The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, December 14, 1922, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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Page Seven
News From Over
Jt lira. Geo. Harunam 0
rif if if if if V " ,!!
. All children between . the ages of
six and fifteen years, from Collins
View, Kilpatrick and Northrup Acres,
are requested to meet at Knox hall,
Saturday afternoon, December 16, to
practice singing songs for the Com
munity Christmas tree, which will be
held at Knox hall, Sunday afternoon,
December 24, between 3 and 5 o'clock.
The Christmas missionary box, to be
sent out by the ladies of the Carson
Heights church, will be packed, next
week, and all children are asked to
take their gifts to the church next
Sunday, December 17.
Miss Pearl Walker of Collins View
recently spent the week-end visiting
her sister, Mrs. Clyde Bay, at Kelso,
One of the many happy Thanksgiv
ing gatherings was that of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wandler, when they served
dinner to Mrs. Wandler's brother, S.
Kapischla and wife, and her sister,
Mrs. Goodls, and husband. Inclement
weather prevented the presence of the
mother from "Vancouver. The table
decorations were yellow chrysanthe
mums and gold ribbons.
The rummage sale, held by the Wo
man's Home and Foreign Missionary
societies of the Christian Advent
church recently, cleared over ?90 In
the two days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Finke entertain
ed informally at cards last Saturday
evening. Among those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McGraw, Mr. and)
Mrs. H. Kopp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Prigge, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart
man. A delicious lunch of creamed
chicken, hot biscuit, mocha cake and
coffee was served.
Miss Helen Bodie, who has been at
Salem for the last few months, has re
turned home for the coming holidays.
Bruce Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Wright, is confined to his home,
Buffering from rheumatism.
The children of Capitol Hill school
donated over $18, in their community
chest. Now they are busy rehearsing
for the Christmas performance, which
takes place the last day before the
George Barten is working on the lots
i niirnhnapri nf PJaiiriA Bav nreDarinc
to build in the spring.
With the coming of the bad weather
comes the cry for good roads. The
property owners along Second street
in Kil patrick Tract, from the Boones
Ferry road back for several blocks,
have' united in grading, preparatory to
laying crushed rock. This piece of
road should have been built up, long
ago, as it constitutes the "main artery
for travel throughout this tract, and
has been the subject for much talk on
the part of the county commissioners
In the past. H. Schlegelmilsch has
charge of the grading.
The electric light committee Shil
ler. Dully, Duhrkoop and Hartman
finished up their work this week and
report 87 homes wired. Mr. Sansome
of the P. R., Il & P. Co., has promised
electric service for Christmas.
Mrs. J, Kirker, who was injured
when she stepped on a nail, is now
. able to leave her home.
Girt Scout Troop, No. 7 of Carson
Heights, took part in the rally at the
armory, their three-minute stunt being
an Improvised comb concert. They also
demonstrated rope tying. Mrs. R.
Bruce Horsfall, scout captain, gave a
brief. Instructive talk, witn colored
elides, on "Birds of Oregon in Winter."
A pleasant surprise party was given
Monday evening, December 4, in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wandler, on the
occasion of their crystal wedding an
niversary. Music and games were the
diversions of the evening, after which
. supper was served. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Schlegelmilsch,
Mf. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs
Dully and Mr. and Mrs. Barton.
' . The basket social and entertainment
held at Knox hall, Wednesday eve
ning, was well attended. M, Versett
gave several vocal selections, accom
paning himself with the guitar, and
Miss Ann Gomez danced the sailor's
hornpipe, adding pleasure to the eve
ning. ' -
Ed. Kapischla met with an accident
while working on the docks at Port
land, breaking his arm and sustaining
severe bruises. He was taken to St.
Vincent's hospital.
W. S. Baker, prominent member of
the Audubon society, made a public
plea on behalf of the care and feeding
of Oregon birds throughout the state
during the winter months. '
The meeting of the S. W. P. I.
