the account must
remain on deposit for the period of
one year before it can be withdrawn.
(2) Only one account can be opened by
an individual, but everyone in the fam
ily an open an account. (3) If a sec
ond deposit is not made within six
months, the 50c coupon will Te de
ducted when the account is closed, at
which time the Liberty Bell must be
Cut out this coupon. Take it to the Clack
amas County Bank andopen a Dollar sav
ings account..
You will not only be credited with a
Dollar savings account, but you will be given
also a beautiful LibertyBell savings bank,
pictured here, , t
Sign your name and address here.
Now, when a generous offer like this is made, there ought not to be a single individual in Sandy
without a savings account. There's not one but would be materially benefited by being a saver. A. sav
ings account builds character; it promotes self-respect; it begets confidence, both of the saver himself
and of others. A savings account smoothes out the rough spots in life's journey and makes future hopes
and desires possible. x .
DO NOT DELAY. .......
President W. A. Proctor of the Clackamas County Bank of Sandy says: "We are glad to co-operate
with the Banner-Courier to make the opening of a savings account so easy that no one who is desirous
of having an account, need be denied." This paper ventures to remark that with such an opportunity
offered them, every man woman and chijd- in Sandy will soon be a saver and if so, this is going to be a
mighty good community to live in, for Thrift goes hand in hand with Happiness and prosperity, to the
mutual advantage of both saver and city.
Fill- out the accompnying coupon and take it to the bank the first thing TOMORROW. . It means
50c and obtains a Liberty Bell Savings Bank.
No Christmas Gift to the boys and girls is more appreciated than the Liberty Bell Bank or a Savings
Account. By clipping this coupon and presenting it with fifty cents you obtain both. DO IT TODAY
and be ready for Christmas morning. ,