League, last Thursday evening, was a
success in every way, with a large at
tendance in spite of the snow storm.
A committee was appointed to see
about getting electric lights up the
Taylor's Ferry road. Announcement
was made that the conservation com
mittee has cut the amount allotted for
the resurfacing of the Boones Ferry
and Taylor's Ferry roads from $8,800
to $3,700. After the meeting the eve
ning was passed in dancing and a gen
eral social time, and refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Walker was happily surprised
bya visit from her son Sam, who ar
rived from California, .where he has
been for over a year.
Plans are under way for a commun
ity Christmas tree, to be held at Knox
hall Sunday afternoon, December 24,
between 3 and 5 o'clock, under the aus
pices of the S. W. P. I. League. Any
one who will donate cookies, nuts, ap
ples, candy, etc., will please notify Mrs.
H. Schlegelmilsch or Mrs.. Hartman.
There will be an entertainment of
Christmas carrols, a playet by the old
er girls, and other numbers of interest.
All children and their parents are in
vited. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Walker and
daughter Pearl were guests of friends
in North Portland, Thanksgiving day.
suit of an accident in 'the mills in j
which two of his fingers were crushed.
He was. taken to the Oregon City hos
pital where they were .amputated.
The Parent-Teachers will meet Fri
day afternoon to discuss the plans for
serving hot soups and cocoa to the
school children. -
The election of officers for the Fra
ternal Brotherhood was held at the
Lodge Rooms Tuesday. The new offic
ers- are: President Mrs. Jennie Davis;
Post President, Dr. Jos. Silverman;
Vice President, A. F. Buckles; Chap
lain, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown; Treasurer,
Mrs. Bert Barnes; Secretary, Mrs. A.
P. Tuor; Mistess atArms, Mrs. C. A.
Ridder;. Sargeant at Arms, Mr. C. A.
Ridder; Inner door keeper, John
Ream; Outer door keeper, Elwood
Thompson; Musician, Mrs. Silverman;
Captain Drill Team, Perry Barnes. The
men of "the lodge entertained the wo
men with a program and supper Tues
day evening, December 12. A delight
ful time was had and the women pro
nounced the men "good entertainers."
The Ladies Aid Bazar was held at
the church last Saturday and as usual
it was a success. In addition to the
fancy work and cooked food, quilts,
comforts and rugs were sold.
The ladies gymn class, which has
been organized here, has an enroll
ment of 27. Miss Helen Leathers,
gymnasium instructor in the West
Linn Union High School has charge of
the class which meets every Wednes
day evening at the High School gym
nasium. - .
At an Epworth League Cabinet meet
ing held at the home of the President
Mrs. W. W. Davis, plans were made for
the bazaar to be held Friday evening,
December 15. Instead of the usual
bazaar in the afternoon it was decided
that a "fair" will be held. Besides the
booths ontaining fancy work, candy
and cooked foods, there will be a fish
pond and side-shows. The sale will
start af7:00 P. M. and at 8:00 P. M.
the program consisting of readings,
and vocal and violin solos will be
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Snidow and
children spent Sunday and Monday
visiting relatives in Willamitte.
g u.. .. M..ii..Y..iiuiiui.iiiiiu?i.7..7i.?ii7i.y imiiiuilliliiiimimimiu i.iiiimiM.iiiiiumiiimiimiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiMilMiiiiHiiiuuilIuuuiiiimiiimii. B
COLD NIGHTS-Leave Your Car With Us For Storage
Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt Jt
Jt - Beulah Snidew J
. Jt
St? j,jpjf,ifK'afjfififjffK'jf if
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Baker were Port
land visitors last Sunday. '
Mrs. Setje of Stafford visited In Wil
lamette on Thursday at the home of
her daughter Mrs. Carl Bierner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch was dinner
hosts on Sunday to a party of friends
and relatives. Among those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shipley
and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Young and daughters.
Mrs. j. Silverman was nostess at a
luncheon given in honor of Mrs. Tuor
who celebrated her birthday Friday of
last week. The affair was a complete
surprise to the guest of honor. A de
licious luncheon was served at four
o'clock. A large bowl of cyclamen cen
tered the table and the place cards
were made of birch bark brought from
Alaska by the hostess. A beautiful
patted plant was given to Mrs. Tuor
by her friends.. Those present were:
Mesdames Greaves, Ridder, Wilson,
Denton, Buckles, Perry, Baty, Skinner,
Brown, Carpenter, Elliott, Tuor and
Mrs. Harry Colson and Mrs. Joe
Schauble were dinner guests of their
father, C. C. Schroeder of Stafford last
Hilda Bartelin,who has been making
her home with the Bert Barnes family
has moved to West Linn and is staying
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
Miss Meta Higginbotham of Portland
was the guest of the Misses Mabel
and Esther Larson on Sunday.
On Wednesday, December 6th, Mrs.
Wesley Milliken gave a birthday party
in honor of her son Wesley Jrs. fourth
birthday. The room was decorated in
in keeping with the holiday spirit. A
large Christmas tree being the center
of attraction for the children. The
birthday cake with four candles was
the gift of Mrs. John Rauch.. 24 little
guests were present.
Mr. A. F. Buckles was in the hos
pital several days last week as the re-
jt jt jt jt jt jt Jt jt jt jt jt Jt Jte
Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck Jt
Jt j:
jr. j? af f af f sf Jf if tf f f f jf if
Saturday evening, at . the school
house, a minstrel show will be given,
under the direction of Mrs. H. E. Hen
dry. The proceeds will be contributed
to a fund being raised for the purchase
of a new piano. .
Next Wednesday evening a card
party will be given at the school house
under the auspices of the Community
The bazaar and supper given by the
women,of Grace Guild of the Commun
ity church, was a decided success. The
net proceeds were approximately $250.
The officers and teachers of the Sun
day school met last Monday evening,
for the purpose of making plans for
the Christmas entertainment.
Mrs. Frank J. Coovert visited with
Lodge friends last Friday, and in the
afternoon attended the bazaar given
by the women of the church.
The 14th birthday anniversary of
Harry Wilson was observed last Fri
day by a family dinner.
The board of managers of the Com
munity church have made arrange
ments for holding the annual church
meeting January 2nd. " Officers will be
elected and dinner will be served. '
Mrs. Ella Gerber of Carver was a
guest, Sunday, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Babler.
Mrs. Delilah Pratt of Condon, sister
of Henry Smith, was a week-end visit
or at the Smith home. A
Mrs. Otis Fitzwater of Malloy, a
niece of Mrs. R. F. Deter, is with her
aunt while her little daughter Grace
is undergoing treatment at the Oregon
City hospjtal. ; .
Think ahead ! Decide right now that you, too,
will be a "somebody." Start next pay day to
save a part of what you earn. Then be deter
mined to save SOMETHING, no matter how lit
tle, each succeeding pay day.
When you open a Savings Account with this
bank, we will present you with a Liberty Bell
Savings Bank to assist you in saving. The Lib
erty Bell Bank is an ornament for any home. It
can be placed on the mantle, there to receive the
odd nickles and dimes that you otherwise would
foolishly spend. When full, it can be brought to
the bank, the contents removed and credited to
your account
$1.00 Open m Sectngi Account and Obtain a Liberty Bell Bank
. Sandy, Oregon -
-jg Jt Jt Jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jtggr
. Mildred McKillium Jt
eF tPS,j,s,jf,ififf-fiftf,tff jp
Mrs. E. Jones and infant son return
ed home from the Oregon City hos
pital Monday.
At the regular meeting of the Bol
ton community club held last Wednes
day evening, the piano which has just
been purchased was dedicated. The
audiance joined in singing the national
anthem, Mrs. John Lowrey playing
accompaniment. The report of the
committee appointed to secure the pja-
no, was given at this time. Much cred
it is due the committee for they arrang
ed the payments so that the society
could pay them without placing a fin
ancial burden on the members. The
members of the commity were Mrs.
John Draper, Mrs. N. McKillican and
Mrs. F. Doty. At this meeting Mrs.
N. McKillican was also elected vice
president. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall and daughter
Dorothy of West Linn were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. N. McKillican Sunday.
Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjv jt
Jt Dennis Kidby Jt
j? jc t? jp jp jf if if f if f f j? tf if
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Taw and daughter
Margaret, spent the week-end with
Mrs. Taw's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George G. Brown. Mr. Taw is Con
troller of the United States Shipping
Board in the Northwest.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Winkel are the
happy parents of a baby girl. The baby
has been named Irabelle;
The F. B. B. F. Society met last
Wednesday night at the home of Miss
Amber Ford. The members were en
tertained by music and singing. A
delightful luncheon was served by the
hostess. " ,
Miss Flora Kanak spent the week-,
end with Miss Dora Smith of Portland.
Miss Helen Leathers, Mary Zaniker,
Freda Ditter and Amber Ford held a
show party last Tuesday night. After
the show,-refreshments were enjoyed.
Miss Vesta Lamb was In Portland
Tuesday morning on business.
Our store has acceptable gifts ranging in price from 50 cents to $50. Come in
and see our display, and you will be pleasantly surprised at the scope of pleaoi - -gifts
which you can secure at so small an amount. ;
Nothing finer for the mo
torist than a rear-sight mir
ror Put up in a nice Christ
mas package. Price
$2.00, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00
Not only being a protection
to the driver make a most
acceptable gift. Price, in
stalled "' '
$3.50 to $4.50 .
Always Room for
an Artistic Lamp
These lamps are just suited
for Christmas giving Little
Boudoir lamps at
Other lamps at
$18.75 up to $20.00
A gift the boy will appre
ciate "corking" good Rem
ington knives, put up in a
neat Christmas box
69c to $3.00
Other interesting and Useful appli
ances can be found here.
E 2
Real Health-giving Gifts
Leather footballs ranging in
r, price from
$1.25, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $9.00
Everybody Wants a
A Radio Receiving Set com
plete . with phones ; dA A
Xmas special...... tJUmUnJ
Make a real acceptable gift
for the motorist who has to
drive in this cold wet weath-,
er. Lined or unlined. Priced
$2.50, $3.00, $4.50, $6.0Cr
Improves the looks of the
car and is an absolutely
"thief proof motometer lock.
Prices -
v $2.50, $3.00, $4.50, $6.50
Electric irons make "Ironing
Day" easier Hotpoint . and
Westinghouse Irons
$6.75, $7.50, $8.00
Genuine leather Mitts the
kind the fellows who play
ball demand the "real
thing." Prices
$1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.50, $5.00
i 1 1 jTjmx--
Every person that drives a car
should have a flashlight. These
make acceptable gifts. Price
$1.00 to $4.00
Complete with battery
Electric heaters that ' will
successfully heat any small
room. Priced.
$6.95, $8.50, $930, $10.50
Helpful, to the person who Is
driving a good deal a space
for carrying a full set of bead
and tail lamps.
Price 25c
Regular $3.00 Ball Bearing
Auto Robes in rich colorings.
Gifts that will please your
motorist friends. Priced. r
$5.75 to $20.00 '
A full stock" of Boyce moto
meters that will fit any car.
Acceptable gifts. Prices
$2.50, $3.50, $5.00, $7.00, $10.00
: M
: M
D-AlISY aik rifles on s ale
SINGLE SHOT $1.50 1 000 SHOT ..$2.15 DAISY PUMP GUNS..........$3.50
4 ft
Every need of an automobile
Visit Our Store and
See the Display of
: ........ .n. ,i, iiniimimiMi.MnniMnni.imMiiiuMMiMii ittmimnmmit .i.m.m,...... .MM.,......, .!.,...........,.. t M